r./.cl! is Spending the (W,k v Mr. and Mrs. If. Ar. J], J. \Yivport Xews, Va | ); A!'1.* , ? ?. lio.ule and Mr. Doyle D. 1 1(? fit in WflyiiPsville to - ,, N? ?' Mr V>" ' I.-.V -i' . : " .!;;!!?* ' ' . ' Mr >!:' I ' , : ll l; ?|\ : - \rimjcr oi the Leader is ...is 7'oryfiis establishment, this week. ".i* *??" \ r Kiiuous i> in New . i r k having gone there to : i:...?ds for the Paris. ?? * * 1' A I I 'll Mr. Willie returned from a busi ! : Florida. j -:t * * Mr. and Mrs. Miller Hall , !i IVhri'Miy }), a son, ici, weiirlit !' and a halt' ( ? - .k. Put man and her son, i iitiuau, spent the week, !,..\?Kin, < iedrtria, with vela-; i i \j: . f ;?t rwi od has returned t<>! ... i . . i Haywood eounty, alter j -if with Iter daujrhte.t !:>ser and Mrs. .desser. > YH*. ' ' \. ; \she, principal of l?ra;r-| li.J. : I, in Dm ham county! . rn l with his parents, I \l ; i it M : ? ^ ? Ashe, on Daw-.! ... iiiii. j l! 1 VI. II Mi- W.i-.! r.tlS. '. - ? ? k- ? IV'l?'"1 ; .i t .thW- run.'.! 1,1 ti, ( i ' : I'1 ? . I I, 1 1: ; ? ? ? ? ? ' J l '? ' t l*|.'-. * ,? ? ; ; Hi! i r <'?; ? Jf j|;?? ham ami small I been spending N'ew .laiksi.n ?ir Sunday, i a patient, a!, haviir. ; t" r appen this seet ion ? k ?? V'. t hat -lie ; Fi'i- vi- '<: Mr. and M> > K:ne ' Monteiih >v?.palhi/e w lh tl?i:.t i tiv ti-Mtii t!i.> week, .of t?;eir ? ; ; i'!jl ?l:n'..li!c!", A * r: l \" (i:\i\es i < !:!. M- niiiM:. ?l:n is in ; ^Vliif-t" I. ->; m I :??. is j ' l , ij Mi. ! A lie civile Up l'romj iHiriuan i . . '? week '. . ' ? aipanied by Mrs Amu aii't li,.- . I'dren, ?' ininie, Ir5, * nr.' .? ;n \ A'; ... wlut have been , S(H-i?Ynt ;i. ? ;MI?S ENLOE HOSTESS TO CLUB; .ijiss M:uy ?nloc will be hostess to thb -I t" iii< ?i- Study Club, at a meet ing Friday. 'evening. A Washington pri^ram wfll bo presented by Misses Mcv.i'ilyn Jihodes, liose Garrett and S-i" Allison and Mrs. Walter Jones. HALE'S MAKES IMPROVE MENTS ( ? ? j laic's fuis been making changes, TeaMuigen.eists, and improvements V>,v ~r * *~Vt & k P v . v.. I Vy & h. yi BEAUTY '' ( in hands s ' i v Massaging of hand and wrist ia % ;i< juob as . ...mportant as the mani- ft | carir.': of nails. This is a part | of the personal service which i~ given by our manicurists. Thsre is character in hands ? 9.1 Keep yours looking their best. ,* the J president Mrs. II. K; Hastings and Mrs. S. L. Campbell led the program, the subject for discussion being "How May I, As a Woman, Dis charge My Citizenship and Respon sibilities?" , I Among the items of business trans act* d were :i iiiotifjn that each mem ber of the society earn $1.00 during t lie coming mouth for the treasury, and a decision to donate a "shower" of ca ruied goods to the Community Hospital. Baskets for the reception of the canned goods will be found ?it ihe Sylva Supply Store today and tomorrow and ?every member nany remarkably low prices during court week, for the bene fit of our country trade, so that you can buy while you are in town without having to miss additional days from your farm work. MEN'S SHIRTS 49c MEN'S SOX 5c Men's Work Shoes $1-48 PIECE GOODS Yard 9 c And man v other equally as good values. THE PARIS STOV ALL'S Big 9c Sale STARTS FRIDAY, FEB. 19; CLOSES SATURDAY, FEB. 27. Hundreds of useful items included in thta great 9c. Sale. Ivorene Enamelware ....9a 22x44 Inch Turkish Towels 9c. Green Glassware 9c. Knives, Forks, Spoons 9c. Stovall's 5c to $1.00 Store HOTEL McALPIN NEW YORK CITY February 17, 1932 f Jaokson County Journal, Sylva, N. C*, Dear Sir: ( ? I am in Nev York selecting the Spring Line of Clothing, Hats, Coats and accessories for our trade and 1 am pleased vith the styles for this season, as well as the reasonable prices at vhich ve vill be enabled to sell* , . " ' r Our shop has been thoroughly remodeled, in side, from front to back* Nev paint, nev arrange ment of merchandise, everything vill make our shop more attractive and ve invite our friends to come and see us* The nev styles in Dresses, Hats end Coats vill begin arriving in a fev days* Very truly, .f .? A 4 * ? ' ? T t I * ? f ' ' i Mr*. X* M. Hal* ?