THiTP INSTALMENT ? ? .rs hire Kowena to recom K.v j nation-wide tour heir pj: y 1 ' ' stunt. the Hobby is engaged to act ,i Hobby becomes tearful ' . ? ,,,,in her sweetheart and j! : taking her place in the p..v."' V tan vide with Peter and j . to about Carter. Rowena hjvf k' >(..,t to divide the expense gC- as soon as it arrives. ik< t r j . .rr by eating too ccon U<' i' in'. 5ns:' i IV ' Ci1'1':* said it "J t- amazement Rowena i :,I bit her lip in some i'ost surprising of all, \| ready Peter found . Rowena had noth r i' il ??' i i''"; l!:K !' I ni'f ln-v v\ r.iiiwc ' h !?" l.l'T III ' ar.!?!, ??( ?!(. f i ? * ? J'm ti r K ^ \ ? '<? had plenty to say at when Peter prepared ? V'"i, -jure of the Rackruff ; her at the wheel, !>oth iv under a fine mist of When it came to do I'eter was unbearable. ? could not have hecn dictatorial. He told lp.'? n.?r. how to sit, how to lie told her how to -,which way to turn ? where to fluff her hair draw it back. !protested Rowena ? don't do my profile. way. My face is ,1. , ? : ? ide vie w." ?dii iii ?'i il in for y?u" said t.illly. "It shows up | t II ? 'jtttcr in ?'1 , , ,r. the car. muttered i; viiii vv --' "It's all you think It'* '1 !>''d to advertise," said f'rtiT cheer:u'.lv Wen lie ha-! finished the picture Iit.wi-r:i wr-te :i'brief adjectivorous ..?rv Ul with it. and both were V; i { KiickrntT headquarters for 'immediate ri 1 -use. In addition to ?ih, m-'-.r -buy she wrote a short skit every day i|,r wse in the news ? "i' .i'-Ht rent cities as thev ii .s ed ihrom-.h. . ?\t UacUnitT "hcadiiitnriers in I ni ieceive?l u.eir nrst maili -in-. There was t-rte fat let r K' u * ?:."l.'re^eil in a hip t rnvr- :,'* -\n?l there ? f ? I' -iiT from the company fi'i t!ie ti>tir" and a r '!.! .' IJ.nvi:ig week's ex-. ('.a' l'?.] by was thrilled with a_ huf;e pn k .^c or telegrams, twenty in all, aid every one from Carter. It seemed that every one of Carter's finer feelings was highly outraged, for each ot the twenty telegrams ended with a stern command for her to come home at once. Even in his wildest nightmares, he said in the telegrams, he ha I n. ver conceived of a horror equal to that of seeing her much-loved features on public posters and monstrous H!' boards on every conspicuous conn ? in town, advertising a cheap m roadster. Hobby's first intention was to ig nore each and every one of these telegraphic outbursts, but by mid afternoon she had relented so far as to send him a five-cent post-card pic ture of Lake Michigan. At supper time she sent a telegram saying they had arrived safely and were leaving early the next morning; and then kept Rowena r.tvake until three o'clock in the morning with the scratch of her pen as she wrote him a detailed account of everything that had hap pened so far. After Rowena had read her single lat letter and smiled over it, and frowned over it, she went to her pocketbook and counted her money, down even to nickel# and dimes. Then she called Peter's room on the telephone and asked if he would please give her her share of next week's expense money right away. "Of course," replied Peter. "If you need more I can let you have it. ?Don't ever run short of money, Rowena, we can always squeeze out a little extra some way." "Thanks a lot, Peter," said Row ena gratefully. "I think I can man age after this. But you're sweet to make the offer." l"-\ en Rowena was amazed at the number of things about which Peter had his own ideas, all bad ones. The roads provided an unfailing source of dimension. Their route was clear and definite. From Chicago they were to eo south to St. Louis, from St buils to Kansas City, from Kan sas City to Denver. Nothing could 1* plainer. Between these cities stretched a broad highway, heavily traveled, expensively paved. The car was supplied with the best of motor maps, and the roads were clearly marked at every turning. Rowena -?sit'mg in the snug shade of the stout ?!" brella she had bought, was C'-aif.i,tidily satisfied to travel swift ly- steadily along the mairi highways frorr , 'lie objective point to another. I'iit Peter was all for short-cuts f.iT'Ms country, and for all his decep '!-e - r of extreme amiability, was str ni.dv entrenched in his personal jir ires At every town?al t'i not. as Rowena disagreeably ,? every telegraph pole?^he "ud- hopeful inquiries for short-cuts 0TICE of sale of land UNDER, DEED OF TRUST ^&<ler ami hy virtue of the power autluuuy contained in a cer 10 d<V'i of trust from Claude ;Ca'l to IVlix E. Alley, trustee, r &llv li;ivis, Commissioner of ? Uaviil Rogers estate, which deed tru^t was executed Deoember 28, A ami duly recorded in Book 102 ^ }'&, Ol 1 )c(?ils of Jackson Coun '? ^wth Carolina, to which ref is kereby h*^- thereby Be I?for side-roads?for country lanes I away from the traveled ? thorough-' 1 fares. ^ Bobby, as became a professional: chaperon, was non-committally neu-j tral. But so far from appreciating, her disinterested amiability, it seemed! more irritating to the others ? than the outspoken opposition they met in each other. And often they turned upon her sharply as if she were to blame for the entire argument. It was in an exquisite wooded dell in southern Illinois that R?wena had her revenge. They had stopped at a quaint roadside log cabin for lunch eon, and Peter, gazing pensively through a wide-open window, de cided to do a picture on that very m dressing-room, all dimpling smiles in the pleasant prospect of posing. "Peter is terribly tired and cross to-day. poor dear," said Rowena smoothly-, "Try to cheer him up, won't you, darling? He's very blue Tell him about Carter." "I will."- said Bobby sweetly. "I'll tell him about the time he proposed to me. It waS terribly thrilling. We were out in a canoe " "Peter's waiting," interrupted Row ena quickly. "Yes, tell him about that. Poor dear! He'll be so inter ested." A little later, her portable type writer in her hand, she passed that way to seek a secluded spot in the wocds for her own work. Bobby, ''jwmsm i w/ Peter was unbearable when drawing p'ctures. spot. Rowena had spent the morn ing in the rumble seat iriditing swift notes on mid-western motoring and was anxious to transcribe them to the typewriter before her memoranda froze on her. So she asked Peter, very politely, if he wouJd please do the picture ?f the roadster and the wooded dell first, while she was put ting her notes into permanent form, and then paint her in behind the wheel later on in the afternoon when the rest of the picture was done. Teter was perfectly willing, even . - -r -- -? tl.f f Al* O ?? LL __ ? -jL /I '> I thus to allow time for her work as ; well as his, but he said a picture I never turned out as well when a I lady, or a house, or even a dog, was j added to a finished product. Said I it always stuck out like a sore thumb I and ne^ looked just right, j Howe? put up a good argument? , Kowena always put up a good argu I mcnt ? Rowena lost her temper ? ' she usually lost her temper?and the jtulicious log cabin waffles and honey ; '..i-rc ;Ruined. U hen, very sulkily, but prepared to se, she llounced down where Peteri ?-?I parked the car beside a shadowy i'uul and was setting up his easel, he said he thought better of it and would not use her in that picture said Bobby was willing to substitute and the change would be a good j tiling all round. Peter was quite pleasant about it, really thought he was doing her a fa\f>r, but Rowena, from being merely sulky, was sud denly furious. She said-she had been hired for no other purpose than to serve as a dumb model for his art and that she would jeopardize her contract by accepting this substitute. But Peter insisted that Messrs. Rack and Ruff had left everything about the pictures to his own exclusive judgment, and this was his judgment. "Bobby is putting on her little red sports suit," he said, "and the cos tume will show up nicely in this green dell." "I know Bobby's clothes are much better than mine," said Rowena stiffly. "I know my things are very shabby and threadbare, but it seems scarcely necessary to throw it up to me." "That is very unfair of you, Row ena," said Peter gravely. "You are very beautiful in everything you put on, and you know it. I couldn't speak unfavorably of your appear ance if I wanted to." Rowena, without another word, plumped herself down behind the wheel with a set chin, a stern glint in green eyes, and a death grip of her slim hands on the wheel. Peter walked slowly up to her and looked her steadily in the face. "Then if you will have the truth, Rowena," he said gently, "I would see you hanged before I would try to paint you in this lovely spot. I am so disgusted with the way you act sometimes that I would probably paint you with horns and a tail, which, betyveen you and me, I often suspect you have concealed about vou. If I painted you the way you look to me right now they'd never sell an other Rackruff short of Gehenna." Rowena's lovely red lips parted, then closed with a sudden click. Her eyes grew so wide, and turned so deep a hazel that Peter marveled he had ever thought them green. She got out of the car and went up to the log cabin where she met Bobby coming out of the ladies' ctlring the payment of two certain' notes and default having been made in the payment of said notes ac- , cording to the tenor thereof and the ; same being long past due and un- J i paid and demand having been made j upon the undersigned to execute the power of sale contained in said deed of trust and by default and demand the power of sale having become operative: NOW, THEREEpRE, the under signed trustee will on Monday, July dim] i!ng and delighted, sat low be hind the wheel. Peter, looking just a 1 it grini. moved restlessly from -in; foot to the other before his cin< Rowena's eyes slewed cloudy flat...? in blue when she went by. "And he forgot we were in a ean-,e way out in the mit'dle of i deep river. ?Ie dropped the pinldle rver board and bounded down on the cushions beside me. 'Darling/ he sail, 'you do love me, don't you?' And splash! Over we w:-nt, rnnc* cushions, luncheon am' all!* But i ?hiti*T 1:1. ' :ii? ?: (river didn't bother Carter. He went r7ghi on kissing me and said over and , over, 'Darling, you do love me?you I do love me,' and it wasn't until 1 (promised to marry him that he swam i off after the canoe and " "The poor fishes lived happy for ever after," said Rowena softly. There were five telegrams for Bobby in St. Louis and, curiously I enough, five for Peter also Rowena, I he noticed, had another fat letter ad I dressed in the boyish scrawl, and I watching with some curiosity as she read it, he saw that while her brows frowned over it ever so slightly, her eyes smiled to their softest hazel. Immediately she finished reading, she counted the bills in her purse and asked the wa^to the telegraph office. "Oh, listen to this!" chortled Bobby ecstatically. "Darlings, he's wild! He'll never forgive me, never. He threatens to send the police after me unless I come right straight home. He calls me a little devil in plain English by Western Union." "Oh, Bobby," begged Rowena, "please spare us until we get a little of the well-known fine, black, sandy loam of the Middle West out of our ears." When they stepped into the ele vator, Bobby stumbling blindly as she continued to devour the passionate phrases with her avidly shining eyes, Peter motioned Rowena back. "I want to speak to you just a minute?about business?if you'll ex cuse us, Bobby." Rowena turned back at once and he handed her the five telegrams without a word. They were all from Messrs! Rack and Ruff, saying Rack ruff Motors, Inc., was in a state of persistent persecution at the hands of a red-haired chemical engineer who had threatened to sue the company, to burn down the factory, and to beat up every member of the firm. "What the deuce do you suppose it's all about?" wondered Peter. "Oh, it must be Carter," said Row ena brightly. "He's mad at Bobby." So they went up to have it out with her at once. They told her she must quit tormenting him, and write him all the details of their trip, how she came to be a member of the party in the first place, and to send him a copy of their complete itinerary. Es pecially she must call him peremp torily off Messrs. Rack and Ruff, who were likely to become annoyed at such persecution and cancel the trip. Bobby finally agreed not to tantal ize him further and promised to write him a complete account of the adventure. Continued. Next We 3k 27, 1931, at 12 o'clock noon at the front door of the courthouse in the town of Sylva, Jackson County, North Carolina, offer for sale and sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash, the following de scribed land3 covered by said deed of trnst. : I Being Lots Numbers 59 and 60 of the subdivision of the Jands of David Rogers, deceased, as shown jon a map made by S. M. Parker. I in October, 1925, which map i$ (duly recorded in the office of the (Register of Deeds of Jackson Coun ' ty, North Carolina, in Map Book 1, at page 58. To satisfy said indebtedness, principal interest and costs. Thia the 25th day of June, 1931. Felix E. Allev, Trustee. ... 6,26-7,16 grf NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE I ^ ? By virtue oi" the power and auth I ority conferred on the undersigned j Commissioner Jif the court, duly ap ! pointed in the Special Proceedings entitled in the matter of O. B. Cow ard, Administrator of the estate of '"David Rogers, deceased, and O. B. j; ; Coward, individuallv, vs W. W. / ; Brown et ais., I will on Saturday, ? J July 11, 1931, at 12:00 noon, at the j ? ' front door of the court house in the i i i town of Sylva, Jackson County, offer j{ I for sale and sell to the highest hid- j ; der for cash, at public sale the fol lowing described real estate: Being lower farm tract number one of the subdivision of the lands of David Rogers, deceased, containing 19J7 acres. The lowest bid considered on said property will be $924.2.r> as thi. amount has been offered to the un ! dersiirned Commissioner ii> eoor] ' faith as a b:d on said tract of land. R. C. Hunter, Commissioner. ! 6,25-716grf NOTICE or SALE OF LAND UNDER DEED OF TRUST Under and by virluc oi' the p.nver aim uutiioiity contained in a i or- : lam deed ,ot uust i laiutf; .vlcCall to Felix jj. Alley, trustee, for iiilly Davis, Commissioner 01 the David Rogers estate, which deed ! of trust was executed December 28,! 1925, and duly recorded in Book lOli page 157, of Uceds oi' Jackson Coun ty, Xorth Carolina, to which ref erence is hereby had, thereby se ! curing the payment of two certain | notes and default having been made 1111 che payment oi' kaid notes ac 1 cording to the tenor thereof and the same being long past due and un paid and demand having been made upon the undersigned to execute the power of sale contained in said deed of trust and by default and demand the power of 'sale having become operative: NOW, THEREFORE, the under signed trustee will on Monday, July 27, 1931, at 12 o'clock noon at the front door of the courthouse in the town of Sylva, Jackson County, North Carolina, offer for sale and sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash, the following de scribed lands covered by said deed of trust. Being Lots Numbers 57 and 58 of the subdivision of the lands of David Rogers, deceased, as shown Ion a map made by S. M. t Parker in October, 1925, which map is | duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Jackson Coun ty, North Carolina, in Map Book 1, at page 58. To satisfy said indebtedness, principal interest and costs. This the 25th day of June, 1931. Felix E. Alley, Trustee. 0,26-7,16 grf NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND UNDER DEED OF TRUST Under and by virtue oi the power and authority contained in a cci tain deed oi trust iroui Clause AicCall to l-elix E. Alley, trustee, for Lilly Davis, Commissioner oi the David Kogei's estate, which deed of trust was executed December 28, j925, and duly recorded in Book 102 page 146, of Deeus of Jackson Coun ty, North Carolina, to winch ref erence is hereby had, thereby se curing the payment of two certain notes anil default having been made in the payment of said notes ac cording to the tenor thereof and the same being long past due and un paid and demand having been made upon the undersigned to execute the power of sale contained in said } deed of trust and by default and demand the power of sale iiaviug become operative: NOW, THEREFORE, the under signed trustee will on Monday, July 27, 1931, at 12 o'clock noon at the front door of the courthouse in the town of Sylva, Jackson County, North Carolina, offer for sale and sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash, the following de scribed lands covered by said deed of trust. Being Lots Numbers 55 and 56 of the subdivision of the lands of David Rogers, deceased, as shown on a map made by S. M. Parker in October, 1925, which map is duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Jackson Coun ty, North Carolina, in Map Book 11, at page 58. To satisfy said indebtedness, | principal interest and costs. This the 25th day of June, 1931. Felix E. Alley, Trustee. 6,26-7,18 grf _ /J How do You Treat Yours? ? Many a man who has his automobile overhauled every month or so will allow his watch to run for years without having it inspected, and then sometimes wonders why he has to continually set it, so that it shows nearly the correct time. Doubtless the watch is capable of keeping good time, but it needs doctoring. Why not be fair to your watch, as you are to your car? It works constantly for you?each delicate part performing an exact func tion. And it is subject to wear and derangement just as the ma chinery of your car is. We are prepared to render prompt and efficient repair service. Raymond Glenn Jeweler & > * $ i: I All He Wants! DURING SUMMER MONTHS SjS < MILK . . . 11iero is no better food . . . | there is 110 purer food for babies, children | ... and grown-ups too ... during the sum | mer months ... or the whole year thru. Give j baby all the milk he wants dining the hot L' weather . . . ice-cooled, satisfying milk | which contains essential food qualities. Our jf milk is rich, creamy and pure. We deliver r< daily to your home. Our price is no higher. i Phone 1809. . Brown's Dairy i . ") ? ? SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM SPECIAL EXCURSIONS FRIDAY, JULY 17th, 1931 Cincinnati and Louisville Rates from Asheville to Cincinnati $15.00 Louisville 14.00 LIMIT: 15 davs ? ASK TICKET AGENTS J. H. WOOD Division Passenger Agent Asheville, N. C. FOR THAT WEEK END TRIP 7' ^ Round Trip Tickets FARE and ONE FIFTH On Sale: Friday, Saturday and Sunday Morning Return Limit: Tuesday Midnight EXAMPLE: One wav fare Asheville to i/ Washington $17.11; Week end round trip fare, $20.55. Take a Train Ride and Visit Your Friends "SAFER THAX STAYING AT IIOMR" Ask The Ticket Agent SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM

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