Mi * >?< k ' ' ,itnv';' i Minirrurt Hroun spent (ho .1 villi relatives in ilemler ?* * \|, | i. .k J{;i!?nnifOii has gone to I ,'il ' iul' a visit re! Mr -.ill .III1'!' 1 j;i-v ii::> ' ?Jr *)v "H* ; \|r>. .ImIi.ii A. Parris spent I , .id with friends in Ashe-j ?f * M< Kir ami little ,.l ( 'iiarlott:*, are visit i n?r l,\ L Alekee. ?* I r?, W. M. Hunt and the .,?< 'returned from Ashe liiey liave been visiting , M Veral days._ ?x * * I Mrs. P. Ii. Kllioti nnd returned from Koi. v.- here they have been vis ,il l\ t >. * * . i ;i iiirrett will leave, to ; L'at'dleman, where sir lfl ... .1. li-r position as a teaeln i;. ' I- or that plaee. ?* \Vil:e. of Cnl'ov. !!????, i . ' t I Ik* school al Willils, Iniv the plaee of Mi-s Kliz.ihet! | . 1 i,,i ? w ho was recently married , -:f ?:* * \1; IVanees Slater has retiirnet' pi r i nie in Knoxvil'e, Teim. ?f ;i : ii day visit to Miss Man t:..| \\,!-oii at her home here. * * * Mi - n'es V. Paris left Tuesday j?. r-ou, where sh:? will re j simsi' hk'i duties as a member of t h i I : ..?'?i.' f:!< ? !' v, after ji few day ? v.'-ii relatives here. f- >.r * V, :i . I'. I). IVam, of Ra i,,; ?> fev.v days here, last v M" '? 1 v ; til with the emrin v. surveyed the streets , - ' vein's a-;o, in prepar ;i*'- >. t>r AJi-? - .\?" "id I Vi!:rv Miirford of" V m : . ti: .. were quests ot . ! i : ?. IV. H. tiriiulstaff, at !' . !,. ? , .. week. '1 he Miss <? " . .-.indents at Sylvn ( I' irui.- '? '..-l iMiati' a few years ?sjo " * * . I I'-eii; iiit iil -1'ippii af ill< : 1 ' ! i .'<>:? : !:? <> ? :: i d w< r< ' 1 M. ?f tilt ( li;i i ilt>e:'ier. Mr. \\ . S. Creiuh ' ? ? ' i ' - | c, and Mr. (\ Kia-ter. Secretary of the Char mite C|i;itn!?er of Conuiieree. k * w * 1 1]-. Mrs. II. T. Hunter ami Mi-s .lane ami lit t U Mi-> Kii,-,v?eth Ami have returned K t'Miu >i-V( i ri' week's stay in I tiea. )> "liuir eldest daughtei), .Mi 3!.!;: :> I. pii. and .Miss lliiiinah ' >!' ? weeks :i"?, for Tus <"!. An, , " her:* they entered the '.iiMi-ir. i.i Arizona. ?* Ii"V. ,v. Cray Man ay and , l. ' .. ! (iittliy and (!r:iy, !elt s ' -'f >>?)? a month's vaeation. ' V ?? ' ? ? ' ?l'f. V- v, v v s I -iold a meet niff 1,1 i- ?*:rty. while Mi's. Murray a:": 1 ? 'ii.iiMi will visit friends in !..-?> r. tliev will all go to N'.C ., for a two week's May. ?If *- 4? Ms< \! i ?? I'lizaheth Maddux, die ? ' ;?! Vv'i .|, in ('arolina Teachers ;vu;:-n next Monday. - in Spring City, Tenn.. lieen sjvtiding the .Maddux is returning to ' """" Ii": :i week before the open in order to silp ? riuu ?i,| ' 1 1 . ? s i vin<r of meals to the W- ?l ,. v,,!| assemble for football ,r.v)i;it. CRAWFORD? JOHNSTON A;>> i! iifs have boon received '"',v 1 1 t,:Jinia??o of Miss FJiza M" ,n to Mr. Earl E.Craw " ' larksvillo, Oa., on July 27, iii:i l Tli.; js the only ?liiujrI?tor l:f> *b iijul Mrs. Robert V. Johnston, 1,1 Mc , f ? ti ? Slio was educated at {'m,] S' ltf College for Women ;'>"1 W. Carolina Teachers Col 1 s; lias tai??rht in the public ill .Ini-kson eontv for the past 'lU :i ml will be remembered as ?" < ? llcjii teacher. ? b*. ( t'awforil is Iho son of Mr. ?'"1 Mrs. |? Crawford of Willefs | 1 :t 'rradate of the University of '? 1 ." (iliiia, and is now a member ,,r ,|- fai'irltv ,,f R. .T. Reynolds bi<rb Hrwl at Winston-Salem. They will ,1,akc thiir home in Winston-Salem. ENTERTAINS FOR GULST Miss Hazel Allison was hostess t? a number oi" young gir.s at her homo last Saturday e\ filing, homi. ing her house guest, .Miss Virginia Single of Franklin, and cclebraiing the birthday of the hostess. Cards, various gathes and a eoiitest were en joved by the young ladies. A! the conclusion oi the eoiitest 'di>s Alar jorie (Jrindstai f was found to I). the winner and was presented a prize, and a fjtiesi prize was presented to the honoreo. The young ladies were invited to the dining room, where a lowly bii tii day eake, decorated with 'pink can-i dies, was the center of the tah!:y and where punch, eak'/ sandwiches, candy and nuts were server!. \ i sing ladies presesii i.> o'ljoy the. affair were Misses Kli>:ab;?tTT Sberril!, | IFolen Stein, Josephine (Jarrett, A !- 1 ice Hevenor, Ruth I >i 1 1;: ?*<! ? Katlier-j ine Hill, Dorothy l>uehinan, lla/.?li \pison, \":Hnia Sla rV a??d M:?rjori:\. hindstaff. HAS BLOOD POISON Miss r.mma Tatlnni was taken to ?!>;? ( 'miimnnit v hospital tod'V, s IVriiii* IVosn blood poison, cans;*! l?y a cut on her ankle. BAPTIST SOCIETY MET YESTERDAY The Hapiist Woman's Missionary. ^Oi-i.ly mi t yesterday, <?!! the liume el' Mrs. -I. I?. Ilnshy. Mrs. lvrisley ik! Mrs. Kivd L. Hooper weie joiiit hos jesses. The program was led h; Mrs. 1j. A. Hit'/hanaii. A number 'of' the otliev inemhers of the society as sisted lier. Alter the prouran:, liirhl refresh ments were served hy the hosrsses. | METHODIST WOMEN WILL IvIEET The Methodist W i>ni;m - }:;:-sioii j ary Society will meet al I lit* churci i next Wednesday :il o'clock. \ . - MOODY REUNION TJ?<? Moody family reunion \vi:l li held at I Ik* home of Mr. .'dm '! Moody ouj Sept. 'J~>, in>lcad of li: date announced in The Journal last week. LITTLE GIRL HAS OPERATION Little Miss I>arhar:i -T ? ?:* Cook!. Mas operated on, at the Community hospital today; for tire removal o! her appendix'. The appendix run tured l>yfoiv the epei^lion. hid th 'itt'e jjirl is de,:u ; ;s w || asWonh' he expected, according lo reports. CHEERING- MORTGAGE NEWS Washinjrion, I). ('., S-pli-mher 7.-, Perhaps I lie most widely <li erinur news that has come oul of W:>hiiiT ton in a hint* linn- that tie re is to he a h i up in tile fom-'o.v:re of I mort'?'a?'V.s. Il si lit n| win li rrank'iiil Fort, pre-'.nh uf of the newly civilei' | !? ?'dei-n I Iloi.i ? f?o in I'ank onraniza- j Hon, persuad"d the ("'oi:?pt'"-?Mrr o!"; the currency !?> t<*Jci?r:>ii'i i.-vdrm-i tious to ;;l! receivers i f nntioi:-' i hank-; ordering tlrym to suspend a'* foreclosure, proceedings; This \v;> fo'lowed !?y an appeal lo the ions slate hank sup ?rijdendi uls, :mh; l?rj?cHea!Iv all of th -in !:av.' thill fore< d ?:)!? : nrd.' ? 1'on do^r pr< ce< dii)'.:s for the reali.-Jiti.in 01 assets of failed hanks will he sus pended for sixlv days or more while the Federal Home Loan l?ank is he ins; organized. The Home Loan Hank expects lo he in a position lo le.'id up lo -I" ner cent of the appraised va'ue on homt> properties, and so make it p<.? j sihle for home owners who are in dis tress to retain their Jiomes. ? ?*-? I i) "Tarzari! ? i The Ape Man": I : One of the Most J 1 V?_ t Popular 'Pictures of ; I the Year. ] 1 > Lyric Theatre j GAY \ r Tin* i'arim rs iu our section aiv ; .it ting tops and pulling fodder in pre * >11 ?*I llli" jCii* i., ( a . i ?, tii ' * )?'l? . Oj). It lias l?eeii said by nun of olheT sections ol the c. unity ilia-. i'all nali can surely produce more coin on i lit* little bottoms than any oilier ;i!aec in (lie county. / K ' ** I Miss Margaret (iul'lYy is imp'ovin? | : 1 1 ? ? i . . ?ij). rat i )ii i'iii* / ap|?; ij!;:- :1!;j ? . nd complications. .Mis. Am:uida J ligdi^u jia- 'jjen I vci \ iil \. itli an infected liaud cti.sed | i.v a minor briar snatch. ' | lii'V. :i. a illvologieai st'l'IeUC i (tivached un :;i (-resting sen.'.<'.: an in!' iiiiiiM" i>i\ idcd A'j.utist Ii 11 at YvVsIeyai'nn M. K. church. .Mr. : .:a .'.1 i.'ilTliiaii ot iie " i I if spt villi ill's. 1. ft niau's parents, .^lr. rnd Mrs .! din i 'alliam. .Miss i^'iia Yaiiiuni lias gone t.i /idle . iiie ol'.' an ext<6:d'.'d< vi>it t c> i; la I i Vi s. Quito a < i<)\v?l of l hi* luciubn's of V\ i*s!?-ynnna Mi*lhoili>t church 'arc !? iiiiniiiir to attend iht* (juarlci'Ij- inert Mif* ilini \vi;i rinivi'tic with llii* Ka.-t l/iil'oit; ?*lnm*li, Sunday. Srjit. I'. 3.1 r. and Mir. Carl lli^sloii and !W ilc Ivilinc flic Week hk! wiftJ ilicir parents, Mr. ;; n? 1 Mrs. X;ipoleo!> Hiirdnn. Mrs. ChI A llitiim <if \V<?list?*i* \vn> lion* n-niitly visiting In r matins Mrs. (J ('. Tin pin. Mr. AMcii T ;i |iiii ill' Waynosvill'. w?s here iv.v-i;! I v vi iihlj? re!:; live". Mis-rx I! c ami I )rc Bin of 1'iikn K|?siil lii -t \vcrk end here visit in?,' lit Mil ;* folks. Mr.-. S;; s ;:li Sullen ami Mrs. Alora'j I'arron roci-iitlv sp;*i:t ;i iliiv witl^J their nephew ;? in I Mree, Mr. iiiid Mrs.' 1 lerxchel Cain*. . i Mrs. If. ( ). lli?;ilon :.mj iTji n?rli-j i <r. 1 ??*t ? y l?i ili. \i*?ited Mr . IIi*?doitf ? I rot lu rs in l-'r.Mikiinl las) Tuesday. i Mr. I )?. vev I'm-hillinn ::tn I Mi-. I?" I'.i IIv.mII' have IHyTtPc?vi-!i:i!i".:!i -- I'c'll ! estate. Mi*. Ily,iM^kji,? >?Hil Xfr.'' {lllrll . i .iiiaa property in l'nKijikMitn'vn f<n>| properly in May"" enmity end Mr j Ifvalt li'is ? w'i| ; |i[? M aeon y p:np<*rty to .1. I1.. M.*! thick ??(' that ? 1 ' . :> ?UV. Jlis.-fnric H.Mhamni :im<" ?'.?Miullt.i r. Mi ? 1' ' h:ii:;ip. Spc lit 1 1 1 n I ; ? y v!i!. I r f*itlie!\ Mr. W. A. "??lit ! <m n?fi iltly. Mis. f?'i'i4(*\- li MeMahaii wan :-v 'va, f*-ntitri!ay, shoppinsr. , ! , BALSAM I A lai?v inin'.ber oi. lieJ.somi. jo:.n i ctl wiiii (.ui lion an<i cKj veil tuv j Labor i)ay at Lake Jun.usuka. Others limine titj?s into the Li:tal St;. okies and other places oi' interest. i 1 i 1 1 1 i t'll lit ; vs and u.i l'i.s boarded lae bus for Syh'a high school, .Monday morning. j Many toui i.-t: arc leaving the ho tels and cottages so tbi'ir ti'ihlrn I can reenter school in their respective j home towns. , The revival at. the Baptist church closed Sunday. Twenty three were i Baptised, and many reclaimed. ! NOTICE OF SALS OF LANDS UND^R DULD OF TRUST I I'nder and Ity virliU'fjtif the power I ol' sale contained in ;s certain deed of t rust executed l.y Had Webster to \V. ]{. Slu-rri I, Trustee, for <1. it. .Moss, dated January !?', 1 fV > I , and re?-nrded in Book 111, at i" 'l-? of fice of i lit* K.-jj'i <1?- t of Deeds ;.l? Jack son County, North Carolina, : ? i ! > 1 de fault having bc.n n:;ido in tin- pay ment of ill'* imlriii tin. tlnr'y se citrwl, and I lie hold, r thereof haviii" lire, ted that :i?! de?d of l;i;sj he foreclosed ; Now, Therefore, I In* und 'trustee will offer for sal;- sell to the hr.riie. t bidder for cash a', 'he court l:o>!: c door in the town of \vlva, Jackson County, North Caro lina, at <?V|ock, Noon, <n Mon l:>y, Oct oh, r ?'!, ItKS'J, all those ? ?if?-:*.; or parcels of land situate, !v 'n?* and heinjj in l.'ivr Township f sick son County, North Carolina, and liscrihcd and defined as follows: I'll; ST TKAl'T: Ke^iiii.njr at a pop lar in a br:nch and i his up with -aid branch to the ford below the L. \\*. Hooper house: i In-nee a North '?as! course jo a (h 'sinii near the lit tie ffisle: thenee 1'asl ?.tard hv a rock 'io.!Se to < L. I f'WM. r's line; tl.i ncc ??villi tin' oBl.-.ide boundary line i.r f, \V. IT. .p-r's 'un'-K ha- k In (?>? be Kinnin,"". and l;: i:e.r ihc j;>m<' tain!> I :-?:i|\ ; ye l by v i'i liv f \Y. "-.mp i| to ('. H. I! which >a;d will is rec!>rded in l!i oif-ee ol the Clerk it? (he S -perioi* Court of Ja<kso.r County, Noith ( ":s ?*? ?! ??::>. ?'to whi< i? rcf ? c ue ? i J"- ? '>v ?' for a more 'p . I" p:i n i-f v iid J im's. Sm,? *()\b P: I'eijinnin" at a loidde ?n:;rv.o!id on {op of the mo"r? !a:n in C. I.. I Iccmi-v's and him ? !n ncv- S2 d?-. \\\, ?'!! pole- In ;; v.dc<yii(i I*.sf :? a Moses* liije; thence \ Y. S tie;*;. I!., 21 poles to ;i stale m. i i t in top of tilt' in.ii'i.l;!:!! ; 1 1:* ; j 7;! tic;r. am! 1.) itiin. I!., i<i poles, to [ ii .stake on tup of I Jst* mountain in t '. | !i. i lo< >}m r?< lii),-; thence So :( h 7 poles . '.o the bc-'iimiii!;, enntainim.*; 4 acres j more or less. To satisfy sai?l indebtedness,, in I t 'l'i sfr ami cost ol This 111-- 3rd day of September, \V. If. Slieri ill, Trust<e. 0 8 41s WRS. . ) . NOi'lCE Of TAX SALS By Virtue oi' t!ie tax list p'afsetl in tny hands for collrctioii for t lio vci r Ifl.'il, Jiy tlie Board of Corniiissionei? nf Jarksoii Comity, 1 wii! on tl ? first Monday in October it be ? 'n?r the -inl (Kiy thereof, at the Com ' ITonse door in the Town of Sylva, ::l 12 o'clock noon, expose for sale <t> !he highest bidder for cash, to sa1 >sfv tlie delinquent tns'es and eosl the following real estate: SYLVA TOWXSTTTI^ ML Powell, .1. T. Powell f< C. \Y 1 !);*nnin<r, 4 :ots ... sfc-W.O^ t. ii. Powell, :: lots *2no.f?7 IT. E. Buchanan & T. II. IVvell 1 lot - Aii'i'.f.1 II. E. Pi'.ehannii, ( J wars) lots $ll.~fl CANEY FOIiK TOWNSHIP Fred Oiiecn 11 ams .. $8.00 DILLSROItO TOWXRHTP t.e:> C oid-'v estate 5 ncr.'s $2.1.7^ WEPRTER TOWNSIITP I -T. H. Pradhy 111 fi-10 acres '? iiAMHrm; township Mrs. It. C. Moor.- 1yS a<rcs $10/27 'Will Pruitt 40 acres 21.42 JOHN' .T. MANEY Tax Collector for Jackson County. ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Having (jiia'ii'icd as Administra t i i x of the Estate of P. C. II<n.-;o;. deceased, late of .Jackson County. North -Carolina, this is to notify ji! persons having claims against tl: Estate of said deceased to < \hi!. then to the !unle;'si<;i:e<! nt Cullowlje North Carolina, on or before the 10" day of Au?*nst. <.r this not :<? will be pleaded in bar of tln-ir re f-ovcry. AH persons indebted to said E- i ? ; to* .will ph ase wake iiijiiiediate pa; '1 !iis the Ifith day of Amrusi. 10.12 LOCTSE TIKNSOy, Administratri * of the Estate ->f P. C. Henson deceased. \p. ] l( '?(' t hoy i\ it in the mo st fiiscinatinij: shnpes ;*n<l r.ilirics f licit you <-?;*! f ; I j>OHsil)ly WHllt. /*! ?? iIk'I'c's cnoiiii.'!? vn rU-iy so you will \-\v0 josf ti'.O :!<!' for vorir ? ( tvne of Isoautv. These Alluring ? 7*7 New Shapes i E (Wi 1 fi Jl jl QQ f7K Ox/*ii KJ Simons has just return ed from New York and other style centers, where he made careful personal -selections in the new Fall Dresses, <oats, and Hats to offer at sthe usual thrifty Paris pric es now present these isjve stvles for vour i)i ? ? s|)(m tiou and approval. (1 \~ 4 . . , , At : I i ( 0 ans HMMMi The How Ford Eight glides ever the road with unbeliev able sm.cthness. There's a rythm and a balance to it thai you've never experienc ed befora- a ftf iug of limit ltss power and effortless motion. B.ive it yourself, today, and l:t the New Ford V-8 tell it j own story nn+M Up J'. <>.!;. Ditroil, fivi^lit and ilflivi'.-y. I ; ifiiijn i s :uni i spare tire extra. mil rtl 1i:i:c payments llinw: ii :!>;?? ?'<! I onl Finance Plan-: of :l l nivi i.sa! Credit Co. j We offer 4-Ii Boys and iGrirls vJ.OD for best po tato: r ii 1 ?103 for second best. Br:n.r- them in! Contest Close:? October 1 I i T , ? C. 0. QfeLE & SON How One v/oman Lost 10 Lrjs. in a Week .M . !. . ;t y Luitltke hi' Dayton Wiil r-,: "I ?. r Ivru-clicll to IX' rl ; i?-f iV< I \t> . i'> ,]i ?itiid.S ill 01HJ w. . k ;i'i*i : ..y i?'i? much to * t i'..' '< ?: i . rj ? ? {;???:.? i?it i / ? jfy, SAFJjL\ il '??' . one half tc:i--|M ;?i.r ci ' i Lin in a glass of Nil i-rt!.,' morning before l)v< :ik: : ; ? I !?? r.ti i'::tly meats j.'iit::iJ<?i-<, i til; i,: :.nd pastries - it is tii" ms.'1' v.'jiv f unsightly rat ?:?i ??i:i ! ?,';*! ; : *;i -t 1 weeks 'ill . 1 1 ' . ' i ; t, it. at JltlV dm;; ??!<??<? i;= ? i ; .-a. !L this first *??..ttl<- !':? t 1 - to ">?'? vinee you this is tils' sit'- - J v.ay ? i) lose fat ? money Intel'. (?lit In- -iiic a !5.<1 T'-t Kruschen Salts ? imi^'lions sue numerous and you must safeguard your health. ? 'SO-FFF OOHl THE TDEAL SOLUTION FOE HOI.II] SANITATION FOR f ETTEPAL SANITATION? U Li t'ta cleaning'' water gi'r.r, of perfect >:? L" c .'.roy:? Lactcria r:.-i i..:o disagreeable c-Jcrs.- i '>:??. for use in and aro.'.rd t.T; a ;:i k room. MANY OTHTJP. USES FOR? Tho bundry Household cloning The tcilct The medicine calinet A safe, i:';-: poi-onous, pow e fid germicidal cleanser v thnfc drinf. ct'> a ; it e'eans. AT YOU?. FAVORITE STORE When To? Pains Are Stopped * turing I . ' *. )i such ,:.^i ? 'jcccis ID that ce *as alway?N . *:tn catienu . :: : I r.?ar He I. .v ir.d'iced to il-.. . . i. crj;,t:on b'.alla 016 ?' -S so -il, iurierer* couio i.. . i;:'. r.t'.tr dream eo iucn 5 ?v.n? .;i!,ria-.e *on absolute Ireeuom lro;r ire as;ns ot rheu mauwi.'j f.t" Ti'.s ."j- ?, ? ?!r,o r.nratgia wi'.ii ti.lt ...vwa Usees Da di'Iereri'.c '.ot . v u.f p*iir. or no* ions V;'] ? . if icrv Xir- 1 three ar_e- ijo.v o- "? relief drer.riiit ? t. . r -r.-.n'v rhera ire r.o or : :-.s in it. No-Ma. Swilt ' r o r, : narm ,C .5 '.V:.*. v- - ~i "a that CO'' C ;j . V -Ml does 'Ml ST;i. * uelay cr.. -ork t ir.. V ?? ?<? pain-' ii r. ; ... re for ? c.< v SYLVA PHARMACY

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