KATIM !!Nf N ? mi CQOWCU. PUtllSMIHO. COM MM Y Thi.d In ihnent I . lofrtyn I V ? ;r> i -cially- j it'-i-i* r.'i'iii m. I T.CIlI *vi?il ? - r- i-'.r. N'i- V . it IS home 1 r;?i! !ir i ? torn hy her ..I,. I l>: c'j??ic ijti" t.'ithrr r i - ?fin>:y ?'? ;iliyii'i{ .-:i!? i. . !> Ayi '? ? 1 - M .. -.1. !r i is a tt?:>r, r rTIF. ^'TOKV. ft! lb;: i *I:rme ? ?? at '. t j : " ?tudiei i:cr ?::rri i-J-.li I?nh < -r quarirrs. S' i- !???'!? i wrhrti =ir' i- '' ward. h':' trN him, 1'iit war. ?; the ; NOH" ON' \V It silrncttl I.vr Mr cJsrifk!- f vehl rnirur cnj -r and tl: "And :!;a!\ t'-.a ed!v. lit- pv h??r him !: m{f cscortiny h r d ai":r- ex'itul. I: lir>'ti::ii! tip-:! i oddly th;,! liif'rit ?';:??? r * i" ? >! itiihajv^itio and i.f re.;: it. A* *!:?. vi*p. ' .;:ntiin.x there wa* fhi. :tl ?!i.T rt-rtcc between l.ui (L> ;u.'! j I frtrlowc . ly.di *.va ?. ?.vtth 't:: ? ittt- ? ri? -t? the m-ire ojxr. ! ardc:;* ? >! the two. ll<,s' t'\c !;:??! ?:uri;-d 'jjxitt N'irk. his i^itnc, Iu'Ci !:is iritri'l- with a tfuldi n tiau c (if ?? tcr-.S. -!vin?).: thy. v.i!l t . iHtdrr^taml. It kva> the ui ! v- ; !i \f:ircc)I.t had ri? ! a:; ! J'Yiix \nr.t !iad net cv'-n ck--tr>.'J' cv ?'.( . Hi"* c : Tl." I ;ii ,J her I lliT( ! ?: No-! i !:;:< yoa j Si- fnM'.e.. irai t "Oil." - J .JtH-1 she answer I * ? C 4.- I lit." l';"* ??itt UsCll t ? to. . i . *i ?' . V limrr ' J Ml *'? ' ' aI' vc ' ????, r.i " . r arm. "I.i ? !:. i -hi. I /row > .i a . I for h- v.-cnf for ,i< y ' the Jiii* ':i.r I tome hack ?2on't **?? ?r :? it ii i t n"'? air-'. ! " :i! fact* v.;i- ? i 'I ::: want .1 v.j! Marccil'i -;<"kv rccititif.' i;*i "I ia;. ^ ii" jrou waian,, stiuc'. rtid say :t air i hut it tested car! i ?!?? r" ? ticicinly, ! ? ' ??! to each < The ;*ir'. ' other wi'h i "Wu pv V-u'll it r. l!i ' 'c di; . r Hi: ' . ivory ? ii ? Key. ". I linir, to he rid < f . lower hi- \ I. . wait. I ' ? It:-.-!, yti ? ? ? t.p - sir ?'! U ' 1 1 lt. v.liv l!ior , ?? ' -i ?' ? i t ' !. f , ihi:;!; wc* c . ! ?:it .-i -j . .T V oi C' ?IHX'i.t j i -nildeniy !.l ) / ! ? >t fnli >r, "I i::! h si.e were 'uitie. ? i-ir ke:; ?a.'.rr. Felix. 1 :n r.* ?' :? y>\\ hau i ' M? II' V. >V 1 'h.i'.v a Mi : ' rv f. r I under t! ?'iv :. I'cf'irr h h .1 ! y ii, * !1 ir. 1 .r- 1 i:-. ill a M (U'liir ; i - - !;??!* t t 1*1 i l ie kj4 ?t!i trie i'. wi:::?1raiv!ng| i inp her i: w ever, drew) r ihc chair r.s j i'cli x a:;d Mar-J Is. She breathed i ! litter, at defiant she (Ire.'i'' ?an^lii h 'it Rut sV: into some soul. AI! itvdf i:j> : tin >v. h :? Hhe ' ii?ter.''i ' ccl!a disrt! '!> deefily, 'tv r !:c.irt 1a!f r. S: !? ".-re he lr* f t alnie in her i:'ti ?? ? (??. i '..e. And then s!h* wa- !i? ,'iven i > tlti> man. "Oh, no," '^li'l I.;ik!:i Sandal s;*akiv.\r rtesiieriul.' \>j he.- own lieart, "v.e shrill \i'e !ir '1 re will be a U rt nipht . ' lui-t ( f iihenv aivl of ex perience. l'crhaj?> tny mother is wroiii-. Perhaps this Felix jloc* ni>t un'lerstai: ! ine. i'erhai?s this one correct and nv -i iiuiuh-.ent gentleman I is not the ? . ? 1 y d-orway into life ar.il| low. ! have r. chance t'y" learn the tristlj. ju t n hr j<* ? inad chance. Mil ii durintc this f'>rtnieht 1 di-covcr that mv an er a:1.' .nv shame an I my terr(>r ur.'l> r the ( t '-race >'t a future hii-han:l . not t:v :i what my inolher as>urct; n c that tiiey m< an," ht r chc->t lift*. !, a w i sceme ! t ? !>I-nv across hi-r mind, ''.Inn 1 will never marry iiim, 1 !,> nu: God; n.it even to c?ca;ie fivin . . . her!" Tn the tfrri!i!c cvtr:.: :ieut of this po n.'un !:ad Mar.-rl.a driven her. fc. vents ^hajicd t' -selves rapidly to make her ',-jc;t c: truth p^ssi' !c. tons:n Sara c;:: , an eld woninn with an < r truir r. very active an;l very lame, who < ' a'l ahf'Ut she city all day w:'h a , i- :nte cnthnsiasm for h >:>, nit'ht e.i'n istef! ; !.?*r own n;rv.>tts activity. . ^So, after Fc!i:< ..ad been tone f.'.ur NOTICE OF 1 ESALE Xotii'i* i* ? vi:n that ilk** land* Miiliratcd in deed of trust from M. M. ULdon : i l)cliu Ili^dnn to J. .T. I {m.k r, Tr U-i* far Tw-ka soepff-p I?:uik. rytvsi, dated Oc tober 2r Jacksoti C'finity, in i".<.ok 5?S page *12, days? and Jocelyn rather anxiously recognized that .-lie, .m^sed him ? there came a night. Mary's night out. when J eel' n drew mini her old rru::k '.lie ;> ? atcvcr a shabby desk looked rjiieer. mi almost ynfinic ovr his with his bri'hant m, uniting evts. that l.vnda i.:d again that sick Hash ot repul sion. I'erlwtt'S lu- recognized it tor i;e put both his dark distorted hands dained by God and man tor anything so unimportant to the race aa hap piness. Don't let tl-Ciii fool y.v.i ai to that. It's tor your discipline, my angel. 'My father hath chastised you with scorpions.' Don't you know the Old Testament?" "We were not allowed to study our Bible." said Lynda, white and scared. "Nick. Nick. I must he happy. I don't want to be chastised. 1 want not to be afraid as my C'l ^ * VJ ' ' " * I, y i \ V. x >.. .-3?%s ? c to:: -. . .' ? i'i'tvifui of paper money in the air before he noticed Lynda. ?rc . h ? < ? " Sin* '*?'?: >?* *it ?a -a i ? it* j>cx>r face .V ? .. Ju-r intuit. He <1 .* v. it :i laughter, i'-'"- t! l c..iil-l not ' h'l: \<1 '? v, r -? i !!;. in thinjr," ? ?*'? k. !?':? ! tic ? ! :!, m:; ?;< 'i!itie re i . . H).ir trwn inf. I ? [| ,-d . : v yon. ( io <>11 , - . ; i! r" :: . wv po??C-i ? >'? ?? mv. in : : . .1 . , ,i ' - i?:y expense I j jii . ' ? ' >! i! I - 1 1 .?? victim | " I ? ' - ? " t y?>u ; , ; ?. -.- i-, i; u : :< . uideitlanu?" ? I . : !.v y,'i!,v ?-aid T.ynda ?it v. "I 1">?- i'!i. Vim are | . :... I 1 , 1 . i! in II. I . ' ' ; ;? \ 1 . . ?. c , ; .!? .. : . *;?? stared i. r 'ii li.'laut. Then, **i itaiik>, lv *?' nl tiinply. "1 lik/. t.> ?>e W1 i art ? ! v ur l?>vvU"<, :i - ii <;i:i y . r i '-I- while, (jo | (>:i la v. 1 1 ? ? . 1 : V htfctf t ) 'iliish thu. W l.c.i ??'?? !> i' vVf II t -1!;.' i ju- l.t ii: in which ^tm'.fiiiil'd one fn'.l-si/.td "t ;!.?? .. i?l. v a : : 1:1 Uti ? *I\ -.ni'l " i yr.cla had ever r y :i ail- ?' ? d i ? ei?uv. . M AS d:v ? i'! ; v.< v ii > ? i' .-ni; ! . ji> k'i)ick ; th v. i ?.? ; : ? ";ir*. .4 n wii'.'.t. ? 'ii ?. > t;.ll Chc.'t of. !; .i v. '.r-'. ii' ivcr, :? *? i *i jltaii c..r r,> t?.i!< : r-r.idi > li ! '..en r.Catlv arr";,'iged ;r ?! there w a ..: vat p!C f: :? ?? inagiiifi i can la:; '.?> vwJ' h, loyal, !r.v?v ?!!; ? !:; ?r: n-. mtvc a no bility ircitvr than hmmaitr's. " I'tl! a! -jut yiur ?!. 1'his is nr.t his j iu'ine. I.n'k M i- ;i l-onie to y?n?| Jt ck is v. hat you mi. ht call a bird] of i assare.' "A saa-Mnan?" suggested I.ynda, | orottd of her worldly wisdom in !/C ing aide to guess a imsitiess r.ccupa-| tifin for a man.! Nick chuckled. lie seemed !e lightcd with lu-r su^v'esti'in. "Well, yes. Von mh'ht have him call it "that. He's a ? ?irt of hunter too. To night he's alter 1 ?:_r j-ame ? "igainst rny ex,)r< s> advice. I)mgermes. Nick, shall I lik .?eing marrie : I "Xo. Of curse not, ynu little sim p!etoii. It's not an inst'tution or wrvr si ili I at )ml#l it-', nuc-t ion to tlnf highest bidder I'm* cash on ih.ill(|; the ssiIh and wit bin the tunc limit the hid of said latfnds has been rai-cd, ten per cent, I hord'or:1, by order of Pan Al lison Clerk of t li?> Superior Court of ?f:.; kson ('osiiily, N. this (prrtperty will niiJiin lie offered for sail- at pub lic ,am tioti I'm- cash at the Court : Holism Door in the Town of Sylva, Jackson County, X. C., by the trus 1 V ) ' > / ... \ ( had is'-en. was it'*1 l>nkMu ?( her I hut at iii* dooij, J liesti*p -ii"niit ii!j? r*ri??!ly, ??Oh, i hat;" he threw !.:tcV .it her I hastily over !?;- r ? ?! H .th??n!iter.\ I'M !:"vcr said y>ti had ';e afraid, \ iJirl |. Tliat's t-.l-t er.' Ilv ihe one ' iliini* , vcm n't -he, i'!-. t/iil. If Mr. I' l.c Is. ?"'t n:.;'v ?? art*-- you in anv prefminil f?ii-o of ti" word, quit hint flil. ... li is Jtatlc !" '11 it- door was I'pcm-d v.itli a sort 01 violence ?t?d \\lc.vsird', H.ultUslv attired in evening ilro-in hi- hair a* v!eek as i soreri?v lover's, - r mo in. sh'it tli'* 'I ?'?r .M'd ?? force arm about Sandal's sho.iJdti.?. ?' There. you old hclSy-achei^ whal d > you say: Next linlc v.iil trust a b-jrn card-handle/." As he sp.kc lie was ; uilitiK jrotn !iis pi?ckc:s ?'reat hunUltd* ? ; paper money u hica lit >ii? ?? -k beiV'i c Nick's tyc.i and then tu??i'd up t:i the air >'? (hat they fell a'?!ic Nm like de ij 1- ivcs. In ihisjr,' rier.t 01 Rome triumph Jiivnti-n >iis to Lynda I": had df? >;?;>vd the ni'iiu nia-k ir :tl hia iind'ili* and wit I winded fare. Lynda saw that he was voting, t< ti yean yui.fner than I'eijx Knst. yrt?ng ?m?:itrh to Sandal's mii ? "J .ok, yi'j fi t earn ings from his salesmanship! When lie Had thetii,.?"htindled together he added to them what w:?? left in his^ clothing and put the whole Kreat, mass into a drawer which In- locked. Then lie turned to h o . "T ike her home, will yon, Jock?"' said Nick.' i "I'm done and -lie on^ht to !.e getting back to where she seems to belong.*' But it was nearly morning when lie came hack to furious prowling Kick. Ayteward came in at the doer then, humming a .lance :iir with a strange dii/e.l \visttnl look >:i li is On the way to fcet a taxi, Lynda gripped Joclc Svjthe nrm. "I must talk to you. You must tell me about X'ick. ' "All riNht. I'll take \*c>ti some where." ( "Do you like to dance?" asked Ayli-ward. "Yes. But I'm not dressed for a restaurant and mv moth?" "You're ilresset! for the place I'm taking you to, anlv I will say you're a I it' stagey." At the address he ha J given the driver he helped her out They mounted steep and narrow stairs which miprht >nre have led up from the kitchen :>f a private house and I.ytula found herself seated on ri bench against a wall, Jock opposite her across a hare small narrow table. It held one shaded light. Jock ordered supper food, Mechanical music was playing. The floor was filled with dancers, ?heir bodies pressed together Others drank and ate. l.nt except for the music tht Ions? narrow room was very quiet and n derly. I T.ynda drank the black coffee Jock had ordered for her. Jock was I ?t ? -1 Continued Next Week young facc. watching the dancers. ! "Want to dance?" / J teo, on the 20 day of February, 1932, described lis follows: 45 acres nwr$ or loss in Savannah township, Jajk s(H) County, ;i rljoi ni njr the hinds of If. (!. Crisp;', f. L. lligdon and Youpg tract being the- home p!act> of M. 1VL lligdon, further reference io which may be found in Book 8S at page ,45 Tteeyord ot Deeds, Jackson Coanty. This th^lO day of February, 1932. Dan K. Moore, trustee. 2 11 2ta TB , ? . . ' " . ' ; I That's What We Want to Col ? ? , lect On Our Subscription V ;? ?. ' \ List During the Next Two Weeks * I* ' J To Get This We Are Willing to V* i ? Sacrifice $1,000 s . ? /?? * >i - 5 . ' . ' ? A ? ? , - . ?*",?* ' During the two weeks of February court we are of fering The Jackson County Journal two years for $2.00. *? . \ , ? This applies to both new and renewal subscriptions. If your subscription has just ex pired, if you are behind, if your subscription will expire in a short time, here is your oppor tunity. Don't overlook it. r* \ 4 t } f . . ? * ' " ? ' ? * I - ! ? . ? 1 ; \ February 22nd to March 5th I , _ The Jackson County Journal * ? i