i'l.a1' Vfiir in Advance in The ?ountv. SYLVA, NORTH CAEOLINAT^UBSDAY, APRIL 13, 1933 i~ 'Jss! M =n 4:gr - = . S 1 5 in Advance Outside The County. i t ir wins %> ill"' . , -..h-ihI oi \ auditorial] ,ju. , St-i! ????* *.a.ss tin.: }\nr ami K;< Uiilutoi'iau. Ti. v 1 li ,v'' 'il1 J?? ?"? pans in ri.'i'iii:-' i'"1 t xcn ibi's on iloudax M"v '? \l ? iiii'l M "? ' ? ' ? "J kylva, j ' I \| .. i> i In- ji;ni?h(rr o. ! Ml?. M ,'llfiO vf i Mi ?? r Mi>s Mi'Leai ii!i ;i r'"'" 1 v"'i'<" .A jtrii |i v Pi. v.iii-' l-l'i '' '? '*? I lay i s, <:t H' vm -villi. I J Ii-iitc i* oi I'.loi'l.i ? '???" Asked In .?I ilir 'jr;i(liui! iiiir ox. I ,i,t ^ 1 ? ' ' I'll ? ' linn - t li an "ii Monday nifjli' May I. < i;i-> exercises v. ill a t* |M. ,?| . I'll,. (oMiunni t in play, "I*eth j III,- (liri ?>l" My Ifrarl,' will lie givei i Klii'.iv iii'.;lis April 28. Mrs ' Cjioiir i- .iireetiiifj Hie play. U:ir? r Bry -mi, l;as Iktii selected' a? ^iiini.'iii i:t ilu- class day rxov j ,1m-. ntmrs wlio will |>articipai( in ib< i?ri'^i';iin ai'." Maurice (iiitinic Iii-!iriai. ;tM.I Mi-? Out Hindoo, pro mt Ti?i?.- wh i. ri!t v m;?i H"? . N)i?, Mis j S?. V, I!.;;,- , Tf ,s S;il y M;. .\.i"il' It'll, .' :0 :!I. ( .1 .. I'.iuW M'r''i'' ? ' i.'.!'!r, I'm ., f Hiysoi ! rvjli i!:iv , |i -u n I'i.iij! i^i M;i\!i'iiv. ' s Tts,i,j(.s r.i'mr Ii',- Iti'lmi ii, I1 i:in!' Wjif >ii,i, \\'i ?iat" ? i.?li?, aiy! I 'mi r-'iii I'bil'i,,,. Ml.. ' s,. r < . ..j.,, v. , sjwHi I !i?* ?? Ilii-I- i - s las' viar, i '.|l-il!> H'. ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION WILL SPONSOR SHOW (. 'ill" Hi ? f i.- \ -m, 'ation ?i T tl llc.ll Si Ij m.i' ? I ' J n |>iftut'< lii I. in- Tln-.r n . on next Twos il.iy ii:?tiii v-ii ! night. A poreont "t ill* ; i li ?! - ^ ?i ? !?_>? to (111* ftsso 1 ill picinr* to bo shown i- "I in!. : ( VivtT. Mam." LAL3A*;I NiiWS I' \\ . I jis cy sp lit lust wi el. i'i'. u. iiiid ??, lalivt'S in Ashe * i"- sh. heard lleno Austin am ' : ' i:,ini.- still's while 1 !u re. ; : Mrs. i. ??igi> Kui<;l)t tuid ? ? !i: iii . n, Mrs. Karwell, Mrs. lily .'.li.-s Xann e Kmght aiiu ; ' ? !>. i. Ki ij. I?L went to Magpie j S-;i' !iV ill ' i '.lOOll tl> SOP Mi. K UllL ? ;"ill. . ini! Mrs. (.ritily Queen of Can ' i' li iv Mumliiy (i .oiling. A. It. ilnrton, wife ami hnb,', "'II'.. it .a vif. u? h.-iv Friday vision. ???? n, .?!' Iiis congregation of the ''I'i'nilNl (III, lcll. ? *, '"?i >.'':'?i| i Iosm! Monday evining i ciijuviiiv ?? program. All 1 . ' !(? wi | rendered and ! 'iin'f.tl training, hut t 1 ( I'!, i! tedding was tho' fent . ili -iiiujr. l,,isl hut not least lv v i ji?l : .a ling i xcrcisos of the ''"I' |iii|ti!s who wi 1 attorn: s.vK,i i | itch Sidioo1 noxt term. I .ilii'-v n| 1 1,.. (. jihjj ni'c as follows ' " II ? ii < ? ? i n who dolivorod tho " -?ii Miss Harriott Long " i; 'liarlt:! Peek road th ' V'i ;il I est: m ,n! ; Mi t'lith 1 '??f.ril, Dixit; Warren, Virginia :|;'1| II' Ion Polls, Morvin Smntb "'?'''"l V? il.iaia Kxy Kenny. M,l'ir i,!;:icliers S. Jerome Phillips, m i H v on ami Mrs. Whitt ^ : vc much credit for tho ? "'it, iicco' plishod in tho past l! 'I 1. 1. ml. The seating capacity / eivat-y nv. r taxed ? another in* ' ''' '".n ih.tl lla'sam ii'oda a larger '"'""I I'tiiMiir/ Tl ' 1 ' li ml children received the '"?l ini.ciii.it ion Tuesday from Dr. y o|' Svlva, for Diptheria and I 1 'v,,r. 0:ir citizens here say JV hiu .never been a ease of Ty I'noul coat !? acted ,n Brdiam. PRESIDENT CUTS OPERATING COST Washington. April 12 ? President* Roosevelt after more .than a uouth In office, is still riding the top wave of popularity and authority He is snowing in ihc t?i,ecm of inai:y who undervalued him before he took of fice, and certainly is proving liinn:lf the best politician who has occupied the White Hoa.se in many years There is no politics, bowev.r, in 'he plan for refinancing farm mort gages which Congress doubt les wi.l :dopt. Under thy p an the Farm iloard will take over farm mortgage*, ?xtending the time for their pay- j nent and e stablishing the interest i ?ate at 4 1-2 percent. Under the blanket authority that s granted him by congress to reduce lit" (lowriiiiuntal expenditure, Mr toosevelt's director of the budget, jewis K. Douglas, has worked out a ysten: which will cut estimated Vine bundled million a year off the ?V'dcral expenses. It will still cost 1 tome four thousand millions a year J 0 operate the Federal machine, and ust how this mouey is to be raised | s not yet completely clear. There.! vil! have to be some new revenue 'eg- j 'at ion, but that is still in the fu- j tme. ' Besides cutting about $400,000,000 1 year off veteran relief, Mr. Doug jus's economy program calls for a fif ?en percent reduction in all Federal | alarirs. This wi I affect pretty close > a million people on Uncle Sam's nyrol:, for it includes the Army and \avy as well as civil employees. Protection for Investors Thero is every reason to expeet ! hat the Administration's j p^on for Yderal control of all new issues of '.oeks and bonds and perhaps also ?ver the sales of old issues, will be doptcd substantially as the Presi >'nt has requested it. This is calcu .ited to do away with many of lhe 'rands which were perpetrated upon ? gullible public during th? recent ooni. It is also a part of the pro ram for the protection of the in ster for the Government to exer ise a high degree of control over li exch'iiigeH in which securiies j nd commodities ar< traded in. The Senate Finance Committee's j i v: sti'jutioii r.t' tl)?* banking f-iltia- j ton has been extended to private .inking inst tutions, and the greiit louse of .1. P. Morgan and Company s to be one of the first called upon o tell how private nivesimeni bnnk ng houses work. The general banking policy of Hi"! V<1iiiiiiistratioii is beginning to take hupp. It looks as if it would work "I into & single banking aystoi; nn : r which -every hank would bit re fHiml to bo n member of llut Feder I Reserve System, and perhaps to ifivo n Federal charter. It would be isy and legal to fow State bank 'i become National banks by imposing i prohibitive tax on thi ir chocks, for vnniple, or by refusing to let tliem wirticipato in any pla'n for the in uraneo or guarantee of deposits. For the Unorjp oyed The President's plan for. putting tu army of unemployed men to work ii national foivsts has been approv d by Congress, and there is litt thers interested in the development >f the farming interests in the count ies. The next meeting, which till be held in May, wil: be at the .Tr.k'i M. Cuntpihll F.?!k Schoo", rl Hras make a dent in the unemplm'i.ieiit situat oii, is another question. There is talk about a huge bond issi y?er haps running the national <1 : up from its present twentv-one t ':?> and million dollars to thirty bil.Iiov ;. Not in tlie budget Such an issue would not nti >.-ari- ! / ty in Idle re v.itu "i.aianciug tiy Ma'couib Brown, president of tin Junior class. And the res]>onse will )e given by DeiuiKiri Lovin, president >f the S.-nior class. Following this .vill he a toast to the Seniors, by Clifford Cagle, with .*i response by Mnib?e Wilson; Other toasts will it (dude a toast to the faculty bv Man McLain with a resjtonso by Coach! Jack Messeit- and h toast to tin ! gradeinothers which \Mill be 're sponded to by Mrs. Fred McLain. Other talks of the evening will b i:ade by the Rev. J. G. Murray and W. C. Reed principal of Sylva High. P. T. A. ELECT OFFICERS The Parent' -Teachers Association, Kecting on Monday afternoon, elect* ?d officers for the next year. They n e Mrs. W. C. Reed, president, j .Mrs. Hugh Monteith, vice president. Mrs. Henry G. Bird, treasurer and Mrs. Dan Tompkins, secretary. Features of the program for the j ?vening were addresses, by Miss Cor- '< Iflia Camp, of the facility of West ?rn Carolina Teachers College, and: Mr. C. F. Carroll, county superin tendent' of schools in Swain county, ?nul a fashion revue, presented by Miss Louise Ilenson and her class in 1 Home Economics. Prizes were award j >jd Miss Maud Battle, Miss Kathryn McLain and Miss Kate Bradley, for ?xeellence in workmanship, in mak ing the dresses worn at the revue. Mrs. Sadie J. Txmg is spending some time in Hendersormlle, witb her daughter, Mrs. Hairy S Bucli ] nil an. [human brain to tell the machine whei to stop and start." That is some filing people overlook. Nobody lias yet made a machine that can think, and nobody ever will. TELEPHONE . another step Everybody who lias a tclephoin 1:11st have wished for some .sort ol .in attachment which would answer idiomatically when the subscriber is away. Word conies from Vienna that iust such a device has been invented and is in use there. When one i^ ort t'roiu taxes on land or personal prop ?rtv. This will result in an average f.ax reduction on land and personal property of 35c on the $100 worth >i' property throughout North Caro lina. The average tax reduction in Jackson will probably be 30c or 35c. The costs of government have been reduced radically in the appro priations bill, and in addition there s .a clause which provides that when revenue is sufficient to meet the ap propriations the budget commission, headed by the (iovernor shall reduce these appropriations proportionately. In other words the State cannot spend any more money than is rais ed. and there will be no more deficit in the State Treasury. The following editorial from the Haltigh News and Observer of Sat ?trday tells the story of the reduction that has been effected in the costs ?)f government : ''Those who have been demanding tconomy in North Carolina have ev ?rv reason to regard with complete satisfaction the figures in the appro priations bill as agreed upon by the ilea.se and Senate conferees. Yet it is loubtful if there is a general under standing of the tremendous extent to which the appropriations of the State 'lave been cut by this General As sembly. The 1931 General Assembly mado io for tli c Incnniuui, 1931-33, of $10(5,946,773. The present General Assembly is making appro priations for the biennium, 1933-35, totaling $83,159,218, or a reduction of 22 per cent, in spite of the fact lhat in tlit new biennium provision is made for a State-supported eight inonth.s school term instead of the six months term provided for in 1931. In reality the reduction in appro priations for all expenditures of gov 'mmental operation was greater than ' this. Minns the debt service the 1931 General Assembly appropriated $83, 1(19,5(16 for the bieiinnni, while the present session is appropriat ing only $56,530,595. Thus govern - ?nental operating cost in North Car )lina have been reduced 32 percent. In addition, the legislature is remov ing the State ad valorem tax of 15 cents and if no snpplerr.ente by school district taxes arc permitted I there will :>v? rninent, and with the land taxes nduccd an average of 35c in t|ie State, the Finance Com mittee has r< ported out a I Revenue Hill, and the Jlouse is in the throes of considering if. .Much of the taxes saved by the corporations in the re duction oi property taxes, has been re-eapliired by raising franchise tax es on them. V.i (here are the mem bers of the Finance Committee, and the heads of the Mate revenue de partment insisting that a sales tax must be imposed if the money is to be raised with which to carry on dur ing the next biennium. And there i>> where the f'ght cent ers. The uevniue bill as rc|>ortcd to the House coii templates a gross gen < ral sales tax of 3c .There are at least, four differ'-nt blocs in the Hons. . (if stands for the 3c general sales tax a> reported. Another is fav orable to a selected commodity tax, or a so-called luxury tax. A third favors raising the general sales tax from 3c to 4c, and returning one cent of it to the counties, on a basil c? (Continued on page 4) ...