JACKSON COUNTY JOURNAL ) Published Weekly Uy Tlio JALh.tiU*\ tUu. MX JUliUSAL L ?. JSutorcd as second class matter ?. iiiu i'ttel Uiiico ut byivu, *\. C. VAX TO-Ul'lvl.NS, LdiLor I Ji' we eoultl only c?sli iu .... i lie suVtV tluii tills UijJiusSioll i .. i put iu oiu liair- (. ' .) I iiooacvcit mid iu si* weeks w....i | l?ryau tried to ilo lor mati.v years a..u vouluu t. Tiie (Jeuerui Assembly, with all .u Jollities, has leiiuctil the coal w government in .North Carolina by / i>er cent Iroui liio jast year's m *? iH'uu jutit mat is >ometiiuig oi' u achievement, eoij.->iiK*rin>r that '* lie ' ? k y tost oi government lias been com down ever since JV-'J. Oi i' THU C40LD Ike UniU-U Mates, lor l ie ? , 4. ? tu-'" "i,;i a dC^.U-a ?..? ? by i roiu.ima' otter ?>>! M. H tbff. ku.ir ?lal MS SU'"S ? ; iou ?nl n-uunntwr tlial '? Par^l' S.u.kbmy.- in t!..? . V>. u,orc than a " t tl ?? 1 jjcntiuMM* 1 UOtt ,U , , ... . silver as a H>*0 ?* .a dieted thai something would hap. in a short lime. TV i*^ ? not ?a one. One of tW bimw1 *? * * ?pu^ns e\vr wagiil ?i ? was that in lW?i? when l.ryaa ? ^ McKinhy epposod each otlu Bryan lost ou tho stiver i*suo > causa ol- tU'Soi'lioa ul tbo PIJ i . the "gold bug Democrats, . th ? - be did ivcviyc a majority ot U?? 1 x ular vou. . l?ly llial lj whether Uk-iv is suit il" ut * \ with vlia-ii to uan .-ia-t I '*? ^ i oi tu? coui.lt y. iii'yaii la' Id 1 :M - < . ; icau labor ?vas bring cuaiat * a cruos of gold", and that Amcr. . industry ?ai s.uV.rmg because ? - country was "wot -hipping a g ealf that England had sot up. '? campaign resulted ia the?ai|UU>i ? ?| to tlio DtfiutKiary ot many iolloy . in tho w? stf and the loss of Democrat; in tin- l-.a>t. This time the pMuiv is tui-edj about. Again th,r?! N insnllic. at moil' j wH!i winch t<> cany on business oi th-.- couiitYy. Again - ic;ai faruars, American business , .n and Aiucr:oau labor a*e suiteiing t eauso ot a shortage on the me< m ot exchange on t.ie ousis of ? this time the soflWing is made a *.? aculo and the shortage i? accetyiu ??. and the British passt s?ioas, Ja-iau aud other nations <>t th^ world L ?? b?.en profiting ircmeudoUsly at ihi* expense of this country, bv rea bn xji i heir cheap money, enabling t? in to flood this country with innui r able products, tat a price much ss than they can be produced m United States. It is economic > m. and America has bjea at the lo a; end of the game. President Roose vit by deserting tho gold standard, ad by the legislation that is being en cl ? d, will put America where we ..a n-iain con.petc ia our own mat < nad at the sane time give us si u cir.nt moai y with which to trail a;t kt-itimate business. f V It is not a new remedy, but i is one that has been so apparent, trwj the wonder is this country didn'i uo this thin? months ago. If it ha<. it wwild thereby have saved m iv Americans from bankruptcy and in vented nmeii, suf?e>ring among >ur people. B'd1 those who have n di aioney didn't want it. Their mo ?y would be worth less, while thoso ho aro in debt could pay high debts v. h cheap mor.ey. America is to be congratulated on a leader with the vision and !ie courage to make this decision an* to execute it. GAY Kev. J. ,E. Brown filled his g ^Jtar appointment with the New >u v?JLnah Baptist chiuch Sunday m. a iiig. The farmers of this section are ] an ning to plant corn this week. The gardens arc producing la1 early crops of vegetables in al .?! dance and the house wife is hun d ly planting th<- later varities of a 'a etables. Messrs. (}. C. Turpin aud W -y Collins returned to their jobs & n day cveaing in Canada township ?&?> ter spending the week end with t' ir families. R. 0. Iiigdon of W. C. T. C, s] at tho week end with his family, reti u ing to the College Sunday aftenn ?n. Messrs. S. C., W. A. Perry .-:id Lindou Buchanan are working :-t High Hampton. N. Higdou lias beeu making n small improvement on his farm b\ cuiting a crock cIkiuui'1 and chang ing the course of the stream. Jr. and Mrs. Wiil Bryson spent ; the night recently with their daugh- i tor, Mrs. Robert Jones. Mrs. Coleman Sutton, Jr. is resting i very well in the C. J. Harris Hos pital where she underwent an opera tion for appendicitis. iltushell Cabe is working at Cul lowhee moving building for the new highway. Mr. and Mrs. Ovid Bock announced the birth of a daughter. on April 17. Gladys Ann. ljoster Cabe had the mistortune to badly cut his leg one day last week, while cutting wood. EXTRAORDINARY SESSION OF rs UCKASUEGEE BAPTIST ASSO. fa session last August the Tuekasee jr? j Baptist Association voted to hold a spring session. The purpose is for in formation and inspiration. Tin j in tiling wiil be held Wednesday May 3 with the Ctdlowhee Baptist church. iT e program i'oY the meeting iollows : General Theme: Looking Unto Jes us, the Uplifted, Exhaustless and Tiiumphant Christ. Morning Session 10:00 Praise and prayer, Rev. I. K. Stafford: .10:10 Devotional Message, H< J?. ll.t-'J Rev. W. X. Cook.' 10:25 Roll Call - Recognition of ' in 'ssenger" from the churches. 10:40 "Christ Exalted in our ? 1 1 >ines." Dr. If. T. Hunter.. 1 1 :10 Special 'Music. ' 1 1 :15 Christ Exalted in our Chun li lis Rev. J. (5 ray Murray. I 11:45 The l"pl?f'ted Christ, .John l: :32, Rev. W. C. Reed. , ! '-I ' Dinner 1 .."'(l Wiii>e and l'rayer. Rev. T. F. D it/. 1 : 15 Miscellaneous. 2:15 The Life and Work of the C'nirelies, Mr. M. A. Iluggius, Corres p -nding SeoiVlarv of X- C. Baptist S :ite Convent ion. ( 3:15 Special Music 3:30 The Exhaust less Chrisi, Mr. 1. G. Greer. General Manager of the Mills Iloni". . 1:15 Prayer :ind adjournment. The two visiting speakers arc Sec n tarv M. A. Huggins! and General Muyigcr T. (J. Both these men a t* laymen and both come to their p esent positions last year. Mr. Hmr gTns succeeded Dr. Charles E. Mad-. i' v, resigned, as Corresponding Kec retarv of the North Carolina Baptist ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as the ndniinis t at or of the estate jof .1. M. liiplc.n, d. -ceased, late ol .Taeksou com ty, North Carolina, this is to notify all ! rsons having claims jigainsl i-aid i date to exhibit- the;r. to ti:?. under ?si'jned on or before tin- 30tli day of March, 1034, or this notice will be p'eaded in bar of their recovery. All p -rsons indebted to mid estate will [j ease make immediate settlement. D. D. ALLEY, Administrator of the Estate of .T. M. Rigdon, deccnsed. This the 30th day of March, 1933. mm Mr. David II. Broun went to At lanta, (ia., Tuesday on business. ; ' * *' * Mrs. Dave Karp is spending sever al davs with relatives in liijrh Point. | * * *? * Air. 0. W. Denning has returned from a several nioutlis stay in Flor ida. ***".' Messrs. Felix Picklesin:er, KufuS (juecn and Paid Woma'k spent ? last Sunday in Knoxville, -Teftn.- -? * * * w .. .? Airs. It. li. Fisher Sr. is visit uig her son and daughter, \Mr. and Mrs.'K. K. Fisher, .Jr. at their hofoe this vveel * *- * ! Mr. It. E. Cross returned to his home in" 'Clayton, Ga. last Sunday af ter spending a couple ol* weeks here. * * -X- ' Mr. Moultrie Tmc!iuik";of Canton spent several days liere last >veel with friends. . r * * * Mr. (ieorge \\\. Bryson anr. M. I-. Kesler, deceased, a> (icneral Manager of Mills Home, Thoinasyille, N. . It is hoped that there will he : la lire attendance at the session so tjic Baptist people of Jackson coun ty will ?.vt acquainted 'wilh these lenders. TRUSTEE S SALE XOKTII CAKOIJNA JACKSOX.COI'XTY I'ihIi nr and l?y virtue of lli?> power of >?!e eoiitairu ?l in a certain < ink 110, :it psijre 71, in the office of tJii* Ki^iiilrr of Dcids for ?Jack sou Co.j X. I'., and default having: been made in' tin* payment of tin- in debtedness (li? reby secured,- and the holder thereof havjiiu: directed that .the deed of triiM In* foiv?*lo-ed, the umh-rsiirncd Trustee wlli offer lor | ' ? | sale and sell to the highest bidder | for eiisli, at tin' Court House I)oorf i ? ?in the town of Nylvjt, Jackson Co., X". j C., at 12:00 Xooj?, ou Thursday, May ? I, 1 all those ejrl.iin tracts of I la ml situate, lying and hei.ni; in Dills jhoro and Parkers Creeks Townshijw land more -panic tilarly described as , follows: ! FIRST TRACT | IJKGIXX'IXCr at a stake and post-; ! oak^ corner of Wilson Potts and John ' | Davis, and runs thence X. 20 decrees K. 10:1 poles to a stake, thence W. 80 * poles to a stake; thence S. 20 degree# \V. 105 poles to a stake, corner of Potts and Davis survey; thence E. | . ? . . . .' ~ ? . y . from Atlanta where he went on bnfl- | iness- * . * * * Mr. and Mrs. Fred Merritt and Mr. and Mrs. Erving Marcoll of Teaneek, New Jersey are guests of jMr. and Mrs. J; C. Allison at their l home here. * * * I ? " ( Mr. and Mrs. Kay. Francis Monta 'gue arrived Tuesday from Los An igelos, Calif., for a visit to Mrs. Mon jtague's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mon jtague's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. ? Freeze. j < ? * * * Mrs. Harry lias tings and young I so,,/ Harry, wilt return this evening 'from West Jefferson, where they \ have been for a week, because of the [illness of Mrs. Hastings' mother Mrs. I Duval 1, who remains quite ill. I ? : ! .? Lyric Theatre Program Friday and Saturday JAMES OAGNEY "Hard to Handle" MUSICAL COMEDY ; \ [ Monday and Tuesday WARREN WILLIAM - LORETTA YOUNG ! Employees' Entrance Comedy and News , j Wednesday and Thursday HELEN HAYES and RAMON NOVARRO "The Sun-Daughter" Oho.i. Oha.ic Comedy with that line SO poles to the Begin ning, containing 50 acre* more or less. 1 SECOND TRACT UEGIN'XIXO at n stake, South 1 east corner of Gr;uit No. 949, and muiis thence with the line of Granl So. 919, S. 80 degrees and 32 mins. \V, !)t>'4 poles to ? stake; thence S. 1 degree and 45 n:in?. W. 60.2 poles ?o a .stake; thence N. 59 degrees and 45 mins. E., 132.8 poles to a stake; | the nee X. 3 degrees and 15 mins. E., j j ' 29.57 jMiles to a stake in the line of jthe property described in a decree in the 1'. S. Court, at Asheville, in a | case entitled Hans Rees Sons, Inc. Ve. j James Tnrpin et al; thence with ! thnt line R. 70 degrees and 28 inins. W., 18 poles- to a stake; thence S. ! 2 degrees and 30 mins W., 12 poles to the Beginning. To satisfy said debt, interest and cost of sale. ' This the 4th day of April, 1933. 0. 0. Pondexter, Trustee. 4 fi Its Wl'i r ! ? * NOTICE OF REMOVAL Dr. W. K. Chapman j Has moved his offices to Room 7 Cole Building N x?*xx*$o?>(fitf^^ r> *';X- ''? ~ .<' *.-> ?<^^^^^^^5b6^j>^^tN>5