ci.50 Year in Advance in The County, otlva, kobth oaeolika $2.00 Year in Advance Outside The County. politics Is Now Issue In Congress (Spccial to The Journal) Washington, March 2. ? With the wl, ,?r financial measurea lor the ,<*?.11 'A UP crt<M a,,(' butine* out of the way, (fonjp-eM and th, Administration are getting down tu tHi'ir regular buHiiu.** of playing polities, There may be some rxcite |W.,.i here yet, and there will he U thi prwent pluttH of the House major ity arc carried out. S|" uk**r Garner hus already prom i,J,i a fight on President Hoover's to consolidate a number of de tilled government buuemw 'ill the interest of economy. Mr. Garner ealla ,.ir president's plan "idiotic." Pcr liup tffat may have been merely an (X?> elicit of peevishness beeausc the l-|V.ic!.rit heat the Democratic leadw* t0 i: by a couple of days, A program 0I consolidation hail been under care Jui preparation for a good while, but bt-tVi'? 11 eould be made public the rxv,m?wiidation carai' from the White iln>t> and once more the Adminia n.itior. bad stolen th? sjiotligbt. -jh?i flirts a fight in which each r?n> will try to prove that its pet m?iL il ?i n ircncbment is better than the- ?tl?-r The argiunent will \?[ a;Kt. lively and full of state Wu\> mhI onrefully pre v*nd lor use ill the Presidential iwrpHiRiv Wut out ot it there seem* a thai tlwrv will actually be a miction in Oovunment costs. r W of I lie lni? tight* between Capi ir.l Hill ami i lie Wluto- Hoiwe will h,. ov r !hf JhwfHtutie proposal to /?(i/iKKjul/ifc die A nay and Navy under on, War Secretary. Army wen oppose it rnles-H tbey can. nil the combined ktvuv.-s Navy men opi*)^ it, for the tjuic reason, tlui President and his uiIvimt ate said t?> In? against it, but it lins been made au officio! pol icy ot i lit- Democratic majority, which ,'iula to shove t ho bill through the Moi-te M hpewlily as possible and to .V?very effort to get the benate to agrte to it. IV Army and the Navy were ad as u i' ut in the fiiut^few vcarf. < f the I'niuid States, but since UOs thev have been operated aepa : ate!v. There is no posaible way tbenfoie, to tell whether combined ?. *i*.ion ot all fighting forces under a single Cabinet head would be more ?? liss ft'ieient in theae times. That 'iV'-s everybody a chance to argue n either aide, without danger, of 'iiiyiuit proving him wrwg. Ami into the debate there is like'y to be iuter* "i th,. third group which ,ha? '? tiy.n.? to divide control atill 'i!itl,er by netting up the military md iinval air services as a third arm *'i own S: erMary in the Cabinet ?'i arc inultipving that we shall ? a ?< iicral -sules tax of some sort i tori i '.ingress gets through. 't begins to look as if the Wet-Dry *v i 1 1 liuiiii big in the Democratic t oiivent ?, ,n m-xt June. Official party leai|?Tr>hi[? in the National Committee '?> vv, I. ami i]U; Wets are not going to t ii l)rv r-aitdidate be nominated, let a I)iy platform be adopted, ''?out snaking a fight. Governor 1 evilt ul New York is rogardod ?> "hmI- rate Wet ; Al Smith is an ' -?-ixik?n "dripping" Wet. Wetness ' tlie principal basis of the appeal ol t'fiv?ni')i- Kitehiu of Ma^land. ' ''v t?n Maker has not committed him in? vooithiy (,n t itlier side, ami IUl^t of the other men being talked possible noniineea of the Demo ff-it> are rather non-committal, hop "'f that :'he matter will not become "t issue. ^T*aker ,l(,hn N. Garner, however, rt"Par?lf?l as politically Dry, and - I'rv loaders are just as deter ''iiitt-d as the Wets to make no com promi^o (,i? t|u, ,|UOStion of Prohibi ,(n 1,1 th? convention. Gamer will ' 1 a l(,t ,,f deiegatei in the eon ,p'ion, and lu> ha> the powerful W. It. Hearst and his is ot twenty-sf ven daily news (, '^rs' *SlJW support for Garner bay ^ n nn unei|K' ed soure *"W8 that a strong Drv l,!l' has picked him as its stand ftr|lw8r<.i. *kis new support of Garner i9| * *>y W. G. MeAdoo, who wan nt Wilson'* Secretary of the '"miiiy anil married Eleanor Wil s<in' ^''A;\oo is ft decided and &Q* Dry. Moreover, h* waR ^ out i?t the nomination in 1024 '? ^ ft torts of A1 Smith, and he'd Fashion Show To Be March 15 The Fifth Annual Spring Fashion Show, Mponsored by the Junior Club of Hylva , will be held on March 16, it has been announced by official)) of the club. Oreat interest h a* been manifested each year in this event, and the mer chants cooperating and the member' uhijr of the club ere making plans for an even grektm event this year. The sho(M cooperating in the show are Hale's, The Paris, The Leader; Sylva Supply Company; Cole's, The Modern Beauty Sboppe and the Tuckaseeg'e Beauty Parlor. The nhow will be held in the Lyric Theatre, and the pieturo shown in connection with ft - will be "Two Kinds of Women." * i I FORTY YEARS AGO 1 Tmksuwiie Democrat, March 2, 1102 Fourteen new eases of Typhus le ver, brought <m>r by the Kw^ion refugee*, have recently developed in New York. Kumtor Palmer, oJ' Illinois w urg ing the pawage of ? bill by Con^ri-^ to provide, by eouHiitutional amend' inenl, for the election of U ???ed State* Senator* by ilir?et vot? <?? '.l"?l |>eop)e. Congrewnum Crawford made hu maiden speech in' the Hoiwe ltwt Knturday on an amendment offered by bim on the Indian Appropriation bill, increasing the pay of tho Sup erintendent of the School at Cherokee, Sh u in county. The bill Abolished the office of Indinn ngent, and the amendment wiw adopted,; The statement in made that the city school# of Charlotte have been forced to clone on aceount of th# ra AmuI of tan Commifwioners of Meekr lenburg county to grant UqwcJk ???*??? Titwc whc iiiltUvu aaioona in I'hnrlotU*, each of whieh paid a li ^enur tax of $l,0#0, whieh waa ap prrpriated to the public ?ehooU. For our part we want no prosperity pur chased with the profit* of the liqnor irnffie. Tranquility and morality are more desirable than education and thrift. Mr. L. J. Smith bas reeeived at liis store in Diilsboro a consignment jf fresh calicoes and other dress ?oodi?. W*. are glad to hear that Mr. J. C. Wat kins, of Diilsboro, is recovering from quite a lengthy attack of ?ll nosa. ,v Meaers, A. J. Ix>ng, Br., and J. N. Hutiigamcr were among the oUlent at ibt Democrat office, Saturday. ? 9 ? , Mr. if. Buchanan waa called to Asheville, Friday, By the illness of his brother, Neal. He frripd bim tonvaleseent. Gin. K. R. Hampton went to Aahe \ille Thursday and returned Satur day, accompanied bj his sister, Mis? (VI in Hampton. The people of Di Unborn are begin ning to talk up a railroad from that flourishing and progressive littler city to vYanklin, and unless matters are ptinhod more rabidly on the Sylva ami Franklin road, an electric road from Diilsboro is regarded as almost a certainty. HOSPITAL COMMITTEES TO MEET TUESDAY There will be a meeting at the nurses' home, in Sylva, on Tuesday, Match 8th, at 2:30 o'clock of thoee committees that have been appointed to essist in aiding tho Harris Com munity Hospital. The chairmen of these committees are .especially urged to come. ?ike to keep Mr. Smith and bis friendd out of it this yeas, Mr. Garner hasn't said at: yet how he likes this volun teer offer of support from McAdoo, who is not at all popular with the official party leadership, although he has a large Following in the ranks. Anyway, it's a fresh complication which should make the Democratic convention even livelier than had been anticipated. Reach V< Fisher ai Trials (? ?p^? ? i t T~r i ?? rdicts In idBryson r Murder Football Player Gets Long Term \ y Ov Sunday monring, Judge A, M. Stuck opened court Co reeeivo the verdict of the jury trying Kay Fisher for the fuurwv <?f Will Kmdey, on the yard of the Hylva I'aperhoard l'oin puny, lust November, The jury found Fixber guilty of murder in the necond dwgrre, and Judge Stack sen t^nced him to sorv t not less thttu 23 nor more than 30 year* in the state J'rin'O. Tbii ease went to the jury ?t 0:46 fl'elok, Saturday evening. Fisher wu,i jdneed ru trial for his life Thursday morning. The state eon tended thut the slaying of Emdey contained every element of murder in the first degree, mid introduced evidence finding to show that I Ik- J youtg wu'< hud gone to the home of Ensfey curly in the afternoon of the day the killing oecuved, end thut [FnMry lin-1 ordered him away mid! hud told him that if he caught him J about htM ploce again he would Itil j him; thut Fisher went to Ihe home; of bi? grand father, gome two and n j Mr mil.'* away, .secured his uncle's pistol, and returned to wb'.?re F.nwleyj wih ui work on bin engine, called t? j KnHfV and engaged him in ? verbal 1 controversy, nnd (hot Fus'ey told, him that he had nothing more to ?ny! about it, and bad entered the engine and started it moving, when Fisher backing along side the track in the same direction that the engine wii.? moving fired the pistol through the door, the bullet striking Knsley in the left Midi*, causing his death be fore he could reach the^hrapitol,^ ^ been at the home of the sister of' Fisher, immediately efter the sbont ! in?, And had heard him tell his sis- j ter that Ensley had cursed him and ordered him uway, and that he had gonr and gotten a gun and shot j Kmdey, tlvit he didn't know whether' be had killed him or not. The plea of FHier was that the1 shooting was in self tlefense. Ho testified that he had been passing along a trail near Ensley's house,! coming from the home of his sister, avd that Ensley hut coim> out of the! house. cursed ? him, accused him of stealing i still cap and condenser,, that had been furnished to Fisher and another man to make liquor for Fnibley, and had told IHm that if j ha didn't brinjg them bark lie would; kill Fisher. lie stated thut he went j to his grandfather's home to get his fupper and change his clothing, and j (Continued oil Page Two) i ILLS MOVES MARKET K. K. Dills bus moved his meat market from Dillshoro road to the Bryson Building on Main Street, opposite the post office, and hus in-i stalled a stock of groceries in con-' neetion with his meat business. Kir. Dills is well Inown in Sylva, j having been in the marke* business' hem. for many years. I Appeal Is Made j By Jim Bryson i , ? J Jim IfryMn wa* convicted of mur-l wtt' in th?* xocond degree for killing wilfy (ftiliowu.v with a rock, and wa* ?wencod to *me from 20 to U5 4pflr?> iit the state prison,, at '2 i'ffl Wednesday afternoon, The jury Ipund Anw) Leopard not guilty m nb accessory after the fact ; Init Judge SWk ordered biTrT held on ft l>ond of *500 to appear at the next criminal t<ma of the (superior court uH(f ana-! wfe lo a charge of car rying a con-j ton led weapon, l.oop?rd having ad mitted that he had a p>?to| in hi? truck on tlw day (lalloway was killed, a?rd that b? always carried it (here, nn h?< had been hauling jnoduce lo Kwuth Carolina, , liiyson immediately moved to set the verdict aside, and when the mo tion was overruled by Judge Stack, gave notice ol appeal to the supreme court,. Bond vvius fixed at $10,000, which wa? immediately furnished by hl? friend* and relative.-* in Hamburg township. Judge Stack, in imposing the sen tence, stated that it wa.s bad con dli?t on the Sunday on which Callo w*y was slain, )md that the ease held elements of murder in the First degree. Il(> ?-aid that Calloway may I litre used <>x<?; force in expelling Brixu from his home and garage. "i|[ looks to me " said Judge Stark, "a* tho yining men of Jaekson I couftte would leaWi to leave liquor rdone, Vjje fate of young men who have bee* tried at this term of the other you ngSffewT^ stop drinking and fighting, Judge Staek continued. "If I 'lived in Jack son county," he said, "I wohld think Mv'onsly of moving away ? human j ! ii'i* is too cheap over here." Judg3 Stack had charged the jui y 1 hat there1 was nut Sufficient evi dence for it to conswler as to acces sory before the fact, in the case against i/copurd, and thai it should only consider the evideifce as to his actions after the fatal Mow had been struck. \ 6'blloway died in the (*. J. Harris Community hospital in Sylva, on March 10, last, ioiir days after his head had been , crushed with a blow from a rock, on Sunday afternoon, March lf?, at his garage and home in Olcnvillc. The easo was begun Monday morn inf;. Dr. A. A. Nichols was the first witness. introduced by the State. Jle (Continued on Page Two) HIODON STARTS RABBIT FARM J. S. Iligdon has started the biisi ness of breeding and laising pedigrocd rabbits for the market. The now business is known .-is tho Smoky Mountains Babbitry. Mr. Higdon has somo sixty fine rabbits with which to start his .enterprise. Two Men Are In Motorcycle Accident C. L. Steele, of highlands, was al most iaitantly killed, and Frank N'eely, also of Highlands, died Mon day morning in a Franklin hospital, as p. result of a motorcycle accident, on Highway 285, a short distance above Dillsboro, Sunday afternoon. Tlv machine it; said to hare been going at a terrific rate of speed Steele driving, when ..the rear tire ble^Y out, and the machine plunged over an embankment, on the left of the road, through a pile of huge bou'ders, and crashed against a tree, on the bank of the Tnckascigoe river. Steele's neck was broken, and one Jpg fractured, and wiw dead when res/.uers reached the scene. Neely was Irought to the C. J. Harris commun ity hospital, where flEnf aid was given and an Xray picture made, which failed to dwelt*# anjr fraetntai ?n the hones of his biu>k or pelvi?. Ho was suffering from a blow on 'he head, near the right eye, and from extreme shock. An ambulance w.'i.s sent for him from Franklin, and' h? was taken thee, where he died i'i the hospital about eight o'clock' Monday morning. The body of Steele was brought to the undertaking parlors of Med 'oni Furniture Company, where it \ as prepared for burial, before be ing taken to Highlands the next! morning. Both men were young. Steek was unmarried, and was liv inc with his grandfather, Mr. Davis, in Highlands. Ncely is .survived by hi.s widow and three small children, l'e was in charge of the municipal power plant at Highlands. The speedometer on the motorcycle j *h.? stopped at *70 miles an hour, when the wreckage was removed. Perrys Lease Poinsett Grill Mr. and Mr*. Drayton Perry, of Weyne>?ville, have leawd the 1'oin *ett Orill from Mrs. J, \Y, Keener, and will tako active charge, on next Monday, They 1iav<? refurnwhed tb<? room# over the xrtil, in thg name budding, and will also operate u \ rooming: and lodging bouse of the! better <'!????, in connection with tlm grM ! Mr, uud Mrs, Perry are well J known in tlu? hotel business in W/*>t- j em North Carolina, having b^u in j charge of the (fining room at the} Lel'Vine hotel in Wayne?villef tot i ( veral yew 1, TODAY and j TOMORROW i (By Frank PariiiM Btockbridge) Morten home small huropean nations L>uv<< | prohibited (be showing of "Mickey Mouse" in rnovje (heaters on ground tfatl this animated cartoon 1m "tuen fully unwholesome." Few intelligent people will rgreo with that. On the contrary. I think fiicb amusing pro ductions a* .Mickey Mouse and Hilly Symphonic are not only the best -oil of eotifdy entertainment but ibcj aw almost tic only original lorm of mi which the movies huve d*/elo)n-u. In such pictures n-i those, and in I otam'els nod travel picture, the movies give something which the stage* cannot o tfer. Much of the i other stuff shown on the screen these ?lu \ ss consists of ooor substitutes for real plays presented by real actors. They do bring the drama ? of a sort? within the reuch of everybody, but Ihnt is not to say that every type of drama ia wholcbomo for everybody, yWt the effort of Mr.j Will Mays to "clean up'' the movies,! but 1 don't think he is making vary' much headway, to judge by home talkies I have scon lately, 'fberi? is ton e excimo for a play which deals with More <>r less delicacy with illicit ?s>\ relation.^, when it is confined to a fciugle flutter and audiences of presumably sophisticated adults. There is no excuse for vulgarizing the? same play until even a child can wn>~e its rawest implications and then showing it to audiences of mil lions of children in the movies, WlvfcH Not tunny years ago a wife ,wrh tho property of hor husband, not only in Turkey but everywhere else in the world, especially in England. The olbir" day in London a mnn sued a doctor for enticing his- wife to leave bin.. The jiidge decided against the plaintiff. ILm said a wife had a right to leave her husband whenever she retired, that slip had the right to decide whet her "To bear children and when, that she was an independent individual and couTJ decide her own con i fie of lift! without .consulting her husband. Not all of our states po as far as thrf, but. it was poin'ed out in court lh:tt in England women 'oday also! have the best of it in other ways. If :i married woman driving her car injures somebody else her husband en/- he sued jointly with her and made to pay fl le entire damages. If she gives her husband any money it i? a loin in law, but anything he gives her is a gift. No action can be taken ag.iinst a wife for deserting her husband, but she can haVe her husband arrested if he deserts her. A husband must pay the income tax on his wife's income if she fails toj do so, and if shp owed him money! before they were married he cannot) collect it after marriage. Iron A hundred years ago New Englaiu mines and furnaces were producing oig iron and "retting a cent a pound for it. .S 3 von t y-f i ve~y ears ago Pitts bui^h begun to !>?' the iron center, selling castings for three cents a pound. Fifty years ago New England found a way of getting ten cents i pound for iron, making it into ina chinery. Ironmaster.-, of today gel fifty cents a pound for th"ir watch tpr'ngs and pressnj steel alloys. Evtry advance In thp art of fabri cating iron yields a higher price for the finished product. The new alloys, stainless steel, chrome-plated sheets, atfi being made into mew art forma Completion Of Highway 106 Assured Amirwe that Highway 10*} from Hytfu to Cullowhee will be paved in the e?flr future and that the whip Highway from To ckavjgec to Oka 7i1le will be *urf,iced with water j bound macadam, has com# frotn Uu< I fiiyb, following ?u interview highway olliciaM afid )Ar*. Ji J? MeK'je, it was learned yesterday. The highway will he designated as a federal uid project and will re f< ?e fund* from t V highway emer gemy road hill, that has just posted *Wit house* of congress, The bill ap propria! ing the Inderal money wa? enacted into law since lite raceip* of the following letter to Mr, MeKee frot'i Chairman .leffres* of tho High' wiv Commission: Itoleigh, S. C. February 25, l#('J lu- f ilcKie North Carolina Dear Mr. McKee: I am writing to confirm my cou vei';i<'.tioi) with Mrs. M?Kec yesterday w'.h refercnc? to the improvement ui lloiite 1WJ iii Jackson County. Our plum ore us follows; Ac soon us we ean place additional ' roads on the Federal System and *;? euu. fund* w? will place under eon trn"t the connecting link betwaeu Cullowhe# to the end of the concrete. The field location is practically com plete h id plan* will Ik? worked np so (ha*, contra*'.! may he let promptly it' Cougress authorizes an Emergency Appropriation for roads. If Congress* do?? not act we, will have to do our hcbt to maintain the existing link until funds aro nvnilablo. An to the section from Tuokuseegeo to Olenvjlle w? hope to place crushed atone on this road and get it in con dition to take a tar and gravel treat' mcnl. Mr. Walker was hero today and I asked him io go over the mat' tor and submit estimates on this right jaway. Plena*' be assured that we are mov ing as fast as possible in the matter and that our best opportunity for get ting work done promptly is for Con gress to appropriate Federal money which wo can use in connection with regular Federal Aid, With kindest personal regards, I Jim Very sincerely E. B. Jeffresa, Chairman Btalc Highway Commission LIBRARY DAYS ARE OHAH0ED T he days on which tho C. J. Harris library will he open have bet<n changed to Tuesday, from two until si.v nod Friday from seven until niw, tie Jmrior Study Club, wider whose it uspices the library is now being con ducted, announce that now books will he added to tho library at nit early date. Mit-s Docia Garrett, a member of tho flub, is librarian. The young ladies of the tlub are *?r that all hooks belonging to th<> library be brought in nt once. which bring the pneo of iron to the qmt ip to it dollitr or more a pound. Every step away from t|ir raw mu tant)* of existence in i?-? s? the econ Mnit standard of living. Tho more laboi goes into thi. iron, tho more persons are employed ; the higher the ^ire of tho finifclud product, the more labor c?n earn. The inost back ward nations srn those which nse. chiefly nnl'abricated natural products. The most advanced ones are thow which put the moat labor into the poods they consume. Jewx The Jewish Agricultural Society hns been engaged for years in the effort to indueo Jewish families to become farmers. Today there are J 00,000 of them in America, living f-olely or chiefly on the land. ?'ost of these Jewish farmers live in colonies of their r.wn people. They arc a clannish race and they eor>|> erate well. They are also good bu^i nes- men, as a rule, and mcke a living and more when their non Jewish neighbors ore running behind The latest development of thin sort in the establishment of "agro-indu-. trial" communities, near enough to !ar/;e cities to eriablo some of the family to work in town, while th* others cultivate tho land. I think this solution of the industrial pob. lern U one that it worth Mm bfta*

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