WW ' -? ******* J? I III . y, ? i'-i [ji* mjiT*-~ . la -si , Jr., has returned lt? j?..ints in Florida. -> * # ,Y;rit ami his son, Mr. .1, ui' liig liidge, wero ..1 v. ' * * * . ? .4. I wU*j u ho underwent .. ..siuviilc, some time J iii.d to his homo bore, j # # .... ,\, .1 (iiliiisx iih', Gil., . . v.ivi iu iv, \> i th hi.* ; Ai i s. l\ K. Moody. ..? * \ . oii' is imptoving, her i..-'g!.td to learn, after i??r ,\3y ;?? IV \;?t' 1 i Hi i!v. 1 m M;.! - r ! !?>' ? ll.f ? \: ?!, ' ill i. ? ? ... i!\ati of WltLlie: this wi-tk, ol ?7 * , !':> ! Jr.. iHtnifd, Mou- ' i -h, u h e lu had been j >ii.!ihcni ( 'on tVivuec . -* * * .?'a >'.t tilt, of Asheville, i> . !.. .? I. milter, Mr. John 1? j : i.l Mrs. Efisl.y, and her j Mary Morris. "" * * Alis. W .1. .Mams and fa- ! have r '.'ith'tl lure, for tlu ?ral y.ars, are moving t!-' Mttrj hy, their former lionu -x- -* * ; '.'?try CatdY"*, Jli.ks a-?) , j Wilson, Lett It Xiehol j ? ?.!:l!er will <r<> to Clta" i -t of the week, to spent i ? i v illi fri: tii'.s. * * t'"'l?e, a r.tiidont it , S hi 111, i;i k :. H(lii' j t ! s rvinsr th? teachim | v <?<,!:ool, an part of . > ? ? ? loitrsf. * * i Jr., wif 'o F.*? j ; ? > witness f ho final ? in t1'. v-i1- t:; r.mferenee Raskif-t | t if. vpftii-n- d v " !ti. )f;\ ?, ff-11. Madiro XVV r n it' W no"ah As ;? . V ,.n.i ?t C 1'owhff ? V," \vn. Nirrrro ('?? r ?. Ma Wilson. *? y' V vv\ '? - ! i ;:iTiv!'?l from ? 1 :? !lic wall ,it ',v ? ? d! ,\ * !;???! ;.- & Paeifv S! , I- ? ? ,!:?<?/ Mr. T. K. (i'i ! ?; ' ?> ' iil a Iotjs vaca tii n iti iY.>r; to rrrain his heat! " " i M'\ ?<???' V"<. Frown j?,?wl strait hav.-? a rivrd frrw fli.i ff ? i Tcn;i.. and arc o<*rnpv iif r> ;? m-i ? ? -r nt in Mr. 0. M IV* '' ' !) . ? M~, p.-o'- n has d(' *|. - i; ... j. j-niiirr ns.*r1 on 1 !' ' ill! '-!-1 ? nnd. f * * R '??<*. t. r*. Mw, M? ,V:< r , V n-i-p Mrs. .T. IT Hr'i ' 'r.. q C/Wr yonncf son of *-r "? v. rn k. of W"' Stcr. nrp a* 'fn<V- - Mi . ?v:n?,*l st ? t o mo-'tin*? of t'i* fiip'ist Women's Missionary l*rir.!i jn session in Winston- Ra1*m t!n< work. U. D. 0. TODAY "y T! II, If. <'nth(>v fhaf>t"r Ir. I). P- '? '! !!:<?? I' lliis .ifh'roioon, at the l ull 1. 1 Mrs. ]'. L. ,M.'Kci? with Mr-. .F . ha ;\. Parr is joint ho-tcs. Tin- i in frani i> in charg? of Mrs. T. K. and Mis; MiMml Cowan. ANTI-SALOON MEETING HELD. TUISDAY Rev. J esse Owen and Mr. George J. Burnett, officials of the Anti-Sa loon League, spoke at a mooting held at the Baptist church here, Tuesday afternoon at -two o'c'ock, at which time plans wire discussed for a cam paign in the county against the re peal of the Eighteenth amendment. The me v ting was jm sided over by Rev. R. L. C'rcal, pastor of the Bap iis?i. church ai brysun I'ily. SENATOR THOMAS J. WALSH. MONTANA, DIES SUDDENLY Senator Thoniaj .T. Walsh of Montana died suddenly of a heart i.i k aboard an Atlantic Coast no- train n.at W: son today whih route to Washington with hin ,w hoy. he married Saturday, in Havana. The senator, who was named to he ! "i- 11 y-g n.'rai in the cabinet of 'ivsident-eloct. Roosevelt only a few .'ays not), was stricken and died with in a few minutes as he lay face down ward in a berth in his drawing room. BALSAM i , Af>s. Marion Ashe was taken to he Harris Community hospital ''ridav night where she underwent ?n opera! ioa for appendicitis Satur 'av. ' > Mis. Hubert Ensley and children 'nrind Mand;iy from a week end ?. is:t- to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. '. H. M.h'nflVv; in Henderson vill& Mrs. Sara Bryson, Mr. E. 0. Queon :irl children went to Franklin Sun ?lv to s?\-> Mr. L'nyd Quiett who is ? pitie.nt in Am*ol Bros, hospital. LLOYD QUIETT DIES . j ?? i ?4.1* f William Lloyd Quiet t, :50 years ! ' M, died in Angel Brothel's Hospital, J ?Yankliu, Tuesday nirrlit, after an I'ncs d:i!iii?r from injury ho rc ivi-d la-t November, while working! ?i ,t lo'rging project in the Balsair. in MitaiiH. Mr: Quirtt, who was unmarried, > survived bv his father, Mr. Wm V Oeiett. of Hi* QaMa soe'ion, by ?vo si-iti-rs, Mrs. Nicholson, of Bre ml ami Mrs. F. 0. Queen, and two '"others. Hubert, Vornie and Howard >f Oua'la. ' The f:meral sen-ice is being held, his , morning at Whittier. BETHEL, TENNESSEE We are glpd to say we have been i 'wving somcf cold weather for th< uist month / Wo hop? that we may "in\> n pood fruit crop. Mr Early Wood of this community undo a business tr'p to North Car , >Una last avc k. Mr. and M?'s. .lim Cook sp^nt la0' ?alurdav ni.trht with (3. F. and II. C MAKES WOMEN LOSE FAT I ... : ) Atiss J(,.u .?i. iiuiu^s 01 uuyton, <J., ?villus : "l weiguul i?v> so s willed lu ?i>v.r iu'iii\c|itiu, 1 never was w sui ;>iis,u as n luu i weighed myself tlic Ul'st Week ? 1 lo>t 'i pouuus. 1 jusl : /OUgii. i..y yiu jar a..<t am down to ! l-k? ? am still taking ilum and never I iVil butter in luy life/ (Juue 17, | 19j2). io take off l'at ? take one half tea 1 poonful of Krusehen Sa.tfi in a glass ?j <>!' hot water in tin; morning before ?uvakfaat? one bottle that lasts 4 .reeks costs lint a few cents? get it ? .it any drmj store in America. If I his first bottle fails to convincc yon this is the SAFE and harmless way to lose fat? your money gladly re turned-. Don't accept anything but Kru9 ehen becans;* yon must reduce safely. /?'% ? hie fawiiy v Ip&BOCTOR ^JOiiN JOSEPH GAINES, M.D. "PLEURISY" Hive is a disease of the winter months, Pleurisy, usually resulting ! ! -iiirt to violci.'. cold. It should not be mistaken for pneumonia, ii ! eiler hnvc the doctor and be sure you are right. . i ** y announces itself by PAIN. Not necessarily much fever, ' ? ii begins with a pronoiinccd chill. Remember, ? pleurisy is outside ! '!'<-? pneumonia inside. The pleura is a tough, smooth membrane ' : hue- i'.ic (.hot-wall ? and also covers the body of the lung. If i n i:ii?iunc is normal, it will glide over its neighboring surface# v- :!i .ut sui ation ; inllamed, it at once becomes very painful. A cough, ?' ?'?"?}. is e.v.ruciating ? it hurts to take a full breath ? hurts at the pom : |f the spot remains sore long enough, adhesions *n?y orm? .-tarts a very chronic condition, hard to cure. I have many times taken out from three to twelve ?j_ ^'?^s,!Cr. ' in. I fr, .in m, ?],] casc ()f neglected pleurisy ? "pleurisy with effusion. Nl"ti!d never be permitted to get that far. Your d'.ty when attacked is, to go to bed, or, at least stay in the ii wl.nc tl e air is dry and warm. Get up a sweat as quickly as : - ''bh\ Sic that the bov.el is "open." Get the blood to the surface u- it there ? it is possible only in warm atmosphere. Pneumonia Jr.'.v :.c in'-talx-ii fur p'eurisy ? a d^igerou9 mistake. See your doctor, '"?1 talc no charces*. Simp'c pleurisy is not dangerous if promptly i'V.ti.!,-,! lo; piu uiuunia may be deadly if neglected. . "'i.- real name of pleurisy is "pleuritis." But I r.m inclined to use ; v.ndcrstai-.hblc language for my readers. I hope this short sketph ^"terujug i cyjftsuon cemykiat may do gaod wmewhtw. Wood, and families. It is reported that Miner Philkpe gut seriously hurt working on a logging job in Georgia, where he had recently moved from this com munity. We Nort h Carolina people can say one thing for Cumberland county. The people we are ncquaitned witi arc what we call neighbors. mwsmn. LESSON ly Charles E.Dunn Jews Shows His Po'xtr Lesson for March 5th. Mark 4 :35-5 :8. Golden Text : 2 Timothy 1 :12. The first part of our lesson is the dramatic episode of the tired Jesus asleep iu a storm. We picture Him, spent in body and soul, sound asleep on a cushion in the stern of the little vessel, iinawarc of :hc raging elements. We visualize also those panic-stricken disciples, unable to cope with the pounding waves, despite their expert seamanship. In vain are their valiant at- jm tempts to preserve I the boat's balance. I The water persists HHHSHHB in coming in, there- ReT. etui. E. Dano by threatening to swamp the shallop, and drown them alL Hastily awakening Jestis, they appeal, in terror, for His aid. "Master, they cry, "does it make no difference to you that we are sink ing?" Rousing Himself, He rebukes the wind. "Silence!" is His command. "Be still I" The wind dies. It is calm. Then follows the most significant touch in this exciting incident, that striking question, so characteristic of the Master, "Why arc you afraid? Have you still no faith?" An eminent New Testament scholar holds that the cni'itc*' >s crw.*oJn?H within the words, "Fear not, only believe!" Jesus ii3>! an excess of faith in God. He was never afraid, because He was perfectly sure He was safe in the hands of God. How much our groping, confused, fearful, bedevilled generation needs to cast itself npon the merciful care of the Lord ! The second half of the lesson is the familiar story of the violent lunatic whom no fetters could bind. Living in a graveyard, wandering about in the liiils. he was the terror of the neighbor' hood. Mark gives u$ a fuller descrip tion of this maniac than Matthew or Luke. His graphic pen vividly portrays the wildness of this miserable, untamed creature who, in his paroxysms, cut himself with stones, and smote the air with bloodcurdling shrieks. Mad as lie was, however, he rccng. oized, hy some strange, inner compul sion, the authority of Te^us. and ran Mid worshiped Him. At o-ice the Master expelled the foul Mii'^ within, he poor wretch, transferri.-.u them tc i herd of swine. It was a sr.- Macular li 'isnst ration of His dynamic power, i power f-reenant t?v!av in the lives of His hemic followers. MERCHANDISING THE RAILWAY | At iy2e per mile | ONE WAY COACH TRAVEL . BARGAIN FARES ' L BETWEEN ALL STATIONS ASHEVILLE AND MURPHY WHEN YOU RIDE ON THE SOUTHERN RAILWAY? You v"rc assured of a comfort able seat in a modern day coach you are not fatigued" as a re sult of being jostled about in a lighter form of conveyance. You arc not exhausted as a re sult of nervous strain from driving an automobile yourself, or from keeping your foot on the brake (figuratively) while conscious of the other fellow's driving. When you ride or ship your freight via Southern Railway System, a part of your money is returned to you through l some channel of trade beoanse of its large employment of la bor, pure-base of materials and supplies and generous contrib ution to taxes in various forms, all rebounding to the benefit of those residing m the territory which it serves. ?> WE HELP YOUR BUSINESS; WHY NOT HELP OURST f. ' J . TRAVEL BY TRAIN COMFORTABLE " ECONOMICAL SAFE ( SOUTHERN Railway System NOTICE OP h IK Having as a mechanic repaired a i certain Kupgler Truck Mod?:l tOIT, serial Number 7484 belonging to Robinson Brothers, and having charged for making snid repair the j sum of $25.50 which amount the said Eobinson Brothers have failed to pay, and having retained posses sion of said truck" in order to pre* serve my lien upon it; Now, there fore, in accordance with section 2436 of the Code of North Carolina. I will, on the 11th day of March, 1933, at 12 o'clock, noon; sell at public auction at my shop in Whit tier, North Carolina, the abovo de scribed truck, to tho highest bidder for cash. T. K. HYATT. 3-2-2t. pd. We are, for only a j short time running ? Eugene Waves for , $5 Shampoo and Fin ger wave 50c ZUTZ Beauty Shoppe If you want NIGHT WRECKER SERVICE Call Roy Morris Phone 194 Jackson Chev. Co. We Weld Anything Aluminum and Pot Metal A Specialty Ask Askey's Garage HOLE - IN - THE - WALL c-, I The Best Place to EAT ? Your New Spring Coat And Suit Are Here It's high time to be thinking about your new Spring Coat and Suit? and it's always time to be asking Hale's for just the last word on styles. The new coats and suits are here - and they're exquisite! They're in the new shades of Grey, Gold, Beige, Blues, Greens; in Fur-trimmed Coals, Tai lored Coats, Three-piece Swagger Suits and the Tailored Suit. AT THESE LOW PRICES. 3.95, 5.00 and up Lovely Silk Crepe Dresses and Jumper Dresses, with Print ed Blouses, puffed , sleeves. 3.95 Other Dresses, in ev ery Spring Shade. Priced from 5.95 and up ,o Mrs. Hale has just returned from New York having stayed in the markets longer than usual, searching for styles and values. Con vinced that you will agree that her selec tions are the last word in both style and value, we invite your inspection.

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