>i ? ? " ? ' T-j.v. f y "5** -7.r-; *? - - . .. . j' ?v ? -? ' ' ' : ? *-?? "? >$/ ? *%y' ? -'i * v ... ;* v-. - ' ? ' ~ ? ? i'** ' {. . ? ?{ ^ >;'{>? K* Zj '*? ' . ? ? -r : - 7 ? i.?v V*\J ? 4 ? ;- %. '-?. -.???: * " " 1 - ' :?s -'l Cv ; A '* w ' -?' .if- -r . , ; '* ? 'J . u t ftna . tig- ' ? ? ?? * -f\ -? * ?" l - ;v_ > ??? * ,1 I V i ? " *1.50 Year in Advance in The County. y sylva, n. c, thoesdat. mv*.?. u, makoh u itm $2.00 Year in Advance Outside The Oowrty. MB. L. W. STEBBINS DIES SUDDENLY !. \V. SloNi ns, ol* the oific* v, i',i . Tainting Company, ?(ie?| ituiKi,' hi--* sleep, Al outlay night. Kuiu? ;l services were conducted on WVtlii. -liiv afternoon at the homo of \1... ?la Harrington, whore Mr St,.:?l?ini li;i> heeii lodging, since 4>m_ j?u i. >\ ha n? ninkc his homo. The *>a> roudueted by Kev. (iet?. <_?!*?? :iml liev. I. CI. Murray. The, ? mu-ic h:- liy it mixed quartet, Miss \ };n - ill. Mrs. SI. Buchanan, ,lr.! .Mi. I. I... Miillinax and Mr. Fred; Park. Mr who was 72 years ol* aj?i\ a native til' (irecnvili Ma--. II ?;is :i nicHiher of the Sons ,?[ *fi-- 'loeiican Revolution, of the M;'.-"' : ? ! aternit v. and of the Kpis.. I i'ujmI i i ! i'Il. II. c -.i:\iyiil liv mie son, John K ! Si !?'? :? 1 riiira^u, and two dnugh.. ' }i ?? !? s 'i'? t*l l>. Ridge and M'ssj Kntai.'it 1 >!i'l?l?ins, hoth of Wynn w?o?l, i' Mr-. IJiilu'i' and Miss Steli.. | bnii 'n'." Iiciv to attend the funeral; i-t tli- i lather. . ? ? . 1 ?:ts III h'S usual ht.il'a v.in-. 'rC red,-and his death \ i- :if!-iii' l. ? a Iican attack dur. i s-; 'li ! ?<" >? \:ars Mr. Steb.. : '.i ! ! j auditor for Ar. ?i ' K'niy. and-in that i '!>? ''?? :;cnt trips here. H- I: .i- in Sylva, and i, .... ??fiitlv soveral n m.'Ih liii.. ? i,? s' : i':iKl'.-ii MKlH.Oiii.i'1 I'ASUlK DELIVERS IHIKD or LIN TEN SERIES t SI N D AY - "Life'.- lTi?i?Shallwwe drink \tV* will b> the tupi? whirh the pastor Rev. Gem go B. Clemmer, of the Mfthrxl:.-; chinch will discuss Sun day morning at 11 o'clock in the I'lird .ci ?u!i of the Lenten series wili a la i preaching during the j?iu/il i?t Lent. The piemher has styled his sub ject n> a .ove. especially, in view of thi fact that so many have, in re cent months, refused to drink the con tents r>f the cup choosing rather the if' -i'U! -v of self-destruction. In the i voning at Dillsboro the sir;iif wi:! he in the Baptist church iW'l will h conducted by the pas tor. Rev. \\ C. Heed, at 7:30. Church . houls of the charge con vene pi-hmvt'y at 10 a. m. The Hi I.eitrue '>! ' -ts ;n the evening at 6:45. All visitors and strangers will be warmly welcomed at all services. MISSION \KY SOriFTY TO OB SFItVK SEASON OF PRAYER T'v Itantist Woman's Missionary S-htv v ;!1 observe the Season of ''mvtv f .i Home Missions next Tues 'I'" l>i' .'Mv h"en iiivited t.0 tl'li r'' t>ntr. which will he an a'1 i-'v ..-<Vn ,it the home of Mrs. f? Ii M. ;th. Tho members of the GETS BROKEN LEG WHILE BOWLING Bea. N. Queen, Sylva business m?n Hiid i'oviucr member o L' the l*>ard 0.1 I'jjunty coiiHirist-k.mers, suzt'c?ed a serious accident, Tuesday evening when he fell and fractured his leg, while howling, iu Claik's alley. Mr. Oueen was taken to the hospit al, and an xray examination dis. r'osed a serious fiacture between i he knee and hip. WHY A JUNIOR CLIB? (Mrs. Billy Davis, President of Dis trict, Number 1, Clubs of North Car olina) In thinking of an ideal home the first thought that comes to one's mind is: Aro theie children to bright e:i that home and be reared in the way that an ideal home would rear children to carry on life's work, when the elders of that home have passed on? Then so it is with our clubs of today. One of the first things a wel* organized club should do, would be l > organize a junior club consisting of a number of young ladies. We have the very best authority for the state rrent that if we t-ain uo a child if tKe way he should go he will not thereafter depart from it. This is tlr principle on which all great perma ront ln:m?n o-ginv/ations are bui't "*'v.? Str-b1 apnlies it in our schools p*m1 t'o chutvh in our'Sunday schoo's Therefore, proving to us that youth i-= the training peiiod for the tasks tl'at must come at maturity. ? T^et1 tMs is the principle underlying the ;'oa of Junior Denartments in flur inh<s. The organization of women'8 ?'ubs have become a great force for -ood in our modern life. Their work become extensive, complicate -Vi imoortmt. touches a'm ? ;enfr,5 evi>>*<l-flire to carrv on fh's nnl>** ??rk tv??t hn<! boon stirtwl. then it ne-es?arv thrt we hove a geneva = n-iety will furnish -andwiches for itiiuh, according to the usual cus ti-m. The program begins at ten o clock and is outlined as follows: Hymn, "We Praise Thee, Oh, God.' Devotional, Mrs. Dillard Coward, i "Home Mission Traps,'.' Mrs. Hugh i Monteith. Prayer. Hymn, "Must Jesus Bear the Cross ; A'one?" ? , . _ "Shadowed Trails," Mrs. John R. JJones. r ? Benediction. I 12:30 Lunch. , 1:30 Hymn, "Jov to the World!" I Scrioture lesson: Neh. 2:1-6, 12-18. | "Trailing the Sunrise over Seven !S-as," Mrs. I. H. Powell. I Prayer. 1 Hvmn, "America." I "Border Trails," Mrs. W. C. Reed. "Indian T'-a;ls in Sunset Lands," ? ?*C . R. O. Painter. Hvmn. "T Cave My Life For Thee.* o*fo?-!nsr. Benediction. K.'i i ii l'roni left to rijclit, hock row, >.liss Ruth Oliver president; Miss Llewellyn Rhodes; Mrs. J. L. Dillinit, chairman; Mrs. E. L. McKee, honorary president; Mrs. Walter L. Jones: M'ss Pauline Miller; Mn Doyle Alley. ' . " > M'lUllc row, Miss Nell Cowan; Mr>> Douglas Bnin; Mrs. Kenyon Moody;, -v. retnrv and treasurer: Miss Matnio Loatherwood; Miss Myrtle Hen-scn. Front row: Miss Alma Fisher; Mrs Cyrus Niehtolson; Mrs. Ernest M. llale. !?c ton trained ready to take, up their; .vurk aj> o der generations lay it j down. Henre the necessity of organiz ing our yoi.ng girls into Junior Clubs. [ The benefits from Junior Depart ments will If mutual. They them selves, will receive valuable training at the same by enr thusiasw of the Juniors. They wi'l bring us a new outlook a refreshing spirit into the-work and t save us from getting into ruts as we so often do. At the same time they will be learning from the experience of their seniors and will be ready when the t'me comes for them to take over the ta*ks we leave for them. We find, where Juniors ave organ ized, they are doing all kinds of work i a'ong all lines, but philanthropic i work seems to find most general fa (vor. They are found helping in all j I needs of life "from the cra'He to the ?grave," preceding the cradle by pro viding many layettes, furnishing milk I to undernourished, giving magazines i to those vWt cannot buv them and doing mam* other useful things such as planting flowers, sponsorinfrclean up week, beatification of play grounds aM nublic plnces.* assisting in welfare work by raising money for j the Re>' T oss and by selling ?,als I at Christmas time. During the two years' that^l ha v? served you as district president, I have had the pleasure of organizing three w'de-iwake Junior Clubs: The Canton Ju-ior Club, Cullowhee Jun j ior Cluh anrl the Murphy Junior Club, j The gir's who compose these clubs ' mm u Talented daughter of Mr. and Mr,. Joseph D. Self will favor with a program of dances* at the Fashion v lion sponsored'by the Junior Clubiof Sy'va, on March 17. Her program (Jollovvs: Arabian Dance, by Tchal ^'?osk:; An Old Fashioned Girl, by Weber; Diana, by Strauss; Waltr in A Major, by Hummel; and W'ult/ ju k. Flat, by Durand. Thapietuf* nbove shows her in her Arabian Da we. Mi'!.? Miss Self is widely pnown in this p:irt of the State, ^or her dancing, having appeared mi a number of P'ognmis,I and having won severaprises at the Plaze, theatre in Ashovillein its Discovery Nights. She is a pu i?ii of the VixyuuA E&rl? School of Dance] AsheyjU* \mrniM 3 f? , / / <$ i ^ \ j ,h! i ANNOUNCING THE FOURTH ANNUAL SPRING FASHION SHOW ~~ f*ler*v" 0,'^-fj' <.... . .if, ii The Junior OJub of Sylva .LYRIC THEATRE TUESDAY MARCH 17 - .1931 at 8 o'clock I - (p. \ ' ' If' , ' Featuring Ellen Self, Aesthetic Dancer Margurite SniaHiers, Pianist. And the Spring Fashions displayed by scores of lovelv models. Hale's - Sylva Supply Company j The Paris - The Leader i . ' Joan Crawford ! in "Paid" j Spring Chorus j Ann Cowan, Dorothy Campbell, Miriam Evans f Ethel Reed, tela Moore Hall, June Bess, Eliza |Dorothy Murray, Nancy Allison, June Bess, Eliza beth Stillwell, Doris Glenda Bryson, Ida Jean ?Allison, Rebecca Sue Cannon, Agnes Wilson Bev erly Seastrunk, Nannie Sue Hedden, Dorothy War ren, Elizabeth Warren, Betty Henson, Elaine Davis, Madge Berdell Brown, Annie Nell Brown, Maxine Brown, Alice Dills Weaver, Myrtle Bowen Brown, Majry Catherine Monteith, Marie Dean, Jaunita Kilpatrick. j j e' line, iovciy'girls end aie pioving ?: a! resets tu tne i mi J her c!ahs. , 1 here st rely i unvit.t be a citizen ;i< t 'e town ol Syiva who does not ' knew' about the v.unrie fu' ihings th? ' J ,.n:oi Cli b here has done and is ; do.iri,r.!i the tiroc. ' at rt ? ?< - 1 ? ,i ; to there ;gir * :or:ce:nir.? dis S T!rt Ol! .V J! !)*'! 01!/ OiV 1 1*031* ? r: n't", 'v ' hnr-? '?'*** nan?i'*a a?"far : i the s.*;r?i va 'i y that. ; '<\r e f ne ifi~*.s (;o n hrod the call. ? : jr- -. r iii c r'ly o: tl e r t're rnd |?~!>n<" t'* th" f'?cd r-'Jff?:ois of lost summer. They rnswr the pa 1 of th" ' K r! C?os3 when it orres ar>d work r -'M t' ev ro' inU* ?ret t'-eir quota h t ~n r .viv aver ihe too; Many t:me3 they tr'ghten the monotonous lives r " * :*l-i-rtes of the countv h?me by ' * "as* *>?"Tal ca'l? and carrying ??! m^gpz'nes to vead and good ^ to ^it The'- ""-e proven them to h-> tVe>'Vht. arm our lo '"^lrr"-e orc"a?:7nt?on. getting out .-?u r" I is'sin*' funds to ... -1,. fl pVe." '" 7"?-1 r-iffprtri'* \V:th tr. * <?-,] "'otM-g. These girls de serve thanks and praise from every citizen in our town for the wonderful BIRD WINS SILVER CUP TVnvIl Bird salesman with the ?laeksou Chevrolet Company waa a warded ? handsome s'her loving cnp ' l<>r fj;i? largest number of individual sales m i ho meet ing of Chev^ole* dealers a-nl salesiVen. of this /one. h;-ld nt the Andrew Johnson hotel in Kuoyville the first of the week. CAGLE8 TAKE FORD AGENCY Nrj;o!ilitiiin> lutv?* just been con* plot od u hereby C'. C. Cagle and son have become the owners of the Ford sales and scrviee agency for Sylva and J.-iekson County. Tiies?- gentlemen nc>ed 110 introduc tion here, as they are Jackson oonnty peop!;? j 1.0 are well known here. Th- j ew Fords will be brought to Svlvi c: rlv in the week and will he woik they dc. Cur fcris are off to i themll .} GIVES HISTORT OF JUNIOR The Junior Study Club was or ganized in April 11)27 by the Wombs '' v..ub of Sylva, with the Mloxri&ir ??..arter members: Ruth Olivet, PoCl* .. t ^ Jarrett, Katherine McKee Nicholson, r ?V'ilma Allisop Jones, Myrtle Heeaoo. _ *? aude Leatherwood, Alma FlstNhr,' ''s ene Cathey, who lives in Ashe^U** ? - ? jW, and Ixniise Duckett Cole, who >w lives at Clyde. Mrs. J. L. Dillard- _ ? is appointed chairman of llfie iiior Club from the Womans Chlb id she has faithfully worked with e club ever since. During the yean nee its organization the following t. embers have been added: Kelt "*owan, Llewllyn Rhodes, Edith Gels-' r Moody; Sadie Hale, Pauline Mill?** 'isttie Cross-. Evelyn Campbell "nthey, Sue Allison, Rose Garret^ -ene Oliver, Emily Smith, Katherine 'i. Potts. Members who are now fiv out of town are: Mary Allison, 'nrearet Freeze. Myrt Prater, Ine* illivan, Mrs. Doyle Alley, Mrs. J. ~ ?>ug Bain, Mrs. Jack Anderson, *rs. Ve'Tia Nichols and Zadah Ashe "n^ningham. The first nresident was "atheryn McKee Nicholson who orved two years most loyally, "?lima Allison Jones was second pres -tpnt and verv devoted to the ^ub. nnth Oliver, the new nresident. ha '^vt'-d off vevy enthusiastically with '?t>r cluh work. One meeting is held each month . :.e me. tings aie heiu at ii<ght, -sinve .iost (i i the mem be is are teachers and s.ness gtils. l^'ilennt sujjccts o? ?..idy a:e taken up each >var, StoJ rct's 1 e.tures, 'i lie Litera, y Giujd. Book-a-Month Club and The PW .are-a-Month Club of Philadelphia, which furnished copies of master pieces with the life of the artist, aving been studied. Conspicuous in the aims of the club are Social Ser vice, Public Welfare and Civic Work in the town, and a special' effort i? made to cooperate with atf, orgapUfr- j u ti&y. -f Some of the most outstanding p.eces of w oik done are assisting tnc ..ty weliaie officers by keepings box oi clothing to be used when needed; ..onating a large basket of groceries to be distributed among the needy A complete outfit of clothing was bought for a six-year-old boy who was being sent to an orphanage by the county- For the last three years Christmas trees and programs have ooen given at the county home giving i two and three useful gifts to each inmate of the home. The Red Cross roll call has put on by the club for three years, in this county, averaging .125 mem bers each year. The relief drive re ccntly requested by President Hoover, was made, collecting $75.00, seeding $50 to National Headquarters/ keep ng $25 to be used at home. For the Near East Relief and for F'orida people during their flood 135 pounds of clothing and $166.00 were collected by the club and sent through the Red Cross. $50 worth of books have been donated to the pub lic library. To the Parent-Teachers Association has been given $35.00 to be paid on the new curtain for the Elementary school auditorium. Each year $10 k?. paid to the Sallie Southall Cotton Loan Fund, this fund enables a gir to borrow money without inteiest fo' her education. Two girls in this county have secured this loan and completed their college work. Special days and weeks such a Book and Music Week" are observed, program being fcadered on Illiter acy. National Hospital. Day was ob served, giving three pretty and use f.,1 vases to the community hospital At present the club is furnishing otret: b!e-~ and bread cach day for R month for the under nourished chil dren in the lower grades of the Sylva Elementary School. One member ot !he club is giving 50 pinti of milk s\ iur for these children for one month The biggest event of the year is the ar.nual spring fashion show spon sored by the chjb and pu; on by tb ri'-rchants of Sy'va. The fa^hi* *hew duiirg the four.ye rs of j\ C'' ;tWC. T3!Ov/'i VC V -?'1 Poth the t'-Ttr' ^n? rr?? h<rrti rivo mrch h"re''t the-rf?-m ' ? c>i,l? is lending it- '""e thet the fifth on? which ?-?? ?? P'"' ' Tucs'*S"-' ?'"'"fr .Mr.<?<!?? t'> l.e bg??r nnd b'*ttr'* "V ever. on p.hji'iiv in the >V?w rooms ??i f'agle i mi Son These gentlemen. state that they will k<en all genuine Ford parts an?i n-jtovoiiile accessories^ and will op erate .. service department/ and re ] nir hep under direction of aoii'4?e tent and experienced meehanies. SESVTCE8 AT BAST STLVA Then.* "will he preaching !ierri<*? ???, East Sylva Baptist church Satwnday evniay; and Sandy morning witk pialor, B?v.

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