Mi-Lain is spending sov \fl - ' * , I . In llave-villo with relatives * * ? Mi*, tii'l Mis. X. Don Dnv .lay. April 2!), a son. '*/ TV * ?r- !' *?' K;"1' Ii:K lot,,rnite last Saturday * * * ^ C i;. Walker has returned \ t ! .i I weeks' slay in Atlan \;. ;.,.i Ui-. N- Monrr and baby , . u.,i j .j;. \ nH'iiiinsr l"?r a weekV , <,i r, l.'tivi's in Til'l on, Georgia. ?* ?* * \|r. iii hI .Mi*'. Charles Wor ,,v ;>l *i?h ? ' '?* \\ i,'* i ii'r nn April 25th, n Mury Aiuii'. * * * l.'i Hillvn Rhodes and Lora t|j:|, wi l t?? A t In utrt tho Inst of .i ,(,-k ?'"i ' few days 's .-tay. ?v ?? * | \j.s. W. W. Ibvwn has n turii'd to j -May and Helen Sny ?i l l.i l>'"?*k -pent Sunday with \|j? Mii!)<*' Snyder at her homo at IhM. ^ * \j . I. I.. I'-rvson of UVst Mills it vi^iiiii- l;t*r lu*??thtrf Mr. Joe Mal |,.'i,r Mr>. Ma'lonee at their ' hulli** 9t .Villi' * * * v|,-. l.i. k >utti?u and young son i,l >i :**!t- hi*r mother, Mrs. ' I I'uw- a; Webster. I * * * I Mr. :m.l Mr-. M- MeKwen 1:? vi* !:iK.? n an apartment j ;ii i.i W, ?f Mr-. Marv Morris for - : ??ia! u.'.uvV. Mr. MeKvvon is with! 'fir x;ii- llr-W.Miv I'liiiimission. . i ? ? ? i Mr. :h:u." uih-i- i>i .\Ir. and ?n-. II. i . ' urij- >iiiui;iy. .Vii>. Ituck il1 1 tut; dii*!' it'll i ! \\ ?'diu-s?ia\ . * '??' ?.? it All*. ;i ii'l Air-. .1. L). l H wall ami i-liil ?liui. I rank ami Antic. Air*. .M. I), i ii.i;t!i mul .IJts. .1. \\ . .Ionian, nf Wilistou" Sati-tr., iti*i*ivrd Sunday, i < ? iak?* tin* [? ?' Mr-. .1. I>. .Mooro in tho \\i--Ih'ii I iiinn TfU'jiraph ut't'ico dur i v:n*a1 imi. Mr. J'li:llj|i S|i,v;i[| mui Mr. Felix iVklrojtiM'i ?ill to Wilmington in xl m ick in n |i]'cs' iit the Sylva i* ii't? I'll'irtini u[ i) t In* Firemen's Convon- ; I", wlii.-fi ui|| ln> held in that city. -.r * * Mj'-. ^:.ii;r .1. l^oiif* <111(1 Miss will leave the last ot u'f'-k ii.r llarriman, Tenn.f where; lli'-;- v ill |?. quests of their daughter >i,|..|-, Mis. Kamsey 'Buchanan Mr. liuchnnan. # * # M >< Lena .Moore ot' Cookeville, j Ti-ii':.- ? is spending some time here lii i .Mint, Mrs. T. 11. Hastings. ' Mr*. Huntings, who has been ill for ""?'|' lime, is improving, her friends >>ili t?. <;||?| |eani. * * * Mr. ;? *i. i Mrs. C. .1. Cowan and iim have gone to Macclesfield, t hi v will he guests of relatives, ttci- aeeompanied as fsir as '"?"Vln.u hv Mrs. ,F. .J. Wild, who u,-ut tor u>it to her daughter, Mrs. ''.?"i" " lliiiuii iind Mr. Sillmon. "r * * Mi- v'iu Allison left yesterday for "ili-iji ul'.-i,. w||(. went to attend thel '"null ; r? oiu|?;inied as far as Ashe * 'h M ; ~ . Sialic Hale and M ss ,,lv* " % 4f * ? !? Ii'dicil l):i\ls has ret urni'd : i- in Franklin after spend " : hi two here, with her sis | ? i . N. Mel*ain and Mi;. Me Miv | )ji vj.-, came over for the -? ? -"lnai i.,|. ri ises of the Svlvn !M. M,,.|. SL 1 i'. iles Vniuially and Mrs. v\u' '???t'l'", who came op from ( tin. In cjiuse of the il'ness '^1 hioi her, Mr. (IrilTith Morgan, l,-,tii iit in Oteeu Hospital, tn their homes yesterday, " hi-r heing .eonstdcrablv im 'Mrs. Ililliard Parker and Mrs. ^jou.e Housicy wiii return to their home in Atlanta tomorrow, alter sev eral weeks visit to their niece and cousin, Miss linttie Parker. "if *.? ->r I Mrs. S. B. Cannon, her daughter, I Mrs. K. II. (filbert and young daugh ter of Spruce Pine, have been spend ing a week with relatives in Jackson t county. Mr. Cannon came over bud ' accompanied his family home Mon day. ?if # -S Among: these going to Franklin yes terday to attend the meeting ot' the first district United Daugfct'rs of the Confederacy were M rs. ,T. D.: Cowan. Mrs. Walter Jones,. Mrs. J. F. Freeze Mrs. F. E. Parker^ Mrs. M. Buchan an, Jr., Mrs. Dan Tompkins, Miss j Mildred Cowan, Mrs. M. D. Cowan. Mrs. T. K. Wolfe and Mi*. J. Will Jordan from lhe B. II. Cnthey Chap t 'i' nnd Mrs. S. W.-Fuloe, Mrs. A. D. Parker, Mrs. Man* Morris,, Miss Margaret Moore, Mrs Flora Watkin? ? f the W. A. En!oe Chapter. LOVE DALE CLUB MEETS I Love Dale Community Cluh held I the regtrai meeting t??r the month ot May Tuesday afternoon at the homo ot Mrs. J. If. Jones. | The program consisted of special music by Mrs. (irady lleuson and Mr. IV ivy Parker. Mrs. T. If. Davis, 'chairman' of (Jarde.ning Committee [gave n re|?orl on gardens visited since I last meeting. It was interesting to hear that everyone had received the necessary seeds for planting at the present. All members were glad to have present Mrs. 11. L Kvans who gave n cipcs for canning the surplus greens 'and peas for winter use. Mrs. Jarvis Crawford was appniut 'tu? tin- ring ?*er iinony. Tin*. bride wore an afternoon dress !>(' Fleaiior liliH' with high neck line' :? tit' Texas. She is ji graduate of Sylva High School, completing her eduea- ; lion in her profession at the Athens j General Hospital^ where she was a' popular member of a large group of i friends. Mrs. lira ham has been ;i grad ' uate nurse for two years and has e.n- 1 joyed marked success in her work. \ Mr. (Sraham is the son of Mr. and j Mrs. ,f. G. Graham of Athens where j he was edueilted in the pity sehools. lie is eon meted with the Central of (ioergia railroad where he has served in a prominent capacity for many years. ( . ? j Mr. and Mis. Graham "are visiting in Washington, I). C. and other eit'esi in the Fast. They will make their' home in Atlanta. CONTESTANTS IN WORLD BRIDGE OLYMPIC TOURNAMENT In the World Bridge Olympic Tour iiainent, which . took place at eight o'clock Monday evening, there were four tables at plav at the home of Dr. and Mrs. C. Z. Candler, Mrs. Jos eph K. Ryan, their daughter being i team captain. Olio table of players wa- composed of Mrs. C. B. Thompson, Miss Mar garet Candier, Miss Mary Candler ol Sylva and Mrs. E. K. Bain of Greens boro. Four Franklin ladies comprise! the players at a second table. The\ were Mrs. D. D. Bice, Mrs. .1. F. Per try, Mrs. G. L. llouck and Mrs. J. S Franks. At a third table played Mis' Mayire Long, Mrs. B. S. Marsh ol '?viva and Mrs. John Morris and Mrs Dan Allison of Webster. Plav'iig iit the fourth table were four Sylva lad i-s, Mrs. F. L. Mclvee, Mrs. C. S Ilamm, Mrs. T. W. Fernaid r id Mr-. Ryan. Mrs. Ryan and Mr-. Fenwh1 playing Fast and West, won hiirl frore for the even'ng. The winninv North and South players were Mrs Morris and Miss Long. The Oiympi< cards used in play w>re given a; prizes. Miss Margaret Candler re ceived cut prize. jSYLVA HIGH ' HOLDS FINALS Commenecnuuit exercises ??!" Sylva High School bc^an with the senior class play, "Betty, (the tiirl of My ! Heart," on last Fridnv night. The , I \ ' "> *" ; commencement senium preached b\ Rev. L. B. Hayes, presiding e'der oi the Wavnesvilie District, Methodist ? ' ? Lpsoopal church, South was on Sun day afternoon at the eliiuentary school auditorium, the class day ex ercises on .Monday afternoon and nthe graduation exercises on Monday night. Dr. II. T. 1 1 outer, president of Western Carolina Teachers College, delivered the address to the graduates. Miss Dorotliv Baker wis valcdutor ' * ' i ian, Miss Kathryn MeLain sa'ui a tor inn, Maurice Cuthrie historian, Miss Dot lligdon prophet, Borger Brvson. ?jiftorlnn while William Curlis deliv ered the last will and testament of the class. Members of the graduating class are Miss Kathryn Abernethy, I Miss Dorothy Baker, Miss Hazel Cow iard, Miss Ruby Fisher, Miss Margar et Hall, Miss Zola Hcrislev, Miss Eu- j .genia Ilenson, Miss Alice Ilevenor, i Miss Kloyse t Hooper, Miss Ha/.eJ | iLcntliorwood, Miss Kathn n MeLain, | I Miss Ix'iui Naglich, Miss Lillian Silt- j toiif Miss Lucile Wi'sou, Miss Madge j Wilson, Miss Dot lligdon, M;ss N'or acella Mcfluire, Miss Silly Mae Mon Jteith, doe Allman, ( lyde Brown, Mau rice (luthrie, Burgher Brvson, Frank ! ? Hayes Deirman Lovin, R. F. Mavher- 1 ry( Charles Raines, (Jolumhus Tatli :iiii, Frank WaKon, dr. William Cur lis and Fnserx'ii IMiiliips. MIES COULTER AND MR. MOORE MARRIED TODAY Mr. Dan Moore left yesterday for Pikeville, Tennessee where In- will be married at noon today to. Miss dean lelle Coulter. The wedding will lie n vcrv ipiiett <5tily mcmhris of families jot' the bride and groom be:n?r pres- j eiit. Immediately after the cer< niony j Mr. and Mrs. Moore will leave fur a j I trip which will includ" N ew York City and will he at home in Sylva after May l?.nth. Accompanying Mr. Moore to l'ikeville were his s:stcr, Mrs. David M. Hall and Ins eonsins. Miss Mary I'nloe and Mr. Reginald I'nloc. The party was joined enroute by Mi's, dames Counciil, Mr. Moore's sister, and Mr? Conncill of Boone. COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION APPOINTED The legislature has elected Mrs. K. L. Melvcc, Bragg Cowan,, Raipli Hun ter, fcl. Rogers and H. Turpiu as the tit. xt hoard of education for .lack son erounty. Other iii.iu.es were suggested, espec ially that of S. W. Lnloe of > Dills boiu, but tin- committee on t ducat ion learned that Mr. Knloe was a lU/n oer of tile board of trustees of W? stern Carolina Teachers College and the point was raised that he could not hold both | offices. Mrs. McKee and Mr. Cowan were filed in the primary and no names being filtfd against them, they were regular nominees of the Dcinnciatic (party for the offices. The -attempt was made to distri bute the other throe members aliout jover the nullify. Mr. Hunter is from lCane\sFork, Mr. liogers from Qualla. [and Mr. Turpifi ProuKSavannah. I All Enamel $57.50 Semi Enamel $47.5C Black with White Enamel $37.50 Ranges' of quality ;ii ? price you can afford t< jlmr. Jackson Hd'w. Company The Rotary Wheel Will, III,. program commiltei s si ill going strong at Rotary moot ngs. Tuesday night, John S:\vmoiu now Roiariau from Cullowhee cut or tainod tlio oluh wit li ;i flute and har monica; * * ?!? Only iiiir visitor was nt Rotarj Tuesday night. That was Mr. Clark of the (ioodyoar company out ol Ashoville, who was tlio guest of Ro<' ! Killer. * -H ? Tlio Svlva Rotary Chili is sliil g'\ ing good account of itself in all de partment*. Tlio attendance is ruuninp [around 00 wliieli i-. very good. Al- i tliqngli attendance is not one of tlx j l?ig ohjeetivos of Rotary it is one that speaks good of a oluh. It tliere ni'i ' any more trophies to Ik- awarded the ! Sylva club i-. out to win iliem. QUALLA / i Rev. .1. |? Hyatt preached at tlie ; Baptist church Siinday morning oi> the snhjeet of CiniMtriitioii, that wi might say "Thy will lie done." Miss Martha Vai ner of Whittier : spent the week end with Mrs. C. P. Shclloti. Mrs. Myrtle Corn of* Harriers Creek . visited her sister Mrs. .1. L. Sit ton. ? Misses ( ierl rude Kerj;itson and An Jiie Lizzie T?-rr?>ll <-i*I !<><( nil Mrs. Thos. I'atlon and Miss Ida Battle of Whit tier Monday afternoon. Several Qua I la folks attend, d scr- ' vices -at Wilmoi Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Bird of Cal low lice and Messrs. II. (!. Ferguson ami .1. K. Terrell were quests at Mr. , T. W. Mo Laugh I Ln's Sunday. Mrs. 1). A. Martin and Mrs. Jessie Coi-dell called at Mr. \\ . I*. Pat ton's! Monday. Misses (ierl rude and liutli Fergu son gave a 'Steak Fry ' in honor of , their guest. Miss Carrie Davis of \V. ) C. T. C. Saturday evening. Guests | piosoiit were: Mrs. .1. K. Battle, Mr.:1 and Mrs. Luther Hoyl", Miss Annie j L. Terrell, Messrs. IToylc^ Jack j and .lake Battle, C. R Terrell, Frank ! Kinslaud, and Mr. Reeves Cooper of i WeMter. . \ Lyric Theatre Program Friday and Saturday RANDOLPH SOOTT AND SALLY BLANE * in 'Wild Horse Mesa" TWO COMEDIES Monday and Tuesday JOHN GILBERT - MAE CLARK in "Fast Workers" COMEDY AND N?WS < . ? ) Wednesday* and Thursday HERBERT MARSHALL AND SARI MARITZA ) "Evenings For ; v Sale" COMEDY Promotion oame fast f o: Sumner Welle3 of Maryland. No sooner in stalled as Assistant Secretary of fttete than President Roosevelt nom feted him to b? Ambawador io Cab*. BftUCf BARTON ? ? u)rite* of "Tm?MASTER EXECUTIVE" Supplv in{ a week to- week inspiration tor the heavy- burdened who will 6n4 every Human trial paralleled in the experiencea o( "The Man Nobody Knowi." SERVICE, NOT SERMONS JESUS rose from his seat, drawn by that splendid outburst of faith and -without hesitation or questioning lie started. He went with the father whose daughter was dead. All his life He seemed to feel that there was no limit at all to what He could do, if only tho>e who Ijeseeched Hint believed enough. Cirasp ing the father's arm He led the way up the street, his disciples and the motley crowd hurrying along Itehiud. They had several blocks to travel, and before their journey Was completed another interruption occurred. A woman who had been sick for twelve years edged through the crowd, eluded the sharp eye* of the disciples and touched the hem of His gar ment. "For she said within herself, it I may hut touch lli> gasmen!, 1 shall be whole." . . . What Br