PPww ?'? E YOU ft ,4 . ATTEND here's good news for you -.-READ EVERY WORD f * The New Deal is bringing back "Good Times" with workers going back to their jobs in various industries. New jobs are being created for thousands and thousands of people all ovfcr the country. One new inustry is responsible for thousands of new jobs and millions of dol lars m revenue tor the government. ...With the advancing pno3s of cotton, grain, etc. other commodities win naturally ^uvance accordingly, in iact the manufacturer and wholesale houses are beginning to advance their prices too. We are thankful indeed tnat, our new Spring Merchandise was ourciiased at tne lowest pnces which enables us to pass these won der values on tp our friends and patrons. We truly believe the depression has run its course and we are now on the hign load to prosperity and normal conditions. Now is your great opportunity to avail yourselves with the many bargains pro vided for you in our big opening s ale. Spend your dollars while they have their greatest purchasing power. m A gciiii'tii1 l>ai?:tiii ( 1M) yard'jj spin, J motion at l<-< than vvholi sale price. lo<\ value. Op. uini; Sale. i? r spoo' fc-3: AJbout Our New Store A new fitor>--modern in every detail-another step for ward for 83i old reliable firm. Our business h&3 grown to the extent that we needed more room t> properly display the file lin of mcrchand t: demanded by the pub ic. It has b*^n tht po'icy of the Leader Dept. Store to please its pa '.rotas and to display the newest styles of qual ity merchandise aa fair prices; that poli.y and the loya1 ,J jupport of cur friends and patrons made po sible our suc cess and rrr-id growth. As Sylva grows we grow. Big achievements in business are the direct result? of confident in man or company. Our six years of suc i". f 1 m" chandismg in Sy va is a conspieuortr example of what cp-i be accomplished through ReJiabilily, Sorviee wd ^air Prices. Wo are :ndeed proud of our new homo a^d the j*ne new Spring Merchantliso in every department, You aro v in- i '} to o r big owning end sup d.i v;Ml th'S" e tr^wly low priccs prevail JBR m ? /VI er's a"^ Boy's Overalls "Red Amw" and "Hod Axe' It rands, heavy weight (220 Deni :i) Tripple stitched, full cut with double pock and d > '.bin cross suspenders. For Opening .iflle only BOYS AL!, SIZES MEN'S ALL SIZES mi 4 4c 59c Ladies Hose 44c Thrilling" 10c Alluring new spring shades. Full fashioned of pure thread silk chilTon and service weight. Reduced for the opening -~L Are these values in Ladies Rayon Silk Hose. All wanted shades. Well worth !i5c. NOW - Millinery Things are happening to our new Spring Hats Charming Things? Spring calls* for new huts. Many delight fid ehanges in the styles and you'll be pleas ed with our wondeiful selection. Priced for our (.I'-ind Opening at 49c 98c $1-98 ANKLETS Children's Anklets, Rayon, Silk and Mercerized. From the smallest to the largest sizes. Very do?ir aliie colors. SPECIAL AT 10c PLAY SUITS Genuine ''LADDIE" play suits, Cover-all style, made of solid color ifuimbra and hickory stripped ma terials. SALE PRICE ?FA S +H | O r| f AVO^j T? 5 Smart New Spring Frocks oially Priced t. Men's Suits IDS [a. m. |ton away abPnlutely Men* Suits made of fine all wool fabrics^ conservative and yountr men's models. Not ou'y for spring but all year around wear. If you are in need of a suit here's your oj>;M>-tunity to buy a suit at the price the pnnts alone should sell for. Special Opening galo Price. .... eed of a suit here's your $6.95 Childrens' Shoes Slippers, Pumps, Straps, Sandals and Oxfords for boy.* and girls. Patent leather, kid and calf in all color*. Mother don't fail to supply " \ ... . / tho children with high grade shoes at this low price. Values to $L60. Special at .. and calf in all colors. 79c The demur*, '.he exclusive a.!: I the fetching styles in new Spring Frocks tVc exceplion al values and .iust arrived fi m the Kew York Market, The materials . re exquisite. One large group in all size-.. Wry special at '?'??-rA $2.87 Another group including chaimiug prints and fine silk crepe, also spor; styles. Val ues to $10.50. NOW $4.98 Men's Dress Shoes Men's and boys Oxfords, new s;ylc.?, well built throughout, Spec ial at $1.10. Mens new Oxfords in plain toe <>i- cap toe, ab-o sport styles, Com position and solid leather soles. Opening sale price $1.08. $1.19 a,,d$l-98 [we we art going P Everybody is in 9.A.M. Men's Furnishings and Shoes ? - - - TAT/\ni/ OtIAl ' SHil to ? i. fci' o. rage .1 ich AY v '??'?U 1' , l> Tin 11 ^AY, To Prepare Men's athletia Union Suds, nil s:/ch. MOW ? M il' i Shorts and Athletic Shirts. F.ACII -- -- -- ? ? Mm# Silk four - in - nand li s, N'iw spring coors Mens Sweaters, hleiv?lt*s r Ip ?v. ?r sty is for j-j/rnipr - _ ? i J 1 Mm* Hose, rayon md lisle, f ncy and plain colors Men's Work Shirts Blue chambray work shirts in all sizes. It's not our hghest priced shirt font it's well n:ado of good material and a bargain -j /\ at - - ? ? - IsfC Men's Work Pants Men here's a red hot value. Work Pants made of extra heavy dark blue dfcuira (220 wt.) t ripple stiteJv'd. full cut in all sizes. They are the famous Wear-U- m ?* Well brand. Special at .. ^OC MEN'S WORK SHOES Men's slain too work shoes strongly built, genuine "Uskido" Sole*. A new pair at what vou ordinarily C\C} pay for half soles. SOW J/OC TROUSERS Men's hifh errede dress pan ts iji mix tures and plain dark colors nicely t ad ored, priced except lonaJJy low for Our Op- QO fningl Sale V/OC Anient Store Men's Hats I /Tennis Shoes I ^ North Carolina Fine 'Ight weight felt lints just arrived. Spring styles, (liny, tan and other new col ors.' SPECIAL Hoy? Tennis Shoes, sizes 2 1-2 to 6 and what a bar gain. SALE PRICE --