' :i^-'^Advance in The Countv- THE -TA? e0UNTY J0DfeAL, sylva, N. c, matTi ' mi ^.OO YW in Advance Outride TPhet3ounty - forty years ago -I ,, nur Democrat, May 20, 189] \1 ; L. McKec of Whit tier wa> \ . . Thursday. \i I. .1. Mason of Dillsboro and .,-la l'otts n.ade us an appro. r! II Saturday. 1. i. BrvHon vent to Ashevillc |.,sl . ,-ilncsday to replenish the ?t,.!- . : ! tin' Alliance Exchange. y t liarlie Wike left on Month-,; l?r '? (in-vvs, where he will taki; i . >-i the telegraph oft'iee. \j, - i '.:1a Wike, of .Kast La Porte ?u,, 'i - Laura Hooper of Hamburg uvi, \ Mt:ii? friends here Friday. ,\| \ii.in ose Ale Fee, a venerable uwiiI.1from nuneombe county i> v i - i i i i ^ relatives hero and at M. .'-..'in Moore, late of Indian Tcnii" but now a student of the Cnllcv.-'iiv llisih seliiHi!. -.ailed v?n us vi'>tenia v. lien. I'ar.pton is moving back tc Svl\ . \V.> are sorry to hear lh.-tfc Mr.,. il;a:.;'"ii'.N health has not im_ JirnVeil. Mr. ;iinl Min. W i is in of Uh; KM.'e, .i.(l Mr>. ('. P. lirvson of tavi.red the Democrat with ;i (iK'Si'iuit visit, /ridu/. Jl ; !1. llaiiiji^tOii of Frank.. i III r;:l i.r .j'.yhi Mr. U', ii. T. Diltar.l, vi Scot is ' nek. \ ,i> here Mouda/ l.j m.'iki ;i" =? ? .us to s- ?'? ? ii * I 'l cl'at tu his son in distant Idaho. Mr. C A. Wallace, one ot' the regular and faithful s tudents of Cullo-vliee High School, returned \ in Sylva to his J?on*e at Quallato^n \ esterdav. ' ( Mv'i-rs. .1. K. Divelbiss, S. A. Davis Mid Alex Bauin came home Wediuxiav to visit friends here and to attend Cullowhec Commencement, returnn;; to Hi It more 011 Saturday. Baxter lloi.pcr of Tuckaseige, called ?>:> tin- Democrat Thursday to leave a .substantial token.of his ap|>ini;.i!its iluiilily welcome. Miss 1. hear about it. It is the am Im "ii of I'rof. Madison, in which he is nobly sustained .by a splendid' '?"inn unity, to reach a degree of ex ! ?filfiic-, which will entitle the Cul Kluli.,. High School to the claim of '"?iiii; 1 lie very best school in .West.. ?'i*ii North Carolina. In the opin on ??i many who attended the Com. iiii'iiH'iuent, that point is already ii ;t. hid, and the largely increased :?tt?'-:i-la?ic? at the next session will attist how geiM'ral is the belief. NEWS N01\3S FROM 0. J. HAR RI3 COMMUNITY HOSPITAL 'lii it ted Recently: -Irs. Marie Morris, Sylva. M-i. Fletcher Ball, Marshall. Mr;. Cecil Presslev, Glenville. Mis. Koxie Nichols, Andrews. Mrs. Fred Monteith, Bushnell. 'Mis. Laurie Wikcl, Barker's Creek, Mrs. W. C. Ayers, Brvson City. Mr, Ben Queen, Sylva. Master Claude Carson, Judson. Mr. .r. J. O'Kellev, Sylva. lhi' sn'narged recently: C< M rs. Pauline Calhoiin Bishop, Proctor. ? Miss Mary Wood, Wolf Mountain. Mrs. Mary Nations, Wilmot. Mr. mul Mrs.. Raymond Hendricks Columbia, S. C., are visiting their si*tor, Miss Cleo Hendricks of the hospital staff. AN Mi AL MEETING OP MIS SI ON ARY UNION AT BETA Mo< ting with Scoot's Creek church 1 at Leta, the -Woman's Missionary I ' lilO!, o I the Tuekti.M'ig^ l!:i]u.-t Association, will he held on Friday, May 29 Mrs. Edna R. Harris, of Raleigh, Secretary of the State Union, and Mrs. .1. Ray Morgan of Waynes. vi He, Superintendent of the Ashe., viile Division, will be among the speakers. The program, beginning at ten o'clock, has been arranged as fol lows: Hymn: Joy to the World. Watchword: That the world may l'tiow, John 17:23. 10:15: Devot ona!, Mrs. Mabel Davis 10 :30: Welcome, Mrs. G. C. Snyder. 10:40: Response, Mrs. Etta Morton. 10:50: Roll cull of Churches. 11:00 Report of Officers. 11:30: Dome Mission Needs, Mrs. .J. R. ^Morgan. 11:45:Foreign Mission Nee to be o.ir again toon. Carl ?>? alwa; s present for Sunday school a:id last Sunday we missed hint so much thu: every one thtre spoke of Carl's absence and how he was missed. Mr. Ci.rl Higdou and Troy Lan ning of Glenville spent last week end with friends here. Sir. Raymond Price who is work ing away spent the week end with homo 'lolks. Sunday. May 10, 1931, Mrs. Aiora Barro.i celebrated her 71 anniver sary and the fact that it fell on Mother's Day made it a very happy day for the entire Barron family. There were five of her children present, 16 grandchildren and five great grand children, also her only living sister, Mrs. Sarah- Sutton, al so a few near relatives and friends. They assembled at the old home for a joyful dinner and after greet ings and best wishes iwere exchang ed, they all came to grandmother's church, the Wesleyanna Methodist ehurch, where a beautiful program .was rendered in celebration-of Moth er's Day, followed by a well ^deliver ed and a beautiful sentimental ser | mon given by the pastor of the Bap I tist church here, Rev. Jonathan | Brown. The entire day is one that "Aunt A lora," as she is affectionately known .will not forget. But may she pass many more mile stones and may each find her in as radiant health and joyful mood as her 71 anniver sary did. QUALLA We regret to learn of the death of Min. J. H. Cathey of Sylva. Tn her girlhood days she attended school and also taught school at Qualla. She was very studious and unusually talented, so much so that i her example was an inspiration to her class mates. Tier, cheerful, a "re able disposition made an impression on her associates never to be for. (gotten. She was also a successful feacher. She was married at Qirallo and made this her home for several vears. Rev. R. L. Bass preached fi. very 93 SATURDAY ESQ! IKE IN'LA.VI) A. PAINTER Esquire Roland A. I*jiint<*r will eelebuate his 93rd birthday at his hon:e en Main street in Sylvir,- Sat urday. Mr. Pa nter, who is one ojf the few veterans of the Confederacy now living in Jackson county, serv ed throughout the four years of the War Between the States, iit-ythk North Carolina Infantry. M?-i Painter was born and has Jived throughout his 93 years, within 12, miles of the s|>ot where he notr re., sides; but has lived in three coun.. ties, first Buncombe, then llaywood and h'ter Jackson. ? . I:, ?e-4 practical sermon Sunday afternooft. from the text "And they all ^witb one consent began to make se.f W'e noticed an increase in c^3|eh tendance Sunday, the first iwarqi weather of the season. 'A Mr. and Mrs. Sewell IT. pps1 ton and Mrs. Don ('ogdill ofjiAddife called !.t Mr. J. E. Baltic's. :v k Mr. Wayne Ferguson u.ade^gf tripi to Waynesville. "* Mrs. Fred McLean and Mrs. Frank McLean of Wbitlw " * "J Miss Hester Owen visited Mej. JohpoA^ . "" Born to Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Owen, a daughter. Mr. and Mrs. H. < 1. Ferguson called on Mrs. A. C. Iloyle. Miss Mary Battle visited Mrs. D. C. Hughes. Mrs. Mary Martin called on Mrs. Selma Cat hey. Mi'silames A. M. (i'bson and Roy Gibson visited Mi's. J. II. Hughes. Mr. and Mrs. I). M. Sliuler visited Mrs. M. L. Blanton who has been seriousiy ill but is slightly improv ed at tliis writing. Mrs. L. L. Shaver who spent a while at Angel hosp'tal has return ed home. She has not improved at this writing. . Mrs. W. II. Iloyle who has been sick i\>r several days is improving. Misses F't'lvn Kinslaud and Ed na TTovle called on Miss Clauda Ho vie. MRS. MAGGIE OALER CATHEY PASSES Mrs. Maggie Caler Catkey, w i (lb w ol tip- lato .lames II. Catliey, died Sat md ay night at her home, follow. ing-au illness ci' several weeks du ration. The funeral service was con ducted .Monday morning at the Meth odist church in Sylva, lie v. Geo. B. Clenuuer, pastor of the church, and Rev. .1. .J. Gray of Black Mountain, an old friend ol' the fan.ily, ol... ficating. Interment was in the Keener cemetery. Mrs. Cathey is survived by four of her children, Ben H. Cathey of Canton and - Asheville, Mi's. J. L. Dillard and If. P. Cathey of SyKa, ami Mrs. Locke C. Miller of Cleve] land, Ohio. Surviving also are seven1 grand'iiildren, and three sisters, i Mrs. Toxic Ramsey of Kingsport, Tenn, Mrs. Li|l:e Knvin of Chatta* noo!?i, Tenn., and Mrs. I>. C. Wilson ? of Gancsville, Ga. Mrs. Cathev was horn in Macon ? county in 18G3. In 1887 her parents j moved to Quallatown in", this coun ty, and in that community she was married to .lames If. Cathey. To the union was born, seven children, I Inez, .lames .lr., and .lulian Carr, who preceded her to the grave, and >the four already irent'oncd. Seven years of her life were de_ J voted to the profession of teaching, in th>' public schools. She V'as a | woman of strong character and sup | erii.r intellectual atlaimnents. In 1 !#01 she moved with her lms.. haml Mid family to Sylva, where' she has resided continually until j her passing. She was: active ill the work of the, Unit'd Daughters of the Confeder ? acy and in that of the missionary j soci'.-ty of her church... She had a j lar^e circle c.f friends in this and the ad.i?-ining counties, who join with rer fa in 'l v, in bereavement. JHOOL IN.. AT SPEEDWELL Church on Saturday, May 2.1rd. This meeting v ill last s?l! day and those who j'Ucnd are expected to bring lunch with them and spread it to gether at the dinner hour. We are very fortunate in having as our s|?eakers on this occasion Miss Lucy Foreman from the Gen eral cilice at Nashville and Ue\. W. A. Kale from the Conference of ficc at Greensboro. The program for the day is as follows: 10:00 a. in. Devotional. 10::10 i?. ro. Talk, "What is R.iglu With (lie Church." 11:00 a. m. Round Table DiseUs. sion. 12:30 a. ?>? Lunch. 2:00 p. in. Round Table Discussion (continued.) Everybody is cordially invited to attend this Institute, to lunch and spend the day. ?, DEED FOR FIBRE LAND RECORDED Brysiin City Times, May 15. 51,J)7.'J acn s 'oi laud, a large l><>r tion of which ''s covered with virgin hardwood and spruce forests, was tra listened to'the Xhith * Carolina Park Commission Wednesday by the Champion Fibre Compan. A deed covering the entire boundary in Swain County was placed on record by Hon. Zebulon Weaver wlm stated that ihe same action hail been taken: in Haywood County where the j amount oi land transferred by the Champim Company was much less.! The land located in this county I ami v.hjcli was bought from the! Chair)lion Fibre Company is eoverco j 'with ilic finest forests tft be found in the 1'ark area. The largest bound ary <#i' virgin tiltiber left is on Deep Creek and in spite of the fact that a portion of the Champ on property on Lufty has been cut over many acres covered with virgin forests are left. Congressman Weaver stated Wed nesday that a decision would soon be reached regarding the worth of the huiiJs owned by the Sunerest Lumber Company, and that tl|e Park Commission expected to buy all remaining small tracts within the next thirty or gixtv days. It is also believed that the price set by tl* jury on the Sunerest lands will gov em the amount to be paid for the lands owned by the Jlavensford Lumbc* Company. Verne Rhodes executive secretary of the North Carolina Park Commission stated this weel? that he expected to com., plete She task of purchasing all proj? crty in North Carolina by the first of October. BALTIMORE WOOL MARKET Baltimore, Md. May 18, 1931 "Receipts continue light, but no particular life-to the general situa tion, market ruling- easy at values quoted, it being reported ..-that 59 jp)1! ' i if ?ffi e'** I $3"' vfool ~~* er?p" ts still in the hands of dealers and I would' not advise holding your wool, i Wo-d, new, unwashed, choice light! per' pound, ltic.?Baltimore Drovers and Trade Journal. WILL TRESENT FREE PICTURE A tree moving picture, to which the public of Jackson county.is most cordially invited, wjll be presented tomorrow, Friday, evening at the graded school auditorium in Sylva, by the North Carol na Department of Conservation and Development, arcording t?? announcement made by Mr. S. C'. Cogdill, fire warden for Jackson .County. The picture is said to be a most interesting and instructive one and of great educational valiie. Our Poll cal Veterinaries Disagree? By Albert T. Reid She's Got the ? Ye* dead Wong. She's dcwu YovVe aiAzr. I thimk. it is WAR debt It's the Shermam with tariff she's filled overproduce* COIIC. VE LAW ?PiZooTiC.f PIP. tmat'S With Foreign FEVER With GOTTA REDUCE THAT'S PLAIN. ( 60THERALL # DUMPlkjG THAT SWELLING \ STOPPEP UP SCAFUJO?!?/ TEKWjIClfS; Izf rL.\ mz. SMASH VICTIM^" REt^VtttlNG ; ? ??? y ?' Gilbert Moss, of Erastus and How niil Calhoun of *Gastoma, are reeov ering at the Harris Community Hon pital, trorn injuries received in au automobile accident, Monday niphf, near Cullowhee when the Ford road ster iij v.hich they, Elbert Moss and. Ferber Moss were riding collided with *t truck said to have been driv en by Dnnicl Franks of Glenville. The three Mosses were going to their home at Erastus, and picked up Calhoun, who was a hitch-hiker and a stranger to them, it is stated. After the smash all foul" men were brought to the hospital in Sylvn and their wounds treated. Elbert Moss find Ferber Moss were dis., charged the same evening, while g?< "L forever on the question-of prohibi.. A'% tion, however grave.and ?ar rcsfebMtg ? that qtivstion may be.4': < ? ! 1 ?e defied the suggestion ol' I he: * Chairman of tho. Democratic Nation"? vl' al Committee to its - members> "to - consider the advisability of a chan^e in the .present unsatisfactory ?cbndl !" ' * tions of prohibition^' stating that-^t '"** "provided 'for .a ? retention 'of the- ?*' Eighteenth. Amendment,- bat -recoui. '* "* mended an additional amendment * ~ under which, if. adopted, each State may determine by a vote'of ail'Of its citizens whether it. should b* ' bound?^y. the JeMer of, the *Eigh~ teenth Amendment." He said that there could be no change whatever in the prohibktoh lUrvvs until or unlett two thirds' of em U Congress should r^on.mend it and the conventions in three fourths i.\ nijl lion of its people walking ffie streets . looking for work,, all other issues ? are dwarfed. . . ! Out* platform must -v< meet every question that is plaguing , <. the people," all" of which, he s^i'd, . it has been the Republican policy . .,., to sidestep. TO HOLD WOOL SALE 4 - .The .Jackson County Mutual Ex.. change will hold da wool po?j on June .'.rd, 1931 at Sylva. The United, - .... Wool Grou'ers' Association will ad.. yanee 15c ptY' pound on unwash'd t , wool' l ite- lTOrn burrs "at car, door... ?? The Liiited Wool Growers have sold three fourths of the last year"|?ool at a jaii price and as'stmn'*as the * remainder is sold thjf^fanners"' mJy expect an additional eAcck on the last <-r?,p. provided "the market dive?, not "decline from" present i?riee. This years pool will be -handled' iindt-V _ same conditions as-hist- year and "is* being handled by th<;: JarckSOn' Cou/i tv Motnftl Kxicha