jiQRTHt CABOUNA JACkS^N* COUK?? ttWNTV v? JAC'KbON JKS3 Pii-BKKK AM> ^ thiHSlTAWwEK. ;'t: other F'*f aftTUfrib u ?*U*a tie ihuter and by virtus ot the ^ Vl;. fv. '^rftd upon nW ? - 1, *?..? * ,UK iJui" "?? 23rd J"y """ ' U 13 I will, ?? 6tb "J" ? > oKtr for 8aw a.i.i oil iiurt-b, ' bidder tor cash a. ffiST.. ?'?<" ?'d? lui K , oWued u> r?^^^btnv M. M. **?* w (^mor o? b f"1 Sl wet! ??"? c0" " , ,r* s ??' ?? "-j, ? a ? ,.id a- ?? i"i,z "nd K"jbl'rt . i (L ? ?i" ?? . 6prout? li. fl f,r?U ** m w * * ? r " tluiu'O ill ,? n?.itbe?JK flU:Kv-r< ?1* ?? llyWl W" '*T, w.h .?,,, u. <* ?* !?'?'?, sai%,u,'to w' 'i1 ?Tol. uii Sylvit-Uill^lwro ,ta S"T ?r raid road straight in ? northerly direction to the Beginr ;* utich i- the K. W. frn? * 1 11 \met. Containing 2?'j A. SECOND TRACT: Beginning ? ? ?aall whiteoi'k, tbo S. K corner , I ha Keener Graveyard and the > *? corner ot tho Oeo. P. Miller II' m tract and runs S, W. 525 J1 r a *mall black Oiik; theuiio S. 0 ^ JO polt? and 17 linkh to u *mnll I o> uak; thenee. S. 9 K. 7 poh u anc; ? tiidM to a stake; thenee K. 18 p '??; ?ad 10 links to n bnneh of -si gproiiU; thrnee N. Ixlii m't-r a rock at the \V. bank of A\ LHiblio Wi! 1 G poles 23 links to a si ik Lu E.p.Breudle's line & Keenefn m tbwvee N. B E. with tho variation "? ihnfc U"? * P?1<,H to 11 . ' c?id ' thence. K. 72 W. passi' : ?. Wuu?t' 2fl pole* to thf Beginn'wjr TtttRD TRACT: Beginning n j waluut stako nrur u pitic bush ?, i< stakw is the S, E. eorner of viia wh-4 known as the Deitz tract w ic nov.* owned by ?T<'sh Parker, ai? Rtako h<-injf tho X. W. corner of hi tract; th.i.eo K. 40 feet to a h ik nfcor a small pine bush for the N corner of this tract; thence S. ? j1/ K. about 10t> toet with tho lint- w tho s-itid Je?*s Parker tract to a stake thentn in a ' northward direct io-. about '70 feet to a pine tree o: southern bank of rirw rood lea' in: to ertlWton'; thence with said i ?a? fiet to the Beginning. Thia property is sold for the ?<>' Uotiafni of the 1928 taxes, costs, In t crest and penalties. This tho 31st dav of Jan., 193". DAN K. MOORE, Commissioner of Court. XOllTll OAEOI4KA .1 ACKSO'X COUNTY. COUNTY OF JACKSON "V8 \V. H. HENRY AND WIFE, MRS W. 1LHENRY, Aud all other perwniB olaiming any interest lu the lamia herein debcrilcd. Undor and by virtue of the po vc> irnd kothcrity eoiiferred upon ice by a .judgment rendered in the at m entitled action on the 23rd dny of Jammjry, 1933, I will, on the 6th lay of Mor^, 1^33, offer for sale "nil noil to the highest bidder for easl. at public" auction, at the Court House door in Sylva, at 12:00 o'clock, noon, ?bo following described pioperty All that tract or pare *1 of Vuni, lying and being in Scotts Cveek Town*lip, Jackaon Couny, North (Vrolitn, anj nftre particularly tie scribe lu follows r ADJOINING' the lands of A. E. Heiuy# \Y, H, Rjanton and oth ra. lW?innln>,' at a stab" on the N..W, cornet1 of tho S. K. Henry lower 50 *urro tract and in the Ilenry Grnve yari and runs with Henry's line 8. ?I dtgToes 'W W. 90 poles to a nt'dcfl ?orntv of naid .V) acre tract; tliciCe witli U?ie of A. E. Henry upper rrWt N. 8. * ? w o i-5 poleo N. 3 dcg. W. 9 3*5 pa k? to ? .stake. -ia. tius Jacke^a J^wcbpr -Co. Iioundary line ; thenet< trtth soKf lide ? ?' East 20fc i*\a in a lioikw, comer of Jackson Lbr. Co boundary; tha^ce with line ul' .itnu- N 7 dog. . , ' fhiK property is sold for tbc eol kction of the 1028 tdxes^ coate, in-, terest and penalties. i This tbo 31nt day of Jan., W33. DAN K. MOORE, Commissi one:* of Couit. XOItlH CAROLINA . JACK?SON COUNTY. i COUNTY OF JACKSOX Vfl ESTER ROGERS AND HUSBAND. I J. X. ROGERS, I A id alt other persons claiming any I inten-?t in the lands herein describe] LV'or nnd by virtue of the.powe: lai d authority eonfejfljed upon ice "by! j a judgment rcnderal in the above I titled action oh Jtbe 53rd day of r;i!i.i*ry, 1933, I trill/ on the 6th day I >1: March, 1933, offer for sa'.e am' I II to the hi* I ! .or in Sytva, at 12s o'clock, noon I he following dewribtv! property: I AH those tract* or \pnivols of land | ; in? and being in C ollowhfe .Town lip, Jackson CJonnty, 'North Caro i in, nnd more partimiTsny dc*eribe<' I? follow*: ' FIRKT TRACT :;; Hegin?iyg at 'i'k? which f?tand?;P.. 8 degrees enf-1 !'! pole* from ? blp'-hfTum, b*iri? tb E. eoriicr of No. II .nnd iw.s f ? degiws ,Ka.?t 41.0 poles to n chin j -uipin i-t uWp on top of n lidyv b< ; w a i-liff ; 'thence N. 24f degree {>' \V. 18 port> to a filahc; fhener N. decree* 30' . M.fl jolea to i stake oi. top of tbj lidgo; theriov j ?* 63 degrees 27' i). 18 poles lo th- I '> "inning. Containing 4.48 aeres. SECOND TRACT: An indittiduaV > le-half interest, .^cgioning on a iirV from. the. S.-.K. eoroar .>f trae' No. 11 nnd toils "R. f dogroeA Kaai 1 ! |k>1t the ridge; theme N. 8'' d-?groee E. 46 po!?n to the Beginning | Third Tract: Being tract No. 1, fit the lower farm of the sobdivittioi o? tlie estate of David Ko^ir, At c a^i'd, the third, tract herein bein; s'lown on a map mad?r by R. M. Par k-r, in October, lP2f>, and which may :i duly xvtwnled in tho Office of th. j ' egiater of Deed* for Jaekuofi Coun tv, N. C., in Map Book No. 1, P. 56 ThU property is1 sold for the eo) I etion of tho 1028 taxes, eosts, in ? 'rest and penahjea. Tltw tin. 31?t day of Jan., 1033. DAN K. MOORE. Commissioner of CWi. I ? ? r i VORTH CAROUnT 'ACKSON CODNTV. ( OUiVTV OF JACKSON f . l?. CLAYTON UiKlitls AND AIJ OTJIKR PER80N& CLAIMING ANY INTEREST IN THE LANDS HEREIN DESCRIBED Under and by virtue of the powov 0 id authority (inferred upon bm) bj a .judgment rendered in tho above : xtitled Action xrn tho 23rd day of ?i anuary, 1933, I will, on the Oth day nf March, 1933,;offcr for sale and ? -11 to the hTgReSxt fyTdder for cash nl pablic auction, at tho Court Mouse 'loor iu Sylvu, at 1?:00 o'clpck, noou t'*r> following described property: All that track or parcel of land, lying unrl being in fcylva' Township, laokson County, North Carolina, and 1 o ore particularly described as fol lows: BEGINNING at a locust stake at tho north side of the Church Ilous* airing and run* South SB1/* degrees I iwt 3f> poles to a pine on top of a r.dge; tbenee south 34 degree* east 6 t\fn polos to ? black-oak; thonee S nith 29 degrees east 30 p*les to a bnrkoak; thence south 30 degrooA v \nt poles to a stake and eoraer ol old survey ; thence north 56 do gnx* west with linu of old survey l '$S polt s to a small blHckonk on east bnnk of state road in a hollow: thenco north 61. ea*t and road 32 poles to a stake, east side of the road, thence north 41 degree# east and road 30 pole* to a stake; thenr* north 140 fast and road 20 poles U> a stnke; thoneo unrth 29%. wont lOVs poles to a stake at road; thence TV>rth 57 degrees east nnd road 22 poles to ? stake in tho line of Church property; thenar south 28 degrees west with line of Church property; 30 poles to its southwest corner; thence south 49 degrees eafet with same tract l i poles to a poplnr; PCmia vast 3B ?]*>'?& north 59 degrees email hickory ; est 41 poles to .f b 45% degrees' ^PEOI^NO. CONTAINING 81 aews, more oi ! JfiSB, and excepting v,b?t teen' Kold off friujt by G. P. layton. i "Tfcia property ia sold ?01 the eol j lection of llic WHS taxes, costs, in- j twvst and penalties. This tiie 31 bt day oi: Jan., 1933. J) AX K. MOORE, Commissioner of < ourf. >fORTH CAROLINA | JACKSON COCNTY. COUNT V OF JACKSON ? ' ra jr. BUCHANAN, .si?.. AND WIFE, BELLE BUCHANAN. Aud all other persons ?.'jutri! ^ any intorot in the lands Jn-riin th-SAriUed. Vndex und by virtue oi' the power aud authority eo;?L:m <1 upon r.:c by la judgment rendcied in ihr- above | cintithd action on the. -3rd day of .Jauuftvy, 1033, I will, on the Oth ditv of March, .1 033, oft'er t'Jr i?a'e and aell to the highest bidder for ?*#sh at pablie unction, at the Couit House door iu .Syiva, at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described property: Aj' thos.i traets or pareels of land, lying: and beinfj in .Savannah town Bhip," Jael;?on C'-omity, Norih rnro lina, and more partieujar'.y dc*erihftd 1 follow: FIRST TRACT: ll-iiig a'l th< land >' eoaj vtyed bv M. Buchanan, Sr. by W. A. Withers by Deed dated April 20, IJ-20, and roeorded in BorJ. No. 83, pa*e IfiO of the Puhlie Rejr tstrv of Jack-ton County, N. C, i n?' btnn? bounded on the north, ?\v and south by lands of Dills, suiut? by Kinds of Bvy son. west by land j-rf Crday Refereneo is made to th< abov" dood for eomp'ete de?k PP Boiucj bounded op the north by Brv , son lnnds; on Ea-t bv iV-ssley, Tay 'or, vMi*, Bennett and Davies, on (!>' nouth by Davit's and Bennett, and c: the north and northwest- bv W? !eh Tathum and Brvson lands. Referene 'a n ade to the abovo deed for a mon flonipk-te description of neiO lands. H;ii property is s?oJd For the c<>! lection of the 1P2S taxes costs, in t*rr*t and penalties. ThI.-i the 31^ dav ot Jan., 1033. OAX K. MOORJ5, Commir-idon',v of Court. NOKTII ( AHOUXA JACKSON COUNTY. COtNTY OF JACKSON v ajllen* Mcbowell, an d wife MRS. ALLEN MeDOWfiLfc .v And el) other persons claiiuibg an> interest jn ihc lond.s herein described Under and by virtue of the powei nnd nut ^rity conferred ni>oii k? bv a judgment rendered in the abovt mtitlcd action 011 the 23rd day oi ?January, 103*1, 1 will, on the 6th da> >f March, 1033, offer for ea'e one sell to the highest bidder for cash' at public auction, at the Court lions door in Kylva, at 12:00 o'clock, noon be following described property: All th ship, Js^.fon County, North Caro lina, and more particularly described an follows: Beginning at a chestnut on a ridge, coiner of Will St ill will, A Hen Mc Doauell ntid Charlie StiHwell and runs 8. direction to a pine, Will Still well, Poacy Stillwcll nnd Henry McDonnell ( McDowell > corner : thence a N. E. courso to a stake, the Ver?o Brywun corner, now Allen and Henry McDonnell corner at the low er ar.ti of the Sum l?ix field; thence to the Boginnljig, Containing acres, more or less. SECOND TRACT: Banning on a large chestnut on a ridge, Verge Bry son's corner, nuis N. 55 \V. 11 polos to a spanisb oak on top of a ridge; thonco fil. 70 W. 28 }>oleH to a pine on a ridgo and on John Lovo'sline; thence 8. 30 W, with that line 28 poles to a white onk on fop of a ridge; Love's corner; thence K. .r>0 polos to a stake; thence X. 28 pole* tfitb Bryson 'h lino to the place of the Beginning, Containing 7i-|> acres, more or loss. This property is sold for the col lection of tho 1928 tates, cn^iy, in terest and penalties. This th,? 31st day of Jan., 1033. DAN K. MOORE, ; Commissioner of Cm^t. .NORTH CAROLINA > JACKSON COUNTY. ? \ " COUNTY OF JACKSON ? ? vs TOLL II ALL AND AVIFF, MRS TOLL HALL, And all other person* claiming any interest in the lands Herein dcscritwrl Under and by virtue df-^the power aud authority eon ferred upon nve T-y a, judgment rendered in the nSove entitled action -6a the 23rd day of January. 1933, on the 6th day of March, 1933, offer for Bale and iMl to tbe highest bidder for' teash at paWie taction, at the Court Honse j Joor iu Sylva^at- 12:00 o'clock, noon, ?he following described property: All thoso tracts or parcels of laud, ying and being in Greens Creek j township, Jackson County, North Carolina, and more particularly de bribed as follows: BEING a one-fourth undivided in rerest infltid to the following tract ?>f land: ftegjuninj; on a chestnut on HHiih baafc of folate road near th? Bradley House and runs down with :he Stale "mad to r stake on tin ?>ank of Bradley branch; thence down said braneh to a bunch of maples 01. SnvaJinflh creek; 1 hence up and wit: thp lroanderings of said crwk t< Andy Cop?j*s old line to a stake; thencr up the ridge a S. K. direct io: with Copt?* line to a black oak cor act' on top of knob; theneo down th ridge with Svlvauia Bradley V lint. t? the Beginning chestnut corner. Con fniuin^ 10 acres, more or less. SKCO.VD TKACT: Beginning on : sour wood on top of the ridge in o near Hbinthart's line and runs S 80 W. ;3l 1-1 poles to a sounvood i? old lino;, thciice S \V. 12 pol< and 12 link-; to a stone on the rid? above the house: thence S. 51 \V. 1' polos and 10 link-; to a stake on th S. side of a branch ; thence S. f? 3. 10 po!?-'s to a stake in the branch thence S. fil K. 1 1 poles and 10 link to a stake in old field: tinner > W,2 K. 1 1 1 ?> pole.- to a pi!:i> ou ridge and Hhinehart's line; thenr NT. with Rhinehart "s line 11 poh and H links to the Beginning, for twining 5.1 nere<*. more or less. This properly is sold i'or the eo" hc'iion of the 1024 tax/?s, costs, L ;ev?:-t and penalties. This the 31st day of .Jan.. iOm. l).\N' K .WK?FK, < 'ommlssioiiM* of Court. nouth rAKouxA lACKSOX COl'NTY. COCNTY of JACKSON* Vs ! WILL STANLEY AM) WIKK, M!ts> WILL STANLEY, Ami all other persons claiming an. interest in th<- lauds herein describe Under ?uid by virtue of the power find authority cofJanvd upon u:e b; u judgment rendered in the al>ov entitled action ??n the . 2Ttr?i day o ?January, 1933. 1 will, on the Bth da; of March, 1H33, of lev tor sale an< sell to tin- highest bidder for c?i.-h a public auction, at l hi- Court Ifoust | door in Syljva, at J2:00 o'clock, noon the following described property: All I but tract or parcel of lam! lying and being in Sylva Township laeksnn County, North Carolina, aii-i more pailicularly described as fo lows ; ne?ini:ing on n stake on east mar ifin (it Love avium' and eorner ot lot No. 33 and runs with line of No I 33, South 8" deuree* 45' East. 23t feet to a .stake and corner lots N.v I 12, 13 and .'?3. Then with Iin?> of No. 12 about north 50 feet to a stake , corner of Lots Nos. 11, 12 and 35: j thence wiih line r.f No. ."!/> North 8! : degrees 45 west, 231 f?ct io a stak? , J ou east margin of I( to which reference is ) made for a complete description of ' said land, SECOND TRACT: Known as the Sti'lwell tract fully described in a Heed from J. F. Stillwell and wif< to John C. Love, Deed dated Augnst 25, 1873, and recorded in tlie Office ?? the Beguter of Deeds for Jack son County, N. C., iu Book No. 0 j pagei 497 ahd 498, to which record reference is hereby made for a urcn> 1 full and complete description of sai< lands. THIRD TRACT: Described in a Deed from J. W. Buchanan, Sherifl to J. C- Love, Deed dated the 6th da, o? May, 1912, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Jackson County, X. C., in Book No. 82 at papc 322, to which record ref erence is hereby had for a more fnl and complete description of saif land. This property is sold for the co! lection of the 1928 taxes, costs, in terest and penalties. This the .list day of Jan., 1933. TUX K. MOORE, Commissioner r-f 'Court. NORTH CAROTIN A JACKSON COCNTY. COUNTY OF JACKSON II. B. B (ICI1AN AX AND I'EARj BUCHANAN AND CAHL HlTIi A N A N, And all other persons claiming an; interest in the lands herein di^crilxx Under and by virtue of the pow? and authority coni\:rrcd upon n.e I. ?\ judgment rendoivd in the abov ntithd action on the 23rd day c anuary, 1933, I will, on (ho Otli dr. >i' March, 10'?3, off. r for sh'c an .11 to ill ? highest bidder for cash i> .aiblie auction, at thr Court Hoiu 'or.;- in Sylva, ill 12:00 o'clock, noo: hi/ fo'lowing described property: All that tract or part-el of lam" Vin * and being in Sylva Townshij faelison County, No:th Carolina, an more particularly described as fo lows: ADTOINiNt; the land- of C. 1 Moody ami Dock Harris, and Begi* ?ing at a st(ik<.' in ike original Ha is and A Urn line on Ibe N. bank e ?Jlate Highway No. 10 atul rim V II degrees and 15' W. with sa> 1 in?- 2'20 feet to a stake; thene;- wit ' h<* present Harris and bloody lii to a stake on I he N. bank of St,-' Highway No. 10; thence S. .r>8 il rreep "\V. with the X. bank ?of ! Highway to the Beginnining. It i i lie intention of this Deed to r.?nvi j -ill the lands purchased by C. 1 i Mood}' from < '. L. Allison which lif | ?\ast of thr* old original Harris a j Mien line and North of State IHal ' way- No. 10. This prop.?r}y is sold for the co' j' of March, 1033, offer for sale am sell to tin* highest bidder for cash a public auction, jil the Coniv 7Ious' door in Sylva, at 12:00 o'clock, noon j the following described property: All that trnet or parcel of land lying and beiner in Canada Town shin, Jackson County, Nor.lt Caro lina, and more particularly d. criber as follows: ADJOINING the lands of A. h Brown and J. A. Blown, Lying or ill? waters of Neddie's creek, bein; par? of GrrMit No. 83.? ? Beghuiing oi a spruce in Neddie's creek and nip up said creek, J. A. Brown's line thence with J. A. Brown's R. W. lin to :i whitcoak corner on top of ridcrc thcncc with J. A. Brown's line, S. F to A. L. Brown's whiteoak corner o' the s-de of Neddie's mountain; thenc< with line of Grant No. 833 to A. I Brown's line; thence with said lin' to the Beginning. Containing 25 acre more or less, and being the land* purchased from R. II. and Rachel Mnthi* Have a ?tap or plat mado of yottf property for one dollar. Neat nud curate drawings of all kind* nad, nt luw cost. Blue prints. H. H. PLEMMONb, Box 32, Dillsboro, N. 0. This property is sold i?Jr t!1(; wl. lection ot the 1928 lasts, co.- tw. y.. mvst and penalties. T'lis the ?il?t day of Jan., Wxi DAN lv. MOOllL, Commissioner oi Court. NOTICE OF FORiiCLOSUivfc BAt SOUTH CAROLINA, IACKSMN COUNTY. Under s?iid by "virtue 01 thi jwv,-w of sale t-onlained in a .-mam dc*] ill' trust, innde and executed bv U 0. All* v Jo Felix !?;. All. y, Jr., irui> tec for K. 0. Allihon, dated N?v,ai bur the 20th, 1?J2T?, and 1 ti ;!t Book 90, at Page 107, m the Oiult ,o? the Register of Deeds for J;?i sou County, Norlh Carolina, dt-fnuM having been irade in the payin(ii the indebtedness thereby twcurui and the holder thereof haviu^ diuft en County, North Cnrolinn, at 12:00 o'clock noon, on Tuesday, the 7tfc day of March, 1933,- uml "viil sill lo I the highest bidder tor a cm tain lot or parcel of land u Syiva, Inckson County, North (':,roliu8. m,J more particularly d.xriLod ?a fol lows : liKOTNNINd at a stak,. on th, south bank of the old Sylvn aint Dill shorn road, .inrt east of wh*r? ? aid road turns off to Syiva Heighu Piv.perty and Ke.mr (Ymvtery, ?tins th< ore South ?8 dog Ka ? jKiles to Dills llrnnch, ?aid line hri.n/ the dividing line betweeu Io'.k and 47 of thfi J. U. Frei r.e pdrlitiw.: 'h.-nee in a southwest direction, wj-' ?lie nieandi-ritms tit said 1 Sills Brr.uo; ?o the concrete bridge on the o!.' Syiva and Dtl'-horo road; froia a point at the eiiilrr of said brid^ , .it its upper side, 130 feet (0 *11 in *, stake; thence iii a northerly direr tion, 100 fe*'t to ft doable water n the south >i?V of tlu- old Rv ? Jillsboro road; thence in a r . asterly directum, wilh ili? s during;* of said road to tbr H niug. This the 31st day of Jannatj. V< < FELIX Ij). ALLF.L,.m,^ v By: Dan lv. Moore, Attorney. 2-9 Its dkni NOTICE OF 1'ORECLOSUHr SA XORTII CAROLINA, JACKSON COUNT V. Under and by virtue of the pmu, of sale contained in a certain den! of trust, made and executed by -??:! Phillips and wife, B?rtie Phillip*--, tc Waller K. Moore, Trustee for the Tuel;iisee"re<> Bank, dated Novcirhir the l(?l h, 1925, and recorded in Bonk fO, at Page 191, in* the Office of the Register of Deeds for Jackson Cot':) ty, North Carolina, default bavin? been made in the payment of tbr indebtedness thereby sesumi, nn?l the bolder thereof having directed | that the deed of trn?t be foreclosed the undersigned Administratrix !>r said Trustee will offer for sale .* the Court House door, in the tmw. of Sylva, Jackson County, North Carolina, at 12:00 o'clock, noon, mi .Monday, the fith day of March, 19'J-'. and will sell to the highest biddei for cash, a certain lot or parcel of land iu Cullowhee Township, Jack son County, North Carolina, and more particularly described as fol lows : ADJOINING the lands of J. C. McCrncken, Walter Parker, Os<-ar Ensley and others, bounded as f"l* lows : Beginning in Cane ('ink when MoCraekvns and Phillips line cro-v-fi said creek and runs up and * v j t h creek as follows: X. 7 E. 7 p??les. X. l-'i'/rj W. 5 )X)los and X. 8 E. poles to a point opposite :i J^a" oak bush on V.'. bank of or'-k thence .V. GOV* E. 4", poles ais.l ^ links to a small black walnut; tfc'fK N" 82 E. 28 y2 polos to ? stake in C. W. Donning Cos. lino; with that lino S. 28 E. 3IU a sourwood; thonre S. 4.'< W. polos to a stake; thew ? ^ 1 vV* 70 polos to a stako, Phillips' corn thence S. 67 */2 W. 20 polo* tu Beginning, containing 21 1-4 as surveyed by 0. B. Coward ^ March, 1924, and being the lands convoyed bv deed from J. McCracken to Horace Broece. This conveyance is enbjoct to reservations and exceptions contain >n a deed conveying this proper?* from J. C. McCrackon to ilor'.r ? Breooe on the 22nd dav of Mareh. 1034. This tho 21st day of January, lft ?' MARY MOORE BEARDEX, Administratrix of the Estate of Walter E. Moore. By; Dan K. Moore, Attorney. 2-9 4t? to