.h. Frank Kobinstui if the guest ?t his si-ter, Mrs. 1. tT.) l'oudl mid .Mr. I'.wvll al tli"ir bsune here. M* Margaret She. ?? ill ami Mrs. II \\ 'i idmursh have ivttirned Iroin a fori night h visit io N?'\v \ork ( ity. , * -a * Miss I .call X idols i- spending sov ir:-;. ! ?];tV? With her (Olisill, -Mrs. K. 11,. ( Vnk in Ashevillr. ?sf Mrs. J'ryor Siliinon of Giwiisbom ) r.uivtil l his moruii^ fur a visit lo hi :? jMivnts. Mr. aud Mis. ?!. . I . Wild, at their home* at Webster. H" 2? ir Mr. and Mrs. Sam .Smith and. da itriitvi, Miw Heat riec of Knox ?.ill--, Teiin., sjx'iif ((:;? ?\-ck i-ikI here wiili Mr. and Mrs. A. Allison and Mr and Mjs. U. C. Allison. /i S'r Mis. Arthur K illou i.s spending! M'jdc tint.? ill l)aiidrid?ret Tcnn., with' hi ,* motli.'r. * * * \.drs. Kalpli Silt '.?hi arid baby! da:r:l:tvr, Sara l";in arc visitiVi" Sutton's .sister. Mi's. K. C. 1'w'k, I si'.d hr. I 'eek at Si^ Mile, S. \ I * -> * MiVsts l.hveweliyi lihodos and .'.'?i;: IMIls and A.'**. E. V. Vestal ?|vni tin' week end in Atlanta with i iN-i'd*. Jf 4f -Jf. lir. and Mrs. attending Puvinviut t Vdleire -it DeinoreM; CJa.. i.t flic week end here with his ]?.!i!?urs. ?Tr. and Alt-. -I. S. Higuou. *? * Mis- Ma\ : I.r.j.nf >ponf the week evd i:j f lender. --onviil.- with her .sis ter, Mr-. Harry K. nuehanau and Mr. l?:!ehsvari. -v. -:i m. K-" M? Doeli 'is r?? has a jM^ition :?>? ? ? -??i- k*;?'iK>r in tin- dis trict office?- "l" thl -hell Cias Com- 1 pany, at lJil.ti.ioro. ?*? -* * . Mv. K. <*.11 Miss Lucy lled ti? n and Mrs. Jim Hiilden of I'isarali >'t. . t, s*|wi?t liio out I at \\ eh r * 4t- * .. Mi Nil a ri.i I'rcf I . who tins beiu a 1 1 1 ? - 1 1 1 Im ? i ? of tlic f ric.ilty of the city hc.boois in Kaudlemi*n durimr the . Ins returned to her hci::e here for flic summer vacation. ' JL X ^ I* riend., here of M'. '?> J. '5. \\ eijrle will lej^ret U? learn mat -lie is very ^ilr-rsly ill at hoc home' in Augusta, ( iM Me;- daughter, Mi.-. Dan Tompkins Iijh hwn sp:*n?li???r -..me lime with her X a '? ' ' ( Mr. J. F. Free/." h:is Iti-cn in Kau r.r>pprlis '?r ji week or two. with his fattier. who ha.*. Wen <|iiiti{ ill. and vvh underwent an opentuon, tbi.H wr k. * ,* -? \".l Mrs. S. L. Campbe'l antl children,, who have been sp?ndii;. M. ll-i.ll, Miss Margaret M 'u> ?!ul Miss Mi 10 red Cowan nt t<-udcd the district iiM'.'tinar of the I". IV ;it Asheville last Saturday. .;i .jt Mrs. M. I'.-.nhnn'i i went to Ashe ville last Friday lo visit her mother Mi-. Mattie C a they and to attend ' the meeting of the l'ir>t district, U. i v'sitim* her sister. Miss Mary A ;nii Wilson, for several weeks. Miss AT.'irjraivt Sherrill and Mr. Sam Hoano her a; Indian (tap. Ji. .*4. Af Mrs. S. II. PliiHijis arri ved today fn--m Jut home in AshevlMe to he with her brother, Me. I'. ('. TIenson, v. If Is in i he local hospital, suffer ')iu t roe injuries v.hii h lie received "1-" u hi' Wj?< hit by -in automobile, j hi -mIiiv intirnui^. 77 * Mrs. U. 1) IfiMip-r, Miss Kathleen Jit>:?p?r and Mi>s ''routes* Al/i^on !?? ui iied \ estcrdiiy from Knoxville., 'IVnn.. where they have'heen visiting Mr. and Mrs, Oliu Williams. Mr and M r- WiUinn-s accompanied thein to l?u!'.n:i (in^?, where they were met by l*r. lloojvr. I I Mr. auh Airs. TX.Broyka who have beeu spending the past year with their sou in Ivv anil daughter, Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Hall in Hattiesbarg, Miiv., haVe returned Mouday to their j home in Webster. Tbey were accom panied home by .Mr. Hal', Mho, utter >i lew hours' stay hers,, went back fro I i:i flies burg". J ) BENEFIT WEEK AT LYRIC \czt week will >Jt' liciicfi ( week at llie Lyric Theatre, the benefit being I'/ji the Sylva Fire Department which or;*ii):i/.aton is tiyiitr to rajs* funds with which at tend the tirweana co.-.veniion. The pu.ii.'.iFii for the ?v?*ck j Monday and Tuesday Ciaudctte Co bert-Edmund Lowe in "THE MISSING LADIES" "OVer the Yukcu Trail" and Para mount News Wednesday .*iud Thursday Edward G. Robinso?i in "FIVE STAR FINAL" Mickey McGuire Comedy--Two Mus ical A^ts Friday and Saturday Joan Becnctt-SpeiiOjr Tracy in SHE WANTED A MILLIONAIRE" Three Comedies ? . V ) I RECITAL AT CULLOWHEE j A icrital will !i given Friday' nij?hf, May 20, liy t.iie Music Depart ment of Western i nrolina Teachers Co: If ire. .\ii>s I"rani?ji P.rown of Fill- ; lowhee, a student of Miss Loiia Hill rU\-*welJ, will appear as ? gradual! i.i piaim. iliss Klsje llunter ot* Char Jolie. a ^indent of Mr.-. Cb-rles CI. I (Itl'Iey, will appear a< a graduate in! vo*c< . , i NSXT WEEK IS COURT WiEK | Superior emit will open in Sylva. Mood*;;, morning with Judjre A. M. Stack presiding. I loth crin inal and civil cases will be heard. The term is j ro'cular civil }erni; but the f ij'^t few days were callcd as a special vr'minal term, to i.dit.ve the ciiijres tiou ( l?ein?- held I lien* for trial. JESSE L. DILLAHD ANNOUNCES CANDIDACY TOR FINANCE COM. Subject to the w;J ot the people of Jackson County, I hereby tiller i,iys*!f as candhiato 'or the- office ?t Coe.inissiotier of Kinnncc i>l the Deii. oeratie- party, to Ik-. !iel00.00 per yciu* I I ni l heruiciv .'iid hereby a.gree th*t nf the next (irneial As: eutbly .-if NV?lli Cavtiina that Chapter 141 :t.t Vf'i- 120 et al., I?<* amended as to s*l / aries, so a<> to allow me, if elected, oi.'.v the stun of $500.ll0 per month for pei loaning or h:?vii^f?erf .rtnned oil tluj duties iibfiViv :set out, and pledge myself to worx'with the lto|? re>:eiitativp elected this County, t-? the end that th- law he so ? banned. JESNK J.. IMLLABI) NOTICE The State . Democratic Executive Committee has fixed the time and place for holding the piwim-t racet iii;?j, Comity attd State Conventions as lollows: ( L) That sill pm-iK-t meetings, fir the flection ef Democratic precinct i-o'.i.'milfees and for the election of delegates to the C mnty Convention, lie held, on Satin da .-, June 1th, at T;Uf? r. . l2) That all Ct..? held at the Coril House in e.ieh county of the StHc on Saturday, June lltli, at 2:00 I'. M. The new Comity Den oeratic Incentive Commit te.? should meet < ii sfsme ilati1 and organize l?y e! rel it :! Chairman. cretaiy, etc. (.'?) That the State Pen vent ion for the eleetiou of ilHiyrales to the N'a tioi id Convention and transaction of other business, shall be' held in Ral eigh on Thursday, .Mine l:tt your precinct meet me i< held and delegates select ed In the cC:inty convention, as pre cinct meetings anil eo.inty convention iu .'rek^'in will be held in accordance wtii the f.l?ove plan R. I.. McKEV., Chin. Dem. Ex. Coir, .'aekson County. 5" viva, X. C. May 1-!, 10"2. POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR COMMISSIONER I hereby announce myself a candid ate for part limp commissioner, sub ject to I ho Democratic Primary to be held June 4. Jl ivon: inn t cfi and Vect:d I will serve tfie public tj llu* lu st of my ability. , j. k. Kor,::K.s ? ~00MMISs70!TC^0FFn^^ I T licW-bv announce njvspli as a can I * didate for renomiuatiou frr the of | fjoi of Finance Commissioner and j Chairman of the Board of Coinmis ; sii'.'u rs, subject to l he Jx-mMcratie | Primary. j .1. 0. CO WAX " FOR REGISTER OF DEEDS f lrt?.r?'by announce my ran^Ucy tV-i my if -election to tho office of Khelt'! o-i .f;ine -Ifh, 1932. JOHN- J.MAXKY. I V , _ i ; " i , FOR SHERIFF I her? by announc-.* myseli" as ?, ear- 1 dicbiti* for the JVino -ratic itomiwtiai j lor hberiff, subject to the Jumpa-! ?ry. I os bom and reared in Jakstn : County and in tb? Democratic j?rt"f and will appm-iate all si?pj>ort *ivr nomination for the office of' Coronr subject to the Democratic priniffy. 4? NEAL DILjS. "for COMMISSIONER 1 atnioiiitcft my candidacy for Mie o'tij the otfic?e o'' cov-mor, subject to the Democratic primary. GEO. \V. McCO_NNELL. swekt potato plaxts. for) SALE ? Early Triim.ph, Queen ot South, Porto Rico, Spanish White and Japanese Red. AH plants 20c. per 100, except .Japanese Red 25c p:.r J00. W. C. Allisot. Want Column ITRNlSHED ROOMSfor renTou | Court la n(PTTei0 bushels bedded good j plants and fn'l count guaranteed. : Tcroato^ plants a : ? 40e per 100.1 J'.weet pepper at 50e ]?er 100. Yooj v." ill find me at Sunny Brook Dairy n? ar Webst/r. ( !. ?. Cooper, Snmiy Brook Dairy, Sylvj, X. ('. ? .1 ]2 tf. ' FOR SALE ? I have three or four nice fresh cows Per sale. A. B. ( [?ills, Syha, X. ('. STEADY WORK? GOOD PAY? Reliable uian wanted to call on Tarjucrs in County. No experience ov capital needed. Write today. McXefs Co., Dept.,!*, Frecport, III. /VP lYmr^LOSUBE SAAB ook 114 at Page 253, in the mitce w* iftr Register of Deeds for Jacfupn ,'orinty, North Carolina, default bavr - - - ? -# tk. fUUlitj | ig been made in fiie payment of the iriebtednesn thereby secured, and in- holder thereof having di ratted [but the deed, of trust fee foreclosed, berili?doisig?ed Triiste* will offer for ale at the Court Houm do or in tho owj. of Kylva, Jack^oa Coiuity, Nor. 'oi'olina, at -:00 o'clock, noon, ou Saturday, the 28 day of Alay, J032, and will sell to the highest bidder for cash, ft certain lot or parcel of land Ln Hylva, Jackson County, North Carolina, more particulally described as follows : , Beginning ut an old locust and chestnut oak, rumor of Grant JSo. 27 and runs K. I p., 11 pole# to a staki ut the road; thence with the road 8. 73 degree* 30' E ., 9.4 jwlcn, North 73 degrees 30' E. 4 pole*, K.j (*> degrees 15' K.f 18.6 poles, 8, i 2 JR. I tf.b poh'K, K 85 degret-s 30' West, tij poh>', 8. 4.j \\\, 1 1.3 poles, S. 33 de- J grcf* .M)' >V., 5.8 pole;*, 8. 63 decrees 30* K, 11, fl pole.s; thence . leav ing the rood N, 60 degrees 30' W. 75 poles to a irtafee iu Xeddy'j Creek, in line of GrantXo. 273 ;| th.'nce with said ii'r,. S.to'E. 47.6) pole.s to the bobbin in/.:, cootaluing t?n| (10) acres. This the 28 day of April, 1932. PAN* K. MoOHK, Truvteo. 4 28 4 t.s dkir. NOTICE or PUBLICATION OF) SUMMONS North I'nrolfiia, ? I tfiu-kson County.. In t ho Superior Court. Atlantic Joint Stock Land Batik o* ; Kuleigh, n Corporation ' j vs. ; Lewis J. Smith :i?r?l wife, Gertrude ! tniitli, Ida J. Smifb, unmarried, Mrs. F. W. Met) aire, administra trix of (be estat- of F. W. Ale Cuire deceased, Mrs. Nellie Mae Kiter, Herbert Hooper nnd wife, Ethel ll?#oper? H. U. Hooper, T. C. Smith and Co., Chan. C. Cullei! iind A. M. Hobin^on and, Co., Faucet te nnd Co., K. M. Mlimpow er, Allied Drvg Co., Pobu Olive I'set Co., Mount A rry Overall Co., Cincinnati Cap Co., Eruest L. Kiiodes Co., H. H. Bmeo Shoe Co., Whittaker - Kfoltsinger* Hard ware Co., Dever Nelson Co., S. X. Cbristasa Co., and Ever Best Pro duets Co. The defendants abote nained will; take notice that 'mmmons .in ibei above entitled action van issued against the defendants on the 0th day of May, 1(102, by tbo Clerk of the KiijHuitr Comt of .faekson coun ty, which net ion v?3 instituted by the p'aintiff for the purpose of. ob taining judgment jf the Court au thorizing the foreclosure of a mort-. ga ?o and to adjudge the priority of the several ltaia claimed by the de fendants, other relief prayed for in the complain^. That the defendant* above named wil' further take notice that they are re W ? Under virtlK- r6f the {Xrt^r of sale cortUined Ah u certain 4*ed of trust made end exfentod by H. E. Buchanan and wife, Pearl Buchanan tn iJilly Da via," trustee, dated the j 7th day of October, 102!*, and re-' oorrted in the office of the Rogiatfer ut Deeds for Jackson County, in Bocfr1!?* at page 22 i jdefault having beep made in the payment of the in dehifdrnvew therein fefcured, and the holder thereof' having directed, that the deed of trust be foreclosed, (he lyulernigoed trustee will offer for sa'e .at '.the court houae door in the Town of Bylva, X. C., j at 12 o'clock noon on Monday, June J 3, 1032, Hnd will sell to the highest bidder for cosh, uertiiin lots in;Sylva township, Ju*k *on County, C., which is more fiilly describe# in said deed of trust a* rbove staged, t> which reference] Jh hereby had for a full and com plete description^! hereof. Thin May J2, II)::?. ??r '1 BILLY DAVIS, 4 12 -It* dgb. Trustee. /dmikisteator c; notice Hnviii? . .u \Y. n; pEg? 252, ft MhJ the ii?-. JiV tions in said records nn- hnchy lha1, u part hfti?*of as fully as ii" t!;.y been written herein. This* the 23 day of April. lf?:;2 ' , \V. R. l'RANCW, Tni-tv." 4 1'S 4ts fca NOTICE OT FORECLOSURE ^ NORTH carouna, .JACKSON* COUNTY. 1 Under and by virtue <>f t},,. p?w, | of sale containcil in a certain d?i,| i ?.f tiust, made ami < -xccut.-'il by \\ |?. Potts aiid wit'.-, U, \, Putts top.: p. Stillwe'l, TnMv for (? at Rage 101 , in iiic Oflii-c nf thr Riin-ter of Deeds t<>? .Jackson Coimtv N<>< tli Carolina, default haviup: lHn inedi- in ihe payiwnt of the iiin-' the calls and de.scrip'.mis by this reference mad.* tV:?-<-a : in fu; fully and complctdy were herein set out in ilil. This the 27th dry > \ A j,! E. V. STILIAYKM'. 1 m.-tK 4 2S 4ts dkm 1 h ? The World expected li - Majestic has done it RE^IGERATORI Nationally Known ? Factory Guaranteei] fo> factoT wT,.ain lDI?ior ? --Flat Top. .. Heavy Oni^t