?^ ' *1.50 Year in Advance in The County. . sylva, n. c., Thursday, February 5,1931 $2.00 Year in Advance Outside The County. farmers-Business Men hold Meeting A musing sponsored by the Sylva t luiuihfr of Commerce and the Jack ? on I'our.tv Livestock and Poultry .\,r\vi<'tion, waa held Tuesday even j?? i. .lie purpose of going over f|?. business and agricultural situa ?j,:i in if'*1 county and laying plans (or o 10 year period. Ihiiv itic on the shjaller farms, beef i t.Lttlp rinsing on the larger ones, f.p 0:1 more farms, hogs on all ot ? lioni. n farm flock of pure bred, t.-ied Poultry, properly housed j aiv! ch!\<1 for, and market garden { in-.' ni;(I tuii'k farming, together with j jtji.-fuiM improvements, were the jioin'.x stressed at the meeting. ;,r the close of the meeting, all the t'; 11': *rs and business ii.cn vo.ee! t,( ;i?! >pt the plan for the county. PiH'i's.iions of the plans we e 1? ? by H. C'. Hunter, Crawfon! Shelton, J Jim Turpin, .1. E. Rogers, S. T. Crisp' sc?i other farmers. Mr. Hunter talk, id of ilu [KHsibilities of the pro., chetion of alfalfa, and recommended i i' and other legumes, in connection! with both beet' raising and dairying ! Mr. Shelton and Mr. Rogers are both ! believers in dairying on the smaller tuims. Tuc meeting opened with a short /iilttr^sv of welcome by I)an Tomp /in!-, who acted us toastmaster. Thi' uth-ok for IMI was discuss. [ ni hi Mr, J. ?V. (Rodman. Mr. " M i!<> talked on the pr< duriioi' it ,.. 'utoes as a money crop Mr. : mum discussed dairying beef cattfc-, slieep and hogs, were th' m?1?.!'*<*> <'t Mr. Filler's talk. Mi Parish told of the possibilities ii poultry. Mr; i-i<8 of the NorfE Carolina Federation o; Hatcheries, told of the work of th; organization looking to better babj thicks. County Agent E. V. Vestal sum roari/ed the plans laid down by . thi previi ns speakers and stated ti. meeting" will be held in varioi. parts 01 the county, during the con i:cjt wicks, bringing the message t? tin several communities. The dianer was served by the lad ii.s of the Missionary Societies o i!i? Methodist and Baptist churche? through the courtesy of the follow, inp business men and firniH of Syiv. ami vicinity: J. 1). Cowan, D. E. Murray, A. M Siiiww, Jackson Hardware Co., P. K. Moody, T. K. Guthrie, A. J. Dill ?1. F. I'reeze, Stovall's 5 and 10c Store, J. B. Ensley, Jackf^pn Chevro.. l'.'1. <0.. Buck's Place, Sylva Service Station, E. V. Vestal, Ben Lessing, Joe Winner, D. D. Hooper, F. L. Ifo 'inr, N; C. Brown, Ben Queen, E. K. Brown, Sylva Supply Co.. M. D. Cowan, D. H. Clark, Stovall's Fruit St.-n-, Thas. Evans, .?. C. Allison, 1'au Tompkins, C. E. Haeseler (Star Oarage) G. H. Cope, I). G. Bryson. !*. C. Cogdill. ORGANIZE JOURNALISTIC CLUB ? '?ullowhee, N. C., February i'Ufi Scribblers Club, a journalistic "rgauization, has b^'n organized at \Vi'st(-rn Carolina Teachers College. cnt-niVrs were accepted. They ay : ,vtb l'. Jones, Mii^or Wilson, Jane '"'"it, K'l:th Downs, .-1 by two thirds of t.V' members ATI END DISTRICT P. i' A. Mr* H. E. Battle, president ? m? Syi\? P?rent..Teacher A'somii'ni Sue Allison of Sy'v.i I'lijrii School and Miss Beulah Padgett of the elementary school, were in Way.. nei?viHe Saturday for the District Meeting of the association. QUALLA There was a marked increase in the Sunday school attendance Sun day morning. After the Sunday school sessions both schools assem bled at the Methodist church and hoard an exceptionally good sermon by Rev. R. L. Bass on the text "And ho J'indelh it empty." Jan. 29th Mrs. L. L. Shaver gave a! reception in llonor of Mr. Shaver'H i birthday. The guests present were*, j Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Hyatt', Mr. atu) | Mrs. If. G. Per^ison, Mr. and Mrs.! 0. P. S.'ielton, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Mond}r, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Marcus, Misses Kuth Newell and Miriam Stillwpll. Jan. 24th Miss Mary Battle enter tained a party of friends in honor of h?r birthday. An oyster supper and games were enjoyed. Mr. Thomas Conley of Brvson City was guest at Mrs. J. L. Ferguson's. Mr. W. A. McLaughlin of Ashe.. ville is visiting at Mr. T. W. Mc Laughlin's. I Masters Rogers and Harry Shel ! t<)n entertained Terry Joe Johnsor and Earl Rattle with a "Candy pul1 J ing." . . j Misses Polly and Edna Hoyle gave a pnrty at Mrs. J. H. Hughes Fri day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Killian an' son Leon, Jr., Miss Ellen Louise Kil Ham and Mrs. D. M. Killiam of j Wayncsville called on Mrs. W. H. CoopT Sunday afternoon. Mr. H. G. Bird and family ? Sylva and Mrs. C. C. Mason of Dill* boro stopped at Mr. W. T. PattonV Thursday. Miss Vinnie Martin is at home since fuiishing her school on Con ley's Creek. Miss Etta Kinsland and Mr. Carl Hoyle returned to their schools af. t*r spendinsr the week end at hom' Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Hooper visited at Mr. J. M. Worlcy's. Mr. J. K. Terrell went to 01iv< Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Haynes Reagan has finishe< her school at Wayside. Mr. H. H. Hooper of Big Ridge was guest at Mr. J. L. Hyatt's. Miss Jessie Martin of Governor's Ts'fnd spent Sunday at Qualla. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Carnes and M and Mr*. Ed Carnes of Dillsboro spent Sunday at Mri J. L. Sitton's. Mr. J. M. Hughes and son Jim Ed and Mrs. J. E. Battle called at Mr. ft. C. Hughes. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Marcus were suiter iruests of Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Shaver Sunday evening. Miss Yio'a Marcus of AshevilV and Miss Helen Blankensl ip of S. C. I., Sylva, were guests of Miss Edna Hovle. Mrs. J A. Nation and Mrs. Thos. Davis of High Point called on Mrs. ? D. L Oxner. Mesda'r.es J. L. Hyatt and J. E. Battle visited Mrs. C. P. Shelton. Miss Mary Emma Flrguson visited Miss Mary Kate Queen at Dil'sboro. Mrs. D. H. Turpin called on Mrs. C. M. Martin. Mr. Terry .Tohnson called at "Mr J. 0. Howell'B. Mi r.ses Phyllis and Mozelle Meoport the govern j ment, ai>'l not of government to support the people;" but, in the pres ; ent instance, the question that arses is whir'; is worth the most, a calf !or a babyt fi. I.. -Tonk'ns, Wallace B. Davis, Runeli C. Davis and C. Charles Bradford former officials of t:onal b^nk_ law.; L. L. Jenlvins, is elwrged j W'fh abs< action of funds for his own1 : u<9?', ronF iraev to violate the Nation, nl bank'i ? laws, and misapplication of fund*"- of the American National' Br.nk. Wdlace B. Davis is charged with eon'p'racy to violate the Nat ion:! bar'ting laws, and aiding and abetting 'n misapplirat;on cf funds. | Russell C. Davis and Bradford are i 3f accused under the conspiracy cha and aiding and abetting in misaplica. J tion cf lands. Bonds of $15,000 each j were required of Jenkins and TCjallacc ' pritisy and $10,000 each for Rusael Davis and Bradford. Jenkins was Trident of the American National of the Central Bank and Trust Co. I l ive hankers are on trial in Ruthcr.. j fold comity. J. Mack Rhodes, presi.. i des.t ot' the First Bank and Trust j Company ol' Ilendersonville, is under ar?vM cii a charge of cmbezxlemen ? ol $20,000.00 H:s son, ("Jaither Rhodes has iust been escorted to Raleigh by Henderson county officers to begin S' rviie; a term after having plead guiltv on a similar charge. He was teller in the bank. Bankers have to ! d?;;l w'th money belonging to other j jyonN, Mid a good banker handles it i willi enre. The most important les j sons for hankers to learn are hu man nature, and how to say no. SYLVA HIGH TAKES TWO FROM CULLOWHEE ?By John Parris, Jr.) T!:e Sylva High cagers chalked up two more victories Tuesday night bv defeating Ctillowhee. The Svlv; H'gh {.-iris won the opening tilt 20 to 14 and the boys won 34 to 15 in the nightcap. Fisher, Sylva High forward, came into the pictu^'. and led his team mates in scoring by putting he ball llirough the Isoop for 16 points. Sutton continued to play a fine game and Greene kept ttyj Cullowhee players worried throughout the game Tl.e <:Hs gjime was fast and thf score became tied three times. The Cuiiowbo" g:rls kept close to tlo Sylva High girls until the last per., iod when the Sylva High girls came out in front to win. Will :ams nnd Crawford starred for Sylva High while McOuire star, red for Cnfr>whqfe. COUNTY TEACHERS ATTEND CLASSES li Cuilrwhee, X. C-, February 4. ?: All teachers in Jackson County are attending demonstration classes which ane being tauglit in the Cullowhee; Turning School on Saturdays. Miss Cordelia Camp, director in the train. s'-i ool, was assisted bv Mis;i . "?** ' * Jewe' Swain, county supervisor in planning the work to the fojest ad vantage of all concerned. The prvoed'ng Saturdays teachers f'-om the first through the fifth j grades have been present, and the 'i?i!r?wllg Saturday, February 7, teachers of sixth and seventh grades , will attend the clasa. 'l 40 YEARS AGO i I Tuckiert jge Democrat, Feb." 4, 1891 ' Jviuj; KiUftkittia ]qf Hawaii died M ^Aka*- Bot# in Saglj^raoeiapa. :> '....t.r, H\n iiriWi/illglstetf^ Judge J. ?. L. G-udgei* cajijfl over ; vr. business .Monday. Mr. E. B. .Madison left for Jiis j home in Kno-'Ule, Tenn., Saturday, i i Rev. A. B. ThoLDUK and family left ' for thltir new Jion^e at Pigeon River. ' Dr. J. II. Wolff, Dr. W. F. Tomju kins ami Mr. L. C, Hail went to Asheville yesterday. Mr. M. Buchanan ret*n?ed to] Jacksonville, Ifal., Tiu*day. ' Ajessrs. Pea pre Allen and .-Wm F?. rrestcr are in the produae bi*itte?*> | a? Asi exilic, being located neai* til.1 .Southern dejx>t. v, Mr. A. II. Hayes, engrossing clerk of the iloiuf;' of Representatives, h?nne Saturday for a visit. came ? The cilizwisi of that portiou of Dillsljoro imiuoduuely .surrounding the town will vote on M*irch 3, on i l he ffae.sj.ru of no-fctujc. In the senate i lie vot*' for Uuitcd Stal-#; S .nator was 40 ?for Zebulon' IJ. Vance .and 7 for .Teter C. Pritch . ard. Tl* vvte in the house "was Vance 8(i, Priteherd 13. ?? v > ? The Force Bill lia.s been laid aside in the Senate, and lnding thffct they { cannot pass it, tty-. Republican# h?vr! agreed to take it tip no more. In t^M'j Houso lhe Deniotirats haxe ??a i lhtir obstructive tactics,' and"- rt*v ' thinpr?* rre mailing smoothly .jgs*n Married, Jan. lii, Mr. W. L. Cor?, an to Misa Lut hernia Wild, da of Rev. B. (i. Wili if. Esq., A.'J. Loj<-.0 Sr.. officiating. Also at the reai dene" o) Jesse Franklin on'Suyoday, .'jiunary 24. t'barfes W, Aulas K> Miss Liliie Holder, formerly of H*y wood county. * ?? Notice: Application will be made] to the prfsent General Assembly f?rj a new coihntv, to be formed frdh: poT? tions of Jackson and Transy lv: ter? counties, signed t'. P. Bryson, G. M Cole, nn( he married Miss Loutetta Bit'-haiian and engaged in the mer., cimtile business here with his broth era. Move recently he has V-en in the automobile business. ITe has ll-en in ill health for sev. years and has suffered a great deal, winning the admiration of the en., tir^ community by suffering witbont ,jnurmuring, and going about his bu?. ;ia?as wiien less resolute men wonld ihflv,. given up the struggle. LJVE8 GREAT MEN" MR. CLEMJfER'S TOPIC SUNDAY ?- January and February are the birth monlhs 01 many eminent American^. Taking his cue from lias the pastor of the Methodist church, Kev. Geo. dimmer, has chosen for the sermon tof 'c, lor Suuday, "Lives of (ir?s?t Alen." i^ngfellow, said, "The "five* ' ol all great.nun Jill remind us w* run make our lives sublime, and derail . ing leave behind us footprints on the nards of time." fhe sen ice will be dedicated to tle memory of great men and women, uu cient and modern, and the sennufl wi'l be a study in types of personal. iiy and character traits. The elsjrrb schools the charge will oonven* / Monday morning at 20 a. m prour.pl * Lly. The' Epworth Hi.League m?-t?^ in the evening at 0:15. The evening r vi re oi public worship will be . - ?->>odiicted by'the paslor in the MetH oil i'-J church'at Dillsboro at 7 i'jjc public iii very cordially invited to attend EABSON CHECKS ARE CIRCULATED i ."Babson-cheeks,'in denomination of 410.00 arc .being circulated in th s eommnnifV and are obtainable at the Jackson County Bank. Each chwfc mast be used in payment of a debt or in tl?e purchase of some comtif>, dity in -Jackson county, and will b<* ce?hed when it has as many as t*it emMwnpnfH. <*ne ehcck in less than half art honr, pud $50.00 worth of debts for five different people.