Year 111 Advance in The Countv. SYLVA, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1932 * $2.00 Year in Advance Outside The County. pig Term Superior Court To Start Next Monday w j: - i?r?>niis:s to 'jc one of the ^ifiiiodant, most largely attend* . busiest terms ot Superior ; ,.\iT held in Jackson county, is ,i to begin next Monday , with Solicitor John M. ' J*1-' (1| ,,n>secutiug the docket for the ^,.1, it it not known for certain .h:,r jiiilue ?iil preside. Judge John l it u'lithl was scheduled to hold Uu- t' : ' : ,ml 'u* 's now- oft' the bench, i,, , .mission having Oeen suspend (j j,v U.ivei'tiiy (iai>liler, at the re .i Judge llarwood, pending disr ? ..-ill ? t he courts ol Wake county, t'; V|1; rges that .fudge Uarwood made - .mil mutilations in the record case against his daughter, |..>!a llarwood, charged with em ln.xlijjg a sum ot irom t'ie while she was working in the ilfire the commissoiner of reve nue. ,lnket is exceptional ly* heavy, ? it is believed s.hae the -entire two , M?k? ho consumed in the trial >'t ti.i ini!i?i*jal docket. Vhcve i" ' ' v? cases involving lie" vb|i*ni tak"1? human life. The -r.-t howiruio ease ever to go to the voiiU. tn:n inside the limits ot' the Uuvof Svlva i- I hat in which Hay j \VVc i* ?:har?r??. wa-i arrested on the nicht of il" li<>nii''i treia in connection with the ^cfitVi ot' Wiley Galloway, at (Jlenville {ast March. < Jalloway was stntek in tin head v. it h a "rock. Bry.-on is eharg 'hI with the slaying, and the State iilVys ttv.ct U-opard is an accessory. Thf c that was brought evf-r from tie* last term is that in r.Iiith Jim rml?nv?>od is charged with ?W.'m'nir t .i.iilic St. -wart with a knife in!. tuwnship, on the last Stiiidav in June. ! Tim fifth homicide case eotnes up; Imp. 'du.illa. and all' the principals I O't- th?r?<::m th(? cases in which the' .?Mate chilli at' membership bv trans-. ;t new hook We find scv '??'I mi the old book, whose ( I1 ins we know nothing of.They j ''? '?e Ix'cu Iw'd hack for information, ( y h"|> ii'; to ret in touch with them and Vtrli:: their wish concerning their f ? i There arc also a fpW tli it have be-en taken under ^t!>ho:nv. pending letters from other: ? h in !n? Their letters have not be.en I l""'i i :i ?! s yet. We will he glad to, h' t;. th. ... j,, get their letters so that '-' J' < :m he revived into full fcllow "''T H/n.v, the fourth Saturday, at 11 "'??ji.ek A.Tvt., the church will , regular conference, at whichj T'"!- I lie i vision committee will re-j P"1 1 i.n.i (.{,11 the roll ef the mem '' ..|| the new list, and also the iK'ji - resident members. By this ,l>? ;Ihm| ?,( hopo to get such inlonn :?<. will enable us to account for < i'tii ? present membership. An , ? Hs.-ut rei|u.'.-t is hi rehy extended to ?''I lucinbcrs to he present at this 1 H'tr. l-? answer to their names 1 1. !|? us make nnv needed cor "ii. The roll will he called both j "a ^itlurday and Sunday morning, at > ' 1 ' Ink. Church member, please be 1;" nit or write the elcl'k, Mrs. Ethel x?y<|rr, or ^jJp pastor> T.F DElTZ; NO MYSTERY IN MELLON'S APPOINTMENT? BOWERS j Washington, Feb. 17- Concr-rning the transfer of Andrew W. Mellon from the .Secretaryship of the Treas ury to the Ambassadorship to Great Britain, Claude G. Bowers, noted po litical eonunentor, declares there is no mystery about it. "To ns, there is nothing surprising about it ill", says Mr. Bowers. "We ?liii.k now, precisely as we have thought J'or It years, that the mys lenous appointment of Mr. Mellon to Treasury was ? no mystery. He was not a trained statesman; lie had not been a notably public-spirited cit-/ i/en ; he was not a prominent Kepub- ; lit an leader and he had no political ambitions. i "He went into, Mr. Harding's cab inet to look after the interest of the money' power; to direct the course of government in the interest of the pow-'l ierfi'.l tew. That is the reason ne was i I * ; I named on the demand of Penrose, j that is th ' reason lie was retained by j Mr. C'oolidge; and that is the reason, j despite the mutual dislike of Mr. Hoover ami Mr. Mellon, that he wasj retained by Mr. Hoover. With the original appointment of; Mr. Mellon to the treasury the 'in-i visible government' took on visibility'* TODAY and TOMORROW Hold : Not long ago I told in th's column 1 of a foolish millionaire who put a' million dollars in gold into a sat'e d-p:)sit bo*;. Several persons have written to^nie saying my figures were wrong as to the size of the box it would take to hold so much gold. M.v ii. inker friend win told me the story! said thaj. a box 17 1-2 incites square, and lii 1-J inches deep would hold a million in gold ' ?? ? I ( J The superintendent of the U. S. Assay Office in New York gave me e corroborative figures. "A mil lion 'dollars in gold bullion would occupy a -pace of 4,752 cubic inches o? 2 .'?-l cubic feet", he said "and would weigh 3, .'{10 pounds avoirdu-' pois, or 1 ,5S tons We weigh gold bars by grains, and an ounce of gold is a! troy ounce, which contains 480. grams; but when we slip gold bars' we weigh them, for freight- purposes, in avoirdupois pounds, of 7,000 grains to the pound. It takes 25 8-10 grains of coin gold to make a dollar j so the 20 gold piece, or double eagle,' contains a little mare than an ounce ? I coin g.?ld and a little less than a j troy ounce of pure ( ' looks: This year there will be fewer books j published, but they will be better books, (he publishers say. For several yvan it has been" possible for almost ninbody to get a book v published, whether the author knew how to? write and had something to say, orj not. The country was flooded with \ ol nines from the pens of young \\ r iters whose ambitions outran their abilities, who had never taken the trouble to learn how to write and ?vho, quite generally, were interested in nothing but Ai3ecency. Tho reading public is getting dis gusted with boots which reflect no | emotions above the level of animal I isui, recognizes no Spiritual forces or I values in life. Readers are turning! ! back to the sound old classics. More i voung folk are reading Robinson Crusoe than have for years turned to that great b.'ok which, ranks next j to the Hiblo and Shakespeare in its I .enduring value as jl source at once : of entertainment and inspiration. : \ u' j Aoxlity: 1 think we are coming tojsard the end of thi> time when incompetence could "put itself over' ' by blatant ad vertising of. inferior products. People are not buying poor quality pridiu ts now, and are not so ready to believe what plausible promoters tell tltom. It is going to be harder, for a few years at any rate, for swindi sell worthless stocks and bonds, and for self styled artists to palm off their socalled "modern" paintings Cull^whee T ournament Starts Mar. 8 c" j Cullowhoe, Feb 15 ? Tli annual High j {School Basketball Tournament will ' Le leld at W.ste ril Carolina Teach j er.s College on March ;i, 4, and 5, in I which the following schools are invit ed to participate: Murphy, Andrews, i Marble, Brysori City, SuaUa, Whit-j ( ier, Franklin, SyjvsV, Sylva Collegi ate 1 iist: l 'V'tviiesvilla, Glerivillej, , u^ucu, Ii;/M)insville; j Highlands, ('.yd:1, Fines Civck, Bcth-j | el, mkI 'John 's Creek. The following members of the far*- 1 ulty arc members of tho Tournament j Committee: Miss Alice lion ton, chair man, general direction; P. L, Elliott,) i ( l'al ifii) ; M i Lucy Pony, lions- i ingj Miss Xannie M. Til icy, public- j tiv , iiinl Miss Thelma Howell, finance! V'aeh school rcceivng an invitation to fitter file tournamnt will be allow- j ed In t?nt;?r otie girl's team or t ne boy , team or bnrh. The following teams! have won sine? l!>jST>: l'J25, W ay lies- i v'lle Cirls <"? LS26 lotla (Jii ls Sylva Hoys; 1027, Franklin j iJit's, WaynesvilL-' Dovhj 1028, S. C. I I. tiiijs, llayesvillft Boys; 1029, \Vay-| isO-vilf? ( .'iris, W^vnesvil'el Boys; !??:!(;, Ifrihel (JirlV Webster Boys; /, Bethel (iirls, Almond Boys. | Bethel girls won tho cup last, year,; having b??ea victorious two years ini succession. The girls will be cared for in the Moore Dormitory; the boys in Davles Hall and in tho homes in the. com munity. Tlie following community homes have been o|M'iiod for visiting! players while they arc here: Mrs. il.T. Hiinlcr, Mrs. \Y. E. Bird, Mr*.! D.ll.BrwnMrs. Carrie Bryson, Mrs.' Mollie Fisher, Mrs. L A. Amnion, Mir. M. Q Tut tie, Mrs. .John Clayton, Mrsv Ed Norton, Mrs. rtcrsitiei Screen, Mr Victor lii'-wii, Mrs. Lil-j lirTh imlsfirff, "3frs. Keller, Mrs. Free-, mail, Mrs. McCain*, and Mrs. Frank I I Brown. ;i?nl .sen ii?l ii res as real works of art 1 ? Ability is going ti. cciuc into its | ov ji again. The principal trouble with j the nation and the world today is 1 ' * i that ,scc.tjhl late and third rate men ? iiavo haiiyiioocd as first raters' and get I nig away with it. Mortgages: The safest investment in, the world; according to .Too Day, is :i I'iist mort-. gage up 1'..' nil o\ c^ (ill percent of its j actual, on ah owner occupied: dwelling lionsc anywhere T?i the Unit- 1 eu States. .Joseph P. Day, has sold, more real ? .stale than any other man ever sold, and he is also a director. of the !ar< si mow v lending in->titu-i * * *" | ? ion in tTTc world, the Metropolitan Life I-nsiirsnee Company. The cities anil town? of the nation arc NflTt ?vith business amlj J apartment structures built to rent, j -?ays ???;? Day, but there is a crying j need for several million modern one: family homers. There is plenty -of | money available to build them, but Ihn need is for bettor ways of mak ing that money available to tho home! owner al reasonable cost. That is coming, investors think, and soon. ! Cope Given j 5 to 7 Years I | ? i * . # 4 Tom Cope, Jackson county man, M-;ts convicted of manslaughter, last week, in Haywood court, in connec tion with the death of Frank li.uff, of ttaiuiook, and was sentenced to i'ivej to seven years in State's prison by Judic A. M. Stack. linff, who was 1ft years of age, was ki'Ied early in 1931, on Highway No. 10, near Pleasant lialsam church, wh( n struck by an automobile said to have been driven by Goj>e. Cope was placed on trial at a former term of court, but the jury failed to agree. ! CARD OF THANKS We desire to express our sincere Uppreciatm i of the kindnesses of our jf-i iends am', neighbors .'during our re jccitl bereavement. j Mrs. S. P. Wilkes and family. Jackson Co. Girls in State Wide Contest 1 ( H? the five winners in the "Stew jmhhip (.'ontest", of the Ashcviflc Division, Baptist Woman's Missionary I iiion, lu It! in Wayrtesvillo, last Sun day afternoon, three were Jackson ?oiinty g ris. They are Miss Frankie Buchanan and Miss Mary Owens, of Weh-ter, ami Miss Carolyn Stillwell, wf Ctillowhee. These three young will appear in the State-wide (?oiilrst, to he held during the' annual !:?'/-'s:oii ( f the' Baptist Woman's Mis i sionary Union of North Carolina in : Greensboro, next month. I The initial try-out of the contest,: !".vh?eh is sponsored by the Baptist j Woman's mi ssionary Union, was held in the elutrehes of the associations [of the Stafe, last" fall, the winners in 'the church contests meeting in as sociation- wide contest-, later. The [winners in the assoeiational contests i,",f tin If) .issonafloiis comprising the! 1 As|i?-vi|!? Division Arere, those who| j met in Waynesville last Sunday, and J five winners will iro against the i ; winners in the four other divisions I of the State, in March. Miss Buchanan represented the; Young We.mans Auxiliary, Miss Ow-| oi.s t lie Intermediate Girl?j Auxiliary, | ami Miss Stillwell the .Junior Girls' | Auxiliarv. ? POULTRY SPECIALIST HERE THREE DAYS NEXS WEEK ! .Mr C. i<\ Parrish, Extension Poul 'n-y Specialist. w II be with the Coun ty Agent, the lirM three days of next week, to discuss the earn and man agement oi" poult rv. Poultry is one of the Jew Inini products that can be said for cash; Also, poultry and poultry products have been as near (lit- price of things the farmer lias to buy as any (ominoqjty. ,M:et in;*s will ho held nt the fol ii.wing places to discuss poult ry and the f?-U> year organized farm move ment : Federation Hatchery, Monday ai Ji* ?i. in. G. C. Snyders Beta. Monday 2 P. M Glenn Robinson's, W il I its, Monday 4 P. JI. P. II. F< rguson's, AVhit tier Tues day 9 A M. Ed. Burn garner's, Wilniot, Tuesday, II A. M. Will Cow. ill's, urelitser, Tuesday, 11 A. M. 1{ ('. Tfiguon's (Jav, Tuesday, 4 P. M. E. ('. W'ike's, East Laporte, Wed nesday, !J A. M K. S. Green's, CowaiTs, Wednesday 1 1 A. M. " .1. H. Hooper's, Speedwell, Wednes day, 2 P. M. It will bo worth while for every fanner who ean to attend one of fiese meetings. INJURED ON TRAIN 1 Tarry Leonard Crisp, 15, of Ten nega, Ga , suffered a severe injury to i lie of his feet, when it was caught bfiween the couplings of box cars .11 the focal railway yard, this af ternoon. The youtK was taken to the hospieal, where ha is receiving treat ment. / Votes Off Special T ax | Balsam Grove school district, Can-j cy Foik township, voted off the spec-j ial school tax for the district, at a special fiction held on Tuesday of this week. The vote to abolish the special tax v. as overwhelming, be intr slightly more than four to one. TU(5 official tabulation gave | For Special Tax 13 Against Special Tax 55 ; This decisive vote is taken by many observers as indicative of the tenor j of the people regarding lowering tax-! ation. The last sssion of the general assembly effected a l.'du-ti *n i i)'.o>{ of the counties. In the case of '?/nckson the rate is 32c lower than the previous year. The special election in Balsam . 'irove district was called by the ooun I'y commissioners, last month, upon j petition of the voters of the diatriot. ( Eight Months Schools To Continue For Full Term ! ? ? * ? | BALSAM fsobol Coward, ten year old daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. B. Coward was taken to the Harris Community hospital in Sylva, Saturday, where sl.e was operated on for appendicitis. She is recovering as nicely as could b" expected. Mr. Lo lis McCall was ordained deacon in tlw> Baptist church here, Sunday. Mi sses Etta Kinsland and Irene Ifaby, two of our teachers, spent last w ('?!?? end ir their respective homes in Qunlla. Th y wero also guests of i trends in Asheville Sunday before lasr. Mr. an-l Mrs. John T. Jones enter tained the following guests with a radio party, Saturday evening: Rev. Tvay Allen and daughters, Blanch and Uuth, and sons, Bo y and Luch, Miss Leather wood, Mr. and Mrs. W. If. Jones, Mr. ami "Mrs. Luther Foster. The guests also furnished good sing inir with organ ac^ompannient. i Oualla basket ball team, played 1 Balsam here, Wednesday afternoon, j Score, Balsam 3D, Qualla 9. Mrs. Fred McKee and little dangh-i tor of Webster are visiting her moth- ! er, Mrs. Lona Green Our mountain peaks were covered with snow Sihiday afternoon, and then was q. ite a little flurry mixed j with rain, in the village Mr. K. L. McKee, <.f WJiittier, came ' ?i|? Sunday, to sec his mother. t Mrs. Mnigie E. Shorn 11 ami Miss Meiiie Shwill vi-itcd friends here, ? tins week. j Mr. ft. \V, Candler, of the railway mail service, was in "town yesterday, ill guest .if Mr. .1. W. McKce. , Mr. L .1. Smith returned Thursday trom Charleston, S. C. where he has ?ffVi on business, for some time. The rai*(! spectacle of the Aurora Borenlis was observed Saturday night but its splendor was much obscured bv heavy clouds; s liich is much to Ik* j regiettcd. Gen Hampton is pushing the build- j ing of the stock law fence, and will I have the territory closed in by the first of March. Everybody should try to he jeadv for it. Misses Addle and Etta Wilson and Mr. Bowman Wilkes, of Big Kidgc, re turned from Asheville, Friday morn ing, and that evening, in company v. ith Mr. Marcellus Buchanan, made the Democrat office a h"'glv appreci-j a ted visit' " ~ j I Cards are out announcing the mar-' rage, at the home of her sister, Mrs.! B. F. Curtis, at King's Park, Long! island, Now York, uf Miss Frances,' Baum to Mr. W. G. Perry, of Aslie-j \ i 1 Le, on Wednesday, Feb. 24. The, many friends of Miss Frances in this community extend best wishes to the happy pair, in which the Democrat, heartily joins. Gcv. Holt appointed George A. Shu ford to the judgesh't) made vacant | by the res??, nation of .fudge James K. Mert*iinun. As tlio Democrat said before the. appointment was made, it could not be more worthily bestowed.l Ex-Governor Alfred M. Scales died in Greensboro, Feo. 9, after a long and painful illncoS. During the war he commanded a brgade composed of the 13th, IGth, 22nd, 34th, a.-d 38th N'orlh C'ai.'-'ina regiments. Since the war he served ten years in Congress, and four a-, overnor ?.f the State. Albert fJaPatin, Democrat of Penn sylvania, h 'd the longest term of .service as Secretary of th^ Treasury, 12 year, serving under President .'efffi Jn for two terms and under Pre ident Madison one term. Andrew W. Mellon, Republican of Pennsyl vania, oomes next with a term of 11 years. Three presidents served under Secretary Mellon, _ j The eight months schools of Jack son county will continue for the full eight months teim, according to in forination from the office of the sup erintendent of schools. The State, un der the McLean Act, of the last Gen eral Assembly, provides for the main tenance of the constitutional six months term in every school district in the St-ite. The problem arose, in many . counties, to as how the funds can be secured to continue the eight, months schools for the full term. Taxes fire slow coming in in most counties, and the problem of paying teachers i'tr the extra two months has become cn acute one. in Jackson county the problef was solved by voluntary action on the part of the teachers, in ajrweiiig t<> continue teaching for the extra iwo months, and waiting until tax collec tions are made to receive their pay. The action of the teachers assure* that every eight months school in the county will continue for the full term JACKSON FARMERS ARE TRYING LESPEDBZA a son, Larry Weaver. Mrs. L. L. Shaver, Mrs. J. "? Cathey and Miss Jennie Cathey vis ited at Svlva and Franklin last week. Dean *W. E. Bird of CullowJu ?? visited Qualla relatives Saturday. Cw of our teachers, Mrs. Ruby* Pumgarn^r visiteo lier mothei, Mr-. John Alley of Cul'owhee, who 1<- . been ill. Mrs. J. II. Hughes visited Mi tt'. II. Cooper on her birthday, K. . 1 itli. She was 93 yejys of abe. Mesdanus J. C. John son, J. . Halt, J. C. Cass, 0. P. Shelton, L. L. Shaver and Miss Jennie Cathey call ed an Mrs. Miller Hall. Miss M'iry Emma IVrguson f C .1 1 vhee school sp-nt the v;t ><*P Cro? k fcpuit the week end it Mr. I). AL bliaJert* t _ . v f