*1.50 Year in Advance in The County. THE JACKSON COUNTY JOURNAL, SYLVA, k C?*AY 7, 1931 $2.00 Year in Advance Outside The County. BALLOT boxes TO BE IMPOUWEC An order big^ bjjndgt Webb of vi I'nited States District Court, has tn served upon Aaron Hooper . Lnin Of the board of elections of C. Ln county and upon Dan Allison, of the superior court, impound ?h* ballot boxes and ballots cast "*? "natorW election of Ust "J the order is the same as XT served in many counties of the ^ ftn4 order, the ballots turned a r to the clerk of the superior rt and the senatorial committee ?'i^r the charc i, the s? *i i*nU*t instituted by George {Sard, Republican candidates for V "!aL aKaiiwt Senator Josiah W. - who was declared elected by SU o' 0Ver U3'00#' Mr Hooper has called upon the ' ? t registrars to turn over the L ? ?"? rrtrH0' L >vuoty. pursuit to the order ~j the federal couisf. The order to i dm* the bo?s ? ?rvd upon M, Hooper, lat* Monday evening, by officers of the United States. Mr Piifchard charges m his ? i*.* ? ' <~0 "LIGHT" ENTERTAINMENT. OFi " FERED BY LYRIC" FOR NfiXT" WEEK ' ' - ~ A1J three pictures scheduled * for . showing at the Lyric' Theatre t next- : week have a tendency toward com- - edy, with very little drama." The first one, "No Limit,** on* Mon* "? day and Tuesday is a comedy-draTma ? :?* starring Clara Bow, and the cast in cludes Norman . Foster and Stuait Erwin, the dumb Swede. The TeacU head accepts the loan of a rltsy apart ment, and finds that it is a 'high-. ? hat gambling resort but Calara win* ?a man. " ? A one-man circus is a rarity, but v Joe Cook puts it over to save thV* * show Jn "Rain or Shine,' a circas pic ture, ( Wednesday and * Thursday.) Cook is an old stage comedlin Irrid' V this picture should provide a number of good laughs. " A good husband and. business fnay'* by day, a "whoopee-bird" at nighty,; that's Edward Evereet. Horton"* iti'* "Lonely Wives'! which is schedulefl for Friday-and. Saturday, the story of a very good husband with 'verjr-: bad habits. ?? Horton, i/i order fo bo ' able to "step out"..hirts a vaudeville actor to doable for. him anTay.. M. Pi" al Entertainment . and" '.Yfreflfi&ry. Dinner will be furnished*#*!' the grounds bh?days and ,?.v?ryb#fj* is cordially., invited . to 5ffikehi? -*.Zrr>-: Rev_ yhomaa fetradl?^''fou'ftler of the Baptist church Tn is dead, ajpd M. 4, tr - r- ., . ,*??