r year in Advance*ffl 3?he Countv. SYLVA, NORTH CiROLIlfA, THURSDAY, JULY 7, 1932 $2.00 Year in Advance Outside The County. Roosevelt And Garner Are Nominated By Democrats At Chicago Convention " i Plan To Cut Armies Would Save Billions ? ? . 1>. -Tiily 0. ? Out j Militias, which siill '"!l' ' j.', ... |y mnuiul the question ' "Tin: ? t lu- most impntant 1 i,? km *? -till Hw*. ' ( . . it;i t ion tv- the world ! ,i!i,i; .,ii limit iu u u's to their . iin iil," to nboli-di bomb 1 , it il<>n n battleships by I i ,, Iimv i?rh?*i* naval craft , i trtii'1- """ ?.,,i , l ut submarine tonnage tr. il ' ' ? , . , ,r M-'i.tHIO tons per na ;! :.iiiks large mobile puns "Tehi i"'' '' so redl,ce ,.t m litary ami naval ex ' |lK i,. oik -third. This would I . ,ji i iif (lie world from . . :: hillinu wasted dollars," tjtl. ivt-i.l' ?>: Wtiiuahd. \ limiy ? ? : the rest of the ? nvr. ,*t this proposal in full, j . ,, j? the belief t?f those iu elos . f>ni,li V I' h ioreigu sentiment that ? niii have t powerful effect on tii)l Conference. Rilief Bills Far Apart II, m I'm tin- relief bill, which is ,h.>. final oh i? the Umgressional w.tuiily. will toward reducing ?ax^Mill another question. Each , 1)U)1 1)^ p;isM'?l a bill authori/.inji, C vai-ini a couple .of billions hr hi, ml issues Im use in publh and tV loans to states for M Wink. The President has said I \?Wt iite either bill in so far v. p?'ulr> f ? ? the use '>f such ftmA> ta Bim vopnyi nil public works, I'Jtu It v :J, w:* add to th ' tax? /Ju j-" liiii-.Vtji. liiils as passed fry llir H- ib* ; the S..iate were . o fin ? in,- if, ; n\ \?,Jh of them so far th m jiiviii."!;' >jr. Hoover ap proves, that ?> thi* is writtoi 't is mther dot.' tt'ul wh.'th v anything ?"ill (nine nf tlii.- movement at all. Furi3\igb--Wc Pay Cut ? IVderal employ??.* are hiwthing a >i?h of relief over the adopting of the ufurlcugfcT p.':ui ot ivduei 4 thcii salaiits, instead n't' the proposed ten' jh-t cent eut. Tliev have to take a| month oft each year without jtay, tmt that > wily.iui ijight and .one dim) v nut cut. a:.il ;i large pro r?r.oi: nf them have fan. i lies out ? ule cl Mi" JJistrii't of Columbia who would lie fihil in Iimvi them come li'iii.c / ira visit of two months. Most ??! them gi t one month m vacation v illi pay anyway. Army Prodigals Tin- pruhtrm nl the "R. K- 'j ii'iing B?tm> Kxpeditionary Force, j X,M\ \- >tiil citii ped <>n the marshy flai ? ;?'i tk? Kast^ui I'raneb ,'?f the f j? dii i'ieull till*', Kl forts ?' ' 'nip,' liiiulf tu ?rct th" states 1 in v.liiili the-e ex-servii". ,!'i Mm,, to provide for their re patriatinn. .iv r who talked with many I'i thise men found Slu in the depend-! ?'?t tvix>- liv',1 in industrial eentcvs, vhti havo ii'wnv> had somebody to lock aft r tln-ni ami don't know how tu fare tlu> world when they are not ("i a |i:ivrMI. They ren: envher that flim they were in the Army or W thi-v 1i:k| three ?ood meals a' ?lay, flotliinj; and -lielter, and they h=?ve tuvuiMl to T'ncle Sam like the l,!"d*vral son ti. his parents. Kvery '"'y is sorry for them; but nobody ",1,K t i.know juM what to do. )Vasl,i!-!jt,m |1(lti.| ;uu| business 'are hoping there will he ?" Y' !?'!?li?Mly alii ut their departure 'Nh.ro w;k ..t their arrival. T,1,,y say tint the impression pre tlint tin- city is terrorized bv l'I..F . ji ii, | tourists are passing ' ' "adiin^toti. There is no occa f"v MDVonc to stav away from ?hiiv-ton on (hat account. Tt is 1 nt">t |M:ni-;ihle crowd that the " 'liK tv.-v njid they stiek ett>' f'flsfly t? | heir encampment. Borah And His Bolt '"'"aior l'ui'i?)i didn't surprise any- j *b? inn, ||. when ho made an im ' 1 '"'ii-il >|M>,'i-h reading himsrtf out I'uli'ican party becausc ?? |>h) k. The Senator from 1|" 111 p.- n't like the plank because " ?P?'1S Hie door to the repeal of Franklin 1). Roosevelt, Gave icr c ? New York, and John JS\ Gai er, c. Texas, Speaker of the IIo e Representatives, are the nomi ees o? Democracy for President ann,ough-to give hini the two-thirds. Roosevelt east aside tradition and , 1 V ?>r?cedent, and ficw from Albany t<: ijiicago, where he was greeted by housamls, and appeared hefo-e tli onvention 7o deliver his speer-h of tceeptanee. He stated that he did n the interest of economy, "that it vould have cost a great deal for a -ommittee from the stairs and prov inces to come to Albany f'?r forma' notification and acceptance. Garner was nominated for vice president by acclamation. JNION MEETING UNDER WAY AT SYLVA METHODIST CHURCH ? 1 A I *ii ion Mi-eting, consisting .of ? seriefc of .evangelistic services, is under way at the- Methodist church, this week, in which both the Metho dist and Baptist churches ar^ par ticipating, and Rev. \V. L. Griggs, pastor of the Ninth Avenue Baptist church, in Charlotte, is doing the preaching. # S. Mr. Griggs is a native of Macon county. He i? well known in Sylva, having, conducted a meeting in the TKe ihemlbersliifr of tbe two church es, and the pastors, ' extend a most cordial invitation to everyone to at tend the services, which b?gan on last Sunday, and wi.l contiii e for two we<*ks. t Th:* 'hours of pi';*a t ing a (< 19 o'clock in tiio mornings and 8 in the evenings. the Eighteenth Amendment, and he is the most stalwart of *'drys " His friends ar(! pointing, out that it wasn't (iieccsfsa^y i.f'or him to /bolt the- party, since the Chicago Repub lican platform explicitly declares that adherence to that particular plank J shall not be a test of party loyalty, j Senator Borah r. enemies are quoting! a remark attributed to Calvin Coo'-| idgc, when the former Pr sident learned that the man from Idaho rides horseback every morning. "1 don't see how Borah and the hors'1 ever agroo which way to go," ho said, which epitomizes the Idaho Senator's wcll-knotvn tend'. my to get on the opposite side of every question. i ( Silver Lining in Finance / Senator l'ittntan's bill to authorise the Government to buy a billion and a half ounces of silver, coin it into silver dollars and issue silver cer tificates against it n-ay or may not become law. It would bring the ratio of silver to gold in our treasury up to where it was when the present law, authorizing the issue of 500-. 000 of silver certificates, was adopt ed. Then we had about a billion dol lars in gold reserves; notf we have about four billion. Whatever happens to that propos al, there is a strong1 belief that th" Rummer will see a rehabilitation of silver to the position it oecupied as money bofore the war, through inter national agreement. Plans are all laid -'for an international eonf-renee, probably in London, before the end of September. That would send up the priee of silver and put the silver nations on n:ore nearly an wpial basis with the nations in international trade. That, in turn, would send up commodity prices a^jl greatly help to bring back business and employment. Roosevelt The Governor of New York was born in the house in which he still lives, at Hyde Park. Dutchess -County, New York, on Jan. 30,_1$82. John Nance Garner . * - J The Speaker of the House of Representatives was born on a ranch in Red Ri vcr Couniy. Texas. .Novcnjhei' 22, C. C. P0IND7, OPENS LAW OFFICE IN SYLVA J C.- ('. Poimli-xls'i', who was recently I elected athhtie ? at Western I iCarclina T< a< I; ?rs ( :>lle<;e, has1 open j Jed law office.-; in the Iluchanan b.iiid j insf, in Ky!va, adjoining tlie office i of Attorney W. I{. Shrrrill. Mr. Pomdexter graduated from tin- I University of North Carolina in Ifi2~> : with decrees of bachelor of arts an '? learned bachelor of laws, and was ! admitted to the har llt-e same yea j He has practiced in Franklin, Waynes ville, L aksvil'e and A?hevillc. \ I Mr. Poindexter was coach ? at ! Waynesvil'e High School for thre ? years, and has been coach at Leaks ville and Oak' Ridge Military Insti CHILD DIES AT COWARTS f '.'inline, in i':mt of. Mr. and Sirs. \V. If. Hooper of Co warts, was taken l?y death late last Satur day". Funeral services were h<*ld on Sunday aflonioon at tin4 Hooper home by Rev. Ben Cook. Interment was in the Brasstown cemetery. The floral offerings vein* many and beautiful. The Hooper child had be6n seriously ill for several weeks. tute. Ife came. to Cullowhee from Weaver Collepre, where he was coach I last . year. j ( ' ' / | Mr. Poindexter wilj be in his of 1 fice in Sylva in the mornings, and will look after his athletic work at CulLowhee in the afternoons. HOW JACKSON VOTED IN THE SECOND PRIMARY Mo -,Efca:n Cashiers Hamburg Tuckasei&ce CanicVi Fxst J.anor-c Cullowhee Caney Fork Webster ... North Sylva ... South Sylva DiUsboro Green's Creek Savannah Barkers Creek Qualla i..;.. Addie Willets Balsam ! TOTAL oJ ?o w / 23 101 90 6.0 34 ; go 218 123 95 147 253 105 54 "S 195 54 " 12 86 1878 .5 cS d p o Fh 1 3 12 v 0 3 12 47 7 11 8 27 G O ?6 3 47 2 - 58 d i n r? * I o P5 ? - 6 76 25 51 7 65 217 104 96 140 218 109 45 104f 30 221 60 65 84 287 1723 B o ? rt C 76 23 52 8 65 214 107 100 144 227 107 45 103 30 222 61 70 84 1747 c 3 U2 i 18 32 83 9 31 1 51 24 8 14 58 $ C 11 84 2 ' 25 2 0 10 472 a 0 05 1 ? s 18 S2 82 8 31 1 50 24 9 i Fm 24 101 94 60 ( 37 56 241 ' 124 98 12 135 53 248 9 11 84 2 24 2 0 10 100 55 158 24 221 52 66 79 2 I 462 1973 Reynolds Sweeps State In Second Primary Saturday; Lead Mounts To 103,000 TODAY and TOMORROW (By Frank Parker Stockbridgc) Man fhere is plenty of evidence that he typ?s of human beings which now nhabit the earth are not the only' tnimals of our species that ever lived, fn Sumatra the natives have ong known ot' thr existence of a rihe of ap'-meii, who live in nn in icccssible mountain country. One of hese was recently shot, although it is illegal to kill then:, and the body .ias been sent to Holland for exam ination by scientists, who think lh??fie '*orang letjos ' may be survivors )f one of the races which preceded rhe modern man iu the earth. In the Sahara desert the bones of everul members of a race, which was .iiucit like, yet curiously unlike hu man beings /But j great lawyers, judges and statesmen . call Felix Frankfurter, the Austrian j Jew who came to America at the age ' of twelve, one of the ablest legal | minds in the world. j I l Sanders Like speaker Garner, Everett | Sanders, the new chairman of the i Republican National Committee, was! born in a log cabin. He \vas a mem- 1 ber of Congress from Indiana when ! President Coolidge made him his : secretary. In that job he won from ' Mr. Coolidge the high praise that he : was a '