< l/iO Veil i' iu advance in I'lu 'Ountv. SYLVA, NORTH CAROLINA, THUBSDAY, MABOH 9. 1933 czS # $2.00 Year in Advance Outside The County. py FAMillAR paces mm\m iij jrVjiiNliTON D. .Mlll'dl 8. ? TH?> i ol' I'r >it!. ni Flunk 1 ? , , \ !; s'n.ie.l oil' willl the , ii u.a i t \ i ito.s i:i Wash '.i; . t i'largural i'r ; Hauling ami ., ; t . 1. 1 i . . "MIS; .i'.i. .11 l oli ,i ' I9-I, nftt'i , i i 'i ;i-i l.y th Drino ... > i i: ? i.'ii I :i:( Ii hi f ? j'- ? ' \[s ?f if pub i.'iiti f iutroi of tlit? ?; . | i.i r. in t. s mill piueiieiil j " | | fiiiijrn *?< ixcept l'ur the j I,u. '.?T?v.? v.* y. iirs is no j 1 ;lj . i,, ; t i tut- ?s politic* no, anil i * ?r lir i ;n ? wli icli ar?- contiiijr .j. | ,, \\ i-iiiimion a?v fa'.'ii iai* iv- ? I'i"..,!,,., ?i ill" tluys .tif President j Wli*"'1 : 1{ .iiscvclt, lii.us.ir, o! . liuil in Waaliing on througl j > -ars, Htm to io2i a i 'l',.ioin Secretary ?f tl>?' N?">; j ? i . kv ;? - 1 lit' uomimc for \ i?'i |,lv,j,| ,.i , ii i ho Democratic ticket in I 1 I j |i;1 i. Kopt-r, tlic new Secvt ' i . .iim ri't', is fur f a l?t*i ii ., 111 Wiisliiii',!ti;i. I., fir: , t| i.i |i iblie ul'fit .? in thi? Wi's tilmi* 1-1 1-;" i? "t in which In' wit I ;ill> I- of I II 1 1 IU1II ' liOVt'llIK ; f?r lis j I \v.?l \*f years lie hn i i ? i" l-"' practice- of hn j \V,~! iu ? !' ' i? i i-' 'T i? incom lax vs.- -. i'- 1 c \J> nt >' :? I I, ml ?.f "If t :?>v?Tiur.t nt pk fa j 11,)!vl!?ir -;iii:!'J i'"','.v h"s ,K"11 I p'-,;i| V.l'lll' !?? I'l '1' ? inn:; > ? :!! he weVomtV J ? A \,AW in. ?"? h.v many i- j WiW VrtUi, M \tlon, the nt'V S, i i'?; \ l' 'it". ? inn, who heh ( niiii' ? \.Vr: v >??' in 'he \\ ilso: A'lini' i !:;|i *.\ "i a:i lii'tly e'st , III ? ?? 'v?.' v ..?? '''i- -i a auiy, direr I,) ? ?; I ?? i ? ." i ? ' : t ! Ii ' <1 f v ... . L L ' ? ? in- ";i ;v ? p s s r> | < ? i '? /;i,' i: t?f Pre ! i<(. .if .'i '.f:-, . tthxi is cYoeer " .<1 in . \rr .' j??ni f ] iiif'iuiii ? wit I ' ill tn"' 'i !!.is',":i.itm, mill to tnk ! ii !??:?. !iri r p:i:*f i i i'- ?' i'l-nition | ? ?f f! ? "s !.;il--. Ii V -i -liiiiivfo ! ???ii.i i> ^ ' v j ; M ?, ".!?? < !t?o I- j I.- I'll ' t.f i'? ! ?;|il;\! i?!lts, IWilPr;;!l!r ?? r"e i :!u? onl. f ?' 'i i.i.' '?! ? 'I . I .1 k to W'iu-1 ,i:i',''i>:i r ,i . t;r .1 i;i'l.> iili.s lie ' .'i.ui W. \\ i.- 'i ,f r., newl i . t . ? j ? I '?liii i!il.f, oi' :!i,. lowt i lior i ir.nn \. u- i, s itl , w s here f'i /v^iv i s ttii -if ;h * (Sited Stulo 8 nror< fiuiii X v York. I'tditiea ' lii tori i:!s !?; ?? ill* no' ret a \ an' ?ithi'r insliihf,. ()f a man who Jw ulu '""i M liiCtir coming hack. ?' "|V'i' 'I'sil-v ; h:i* tlcre wn ;i I'. - ?!< t nf the rnited Sta'e ' v-1" iim a n:- 't?i; ?? of the low. ' Ii-1 ? fit' i,..-- . .. j.ff r h ' I:ad fi '* > 'r ? ; in l'p Whit'* IIivv j i''i< i h:i Q.'incy Atai"a, wli. | "'"I K'hikj iimkinir a speech on th I ? ?>r ?,f flu- House \ In- n|' pVitiein'is ;r'e c?':iic oiiin;. < wi h tr\ in.r tt> ;r t'> one hj: ml''. <1 and fifiy b '^l I t .1 ral joh" which Post <; ?? ij|t I'ii- cv wj 1 tlijKri'i ^ ?""> 'Ti _?* tli:- fai'hf:i| lr t Ihe'main '""'t ?f 'Ii - new Atlmi.n i -=t rut ion ' n *1" new (!?>n?rrw? a'^i m 1 " ' ? " ' Mini >'li sonic mor* fi- 1 l;l I ','i I :t - in?i i??il s mot It in ? ?b?? ! r t '?!? pr. s.?iiisr p ohl ms of r- S t'. y i , , ?'.> y ' v ry tit'ich n'?tnit I '* : < ?' il S'ji' ? s Rent' ? ?' ?? ?-.*:> * (l. jtl of uif ?t-'Vice , ' ?' ?i .A il mi u i::t r:i t ion's T1" - i . ntlv n n pv^'lrn4 ' '? i i.. . v .| v f ?'v :i ' ! i ' .. . .1.1 ;,., t ??##??? inv ti, 1'v i'lsuri' bft'cr T'V S|-,1(. f?1 pvo.l-fN. l'xropl fo f the Wlii1" lions'* ? i !. .el Ir-i'or" now. fit 1 n ,!;|,| if't ll'ioM i' I nM < 1,.. of 1 li?? st'"T 1 ''' ''in-* lit coup, M''". Poos' ? ^ '' ' '? I'" 1| ?< ..i-'o- (1, '< *o '' 'I' ? il'l'.iv rutins of Kuvop ' v ? i , yiiv? to work o?it * '""h , in ll?-, I?.st a< til 'bnt C ' "? I ?' in'rr of l>ofh pi"* i* *? 'I is ?o h<' no' cm""*' ifl'i i-i tak< j over the old ones. \ V OASH ... it talkc *-enry Ford ?.nd h's koii um|ue*tioi nb'y have more rash in banks subject !0 check Iban anybody e'ne in tin or!d.\Vet Mr. Ford haw a profound list rust ol most bankers and thoii ?r thi.iJs. II'.? told me how onee, in his cnrl.i | '-ivs, he Vet a Imp for some hanker" ! "M.I I hoy fell into it. Ho had been told (biit e eerlain giw'p of banker^ I 'ii'iiod to p control of hlfi hnsi ; m.-ss. Ho went to tin tr and "tn'ked | noor. " Tbev lent lym what was then ' " hir??c amount ?>f money, n^out b*. ?n million dol'nrs. Short'y before 4 nolo came due bo wrote their a lette ?? -kins: for an ex'ensiou. The n morning the head rt' the bioikir* l'oiijse was in bis office, otiormT an "\l<>n>ion on condition thw* Mr. For< would turn Aver a control 'in* inf ?" o o.m dono in n cortriin wny do-s no' ??- :s to Mr. Ford sufficient ronton for ^onfiivinT to do thpin that wav ;f t h^'oH w(iv hA Mr. Ford i* often called an autocrat hwai'S'* he iusi-ts hi oil do:'"" thin rj in wh*?.t ho bolioves to l>o th?i richt M-nv. If* no with pooplpj : ? ? 1 1 h'1'1 ? '?m f h'H v.*nv is fhp wron?r whv. before i' has boon tried nut Thnt is whv h" 'wi^ht out hi minority ?to"khoid''iN for nr*>rly a h-.Mdr'-d nit;on do*'n"s in cash, bp cn'ixo th 'v fho'vlit tin- right wny to r"n his busin "ss was lo pnv all th profits in dividends i'?s*pii?1 of 11s i?f D'troit. A'thowh not a v-'sidwit of Detroit, Mr. Ford was n member of tlio poniniitVe which wjts tmnsr to 'wise funds for a now f?tv ho<-ivV. Mo.'ify of n'n in clow'v and oonf' if id'-ns about what hind of a hocpi^n' o"?rht to h? built were n''t forward. Mr. Ford fina'ly said thnt if th?y would ffivo him fu'1 control hn wou'd nut ?>p nl! tho mon'V and huild tho finest hospitn' in 1hn world. 1T.? did pvn^t'y that, aftor employ in?" scoren of oxp^r's to study and i" nori upon hr*',if"' constriction nnd management in a!! tho great nied icnl enters. Tli" D troit hosnital is tho only i?'p->rtnnt ho'-pWn' that i? no* run by f1noto"?. Jt is irn hv TT;?iy*v Fold's ii.|),?o:u'pf,s for tho Iv'.uof i* of tho p?o d'(> of Detroit. A "nod mnnv doctors don't *ik ? thaf, but 7 doubt if there is any hospital in the world where 'ordinary patients hnvo inorp comfort 1 and hot for iv'dic'l care. "Fjna're . . . wr^P- ?ystm ? i i 1% (l-'prpgciri?! Ir??? provd, no1 'li >? u'ms iMufliMi? the " ?.? ov i villi our iwl'ictrinl sys'^ni, b"t that I tfio nation's flnanna' systom had pot | into M1" hands of inf?omo"t"n' or : vcck'-ss ivvt bent on onricli'it'' them sc'vps at th" i xp nso of fho public Tho chairman of thn board of en suffering fi-om too nranv wrak batiks and too few honest hankers. On? of the hie iobs the now Administration ha? ahead of it if; the reorganization anfi rchabiliatioa of the. nation's banking TOURNAMENT AT CULLOWHEE IS NOW UNDER WAY } By John Parris, Jr. (Staff Correspondent ) Cullowhce, March 9. ? Today, tliir ty-one teams, the t' renin of the crop in basket bull circles of Western North Caro in a, entered into the nn nual Western Carolina Teachers Col lege High School tournament. Th? opening game began this morn ing at 8:40, with (the Cullowhre and Highlands boys battling in th" first gome of the tournament. All first and one second round boys' games and all first round girls' git ni< s will bo completed Thursday, j Play started at 8:40 A. M., and will continue through the final contest starting at 8:10 tonight. Tournament officials said that the lean: ^ would p'ay six minute quar ters in the opening round, with reg u'ar eight minute periods set for the remainder of the tournament. The second round games, or quarter-finals, will start Friday morning at 8 o' clock with semi-final contests slated for play Friday afternoon at 5 o'clock. Tin* o|viunj? round pairings found tint Kdneyvil'o, Almond and Murphy girls drawing byes. These teams Will p'ny t heir first jftums Friday morn iii?T. Pairings and starting times i'oi ; first round pa.ir.es to low: K:40 A. M., CuIIowIk e vs Iligh'nnd: j v (boys). !):20, Cherokee vs Websler (girls). 10:00, Wnynesvil'e vri Tapoca (hoys). 10:40, CuJlowhce vs Ko-man (girls). 11:2), Kdneyvillo vs Hohhlnsville (boys). 12:00, Bithel vs Steeonh (girls). 2:00 Almond vs Webster (hoys) 2*-l0, Cherokee vs St ."eon h (hovs). ?'1:20, Brevnrd vs Wnynesvil'e (girls) 4:00. Elf vs Ro?mnn (hoys) 4:40, Bryson City vs Fines Creek ? * llwvM.* r,:20. Belhel vs TTnvesvillc (hoys). 7*30, Andrews vs Sy'va (gills) 8:10, Murphy vs Sy'va (boys). 8 Winners of Cu'lowhec-IIigh linids and \V";>y'H M-rle-Tapnea. Charlie Poindexter, athletic direc tor of Western Caro'inn and chair man of the tournament committee, nnnonncd that Wa'fcr Brown, of Oreensboro, was to referee nil the [fames. The Western Carolina Teachers Ci?Ve?r.e Meno'rram C'uh will direct and entertain the visiliing teams. The ?.?iris from Beihel and the hoys from Svivn Hi-lt won top honors in the tournament i nlO.32. Teams as a who'e are he'i'-ved *o ho mnih strong er ,this year. Officials arc planning to handl" capacity crowds caeli day. LEADER DEPA^TMrN'T STORE IS ENTERED BY THIEVES j Th'> Leader Depart ir Hit store was broken into some time Tuesday morn ing and approximately $500 in mer chandise was taken from the jstore. The store was entered by boreing out the lock on the front door. The back door was smashed in and the goods were taken out the back way and loaded in cars or trucks. A 'arge box was found in the back door, part in the Inii'ding and p::rt out, con'nining stol?n merchandise. Overcoats, dresses, overalls, socks; handkerchiefs, shoes and men's suits are among the missing merchandise. No c'ue has he*n found yet to Ifjwl to arrests. Po'iee and county offic-Ts are making a thorough in vestigation in fhe hop-, of running1 down the guilty pa li y. Tuesday nisrht a.n extra force of officers patrolled the town i't an effort lo fms'rntc nnv possib effort to burglarize the business l>o"srs. Sheriff John J. Me.ney said that he was working on the case and hop-d to make arrests in the next few days. ) ADD McCOY TO POLICE FORCE C. M. McCoy, of Sv'va, has born jddd to the R'lva police for?*?\ nnd will ?ci in thf thnt city's crack ni^torcvc'e sqnad T he was a sheriff in Pennsyl raaia. .. r 7 ' -i" ' L ^ Bank Situation Holding Spotlight In Legislature BANKING HOLIDAY IS EXTENDED ONE DAT Announcement was received last night by officials of the Jackson County Bank from' Giu aey P. Hood, Commissioner of Banks, that the banking ho iday had been extended through Thurs day. The bank was authorized to remain open however, under the following conditions: 1. To allow customers froe ac cess to safety deposit vnulvs. 2. To accept payment in cash or any other form acceptable to it ( on account or in settlement of ob ligations payable at or to such in stitution. 3. To make change by the -ex change of currency for coins of various denominations for an ex act amount of ctureney and for coins of other denominations; but no gold or gold certificates shall be paid out in making change. Belief is expressed i hat baiikinp will be back on a normal basis within a few days. 40 YEARS AGO Tackaaeigc Democrat i Mr. John T. Wike is lure today. ? ? ? Mis. McCoy of Dil sboro and Miss IjcIu Potts favored us with a onJI today. Mi's. L. J. Smith, with Mi<-> Ben- j ' j lab and Master Jake spat last Thurs l day in town. Misses E:la iand Hat lie Frizzell I and Annie Gibson cheered our office J with their presence Monday. * i ) Mr. T. H. Hastings left for Tenn- j essee yesterday, being called thither ; hy ?li(? news of the severe illness of J his father. Mr, Hoffman is painting bin end j of the town red. The old nu'l is most unrecognizable in its new dros. j The unfamiliar sound of the .school N bell Monday announced the opening of Miss Sa lie S ted man's school. Mr. D. H. Wood, of ('jtn;'y F?>i k. was in town yesterday with a lot ? of fine Jrish potatoes Mr. John W. Davis has sold his ; lot here ;o Mr. J. E. Divelbiss, now j of Diltmore. We hear that Ed wi.l | build a house on it at once. Mr. Davis left for Asheville today, where he will be joined by his family and will ro to Texas, where h" will sett 1< Apr' nation has been m ide to the : R. K. authorities to put in a side track on the farm of Mr. Thos J. Love, soir.fi three miles above Sylva, where the parties who reeentlv pur chased Mr. Love's kaolin property will soon establish a plant for wash ing the clay. Senators Leather wood and Posey, Representative Moore, Engrossing Clerk Hayes and Assistant Cowan, and Pages Willie En'oe and Ernest Wilson returned from Raleigh today, the legislature having adjourned Monday. I We have hat! no more disagreeable day than last Saturday, during the past winter. A cold, fierce wind ae eompanied by snow made outdoor work impossible and indoor work al most so. Our enterprising liveryman, Mr. John W. Dive'biss, has added to his already ^ood outfit- a new three seated hack, built especially for scr j vice over our mountain roads. Di'Isboro 'ocals: Mr. Charles Ilar ris left for Washington Wednesday. ? We notice that Dr. 'Candler has ?? fine crop of oRts coming on. Th Doctor has a pood farm and gives i' a great, deaf of attention. ? Som' twenty-five emigrants left for the Wcjrt on Friday. A few* got on hero and were joined by others at Whit tier. They went via Murphy. Things have changed. It is Pres- , ident Cleveland and Ex-President ! Harrison now. ] (By Daii Tompkins) Raleigh, March 8. ? The one thing .hat has been occupying the minds of the members of the General As sembly, as we 1 as the executive of ficers of the State, for the past few Jays is the financial crisis in the na tion, which resulted in virtual b;mk ing holidays in every State in th Union, and the declaration i>i a mod ified hoiday by President Roosevelt On last Saturday the General As sembly passed, in about 15 minutes a bill de'egating to the commissions of banks authority to limit with drawals of funds from any or a1 banks in the Stale. On Monday til legislation was supplemented with : bill which validated the action o* Governor Ehringhaus in declaring : bank holiday for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and authorized banl holidays by proclamation of 1h Governor at any time when, in hi discretion, such action may becorr. necessary to conserve the interests o' the depositors in banks of the Stat Ho is given plenary powers ov banks. It is hoped by this means 1' ! present bank failures and to pave th deposits of the peop'e in banking in stitutions. A similar bill, giving ar thority to the Insurance Commission or in prevent cancellation of insur i.tnee po'icies during banking holiday and times of stress was enacted; a was a bill to conserve the assets V I building and loan associations. Tilt- c-risis has beep loo;ning large on the horizon day by day and weel by week, since a financial stringency in the city of Octroi', forced a banl holiday in the State of Michigan The movement spread from State ti Statu until it enve'oped the entir nation. Xorth Carolina was one o' the last stales to declare the holiday which was forceel to prevent with draws] of funds from this to othe States. With New York and I'linoi , both operating on the holiday basis it was inevintftf? that even' Stat must join the procession. With Con gress meeting in extraordinary ses sion on Thursday, cal'cd for the pur pose of dealing with the situation it is hoped that the skies will betji' to clear within a few days and th? normal processes of business can b resumed. The peop'e generally hav he?*n taking their medicine withon making faces, and hi.ve been goinr ahead coo' i.v and calmly in the fac of the crisis, showing the commoi sense and patriotism of the Ameri can i>eople, and their ability to tak it on the chin, standing np, and t< carry on. This saving grace is th' greatest asset of America. At last the appropriations bill hi) boon introduced in the House, an?* will become the order of the day ir discussion and voting:, b< fore the en'1 ol' th? week, as it is taken up, iter l?y item and voted upon. There ar? j ihaid. The clubs- repn ser.ted were Ashe vi'Ie, Sylva. Spruce Pine; Franklin; \ndrews, Hc.nderSouville, Waynes vi!le, Try on, tlie eighth member of the Council, was unable to attend. Blan Burgees, sum king for the Spruce Pine l.'otary Club, extended ?\n invitation for the Council to bold *ts next meeting with the Sprcue Pine Club. TWO YOUTHS ARRESTED FOR STORE-BREAKING Two Jackson county jonth.s wore invs ? d in Canton, T u-sday, by Can ton officers, ann the Svlva TTi-.di Seho':l. court. The committee on rn'os, consisting ->f B. B. Loner, W. V. C ope and A. C, Moses, hng rorpi'-stcd that a'l team? be ready to play at nine o'clock OB tilt- morning of March 18