A THE F4HILV IlDOCTOR K ITUkt ITkCPDM flAIMFC hi (S * U V* ?JQhN JOSEPH GAINES. M.D. ? < MORE ABOUT "COLDS". ? "GcU/* and "heart disease" seem to be in the vast majority American ailments, if one keeps his eyes open to complaints at kane and watches reports of sudden deaths out-state. And colds ace eotattdered not at all serious, though extremely inconvenient to feve on hand. Let me again hammer this truth home: The proper time to iMtak up a cold," is at its very beginning. When you begin to M* Utile "shivery," and begin to sneeze frequently, with vague little pains about the different muscles, with a gen i aad-iadrflent and incapable feeling, lack of appetite?maybe fever Mi apd apathetic, yojj are taking a cold; and the time to begin ImlMiit^ right then and there. v. Bear ip mind that, there is no demand for a purgative unless .Jtae bowel is positively not functioning; and even then, a non ?krkm*t lilre cascara or compound licorice powder is bestii am ' those, of course, who have-not a physician within easy I am aware that the patient resents this admonition, but, the ? to do, if you would be correct is?go to bed and cover up warn), no matter what the time of day. If you do this, you can your cold completely within 24 hours?if you take a simple H i V r *?? f Mm * A 'umia of hot water every hour. Add lemon-juice if you wish; the "Vpfkpys need flushing quite as much?often need it more than the bowel. ? The principle is, restore the surface circulation; most any thing that keeps the skin warm and full of blood will cure a cold short order, if taken early. If you wait two or three days before beginning to treat, you may as well figure to wear the cold out by ^ ?"j'tmr sheer powers of resistance?and you may get a cough that la*?the better part of the winter, simply by your neglect. Warm, dry feet make a pretty good insurance against colds, k was once said, "keep the head cool, the feet warm and the bowel " There's a whole volume of.,health law for you. htematumal Smdoy Sckeoi for May 17 curist enters Jerusalem ' Lwkr 19:29-42##:* / Rev. Samuel D. Prict, D J). This lesson tells the Story of Palm Sunday, which was observed on March 29. Then it was April 2, A.D 30. Jesus had been advancing; toward Jerusalem for the past three months. He reached Bethany from Jericho on the eve of the Jewiih Sabbath which He observed as was His cus tom. Crowds were present from all parts of Jewry, for the annufcl Pass- . over season was at hand. On the first day of the week, our Sunday, Jesus went to Jerusalem, and -.the ? greatest earthly honor in His life , was accorded Him. When the \ people discerned His purpose a tri- - umpbal procession was spontaneous ly arranged. As by common con sent they thronged about Him and ; advanced as He did. Meanwhile Jesus assumed the position of roy- ? alty that He had declared in the previous years. Disciples sent on the errand returned with a colt of an ass and the Teacher was placed thereon. Here was a declaration of the Prince of Peace, quite in con trast with the desire of the people that He become their king in op posing the Roman authority. Garments caparisoned the ass. Other clothing was laid as a carpet for the beast to walk on. Branches of the palm trees were waved in tribute of praise as the people sang from Old Testament themes. They shouted "Hosanna" and chanted from the Hebrew Hallel, which was used always as they advanced to Jerusalem for the Passover season.' There was a minor phrase to the song when Jesus wept as He sud denly beheld the Holy City at a turn in the road. He had in mind the awful destruction of the cjty 37 years later. The Golden Text de clares "He is Lord of Lords and King of Kings," Revelation 17:14. NOTICE &#?j+b Carolina, Stekioli County. Under and by virtue of the nu.. fchorUv contained in a certain deed trust dated the 4th of June, 1920 from 'f. (5. Jlovle and wile, Nora Ilovlo to K. P. Stillwell, trustee for T. l'. Ulantou, duly recorded in the office cf the Register of Deeds for Jackson County, in Book 81, at pap:c 157, mVrence to which is hereby )iud, thereby securing the payment % Hdrd brakes ARE UNUSUALLY EFFECTIVE > J Reliability and safety due to simple design and careful construction ONE OF the first things you will notice when you drive the Ford is the quick, effective action of its four-wheel brakes. They are unusually safe and reliable because vfhey are mechanical, internal expanding, with all f.. braking surfaces fully enclosed. This prevents mud, water, sand, etc., from getting between the band and drum and interfering with brake action. Other outstanding features of the Ford are the Triplex shatter-proof glass windshield, four Hou daille double-acting hydraulic shock absorbers, aluminum pistons, torque-tube drive, more than twenty ball and roller bearings, Rustless Steel, reliability, economy, and long life. , You save when you buy the Ford and you save ?very mile you drive. T MIM T EE N BODY TYPES *43l0 to *630 (V. o. k Detroit, plus freight and delivery. Bum pert and tpmadre antra of low coal. You can purchase a Ford on col form* through the Authorised Ford Finance Flams, of the Universal Credit Company.) . *Lr .* of a noi?- of even duto therewith whi'-.i became due and payable on ,lhe 4th of June, 1921; and default having been made in the payment of said noto according to the tenor thereof, whereby the power of sale in said deed of trust became opera tivo and demand having been made for payment and payment refused and vequrst having been made upon the umi?.rsigned to execute the power of sale contained in ? said dee 1 of trust, and said default still existing: Nt AW THEREFORE, the under., signed trustee will on Saturday,( Miiv MM at 12 o'aloek noon at front dn??r dt the court house, uij the town of Sylva, .laekson eountv, North Carolina, offer for sale and sell, to the highest bidder for cash at public auction, the following dej scribed leal estate eovcred by said deed ol trust, to wit: FIRST TRACT: Beginning on1 the north west corner of ' mv. home lands or tract awf runs westwa.rdly course to II. R. Fisher's line, to a stake in hi* line; thence with Fish er\s lino to tlio top of the ,ri<lgc to Enstev V line; thence with Ensdey's line t<> Norman's line, thence with Norinan's line back to the old road, thence to the beginning. SECOND TRACT: Beginning at | a l-jciiJ-t |M??w the spring running up thr- Spring Branch including the I branch to top of hill, Abe Norman's line thence with Abe Norman's line to the publ:c road; thence with the meandtrings of the Public rond to a locust; thence a straight line to the beginning, containing 4 acres, more or less, and beiiifr the same two tracts of land embraced and de scribed in a deed from A. I. Keenci and wife, M. E. Keener, to Gold, man Hovle and wife, Nora Hovle, of oate dune 4, 1920. To satisfy said note and debt, principal, interests and costs. TI.U. the 28th dav of April, 1931. E. P. STTLTAVEIJi, 5 1 4t Trustee. ??????? Renew Your Health by Purification Any physician will tell you thai "Perfect Purification of the System is Nature's Foundation of Perfect Health." Why not rid yourself of chronic ailments that are undermin ing your vitality? Purify your en tire system by taking a thorough course of Calotabs,?once or twice a week for several weeks*?and see how Nature rewards you with health* * Calotabs purify the blood by acti vating the liver, kidneys, stomach and bowels. Trial package, 10 cts. Fami ly package, 35 cts. All dealers. (Adv.) Just Like An Oitrich 4 medical authority says that a person who tries to cover up rfrfn blemishes and pimples with toilet creams and powders is Just as foolish as an ostrich that buries its head In the sand to avoid danger. Skin erup tions are nature's warning that con stipation is throwing poisons into your blood stream and weakening your whole constitution. Remove the constipated condition and you will strengthen your system against disease ana dear up your disfigured skin. The best way to do this is with a course of Hetbine, the vegetable medicine that acts natur ally and easily, which you can get at SYLVA PHARMACY3 NO .JOB TOO SMALL ACID MANY people, two hours after eat ing, suffer indigestion as they call it. It is usually excess acid. Correct it with an alkali. The best way, the quick, harmless and efficient way, is Phillips Milk of Magnesia. It has remained for 50 years the standard with physicians. One spoonful in water neutralizes many times its volume in stomach acids, ana at once. The symptoms disappear in five minutes. You will never use crude method* when you know this better method. And you will never suffer from excess acid when you prove out this easy relief; Get cenuine- Phillips Milk of Mag nesia, the kind that physicians have prescribed for over 50 yeais in correcting excess acids. 25c and 50c a bottle?any drugstore. [ilk of Magnesia" has been the U. 5. Kegiste Charles H. Phillips Chemical Company, and its predecessor Charles H. Phillips lince 1875. ANY BABY W' 'E can never be sure just what makes an infant restless, but the remedy can always be the same. Good old Castoria 1 There's comfort in ever)' drop of this pure vegetable prep aration, and not the slightest harm in its frequent use. As often as Baby has a fretful spell, is feverish, or cries and can't sleep, let Castoria soothe and quiet him. Sometimes it's a touch of colic. Some times constipation. Or diarrhea ? a condition that should always be checked without delay Just keep Castoria handy and give it promptly. Relief will follow very promptly; if it doesn't you should call a physician. CASTORIA BAYER ASPIRIN is always SAFE BEWARE OF IMITATIONS UNLESS you see the name Bayer and the word genuine on the package aa pictured above you can never be sure that you are taking the genuine Bayer Aspirin that thousands of physicians prescribe in their daily practice. The name Bayer means geituini ? Aspirin. It is your guarantee of purity? fi yoi r protection against some imitatior. Millions of users have, proved it is safe Genuine Bayer Aspirin promptly relieves: Headaches Neuritis Colds Neuralgia Sore Throat , Lumbago Rheumatism TcxJffiache No harmful after-effects follow its It does not depress the heart. H m We want 50 bushels of Irish Potatoes per $1.00 per bushel, delivered at Sylva. C. W. Denning Lbr. C0 ^ . SYLVA, N. C. POULTRY PRICES Truck will run every Thursday p. m. Pfid ' PRICES NEXT WEEK Heavy llo^j .... , Light Hr?-wl lie 114 ... . . jgc Heavv Broilers .... n * ?'lc Ugrlit {trailers gg ' COX .... Ducks .... .... Turkcnt 7c 9c 15c SMOKY MT. MUTUAL EXCHANGi JACKSON COUNTY POULTRY ASSOCIATION A FEW SPECIALS White House Coffee, lb. can White House Coffee; 3 lb. can Maxwell House Coffee, 1 lb can Maxwell House Coffee, 3 lb. can Lord Calvert Coffee, 1 lb. can;... Sugar, per 100 lbs ?Sorghum, per gal 75c, foil (i&cortiiiitf lo ({ualsiy) Honey, 5 lb. bkt..... ... ...... Dried Apples, 2 lbs. ... Dried Peaches, 2 lbs .... Hart Fancy Crosby Corn No. 2 .... IS California Yellow Clin? Peaches, No. 21-2 ...: %i Apricots, No. 2 1-2 No. 2 Sweet Wrinkled Peas 15 Pure Apple Butter 2 12 lb. jar We have just the kind of flour tl will please you, hard and soft, plain an4| self rising. J. B. Enslev CANDY FOR MOTHER K*nu'mliorinp the deu.ar.'l ?" ii?u*T lX)\Cjl ejmclie.- on <???'? Day last year. rre L** mafio -special effort th"- '-r' to .surpass all previon? f'''-" ??by offeririp th< n.i'-' '?'* i'\t? paekapes of j-whIC*-| for Mother's Day jrivinp NunrifiJIv'.s and Arr-tyfc JH pi's Day Candies i'< "n<1' ' and five pound paekn?*5* Mother's Da) v ? May 10 Sylva Pharmacy assess

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