\c-\r in Advance in The Countv. SYLVA, NORTH ^CAROLINA THURSDAY, APRIL, 28, 1932. $2.00 Year in Advance Outside The County. COUNTY HAS MAN IN STATE RACE ^.,,i ,,,, iitrint'r register i- , ink of tlio sii , ,1- ill'" 1 . 'l' , ,i( CO??'y, is I . :iiri* iii the pri , vireme west for t \;iiL4 import anee. ?,r ?.l'1'n.* ;fr 'Vh'Shd : :ou!iil}i(e tor (he ,,.,1..i,(r:i- i" tin. -ri.?e lor < onim is '' '""I N t a t es that Ik ?i fK l!u In r, ;l y;.* ?; tii.!1 ?>( ciicouragv jf.Mn \ ;:ii 'iN ih of the state.' s i |.. he. ulio ri'pri sen ted I !?: ' ' ' ' i, | j , , ? Suite senate, last i v man senator m ked < t' exten |;ij; i for' Mi'iitc limit h I >v;' " U ;i" ;l ??'? :v.|iieslei| by luill-i ..i" J'i'-i 'I- ' ' ? the race, J [;f lilflM!"'- ? I ? ? ? ? 1 1 tliit. nit . ;?(?1 0({ ^...Wui.dS arc r iik. 1 1 f.ji the otTi- j ... ? !;'?! nl' "..aiiiiii: ?' '<"> v.! til tlii> state j .?!< : ?r I lie nomina-i ri'i' fh.' - 1 ?? I'.iturial, eoiiffres U.'?' ; n: stake in tin* :!?? tish! ? : _f I In* e'eefion* js | [."iVVft !? ill- >? ' |>niriarirs and a, liliin' tin!?i f.i j! .1 April 22 for yr.:,n i ?> olli r eandi Jd;,|.- m:.y enter It !fi is office. v 1]? Ill'll,"'.!1 " fitflit it out in . 'f the Republi , i auteinatically tlw |ii ini:n/ if. i.'? n - : .iiniii.'i'i ( I" i ?? ? * have no up .jlim;. ?'! A -I.'IM V'U'ell. t ll;? p;j||\ fisHHiJii'iu ii"" ''t f,'r the senate fjiHiiN'f!"^"' "itil.-r ^tale's man- 1 urinurv lav.'. Hi, ,;iivi: I ? - liMididatos fol -| ! United StaUa Senate J'.?it.rr:tli<-T;Uii < Howit ol" .7ef wF^kU. ?.m>: "1 Kale.-h; VWv, ; Ar i' 'linstw. Ko!)('rl /{rtilM A 'I - /.\rnlfe -("v.... V. Del'riest of Sl.r'l.v; .J. T. y.v-fH Charlotte. For Caress '/Vic miDihrr tllC district, fli" !;'?! ;if,r:':frir ' in eaeh (l's" -iuhllean enn-j Vir. i. I.i' ('. Wavvn <>l Washing-! V : .luki:. H- 4 Washington. 2 ?' '!ijt H. lvvr "T W arrei'tnn; K !> 1! ii'. ell -i' Tail mi") .1. Chili L AM-i'cMiy ..I" \e\v liiit.; iiH' > i>. ?' 'it <>l \ v :i i'>:i ; II. IV h't'V n!' ( i ' !?'. i r.iv.ti r?l w. IV: ??! S'rriil | I., V. !us?.u ?<< S.H-V t it'V. V ?;:()!? W 'r., Oxford; I. A . Wri'l. Win t":! >;i!i in. j WCkcl. - L. V:;n N< | i ( i teens- J t*oi? ; .1. C!vti( i?a llil! Ini.i; C'liar-j !.?? T. i.oViii - (.'r .-v-liin o ; William | i: ( ! hi' fi'i"1!,!!:) ; Vo'-nian A.: !'!? ii Ptiiitiir : Hi';... If. Canawnv ; i:i ! I'"i:t ; Willni;- I. Ward of [firsliani. ? I ?:? :i:?! I I: r ;.vettevil'e; .1. j fiyi'il . >1 ( ?v: v, J. W :l!tc!' I i l.i'\iliU'toll . A- II. j i! o. I PiWj L' |i.. ? ;i- . ii. Laurel T:- X 1'. I'. !'???.) --iMlcsvill.-. A. 1. I J=s i ?v klf* ( iastonia ; 1 :,i' A -lotiiK I.'iicolnton. Zt'lm'fiii WYnver Asheville; I>. M.uidn. Stat? Officers iViii.'.vyj, | ( j> I'liriiitrhaus, ! UiM, I'ii y: i;i*-li;u?i T. Fountain! , ; kv M-1-.nl; All..,, .I. M:i swell Ka Mlian - ('?! t,?,l Fmzior, i wmi:s!kv,?. I Lieutenant Governor ?'"Bixniii,- -I firahfltrt Hills V. Marion; Day >" n vvill... , I*" I). Tillett Cliar wt*. Secretary of State .I,-.. \ llartnosa ? lsl' Stjiwy \\ Wade Kaleijyh. '"'I'lililicai,.. c ,< |}n?lv> C, mover. I Auditor !: vi,.,. i),n.l,a?i Hal! ''! I'l I- 1 IlA,l:ll?- fU;,: !,.?f . I'm- 1 Ii'al.-inh; (leorfro ?tji'il, i<-;i 1 1 - > ^ ,] ciitiin sjs Lenoir j Tieanuier 'wiiicruti,-.. Ii.'n 1 1 1? Stednuin Hal M;!,. |'r|Hililii|U,. |'. || r?\vy mi Leaks , SnPt. of Public Instruction ll Wi,ti.. \. \\ Allen, Ra'cigli, '"ImI.Ii,,.,,, i i,.,,.,,., H, (|owles, ^IkKl,,,, Atturcy General m.:. I),.,,,,;, (; i??uivmitt. 5 l',"v 1 1 1, TM, -Swain Shelby. 1"l'ul.!i?-jl,t..n s. Williams, Con ^-'jntiiiui il on Page 2) Government May Reduce Expenses Wushington, I). ( May 1.? There i; increasing encouragement for the belief that before this session \ of Congress adjourns there will bo an actual material reduction in tho ex penses of the Federal government. Whether it will be precisely along I lie lines proposed by the President, or wheth'T li is }x?lit it :t I opponent in Congress will succeed in putting over some other method of economy for 1 wlreh they ean chum party credits,; i* still uncertain. It will make very little difference to the. average tax ' payer who ?;ets the political credit1 for minting expenses. The one sum thing- is tlwt every member of both Houses is being literally deluged with Irttds and telegrams from constitu ents demanding radical economies in ?o* cYunient expenditures. i r l ntler the Piysider.t s program, in stead of a horizontal cut in govern ment salaries and wages, lie would ki-c |j sill t he present einloyee* /m the pa> *oll, but thes? on annual salaries would be required to take a m Hit h of I iu tlie year without pay, and those on daily wages would be giwn five tlays work a week instead of six. That is in line with the White House p. lifv, announced at the beginning of t!ie depression, that there should be no reduction in wages. Congress lias not a> yet acted fin ally upon any of the appropriation bills, and until the last vote is count ed it is too early to predict with ac curacy what is going to happen, but there is apparently a very decided sentiment in favor of giving: the Pres ided authority to consolidate bureaus and cut off the free services which arc now being re'ide^ed to indivi duals at public expense. Ii: the Department of Commerce, fur example, thousands of specific in fill ries arc received cverv day from business men wanting in format ion about business coudit^n*, nd sources of raw materials,- commodity prices in different pa: ts of th* world < etc. Also, thousands of industrial ? ni.ccrns every yct\i* send sjK'cimensj <>{ materials to thi> Puroau of Stand- 1 ards for testing, and call upon its technical experts for a wide variety ds, Mr. Smith exhibited his belief in the fundamental Democratic principle of equality, which in tfieory. makes no distinction Tjctween rich and poor, WHITE HOUSE EXPENSfS DOUBLE THOSE OF WOODROW WILSON DAYS I FORTY YEARS AGO I Tuckaseige Democrat, April 27, 1892 President. Butler, ol the State Al liance, und Mr. J. S. Davis, of Hay wood addressed the people at Web ster Tuesday; y We had a pleasant call this morn ing from Mr. Hideout of the High lands Mountain Eagle, who is on his wav to Asheville. V- ; ' 7 ' I } I A party of young people consist inur of Misses Jennie Oill, Matt.'e J;. id Ida James of Salisbury, Mr. B. F. ljindsey of Bristol, Tenn., and Mr. \\T. H. Stedman of ihc K. and I). R. K., spent- several days at the "Svlva view,' this week. Mrs. Elizabeth Stanton of Briflge port, Conn., who for the past, five months has been boarding at Forest Hill, the horn? of Judge 1). D. Davies, died on Saturday last, Bev. Mr. I brinies and wife, a ilr.ughter of Mrs. Stanton, reached her bedside just hey fore her death and a son was also wit It her. Tlio remains were taken North for interment. Vt the kaolin factory ? drying i slii'd has been built, tine end extend ing across the grading of the new railroad. We do irif 'know whether the kaolin company thought that the rai'ioad company had J no rights which they were bound to respect, or whether they thought that, at the present rate of progress, the railroad is making, the shed would rot down before it would be in the way. The train for Asheville Monday was delayed by a nm Bushncll and did after five o'clock teWivea ?1 who died at Judge in? here with the eompelled to charter an extra train,] for which they were ?-1iarged $125. It was certainly not right to lay upon these j>eopIe a penalty as the result of an accident which they were not even rcmotelv connected. Mr. M. M. Brown, formerly county sunevor of this county, and well known and prominent citizen, died at hi* home near Tnokaseige a few days ay':. / . ' '? i (? ; . " Horace Brown's store at. Sol's Creek, in Canada Township, was broken into last Saturday night and vol, lied of goods to the amount of twenty-five or tlfirtv dollars. From nienville: Mr. E. F. Watson, I who is now at Chapel Hill, will com plete the law course and he at home the 20th of May, ?u:d will spend a short time with Trends and relatives here. Then Mr. Watson will go to Marion, where he will stay quite a while. There is being important work done on (he Alliancj house now, and hoping to complete it soon for Mr. Woodring with his n< w stock of goi.ns. ? Miss Etta Wilson, a popular young lady of Glenville, opened .school this morning at the academy, with 22 students and will be more next week. and does to legislate against ,one cla*si for the benefit of another, IVrhaps thp^PffSt, far-reaching ef fect of Mr. iSmifTPs .Jefferson Day speech, however, is his very frank statement that we might just as well give up the idea that Ave arc going to collect any more -on account of war debts from Europe. Hundreds of po litical leaders reached that conclusion long ago, but none in a position to be heard so widely has dared to voice it. Now that Air. Smith has said it right out m meeting it is sur prising how much agreement is be ing expressed with that belief. It would be hard to find anybody in j Washington today who seriously j thinks we shall ever get any more money from the othir side in pay ment of what Ihe nations of Europe . borrowed from us for war purpose*. to Ah*. Smith's suggestion that We give foreign nations credit oil! their war debts for percentage of their annual purchases of our com modities. there is le.is agreement, but there is a growing -.entiment in fav (Continued on Page 2) { > iff 'i Lewi has been mm h talk and ado, emanating from file White House, rs gardifig^ the reduction of governmen tal expenses, as a meeiis of balancing tbe budget and relie\ing the tax sit-* nation. There are upk in price, only $229,000, miieh less tluui half the amount asked by Hoov er, wag 'required for the purpose. In 192;), during the Coolidge adminis tration, the amoufft for the san?e -pur pose w^s $397,000. iSom^ of the items in the, budget, eo:il ra^kd, 1,rc: Wilson got along iJv with six automobiles. Mr. , the thrifty Yankee, rcquir but the blacksmith's son i, California, China and finds that lie must have [r. Hoove'' ivust have three j i, at salaries of $10,000 * Wilson and Coolidge man- ] t their work dciiefwitli one eaeli al a cost of $7,:>00 a ie taxpayer*. the war, i'ri'sidnit N\ ilson , fetpil of poMtv, to guard the iu.se, at a eb>t of $95,000. ..Jge used thirty tluee police-] Men, they were jiaUl $58,000 ; but itStk?8 4s spe-ini policemen to | proteejjfcr. Hoover ai.d the govern- j pg them $120,000. It would carry 111? Ul1 contingent fund ac 137,000. In Hoov ??13,500. lent, in ire of house ' "** n ~w 'j ? r # nr.d grounds, ground keepers, dogs, greenhouses!, and so ?>n, cost the peo ple, under Mr. Coolidge the consid erable sum of $98,000. Mr. Hoover wants $185,000 almost twice as much for the same purpose. very n Cot.iid ed sev from Km- la nine. ; ec ret year e ag:penses, that he should begin in his ?.wn house hold, ami at least rcducv !li(> expenses their down to the level of the Wilson, or e?e:i the Coolidge ?ls: vs. Ii is easy for governmental e\p< u (litiires to grow and prow; but il i? hern to reduce then*, nee they I no grwn up. QUALLA There was a Baptismal service at Soco Sunday morning after which there vas preaching at the Baptist (lunch. Kev. II. C. Freeman of Franklin and Mrsdames T. M. Bailey and W T. . Allen of Almond visited their mother, Mrs A. J. Freeman who. has been sick for several days. She is not much improved at this writing. Mr. N. P. Sanders and Mr. and Mrs Oscar Sanders <.t near Almond visited Mr. Will Fireman Sunday, who hffs been right sick for a few dfiys. Mr. and Mrs. John Ramsey of near Car tor, were Qualln \isitors Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed iSnmgarner called at Mr. P. II. Ferguson's Sunday. Messrs. J. K Terrell, II. O. Fer guson and L. A. Ifinps attended Quarterly meeting at Whittier Sun day. Mrs. L. W. Coopm* is sick at i present. Kev. L. II. Ilipps of Barkers Creek was gnest at Mr. J. IC Tcrrel's Mon day. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Iloyle called at Mr S. M. Crisp's Sunday. Miss Louise Hyatt and ?fessrs. Luthet Reagan and Charles Snvder arc Qualla graduates , of Sylva Iligh School. J! isrt-K Jennie Cathev and Phyllis Moody are attending school at W. C. T. C. at Cullowhpe. Misses Grace Ho\ic, Oneitn Ilall Messrs. Carl Hoy'e and Frank Kins land called at Mr. J C. Johnson's , Saturday evening. | Misses Irene Raby, F/ta Kinsland, 1 Annie Lizzie Terrell. Harriett Hall / TODAY and TOMORROW Learning * My wife hiuI I called on son:o new neighbors, n young Gorman couple wlio hod taken a firm near mine. As we npproaehcd the house we heard the sound of what seemed to us very fine music, which stopped when 1 knocked on the door. "I thought I heard n radio/' .said my wife, al'tev we J;ad exchanged neighborly greetings. But they lind no radio. The .young farmer had been playing on a violin which In had fortnight from (ieiwany. T com plimented him vd several num bers on the mciitliarp. Mr. .f. K. Stikcleather, Postal clerk from Asheville, who v. as guest of Mr. and Mrs. K O. Queen several days last week, made a short but very instruc tive talk to. Hie school children. Fri day a. in. The teachers left Friday afternoon for their respective homes. At "the Methodist Sunday School Sunday afternoon, Kcv. A. C. Bryson made a verv interesting talk about George Washington and read "Wash ington's \ isi;?n" written by Dawson MeCullogh of Detriot. Ifev. and Mrs. A. P. Ui uton of Dell wood were here Friday visiting mem bers of the Methodist congregation. Mrs. Walter Bryson. Mrs. Walter Bailies and Miss Kl.i'se Cogdill went to AsheviJIe Saturday. Large number of I'f.lsamites attend ed Commencement at Sylva High School. blaster Finest Queen left Friday to spend his vacation with his grand paients, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Quiett near Whit tier. ' Masters Frank r.r.d Paul Bryson are visiting their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. .John Allman at Addie. Little Mis* Dorothy Bryson, ac companied her teacher, Miss Ireno Kany home Friday. Mrs. Kmma Woodard and ?on, I/O*' 1 1 , of Kpp Springs, were guests of her sister, Mrs. Sara Bryson last week. Mrs. Annie Patton of Canton via (Continued~on Last pagt)