(81,50 Year in Advance in Thl County. Iffurnal SYLVA, NORTH CAROLIHATHUBSDAY, MAY 18, 1933 $2.00 Year in Advance Outside The County. PRICES RISING AS VALUE OF DOLLAR, CONTINUES TO CROP \V.i-lniii" -May ? I'r< side) | m'1' ? over ^ iJj Ii- intended to use tli ,^>|t !.. irillwlf (111* currency onh V h?'tl it became Ul'CC.SSai . , , ji.i- Ijll elld the foil IX ,,(? ., .;,*?{ <??<"?: iM ",lum t,u' "ill *r;l;ioii' '? > ??'?t something |ik?> wl|? riiv 1 1 1 " '"'""y yt'ai.H tr**' r K Weill -o low Mint i' ?mK ;< ' ''".V a linn. ii !' ?' *va# uot a ea.se of an *nl"l?'i ! I'liniiiu^r limit. j ,; ;t H I deliberate cifoit Oil til grl ut i ?! <ii 1111:111 "overiijueut I. twin' .Ml i'11 ellflilH isl chls-. \'i,l(iili:' ??! tile soi l is eoiltflllplalet' l,v tlii \i ' ri?'iui tioveinment ; <1111 nicil lis quite possible 1 hn t!"l n-'in !(1. |?,, si.l. ' l will not li:iv. ? to us i".v ||1U(.|, .1 tin' inflationary powei bin. he lore the downwnn ;li'' ii..- dollar iiiwts the risinj ?1 in modi ties nt <1 level com 1*1 Ml l"*' 1,1 wiili iluit of seven years iifjo l'n . vml"?l\ was more prosporoti di;l'? i..">t !>? "!>?*' ?""* dreamed o' (V,.r |? Miming. 'Plliri. ...in- to he a quite definit ilet?-^inii);,t l>ut K',Vfr ,)nck 1 j,,\,|il i,io!i?l:u-y JKisitinii, but it i 1 li:i t Mr. Hcoseveit will mnk , S|e|? in that direction until tli World K.-orwutic Confcrmce, wild || iH, }? I., .11.I..11 on June 12, lias ha. ;i . Inline to .-us der international ac ,h f?r ,h, v. innu. ti/Htiou of silv.01 Without :i">' ii'f hition of I lie eur ra'itt* v whatever, hut merely as 11 re M tli- in'ftir known to he vcste. . \V Vn-i.lci'l. 'l's iu u\. nil the nation's mono I in ?fi\nmo.liiy prices began ; j fiitn j> 1 i>c iu \\uil n u?l are still ge iliii 11 1>. Tlih ltii> ?u?h ?Ml'* Roosevelt 1 1 ii iiilf 1 # i v Ji;i|i|i\', u> it seoms tilllgi ? hlr i \iilriii-r i hut '.i> a.li.iinist ratio* h;i - :thriiil\ hnli ahlr to lv''e|i it ? .iiii|>:i^ii. I'lOlui-r n| hiulu'l" price*. TI10 Debt Situation i nr till v itiiuiKlitl question lldlll v. Iiirli 1- -till u.iM'tileil is thai ol ill l!unij. ?111 vii r ileitis, Kiu'op.- i> ->ti iniui; in wr ^'li' :?i 1 1 ol payii!'; 1 lis 11 .mil I i>!i:;i'f i-? -lili 1 11 m in I l.i< di ?i nni'iiil itni licit liny inust In- p;'M ii: tnN. not In wiy that rea >ijti!ili'" ii'tiTs i>l 1 ? 1 1 iiia dial i' easjj <el ll, tin-ill ?* 111 -:lif :i"l ' ? '-ouswleied . v > III I.] ?>?: i ll), 1 \*j?( ?:!*. 1 t',- 1 .;,il Sliffi, while ?iii.i.' (:. viMif.! 1 . ;ile.enl 1 1 ? -!:<??? |VVl "1 . "?*.!.. .11 talki'1 ]>l .(iiijii >y'ional leaders aliout 1I1 jK'->iliiiitv uf fniiipriimisji^ the deht Tli- ifi ?.? siiiint ion will oouie to I h l"i ? in 1I1. bunion eoufereiM'e In-yon. :i 1I1111I1I ; :ind (lint n?MV hi' the roel .'i v\ Iiirli i|lt. er.ufrri nee will split. I ii.tiH;iiidly t.ir tin' purpose ot con 'I't.-i iii(,' mei'iis of raising prices am Maliili/iuj/ world eurri'iiciisj hut di mmaiiii-iit 11 nil war ileitis will he s. ku|Hli-.sdV lit Xed up with those e.ii -iil.i 11 1 inn* that there is a ^ooil d.-n "i .luiilii here wlletlmr till' (onfi-relie "ill ..line to anylliintf. If it is ;; fmliiri', however, the losers w'iil If ifiMillicr natiou.s iiinl not I lie I'nilei ?Viatt-S Inr we have I lie whip-ham n uitrlil ii'i..iomic iitTiiirs mid ean ih "'"ml sis we plcnsn, rc^anlli'ss o' u hat tin- ij'st of the worlil does Till, hi hii.si , js llir vieW ol' soinr to tin I 'resident. F.iriu Eollof Differonces Ihnv il? iu vv farm relief act n if""';; in work out nobody now pro 'W.-, 1.1 li.riH.ast. It is frankly ox Mim. 1, i d, and as in tho ?'iise ?f u" ?'X|ti' iiuu iits, | here arc a lot of 1 --'tl ? lin- idias as lo which of the '"iniiitiiV. |i|jni!, jo fry first. The dis l'".- In (w,, n tli,. ndvocales of dif ?Ti\.-i uf doing it became so MV".' thin ih,. President himself had 'ilk.' a lia.ud, s? ??!. l;? iv Wallaco believes that a'r,:iR<: 1. ? lu.i ion ih the iniportiint 1 ii ..'line will cure I be major ''"?lill.-. ?f 1 hi- n ajority of farmors, 'liuih. (ii'or^n Peek, who for \ ii pit si-nted various f 11 rm orRftii ""v ?'*; tin' principal lobbyist for H|iiidi>.utioii fee plan of farm J' "f, hclii Ves that fanners sbould Ki'iiiilii-d to rn ?Ke as much as they I I Hiiil, *| ? ;i {rovennuenl guarantee of 11 wl"iidi/,.|| donu'Htic conHUU'.ption 0 ,r 'hiinpi'd nbroad for whatever it Ul" hriiiu'. 1 J' haviiifr been Kolectiil to '"hniiiistrator of farm rcVcP i " '" w law, had quito a Tim* his chief, thp 8?M?rotft?y of ? if"- uli nr,., it roportcd. At nny ir"iitinued on p?f? 3) ^.9 /? ^ IT W Madison Aga-n Is Chosen To Head County Schools CLEMENT TO HOLD COURT The May icmi of .Fo/rksim count; ! superior wnrt will convene Monday nomine with Judge Clement pr? siding. Tli:' tenn will be for,, th trial of both c'.vil and criminal easos Heretofore the May court lias beet t civil term only, but the Ocncru' Assetnb'y made it u mixed term, i?? order t;> :>nve the county the expens of boarding prisoners awaiting trial until October. QtTALLA Sunday morning a Mother's Day |>ro,Tam wax given at tbc Baptist '?lntrcli. The songs, recitations and .adi feature of the program was ap tmtpria! ? and well rendered. Rev. !.. If. Hipp* pre ached to a large, at tentive audience, from the text: "And they were not afraid of the K ing's Commandment." Mr. Wayne Ferguson and Mies Man* Fm ma Ferguson returned last Tuesday froir Martha Herrv "College where they have attended school for 'lie past year. Mrs. J. F). Battle ha* returned ' from a visit to relatives in Canton i } Mrs. H. Kvans of Sylva met: with sevral Qunlla ladies on Tues- J ?lay to organize a Canning Club. Miss Rachel Sit ton of Tennessee ?s visiting relatives. Miss Tnez Martin of Bryson City -pent the week end with M'SS Ollie Tfall. Mr. and Mrs. -T. M. Hughes and i on 'Tim Eld, and Mr. .1. K. Freeman ind family of Cherokee Were Qualh .?isi t i?i*s Sunday. Miss Betty Bird of Brvsnn Citv ipent the week end with Mitfs Annie 'tilth MscJ anglilin. Mr. Troy Martin of Whittier was i Qua I In ' vis'tor Sunday. * Mr. d. H. Martin of Caittun vis- J ted home folks. Mr. .1. 0. Terrell, is at home ,wne? j he closing of the Oakley High School I ?t B'ltmoiv. Mrs, Hsynes Reagan of Oliwl vis- j ted a* Af ?*. .lohn Bradhnrn's Sunday. ( OLD TIME SINGING TO BE HELD AT TDOKASEIOEE A "Christian Harmony" siting vi II be li Id at Tmkascigee, on Sun lay, the fourth day ot Julie, begin* liie; at tci uVjoek in the morn tig. I'.unbody interested in old time infill); is invited to iittiud the sing ly and is requested to carry lunch. Co public dinner will he served, it a< been announced. At a meeting of tlie county board of education Monday afternoon Mon roe Madison was re -elected super in t(iid"nt of the public schools of Jackson county. Mrs. E. Ii. t McKoe was eleet-ed elm it-man of the ho^ird of education, mid the four other members' are Bra^tf Cowan, J. K. Roger*, R. C. Hunter .:uid G. C. Turpin. Miss Dorothy Williams, who fyr the past seven years has been sec rotary in the couuty boned of edu cation department has resigned to accept a position as secretary to X. L). Davis, who is director of relief work in Jackson county. ? In regard' to a new school build ing which plans call for to be built at. Whit-tier, no action has beef) taken as to whether or not the counties of .Jackson and Swain will go together and build the new bni'd ing. A meeting will be held next' Saturday, May 20, to decidc what action will be taken in this nuitter. BEREAN CLASS HAS PROGRAM The Berean 'Class, of the Baptist Church at Cullowhye, presented a "Mothe/s Pay" program last Sun day when the program, which fol lows, was carried out: Soucr "Faith of Our Fathers," Congregation; IV rational, T. K. Stafford; Offering: Announcements; Song, by the Com munity Quartette, composed of Messrs. Parker, Phillips Cat hey and ? Painter; Recitation, "Have you for- j gotten to write to Mother?" Howard : Crawford; Poems, "To Father" audi "To Mother," .1. S. Seymour; Song, College Quintette; Talk: "Mother, A Young Man's Point of View," David ! S. St ill well; Talk. P. L Klliott;! Song, "Ood Be With You, 'Til We j Meet Again''; Benediction, II. T. j Hunter. ; ' { ' BALSAM \ Mr. and-Mii. X. ?; Christy t&b Jj'li.iiiMid Saturday ?fienuoou in hon or o'* tin' birthday of thi ir niece, Mi^ Helen Queen' in which the number 1'J played an important part. The day was Ma\ I'lth; M's> Queen I wa> l.'? yea is of flgc; there were 13 rue-its and l-'i g:fts received. Miss Catherine Cuthl,-rt><?n of A'mond. :ils!? :i niece of Mr. and Mrs. Christy, w/is an honor ifrtesl, Delicious rc IVt shiu<-nt< were served. Mr>J. Cora lt'iik and little soil, Willis left Monday to visit her s'stcr, Mrs. Dr. Tnppjn in Cincinnati. Mother's DaV was observed bv the Methodist church Sunday. Rev. A. B. Bruton, the pastor preached an inter esting sermon; his subject was Man Chief of Farm Job' George Peek, of Moline, 111., for j uianv years a mid -western farm leader, in chief administrator of the new Roosevelt farm relief program, | working directly under Secretary j Wallace. Mr. Peek has long-been an advocate of the idea that markets ? abroad for American market prod ucts have not been exhausted ? WOOL MARKET TOR 1933 (By K. V. Vestal, futility Aiient ) We haw been holding our ;iniiii;il woil pool i rieli May) for several years.. [ believe this jmioI has been. of real jcn'ici' to wool growers (lining this j time. As most of _\ou have your sheai j ing done, we should mark* I in t lie near future.. Aeecidimr to market tvports ami the present outlook as to the wool market, it seems wejl that we sliou'il invest i^ac a.nv >*ile we lira v think of making, as it ap |M?a rs that the wopl market will lie! much better this year than duriiii! i 1932. We are ma kin? plans ,-k fast us We can to hold our wool pool the lafct of this month. Mr. !.. <\ Sal tars, of the State Division of Mar kets will meet the wool-, ...commit let whieh is nade up of' sheep growers who are directors of the ;lacksoi> County Mutual Kxchange, and me. j in my office tomorrow, Friday morn in? at 1(1 o'clock, to determine what seems hestt as far as the pool i> concerned. The 4omir it tee is com posed of It. C. lluutor, A. J. .Dills C. E. W ike,. Ode Robinson and If. W Fisher. Be sure to keep your woo! in tin host jKiKsible shape for jnarketim by keeping the hurry and clear (fre? from burrs) wool separate, and store in a dry place. If yo;t havi not sheared vet it will lie to voui ' ? * advantage lo carefully tie each fle<c separately with pap<T twine. Bind ers' twine decreases the value of tin wool, because it cannot lie removed from the fleece. If you onmiot ir? 1 the paper twine, just roll e.-n-li tlecc separately and sack. The date of the Wool l'o??l will be auiioniieed as soon as posible. One Man In Jail And One In Hospital As Result ! Of Affray At Cullowhee TODAY and ! TOMORROW i | (By Frank linker Stockhridge) | MOSQUITOES . . . under knife i Tin* first it iii use ever l'*?tiiid lV.i jiio.s<|ii toes was when it u;K disco v ! ered, ;i few years ;i| 1 lit* ( ?ov eminent hospital for I In* insane at Washington, that fj.'i iii ii i-iiiniiwMi forms of insanity could he cured it ! the path ut had malaria. Malaria ! |Jiirtii> aiv carried only by certain mosquitoes^ ami insane asylums a I I over tin' 'counl ry ltega.li. to ?l?*iiunt<t mosquitoes wli it'll !ia<l been infected by !>i t i nir malaria patients.'; Xow 1 Ik* I !ovi?rnn:eiit seirtiiists ! have found :i way |o. operate nil til'1 mosquito; under ;i wiieroscope, ami extract tin- miliaria vims, so thev don't luiw to ship live mosquitoes, which >/)iii: t inn s got away ami spread malarial fever. "? The marvelous tiling iilxml all that as I see it is not I ha malaria run - I paresis, hul that anybody ever i'onml it out and that the human miml has 'wen :iig.?iiiou> enough to find a way USHER ... at White House My cnRurat illations 1o ''Ike' 1 louver, <'hief usher ol" ihe White lluuse, who has just finished h ? '??rty-seeiuid year of service there. | 1 1 is real name is Irving IL Hoover, j and when Benjamin Harrison was IVesidi nf he was a young eleetrieiau. Mr. Harrison had the first electr'i push-buttons i iis| j| fled in the Wliiti Mouse. Young Hoover did the j?>h They <*i?( nut ??r order so often tha' 'he llii<*iiin;t thought there ought t? he an elect rieian on the job all tin time, fie picked ''Ike" and Hoove? has, been there since "Ike" is responsible 'or all tie historic relic.-; in the I'ljesidentia mansion, for the management of th icmesfic stall' and th/?-~f;u)>ervisio' ?if all formnl social ('unctions II ?ec'ei v<-'. all <li>t iuuilished visitors ;iin 's'corts tlieiu to '. lie -President. Am he is pretty .learly tin' most popnhi ?nan in Washington. SAFETY . . . ? glas-: law Nearly twenty years ago 1 wrot ? he liisf nettV item in Aiperiea alwu i kind i.P,?lass for automobile wind diiclds whirli would not shatter 'i ??asi. of a collision. Since then man manufacturers of ears have adoptn safely .glass, hnf only within a ver; few years. T' has just hern enacted into lav ? ii New York that after this yea very hits licensed in the state lutis HIGH SPOTS OF THE 1933 LEGISLATURE I ' ' The (Icmrnl Assen bly, which con ' 'ened on .January 4( adjourned s ix is oil Monday ?t noon, ni'f c*r t!i< ongcst session, mi ve two. in tin listoiy of tin* St jit e, The iwik'iablj f 19.11 run ii m?? days longer thai li" prtsent bill', rind I I;iiI of lflffi vfls five iliivs longer. Tin- session wuh hectic from sturi 0 finish. The stile* tux, test hook 'ill, school machinery net, mid ? oiik lir>( of )iro|Mtsnh struck fro ii< .oth homes almost every day, 11 iM'iiihers freely expressed their opin oils on both Hides* of every rpu-Ktior 1 lint came up. The ^iist n.ajor bill tie whs ovei he provisions in the school machiii fry net allowing local units to kii|> , dement ?or ? nine months school, ifl'T the people have vol id upon the jiiest on in inch unit ul'lecled. Tlx Semite I'iist hud the bill, nnd limited lie school 1 1 Tin to eight months ii. ill parts ol the Slide, lis Inn I been 1 'coimi '.?tided by the liwrniid in lis message |o the (iemial Assem bly, when lie was advocating tin sales tax^ lo be ''our marked for the pub ic schools." AVheu the hill cnine iver to lhi> House, the limit on ^P picuieiits was taken out of itt but ? provision Inserted providing that no mil en n supplement for tho nine months term when the county or city h in default in payment of bond in ' crest or prineipn'. The budget is absolutely balanced uid will stay hnlnneed throughout the bieuniuni,) for the first time in the history of Urn State, for there is written into the appropriations h'll the provision that the ftppropriiv tiom must be -?ut, proportionately, !o Jiici'l tin* amount of revenue con ing int and, inversely, if the fev .*ii lit* is larger than the approprin ions, (lint tlj< .1 tin* appropriations ?tin hi* raised proportionately. That balanced the b.idget. It is generally believed that if the inflation con tinues, revenue will increase, and the public schools will have substan iiillv more iponey upon whieh to ))K*mte than the sixteen miH'on dol 'arx nppmpriutcd, thus rais:ng the salaries of teachers as prices of commodities rise .and revenue in- J eiviiscs. The nets of the Ift'W (U-neral Aa ?M'lv.bly will ii f feet direetly every ?iti/.i'ii of I he Stale? particularly the general -ales ihx whieh will become .*ffi et i ve .fu'v I. This departure in taxation Mauds to overshadow all "Ise done by the law-makers 'n their 'ong slay here, eclipsing even the realization of the eight -months Stute school term. Oilier revolutionary legislation al ready has become effective. Beer br'C.iine lc/fal on May 1. Banks are now operating under radical statutes unacted under the stress of th.?> gen eral bank ho'idny Jo early March. Divorces are being filed under the two-year separation statute whieh was Kubii*ftte?l for the five-year statute that has been on the books for many years ) Tnipoitwt- sequels to the session's ?lecoinplishnients soon will take the limelight. Next November there is to be an election on repealing the Eighteenth Anvndirent. The follow I ing November the people will vote on 1 a brand new Constitution. Taxes i*> busiinss and on inches i were increased while taxes on real and personal property were reduced through the State taking over I lit entire supjwirt ol' ;i uniform eight months school I friu. Th?' school situation will bring Humorous s?*?|iic>ls in elections ovei t ho State oil snppleii entiug Stall support for tin1 eight mouths term and an whether localities shall tax themselves for the nine month.- terms. The slate lifts been wiped cleat; except l'or I lie $#,000,000 State fund. I Units wishing to spend more than their allotment from that must voti tfhe taxes on themselves anew. The Legislature, even with its .+'10, IMH(,000 a year for schools, appropri ated only $S.'i,159,218 for the bien ilium in hotli the general and high way funds. Th's will he about $17, 000,000 less than will Im>, spent dur* ing the current hienuiiim. Appropri | utions are iuid'.-r budgetary eoiit.ro' | and may he slashed. Following; the emergency hanking j legislation passed to meet I lie enrer | gr.ncv- ? some of which was passed ; without a murmur? the Legislature ' became increasingly disinclined to , ?onfer more powers upon any State official, l'nticularly was there a j feeling that the State Hanking Com ' n issioner, Gumey I\ Hood, who w;is j a member of the lO.'W ||<.use a.nd j named to office bv Gov. O. Max Gardner, had too much power. The fifteen cent ad valorem j tax left for schools two years ago was removed by coinn on j consent, and for the eight months schools schedules in the revenue bill were boosted to the highest point in history. The sales tax is not the only way iu which the revenue bill >\"ll hit lllc taxpayers' jMsckclhook orporatiou levies Were boosted, iii ?< lues run up lo the <i p.*r ?-< in ?-?>n <iiluloti.il I i >ii i t at ion mi i.i^lie ?rackets, and ihe fit tie leIlo.iv wil find himself paying- per cenl 01 lis mite i::sl<ad oT '2 this ycir. In addil ion In reducing Ihe |:ii:e ol reparation required for divorce Iron five years to two, the Assembly ri ;>:':ileci the 10 yea r oiil ad recjuirin. live days notice ol' intention h n any, and aim tided the ?irt rct|uir .lit; physical cxamiiint ion to rcli?v? 'h?' bri<le at' that necessity ami p;*r mils bridegrooms to .give affidavit >f health. The an ended la w ie<|itire> couples marry'iijj outside of the State to register the marriage in theii home county upon their return. 'I lie local t;i\ pioldeiu took up a .Tieat deal ol I i in:* in the' Assembly. Ilid from the lin'e I hat s. I?. ISO ;iuo 1. 15. 1 "?(? were eiiiieh d there Was a teadv stream of hills lo exciude o> Inelude this and that ei.unty fron 1 his ;md that piov.sioii, and finally. ?ii tli?" ! l -;t day, the new current t?l> 'juv was drastically changed. The Legislature likewise debated hint? the textbook situation ami al 'lie hi-t moment decided to let the "'tate llo-ird o'" Kdiieatiou remain a he contracting ag? ncy but require ^tate-wid.' adoption of supplement ary as w -ll as basal book.-. Froir sales taxes to liquor, the 1 !>.'{."? Assembly was a battle ground for 1.12 days.' No Icgislaure ever approached it j for the variety of matters consider- ? ed ? none probably ever matched it for the importance of the laws it 1 enacted. ?lint I >i>liiiinn, of C'ullowhce is in a Hrcvard hospital suffering from knile nrnlml* alleged j,, |(.IV<1 |M.(,U i n I lit-| I iy | ir, Ilciixin, .'III ,,f < lliloiv In c. W'liii is How j,| 1 1|4. ??"Ml jail. Til,. ;| |f nil- Il;?)?] Nllidav .-ilioiit S o'clock in t In* cvcn * u'li.w In-I*. ii i>iir ill,. bridge. I?i-lifi Oil is said to he i? ;1 serious ???imliiioij/ |,ui Brevard hospital auth uiiii.> ih;i | 1?. |,;14| V|,,.V ^tKK| cli.i.ic, I o recover. I) slun.iii was cut sevi'iili times in ih,. fa,.,. ;U?| Ill- ?;i- al-o said to have been stab '????! in the ba-ck. Helicon, who has liceii cmplov "e.l :is lorciiMiii ol the rock crusher at ? nilowhec. which furnishes stone lor Highway No. 1(lt! gave his ver sion ,,1' i he affray, Tnes.lay after noon jo a reporter of The .1 omnia), llcn-oiis siory is as follows. "Sunday afternoon liiv wife and I were coming trim: Svlva to Cnllo \\ bee win ii my truck broke down just below Cnilowhcc. I tried to fix it but was unable to do so. Finally a ? ill- came by ami I flawed jt. My wile and I got i?, and rode to ( 'ni lowhec to -,e,. if we could, gel some one 1. 1 come down and haul the truck in. \\ hen we uo| t,> (>ullowlice I saw *' ,n"'k parked just at the bridge, so 1 went over to see if I could hive him to tret my truck. My wife went to soire fellows ? a lfeusnn bov who runs :? garage at Cullowhce, T believe ? to see if he would go after lie truck. I went over to the truck rind asked a? man in the driver's seat ?I didn t know any of the men in 'lie truck il lie would haul iiiv Muck in. I 'old him that 1 would i>iiy him. I'ut he was drinking and 'leg-in to curse rue and said that lie wouldn't go after my truck. T tol.l Iimi: that it was all right then hat I would see il I could get souie >"e else. So 1 turned to leave the s,"d *'"? ' did so one of the men ( Dishnioii ) bit me in the face.. |fe he,, bit it-., a-ain. K? 1 grabbed him ?> keep him from hitting me again. '? didn't want to have any trouble. \t about ibis lime my wife came *>ut the gale at the llcuson home md saw n ? grappling with this man. -die been tie .excited and rail over ???' grabbed me, j, tilling me awav i?mi the man. The man ( Dishnioii) lieu hit ii. v wife, knocking her lowii. Tile Other two men in the ruck were .ail by this time and I aw that one ol them had a piece of ron. So I reached in my pocket got. uv kiiilet and began cutting this man who iiad jusf knocked my wife ?lown. I -lit bin: several times I lout kno.v how many. Hut these ?ther men did not try to do anv il ing.. I hey picked the man up, whom '??id ? ?'!. mid put him in the truck lid rode ?.!" . I don't know where hey wcii. M\ ?iviie and I went ou home. I vas planning to give up to the of icers the i e\ I alt'-nioon (Mondavi ? Iter I ?r?ii off f|-,in work at the ?ock crn-ln r. So after finishing vork Meidav afternoon about ''deck. Mr. I'li-llips and .Mr. Mason ?nine alter n e to lake me to jail ?t'ole I I, .id time to give mv-elf up." Men-. ni .-aid that lie was going to lit. .<! ju.-l as soon as his bonds '?an ciiiue to -ce him, and that lie ?vas e\p,"-tinv liiir any time, lint as his was wrilte.n Mcnson had not nade bund. "? ripiipped w.'lli safety glass and Iter ;te\f year all cars mtisl be so ?pupped. surprisingly high propor i"i o?" itijuiiis aii.l d.alhs in motor icid. tils Co.,.. f,-,,,,, broken glass, lite time \\i|| come when no car mav >?? operated unless it ha* iion-shat 'i rab'e glass, all through. TAXLS . . many unfair i he Stale o| New York has abol ished all p -r>? mil pro|M.rtv 'taxes, nun is a sj,.p in the right direction. Ilhoilc Island was the first to do ?way with i bis unfair tax. I call i'- unfair because it presses* nil tile poor more than on the rich. 'I lie tax assessor can count the fann er's cattle ami hogs, his horses and his machinery, but what the rich ii:an has in his safety deposit box hi sjneks and bonds is out of sight iimi he can? and d??es? lie about it. INFLATION . . . how it will help An in?|uiiing friend writes to ask Hie how it will benefit the country (Continued on last page)

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