I \|,?. J. lv. and Miss \li "III" ' 1?HU. |5l'-vs,>n Clt>'? wero J31- Satlif .1- Long, Saturday Lit1"* -M1 litfoi^11, ______ !_? | i \\ eilei and children, of aro s,u'sts o? Mi" I:* iv,.!1.1 '- li,tll(,r> Mr' C- M (? Mr. and .Mrs. Koseoe Ram r |\. -ritlv 12, a soon, who ? 7^ ii'i l ? named Francis Caler. i \i., (!. Hoone and \ll . \l . >!, (>hii), and Mr. and j)allj(.| l', ie and fartiily of (iii.. ;l"' relatives in ^ tXV? WCekS' ? \ II M. Hooper has returned ' vi"i> i" ^,s- W??P" aI furkaseigee. L ,Mi| \|r .1 unit* Hooper and f' I ! r. II.M.p:-r have returned I runt Winston-Salem, ,,v ihi'V "haw- ,,,vn visitinj? rehi \ V.'Wj-IiI'Uiii, -lr., of (iohls f tli" week-etui here with WV< S|M 1 rinl>? ||r, John Ilii-iiiisr-i is visiting rel ..'i? Minplty.- this week. ii IV. 'i. Mii-lihiiru was here,this In.in Hiy-<'ii t itv. ?- I |(, mi.l Mi-, h'irliard Potts, of Lint...., in'1' HH-tMlinsr si fortnight ^ V. with relative- :oul Irieiuls. Jrv Lwy Kito'tv, of Char ,.t is spi'iul ni; -"!">? ,'11U' ,1('r0 wit'1 italtu-i. Mr. (M- NV,',k mill ll.n'"M ymvii. children' Jf/r. ;iful Mr- t'. <> of Hed l| h'nrr, Kv. i?li" liave heen spend nvii ivcrl.s v. ith their grandpa Its, Mr. .'in 11 .Mis. II. K. Queen, at |ir liutne lici'!^, will return Saturday iK.'illiiril Kiver. fclisst's Kathleen Hooper and Fran jA.'livm ot fcylva and Miss Cliar |tc (Is horne of Dillshoro are spetid jthe W"ek of Miss l)i>'"v Marsh's ftlnlav at the home til' her parents, r and Mrs. Byron S. Marsh, at iftkenniiit. The house party will jo a two tsihle rook party on lursiiny night. Messrs Kdwin Con ? ami Kussell Moles of Smokemont, Urn Cole of Madisonv:lle, Tenti, *1 Augustus Daniels of Sylva heing }itnl. I-Vilay, the seventeenth is Kill's party. /is. l{. C'. Allison, Mi??es Sue and | lie Allison, Miis ,,| t||f +?II Clubs of this ul,->* i'lT al the annual 4?II Club l';,,npiui'iit :it Swaiinanoa, this week. honors miss edwords ! ?illinvlifc, July 14-Miss Lois Ed ffb, liriili- cliM'ti was honored on 'liifsilay afternoon at a bridge lr,y Rivfii liy her cousin, Miss Lou Ufnsdii, at |u.r home at Cullowhee tallies dt' bridge were made ? "f the intimate friends of Miss r 'lr,l\ in tli,, lai^re reception room ?h" Uonsoii home. After the games '' "V'T, rake and punch was serv A colur si'lii'iui* of preen and vel laivicil out attractively. Aiinii> Louise Madison of W eb f!' Sylva for leu i years . . . Sylva has had two town' charters . . . tho fii-st Court held in Jackson Conntv was at Hot a . . . in * the ??)(' liryson house . . . Sylva was named for William Sylva, a tramp . . . the first white people to coin:' to Jackson County were Ferdinand I)e Soto and his Spanish troops, on Inn march to the Mississippi . . . the Hiplon House was the home of Gen. Hampton, the founder of Sylva . . . the smallest post office in tlu United States is at Criinsliaws, in Jackson Comity . . . David S. Reiil was the first* Democratic Governor of Xorth Carolina. QUALLA 1 i?*\ ivjiI services conducted hy Kev. It. L. iiiiss assisted hy Rev. li. ll. Powell t?l' Murphy arc in progress at the Methodist church. Mi*. L K. Ilipps of Olivet con ducted services at ilu- Methodist church Sunday cveninj;. Mrs. W . I). W ike and Miss Loiu W ike ot ( ulliiwhcc, Mis. Krastua Peak of Six Mile, K. i ., and Mr. hrnesl Drown of Klkiu, visited Airs. C. P. Shelton and Airs. .1. L. Hyatt, i Mrs. 1). 11. Keener of Asheville, jMiv sind Mr*.' A. Everharl, Mr. j (.'has. Kvcrhart and Mi.fs Pauline jTotteii ol' Kiug^port, Teiih and Mrs. | M. (?. Ilenson ol' Whittier ulcre guests at Mr. -I. K. Terrell's,'-. 1Yiday. Mand Mrs. J. (t'. Johnson vis ited relatives at lirysoii City and Rohb ;isville diist week. Mi.-. I'earl Sherrill am; Mr?- Maud Coop ? i)i" Sylva spent the week end anioie-: relatives. Mr. t. O. Howell and family were gfitc^s at Mi*. S. M. Crisp's, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. 1,. L. shaver and Mr. Craw lord Shelton :iud family' called at Mr. .1. K. Ilu^ers,". Whiltier, Strmlay afternoon. Mrs. .1. II. Hughes spent Saturday w.'^i Mrs. S. .1. Heck. U"V. I). II. iihiucltart and family, of Cliffside, stopped at Mr. II. 0. j Ferguson's elt route to Murphv. Me.dames D. If. Turpin, L. I.. Shaver ami Miss .lennie ('athey vis ited in Sylva last week. Mrs. Donnie Hlye, of N'e{v York, Mrs. I la/el Coleord of Florida and Mrs. Fnve Varner of Wliittier were guests of Mrs. Lucy Shelton last week. Mr. and Mrs. TTaynes Reagan, Miss Vinnie Martin, Tda Hattle, Ruth Fer guson and Messrs (luy Moody and TTerhprt Reagan are on a camping trip t through Tennessee. Mrs. Majr Sutton spent Mojnlay evening visiting Mrs. H. O. Higdon. Mr. and Mis. doe Wet more o: Eastern Tennessee have been visit ing Mrs. Wetmore's parents here. Air. and Mrs. Frank Tatham. Mr*. Carmi Keed of Greens Creek has been visiting her parents here, I this week end, Mr. and Mrs. John i Tatham. i Mr. and Mrs. Ti. 0. Ipgdon and [children and Mr. John Buchanan mo tored to Cowee last Sunday to spend the day with Mirs. TTigdon's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Murray, j Mr. W. P. Tnrpin *iis in Syjva (last Tuesday on business. Mr. Cliarles Wilds was in Brvson Oitv reeentlv on business. BALSAM The eool temperature of. our ell mate is bringing tourists front, all sections of the country to our re sort?one of the best places in the whole wide world to sleep and rest. Mrs. IT. P. Knsley lias returned IVomi a visit to friend*. in Asheville %nd Black Mountain. ' .1 k Mrs. Lily Kicked and s children of i Andrews are visiting,her jjiarenis, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Potts. Mr. Theodor*" I'rvson and son,' Ciliarhe, arrived from Detroit last ireok pnd will spend *ome time'with Kttlatives here. Rev. fJeorgc Snyder of Beta was' here Monday. Mr. Herman Mehaffey of TIender-! sojville was the guest of his sister, Mrs. Hubert Knslev. Sunday. Afr. and Mrs.'.Iohis (*. Kniirlit. Mi*.j' end Mrs. (!ciMire T. IviiHfht, Miss| Nannie Knight and Mr;- W. Por ter made a t ri?? to Omddc Top, Sun day. Messrs I?ilI 'l.i'Koy and OAoll <; reeii camped on Black | Rnek several nights last week. Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Porter and Mi*. aifil Mrs. .Tim Stewart and two children of Pain: Beach, Fin., ar-j rired last week and will sj?end some i tim? with Mr. Porter's brother. Mr. j .T. W. Porter. Mrs. Stewart is a dnnghtep of Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Porter. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank all of our friends for their kind sympathy and acts of neighbor!iness during the sickness and at the death of our mother. Mr. and Mrs. 1). (i. Brvson i KILLS RATTLER NEAR TOWN Onu day Just wee.:, Airs. \V. I, llenson koied a J loot rattle Miune, ? near the home ol Mr, and .Mrs. J.I it. Toy. lliis is tin- ln>t reptile ul this kind seen in that locality in j many years.. i BOWERS SPEE^ii l-GZZLES REPUBLICAN LEADERS; A {Continued from page one) tarix't' lias raised tin price of every-1 thing they buy while it ha> not added j a cent to his purchasing power. Russian wheat ami cotton are sell ing below tin* price American tanners can raise them and the Ih'iaocrats are expected to make tln> :>?niit tliei: main (>i?i IW voles when the. cam paign "starts. 1 lowers: sp