' I f *1.50 Year in Advance in The County. THE boksom cootty j??bnal, sylva, n. c.. mat it, mi JO Year in Advance Outside T&e County. } Highway 106 Will i Receive Attention .Mrs. E. L. Mcivce, senator from this d strict, who whs home for the week end, stated that she has been in conference with Air. \V. . Xeal, highway commissioner, and with Mr. i'- B. Jellross, chairman of the commission, and that sue has iissurcd Unit trghway 100 will bo given in mediate and careful eon . sulci*. Hot; trom the now commission. Mis. McKee is pleased with the personnel of the new commission, and spoke in highest terms both of Mr. .'class and Mr. Neal. She is hopeful that arrangements can be made t <?: surfacing the road to Cul lot\lice iit the immediate future, and for completing the grading from (iionviiie to Cashier's Valley. I nder the new law, district and county lines are ignored, and the lands at the disposal of the high, way 11 emission are allocated any., viiei "'i the State, where the com.. ia ?io'i deems the need to be great.. e-t. Mr. -i-mes (!. Slikoleather, retir.. i!i.: cm i.i-sioner for this district, > urges that lOli lie given pre lorence. In ail interview given out a i ? dry.- au'o, Mr. Stikeleather s:i d: 'i v .-li further to congratulate \\. \\. N'eal upon his appointment, ami :?? to Mr. Xeal I have nothing bill j-r:.: >?. He is a man of spien ili.I irt, of wide acquaintance, if' .mr honesty, and 1 have every r?.!????! io believe and know that I v.,I! ui\e the best that is in! inm t;> service on the highway com..! iri?inn. ' T.? those who are disappointed! that ;i commissioner was not ap.. I pointed from W ostein North t aro., j Jina proper, 1 beUeve that Mr. Neal *'U eiH*uwiltLii>uJu.ud . wid sce^t? it that the great | ects yet unfinished will bo com... i pleted at an early date. "To this end I cannot refrain; from calling at ton ton to four great, road projects that are without par. ; nlM in all North Carolina. They transcend mere local interest. "Ki'st, 1 should list the coniple.. j t on of Highway No. "28 from Frank l.ii to Kayesville. Hayes vii le is the only i...nty seat ill North Carolina t t'.iy that is without a paved high..j way. iitccntly Mr. Waldroup, high..j way engineer, Mr. Charles Koss, and 1. vvoie in Washington and secured, ??r!.from the forestry depart..! incut to be spent on tlrs highway. Number LIS is one of the two or, three most beautiful scenic highways in all o! the Appalachian mountains. "The second great project that I would iist is the completion of a hard surfaced road to Cullowhee. Here, is a great state institution. It | is at present served with a dirt road which I coonu?s impassable in win ter. Nowhere else in North Caro_ lina h there a great state institu tion | hat is not intersected with a network of hard surfaced highways. Surely Cullowhee deserves one. "Last but not least arc the great htihwiiVf- to be built into the Great Snniky Mountains 'National Park. T lie first of these is Highway No. W from Ela up the Ocona Lufta I'iver t,( Newfound (Jap. This road goes into the very heart of the park ?'ind i- now under construction. The other proat highway into the park is I lie east( rn entrance, and will go up Jonathan's Creek to Soco Gap. Tin ?re it will connect with the great network of highways that overlook the most beautiful portion of the liroat Smoky Mountains National l'ark. These entrances to the park ?'ire o i' national importance. And now tli.it county and district quotas have been laid as'de the roads are to be buiit i.pon merit out of a fund that ,s in no sense restricted. The great projects should naturally be started sind rushed to an early completion. ?Even under the district allocation those i rojects would all have been h't this vear and mshed as lruch as 1> > sible." DANCF AT COUNTRY CLUB Tlu* opening (lance at Sylva Coim try Cl'ih will be h?>!d on Thursday t' ii'v. week, Miiy 21. The (ipot^c ^umlcrbilt Hotel orchestra has been secured for the music. JUDGE MOORE'S FINE'WORK HERE Concord Daily Record. Judge Walter K. Moore made h's i'irst appearance in Cabarrus Super ior Court at the present session ami his work has been most commenda ble. The court tackled a criminal docket <d' more than lt>0 cases at the beginning of the week and when Sat urdav lujrht came all of the cases it was humanly pus.-.oble to try had been disposed of. Judge Moore ex. ere'set) fine judgment in handling of various complex questions present ed to him and the work of the court moved with dispatch under his di rection. CULLOWHEE NEWS | Culb?whee, \. C., May 11?'l he! Southeastern Junior College Press Assoc alion mot at Western Caro.. lina Teachers College May y ami !>.' It was tlu* second annual convention, the first being hold at liiltiuore Junior College last yoar. ,1. Nelson Jarrett ol Mars llill College and Kdith Downs of Wostorn Carolina Teacher* College, prosidont and sec... j re|ary respectively, presided. i in' president opened the session with a short talk on problems l'ar. ! ing tli.' eon vent "on after which he; introduced 11. 1Y Hunter, president' of (.'ullowhen who delivered the prin eipal address. The subject was: "The College Newspaper ? It's] Challenge to the College Youth." j The subject was well handle! by the speaker who dcvelopd it under four heads, lie declares that it is through ^ "tho ^linpus" n^'splTper'Ehat the pres ident ol the college learns to know the stuc.ent body better: that it is ' . I the -medium through iwh:ch the voice j )o( lit" student is hoard. -?IIe urged j editor* of the college papers to j speak out and lie l'rank about mat ters in which they are interested. Mr. Under stated that reporters are gatherers of news and not crea tors. "It is the duty ol' the differ ent 4-Jilnrs to see, hear, and report a thin.;; as it actually happens.4' j AU-1- luneli winch was served in the college dining hall, thirty one delegates! and faculty memliers took a motor trip to Whiteside mountain, i I*pon !. i riving they left the cars ?and hiked over the mountain until six o'clock at which line all gath ered back at the foot of the mouu... tain for a picnic supper. Following the meal an e.\temj>oraneous pro gram was given around the cam]) fire. A representative from each of the Visiting colleges as. well as mem hers of the faculty and the Yodel Staff icsponded to the topics as.. sigiK"! iheui. The party returned to Cnllovjiei at nine o'clock. I On the next morning Miss Mary 1 lojKi Wostbrook, college registrar, sjK>ke to the delegates and staff members of the home paper on:' "lie Interested in Things llap]>cn..> ing Around you.'* At the business session which Jol lowed the taik by M ss \\ osthri?>k and the general discussion, the, fol.. I lowing officers were elected: Mar.. J lion Justice of Mars llill College,j president; Henrietta Bain of West j ern Carolina Teachers College, vice-, president!; Henrietta Kcdfern of Wing.ite College, recording secretary j Ruby Smith of Western Carol na Teache/s College, corresponding sec retary; and Charles Lloyd of Bilt more Junior College, treasurer. The ?colleges receiving the loving cup*:, Mars Hill for the newspaper, "The Hilltop/', and Sue Bennett College, London, Ky., for the magazine, ' 'Submeco.'' The convention will go to Sue Bennett College next year. IMi ? Senior Class of Cullowhee ir^h School will present their nn. .; ,mv?.l play on May 1(?, 1 D.11. It is to hp a th'ee act cr^ye<iv. "A T.ittTo Clodhopper." It is full .of pep and x* it,' v/it!? an interesting plot .run nil!?* throughout the play. Tinly. the little clodhopper, fur_ ?? r.lies nipuy coorical ^eenes.. She a ir.isclrevous little pirl from the pLarhouso, who becomes heiress t?j SENATOR McKI SEES MacLEJK ACT VICTORY Mrs K. L McKee, scnattwr iron: this district, who spoilt the last \v(?k tmi i.i her home here, find j-o.. tinned ?o Iiu!c:gh Monday/morning, was \ i'i'\ optimistic concerting the liiiiil triumph oi the piin&ipjc of 1 lit! Act, which tiqpV bera receiving her enthusiastic lopport, during tin entire session of^pe (Jen crai -\Kseii.l?ly. Kepresei A. (*?>:; ot this county has one oi the heartiest suppn the M-tiool act, and lie hj wilii t'.-c .'w ;h-Lea n support el cry l.allot alTeotinj? the Act. Karly In the present se tiie jr^ieial assembly, t lie tsfctaeLean act >vi.:> passed'by botlfc;houses, pled.riie* the State to assume the re sp'?nsil)i!ity of the sijj?'months \ school terms, the funds $r their I support to lie ra:sed i'ronS sources other than ad valorem ta)|es- The, supporter:- of (he l?ill .clajU that it is just for. two reasons, fihc first beintr tlu.t it relieves that fanners am! siaail home owners ofTtjbe heavy hiiiilcn of taxation for stXools, and more nearly equalizes th# tax tru... out the State. It is p<finted out, hy Mrs. McKee, however,what the land -s not entirely reli-e^B, .^as the debi service for the schools will st(:! iall upon the ad valtftteiii taxes as \\i!i the additional ninths of schooling, in case the M4jeLc|i|R act '!:?!? has heen practically 'n dead 1 ck I<tveen the 1 loutfe and the Senat:-, over means of the' s.i'oo.s. One ])lan after anot?fi*:has been proposed. A general >sri(l6ft tax on s>l! r-oinmodities wa$ Seated.; The f'veseiit plan, alrea ' by i lie ltoiise, is ^o fax on selected caummHITio^ ITesign.. ed to ra se the nine million dollars yel hiek ng to finance the schools. The priiic. ]ile articles taxed are: A t \ of one per cent upon each five cents or 'fraction thereot is im posed upon the following articles: c.'^areiies, smoking tobacco, soft dr'i-ks, package nuts and chewing gum. ; A tmx of five cents upon each 50 cents or fraction thereto is im]x>sed| upon ;'<imi>sion to all forms of ! annseni^ent and upon each pack of playing cards. , ' A tax of one cent on each three. I a snnil foriuue. Mrs. C higgerson ... lloggs is a scheming woman, who| wishes dudy to marry -her son, J George, :? "delicate'* boy fioni the j city. 1 iiit Septimus Green, a young j book agent, interferes for Judy, and Cl'.;;mi'!an Carter, a movie ac tress, i.s certainly not willing to give George tip so soon. Aeey (Jump and Miss Juliet ta llean, (wo country lovers, will make the most sober and dignified hilar ious with laughter. The cast: , Septimus Green, Dorrell Mitchell. Aeey Gumps, Norton SuiTett. Georg' Chigs?erson, H'ehard Miller. Mrs. Ohijigersou Boggs, Kathleen Kulibright. Miss .lulietta Bean, Lucy ilenry. Cliar^niai! Carter, Klsie Mc(iuire. Judy, Geneva Henson. D rectoi, Mi's. Hall K. Cobb. ' Kver\ liodv is invited. Cullowhee, X. C., May .11?The Culiowliee High School commence., nieiit v.ill begin Saturday, May Hi, and continue through Tuesday night May Kith. The baccalaureate ser mon will be delivered Sunday, May 17th, by W. C. Heed, principal of Svlva High School and fcrinerly of Cullowhec High School. The liter., ary r<i<!ress will /he delivered on Tuesday (evening, May If), by H.T. Hmil-'v, pres:dent of Western Car olina Teachers College. A committee of students and fac ulty members was recently apjKiint pd by the president of Western Carolina Tone hers College to draw up a proposed constitution for nb: ? M"'!oi>t !?'? vrrivupu'f on the campu*. Plans of organization have been received from various, colleges in the I'jiitcld ^States. After the ennst'ti!M??? lias been framed, it must f.rst he submitted to the fac ulty and receive their approval be.. "f?le il is presented to the students. C. W. TILSON SAYS KEEP FARM AGENT Jacksou County Journal, Sylva, 2s. C\, Dear Jblilittn* Tompkins: i Will consider it a real favor if you will publish 111 this weeks Jour.. Inal the following letter 1 am writing lyou and the folks there in the couu 'ty. J Every week 1 read with lar more ? interest than 1 do any other paper i every column of the Jackson County papers. 1 cannot conceive of auy.J one iim' e neeply interested than I i am iii Jackson County and all, the' folks there. Their happy and unhap py expe? icnccs, their successes and . failures will always affect me trcj mendoitidy. The five years ol' faith. J ltd hani work Jackson County folks did working out their farming ami marketing problems while I was I there with them are responsible for my inteiest in them. Your Journal of last week bring ing tile news that the County Com.. \ inissioners were considering cutting! off th-* small appropriation now be i inj; made for a County Agent to lead ' and direct the farmers in develop ing their production and market for livestock and farm products was the oldestj most out of date news I ever expected to read in the Jackson County Journal. I thought at first it was in your column of events "40 years ago in Jackson County.' Must counties are rightfully do ing all they can now to effect econ omy in operating the county govern incut, schools, roads, etc. but I have ' not heard of a county that pretends to he half as stable or progressive; as Jackson county considering de nying its farmers a leader in solv ing thoir problems and calling it county economy. Never in a genera tion have farmers been confronted with more difficult problems in holding and developing dependable j markets for their products, so they i can make a living on the farm, ed ucate their children, and pay the taxes lo run the County and the State. Many cotton and tobacco i counties in North Carolina in worse j financial circumstances than Jack son h.ne two County Agents and ounces or fraction thereof on chew., in# tobacco ami snuff. A tax of one cent on all cigars re taii ng tor over three cents with the tax upon socalled "little cigars'' of from iwo dollars to four dollars per one thousand. . A tax of one cent 011 each 10 cents or fraction thereof on package can., j dy and malt extract. A tax of $4 per thousand upon all gan shells with a tax of $2 per thousand 011 cartridges,, above .22 calibre. k , A tax of from $5 to $<";> upon each new automobile. A tax upon documents as follows: Ten cents on each $100 on bonds or issued capital stock; four cents 011 each ? i 00 on transfers of capital sto'k and upon notes; $1 upon each $5(H> of deeds and so forth. .'The matter is now in conference with a joint committee of both houses, the House having instructed its conferees to stand pat against a land tax or an ad valorem tax for the schools, which is sought by the senate as a compromise. The major ity in the House is overwhelming, while the opposition majority in the Senate is so slim that on nw>st bal lots it has won by only one or two majority. Mr. CoX and Mrs. McKee have been tire1 ess in their efforts to secure the passage of the necessary lejjisla... tion'financing the six months schools frorr sowces other than ad velorem taxes. U is by this means, and this inlis sionc, that the people of the weaker counties may effect a cut in ihe burdensome land tax. Jt has been a battle royal, that has arous ed the entire State, sometimes drift ing into personalities and hard feelings. s* r. Mrs. McKee is of the opinion that the majority of the people, the vast majority are favorable to the chancre in the taxation system, and believes that it is a question of only a few days before the Senate and) the ITouso will get together on a means of financing the schools, and ad journ. Many Seek Reten tion of Farm Agent ERECTING LARGE WAREHOUSE 'Ilie builders' Supply and Lumber Company is erecting a huge ware.. Ilonie ;.t its plant, awl tlu* slnnture | wili he completed within the next t'e-v day*. According to Mr. -I. ('. Allison.' manager of the company, the build ing will be used as a storage ware J house foi lime, cement, plaster! ? I hoard, and line floorings, to protect j then, from the weather. FORTY YEARS AGO Tuckaticigo Democrat, .\iay J!], 1*>!H j Missi s (Jertrude Buchanan and' lieUc Leatherwood, brightened our] office with their presence Monday, j Among many bound for Cullowhee i we noticed Misses Selma Ca they,j Magg.e It a by, Prof. .1. H. House audi Mr and Mrs. W. I. .\Hlir. , Miss Pauline Moms, who has bceni visaing the family of her Jwother,. Mr. M. H. Morris at Addie for some time leturned home Momlav. Sixteen wagons delivered at the depot hue on the Sth inst., nearly 25'hH) pounds of Corundum from Dr. Lucas Macon county mines. Mr. Lee Hooi>er ol' Cullowhce, ac companied Mrs. Ohurn ami childre'ii, of St. Louis, Mo., at present board.. ,in{, with the family of Mr. llooper, to our town Mondav. Miss Jessie Chastain of Waynes., ville and Miss MattLe Bryson of Flor.da reached here yesterday en.. I route to Cullowhce, and for a brief time were the guests of Mrs. A. \\\ j Bryson Cjiarlie W ike v. cut home Sunday and hail the unexpected good for tune to be present at the marriage of his eousin, Miss Florence F. Cowan to Mr. l-.ee Wiice, "the-(('re mont occurring at the residence "?)f Mr. Jno. T. Wike and being per..-! formed by 'Squire Lambert Hooper. Attract* (I to Cullowhee by the Commencement exercises, R-ey. .1. A. Speight of the Asheyille Bqptist, called on us Tuesday in jessing". WeT arc pleased.to form a personal he..! quaintanee with the Iteverend g(*n'n tleroan and hope he n:a}- Be favored with a large list of subscribers ~flis one result of his visjt to. ojur c?untyl' Kighi with CJroundhog: 'As Jame;, Patterson was wal Icing * 'up the railroad track Sunday evettiirgj before last, he came u|M?n a jrroiHrd j ho? Ml ting upon the i*iid of a el*)'**1 tie not far above the kaolin factory*.'! Much to Mr. Patterson's"' surprise, i instead of running away the'ground* hog showed fight, growling* and* shoe ing his teeth. Not having "'any.? | thing to strike him with, Mr. Pat. 1 'tersor. loft the railroad to gather-* some rocks which he saw at little 'distance, and upon, turning' to *' {r"J (back he found the hog had 'follow, f j ed h;:n and was. disj>oscd to attack ! him. Mr. Patterson soon dispatched hijr. however, with rocks. three to five Vocational-,. Agrjeul . tural teachers at work helping J heir farmers in producing and market . ing their crops and livestock.. Lcajl ere in these counties realize ,tb?t I ? ? ' # *'!? ? t ' $ ; their farmers neetl .this leadeiyhip ! and most- have if;ft^h^are to in alee 1 j ji living and pay the taxes ty. run I | the-county. Theti what: lj."4 p.f j-.ci?n... ] jomy; .'could it Ue to -.d?ny>flr?;tu ruing | directly to Jackson- county . i'y njicr.s 1 j the nm.tll fraction of a cmjX <au thf-'V i taxes recessarj* te-'emjil/fy *yuj Jjgent to help the n to uiake a. Ifyigg froiyi j farming and selling fapn;.pEoductA,' j I have thought abriut'the Jfai.*nieis j (there receiving low for jj?ul). j try, e^gfc, Iambs, Wo'l, cii/ibaye, hut , ' terfat, catt'e ?ete., * wny f?ii$es(? jn " the past fifteen jiiottths,. hjit, .thejiv prices, have averaged as^ -good as those lece^verl anywheres: -,r.. 1 . !? And if it had notr-beei^ formic re, cent .aeyelopriV*nt? of,'-most of the>e' jcash c)ops and an est# Wish <*<1 meth" ? -. 4 r-"" >* i (Continued on rb&gfc jaage) . ' v 4 r. ?#?* ? . . Suwu? un?! hundred fanners and other citizens of the county met with liit* commissioners on .*Monday moi'n n?r, seek'lig to iip3 means wlii'ii'iiv the work of the county farm agent can be continued. .Ur. K. U'. Hunter of .Caney Fork township was "elcyted, as ch:urmaii of the meeting, and Mr. John 1{. Joiit's o! Sylva. as secretary. It v.ji.s explained to the comiuis. niulteiS that the citizens were not meeting with either the idea ol holding a b;y stick over the heads of the county authorities or ot them in their work; bul lhat lin- purpose was to get togetb . er autl seek a solution ol the prob. Icni confronting the county. 'i he t.omituss.oners' explained to the iiuteting t iial the county h<u> a deficit, cl approximately $40,000 in the yvntial tuiid, which has been accumulating from year to year, and that under the law a tax ot only I.h can he levied to care tor it, wheh would require at least three years i o liquidate the deficit, if the entii'f J.jc levy could he applied for that purpose. .Not only that; but the budget must, under the new law, he submitted to the local govern. ii:ent H-onimis^on? m Kal^igh, for its approval, and it will be impossi ble to yet such approval unless it is properly balanced. The coininis.. s.oners explained that, they are not anxiois to do away with the work of tlu? Jar in agent, which costs the county $1,200 a year; but that the county must reduce its expenses to the minimum in all lines. it whs agreed that, the commis . sioners would!-* retain the county agent, -provided?legislation can he secured that will allpw them so. The special act that is sougaff^' oi?c "t<? ? allow the commissioners of , the county to levy a separate tax to ea iv" lor the eaiyts ot' the coun.. ty.'ThcVe itu!mmj^er of murder eases eet ?. l or the - October term of the coint, and murder cases are ex.. pensive" to'the county* it was pointed out' tli;'-jury. alone, .fpr the February ji'rm l.avingv-cosj; more than $1,000. The commissio^vj-st.arc of the opin.. ion that i I*-they are. allowed to levy a tax tft* pay - the costs of courts, that they ctfff firtd-,thc means to re. tain the farm agent, otherwise they state t iu'ir ;)nability to do so. * A "petition .Ij^riryjf near 100 names of citizens* o? ljja pounty was wired to MrvCox .aryl. JVIrs. McKee, asking 'fhat J-tSio'.spefjaj act be passed this Week: - * ' BALSAM ? Miv mid AJrs.^L. O. Upson and fanniy .:of ..Flngjer Beach, i'la. have am ml. to tyke- .chaise of Balsam .Mountain -Spi'jiys Jlotel lor this season. . ,Mrfc,. ^pson ran the hotel latst ? stasop and we are glad to wel. cdme then , agaii). ?- Several- r.liwmlies have recently motored up i'rom I Jaytona Beach, Kl?f,'"iJcd-afc occupying their sun., nih lHriues.--ui Ballough ILills. rihij:*.!. WV^ujth bert son of Almond it>'A (i-i- WjtJi *h?!T father, Mr. I. B. Qne? n:' v?lo i&.Ax-ry ill. Ail'.' jrtiH -Airs. Manley I'arrih of Adfhe were here last week end to see Mr.* J." *B. -Queen. Mr," *R." lj> (*'ope and little girl of " jisl ev.ilb* fwere guests of rein tlveji bere'-laKt week. ../fly* Ml-th<5<Ji*t Sunday school olj MoThjfr's Day with an inter, estr'i.g pr?gnlfh, Sunday afternoon. Amoiiii the beautiful flowers that decorated the church was a lovelv bciijquct o'f carnations, lilies of the -vailey? poets'*" narcissus and tuliis $ant to .Mrs." Henderson Jones, by her^ rtauqTotVvy Mrs. Sallie Kate Bui lock ojT Fredfericksburg, Va. ? ? ?Yt "?"DATBS" OF SERVICES AN ' '** 'j * NOUNCED ' * IfefiMV*"?*.. Cook, pastor of Scott'-; CreeJf^Baptist church has announc. oH'thhr' th* dates of preaching ser vices "jHf be on the second and fpji'ffft.'Sfcwidays in each month, at lt^oVfcek in the morning* and afternoon*. '+**;_ ^ k\

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