1 ? ' Veep, ^e-c-.- "? ^ ,r -' ~' ?? ' - ? ? < .;???* ?fsyfe . ?. ?'?/?- ?. ,-i & , ? ? . ? ? .ail V ear in Advance in Tiie A*0iwV* sylva, k. c., Thursday, app.il :>c, 1931 ? I $2.00 Year in Advance Outside The County. WEEK BY WEtK {By Dan Tompkins) T! ? v!"?'k market bas again been fuli::.; u, new low levels in many ?tuck*. ,'"st as prosperity was an.. coming around the com What it means, the layman can ne". unl *?'>? II,.. \orth Carolina Bankers ex press optimism over the ' financial outliok; but the convention is mettif." u: I'inehurst?not in Ashe.. rill'. II, ? f.fiienil Assembly of North Carolin.! i:? still in a ^eadlock over finat.f i: ^ ol the six month's schools. (?ld n.i!" public will pay the jbill any *a\; ^ ^'hy nil this ado about wht'li .Method to use in extracting the r." ' > v from him ? i rtlitir Brisbane, newspaper para ?nipht ? extraordinary, may or may ,iot hi |?ropliet. He may -cr may not be ?hlc to equal the wisdom of Joseph u' looking into the near fu tun. Anyway, he predicts yet sov en IcHti years iu his column. If Mr. Brnbaiif > rorrect in his prognos.. tif.Ht.utu i In- people will bo ready tor revolution before the end of the *eVeti. Mr. Pi; man "l' Texas says" that! lie will hvins: imjieachment proceed iut^s s^ainsl Andrew* Mellon, as soon an the pcw oonp'rss convenes. The Imm < "1 his action is the legal pro.. hibihrr. <?f anyone engaged in busi.. ?ess ol" trade or coirjmerce filling thi- ni'tii f of secretary of the treas nr*'. T!w contest which Mr. Pritchard' is blitzing, with the hope of lin. seating Senator Bailey, has,' so farr failed to cause any great amount of evciUment in the State. In fact, the people, a& is usual, after eloe.. tions. are rather apathetic regarft in? the matter. The ballot boxes are to he impounded and taken to* Wash iiifjtoi! fo" a new count. Few; if anv people believe that Mr. Pritchard wn.s defrauded out of 113,000 votes. For the first time in the State,, thirteen ;.urors will sit on. the cases in which Asheville bankers ? and former eiiv and county officials are to he tried. The new law providing thn* l'! i'lrors can sit on a case has recerrfly gone into effect. The th'r.i. teenfl j.;ror will mot really- he' a .furor. Tfo will sit with the;, jury, her- the evidence and charge, and act in ease any of the regular twelve jurors becomes incapacitat... e<l during the process (of the trial. I Th" trials of numerous andi,sun... dry oti'ieials of defunct banks, for mer c tv officials and fonrer conn tv officials, have started over in AshoviMo The usual maze of leeral technicalities has been erected bv " sti-fini; trrav of defense , council. The failure of banks and.the van..-, 'shine rf public funds, Jast Novem.. ber, tinned a major calam'ty to all Western North Caro'im, piw?->lo I've tired of techi(nc^I?HeS and ( ironmlocntion in courts.'Thevy v?nt the plain truth, from which jury fjirj arrive at justice', j?- r. J.. ? * NORTON NEWS Mrs Kditb Norton (has w?tu'^-.' to "Western Carolina Teac^ew. lfjw after visiting her errand^ Outs. Mr and Mrs. Griffin NonWV M ,'nhn Watson and Miss <V l.vf (nlhonn called on Mrs. Emily Ilet.cj.n Sunday. M"s?rs. Roy Parker, Georee and Hi'iirv l'.'Twn of . John's Creek were ?n Norton Sunday. Mi<s Virginia Calhoun is spending '1' v,l: with Mrs. .Emilv ITenson. We are glad to know the people Norton are taking a great, inter tl-rest in the Sunday school. Misn Opa Lee Calhoun and4 her liiotlior were guests of Mrs. Julia *'i?r*on Tuesday night. M:-'s TVssie Norton called on Miss Mill, Norton Sunday. I>r. W. P. McGuire and family bursty of Mrs. Pearl McCun? Sunday. Mr. ami Mrs. Claude Rosrers ard tot"le daughter^ Claudie Mae are sOfii.l-,iij; a few days with ' Mrs". Calhoun. ' 'J VARIETY PROGRAM* AT LYRIC NEXT WEEK r ? ' ?>'. . r T ? The Lyric Theatre will show three difirent typfcs' of pictures next'1 week each one different type from the,, other two. ()j>ening Hie week our Monday and Tuesday, the offering will be "The Easiest Way,' starring Consrj:nee Bennett, who will be supported by un' above the average east which includes Robert Mont gomery, Anita Page and Adolphe Meniou. This is^'thfe "society'' tvpe ot picture, andHfenls with the theme" that "when poverty st:ilks in, ..it makes it all the eas:cr for virtue to exit through the proverbial win., dow." i . The second picture, ''Renegades", which will be sfiowijf on Wednesday and Thursday is the "adventure" or "action*' type. "Renegades" is based 011 the exploits of four snlJ dici's'in the French Foro'giH1 t^e_! gion. The male honors are vjrfiared' by Warner Baxter and Xoah Beery,, while Myrna Loy has the feminine lead. ( ; {?> '' 1 li<* week, Fiidav and Sat. tirday," 's a?i old time L:-t?Iotl_rj;:::a? ? with the onphasis on the. "niflo." The hciiit throbs and tears wrl b{J induced by an old stage play, "Ten j Nights )t> a Bar Room," which was a favorite thiirt^PBr forty years ago | and which has been changed very liftle V\i>n days of Prohibi tion. DANGER OF LOSING COUNTY AGENT; . r ? t It is ,'l ited authoratively that the ruitnty commissioners are con., tcittplatii'ff abolshing the yff:ce of cotinh ?irent at the time the budget * . | } ? for next year is made up in July. , The commissioners are cutting every corner iif'/au effort to reduce * y ? _ ? the cost of tlu>-county government to the'nnnit?fttrfij"r.nd it is said that the Aejfbrding the county agent is rec<vv;ng seriQus 'o?HsijLj j eeati$v iirt^srest econaBQrj i Tb-!. ,. c?totj^i-i&h>iicrs gre of the . . opinion.. lijtytvtlj^-' n>w troad law, | which take.'j from the? countv; the $24,iTr- gasoliiie tax and the State i assuinesV'iheT zmintcuanpe of -the; i county roads, will ne?essar ly ra:se the "road*tax in the cotpitv, for the -#???? ... ji I - ?* ?rerfsori thaf the- county will have to meevinterejfcilhd principal on bon<J ed. int.e^t'^lrTe^ J'o,r roads, from tlie county levy," whioh was irtt 'last year and the year before by the, State''s canalizing fund. ; . TJ'.e-abolition of the comity agents office, is said to"' be but one of the 'mantis?*'-tt'Ht? fKe '? eonwissionerR are considering to meet th? situation, i CARD *0F THINKS *?' ?' We \v;sh to express' our thank through your paper to our manj frieads for their help and sympathy clurinjc ?he short illticfw anil sudden death of our beloved husband and father, ;t'so for the marty'beautiful flowers-. Mrs. Marie Stewart and Family. ' V ? Vv f: "?>>; J-t ? U/Queen of Fete : V Qorothy Knowlden,. led the festivij ties' at the Ogden, Utah, carnival this year. I 1 . I Monro B. Madison, couuty con:..' ster. Hf was educated at Western missumer of welfare, was elected as Carolina Teachers College and the co.irrty Hiperintcndent of schools, University of North Carolina. Un.. by the county board of education, til his election as county comniis.. on Tuesday. Mr. Madison succeeds sloner ot welfare at the general Superintendent John N. Wilson who election, last fall, Mr. Madison was hits guided the educational affaire of tu?' county for a number of years. He vr.1l assume his office in July. There were ten applicants for the suprintvndcnt of the school at Wei) ster. Mr. Wilson, whom Mr. ' Madison succeeds, is also a native of th'.s position it is stated, and a great' county, r.nd has been actively iden deal ol interest was manifested in tified with the educational interests the election of the superintendent, who*-' term of loffiee will run for two yeav&. Tin board of education :!b com.. of the. county for a long number o; yeaj*. Me has sensed as county supd;ii>eiid?nt of schools, as bus! ncss !? gent for Cullowhee State posed ol' Mr. M. B. Madison, ev ! Nori.'ul School, now Western Caro. ? ' ?l .officio chairman, Mr. Ix .A. Buch., lina Teachers College, and has anan of Svlva, and Mr. Thomas A. taught, in the schools of the county. Dillard of Cash;er's Valley. Mr.; With the election of Mr. Madison Madison will resign his office as as superintendent, political Interes4 qouiity eonanviss'loqer of welfare, in I he county now centers about tin and' it will then (Become the duty of appointment of his successor as Dan AMison, clerk of the superior eonntv welfare commissioner. No court, to appoint h:s successor. ; intimation as to whom, if anybody ? T&e new superintendent is a na the clerk of the eourt has in ,inind, tive '>f Jiwkson county, nnd a son has been forthcoming. Mr. Allison of Prof. R. L. Madison, founder of has until July to make up his mind Western Carolina Teachers College, whom to appoint to the post, and it TTe lia-i lived here all his life. Is mar, is improbable that he will announce ried and makes his home in Web..;* choice before that time. M. B. MADISON HEA.S COUNTY SCHOOLS ANNUAL REPORT OF THE PARENT TEACHERS |AS80i} Wo give' below, a report of the j pi'isUivlit ami treasurer ot the local Parent Teaeher Assoriation, tor the year just ended. The organization has been very active in assisting in the work ot the schools aud has sponsored several worth while no\e meats, dining the year, as will be seen lift i ho report . At the first meeting in Septem ber " iht; Association endorsed the three legislative objectives set by the P. 3*. A. Congress, afcd had the resolutuns printrd in bpth local also "were placed in the hands of I senatora and representatives elect by a Ciuiin.ttee appointed to discuss these'ti-jestiveS. with thein. | ? Mf. Uoflper asked for aid in pur chaMi.g a mimeograph machine for the Graded School. The Association donated $15 for this. At Mr. Reed's suggestion a com li ittee was appointed to work out the problem of feeding the under Weight children in school. Working with the teachers this committer made, plans to furnish milk and souP for thirty five children. Until Jan uary this food was bought with money made by the sale of Red Cross Christmas seals, under the I | supervision of Mrs. J. C. Allison. In January Mrs. G. B. Cldmmer I began soliciting funds to continue 1 feeding the children. Through Jier '?> i efforts corro money was collected. Then Mr. D. M. Hall furnishedj soup and milk for a month. Mrs. E. M. Hale and Mr. N. C. Brown furnish., ed milk for them one month each. The Junior Study Club also donat.. ! ed generously to this cause. The I association wants to especially thank I all these people and also thank Miss 'T.ou'sc ITrnson, manager of the Cafeteria and""*"f>omest:c Science -teacher. *ho prepared the food for ?tJic fhihlren. r'ooper kept n ro?or?l of the Weights of the ch:ldron and some of thorn! gained more than eight pounds dftring the year. All of them show. aj stead.'.' increase in weight and q^srfi a marked improvement in ?rho\s rship.. * " Mis. Ti. 'Jj. MeKoo gove books eaolu month to the. graded school jroonj having the best average at tendance.. The P. .T. A. gave P'C tiYrV.i each month to the High \ Rchoot ioon having the best aver. , n<re Tittrofanee, And also gave a pic tm\v each s,'onfh to the srrado hav ing the nir.-t mothers present at the monthly R T. A. meetings. tly t^'enfy seventh of Rentom Vt jf l'iViJe 'et was sensed to the .t,eactyt?*.vef the county at their an.. *' A* ff|V> October meeting a motion was enrrtod to give $50 to the Hi?*h ?R-Thol Domestic Science Depart. ^rjk^r.. for purchasing a new gas ?*tbve. 'X enrte;?i w*ns boneht for the PftS.V'1 ' School buildinsr. [Approiate everC Re?5 were held -Saturday morn... "?f?>^nt wti*""1! t'mn this curtain was presented t? the school. i Oi Thrift Day in October a food sale was held. L A dinner was given to the teach.. 'fcrs and fat hen's un the evening of I November the seventh. Mrs. V>\ C. Reed was ap]x)iuted chairman of Grade Mothers. < She called meetings of the grade moth..' trs -hoscn for each room. These j mothers with the teachers visited I the homes of the children. They j d d u:uih to promote regular at:, tendance. , ! All standing committees, program child "?Vfltaref social, finance and mymiiership, were active. i 'lh'.ee subscriptions were secured to child welfare iiuagazine. Fouitder's Day Gift of $2.00 Lunches were sold at February ter* i of court. /' ,v. ' ( * i Or. April 17th an operetta di rected by Miss Emily Smith and sponsored by the P. T. A. wap giv_ en at Graded School building. Miss l.ouise Henson, Home Rcono in'.es impertinent held a Fashion Revue at the April P. T. A. meet ing. , '( Meaibers of the Association help ed Miss Swain and I)r. Wilkes with the examinations of Children Be ginner's Day. Refreshments were furnished for the children on that day. ? -1 '?<??? ?? Ne /. paper clippings about P. T. A. activities and pictures of mem,, hers were sent to Mrs. Freel..of Canton tc be put into a District Scrap Book. ? Officers elected ifor the coming: years are: . ? Mrs. D. M. Hall, President. Mr*. W. C. Reed, V. President."- ? Miss Sue Allison, Secretary. Mrs. John Wilson, Treasurer. Mrs. J. F. Freeze, Historian. The P. T. A. extend^ thanks to all tlio.se who took advertisements on the Graded School curtain and j to those donations to the curtail^ fund. Thanks are' also due t? oth'jrs making dontrjbutions o t time and money. Tr&-v,urer's Report for ljNHTSl From last year ' 32.96 Frcm play sponsored by P. T. A.**1 ? . Foo-1 sale on "Thrift 1 Dues collected " '.^ll.-jlS. Proceeds for-banquet i 1 for county teacher* 1- >.93.78^ Collected for cream usyd at:* j b.inunet 7.00 Junior .>tudv Club t? anph-^n ourfW"-: . ? " H3?h School to apply on' enr 1 tain 35.00 Elementary School to apply on | cnv'.ain 'j 35.00 j Ads and donations to apply | on curtain 1358.23 I Sale of extract * 15.00 ? Sat? of lunches at court house' 27.4(5 Donated by members for Fctond " i ers Day Gift ' v' 2.00 From operetta given by E lem en .. tary. School v ' 55.65 , 757.13 Paid ont for rear 725.30 ? - m ? l'alancr. 31:83 Funds raised by Mrs. Clemmer to feed underweight children: JAMES MOSS PASSES AT GLEJTV1LLE Jnme; Moss, veteran of the Con federacy and one of tbe best known eitizci.s of tbe upper nd of tbe county, died on Sunday at his home in Gier. vi He. The 1'tmera.l was conducted ,at the Glenville ecmetery on Monday aftrnoon, with Rev. Mr. Woolem conducting the service. Mr. M??>s is survived by one daugh er, Mrs. Minnie Cunningham, of Glenville, by four sons, Henry C. Moss. David P. Moss, Tom Moss md Stanley Moss, all of Glenville, and by n number of grandchildren inc| other relatives. MMess was a man of exception illy pjrong mind, was well inofrmed and was one of the most influential itizciis ti his section of the count v. JUNIORS ENTERTAIN SENIORS J r Cul!cwhue, N. C., April 24?The j most festive occasion of. the High i school year was celebrated last Sat- J urdtw f vening from 8 until 11 when I the Juniors entertained the seniors j and a number of guests. Class colors of. the seniors laven der aii'l white were used in the dec orations. The Domestic Science room was transformed into a /bow^r of loveliness with myriad soft lights, flowers, greens, cane and streamers of lavender and white. Tables were arrri.g*d in horeshoe shape and cov" era laid for 60. The programs found | at tact plate were attractive and ; artistic. The place 'cards bore a like-! ness of the class mascot the spon-i s-ors Hull dog. During the evening a program of toast.', readings and lnusie was en joyed, presided over by David] H. Brown toastmaster. A trio from the ocllege furnished music during the three course banquet prepared aud served by the Methodist Mi? sionajT Society. Near the end of the program a ter w Inch a miniature diploma with a personal message on each .was die j livered to each senior. -_Vi ? . Both elrtteses gave y.eJKi?nd de^ clare-1 thif .oue of. the ? '-best bam. quet >. nvf. r giyeij. jiere.. .?. FUNERAL IB CONDUCTED - > FORMRfl. i G. SHELTON: Cul-mLee, .April Jienry Crawford, ot CullowLecy died ye*tercuiy morning1 a* 9-<>'cl?ci"j following an ? Illness of" eevei'alj months^- The ftuujral* service-? watf! held this, afternoon'.at 2 Veloek'^nj the -Ciillowhee Baptist "(!hn'relR: '* Mrs. "Shellon i? wfffivcd* by 'feer husband, ber -mother,- M'fe. 'SuBdn Cravi'ord,- of this commfltfity/ fofir daughter*, Mrs*. Fred MfeCoy -tff Sylva; '-?Sirs/- Reuben (5arrett ? of' Culh?*vhety Mrs. Paul'"ffendersotr of Canton, Mrs. Caul'Jvcever of Dills., bora arid two-sony,.?Gordon arid Harle;/, Iftr-are at hofro."" From sales of . Christinas sealij 15.0^ ' ? * T . . ? ' . * .. ' ? Miss Hannah Moore 5.00*. EmbiOiU'Av Club _ 2.0? j W. C. Reed ' . ? 3.00' Paid ont?jfcilus fund4.^ . .71 (iniik ara&fcgetables) . v 15.50 Leavinj?j22P' $9.50, ,Paid ^w^lor year:' , t I LigU^itt?Cs for high sefidi?! "* * |[ buj$f|s|?~ 4.#j Paid ?li =toWoeogi'fl|>h for Elemen tar/ School ..15.00, For trroe???es and supplies, lpr ? * _ ' j >ban^i.etiv J- J.7a :Help at banquet - 3.501 For ere&n used at hAnqpct .>.>-00 I ..St&te ~?nd 'national diuiit .J.?0 [ Elenien tory. scJiooL. - # Stein f^solittit I ir,-* ?ds l'^r curtain .. .i-. t?-Q0 j Te Jaeksr.n County Bajik. iirtercsl.. j on ?n?*ta:ii note * .1.00.. To .T^ekson Hdw. on gas raogf .v.^ ?qi High School kitchen 50.00 ? Vv 'i"- ?*"*? i ** ! Favors uised teacherj. ajid fath ers ' night ? ... , Helfv cleaning High SchopJ ...J kitchen Founders Day gift , _ 2.0(1 Pictures for Elementary afivt*1" ' " ) High Schools : . - 4.20 Bills X*?r operetta ~ 4 "* 25-l?| Begijinein' day program -1 Mrs. H. E. BlltlLiP^.' Mn. T. L FORTY YEARS AGO Tuckn-ei^e Democrat, 'April 29, 189 Azalea:; are blooming. Tlu1 kaolin factory is in foil blast. Many farmers are throupb plant ing corn. 0;." young friend, ?Iohn Moss, ot' Hau.bnrg, was here Monday. ile has joined the axe brigade which in cutting i'he timber in ^Ir. Fletcher V woodc. It wns our g<H?d fortune to l>r present at the entertainment at Webster, on last Wednesday even ing. It ""??* made up of music? vo. eal and instrumental, and of diah?. pue.-i att-'l recitations. While it was all enjoyable," we must particularly mention the copvic duet, "Now, Motve;-,'' rendered by Miss Edith Kiiii. of Colorado, ftnd I)r. W. F. Tompku-!'. This duet" won hiph prais* from all present. A recitation, "Tta Inquiry.'* by four little jjirls ? Ffankie MfLain, Annie Leather wood, Dessie Buchanan and York',* well done. There weif several'ofIier features we would like to mention but our limited spac^ forbids. "KoV. 'jf."' Tf.' Harrington has inel itfth ifteouhiffrniff 'ftucyess in solieit ing subscriptions .for'the new 'Bap tist efcnieh. We are pleased to know fhat the people are responding with .1 degfree ol" liberality that is highly comineiTdatjle. In the first, days of last weeK subscriptions were made ' ^'mounting to nearly The 'bij* bas been selected, puirhas . ed ai^f 'paid for, the deed has been exeem'eif and th<*' title passed to tho trustees of the church. The site sc . lected is on tfie Kill "in the Macomb [addition, "a beautiful and command ing' situation for tKe location of A fcamlspiue cjjurri. ;* .. From; Ttxas: I see - in the two lust iSHiiliK ot. your. pupej? omething said abou>-lke: natural. bridge in Cai towiwfcip,; all;>of which I was fi , iar ? with ..about, .thirty years ago, and have ha&vtJw' pleaseure of cross .ingfull -of the bridge? and the Panth er *foQt . jog, ? just , b$loW the bridge, where .Coj. Brown .caught the pan ther ihjitr gave riso-to the name of tbe-foot.Jog. In-1854 a nephew of mine ar.d myself put sixteen speek led.trout in the jjyev. at Canada, and ^h&vc not been blest with the privi lege ! >f fishiipg for them since. ? J5.. J> C^SheW on, Zephyr, Texas. Sard of thanks Worl-r cftn not express oar appro ciiti?r of the' many deeds of help kiid fcmdnesfc shown us <Turinp the sickness end death" of my wife. We wiH .ever )>}> preatfu] to every on* wh<> y; ridered" so much help. '* ''Verrfort Bmugamer and Pamilv. . '^Fpuncf Rfglit JJetts, Mew York waty girf, & Pin&arrt, N. G. * M*

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