ei.r,ir V(\-ir ill Advance in The Oountv ' ""wvduin county JOOHNAT, rvtw. V, ? ? ~"<fcO ? $2.00 Year in Advance Outside The County. [{Section Case IsNolProssed jjy Solicitor S,.|;ilo'"1 (lefiliiiclv I !?? C.IM'S ?rr?\vin<; out oi . t -i tu I iv:; strut ion in Qiuil , | AImiiiI.iy lie tcok ;i no) ^ it'l iIn- il.'iVruliUits. r" ? ? , " . ? n ????_:i-ii r:'r wj's nuir;? , nit! rosu-i'.-ilnl weapons. |'l! St i !??-. IVim 1 >11111 \ l'-. !l. -' i UI I'jIlktT, V v v\?? :?? rli.'ii'jjvd wi:h v. iili intiMiiiinlioii oi . ;;11, I'.n t <>t the same j> ., r .-Miii Al!i>??i J , ? t ? \: :?u i-HUT:ij( <1 won-1 ud! prossvil the i t ii oi l' tli:-1 ?- i k ? ? .-p.iMtl of iiic-liulo: ??;! ' I ?. . k I?s di'H "Ulg, IH'i ? III , . l ie.: . . \\ . .! lit ->ie (ireen, :is j * ' l I . \ v. i ?; i it II11 lilie* 11 *:.ii ; u .i - ? ? ?t, i mvi uy, **;iIlf?l and | , ; i..,., ? i -i M-i la and cap-1 tlilll'M. |l?" - ') ... :ii.in .-til l F!:-iiim | ; It'll u m?. j,;L mx lain iiv, sum V. : ?,.? plead | U.,,.,1- I' ' ?;"'?>? l,v " , i.,? .viviug. Kac li of tlu' I ,1 |;il. "li> . ? ? v 1- M-.iti", ? ? MTVI' il U I II! ??I lb- iimlnvavs. Utiviu's rying a concealed; v, i. w il li a deadly, s j, :iult with a deadly m .1 I'ailed. judgment ni ??;i|>ia> instantcr Ir U'l^iii", inkles* driving, call-i (? ? i, illil-Jlt'.rlil 11i -I s?-i la' ;il 11 ?I ?i:i ? .Avi"y Suiton, larceny of a horse! tm li inpoiary purpo?e>. !*???>.'"5 Mini J If- - ?? -t I'.i'i' Myall, inarm! li riiiu. ciillel inni t;iili'?i. judgment :*i . ->vi la ar:il '???I ;? ' | .ii-.- I "!i;??i?. 11.i**s('ss|i*11 ailo ' Ir.-K^I'-'Kl:.!';, ai'.l ilr'i'ik nol pros, /iiiiiiii! U\;.ti and iluaie; ? ??????#* tsZimnu: U'v: !!. a-.', ill. ami 1 IoilH'1' ' tin'., i''? i ?T ?? -n. Firmer ord<ri ?lri>'ki it ? h.I. Wyail' sentenced In mt ? ? ! >i.ami Nations S<0 days on; l'. >, V" Sidv.-.ri a 1111 Will \\ at son, ii -ai|!y weapon-, faded tu linii r ,ii t hi* i i u it* -<>t lor |?aymen; "1 ?????' ' 1 ?.! :;>:?! failed, judgment r ?! i; ? ! i-:i pi as. I'tarlia Ii.ilanl, assault with :? iIi-;h!'\ ji-1., f;i-,. continued. < ?::tiiiu> il on last page) uvlat-home CONFERENCE opens tomorrow AT W C T C ' i.'1" '. li.-i-, t t.-j jo?Westei'n North I '?A-j11 (M. discussed i ' 1 tla- leading citizens in 'anr,|;> v.r?i|'ti, enmities, when the At lliiiiii' CoiilVrenee meets at j ??!iiin^ (In- prominent leaders of; "'i" win, have accepted the j : - iie i a i ioii to attend the con ' "'"ii.c in,. M,v i; I, McKee, state sen a,0|\ I. : Mi-Kit, Svlva inanufactiir ? ' '' iiMutir'ii!?;(?, president of ?' " 1 ; t"!n a Teaeliers' College, "'"Iwi- Ji i.nij Representative men '"'ii" irun: nine of the lil'teen ,!ls,,?. ????I'Mje- in the conference Jii'i ?(iietl. t}?' ii i \ i tat ion to come ^ rn>(, alMi Saturday '? l''i- ( .,||,c \ jimlprhooveii, Am i'1'"1 '"?nka Corpor .tion, .1 K. S. |Mv>iilii,t Nantaliala Power ?'!,i , ! r-u-pMiy, .1. Dale Thrash, '"??' ii.i., i ? Miry Kann Ag< nt, Mrs. ;Y' Mai> Hill College, ' < !i;unpion Fibre Company, ? M.iv.i, ,,j , aut Kalph Noll ner, ( x p'-niiteinlent Lake .Tuna M.'tlii?|is| A.semhly, .1 F. Wiil " !"<??!.!i-iit I'.rcvard Institute, and ! ' '' < nrrant, district Home l"1'" t S':iT;?>11 Agent. ( " ''' I: "t A^lu.ville and Cruso, i' will give a rectal ,l;'" :'i N.I to in the college '1' ; "'lor prominent West '? 41 '"i'i will lie at Cullowhee 1 ??'?ilereitce. All entertain v iii be the W. C. T. C, :"i' tout hall game, beflB 'ifternoon I i li ?iftCCSn I l eia's are h.'sily; ,, ! i"': Iei*ting plans an i' . ,i,( ^I'iavs ;md niateruuKS i. . ''"f"0 :nil ti.nf-rencc. ThttM ' ? h" ? r uin. ' will lu? anncql "t"? U-c two d.,j5. ; I ?', f FORTY YEARS AGO Tuckaseige Democrat, Oct. 21, 1891 ( 1 Kelly Allen left lor the Smokies, Monduv. Mr. Charlie Han-its went to Ashe ville, Monday Mr. \\.;U .Hooper, ?1* Cnshierfs \ allvy, is Ik re today Sheriff Mel.a.'n was here, collecting taxes, Monday. ?. . 1 First killng frost, Wednesday morning, October 21. TIk' ladies t?l" Dillsboro, will have a "poke supper" Friday night next, j Mr. .1. i?. Long, of the enterprising firm of Long and Snrirh, whose plaee of business is at Painter, called on us, Moniluy. The Method.st ?*<'iint?'iiir>;tl Confer (?nee is in session in Washington. ? Tli.. Louisiana Ptatc Lottery Comp any has established a branch office in Montreal, Canada, and will use the ( anadian mails tor the pur|to.v dc nied hv the United States postal reg illations. President Harrison has appointed Geo. (. Scarloek, colored, as |>ostiiias-j ter at rayetteville, vice David I \V.enivss, removed. I he comities ot Kahun, in Georgia,' and Macon and Swain in North Car-! (dina, will, it is said, subscribe $100,-j 000 each ami donate right of way to! secure the b idding of the Cumber land \ allev and I'naka Railwav. M ?\ Samuel Parris, familiarly known as "Uncle Sammy", died at the residence of his sister, Mrs. Ta litha Brendle, where he spent the last few years of his life, last Saturday evening, Oct. 17. Had he lived about one month longer, he would have been SS \ears old. Nearly all the lumber for the frameI of !he new Baptist church is at the mill ami a greater portion of it is sawed and ready to put up It is in ti'ndeil i o push the building to cmii p'etion as early as possible, and all subscriptions are urgently needed. '! '??? o' t i iootvd question of the sub treasury plan is^ expected to be deli-' nitelv set! led bv its discussion before (lie Sylva Literary Club at the Acad emy, Thursday night, Oct. 22. The champ ons of the measure arc Messrs., T C Bryson and A M. Parker, while J the negative side will be upheld by, (ten F R Hampton and Mr. Z \ Wat-j son 1 Cashier's Valley Notes: First frost Cftober !MV.?ather clear and beauti ful. Miss Mattie Bennett is teaching us an excellent school, with 44 schol ars. Miss Mattie Bryson is teaching in the adjoining valley?Fairfield. She lias 25 enrolled Thcr." has been a very interesting revival of religion in Fair field, conducted by Revs. Renno and Breudle Th- 7th ami 8th were memor vahle \ivs h'#." anu ng some of us the 7th being the50th anniversary ot th-' marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Rochestei They celebrated i with a good sermon by Bro. Jones, on "The Shortness of Life". Sister Rochester has been con fined to her bed forty of fho.-e years. Maj Wm TI. Bryson was 0.5 years old the Hth He was among the earliest settlers of the county, and therefore, generally known as "I nele Hi?lv ? He seems cheerful ami ce?ebrate?l his birthday by pr.eejiching by Brethren Jones ami Rcnno. GRAND LODGE TO LAY CORNER STONE FOR NEW COURT HOUSE The (irmul I/odge of Masons of North Carolina will lav the corner J stone of i lie new Haywood County j court house in Wavnesville, next Mon day, October 26 at 1 n. 111. All Masons are cordii^lv invited to he present at the special communication of the Grand Lodge oration will he delivered by Cjpand Master Hubert M. Poteat two military companies of Hay : county, with various civic or ations will participate in the fcflsion, and will be supported hv e Drum and Bugle corps of the ? Post, and the D. 0. K K Livestock And Show November 5-6 o The Annual .Jackson County Live stock and Poultry Show will he held in Sylva on Thursday and Friday, Xovember 5 aud 6. Pit para it ions are being made for the biggest and best show yet held. : Farmers aud other producers of Livestock and poultry are urged to make exhib'ts and thus help to put on mi event in whirh the entire conn lv can take just pride. The Premium List aud other neces ,-aiy inforniaiiou to prospective ex hibitors follows: JACKSON COUNTY LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY SHOW. INCLUD ING CERTAIN FARM PRODUCE SYLVA N C., KOVflMBER f>TH AND 6TH, 1931 .. A >1. i.-ills, . St*-.-ref ary .'?(??I 'flicker, Asst. Secretary In ChaYgc of I'o.iitry J. If. .lours, .Ir, Asst Secr.-'.orv I'i Cliapge of I jvL'.si o<-k Ji hn Sharp, Asst. SerrcUry In Ch rge of Farm Produce Rules J 1. The Show will be set up and allj entries on exhibit l>v 10 A. M Tliuvs* | * ? day November 5, (19.11. 2. Ail exhibits will be judged Fridavj morning, November <?, beginning at y. A. M. 3 First anil Second ribbons will bo awarded on ail Livestock and Poul try. Purple ribbons will be awarded Grand Champions. 4. All Livestock and Poultry compet ing for prizes must he Jaeksdir ftun ty owned. 5. All Livestock in classes of wide age variat'on will be judged accord ing to age. 0 All coops, pens, beddiu? and feed will he furnished bv the show. 7. In Livestock, purebred males (only) j and purebred and grade females are eligible for prises. 8. All Livestock shall he showing in] breeding condition. H Second pflx.es will be awarded oil i classes- of only one entry. Entry Fees 1. Cattle o\cr 1 year of age 50c.| 2. Cattle under 1 year, and Sheep and! <.'T *T\- j Hogs, any age i~ > 3. Colts', under 20 months .... .riOc 4. Poultry: pens. .. 50c. Singles 15cI 5. 4-1T Clubhand Farm Produce, Frr.e DEPARTMENT A. SHEEP Superintendent R. ^ > lislier : (Any Breed) 1. Rams, 1 year old or older, First: $2.00; Second $1.00: 2. Rams under I year old First, #2.00; Second, $1 00 3. Kwes, 1 year old or older First: $2.00, Second, $1.00 4. Kwes, under 1 year, First $2.00; Second, $1.00 5 Grand Champion Kam, any age, Purple Kibbon fi. Grand Champion Ewe, any age, Purple Ribbon DEPARTMENT B HOGS Superintendent Dewev hnsley (Any Breed) 1. Boar, over 1 year old First, $2.00; Second, $100 2. Boar under" 1 year old, First, $2 00; Second, $1.00 3. Sow, over 1 year old First, $2.00; Second, $1.00 4. Gilt, under 1 year old First, $2.00, Second, $1.00 f, Sow, pigs at side. First, $3.00: Second, $1.50 if, Grand Champion Boar, any age Purple Hibbon 1 Grand Champion Sow or Gilt, Purple Ribbon DEPARTMENT c. dairy cattle Superintendent - V X. Brown Jersey, Gurnsey and Holstein Breeds 1. Bull, 1 J ear old or older: First, $2.00 ; Second, $1.00 w R?l[ under one year old; First, $2 00; Second, $1.00 ??, Cow, over 2 years old First, $2.00; Second, $1.00 4 Heifer, 'i to 2 years old First, $2.00; Second, $1.00 r |fciter, under one year old; "First, $2.00: Second, $1.00 * -/" i (Continued on last paguf THE SPONSORS OF THE SHOW The firms, individuals, and corpo rations listt'd below, is apart ial list of those who subuseribed the money to nuance the Livestock and Poultry Show to he held in Svlva on Nov > and 6. Others have not been ap proached by the Finance Committee, and have, therefore had no opportun ity to contribute The complete list will be published later. ?J. Allison, Builders' Supply and Lumber Company, Med ford Furnit ure Company, C. C. Cajrle and Son, S. Enloe and Sons, Sylva Supply Co., Jackson Hardware Company,, Sylva Coal and Lumber Company, Cannon Brothers, ( has. Kvans, Jackson Chev rolet Comoanv, The Leader, .1 B Ens *? ' ? ley, Sylva Feed Company, The (Ireat Atlantic and Pacific Tea Co., W. I). Warren, (J. M Cole, \Y. K. Queen, L. C Moore i COL. HARRIS PRESENTS SMALL AT MODIFICATIONIST MEETING Col. Charles J.'Harris, of l>illsl>om, prominent citizen and capitalist ofl .lackson eounty, former Republican j candidate for governor of N< rl!? Car jolina, ami Republican National Com mitteeman, introduced former < jressman Fohn Ik Small, in Aslievil'e, where lie s|?oke in favor of the 'repeal of the lHtli Amendment, at a Meeting held under the auspice* of the wemenV society for the reform of the prohibition laws, and theirI attendant evils. In introducing Mr. Small, Col. Har ris declared that although he is al most 80 years of age, he broke a rule of hug standing to go to A she vi lie and aid "this noble, patriotic thing you women have undertaken" lie de clared it is necessary that "this pro hibition be repealed for the welfare of our country, and said that 4'the world has never seen anything like this debacle", he said he believed no movement can do more to turn back the nation to pi-osperitv and con tentment than will the repeal of this kmost harmful piece ot legislation that 1 have known in a life time . TWO HOMICIDE CASES CONTINUED TO NEXT TERM Due to the lack of time in which to' complete the heavy criminal docket, in the superior court here, two more homicide cases have been continued until the next term of the court in February. The ease in which .lim f'ndenvood stand* indicted on a charge of tin : murder of Charlie Stewart, in Moun tain township, last June, was ordered continued, by Judge Harding. The case from the ( hcrokee Ind win res ervation, William Hornhitckle being .indicted for the slaying of Wilson Hornhuckle, was continued for the defense, upon statement that the father of the defendant is a materia! witness for the defense, and he is un able to be present at this term of the court, still suffering from a wound in the leg, sustained at the affray in which Wilson Hornhuckle lost his life. All the principals in thp affair arc Cherokees. I Liza Norman, Jim Norman and Carl Shepherd, Negroes, were indict ed, charged with burglary. The case against Jim Norman was nol prossed. ; Li/a, his wife, plead giulty of burg lary in the second degree; and she! I was used as a witness against Carl Shepherd. The State did not ask for ;a first degree burglary verdict: but lonly second degree. The home of Mr. i Ed. McXeely, in Kast Sylva, Tvas entered, and $175.00 in money, some j checks and a note of considerable size i were stolen. The jury could not agree as to the guilt or innocence of Carl Shepherd, and mTsfria! was ordered. Today Uv* colored lad entered a ? plea of guilty of larceny and receiv ing, and he and the woman were sent enced to serve terms of two years in ; the State prison at Raleigh. WEEK BY WEEK (Bv Dan Tompkins) Thomas A. Edisou, the genius is gone. Laving aside his tools, he has fallen on sleep. 1 am persuaded that there is ail immortality, ;i life be yond. I believe that Edison would not be content to strum a harp; but that upon the great mysteries of the uni verse lie will plav chords of service to fellow noings, in eternal praise to the great I Am. The Creator, who in all things material abhors waste, has | a job somewhere for each of us, and i would not allow {lie mind of an Edi j son to be lost from His creation. The j iroek-eoated oi:cs, who sit in high : places in the churches and direct! corporations to lake more inoiieV I troin the humble and charge usurious interest on money loaned to the 1111 lortunate, do but talk idle foolish-1 ness when they speculate upon wheth er Edison was an atheist?he who got his fame and a modest fortune from a full life of faithful service to God's humanity, to make their lives happier and their burdens lighter. It ?:i not the l an It of Edison that men, some of wbtim profess a more ortho dox emi'd than Ills, have turned some <f the #real?st material blessings tliiit his genius brought to mankind, into instruments of political and eco nomic oppression. Bishop Cannon has been indicted! by a federal, trraiid jury in the Dis-i rict of Columbia, on a charge of hav-! ing wiola ted the federal corrupt prac tices act during the campaign of 1928 When the same matter was being in vestigated by a senate committee, thv Bishop refused to talk, and stated that he would welcome a grand jury investigation. When the grand jury acted, he remarked that he was not surprised at anything a Koman Catholic district attorney might do. Powerful poor defense thai, and f|uite unbecoming of a bishop ot one de nomination to speak lightly of the religion of anyone, especially a sworn officer of i he United States, who was doing the thing that the Bishop had said, himself, that he would welcome Hard upon his indictment and slur ring remark concerning the religion of the District Attorney, Bishop Can non entered the Ecumenical Confer ence of Methodism, where, the papers say, he was given an ovation, which will be of little value to the political Bishop, and less to the furtherance of the cause of Methodism among the common laymen, and the man on the street $ Sports, baseball, football, and the like, serve a great purpose, in that they keep the minds of the American people off their troubles and griev ances. lay coenee stone of FIEST CHUECH IN CANADA The cornel stone of tin* Wolf Moun tain Methodist church, the first house I of worship ever erected in Canada the largest township, in area, in Jackson county, \va slaid with impressive cere monies, last' Sunday afternoon Rev C M Pickens, Presiding fHder of the Waynesville District, Methodist Epis copal Church, South, was in charge of the service, while Rev Mark Q Tuttle, ot Cuflowhee, Rev. F. W. Ki ker, of Webster, Rev. J. W. Hall, of Glenville, and Prof. Robert L, Madi son, had parts on the program The new church is to be a beautiful structure, small, but adequate, built of native stone. Not only beautiful Canada, but all of Jackson county can take pride in this new church. People from Sylva, Cullowhec. and other sections of the county gathered at Wolf Mountain on Sunday to be present at the serv ice, and to rejoice with the Canadians Of course there are and have been, for many vears, organized churches in Canada; but they worship in school buildings, having no house erected exelsively for the purpose of worship. ORGANIZE S. C. I CLUB Cullowhec, Oct. 20?Mr. Grayson Cope has been elected president of the S C. I. Club at Western Carolina Teachers College Miss Willa Mae Dills is vice-president, and Miss Jes-; sfe Higdon of Franklin, is secretary The club is composed of only those| students at the college who are for-! mer Sylva Collegiate Instifc'.' stud enta. I Deaf Mute Is Sentenced To Fifteen Years Bill A. Buchanan, deaf mute, was sentenced to serve u term of 15 year* in the .State Prison, Kaleigb, by Judge W. P'. Harding, of Charlotte, in Jackson county superior court. Friday afternoon after he had enter ed a plea of guilty of murder iu the second "decree in connection with the slaying of hi* second living wile, here, last June. A strong plea for mercy was enter ed for tin- 28-year old mute by Telix E. Alley and Dan K. Moore, attor neys, after they had placed on the stand numerous witnesses from An derson and (irueiiwood, South Caro lina, to testify to the defendant good character and t?? the high stand ing of his family in South Carolina. According to evidence introduced, Buchanan became deaf and dumb at the age of 18 months, as a result of an attack of measles. He was describ ed as the constant companion of his father, E. M. Buchanan, beloved citi zen of Andreson, until the hitter's death in 1925; the idol of his step mother, described by witnesses as one of the best women in South Carolina, j principal of one of Andreson's city I schools; and a favorite in the com Imunity while he was a lad growing I up unden the handicap of deafness,an0 !tho consequent inability to speak. A letter, written bv Buchanan, in broken EngHsh, read to the court by Mr. Moore, admitted the slaying, and told Buchanan's pathetic version of his affair with Pearl Brown. He told how he had met her in a bus station iii Ashcville, shortly after he bail come into jtossession of $l,.r>00 from the estate of his father. He stated that she had induced him to become her companion .and lover, and to mar ry her, although lie had a wife lin ing in C.reensboro, and of their trip to Xew York" and Washington. He told of finding himself out of employ ment, with the woman insisting that ho get more money for her, and end ed by sayin-: "So I kill her because T have two wives, no more money. She going with"other men all the time and had run mc off when no more money, so I get mad and kill her . The State introruced Neal Dills coronor, who described the wound, inflicted by a shotgun, whieh cover ed a space about the size of a man s hand on the woman's abdomen. Tom Cunningham, testified that he was calling upon a young lady in a house next dooFto that of Mr. Bro?n, father of Pearl, on the night of the slaying, that he heard an automobile drive up, and that immediately there was a woman's scream and the sound of a gun being firad. He said he went to the door, and later to the hospital, and was in the ward when the wo man died. He said she told him that Bill Buchanan shot her because she had learned that Tie bad another w.^ He stated that she was shot about 1 o'clock in the evening and died near 3.30 o'clock the next morning. T E Heed, of the Jackson Hard ware Company, testified that he sold the defendant a small shotgun, such as is carried by fishermen to use in killing snakes, about 0 o'clock in ? evening, and that Buchanan, whom he had never seen before, bought a box of shells at the same time. Otto Brown, brother of the dead woman told of hearing h>s ^ scream ami <b, f H. that only he and his mother itere present at home, and that the.v rnsh ontside, to tind his s.ster from the yard onto M P?*? "? said that she told bin. Bill had killed her and that his sister had run Bill off some two weeks before because she had found a letter revealing that he already had a living wife. He sa d that earlier in the evening he had seen Bill loitering on the railroad, near the Brown home, with a pack age under bis firm, that might have I contained the shot-gun.. i Miss Kflith Lewis and J. T. Bird | both testified that Pearl had flaggy! them down earlier in the evening and had requested a ride to town, tellin? them, on the way to town, that she wanted to see if Bill went off on the bus. They saia that after the bus left they brought her home, and as th^y drove away they heard a shot and a scream. J. A. Turpin, chief of poll" ? '? i (Continued on last '

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