tv.r>(l Year in Advance in The County. Hoover Sure To Be Choice of g: o. p. iSjKH;i.*il to The Journal) \V;i-ui"?(?? Oct. 14.?Evi ix 1!! on-Iiiir that next year's 'i' - 3 ?'i" be fought (1Ilt In [I'MVit and Koosevelt as the I 'he two major parties. 'li,, wlii-: campaign against the I'if.-iitii-iii, ahieh had been getting out ?I luiiii' hi uvelit necks, received a ?cve.'e at the hands of for ,m i- Pri-i'i' M Coolidge, whose open ,.;,i i ? .1 h.oiiiIh'IS of the 0. O. p. to fl>ll>'? J'lVCI :i| I" ? mlent and back Mr 1[ii(iV|,r (ll, desire for a second startuil the eountry. \|r. applied no mean axe ru,.t> ??! the boom that his Million .?> had Started in his J II.' auiiin-ialiofi of the prof rniKiuUi- v was eonipletc. It Ifl.kcl iin.v .'l'1 "i' uncertainty of his tam-ii,* "i 'l" fM.*to run" of ti.ur war* ago. Witlinuf naming Mr. Iluavtr, In- dearly indicated he con fined Itim the h'iiieal candidate j, )? tlu- IU|?u! :ii-?-is m next year's ?-;iiii)uiii;?- U'' t,,at '* (,i(l not appear i-mimum scmm thai" he should ,,?vv srt'k an office he could have run for bmr with evt?ry pr??\H>et uf wiiini:-'-!. His public au tmumeuirtit has clarified the air re uavtUnK tlu' lU'piiMiean candidate vliiW equally emphatic appears to lie the di'iaantl by iK-mm-rats that Oov,c /t'ni.-t'Vt'll of New York run i.ii their ticket h'onseielt s riceiit visit to Georgia, rixlit into l/ie heart of states that re'.I fi> >ii|i|i.'it Alfred E. Smith in l!t'\ ^Jiiiucil that their defection I nun flie Dciuorratie I'arty was not iiir<<ii*:ii their (onversion to ltepub liran |iiiii. iples but to a dislike for (lie eainliilatc. Uooscvclt is personally )'i>ptii;ir and is considered strong eii..'ii?li to unite the solid South and win eiiutuli Democratic sT.ppori, bc >iih . New Vork State, in the North to make l.i> uoiiiiuatiou certain. I here i-, in addition, the off clur.iiH the l';.igi'i'-.-!ves uuv ei?-1 ttr lilt- lieltl miii name a third teket, Mieli inni a> Se!ia!ni' tiorah, (Joveri.or I iiwl.ut, Senator l.aKollette and "t'!??:> luiiii,' mentioned as j)OisibiK ti;s, although none oi the men named lias iluiie more than show himself m :i iv?'i'i?i ve u,inni it the party proved Mem- tnou-h i,, indicate it has more than a u jts standan! 1'ieuivr. SEATS IN CONGRESS NOW^ DIVIDED BY PATi'lES \Va>hiu^t?ii, Iirtitbi'r U (Auto ?a^vi-The election of u Democrat Uf\ivcM'utiilivi* from the Seventh Mi?uuri Dist> i? \ lias tied the two nni i,,r |wti?>, numerically, in the lower lluiH' ;it 214. sis r.ther elections are I" W Itrlil hi-fore Congress meets? tour of them heiug.normally Republi can ami two Democratic. One of these M'at-, is of Nicholas Loiujworth, ami tlif Democrats are bending every ''Mii.t in defeat the Republican nonii '"'f i hey lijiure that they huve e\ery ?h.iin'e to tie the House and possibly ' I'laii. a majority, hi which event Rep r,vntativc i! u nu-r of 'iVxas will be ''"Uie Speaker. lit ea?r ?l a final tie, Reprcsonta ??v'- K\ale of M imexita, the Fariner t-a*iuiiu-, will likely ?jet a powerful 1 ?>Miiiiaii^lii\> .no! other Congression al l*'?iuisiies from one oT tKe parties 1,1 Vet u in lor his s u port. It is not ""likely thai Representative Kvale *'H ' " more in the limelight in the ses.Mou nl eoiniress than any ,"h?,c man, in .;t least until the low 'i Iwawe .effect* permanent organiz ation. PERSONNEL OT GRAND JTJB,? t'.i i' jivainl jury, conducting the 1 ?i-'ii.l inmu-t ?>\ ilie county, at th?l 1'ivsvnt mk'.ujj ,,f tlio superior court,I ilraw u Monday morning, and 1S| ^'IhjmisihI o> I. Henderson, ?ore l/'\vis \1 Cannon, L. ^ Que?n?l tor* Haul,., i'.a. Fisher, Ennis Ashe, I 1>- Mi'\\.?n, 1.. L Sutton, We* Har-I L U. H.-nsou, Glenn Bryson, J ' Vs .1. t'. Montcith, H. E. WiM M'?. \V U. Knloe, W. K. Grindstatt,' U K. Harris, M. M. lloxit RIDLEY SERI0U8LY ILL ll,,v Dr. Caleb A. Ridley, weU an t'iit throughout "lli an?\ wc<t as a preacher, vrtx* ^ Ictturtr, is critically at e ^ "t his mother, in Sylva. Tuckaseigo Democr&t, Oct. 14, 1891 Winston'3 mail delivery system was put into active operation Friday. By vote^ of 20 to 22 the Presby teiiy of Associate Refortned Pres byterian church in session a.t States ville decided to recommend the in troduction of instrumental music in their church services. New York City?Chas. G. Loeber, a German, has invented an airship that will go. Unlike most other ex perimenters, Mr. Loeber has discarded the idea that in order to float in the air a vessel must be lighter than the air it displaces. He claims to be able to float a body of any weight in the air and also be able to propel it at any sj>eed. j Rev. J. W. Bird, of Quallatown, was in town Friday. ' Mr. S. C. Allison, of Big Spring, I was here Friday. Mr. P. P. Fletcher has returned to Svlvu and expects to remain here for some time. Gen. Hampton went to Bryson City Thursday, on professional business. Miss Candace Ensley, formerly of this place, but now of Cullowhee, made us a pleusant call yesterday. Mr. L <1. Smith, in this issue, in vites the attention of the public to the bargains which Will Miller is daily handing over the counter of his Dillsboro establishment. The tobacco season having oi>cned, Mr. J. H. Rhea returned Monday to the Banner Warehouse, Asheville. Mr. I). A Davis is said to have the finest field of corn in the county, at the mouth of Caney Fork. ??*> A petition to open a road from the Forks of the River, near Mr. W. M. ll ntper's to Big Ridge was presented to the County Commissioners at their last meeting and under the law laid over tili next meeting. It is said that a road o| excellent grade can be made, and the distance is only five miles. As MIv J). Davis was returning from Hamburg last Thursday night, he was attacked with vertigo and fell from the mule he was riding. For tunately, he was near home and was accompanied by Maj. Rhea and Mr. A. Bumgainer, Who assisted him in reaching home. We are glad to say that he is up and about again and almost well. The Democrat desires to acknow ledge with thanks its obligations to Messrs T. L. Moss and E F. Wat son of Hamburg township, T. R. Zach ary of Cashier's Valley, Thomas Wil son of Big Ridge, and Judge D. D. Davie* of Cullowhee, and to their kind families for hospitable enter tainment extended to the editor and the little ones during a recent trip through the county. The Democrat al ways has a royal good time among, the people . ?. Mr. G. A. Maxam, of Bryan, Ohio, who for the past six months has been a constant reader of the Democrat, reached here last Monday with a car load of stock and household goods. He expects to make Jackson county his future home, having rented Gen. Hampton's farm. His family , is com ing by private conveyance and is ex pected to reach here in a week or ten days. Wc were shown a beautiful little trinket, which was plowed up by Mr. ?luck VVike. It is made of silver, is about the size of a large English walnut and shaped like one.. It opens lengthwise in the middle and closes with a clasp From its appearance it had evidently been buried a long time It is now in the possession of Dr. J. H. Wolf hiid is highly prized by him as a great curiosity. He will take it with him to the Exposition at Raleigh HATES BRYSON PASSES Hayes Bryson,31, son of Mr. and Mrs. John B. Bryson, of Glenville, died in the localj hospital here a short time after being brought to fte hospital in a serious condition, Sat urday afternoon. The funeral was held at Glenville, Sunday aftei. on. toej^^Wcounty journal, JfifLti; n. c? OCT. 15, 1931 $2.00 Year in Advance Outside The County. Funeral For Young Deitz Held Sunday Howard Deitz, 20, former student of Sylva Collegiate Institute, and a native of this county, met a tragic death, at Manon, last Thursday, when attempting to alight from d train. He was found on the tracks at Clinch cross, and was rushed to Marion for surgical treatment; but died within a few hours. Funeral services were conducted on Sunday at Kast Fork, by Rev. Thad F. Daitz, Rev. W. C Reed, and^ Rev. Ben Cook. The young man is survived by his mother, three sisters, one brother, his father, and other relatives. The young man had lieen visiting his father in Fort Collins, Colorado, and is thought to have been on his way to South Carolina to visit rela tives, when the tragedy occurred. His mother, Mrs. .Luther Deitz, was visit ing her sister, Mrs. 1) A. Monteith here at the time. CORNER 3TONE LAYING AT WOLF MOUNTAIN, SUNDAY A large number of people from Syl va and other communities in Jackson county are planning to attend the ceremonies attendant upon the lay ing of the corner stone at the new Methodist church in the AVolf Moun tain section of Canada township, Sun day afternoon at .'I o'clock. The serv ices will be conducted by Rev. C. M Pickens, presiding elder of the \Vay nesville district of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, assisted by Jlev. M. Q. Tut tie, Rev. F. W Kiker, Rev. .1. W Hall, the pastor, and other ministers STEELE TO FILL M. E. FULPIT lu the absence of the paqtoiy BwJ Owge ClP-RflflfiP; "ftie* puTpu oiuYe] Sylva Methodist church will be oc cupied by the Rev. J. LeRoy Steele, former pastor of the First Baptist chcrch of Murphy, but who is at the present time connected with Sylva Collegiate Institute, Sylva. Mr. Steele though a young man, has had wide experience in the ministry, and poss esses a splendid reputation for schol arship, eloquence, and Christian serv ice. Mr. and Mrs. Clenuner are to be in attendance upon the sessions of the Kcumcnical Conference of Meth odism which meets in Atlanta on Friday of this week. The chinch schools of the~charge meet as usual at 10 a. in. There will be no evening service at Dillsboro The public is cordially invited to hear Mr Steele, Sunday inonring. QUALLA ?\ ?i'" There was an all day singing Sun day at the Qualla Baptist church. A large audienre was entertained by choirs from "Waynesvillc, Locust Field Blue Wing dud Qualla Valley. Prof. W. E Reed and family andl Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Bird of Cullowhec visited at Mr. T. W McLaughlin's| and Mr. U. G. Bird's, last week. Mr. Ben Weeks and Mr. Walter Weeks of Marietta, Ga., were guests at Mrs. J. H. Hughes' last week. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Martini and Miss Elsie Hensley of A"slieville and Mr Charles Worley and family call ed at Mr. D. J. Woriey's, Sunday." Mr. and Mrs. ffc 0. Ferguson, Hugh and Lillian Ferguson visited Miss Mary Emma Ferguson at Cullowhee school, last week / Mr. Gordon Sbuldr of the tT. S. Npvy, and wife, are spending a while j with their parents, Mr. and Mrs D. M. Shu lar. - / Mr. Ruf us Johnson and family of Deep Creek were Qualla vfsTTors Sun day. [ . Mrs. A. J- Freeman has been visit ing her son, Rev_ H. C. Freeman and family, at Franklin. Mr. J. M. Hugffes and family of Cherokee were guests at Mr. D. K. Battle's, Sunday. Mr Terry Johnson and Mr. Von Hall and family made a trip to Fort Mills, S. C. Mrs. John Aycrs called on Mrs. D. C. Hughes. Miss Edna Freeman returned tof Beta after a visit with home folks. Mrs S. M. Crisp visited Mrs. W. H. Cooper, Saturday. Miss Winnie Cooper returned to Asheville Sunday after a visit with her mother, Mrs. L. W. Cooper. Many Qualla citizens are attending court at Sylva, this week. BY WEEK ? .'(By Dan Tompkins) %?? < yenerable Thomas A. Edison, grand old man, benefactor Ulity through his numerous in 16, is nearing the point of At his home, with his wife, df many years, constantly \ bedside. All the world regrets days of Edison's usefulness [forever gone, on this earth, and itis passing is but a matter of {Tor his fame, and fortune was by getting advantage of gllows in a business way, through ire or trusts, but through honest Be .to the race. a Bryson, from up m Hamburg, islHpthority for the statement that tfaHbest and quickest piece of road ever done in that part of the coBty, was that just completed on thjHBig Ridge road by State Highway enjlrgeney forces under direction of Jofin EL Wilson. resident Hoover's gigantic credit coloration, to relieve the need of m^ney to linance the business of the cofntry is taking well with the fin anciers. It is at least an attempt to right the situation; but, if the Feder al'Reserve Banking system is being used" for the purpose for which it was created and intended, that of distrib uting money where it is needed most for'legitimate business purposes, and hu^ not been perverted to the use of the Wall Street gamblers, by draining Uie country of money to be used by the speculators, then why is an ad ditional agency, privately owned and yijxately financed by big bankers, neaps sury to meet the present emer geqfoy ? When Judge W. F. Harding holds! court, he holds cou rt. He is uniform ly (courteous and considerate. At the same time, he is linn and judicial. He irtnsat-ts the business of the court Viib.-.4ispatch, and works hard to deal out justice, clear the docket, and save the county as much money as |H>ssible in court costs. If there were ing over the courts of the State, fhcre would be more wholesome respect for the law and for the courts K>l,000 people visited the Great Smoky Mountains National Park this year, according to official government figures. This is bnt the vanguard of the hosts that are coining. 150,000 before the park lands are all purchas ed, and Wore the park is opened! China and Japan are still at dag gers' points over the Manchurian sit uation. The League of Nations Coun cila is meeting in extraordinary ses sion to look into the matter, and I am putting my money on the League to win in its efforts to prevent an im minent war. The grand jury of Jackson county has brought in bills of indictment, this week, charging three of the four capital crimes, murder, rape and bueg lary, which is nothing to our credit. An automobile propelled by air has been invented by a man in Los Ange les. Many filling station people can testiy that people have been doing that, all along. AVON PLAYERS HERE TO GP7E ROMEO AND JULIET The Avon Players, a cast of promi nent artists, will present Romeo and Juliet, at the graded school auditori-* um, Monday evening, October 19, playing under the auspices of the Sylva Parent-Teachers Association. Prominent artists are included in the cast. Mr. Joseph Selman, for a number of years a member of Mrs. Fiske's Manhattan Company, and a featured player with Geoige M. Co han in such outstanding successes as u The Bat", "The Tavern", and others is with the company, as are Joseph, Harold and Robert Selman, Miss Eu gene DuBois, and Miss Marjorie Dunaway^ Words of commendation and praise of the company and its presentation of Shakespearean plays have been spoken by prominent educators, and the press cf Southern cities; Profes sor English, head of the English De partment of Emory University, de clared that it was the finest produc tion in Atlanta during his five y?ars residence in that city. - The members of the Parent-Teach ers Association and the heads of the city schools are anxious to have a large audience for the production. ??oir Convictions Are Numerous As Big ' Docket-Is Tried SMITH GIVEN 2 YEAR TEBM Ed Smith was convicted of larceuv and receiving, by. a jury, yesterday afternoon, in connection with the breaking, entering and removing prop erty from vacant summer homes at Balsam, last spring. Judge Harding sentenced him to serve a term of two years on the State highways. Smith claimed that a coat foun.d ? a possession of Body Parker, who tes tified that he bought it from Smith, was purchased from one Laban Rabb. Rabb was arrested at the time and broke jail and made good his escape. Other cases that have been disposed of in the court are: I)e!os Birch, possessing and selling liquor. Convicted by the jury. Sen tenced to serve 4 months of the roads Tom Arrowood, possessing and sell ing liquor. Found guilty. Open for judgment on Friday. Felix Owl, Indian, assault with a deadly weapon, and possession and transporting liquors, ordered into custody until the fine and costs im posed in the recorder's court are ]taid Guy Hooper, forgery, nol pros. Guy Hooper, forgery, enters a plea of guilty of forcible trespass, which is accepted by the State. Judgment suspended upon payment of the costs. Homer Nations, intoxication, $25. and the costs. Will Wilson, assault with a dead ly weapon, plea of guilty, judgment suspended upon payment of the costs Abe Stewart, assault with a deadly weajR?n, plea of guilty. Judgment sus pended upon payment of the costs. Henry Long, passcssion of liquor for the purpose of sale. 8 months cn the roads to be reduced to two months if the defendant pays the costs. W. II. Phillips, assaulty with a tleadlj weapon, capias and continued Al. 11. Rose, Fred Rose, Clarence Rose and Ernest Rose, larceny of evergreens, called and failed, capias and continued. Charles Rhinehart, ]>osession and transporting, called and failed, judg ment ni si sci fa and continued. Hayden Crane, Charley Crane and Welch Galloway, trespassing and fish ing without license. Called and failed judgment ni si sci fa and continued. Zimmerman Wvatt, assault with a deadly weapon; plea of guilty. Judg ment suspended upon payment of the costs. Willie Clark, possession and trans porting, plea of guilty, prayer for judgment continued for 3 years. Willie Clark, intoxication, nol pros W. P Potts, possession and trans porting, called and failed. Avery Sutton, temporary larceny of a horse. Verdict of guilty. (Jjmmi for judgment. Zada Gibson, assault with a dead ly weapon upon Ella May Bryson. At the conclusion of the evidence she entered a plea of guilty. Judgment suspended upon payment of the costs1 She and'^he prosecuting witness or-1 derv'l to furnish bonds of $200 to keep- the peace. - Ziinmennan-Wyatt, Homer Nations' and Mamie Raby, housebreaking. Nol P|e$ as to*Mamie Raby. Plea of guil ty by Wyatt and Nations. Judgment suspended upon payment of the costs. J. A. Albert, costs, called and fail ed. Judgment ni si ci fa and capias Fred Gates showed good conduct.: Riley Broom, costs, called and fail-' ed. Judgment ni si sci fa and capias, Wiley Nelson,_costs, called and! failed. Judgment ni si sci fa and; capias. Woodrpw Smathers, costs. Called: and failed ^Judgment ni si sci fa and! capias. Roy Brooks, affray, nol pros. Bert Hensley. failure to pay costs hitherto imposed. Six months. Pat Wiggins, reckless driving, call ed and failed. Judgment ni si sci fa; and capias. Herbert Webster. Ordered into cus today to serve sentence hitherto im posed. He was released at the last term of the court to enable him to make a crop for the subsistence of J his family while serving a sentence' on a prohibition violation charge. Will Walker, assault with a dead ly weapon Called and failed. * Tom Cotter, intoxication, called and failed. - - - . Bulletin > The case in which Jim Bryson a-nd Ansel Leopard are charged with mnrder of Wiley Galloway was continned until the next term cf the court, when it was called, this morning The solicitor stated that he would ask for a verdict of murder in the first degree, and insisted that a venire of 100 men be drawn form the box. Fe men be drawn from the box. Fe torneys for the defense stated that they will be unable to be here next week. Mr Alley going to Avery county to assist in the prosecution of a bank case, and Mr. Jones to Buncombe. Judge Harding ordered the case contin ued. Carl Sheppard, Liza Norman and Jim Norman were arraigned and the solicitor announced that he will not ask for a verdict of bur glary in the first degree, but of burglary in the second degree. Nelse Jones entered a plea of guilty of an assault with at tempt to carnally know a girl un der the age of consent, and was sentenced to serve 18 months on the state highways. HOLD BUCHANAN FOB MURDER The Grand .lury returned a true bill, Monday, charging Bill Bucban anj deaf mute, with the murder of his wife, Pearl Brown, on the night of June 18, last, lt.lfag "home oj? her father, on the outside the lii Sylva. The woman died ^ here early Friday morning' on Jt 10,. l'rum wounds inflicted by a dis charge from a shot gun, 111 her abdo men, the night before. Buchanan was* arrested soon alter the affair, and has been in custody ever since. The coronor's jury held him responsible for Ihe shooting The case can not be tried before next week. Other bills returned by the grand jury, charging offenses of a serious 'nature were those indicting William Hornbucklc with the crime of murder, Nelse Jones, white man of Cancy Fork, with an assault with intent to commit rape upon a little giri, and Liza Norman, Jim Norman and Carl Shepard, Sylva Negroes with burg lary, in the first degree, which is a capital offense. All these cases will be tried at the > present sitting "of the court, if they can bo reached. The docket is a heavy one, and every effort is being made by Judge Harding and Solicitor Queen to try all the cases. Cope, intoxication. Called and failed/' Hugh Pressley, costs, called and failed. Dewey Buchanan, costs called and failed. Vestes Deitz, costs, called and fail ed. Jim Morgan, intoxication. Three 30 days on the roads in each case^ Fred McCoy, intoxication. Judg ment suspended uj>on payment of the costs. Kov Bryson, possession of liquors. Plea of guilty. Fined $25 and the costs! John Mills, intoxication. Nol pros. Albert Keever, affray. Found guilty Sentenced to serve 30 days, but the sentence suspended upon payment of the costs. ?Robert McCall, Jr. , intoxication. Case continued. Woodrow McCall, intoxicationX'ase continued. Robert McCall, Jr., and Woodrow McCall, affray Case continued. Cecil Mathis, setting out fire. Case continued. Pat Bradley and Wayne Fngate. transporting and possession. Plea of guilty. Prayer for judgment continued BURCH ALLISON IN HOSPITAL Burcli Allison, Sylva youth, is re covering, at the Harris Community Hospital, from an operation, follow ing an acute attack of appendicitis. The young man is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Carey Allison. He is a student at Sylva High school, and the full back on the football team of that

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