?- ? i " /? ^j'vcar in Advance in The jf;? tty. - ' sylva, nobtii cakouxa , MAY 10, 1032. $2.00 Year in Advance Outside The County. STORY OF THE HEWIYWEDS flzgins >n Virginia-End? In Sylrs i ,? A Rcaliitic Romance ,v!i!i'ti' hair. et in rentral Vir . ,.| ;i d-ninn little mauloit ' 0. ohfi'l '"!l" ,vh') ^,r sonic, Ih'.ii liviiiff wilti but one mid (iltjci'f before them. But ?s vidua* ?i' love mirrubo.*. , .v Harry woke up one day /''ft proernstiiiation was . Hi' mi <? jiik! bliss? and he j >l't al,MI' ,0 milt- J ('"ri0: i !??? "-? V<tv soon there was :iinl i' m'msii'I mueh lojig-. \ I Ml Toy lor ot' i Hiisjvi-ly of wliat he ?Vrii' anil proposed that if ' .. vnii:M liirate here hf would start I k ; up in **?'??> soon they be. | , u tl; hid oihs adit u nud were' .itviliii),' >" !,''s < ?i(el| I iv I'll- puicd in, geucrou* |?:!! lli-re to meet t liom [ all,l ivci-iiiii' ? n ueli elated couple, I .iiii'i' ii'iisrratiilntious ho oou- > ,i thi'in -lrait;bt\vay to THE1 " ncKSOX HOTEL It was #t Inhle next moniin^f while iwtfiiki'^' ??l' i- I eu*| ?fTtif menu ?a* tii-ii'n politely served ; that I,, Hill iiub'Med his plans to the ; j.-.-. ialivt- mi'W' iimimn, obli^at iin; |!' fiisi nt ii 'I t<? luiild and far ? j.|. tliciu a iiit'ih rn hoir.e. ??In thf im-aiitiiiU','' ho said, "you THE XKW l.Af'KSOX HO-, ,i rntxt ir.TPi-aMe plaee to live,} uVr lite versatile inawi?('nipnt of .1. S. Hilton. - hostelry with nt home coin ' ;i .msfiiia' hospitable at nb v m its eveiy day routine vn/cc. "i".' .iid jpnerous tfucle Bill,! t ?/'. tlw h'dkt'ast table. Thej ? mrc to introduce; ii, y, ,i- future home. ! .'"M.r ? build for you a 1 ' i'Tiii'i' nt oiue, ?>'' <'l v,|. me coin? to cn]lj T ????> (?, our i flpiib'o 'nr. T ??1 i i|i ";is and in i?rrli-:il architecture i::i: iH'*.i>i'!v a? i.i^ti'i! with the i:< !i :???. Barrett and iutni iiMl l In- plans for 1 aim .... I tn jrivc them y v.ili. It i> .mi ;i?|u|iti.on "'li' I .!".*li>Ji tvjic, pleasing in am! I'oiiiiii xliitiis hi a decree ? >'i?i'vfi.| ;irr;i!iTcirciit and just ? fn'V,!vi'.-|':|s liiid longed for. '''?'i1 am' aiehitectua'lv lunar. j ?I in'iihrj- ;? 1 1 1 1 ^ood Building' I !,'? I.iIimI in hand with ac- ? "I'U'I designs oi pleasing archijec v''I ''uii>l.iiitial buildings, l!''' 1 1 ih'Ic Hill ;,|1(i ,lf>w. for the liiiiifiir, mil! work, inter - nil sundry requisites in? Katerii'ls. I am going to .;iK 'JniiDKR'S SUPPLY flpd < onr t*?wns well knowp ^ ''-Vers, hjVndlln^ frverj ?>d anything." At tho ? flu* shi'ds iinil ware room* 1 i': nipleto supplies in dim- 1 " iiml iIriMsf.,1 lu,?i?f.r? interior, J I'-'i" \vi?rk and ?? very essential; in building material ',;v4 kind of building. It say t:i;,t J. C. Allison SUPPLY and ' ^U'-nislied the , whole ' '' 'he ioh. Uncle Bill ' In* found these boys 1 1 .'iid agreeable to do bus ' ? ith. a.,, s l,;|,?iting and decorating, too ,("'"ts '"ii'Mi in obtaining artis s results, chipped in '?"ft" sii,> said, 'i't is the I * ( ?? h executed by capable '? s that adds much to the at "I both the exterior ape} . ' house, making if inviting? a hpnie , '^1 take no chances op , :,;t I'll see my friend Tpnj ?' (,?t these. He i& an arjj?t ""tish, employing all thP ? nii'icni Im,n> wj10 wej|,j j|je ,, () " v :?h devtrity,'' said Upcle BiU W ,'l,> painting and decorating , ' ' AUK'S hands, we can a ?ood job at a reas "' -t to? and or:lv the best ma ' ,,n ?iswl," said Uncle. I *l1 mi. earlier days,'' remarked i' '' '',0 Poetical use of elec ?? 'triknowM Tt didn't enter " l '""isintction of the bnilding at all? it is different I ("lay. It U nticd for lighting, heating, cooking, pow er lor the washing machine unci the carpet swecjwr and the conveniences thrt it affords nre meniforld. Now about the olettric equipment for our new house. I ani g< rug to seee TIIE TULUWOim and SYLVA ELEC TRIC LIGHT CO. who will wire the bouee, infttall the fittitieN, put 011 the dour bells end give us chandeliers and fixtures ;u tasto and approprietness find d<i evoi'ything right. That is the way my friend T. J. Mooody does things. Everybody knows him as the live electrician of our towu. Doing everything electrical giving his field n i inr service in .supplying the elec tric juice declared Unele Hill. * ( ?.P course, you will want a nice car/' id I'ncle Hill to the bride. At (his suggestion Kettle beamed vyith testacy, exclaiming, ''Oh, Uncle, I wan* a -CHEVROLET Sedan. They ?lie classy with such pleasing lines. .<? nappy in appearance and really n conit?>rtable car to jjde in. 80 many of 11 y friends -back home have theju,, Jt !s a )Mtpiihi^ car ar a popular price good enough lor, the elite, yet within retoeh of ]>eop)o of modest means.'* "P.righ girl,' replied I'ncle Hill, vo'ir wish shall lie grunted. We'll go right after lunch and >ee the JACK SOX CHEVROLET CO., controlling l sale* agency here, and these boys arc alert and plasaut in their busi ness dealings too; mat will sell you a car for cash or 011 reasonable terms. And of course everybody knows I). II. Brown nnd tha boys as square shooters, conducting our town's a!l around good garage. The Chevrolet Sedan overwhelmed the brid with joy. , The home beautiful is the pride nnd7joy o': every housewife, naul Un e.'e BiH, because it reflect* her tact and Fociul stamino. S< next wp arc going to the MEUFORD FURNI TURE STORE. Our well informed furiiifcher where you cgm buy with impunity and find everything in practical .smart furiture and pretty home furnishings to outfit complete ly your new home. 'How grand'' as sented the bride, beaming with joy. Suie enough she sylrtd a handsome library suite and pretty furniture, chic nigs, linoleums and widow shad es for all bed rooms and halls, a nif fv kitchen cabinet/And kitchen furn ishings including a General Electric Refrigerator from the floors of MI'!) FORD FURNITURE STORE, where she found a wide range of pat terns and styles from which to select Foe! assured Hetties new home is furnished right up t> the m^nut^ with everything beautiful and in splendid good ' ' Now that wp have the new house built and njpejy furnished, wo munt Save it safely insured prompted Un cle Rill, adding no one can afford to be without good insurance. Few do* in this ago. Since vo have insurance 'hni covers all property and person al risks. We'll go to day and place our insurance - with the MORRTS GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY. This wi'l ws 3a/e protection and relievo all sospense. .TllE;'MORRIS AGENCY has some of the best and st voidest companies h the world too (beo*c from. In F;re, Automobile, Life,' Sick Benefit, a<*eident burglary, hail, tornado and bonding. Complete protection for the homes and busi ness properties, automobils or what not. T may also add that .T. II. Morris is an aeitve underwriter who writes ali branches of practical insurance, and is fair and libera! in the adjust? ment of all honest claims. Of course policies were written fully covering :he new hqme apd nut?. Next Hetfie exepused herself and got in hr new an*Q saying 3h? had an appointment with THE MOjjflRN BEAUTY SHOPPR. Yes, responded Unelo Bill, I guess the ladies couldn't get along in thl? age without the mod ern Beauty Parlor and the MODERN BEAUTY -SIIOPPE is popular with the clete for its fine service in the hands of Mrs. C. S. Rogers ,and Miss Ruth Bmwn, gifted beauty specialists in this new art, giving complete courses and service in been DAILY VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL WILL OPBT XOKDAY 7hc weond session of the Daily Vacation Diblc School, under the au spices of the First Bapttat, church, will open next Monday morning at 9:<Mi o'clock ond will continue thru Friday, June 3. Tho Hchool will Ix* in M-ssion for three hours daily, five: davf in the week end the courses1 will embrace three departments, Pri- j inary, Junior and Intermediate and include* pupils from 6 to 16 year* of I'src. Those wishing to take advan- ! Lingo of tho opportunities of the (?cliool are ssked lo coiue to the church at 2:.'I0 Friday afternoon to he enrolled. The personnel of th?? faculty is: Principal, Rev. ?). Gray Mucnwr, Sup erintendent Intermediate D{.?art iiieut, Rev. \V. C. ifeed; Kuperin-i tondent Junior Department, Mix. J. j G. Murray; Superintendent Primary ; Department, Mi*. Utwaou Allen, JACKSON MAN HEADS SOUTHERN BAPTISTS 1 Hey. Dr. Frc J F. Brown was chos-j eti (u) prudent of the Southern Hop- j tiM ('Mention in St. Potewlmrg. ; Fin., the fivst of th? week. Dr. Blown is a native Jack son eoiuity, and Uvwl'here until he reached early tiui'iliftyl. lie has n h?vt of friends and rclrtives in thisi county. l(e is at present pastor of the First Baptist church of Knox villi! ami cue of Hie loading divines in flic South. JUNIOR CLUB WILL MEET TO MORROW The Junior Club will he eutertain ed tonorrow uvwiiu^ at its May meeting hy Misses Doeia and Hose j Oarrett at their home. ty culture iit> dispensed by tho bet tor Appointed and equipped beauty shops of today. Fing?r Waves, Per raancnt Waves, facial nad hot oil treatments, manicuring, hair cutting,, dyeing etc. And I may add said Un cle Bill, the ladies of my acquaintance certainly *peak highly 0r. THE MOD ERN BEAUT r SHOPPE nen- ice. j "Now," said Uncle Bill, on leaving home after breakfast, wo will drive ovor to the SHELL SERVICE STA TION the handy station with ladies rest room and replenish our car with gas and oil. They always greet you with a smile and a hello, and give i yor tpiiek and obliging service, high i test, gas, the host ga.s and oils to be found in the market, and don't charge you a peimy extra for" the sin?lc and good service. The equip- j men! of the SHELL .SERVICE STA TION is up to the minute with every approved device for quickness end accuracy to the long list pf patrons thr.t deal there regularly, wfiere your dollars buy quality and quantity ev en- time ? the universally popular Shell Products*. You ^rity find it wqrth w-liilo even to drive a little out of your way at times for the hcv vic.i! that is given here by CANNON BROS, For good g?? always watch for the Shell sign prompted Uncle Rill. ' . * With the trunks unpacked both Harry and Kcttie fuund that they must havi? some pressing done at one*. "Why, fof good cleaning and pressing." ?pnl In Ur.ele Bill, "just call or take it to MOORE'S DRY CLEANERS recognized cleaning and preying establishment here."' And when you commit a suit or the most delicate garments to the MOORE'S DRY CLEANERS dispel all appre hension for it will come back #pic and span, for they have both experience and modem equipment to, afford the best in general cleaning and press ing. And this has much to do with people appearing more presentable in public today, because clothes fit bet ter, look better, and last longer} and when you need hats blocked or dyeing done, remember that J. D. Moore does this too, in the highest art of the profession, At the noon hour Uncle Bill sug gested that the trio ?) to THE HOLE IN THE WALL CAFE (where friends meet) our town's popular <place, where ladies and gentlemen ?m.y go with confidence, saying It Y. WILSON is a truly gifted restau ranteur and that only the best in the market finds its way to these tables and those good old savory, toothsome dishes are always promptly and courteously served, whether regular meals, tasty sandwiches or short or fj$0, HBNSON STRUCK BT AUTO * _ p. Henson, wall known Onllow feufiiness tuau w in the commun hospitnl suffering with u o-ojji fracture of hin right leg, io\ ig an automobile accident in I fifcont oL' the Sylvan Theatre. Monday I Darning. Mr. ilem.nn was crossing 1 th* street and was struck by an au Lofltobile said to have been driven bt Rufus Queen, .lr.. of Pillsboro. ?^ir. Hanson was knocked uncoil ?OlOUh and wax picked up and rushed to, the hospital. by joung Mr. Queen apri bystanders, [t w us found that tit fractured leg was his only serious tie young man viik placed under arrest on a technical chiirge of reck-| fen# driving nnd was n leased <>u bond officer* stated. awaiting the outcome | Mr. Hanson'* in juripH. tt;r 1 ; R. A. PAINTER IS 94 'Kwiuire Holund A Painter will] ? debrato the ninety-fourth anniver sary of iiis birth. Monday, at Iih bona- here. He is a \eteran ot the wav between the :?tsite# having serv o4 diriog the four year* in the N*bita Carolina Infantry, and was j for iu&nv venrs u justice of the | pW'f.' ?-? lie was n.arried t ? bis seend wife, who vas Miss Salli- Watson, daugh ter j?f Mr. and Mrs. John Watson. fort er i| biff years ago Apvil 1-. Mr. Paint hale anil stro.g for a. man of dvanccd age. MEUT.-OOVERNOR BREAK FASTS HERE Fi( iitet:nut (l<)ver:? r 1/. T. Foun t a: tl who has been visiting I lie west eruleonuties in the interest of his canlidacv for the nomination for Oo^rnor on tin? iK-nioi rutic ticket wan the guest at breakfast Sunday morning of Mr. and Mrs. K. \.. Me-j Ke| at their home here. BREAKS ARM T. L. Xorton in i'i the Community Ilfipital suffering a broken arm, fol lowing an accident it: the woods on 'thrPlott Balsams, yesterday. Mr. >?toa as working fiom John Pan n<l, fiOng ad Nnvdfr opera - tjbn, when the limb of a tree fitruek fcnr., breaking his i ?m. I der, wwed nt the r(i:iek lunch coun ter. Tn addition to (lie excellent cuia ine ami MTviec we like the immacu late clennlincKH od enerrfnlly invit ing nnd cordial spirit of j^ood fellow Rhip that prevails there. All combine to make th<> meals : t THE HOLE IN' TJJK WALL 'CAFE enjoyable and too, a service reasoMihh priced," nf lirn.ed I'ncJ ? I?i!J. "Oh, where in the Pharmacy, Aaked the fcride. I mus^ have this proscrip tioi filled and I need wurie face <*rei;Bi too. "Right here,'' answered Uncle Bill. Just the.i Ihe trio happen ed to be in front of TIIK SYLVA PHARMACY, The Uexal Hlore. This is .1 popular and llv:> tljTier store, nnd it is conducted along progressive linen ton, ho added. Tn pleasing "Cherry quarters'" it in alwrns replete with full inees of nil essentinls in pur? dny^t: medicines, home and proprie tary remedies, smart stationery, fin# bojr candies, chic cosmetics, lotions, dentifrices, nnd tho manifold s]>ec inlty merchandise irr Indies, and men'ti toilet together with all asso ciated lines of the <lay. To inert complete demands. The personnel of the SYLVA PHARMACY enjoys the confidence and esteem of a wide ac-' quuintance and its 3eri> you wilj al wwyp want to come for pure drugs fountain drinks and ice cream and smart drug sundries. "Xcxt, a good market, snid Ifettie. i ''Well, for good meats, honest ' weights, and a nice ell-round place to , trade," advised Uncle. I?ill, good na turedlv, "it's THE STAJl Ml! AT MARKET you want to trade with. Here you will find every day in the week the best and choicest fresh ?ii(l cured meats nnd meat dlicacies that money, experience and vigilant ef ^orrn can 'obtain with a view of meet ing in every particular the demands of the long list of exacting patrons." <vrhi? well appointed market is equipped with an:pl.-? cold storage and maintains high clas3 service. And considering all in all the basis upon which this popular food store is cat ering to the public, it fully merits the run of /business accorded and the good came that so many give it. You'll like R. E. DILLS' manner of dealing with the trade." (Continued Next Week.) LIVESTOCK MEETING AT OWYK'S * ? iii i ?lly fi. V. Vestal, County Agent ) f bnvo just received the following letter from Mr. John W. fioodwan, District Agent, at State College, Kolcigh. "On Wodricwlnj', May 25, 1 M2 there will be a special livestock dny in Haywood county on the farm of J Mr. T. Lenoir (Jwyn. Thin meeting will begin promptly :it. I J u. m. Kucli j | lentil attending will be expected to provide for bin own lunch. The purpose of the meeting in lo / tudy the varioiiM market grade* of | beef irattle, sheep .mc1. hog? Mild how j bent to prepare theiu for market un der existing conditions. Mr. McDow ell o! the Swift Packing Co. mid Mr., Case of State Collect- will lead the difccuHrtioliK, as well as leading Jivc utock producers. Exhibits of the va riolic beef cattle, fcbeep and hog| grades will l?? there for study and djftcutfsiou. This, wo fee!, is i good opport un ity for our livestock farmers to pet information on pr Kluttioii and mar keting that will be of real value to them. It is hoped 'hat n large group from each county will attend.'1 May I urge you to arrange with your neighbor* to attend this livc stoi'l' meeting on Mast Fork of Pig eon at Springdnle (Mr. (Jwyn's farm) so we will h ive a better dn derstanding of ju^t what the market expects of us as producers of stock er-i arid breeders. Five of you * can urrango to go together and all help the tanner with the car to pay ex penses which will be very little for each of you. Don't forget the <hte: Wednesday, \fa v 25th at ll o'clock. COLE DILLARD HILLED FNDER TRAIN tJolo Dtllard, 31, a\ instantly kiln ed, last Thursday n' "ernoon, near liis home in Gastoriia i.i a grnde crow ing accident. Mr. Dillmd was driv ing out of n driveway, near i lie traiks, whpre a fright tniin was shifting, and luid .itfemptod to chm the double tracks, thinking that the ireipht train was out of the way, when his car wan struck by the Cres eent Limited train, .V.-iocking him back onto the other track, where the freight train atrui'l* him. Mr, Dillard, a son of T. B. Dillard j wa< a native of Sylva. lie is survived bv his widow one brother, Ned Dil liiid of Roxboro, three sisters, Mrs. Jack Smith find Mr.<. Lula Dillard n( Ojistonia, and Mr?. Rryson Dillard &'* Sylva. The funeral was held in Arlington j Baptist ehnreh, Gai>to?ia, Sunday, j .Sylva people who Attended the fu neral were Miss Ruby Dillard, Rev. I W. ? C. Reed, Mr. .?/id Mrs. Brysnn Dillmd, Gordon Plilard, Mrs. Irvin j Uohmson, Mr. 0. M MeC'tilley, Miss Ifefcceea DiHard, Mr. Eugene Dillnrd ? inr1. M{?i Con Dillnrd. f*4 j ?' PROGRAM }or Association;*! meeting of Tuck laeige AV. M. V. which meets with ('nlluwhce I isf. Church Mav '2(1, m 2: Hymn ? Jesus Shall Reign. Prayer. Watchword ? .Jestis Shall Reign, Luke' 1:33. I Devotional ? Mr*.. >Tiiney Brown. Report .of Officers. Roll Call of Churc'o Announcements. j Appointment of Commit te"*. Social Musie-Citllowh i , Tail. ? Mrs. , Edna Harris. Lunch Petiood. , .i 1 fynin. Devotional and Prater ? Miss Fran- J tie Buchanan. Prohibition- Woman's Part in it T. F. Deitsc. Explanation of Tt"cl: Mem>*-I f.v1 i 032? Mrs. 1. 0. Murray. Special 'Music ? Cultv.r Yon;g People's fT-nir ? Mrs. /. K. , Stafoid. Plyylet? More Light ?n the ( rid, Talk? Young People's 'Work. Conierece Period ? Mifs Edna Harris. j Adjournment. ; - MRS. W. N. COOK, Supt. Republicans Nominate Full County Ticket Tin; Keprblicans >? .l/u-fcson Coun ty, o/mventicj tltls afternoon, mimed Tf. V. Inrrjtt, of IhlUboru as ther candidate for repr.Mentative; T. K. Itt-cd, of Sylv.i. vox* Oscar ( Parker of Canada, Register of Deeds; John Barker, Ki'.fti*. Survey of; Cnl viri Wilson, Saviiiiii'li, Corouor; Cy rus II. Nicholson, Sylvn, Cotonmsijji .?:r ?.?' Finance; niul Lawn nee Mc Ga if, Hamburg md Lon iievjs, Bar ker'* Crock, us comity cominiBsioners. The convention '.'l-jcltj John J?. I''lif.lry as chairman and Cyrus Nich 'jIhi.ij as secretary. 'I he Democratic ticket lo oppose lb.1 Kepiiblicans nominated this if ternooii will Ins named r.t the* primary to he hold .huie 4. C. C. BUCHANAN ELECfED MAYOR | Tlii' board of aldermen on lost | Thursday afternoon, elected C. C. : Buchanan. prominent local attorney, 'as mayor o' Sylva, lo succced Mayor 1 Hin rv K. Buchanan, resigned. 1 Mi. C. Knchunau has served tlie citv before in that capacity and is one of I lu> forward-looking citizens of file town. I Air. Harry Buchanan, who was ?decied at the last municipal election, a year ago. icsigned, because of hi* removal t ?? Mcnder?mville. He has been holding I bo office for several weeks. since bis removal, at the re i|i'esl ol' I bo board aft some matters of irtmnucing had been in the pro ccm oi' negotiation. Htartcd under hi* supervision, and it wag thought nn wine to uccopt bis resignation until the negotiation* were completed. STUDENTS BANQUET A Junior-Senior banquet was bold oil Friday evening, May 13, at West ern Carolina TeucMers College at Cullowhee. Due to the short time that Western Carolina bos been a Senior collage this was the fimt bai'quet ?f the kind ever held at Cul lowhee. Cooper flretter, president of the third-year elass, was toastmaster. The Senior elass response was given I by Walter Moore, president. A color ?clicmf of- white, greon and pink was attractively carried out at the affair. The banquet was hold in the college dining room in Moore Dormitory. ! JOHN D. NORTON RUNS FOR COMMISSIONER OF LABOR j .Mm D. Norton, native and citizen oi .Jackson county, is an aspirant for llic office of Commissioner of Labor, in the Democratic primary, to be held Jmio 4. .'vlr. Norton comea of one of the pioneer families of Jackson county. Mr is 11 li ?'<?-] ntig Democrat, and no doubt will receive the great majority of the vote east in Jackson and the f>titTouudiii<; counties. He confidently experts to receive sufficient support in other parts of the State to give bitii the nomination. Hie candidacy of Mr. Norton received I he written endorsement oi' th?' clerks of the Superior Court and '.??tor of deeds in all the counties couprising the 20th judicial district. Mr. Norton .says that lie is also re ceiving n groat 'leal of encourage iikuI in ii is eadidacy from other sec tion' of the State besides Prom the extreme west. Mi. Norton is one of the six can didate* in the field for the Demo cratic nomination for the office of commissioner of labor and is the onlv Democrat in i iiis section seek ing an important Slate office. lie is the only man in th? entire western end of the State who is in the race for the Democratic nomination for commissioner of labor, his nearest rival being it resident of Mocksville, in Davie county. Mr. Norton is a native of Jackson county, was reared on a farm at LYst La Porto, and received his ed ucation :it Western Carolina Teach er* College. Cullowbee. He has had considerable experience in ptibicl af fair-. serving recently as clerk of the Jackson county Superior Court and as Jaeksbn county Register of Deeds. He if: well acquainted with both cap ital and labor because of his former affiliations with tin DuPont En gineering company. _ ^

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