__ 111 ? _ : * r ? "' " 1 f I * *1.;-)U Year in Advance in The Conntv. , sylva, n. a. Jjoju^maech ir, mi ^00 Year in Advance Outside The Onrnty. fashion show DRAWS BIG CROWD T[1(. i', urtli Annual Fashion show: . |(j the Ia lie 'l heal iv, Tuesday rv,under the auspiee* of the luii o Vluli of Sylva, drew a crowd, ,-J b'1*' t'.ntl many turned away ho.. flLUsi- ilif-r inability to tiud either ,.|ts llS standing loom in tiiu coin. j. yil .>;ti theatre. 'ii,.. |'miis 'i he Svlva Supply Coin.. i - J-ml 'i hi* Leader e..eh j , ? d.i.ui rew.e, with a Lir^i ..?mltrr >?. lovely models, and cxeit . ? deal of favorable com. i.tli*. -'I I*?'tly Cai-so,! and little j[,s, Aiiie i>iiK Weaver uioheled lor jiic lneka-regee Keauty Parlor. li,,- ti. i.< ing of l;ttle -Miss Kllcn <-lt. 11.? sin,u' r,!??> hock dancing, and the ?r.t'ie show were pleasing to the lulITt'- rlowd. Tli,, spria.tr fashion show is s|K>n.. ,-Kh year by tin* Junor Club, in cj.1 rratii?ii with the shojxi of Hlvn i" demonstrate the great ad.., vantace* ufleivd by Sylva as a shop i iiinc renter lor the people of the South western count'es of North Car olina. Located o.-nt rally, the little towu has shops that would he a ered it to e lies of lruch greater popu In turn, und it is pointed out that the overhead in the smaller town is not ?"> U t;ii, allowing merehants to sell ht ;i i.iwir f sare. This is generally r.en;:iiiM cariu'd :n the Sylva Mi op". ii,;ikhn; -hopping here easy. I THROUGH THE HOOPS (Bv John Pair s, ,Tr.) ? * * "?,?. ? ? - tt *. 1 Couch Roberts royal bcgade of ba*kelr a:'.cmpts at scoring. Playing the sane; cool (jamc as in football he clti>r,l iii<> season with a clean slate. Wilis Cooke, center, played a great lr.iiiie tnis season break'ng up attack M*ur r i tack of opposing forwards.j 1 >k? had a sure eye for the basket ???? is always a group of boys who help make a team what it is and t>? these hoys we owe a lot. These ' <>ys shiiw.d a wonderful spirt and I ho|H' iliac someday their names "will '-e in the large bold type of the sport TlifS' hoys aw: Mack Hpoper, ! Collins Jack Henson, Gordon UarJiiu I'aul Elders, Mtu-k Higdon, ?H<1 .vfalcomb Brown. h:nt hut not least, -.n the eyes of | those who have herin with h'm, is ?lames Moody, manager. He deserves a lot of credit for his fine work and only those who havq been with him can appreciate his fine work as man ager and trainer. FORiY YEARS AGO i.ickaseigo Democrat March 11, 1891 Court begins 011 the 20th of Apr:!. Messrs W. M. iiurns ami S. T. I.arly uiv putting tip a steam saw ini:l near Mr. .Iaii.es K. Ixive's. Our young frend, Mr. E. L. Mt. Kve, the popular agent at Whitt.ci came up Friday to visit his mother. Farm work is being gr.-atly n. p? led by the contnued, almost in ; ocsant rains and the bottom ha* 1 dripped out o!' tha ioad< i Dr. Candler of Dillsboro Was her? ? yesterday on a professional vis't t Mrs. Parker, Mr. A. M. Parkei* t * j mother, who, we regret to hear i [epiite sick. She is reported to b somewhat better today. Tho Woman's Christian Teirper a nee l*i?"on of Dillsboio will celebrate :its first anniversary at the Academ. : in tha* town on Wednesday Mai vi IS. A pleasing and interesting pro. pramme is promised. Drs. Wolff and Tompkins returned t'I,>in Ashev'lle, yesterday each with a supplv ol Koch's Lvmph, for the care of eonsumption. Dr. Wlolff ex poets to leave in a day or two for a brief vis t to relatives in Forsyth and Yadkin count :es, amongst whom Mrs* W olff has be?'U spending the winte:. Mr. (Wan tinned out of his way to visit his brother at .Fudson Col lege and has not yet reached home. By the way, wo hear that our repre sentative won golden opinions among his fallow members and established an excellent reputation as legislator, m\ki?g many friends. Well; we told ^ ? e:./Cv. i- .r. Among those we have seen return inod poods at. the lowest pr:ces, and thi-oiiirh the Democrat invites all to call and be convinced that they mean what thev sav. Rev. S. H. Hiirrinuton of Frank lin has accepted the call of the Bap., tist churches at Sylva and DiMsboro and will serve them as pastor for the ensuin? twelve months. Mr. Hariiiijr J ton is already well known to many Nov -Listew To me. Evert Year. about this time you * ARE A ^ STRONG MAN ANO YOU MUST HAVE A GARDEM VHEREtbU can workout, then when the weeds get real healthy you rewind out* Well?- I've exercised a hoe [thrust time,& so you better think TWICE. I'M TOUT FOR GOOD J " 'i 1 /.UTOCAjTtN. / WEEK BY WEEK (By Dan Ton:pkius) Ot':i w'th the crime of arson, which is a capital offense in North Carol'ri.i, for the burning of twoj buildings at Samarcand Manor, the1 Stale institution for delinquent girls. They w:ll be tred at the May term! of Moore county superior eourt. i Their ago.-; range from 1!> to 20 years. Sixteen yo?ng girls facing the elec_ j trie chair because they were t:rcd of, the restraint and riorrrrtion at Sam areand. Their names are: Josephine French, ]f?Av Kiver; Delo's Sewell, jCove C'tv: Marv Rnnson, Rocky j Mount; Margaret Pridgen, Wilming. ilon; Margaret Aberrrethv, Kinston: j Wilma Owen, Waynesv'lle; Estell j Wilson, Lexington; Oolae St Dwell, Kinston: Virginia Hayes. Leakes.. c'lle; Roce M"ll, Rutherfordton; Thelir.r. Council, Tarboji?; Fdnn 71ark, 11al:fax: OH:e Harding. Choc owinitv City; Bertha Hall, Norfolk; (? 1 of our people and v.*e gladly weleome? hire to ejoscr relations. The rhureli at Sylvn will huil?e?T!yifi??? 1 st. i It fe<'ls ll'^t t dr'c-rves a |;>r?re in. ercase. Th- heir1 l of its( ambition is to ai-.l, l'* ?'i<- ^ N ?*vt< Tit of ir jj1(. matcit'al land m?>rr1 r't^Wvts of ji^ spetio'1. ' Wo p""M!o " to oft (?,. rju indue'1-.; ment I??:' "fv.- S'j'isfr'hers that we w'l 5i'"!i I the paiK-v il>v oh;* vear for LOO. Mario'i Mercer, Avden and Teral Stilts, Canton. The Slate was spending tho money iul' the iaxpayers to try to reform and correct these girls, to buing them back to lil'e and hope, and they showed their gratitude hv destroy., in*; the property of the State. They tee]) indicting officials of J defunct Asheville Links. This timei Wallace Dav:s and W. D. Harris of | the Cent ral Securities Company, af.. j filiate of the Central Hank, are charged with using the United States mails w?th intent to defraud. The Btinpontbc grand jury this week, in... dieted Wallace Davis, Russel C. 1 fa vis, Hi . .1. A. Sinclair, C. X. Brown, Clarence Rankin and S. A. Ilabbaro, for alleged infractions of tlu- State banking laws. Strange the changes :? few months will bring. Only a .-.hort tme- ago, those were n:imr*; conjure with in Western North Carolina. Col. Luke Lea, Luke I.1CH, .Tr. and K. I\ Charlet of Ten., nessee were indicted on a charge of conspiring with Wallaoo Davis to defraud the Central Bank. Henry Ford deposes and says that we are ?*.l! prosperous and don't know it. Which is to laugh. Porhaps Ford and i he favored few are prosperous, at least they are i|ot worrying about wheroi breakfast or the rent money, or th" installment payment or the w.tV.i new coat, or the baby's new shoes are coming from. The truth is that Mr. Ford is up tio his old tricks and .succeeded in putting over on the papers free advertising that would come to many thousands of dollars, if he had to pay ft>r it, which he wouldn't do. But I don't blame him for doing it, if the newspaper edi tors are stupid enough to lot him. A piece of news that is new: Kan sas, Jitter a period of 61 years, an which there was no provision for cap ital punishment, has revived the old! First s for 1 ho student council nt Western Carolina Teachers <"oII<-p:?*! ** i have lx on elected. They are: Ruth! Monil'oni of Whnington, pnisidentij Azalea McOlunj? of Robbinsville, vice! president: Louise Medford of Way- | nesvillc, honse president;. Marjorie P'pkin of Miirfres';oro, secretary; i Pearle .'cstice, Clyde, Ionise Ropers| of Canton; Ruth Creasman of iVay.. nesville, Louise Ba^ette of R<*1 j Springs ;ind Betilab Komers "of Rob.. j biusville, council members. UMION MEETING The Jackson County Union meet ing will < rnvenc with the Love Dale Baptist ('li reh Fr 'lay if a re h 27th, 28th and 29th, Th^ committee, on program are vejy anxious all churches in the Tuck! Isvijf:t> .'?)?? oeir'tirin 'o be present. The "am 's as follows: Fruhy i'i:?rt A. M. Perot :onal by j It?-v. K-n Cook. 10:rs0 M. Iptrodretorv sermon by! Rev. 'i'. F. Deitz. 32:00 _li'i;i'irn for dinner. 1:15 P M. Pevotionnl bv Rex-. Cor . j sey Hooper. 1:30 P. M. Can a church be loyal GALLOWAY DIES BRYSON GIVES UP j \V;!e" Galloway d;od enjly tliw i nomiuv; at "the -Hairis Community - , ho*p'ta. where ho whs brought Sun. [day t'i ti i noon, >ufieiing tVum ? j i-t'.islifd skull, ?^ni?l to have bnen in flirted fii a rock. thrown by "LiltU' j.lirii" Bryson at 'Jlenville. i liryi>* u surrendered to officer* ytn ityrday-n omine, ami is being hold in jl.:e jiiu here. eharg?. i iirvsoii oi Gleuville: and Gallowav, j % ' * ' up -rjYleti r garage there. Galloway is survivd by bis wile tmd relatives. A eeionor's .jury coiuiwsfd u Moody's and ! that he hoard a racket upstairs on lhe 'second lloor whew? Galloway made j his home. He stated that WiU^y Gal kjway Went up and put Bryson and Robert MoCall, Jr. out of the, plate. Biyioi: i.ccordrng to Breedlove, went down to the spring, and returned in a short time, with his hands behind his bi?ek, and threw a rock strik. t Gall >way. According to Breedhms there Va. no one present at the time exoept: himself, Bryson and Crat loway. Ho. stated that Galloway wa$ doin?,' nothing to Brv?on nor attempt ing fo dr. anything at tho time the stone was thrown. Dr. A. A. Nichols the only Tiber witness examined by tho jury, stat??l that Galloway came to his death ? from -i blow on the head, crushing the temple bone. ?jalWway never regained conations no** aftrj-be was struck. He'was Drought to the hospctal here and an ojHTation performed, rtjmoving the crushi'd bone and part of his brain, in an attempt to sav?.bis.life. . f Tn.; funeral will be held at I^ke Toxawav tomorrow afternoon. Gallov. ay is survived by his wife, ' '? one daughter, KvelyH, who is in Ak - ron, Ohio; one son, Conrad, 18 yearn of age, by his father-R. J. GalkVway, by his mother, three sistere, Mary Burgess,, Mrs. Oov Foster and Mi's. 11. V. Fowler and three broth .. ? ers, J. AL Galloway, Gus Gnllowny ? and J. B. ?Galloway. The deceas ed w.w 4<> rears of nee. (o Clirifit, who docs not support missions? Rev. W. X. Cook-. 2 :(M) P. M. I)ooh Church Loyalty eiv braiv disciplinei Rev.H H. Crnvr lord. - r 2:3d f R. K .? arret t 2:30 P. M. Is the., preacher of tod&v hh spiritual and evangelistic an In- . forme i* days ? -L T. Cribble. .. . 7:30 P, JL- Sernio,! by . Rev. k.- , Stafford. Sunday.,.. . 11:00 A: M: Sertnon by IUrw. W; N*. Cook. ?? ?. ?*' : ! - By flwiitiHiiii an Progwo ?'