' ~ "?~ l ? *1.50 Year in Advance in The County. 8TLVA- N- thuhsday, -anvakt is, ism $2.00 Year in Advance Outside The County. WEEK By W Elk (By Dm, Tompkins) flie Tradewind, another piano wit:, ?i woman pilot and a man pilot, ii> l,?st i" the Atlantic, trying to carry ? ?? p'ly load" from here to Pari?. Seine people commit suicide Jbv hang, inu', others by poison, sonie shot u them-.elves, while the real foolish ti\ t? i'iv across the ocean, and thin - i|tl'V :ire being brave. 'Hie Keynolds Tobacco C'ompam earned ? the ari.se of thirty four mil |jon dollars, last year, the largest i? the history of the industry. And yet the tanners, in most cases had i fake starvation prices tor their tr liaetit. Wherein we see more evident t that something is decidedly ont < ?.>,111 in our economic system. Things arc looking up. There is : ,!,?< i.|ers tell of thousand? ritr.ii'inu' to work; and there is evi tlcutly a decided upward turn to con (I it i'Mi* i? general. However, we cai i,i?t expect to see permanent prosper in mi'i I there are some needed chan ,.s effected, wliereby a few peop! t-aimoi lmjr the whole of the none, ami property of this country. iii- iu*'xeiiu'!i: M.:ong the veteran; , f tli? tireat War to secure the in; ia??!i'ite payment of their adjusted ei.iiipeii^alion certificates in cash, i ?* i. liui ground and the veterans a'r ai'.'.t ?>* n unit in .;;vor of it. No only wuuM this I'C an act of justie ' l.. .;>t>*e W | o H'.ed ill the iH*lU?' during th;' v.ar, but it won! ffiimps revive ill lines of luisinc ?etivity more ri(?iillv than any .'i.-tioii rh.-ir eoci.i he taken, as U would distribute nuge sums of in.uir; throughout every i ?,ok and corner o: tbe rountrv. Frank Kent, of the Baltimore Su states that it is neither healthy no Democratic for the party to be In* ln?Uien to one man, financially, a much us.it is to Kiokob. And'Mi Vvtnl is ritrll. The Denuieratic part i> tin party of the common peoplt "t rbis country, and they should su |M>rt it with their money, and it sl-oiilil operate solely for their bene tit. The Democratic party should no allow any one rich man, no mattoi how thoroughly lie may believe in it piinciples, nor how great may be hi: taitli in it, to finance the party,dies as e.vtensivelv as has Mr. Kaskob. The State senate has adopted resolution asking the United St;;l? government to return to the Stsm twenty jht cent of the huge tobacco tax paid in from North Carolina l? be u.Nfd tor the sup|K>rt of the pub. Ii<- s< h(H?ls of the State. That would be lute, if the government would do it. which it probably wont. Anyway, it would be collecting money from almost every State for the use of North Carolina's public schools, as the tobacco tax paid in from the North Carolina factories, comes fion: the pockets of users of our tobaecoes ami cigarettes, in the four corners of America. 1 fear it is but a subter fuge on the part of somebody to ?liMlgfr the issue of levying a sales tax on luxuries for the support of "in schools. Anyway, it is the great "M Rame of passing the buck. The ^tate passed it dowu to the districts, tie districts are passing it back to counties, the counties want to p:iis it back to the State, where it belongs and now somebody was bright enough to think up the idea of passing it on to the federal govern inent. "THE MOST AMERICAN CHARACTER" METtfODIST PASTOR'S THEME Sin day morning at 11 o'clock the^ pastor of tho Methodist church, Rev. ''O'ice Clemmer, will iwe as the sub..1 icet tor discussion, "The Most Ainer ''"?'"i Character in the New Testa., taeut.*' The Bible offers a very interesting '?ariety of ]MM>onality and talent. Some are wise, some arc foolish .sane "ifteil and others are good for nothing. Some are quite primitive and !!???* i xi'cwlingly modern. Sunday morning Mr. Clemmer *will present a 'har.ieter from the NVw Testament wh?? is as modern as America. Church schools of tho charge con ? at 10 a. m. promptly. The Lp v"ith Ifi league meets in the even.. '?g at 6:45. The Sunday evening scr vice in Dillshoro will be in tl^ Bap list church. The public is cordially welcome. ENGINEER TO LOOK OVER 106 Tlie State Highway Commission is! snulir.g an engineer to look over the i road from Caslrier's Valley to the South Carolina line, preparatory to taking it over and adding it to the State Highway system as a part of No. 106, as it was originally intended to be. This is believed to be a most im? |K>rtant step toward the completion of thir im|>ortant highway, as it will linjk it up, as an important inter., stato highway from Jacksonville, through Augusta, Walhalla and Svl va to Knoxville and Cliieago. The matter was taken up directly with the State Highway Conimissior last week by Mrs. R. L. McKee, Mi Thomas A. Cox and otliers, ami tin entire commission with two execp. i ions, is reported as having been tirely favorable to the matter. l! is believed that this mileage will be added to Highway 106 at the Feb mary meeting. It is reported as be. ing evident that the commission was not familiar with Highway 106, its history, its imjwrtance and the e.s_ tet-ial claims that it has upon tie commission, until the matters were nailed to the attention of the body, last week. Chairman Doughton am' Commissioner John Sprunt Hill an reported as having been especially interested and impressed with the case as presented by Senator McKei and Representative Cox. The matter of repayment of inter est on loans made by the. Highway Commission by this county was also presented, it has been called to the ittention of the members of the Gen eral Assembly, a large committee headed by Mr. Cox, is working on il and it is said to be creating mueV sympathetic interest both inside tin highway commission, and from mem. tiers of the assembly, all of whon see the justice.of the claim that tlm and other counties have in the col lection of this money. Tlie highway commission has n< .money with ?bich t(> complete tin. paving of 106 to Cullowhee, at thi present time and is frank to say so. out a local committee in Sylva, rep resenting the Chamber of Commerce, iB busy working from the Washing tori end of the line, to have it put on the map of the postofficc department as a post road, which it already is, in reality, in order to get federal aid money allotted to it. The big fight for the completion of tikis and other roads that were a part of the original State Highway system, really centers about the plan, advocated by the Sylva Chamber of Commerce, and recommended by both the report of the Brookings Institute and Governor Gardner, to reorganize the State Highway Commission and to change the plan of allocation of funds, so that the system will be considered as a whole, instead of the allocation coming by districts. ^ The plan has .strong support in the State, aside from the Governor, and it is believed that it will be adopted. If this is done, it is the general opinion that 106 will be one of the fust highways to bo completed under the new system. Will Morris Loses Home, By Fire Fire, thought to have originated ii the kitchen flue, completely destroyed the home of Will Morris on the old Oillaboro road Tuesday evening, be tween six and seven o'clock. There was no one in the house at tho time. Mr. Morris works at the Sylva Papcrboard Company's plant, and was on the job, while Mrs. Mor ris had stepped over to the home of her daughter, Mrs. Zollie Fincannon, which is nearby. The fire had gained such headway before it was discov ered, that it was impossible to e**in guish it or to save any of tho fur nishings. The home and its entiro contents were completely destroyed. The loss was only partifllly covered bv insurance. MRS. McKEE GETS IMPORTANT APPOINTMENTS ( * Mrs. E. L. McKec, senator front this district has received a niunber of important committee assignit:: lits in the State senate, ?he is chairman of tkc Welfare committeo and a mem ber of the Appropriations, Educa tion, Highway, Elections, Conserva tion, Health and Finance " Commit tecs. HOOKER BANISHES THREE WOMEft Three women were banished fro^i tin- ((immunity by order of Judge Hooker in Recorder's Court, th;s week Mrs. M. P. Clement m was charged with iaiecny. The hill was changed to forcib'e trespass, and she was scntenc ed to serve tour months in jail, eapii as to issue January 19. Frences Clem* ents and Mamie Raby, held since be.: fore Christmas on disorderly conduct charges were sentenced to 4 months each, capias for tine Clements girl to issue <>u the 19th, and tor the Kub) girl on tho 15th. ' Richaid Wike was convicted o L', manufacturing and of possession and transporting. He was sentenced tp serve six months in each case,, ap pealed to the superior court, and gave a five hundred dollar bond. In the beginning of the trial, when the case was tirst called, his attorney, Mr. St ill v/ell, stated tloit he was un prepared to make a defense at the time, as he had been unable to get witnesses here from South Carolina, from Tarnsylvan a county, and else , where, because of the condition ol tho weather. The only witness placed, on the stand was a man named Jerry Kinsev who stated that he had been ?: tenant on Mr. YVike's ?ntl1 recently, and that there had been a veroal contract between tl:,*u where by Mr. Wike had furnished him ap pa rat us to make a still and materials for tlu* manufacture of I'quor, and ? hat he liad made some liquor and delivered it to Mr. Wike, who was to, pay the witness half the proceeds. It was brought out on cross examination lltfit Kinsev had moved from Mr. Wikr s place to Mike Brown's, and had taken a crop of corn with h m for which' Mr., Wike had gotten claim and delivers papers. Kinsev swore that lie had only secured the warrant for Mr. Wike in order to wot ft himself and force settlement admitting that he had left the Wike place without making settlement with his landlord, lie stated that he h*d ierrt#'n wtf months sentence ?? Transylvania for liootlcggiug. r. Wike did not go pn the stand, am offered no testimony except tlia which was brought out in the cross examination of Kinsey. Other cases were: Roy Pickens, simple assault, pray er for judgment continued for 1 months. , Parlev Kennedy, disorderly con. duct, judgment sus|>cnded upon pay. ment of the costs. Pains Mull, larceny, continued to Jan. 26tk Clay Clark, possession, remanded to juvenile court. Julius Sutton, assault, prayer for iudjn.icnt continued to March 2.. Walter Messer, possession and transporting, judgment suspended upon payment of the costs and good behavior. FORM COUNTY RELIEF COMMITTEE At a meeting held in Syka on .fan. 6, at the call of Mrs. Mary (Jam), j Sprinkle, from the governor's council on unemployment and relief, a. per n aiu-nt central committee for Jack., son county was organized, with ,I)r W. P. McGuire as chairman Mr j Crawford Shelton, Mrs. fl. T. Hunter, Mrs. C. B. Robinson, Mr. M. R. Mad ison, Mr. J. N. Wilson and Mrs. Jno. R. Jones, as the committee. It was stated at the meeting that considerable work has already been | done in various communities of the county, by different organization?.. ' So far as is possible, the committee seeks to work with local communities | in securing employment for the un employed, and where this is impossi.. ble, relief work will be done by the 'committee and the county welfare of peer. Mr. Madison is secretary of j the committee and Mrs. John K. Jones is in charge of publicity. E. O Robinson, assault, 1 cent and the costs, and appeal. T. B. Ensley, drunk, prayer for judgment continued. A. C. Edwards, drunk, prayer for judgment continued. Lush Wilson, possession and trans., porting, prayer for judgment contii) . ned to Jan. 2Gth. . George lioyle, Odell Hanics and Ed Smith, petty larceny. HoyJo and ^Barnes were found not guilty. Smith given three months sentence Lawrcnce (iates, assault, not guilty. Harney Franks, drunk, $1.0 and the costs. Ruel Franks, drunk,<, nol pros with' leave. ' ' v. ?? Jim Harper (colored) drunk, ~ days susjHinded upon payment of th. costs and upon good behavior. Paul Thompson, |)ossession an?! transporting, not guilty. Tom Cunningham, reckless driving, judgment Hus|iended upon payment oi* the fe'osfs. ' Ben Di'lard, , opened yesterday with the firwf "fcft ting for eggs tor -pring-cliw-ks: The capacity of t hp. hatchery is 10,200 eggs, and| it"is believed that it will run at full capacity through the entire season.^ The hatchery is'said to be payiivj the highest possible price 1V\ egg* and present plans are to reduce tin price of baby clacks, with the thought 'in mind of placing as much poult ?? as possible on the 'farms, during thit spring Mr. George Evans, of the Farmer: Federation was in town Monday, ma! ing plans for thv opening of tl hatchery and discussing t|ie ,prospe<: and general conditions, with farme; and business men. MADISON PROFILE ON RINGS Cullowhee, Jan. 12?A standard jing has been accepted by the stud, ents at Western Carolina Tt-fccljeiv College. The ring is gold in antique design, the stone being garnet. On one side of the ring is the profile ot Professor R. L. Madison, the founder of the college. On either side of tlj< profile is o true Cullowhee Lily. On the other side is the Western Corn., lina Teachers College seal and tlac letters "B. 8." which means that the wearer has a B. S. Degree from the college. The library at Western Carolina Teachers College has been enlarged to meet the demands,ol' ap increased enrollment. Instead of the one room 'hat was formerly used.there ,aro now two being uwd.--T.he Library will be a much more ideal plaee in- which ? o read and study,. Orchestia' alid- Glee-Club work at Western Carolina* Teachers ' College is making splendid progress. ' '1 The Glee Club has several new merrfhers added .to the roll, and tR?- orchestra [ has two new inen*ber?. Mima ~M*rx Rose Feiigttte) teacher aC the: college, is in chatka of thfe Glee Clnb and Miss Lona Bill Braswell, piano teacher, is director of the orcl?estra. marriage licenses Lonnie Pressnell (Yancey county) to Mabel Wiseman. Vernon Shook to Mary B. Brown. Richard Bennett to Ida Collin*. , Ed Walls to Ida Rogers, both of Haywood. CasGallojuiv to Bessie Owen. Robert Holden to' Kdith Daves. Howard Phillips to Rnln Datrvti*. i.Ole.-! ? ' :-r" r-: '*' , v . ? Colored fc - .?'* fe- .???*?. v - [;? Ch?rfe.V Knox toGertfnde AJlaji.' r ' i' i n The Fatted Calf is Waiting for the Prodigal \ ; \y $bert 7 lJjy^-r ' ? lV ? x mm <$% 40 YEARS AGO J 'Turk aseige Democrat -luaa. 21, lb91) l Snow in Hamburg Monday morning sjxte-n inches deep. ? Com is selling here at 7?h*. pi-r bushel. i A harness' slwtp if one of Syh.iV ijcw enterprise#. ? Travel between here and Webster ljas perceptibly increased since :hc mail has been coining and going Ihin yay. Mr. Davis of Haywood introduced * H bill t? incorporate tlir Hot Spring, Wobiter and Savannah railroad. > II. A. Uudgcr of Ashcville was eject <^d (irand'Master of Masons at iho Grand Ixnlge in Raleigh. Rev T. C. Buchanan spent a lew hours hece' Monday. He intended fcaving for the Seminaiy at lx>nis fille. Ky., y?-sterdav. * ' (jen. K. K. Hampton eafm* hon e Fridav on a short visit, returning to his duties as assistant clerk of the. fjenaif at* Italeiglv'Monday. ! . . ' * ? It seems as if TKit'C&shier's \ alley friends- have determined on leari u' Us arid sfttinp: up for themselves. Ap plication is t"?i be made'to the Kegi* jatme'fir'Tohii a new ? county. | - ' i Mr. Cowan introdut*wl?4i. ffcllfc i*?: incorporate' CleflTHhv wi)$& is the ^iame* our'fnends. at H [adopted f?r'their town. jtovetty ilartw>? but wlmt tti !jwith Hamburg? i - .t' a. . t'lEf , We are son*y to W?ar that flhr . jfriefid Oeil-Buchanan/Wa.l ^Aton-sft;i ' de?h: v^ry ill Sunday night- W'Ujt jsonuF^lhg frke1 hrftrn jfover. 'Ills Dirt# jcr . h ^ a^ ^ We'had lour or Xrg inehos of si>?*w 'last Thursday ' night and Friday morning. We have had no extreme!* cold weAther'so far, the thfcrmamctc ?? .rarely reeristcring'loWet'+hfln fifteen; (degrees. We learn that Messrs. J. M. Smith* and Z.; V?' Watson have leased tho hotel property recently purchaser! by Mr. A. J: 'Eonp, Jr., rfnd will - take j'possossior. tep. l. i \ r. ? ? k w. K ' draw jury for ; : > FERRUAK*,. COURT. r:s ,v.,r\ i Tbtr juty tor tho February ternr (of SUpeWor- Court, bax been drawnby nlie-Jtiry CbmnvissioH:qpdthe sheriff* ?officer^ have summatwr.'foy ^he'foHrm "S' '? ? r * i ihg-Aitizenst?'serve ifcthat ctfpacitv: ?" f: . " - ^Pir?t Waek i E> M. Hawkins, Dave 0. Greeir, -fl. B. Ensley, Thomas C?. Blwharuni-. Frank Ilen&ftV,'W."F< ttfettie, - ? Sam J'. J^ryson, Ai 4'. Diitorri} 'IV* \ LWike, John. D. Norton,:>J-.'C: Hen ' ilerson, 'R B, Longy. -Jklask .A*h <\-'De.\ ?"?'li'\ l>nik,"AJ):*A, fa.- U. jMotfd}. *'? fofmi iKtfJHjo?fieT, J. ,L. Phillips, If-. * V..B-Lo'ng, J. E. Battle. ?1 -r-r ;'*v",: .! BALSAM ' ' ' ?' ? I, ' C* i .!>?? ? Vv - ...* -'I r*:- ?. <. ' _ .. .. (, V ? *? ?Mr- ajj? LMrs. Horace A#?he uh / ? */ *"J4* j *, {t v. ) ?'. l V : ? 'i. ,? . I 'la'rfy, .are Visiting her.]nf. ^ ?H'd il. Qpiett r Mr' llen8eAon .Toiiea Wfht.lvr^^ " ivtsviHfrlirombij. . ' , ^ .jSekAral' B^aiftiites';