imr . ? , JACKSON COUNTY JOURNAL j Published Weekly By The ' j JACKSON rorVTV .lOFRXAh CO.j Kiiterr<| us .second class ti ! the Po?t Office nt Hylvn, N. C. DAN TOMPKINS, Kditor Do you think wv can tloat bji k to prosperity on it sea of beer? Bunks lire opening in North (\ ollna us fast us ('oruiaissioner 11/ d turn puss upon application*. ^ 11 rr * With nil) toiiriijre ??in*4* more the helir. in Wiishiii'iton and in 1 lejgh, the people can look eoufideii v In t !??? fill u re. The trout sta-on i> approachi x, iintl the editor slill in Jt'ufei^h; wh It does not Mlir I he desires of I tC i ilitor. '('lie people demanded ecoin?n:i s, uiul I heir ivpsv-enialh't > in Kale h mill in \\\..-hit:'4l?ni lire ?*i viiiif t!i in* what t hey hfi've a-.l;ul for. T: llie ii itld.'e of lite second p v !??.*? Meek for tiie numbers there i; no end in siurlit to (he labors of ilr Legislature. Nearly ;il| the big ??"'! art ? yet to be acted upon. The rest of t lie country hn? t is mueh to h ' thankful for; we tlitl have nn earthquake of eousidctii li proportions to ^rapp'o with tilt i? with t ho hunk holiday, a> tlitl ('. :i fornin. The situation is clcarinjr. The p 't pJo nre tukimr heart anil regain :> faith. Jliisiness is said to h<> m a definite np!i;rn, folfnivinif t lit* ha i'. i ins holiday and t he i-suam it tv I fUlTeney, uhii-h ha- Jiatl mii'li ' RAUlo etfre. a8 a lilooil tran-d'n- in i to unanemie patieni. Kverv Republican nu'iulieV of ? i ? j House of Rrpreseiitntive*, exe. >t I Oakcs, voted against the iviip] r tioun'ent of ihe House under ? constitutional i.mndale. The mens .?<> would shift ? few nn inhers from t? r.Hut to I he West. Kvidently ie Weston Republicans don't th' d? I so unieh of the hivuu! of Di'iijocr <s their section sends to ft a h j^rli. ! A revaluation of property is n w ussurnl. Hie House of Kepieswt a tives has provided for it iu the i> a ehinerv m?t : hut has left it oplio :d w*itli the county tvnnniiss^iners as to whether the revaluation will >>e done by the nopointinant of nw?< ?? lira to woke n. physical revnlunti n. or by percentage cnts. A bill has been reported fuvo|-a Vy out of th ? I 'on so Committee >i Counties, Cities, mid Towns, In low the eomniisMoiiera of 1*01111; s and imuiii'|]>eliti?'s I ?? ? I I Vet ef in nmies nt homo, ir. luive been of foe ?<! in State and Nation, by ennsoli . tion of jobs, elimination of off if' Is and reduction of snlnries. The '1 is sponsored by Governor Khri u bmiH, who h'.-lievis in carrying lie principle all down (lie line, I'i -ni Wafdiington. through RnN'ijcli. Id b? Will governmental units. A OOUr.AGTJOUS GOVERNOI So mutter whut i?n?j think* of he wisdom ni' Coventor Khringhi is' solution ?it '.he financial prohl in of Hie State, no one can deny t'-nt v.v have u Governor who has couv: jjfl to *uy whut In; thinks, rct,rnrdle?p of tho populurity of his remarks vitfc his audience. It took no small decree of inti st inal fortitude for the Governor, under present conditions, hin*> 'If running u temperature of 103, | ?1? ograms ntid letters pouring into J a leigli in opposition to a sales tax, to nt and before Ihe joint session of he General Assembly on Afondny ni 'lit and advocate the adoption of I iat fonn of taxation. However, the Governor made it clear I hat he is op]>osed to the ::ix in prineipal and only advocates it at this time a* an emergency hi. i> ure, with the assurance that if 11 acted, it lie repealed at the earl ,'st possible moment. lie saw it ns lie only solution of the problem at '>.is time; and said what he had to ay before a hostile House, and n n no too favorable Senate. The Governor stressed the pi nt that the only way to gi\> any p precinble relit |' to the tax-burde "d homes and furors back home is ihroiurh the jeliminaiion of tile or n ty anil district ad valorem tax or school purposes, through the ai >p tion of a uniform pnMie school s tem throughout <h(. Stat;, for he whole six months, , mil supported hv the State as a whole. And he in sisted that the only way this can be accomplished nt this time is thro <?h the adoption of n snh?? tax, coin led .with groat reductions iu> nil expi nl fture*. , Commissioner 1 Maxwell t'??11o\. cd r-~ the Governor, the next day, by ? J it (i lenient in the papers advocutinp I tin sales tux. Mr. Maxwell, who has I alv ays been oppoaed to this forin of I taxation, pointed out the fa?t that jirxonuc of the Htato lilts dwindled li day since the General Assembly IIjm.. been iu session, and tfav? as J his opinion that a sales tax in the j on y way 'hut the State ean meet i th<- situation. I i'here is still much opposition in jlh. General Assembly to the-sah* j t? , tlie opposition hein^ largely ill. I tli> House of Represent utivrs;. -It is j,u>i>taiu thai the sales tax eaunot p?S* Uh' House unless it is .eoupUtoMi j th< uniform State supported sehoid I bill, assuring relief to I he paytiW of ta :es on homes mid farms in -tlw* ?o nifii s ami tax districts "t ? U' Si itr, iind if i-> by no means ccr tain at tlii* time that the tax enii ? enacted, even with the supjmrt ol h . ( inventor mid the nssurawe of h<- Stale supported schools Mow Jong* the General Assembly .vi I wrestle with the prnhley:, no . J )(nlv ean prediet. ' ' i ' _ f \ TO HAVE SHOW AT BETA i let ii Minstrels will perform witl j he "PouMim Hollow String Hand,' : j 'inttirday night, March 25, luginninj I 1 1 s o'clock." Admission will he 10? i ml 25 cents. j NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND i'lider ami by virtue of the aulh ?i ty confefi'td by deed of trust ex cited by I1', t). Mush bum and wife, i'iee Mashlmni, dated the 1st daj d September, 10lW, and recorded in ?i ok IOS, I 'aire H?5, et. sefj. in tin >| ice of the Ifi sister of Deeds foi .'I t-kson County, Jefferson I'... Owen, I <i list ifiited Trustee, will at twelvi -I.* t Noun mi MONDAY, A PHI I. 17th. liVt.'I I tli' t'onrl House door of .Incksoil \ imly in Svlva, North t'amlina, seP <1 ptibiie 'auction for ra*h lo the ,i ;hi -?t bidder, llm following land, 0 wil : A lot in tin town of Sylva, North Violin a mid HKGIXNIXG at an i*i n stake on ilie Ka>t side of North, rolina Stute Highway No. I'Mi, a d stake beimr at the Southwest 1 neri of I lie 1>. M. Hall and Kd {< ed pro pi rty, and nius South Ml l? ^s. '20 n in-. Kast 55 IVei to nil iron stake, on the Kast side <d? nfore seid Highway, the Northwest cor ?ii r of Ii. II, Gibhs* property; thence ding and with the Xorth line of K. .J. (Jibbs property, N'orth tiK degs. ?0 mills' Kast 120 feet to an iron t ike; Hieiu'e North 50 degs' 05 niius. Vi?st (10 feet to an iron stake; thence Vutli 70 degs. 00 mins. West flfl i'. >t to the BEGINNING. living the Rttine land as conveyed >' \V. R. Morris jj!!(| wife, Arrilla ; \l irris to W. H. Mashbnrn hy deed : !j fed Nov. 2S, 1927, and recorded j 11 Rook !<?'?, piivr" neords of1 I'k-ou futility, Xorth Carolina. This sn'e is ii.flilt' on :ic#oumi of' h fault in payment of tin* imWitrd- ' i. <s secured hy said deed of trust, i A five per eeut (5 per cent ) cash | !i will Uc required of the liijili- j *1 bidder nt the side. ? This th,> l<Ull tiny of March, I9.'13. ; JKFF'KRSOX K. OWEX KCRKTITCTKI) TRUSTEE, j I 10 Its IOTIOE or SALE OF REAL ESTATE n?>RTH CAROLINA, ?niuty of JACKSON. Under ntid by virtue of the j ?ower j yid authority eon tallied in that cor- 1 Kill deed of trust executed hy J. M. | tigdou and wife, Charlotte Kigdon, | md 'Ralph Rigdon and wife, May tigdon to The Raleigh Savings Bank iikI Trust Company, trustee (the iiidcrsigned trustee having succeed ?it to the rights and title t'f the i; tned trustee, under Chapter 207, >iblie Laws of, JO.iJ), which said Iced of trust is dated Dee. 1, 192.r> i d recorded in Hook 94, Page 2*6. ?I' the Jackson County Registry, do nit having been made in the pay ment of the indebtedness i(hjri<cby ?cured and in tin1 conditions there in secured, the undersigned trustee, II on Monday, March 27, I9.'W, at ?!" aboul twelve o'clock noon, at the J.t ' ?ourt house door at Sylva, X C.. ? Ter for sale nod-sell to the highest Yddcr for cash the- fo'lowing de bribed properly: All those certain tracts of land ly t ir and b.-ing in River Tov.'iahip, I ickson County, described ? ius fol ic wa: ? > ? FIRST TRACT: . W.: BEGINNING, on a small dogwood vi the Xovth lmnk of tho- Kast prong ??i* Tnckaseigee River comer of J. V. Hooper and runs North 10 de I > jkiIos to a .slake ,T. M. Hoopev'fl ! oo pcr's corner and miming with his liie; thence North 80 degrees West, 1<I ;polcs to a stake. ,J. M. Hoopc'rs corner in If. Moses line; thence j Smith 10 degrees Wist, with II. j Muses' Jine 20 poles, to a plum on! the bank of the Riv*r H. Moses' j corner thence up "Said River with! i its mcqj^cyings passing two large I : \ .*';?> ? ; . .. f I - V- ?*tqa<M\ *> black-gums to the beginning, Contain- } ing one acre, be the panic more or less. SECOND TRACT: BEGINNING, at a small dogwood on -the North bank of the East Pork of the Tuckaseigee River, corner of "V . -Y. Brown's lot and "riufi, thPnc^ North 10 degrees East 15 po'cs to a stake Brown's comer; thence North 80 deg. W. with Brown's luie .10 polfn to a. stake in Oosea Moses line; thenee with his, _ .}Iohok, line North 10 "degrees East 3fc2 poles to .a stakes Jbenee 'fvpwhi- SO degrees fiast 22 poles to u stake in II. Par ser's line I hence South 1(1 degree* ' \V?4t 45 poles with J. rl 1. Parker V >itie tn a walnut stump on the ban 1 >f the East fork of thtf TnlelfaseigW liver; thenee down the meanders ol aid River to the beginning, Contain ng 0 acres, more or has. The above two trans be eont:guou* I tid flfft bounded by the lands of <1 Ar. Hooper, >1. II. Parker, .1. T Smith Ifoirs, Priee ami Iloojvr land1 tnd othere THIRD TRACT: / BEGINNING, nt ? stake on tin N'orth Dank of the East prnug of I'liekamgee River and enrner <d' L !. Hooper's land and in the nontl ?f a branch, and runs t li-< <;e u| he river with it* meandering)* Son II >0 ikrgrees East 22 pole* to. a slake hence still up the River /is it ire nders South 40 degrees East 2' ?p'es to a pcrs-'iiuimin, thenee North ?IK degrein East 7-1 1 ^ pedes to a tnnll white-oak; thenee North IS M ?egrees East tttittg -poles to a small hestnnt; thenee N'orth 1.1 I 4 de rees West 57 |*des Jo a hickory.: henee Xuilli 20 diirrees Kast .'10 . / ' . m)!i's to ii JiH'korv, crossing the lip , .f the mountain at .15 poles; tin i?m I *orth 70 1-4 degrees West 20 pde> 0 n elmufnut, coruerof C L Iloop r's lands; thenee South W decrees Vest 50 ]H?les to a pine; Untie' >outh 40 degree* 28 poles to 1 Spanish-oak ; thenee South 2." I ilegrees East, .11 poles to a Mack ?oak; thenee South 50 degrees West 40 pojee to a white-oak ; thence Booth 14 degrees East 18 poles to ; a stake in a golly; thence South 5 degrees West 40 poles to a .stake in a galley ; thence South 38 degrees! W&tf 17 poles to the beginning, Con taining 50 aicresy niore or less. 'Terms of isale cash and trustee; will require deposit of 10 per cent ! of the amount pf the bid as his evi- , denoe of good faith. This the 23rd day of Februarv, ' ?? ? / J Ift33. XORTHCAROLINA BANK AND, TRUST COMPANY, Trustee, \ Successor to The Raleigh Savings Bank and Trust Company, Trustee .r. I j. Coekerham and Robert Wein . stein, Attorneys, Rftlciph, NT. C;** " 3-l|4ts. .* NOTICE OF SUMMONS AND WARRANT OF ATTACHMENT ;ORTH CAROLINA. lACKSOX, COUNT V. N Till-: StPKlUOR COURT b. ocNtkr VK itOBKRT OSBORNE, LKLA V >SBORNK AND W. T. PATTOX. The defendants above named will 'nke uofiee that Summons was issued uidVo?:plniut filed in the above en Mtl."d action against the defendauts ?n the 6th day of March, 19-13, by '? he undersigned, which action was instituted by the plaintiff for the I purpose' of obtaining judgment of [the Court4 against the defendants on If you want NIGHT WRECKER SERVICE Call Roy Morris j Phone 194' 1,1 I '? ? Jackson Chev. Co. . ? ? a certain promissory note in the sum of Four Hundred and Fifty Dol lars which is past due. and unpaid. The defendants abOve named will farther take notice that at the time of issuing, of summons and fil ing of thfe co/nplaint that a warrant of ' at t achftf <?n t was issued and made returnable at the same time and place as that of the summons ; that the defendants are required to ajspeaS* before the! Bfcdersigned Clerk on before the 6th day of April, ]<m bir: within thirty days thereafter Hn(j answer, or de&or to the coin?|ain, of ,th??flait(tfff, or- the relief h * . -V i. . 1 Oc maJide4;??lL! he - granted. jWj&fttey&e 7th dav of \|,r. I'tfW ' ' ? ? 'Iv i BAN ALLISON, 3 16 4t wrs Clerk of The Supe rior C,turt I Statement jfrom Official I of Jackson County Bank I I ... |1 Owing to tfe-??>ngestion in the of fice of the G|A)hiissioner of Banks I at Raleigh, caused by the appliea | tions of three hundred seventy-two | |t - banks in North Carolina for per il ? ? mission to he re:opened, all of II' ... which applications are thoroughly I investigated .and considered by the [ Banking . Department, there is I much delay. Fe hope to get favor l| ? " able consideration at an early dale. | The cash trust funds for local bus | ; iness will be continued in accord ance with regulations, and as are | ? now handled by us. ? ? Jackson County Bank E, Ii. McKee, Vice President CHEVROLET T.? ! . .<? THE WORLD'S LOWEST-PRICED FDLL-SIZE SIX-CYLINDER ENCLOSED CARS A NEW AND ADDITIONAL LINE OF CHEVROLET SIXES Another great new line of cars from the leader! Chevrolet introduces, as an addi tion to its present Master Six, the new Standard Six line. Big, full-size, full-length automobiles. Built to Chevrolet standards of quality ... performance . . . depend ability . . . and economy. And selling at the lowest prices ever placed on six cylinder enclosed motor cars. The styling is modern, aer-stream styling V . . . ultra-smart and up-to-the-minute. The bodies are Fisher wood-and-steel bodies?, spacious, tastefully finished? and featuring Fisher No Draft Ventilation. The wind shields have safety plate glass. The trans \ V\ ! ?///, COUPE $445 COACH $455 COUPE with rumble seat $475 All prim /. #. b. Flint f Michigan. Speciml equipment extra. I aw dtiir ered prim mn4 ropy C.M..1.C. terms. Ckeerolrl Hfotnr Co.. lietruit. Mick . mission has an easy, clash I ess shift and ? silent second gear. The engine is a smooth, fast, responsive six. And Chevrolet engineer* have made economy an outstanding feature? Engineering tests show that the Standard Six goes more miles on a gallon of gas, more on a filling of oil, than will any other fixll-sixe car on the road. As for reliability ? remem ber, it's a Chevrolet. Introduction of this new Standard Six opens the way fcr new thousands of people tc enjoy the advan'ages of Chevrolet quality. It pvts the public, for the first time, a full-size auto mobile combining maximum quality and rc&:~inum rJ!-round economy. CHEVROLET STANDARD SIX .UE Jackson Chevrolet Company Sylva, N. C. r A

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