(81.50 Year in Advance in The Countv. $2.00 Year in Advance Outside The County. Mull on Trial For His Life ) D,v Mull was placed on trial for j,is :jre in Superior court hero, Tues turning, for the slaying of llil ,v I'.uvfi at Kast La porte on Christ U>;?- u;iy. Fred Wood, who lives on Moses treek, was the i'irst eye witness pj;u-?-l <>? the stand. Wood swore that an hnuv or so prior to the shooting, Mull .mil Parker were standing on t|,<. i in: eh of. the Blackwood Lumber t'om;K. '.v store at East I.* porte, and that th?> were quarreling. He said that .Mull told Parker that he was ?nunir und get a gun and come back and kit! him and that Parker said h,. wuidd wait for Mull to return. The witness stated that Mull eame up the road later, with a shot gun, ami i-ulicd to Parker, who was at that rime in front of Jeff Zaehary's j ?pirate. He swore that Parker start-j k! tow.ml Mull, and Mull told him not t<> mine any further. Parker then told the defendant, according to Wood to jjo anil throw the gun away that he didn't want any trouble with him. Midi then told Parker to say j what he did that morning, the wit ness swore, and Parker turned and took some three steps away from Mull, when Mull fired. IIo swore that Pinker had nothing in his hands at the time the shot was fired, and was vulking away from Mull. Mull, then broke the gun and reloaded it, Wood said. J>r. t Vuidie.- swore that Purker was| bymxit: iv t;.v iiuspital in Sylva i ?Jxnii du Christmas day, that. Jxf wu-% >hot in the back of the kneel >.'t his left leg, an artery had been1 >evered, and he was suffering from shock and loss of blood. Ho stated j that the gun shot wound in the knee j w;ls the cause of the death of Par-! ker. (Vofls examination tried to get 'he doctor to say that if Parker's1 lev (md been corded soon after the >hni?tm? that ho iwould have recov ered; bnt Dr. Cajidler wouldn't say it. He stated that an amputation would have been necessary, and that Parker':; chances for recovery would hav been better. He stated that sa_ | line i"raiment was given to replace the bloul that had been lost, but that the jKitient did not respond to the treat nit lit and that he died about 8 oVlo.:k that night. Felix Hooper swore that he heard the ?r.n fire and saw Parker stagg r atraitist truck, and that Mull came Kick to where the witness was, after reloading the gun and Oscar Lovedahl grabbed Mull and held him, while the willies twisted the gun out of his hand. ' Osrif Lovedahl stated that hi* and wine others drove up in a truck ihnut the tinto of the shooting, that m\ w lts kroinp up the road, and that "? heaid somebody, call Parker and 'arker Ktarteai(1| find Stevens heard Mull tell Par 'v>r tl at he wouldn't be there when i' nit- back. He said that he saw Mull )f>turn, walking up the road hnd m rd him call to Parker. Par k|>r started toward Mull, the witness ^"d, and Mull told him to stop. He ^jd that Parker turned and was u'alkin?* away from Mull when Mull "''"f hiin. 1 The State is represented by So licitor .lohn M. Queen and the pri V:"e prosecution by Doyle P. Alley. '? P. Stillwell and McKinley Ed ^'ard>? hre defending Mull. - The ^tatp'H evidence was completed on \y and the defense began Pitting in its testimony. The case *">H hn completed some time today, it Ls expected. The jury was secured in about two hours and is composed of: 0. M. MeCtalkft Syirm; S. N. Cullowhee Tournament - Begins Today 10 A. M y Cullowhee, N. C. February 23 ? The seventh umiuul basketball tour nament to be held at Western Caio lina Teachers College will get under w ay today when the'' teams troni all over the western part ol the state pit lie r on the local campus to ueteriuuii the cage champion ol' the lulls. The following teams aro sched ledu to play at the hour specified: I'llui stiay, February 120: '10:00 John's Creek?Cllenvillo?boys J1:00 Webster?lileuville?girls 1:30 Highlands?Cullowhee?boys. L:;<0 X C. I.?Almond?girls. !.'I:.'!0 Cullowhee?Andrews?girls. |4:30 llayesville?S. C. 1.?boys. 7 :.'H) Wav nesville?Sylva?girls. 8:30 Andrews?Webster?boys. 10 :30 Almond?Way nesville?ln>ys, I Friday, February 27: , 1 :30 llayesville?Bethel?girls. I 2:30 Winners begin to play o If championship. The final date is Sat urday, Febmary 2fi, and the last game is scheduled at 9:00 in the mon, ing. ^ : Thus far the Wavnesville girls and bovs have copped two tourna ments; however, both teams lost last jxear. Tin winners for the last tour nament were Webster boys and Beth el girls, according to Miss Al'ce Ben ton, din'ctor of girls athletics at Western Carolina Teachers College. Western Carolina Teachers Collige furnishes entertainment for the visit ing teams. FORTY YEARS AGO rueknseige Democrat. Feb. 25. 1 SOI Wo iferret to learn that little Lin Ion Parker is quite sick. Mr. L J. Smith o t' Painter, was in own yesterday on business. Messrs. J. A. Wild and .1. J. Hook : of We bster were here Monday. Mrs. W. A. Dills i?i' Dillsboro was 'siting1 in our town yesterday. Mr. W. M. lloojx'r of Tuekaseigo, ras in town Thursday and Friday* Messrs. Nathan Coward and T. Il. j Ulison of Webster were here Tim is lay. Mrs. M ary Moore of Buncombe is isitimr her daughter, Mrs. H. H. therrill. Miss Belle Leathenvood of Webster eft on Friday for a visit to friends n WaynesviUe. Mr. Joseph Baum, left last Thurs lay after a visit of several months' (oration to his parents here. Mr. li. XV. Candler of the Railway Jail Service, spent a night here last ivoek with Mr. J. W. McKee. Messrs. W. E. Moore and .T. W. Keener of Webster weno visiting in itir town Sunday. Mr. Moore left on Monday to attend Madison court. The entertainment given by the Dramatic Club of Dillsboro, last Friday night was well attended and much enjoyed by those present. Sev eral of t!4e young people from here attended among whom were Misses Leila Potts njid Pauline Morris and M:-ssr.?. J E. Divelbliss, J. W. Mc Kec, T. C. Bryson and C. B. Wike. \ The trestle at Bryson City, which was washed out a, few weeks ago, Had .just been rebuilt and gotten in Dtachanan, Green's Creek; J. S. A. Buchanan, Savannah; M. E. Buchan. an, Savannah, Lyle Jones, Barker's Creek; Bill Painter, Sylva; J. T. Robisoi., Dillsboro; W. O. Robinson, Willits; Ruf us Jones, Balsam; C. L. Green, Green's Creek; R. L. Elders, Barker's Creek; C. Y. Dunlap, Qual WANTS ROAD MASS MEEIIN6 Sylva, N. C. Fob. 24 1931 Mr. Dan Tompkins, Editor, Jackson County .Journal, jSvlva, X. l'. I . ' ' .r- ? " 1 j Doar Sir:? j Sine,. tlin proposed change, in State Highway No. 10 is being se riously cons'dered again, and in fact I iin?I"i\staneopli', oi wlicn the people ^jiavc | wanted to push for any piecii o* uoad v,oik to bp undertaken, ;.that the (''lumber of Commerce has eith er called a meeting o I' the Chamber ol Commerce or a Mass Meeting of the Citizens. rii ti'is instance this has not been done ,?iid 1 feel like such a change as is contemplated as the relocation of this piece of Highway No. 10 and here the people of the entire section are interested, that this matter should have more publicity than it is now having, therefore 1 am ask ing that you please publish this let ter and if our people think the chang* of any importance, they mn? so ex pit ss themselves You will recall that at the time Highway No. 10 was located through the.Main Street of Sylva that a Mass meeting was held at the court house and so much pressure was brought- to bear, that the Highway Commission, against the advice of the Kngineering Department, so lo cated the Highway. Tie biggest nr- ^ j Aliment j;nd the main stress for the location of Highway No. 10. through ?the Maili Street of Sylva, was; "That if tUa Hu j North siitr of Scott's Creek, that it I must pass through the grounds of the (traded School property, thereby endangering the lives of many school clrldreis. Since that time the (traded School buihling has been torn away ! and a rew building erected alon~ side of the present State Highway No. 10. Instead of the lives of the school children of this age being en dangered as the building was located nt tlivt time, all of the children in the (traded School and all the H'gh School children attendiny the Sylva Centre! ITirrh School must pass over n st reteJi of rond froir llie W est en'l of Main Street to the school grounds erossir* at the intersection of High way No. 10, Mill Strct, Main Street, Keener Streets and Savannah' road. readiness for tlu* iron mils to he laid on, when tin- heavy rains of Friday night and Saturday washed it out again. One of the "fills" between hen- and Balsa 111 had snnk so nine:; Saturd:-y as to make it impassable by the train. It eaino as far as HaU sam r.nd returned, f^oiii^ only as far as Wayi.t sville however as a slide near Clyde impeded its further prog ress, until Sunday, when the slide was removed and the train we it bae,1 to Asheville. On Monday it was found tliit large rock had fallen into Dark Ridge cut, which prevented the train reaching here again. Our mail I facilities are cut off from the east as j well ;'s from the west now, but we [hope tf.e damage will soon be repair ed and tlie trains running rrgul'arly. We hear it rumored that a petition will be sent to the legislature asking that the section of the charter of Sylv.i which prohibits the sals* of spirits within certain limits, be re jKtalei and that another attempt w II be mad > to get a barroom here. We do nor know on which side of the question: "shall whiskey he sold in Sylva"' the preponderance of the vot jing strmgth of the community would fall, but the Democrat desires to put itself on record as being -unalterably op|K>s"d to such a scheme, and it be lieves it voices the sentiment of a inajori'. of all interested in the sub ject, in that opposition. Be that ns it nun. whatever influence tile Dem ocrat can wield, be it little or much will be used to prevent the establish ment of e barroom here, and if we have ,anv subscribers who doij't like our position on the subject tfiey jut at liberty to pay up their arrearage* and stop the paper. JURY ?>.of;Jackson coun ig the affairs Bmk, which elos kpril, and strongly ifce Banking Depart special report made to .* * ' >*r. * | toe* C el, W^ter E. Moore, Presiding. preparing our report, we the Jury, have come across some , lion that we believe- should imittcd to the court whieh is i precursory investigation of Lunet Tuckaseegee Bank that i the Corporation Commission I employees at least the Chair nd Chief Clerk has been bor df said defunct bank and that *a few jnonths after its fail- ! the Cashier of the same has ?* v lJ tppouited by the Corporation lission as liquidating agent for failed bank in the State. K while/these faets may be per_ ! Ij? legitimate so far as statutory : and interest is concerned, Ave do 1 taken together to us they have iter look on thoir face and if , might bring about a distrust Hank supervisory Department ie State, and such practices receive the condemnation of all rig!:* feeling people. "?L: Ot B. COWARD, Foreman JACKSON BELIEVES IN DEATH PENALTY The people o l' Jackson county are ffrin ^believers in capital punishment ^iqitb^ ^pioion of the venire that was mSSHKcii for^the trial oF Dee MnIJ * 55 an indication. Solicitor John Jr. Que?n i.sked forty two men whether they had any conscientious or reli gious scruples against capital pun ishment. Und management of Theodore D lls, mid will be open six nights each week, with two matinees 011 Sat day, starting at 1 o'clock. The price of admission Jiave been reduced o 10c and .'15c for all per formances. I recall very vividly the appeal n ade by ;ionie of our ladies and other sjieakers to keep away from the .graded school building that was at that t:ine located 011 the North side of S"uit\- Creek and save the lives of the1 little children attending the Graded School. I feel like the lives of the children attending the. (traded School and the High School should be regarded as much today as at the time Hie present Highway No. 10 was located through Main Street in Sylva against the better judgment of tli3 Engineering Department of the St-ste Highway Commission. After you have published this let ter if 7.0m readers think that the pro l?osed change is of any importance, I will he glad to help in any way to got -i hearing on the matter as I think it only fair that our people be considered in as important a matter as this piece of road work. Verv truly vours, A. j. DILLS Western Carolina Teach ers College News Letter ! Cullowhee, X. C. February L'."i ? j ??tfitt'ii have been elected iVir the' AJphi Viii Sigma, national honor- j ary scholarship fraternity, at W ??t-j em Carolina Teaehers College. They' are: i i owe Henry of (iastonia, presi dent : Ali.ss lvathlii'ii Davis of Shel by, vict-president; and .Minor Wilson of Henderson vi He, treasurer. Tin, {Mils basketball team a I \Yesl_ ern Carolina Tcaehers College will have today on a trip to Boone and ?Johnson City. Tonight they will ph.y IAppalachian state Teacher* College, at Boone, and tomorrow night, F.a'i Tennessee Teachers College at ?lolm son Citv. The lol lowing officers have been elected lor the Debating Club a! Wesuvn Carolina Teachers College: J. R. Porter of Murphy; president: Kliz-iiM'tl; Wright of AsN'ville. vic.y president; and Amy Brinson of Ara pahoe, secretary. Members of the faculty ot Western, Carolln ? TeaHwrs College who heard J the \YVslmin:sf.er ehoir at the Central | Methodist church in Asheville, Feb- ] ruarv 18, were: Misses Lona Bill j Braswell, M ary Hjope Westbrook* Man- Hose Feacjans, Kannie Cood n an, A Wee Haitrler and Dean W. R. Bird. Reservations have bc!>n made for the students who are to represent lVestera Ca rolina Tiau-his. College. WEEK BY WEEK (By Dan Tompkins) Big ;iil! Thomjwon h:us been renom-' inated for mayor in Chicago. Il' the' people ot Chicago reject him, they 1 : have no further sympathy l'rom us. j "Wip 1l;*.vc them to their well-deserv_ : ed fa?e. j : _ i | The provision to loan fifty |R-r eent of the Veteran's Adjusted Com pensation certificates has passtd both houses of congress hy over uheliiiiiiu majorities. President Ifoov er is expeeted to veto it, as it is violently opjmsed by Mr. Mellon; but congress will probably pass it over the veto. ', Muscle* Shoals operation under a compromise bill, fathered by Senator Xlorrihas passed botli bouses of congress and has gone to the White Ifouse. The president is expected to either veto or ignore tlie bill, and let it fail to become law. because it will not hr-ve Ins signature prior t?. the expiration of congress on March 4. Of course Mr. Mellon, one of the ] tower magnates, is opi>osed to - the oj>eration of Muscle Shoals by any other agency than the | tower trust.] Truth is that the ] tower jteople have | been Irving to get their hands on j this property of the people, for the past decade. I j The Governor's Road Bill, which j has be?n causing considerable agita-! tion throughout the State, has passed i Hie lQwer house of the general asf>em_; bly, by a big mnjority, and has ?r>rie to the Senate. Fnder its provisions, all the roads in the State will be 1 taken over by the State for mainten ance. Governor Gardner expects a 1 large reduction in property taxes to result. The maintenance and control ' of the million and one little roads in North Carolina, from the central office in Raleiph, seems a hip un dertaking. In fact it appears to me too be unworkable; but I hope that ; it wi'l fon-c up to the expectation of < the Governor. < DAVE DILLARD'S BARN BURNS Da^e Dillard, whose hoire is in East Sylva. lost his barn and some | fifty bushels of corn and a qnanti- i tv of ronphngc, by fire Friday af- I ternoon. The fire started from a i j small boy playing with matches, it i lis add. j' The jury trying Harvey Frady, ymin? while man. on ;i charge ol mm hiu| degree murder tor the slaying of I'M. lilsklfy. negro. on Augusi 'J!* last, 0:1 Little Savannah was hope less!,- unable to agree about tj;r truth t?i the matter and so reported u> Judge Moore who ordered a nristrial 1 hat vas on last Friday. Judge. .Moore ordered that Frady give bond in tii.' slim of $5,i(MHI tor his h piavir i.nee the October tern: of euutl t'o|* ,ino!kci' trial of the ia.se. Frady was i-.nahle to jn)st a bond of Mi si?e, and would have been forced to remain in jail until next (?et**bor. On Saturday he came iirto court, tender ed a plea of guilty of manslaughter, which \;?s accepted by the State and was sentenced to II? months in the Slate prison. Way t orb ran, fij year old 1h?v, en tend a plea of guilty of an attempt ed assai.li upon a little girl. Jud-je MtioiV l.i-ard the evidenee ajid it was shown that the fochrau lad ha.- Mil* fcred with epilepsy si mv he was a siuall ehild, and that his mental state ha* been impaired. lie was sen tencji I o serve from to f? years : but. 'hi1 sentence was .suspemU-d ujvhi condition that, he (jive bond for lis good behavior, and lie was placed in the custody of his relatives, under lnnid Mnd is not to l>e allowed to leave i*sme e\cept in cuirpany with some member of the family, who ea?i control him. Herbert Webster plead guilty to manufaeluring and the judgment of the If reorders court, sentencing hiin to* 0 rionths was affirmed. It vras shown to the court that he has nov ciH rom the Pieje's Crtyk eonwanir rt', shtlT^TH ?>rtw trying m*kostponing the begin ning of the sentence until the Octob er term of the superior court. S. A. Ashe was given 12 months to be hired out by the con>jrsisi?>nci*? on frtnupe of an assault with a dead lv weapon upon his half brother. Wads* Moore and Bud Lewis, e?m viet"d ol forgerv were, sentenced to sen -? I L' months, but the sentitieed was mis| tended u|>on payment of .*2"> and (hi- costs and upon good hehfiV ior. Alio i Parker, -ndieted on u larceny eliaig." plead guilty to forcible tres pass, mid was sent to work ;it fh.* county home lor .1 months. .1 ess Arnold, neuro, convicted of violating the prohibition lair*, ?'iis sent out to work for Mr. Sheppaid on th'' county farm for 30 day-. Toia Arrowood, violating tJ?* p''r fiihitioii laws. I months sus|vnd?d for 2 years upon payment of $25 iifi4 the costs and u|Hort behavior. Ro/ Hryson, disturlvng icligia >irvieo, JfJS/M) and* the co-.ts. proved by the minister find otb ilisturb the congregation. Tommy Turpin. diirik, ??? not guilty. Jud<* Gibson, manufacturing, * lollowi.ig students plan To attend tlu Conference which will lv held lmtA February 27 to March 1. Flora fiil? I>? t of Cohimbns, Marthii Iyai N'ilJ well of Ctdlowhee. Pp;it I-> .Ta->t V-? t Crabtree. In one of the most hotly eontesled L'ainos ot tl?e season nt Western ('a ? ?lina Teachers College, tho Yodeler lefeal"(l the Rutherford ton team la-1 Wednesday evening with a senre ??'" >3-33. As il was the last gam'* to i ? l>layr-d on the home court, r>e|? w: added to the game during th? f/uaj U?rs by the college orchftftni. Dur'n : tho half f> group of boy* clad in noil' descript clothing pat on a |Ui( with a hof? hMkifeft Jury Fails to Agree? Frady Pleads Guilty