ochoon i ? i otrntg Im 41WI H,')" Year in Advance in The Count v. EYLVA, NORTH CAROLINA, AL/SYLYA, X. C., MAY 25, 1*933 $2.00 Yearj|4 g % s ce Outside The County. SUPREME REVERSES DECISION 0 RflV BAILEY CASE (ti u Court of tile Fated . Ii.-i- n'Vi r>nl both the super ,i|uiiim* mints of North ril;i?-if i flu' l?:i y HiiiK-y case, nn, | il li.ii.'i'.v nt, II II, .(I to n,.|,wili- X'Hith Carolina Jiir | rid i. ??' a. i li.'i i nv'of having mur ,1,1-nl i? ? ffiiw-. ii. !??"? ? is jjiul a (ifljid of nil I . Ml 'iivcnville, on Sunday, 1. 1"! Rill'1 jo I lie. hospita' ni'.i n'liiiimcii Inn* as ?. l;i ? . 1 , ??? ? ,? . plii'iil. h??\ ??fin? - llfl W(*^u- life iifiil ,i|.|lli i"i I ?'??? k*. | papers Wore "ranted by I-, 'JnnhuT.- at tlic ri<|iu'st of .jj, (ioM-riioi i>l .yfrirhlh. Carolina. j/H;i..\, ui'li l >?!?' If. Hoey his - J. brought habeas . oor- 1 ... |ij(ii-i'i liisijjN and "the" ease was I ,,i in Sy I v .i In lore tile late Judge lV;l|'i,r Ah'*'i'''i who granted the v.i!i. il't'1' the evidence, 1 Ra-loy. The State of South CiiV'!i".? took an appeal to il: ? mmhvi!!'' ''"Hi t of XWUi Carolina ?it| that fiiiH upheld th<? deeisioi; ,< lii.Lv Mwiuv. Again r South' Cm ;i |it>r:i !??'! to tire stipivnu' oourl of 'he I'liilftl States, and the dori . In.'i bti' il il'rtvit this week revorse< il?- V.irrh Carol ina courts. So Bailey v ill ^ii Imrk to Spilth Carolina foi ni.il, ;t' nuil win > In* is Apprehended hy I In* u|firi l'-. I COURT I ) WEARS AGO lj Tiirkawi^e Democrat. Miy 24, 189; I *'? H //f./.'iii.nt itinnu'il Mod 'i.i v. .it wji/orj;i t/ /,, ]|ut l'mni A).. U 1?. W i U ? ?, ? I S:.]n?hir?; Vul : ) n- :? v yp|?r?'i,-i;it? 'I ?'?i I >;:im<l.ty. ah hi- ?av in .Wiiiilie <?.* Iiii-ilu Si|i!ip' .1. t . \\ .iiLii-, til l)ill> v.;i- in ttiu'ii S.iliirihiy nioi'iiili: ;iiwl i|iii|p|?. ,| iu ..in nll'irc I'iic :i iijii I'tai ^ . * Mis. \|. II \Iiirn\ a?-l it j Fritlii; f;? :u y j.i !???(? In i? thi r, Mr. Join M l.Klii, i)' \\ i li ,l ???-. who eollt IIIH' II, l|lllli ;i !. !i|c . uf licit It II. U'-. \i Kin iiiinair, who liiis ?!*?? I i.ii'. ini ..(tin whs join I'll Moil ?k> I>y It: rt'iiV ,-iiul little ilantflite "In S :? nri !y i- now tloitiieih'cl ? |-; niMt.-n' nts of our town. ft'" iVrn Ml(eh pll il~U?l to See Mis i'jili.K- \|:iii'ia on tin* street I* ri<la\ '"r '!;? in>( lime siiuM her |?:i nl'n ? Hi ,,r sonic two ironths h?o, i: ''?Uui liiiiol w:i>? :-e\*eiv'y iii.jitn>?' ^ tail i iMin her lioisi-. ? > / { ?'Ir. I' !>. Davis <-a INm;. Saturday '* i li:iii?-r of Mr. \V. J. Fisllf 1" : '?"'"??im in his (.'nlit'ornia aihlnss "iui'l, ?! ;it .' Iu* recently removed "?? -\. 1 1. | ilOlllll^, who llHS il! 4i.v* ink. i ii deep interest. in I it ^""ji Kii-al ly enjoy ? d his vi-.it ti (ulltth hci- |j!>( week. On li s way t< 1,111 ph.v to a^ist |{ev Mr. I iairin^toi. lie spent a ?lay and '"-lit liii-. n?{ l.ivi.nil ii* with >i '"'??I i> i'iiiiii ion, ii I" lilt1 Aslu 1 "l:ili!i.!!V.cll|lh, who Wits il ile "u "I -|? i'i;iitir t liroiv^hoiit the " ?!!:? in e\erei>es of the ( n 1 !;|.|. lit ' Niliool, relurmd hoire :i iii j.'i ve >is a pleasant \isit '?'Hi' v..,, t ruin, as did ' lin. \|, Sen>ahjni<;ll, ?:l Color "'"I Mr l.olijr, of Ilnywood '"l||.|y ?Ir- W. \| ||1M hns sold ?'?*| :tt till* Forks of (''' Ifivi-r in Mi- Hoscii Moses, ol " '"'II .?iH.l.iy, W II l*av?> lU'Vl f"i" .1 vi^ii fo Texas i'or llie |>u' "t ?? It rliny; a locution sin?l nuik jh' removal ot ' iniii i. tlicr r.'iniilit'K. Il?' :i' parly will comprise some f'M,V"i- tirty ituiividuate, several his own having fo /rrn',,0<l ,f> sock new hontves in the Star State. PARK COMPLETION IS NOW ASSURED The < mat Smoky Mountains Xa tioiiul Park is .soi.n to heeomt' ? leality, 1 it ?? soo.m- than whs antici pated by tlioso hnidy souls wlm t-pon sored it, ii tew years ago, mid nuur wherl the project on its way. The money wifl be fort h<*nmjlig both for the puichlise of flit' rest of the hnitu l/iiy ?>j t|ii> park a. id for 'the devef o|>*niout of the area for national park purposes. Authority for tile, expenditure of the money for phrchase of the addi tional lands needed to complete the park is. included in the National Re covery Hill, recently enacted by Con gress, and is a part of the vast Tennessee \ alley power development that has been so close to? the- heart of President Roosevelt, ever since his . visit to Muscle Shoals. The President is Authorized to bnv lauds. The pro i tection of the mountain watershed of the Tennessee Valley is eonsid cred essential to the successful de velopment^ of the power rcsourees. Plans for the development of tin park have already been trade by the ( park authorities, ami it is understood j that they will he hurried to eomple- I 'ion as a part of tin- re-employment plans of the administration. Congressman Weaver, it is said, de serves much ot the credit for having,; gotten the f?re;it Smoky Al<>iintiiiii:i | Vaf.iona I Park area included in th" ?mergency legislation for nat-ona} j rehabilitation. : V ' /? 1 V QUALLA i The text ffoin which Key. U. (?. : Mcl'lamrock preached at the Meth odist church Sunday afternoon was , 'And ye shall be witnesses nntti me,' 10th in Jerusalem, ami in .ludea, and n Samaria, and uuto the uttermost ?arts of the earth." ? ; Mr. and Mrs. II. (i. Kergu>on and VI ess rs .1. K. Terrell and Wayne Fcr-r .iisoii attended! the (Quarterly Confer - ?u-e at Whittier Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Q. H. Martin, Ai . leiiuie t atnev and Mr. Alton K?l ? t'nrds visited relatives at Whiteside 'ove Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne <'a\lw?ll iave returned! from a visit wilh rel it ives on Cataloochee. Mr. .1. (). Howell and family, Miv?j !. I.. Sitton and 'family and Mr. a.nd Wrs. hut Iter lloyle called at Mr-,. A Hoyle's, Sunday jifternoon. ( Mr. -I. -<>. Terrell went to Cullo vhci1, Monday, Mrs. A. .1. l rren aii and Mrs.1 Wil 'Yeemaii called on .Miv.^Sti ve I'rad mm. Messrs. ,T( ('. Movie and Frank \iuslaii'1, vjmv irm-ts :it Mr. leriy 'oJiUson 's Sunday, .j. M ss (!ra?*e (Sib-on of Houston, t'cxas, and Mrs. (iarlnnd (Ixncr called n Mrs. .1. K. Terrell, Monday. A Nation Pays Tribute To Its War Dead '?I MEMORIAL'^, P DAY . . . 1933 = JACK MESSER IS CHOSEN TO HEAD SCHOOLS OF HAYWOOD Jack Mo.^r was ?*!<*??! <?? I sii]>cyiu toiiilriil ???!" I lie I lay Wood count v schools ;i| ;? ineetni; of 1 lie count v board of education Wednesday af ternoon. Mr. M esser's elect ion was unanimous en the second hallot. Ml*. Mcsscr W i tl succeed H oilier Ueniy, who ras lieea county school sii|'?.?rintt it l?*iit lOf the past four yea r*. For I hi' |?is1 two years Mr. .Messer !iit?. (jueii director of a, 'Monies in the liijjlr .school here. JUSTICES APPOINTED The following gentlcncn Were recently ap pi ill led as : justices of the pe.iee in .lack son county, hv act of the (I'ciernl Assembly': Qiialla* \ ictcr Rogers, (!. J. Raliy. (':"i y r.-.ck. tf.'Shuhr. Cashier's Valley:; f. (1. Rogers. Cti'lowi \'i >JL). [4. Norton. ('nni'ila: A. K. <!alloway. River: i'. X". Pricit < i ? Ilatiihu : Lewis Aloiitcith. Mountan. .1. I'., liuiiiflfnmer. ' (ilccn '> "Cie? k : <1. L tlreen. u ( UNOIIiC CONVENTION SUNDAY A ineetiiiy of the Jackson <oiintv :in?'iiiLOcoi:vc:!l oii will lie he!'' ii lie co :,r! ! oiise here Sunday, May \?8, In ??ii. i'iur at I I*. M. ami la ?till}! j ?lilt it I. . The program wrll he as follows: fine son? tiy entire convent "011. Prayer. by Rev. P. W. Jan ison, fol lowed hv cla?s and quartet ' si.ui.nnir. AH'.-insrers in the coanty are urpnd to conn* Kill take a part. A No, sing ers are expected from other counties ! Relief Works To Be Started Soon i *- ? Washington, Mjiv 21. ? One of tlu first things which Mr. Koosevclt wants (o do is (<> s(arf lis great program of public works t?? give ir.en employment ami stimulate business. To do this will take, il is estimated, ahoiil three hundred million dollars. To pel fhril much money (In* (invent (iiU'iil will have to borrow it from i he iii vesting public. 1 1 in a lot ol Money, hut there is no doubt about 'lie (tovcru incut's ability to borrow it. provided the lenders have soir.t assurance as lo where tile money i? coming from lo pay (ho interest on it. V x ,, i* It "tvill Jake about" 220 million <1ol lars'a year to pay interest and ser vice charges on a $.'{,300,000,000 hand issue. A sales (ax calctilah d to rnis? that much is now for the first timt since inauguration being discussed seriously, ('tnnrress onal. opposition however, may result j in the new ta> taking son e other form, such as i : "breakfast -(able'' tax oil coffee, ten ' sugar, spices and chocolate. Whatevel the tax levi?*d- upon, it will In spoken of as a ''reemployment tax.' Bernard XI. Baj'iich, who was chnn man of the War Industries Board H President Wilson's administration, i said to lie (h?* man picked (o belli1 the new industrial control hoard. Th< i law has II. >1 ye? bceii passed to set U| ' (lie fJoveriiiiieiit's control of busin<*> and industry. The draft of the Ml had i|ot been presented to Congress as this is writ("ii. Yet so siroothlt 1 dot s (he, machinery here operate tha' Eyery Way We Turn By Albert T.JIM * * f ~'trrx, ? ? "Pj?- ?-% * " .r? . * " V; ?**--; ji?i> " - Come *v ' ' v*' acPx>ss ; OF. Ei-SE Reorganisation Of Jackson County Bank Is Completed TODAY and TOMORROW (By Frank Parker Stockhridgc) GOVERNOR . . . Federal Reserve la picking Kugeiie Black of At lanta for (lovernor of I ho Federal Reserve Board l'n'sitlwil Roosevelt has followed the example of his last Democratic predecessor in selecting :i man from tin- South (o head up I he nation'* financial system. I an one of t ho*o who IhIu'Vc I rat tin W. I'. <!. I larding of Alabama was the best man wlio icvcr held l !u> po>t {o which Mr. Black ha1 been appointed. Mr. R'a-k was picked, 1 am told, ma' nlv bwanse he is entirely fret from Willi Street influences. H<' hits' a bigger .? ?ul more important tasl than any of his predecessors had since it is 011 In; curds, 1 bclii'Vi1, I hut tlu' out i rr hanking system of tlw na tion will In* taken into tin- FiiW Reserve System, and the head of that system will cxi'iviw financial control even greater than that of the Oov ornor of the Dank of Kngland. 1'iilike many hankers, Mr. Black has a sell1*" of humor. But his rep utation for sound, homely common ?"nw' is of the highest. ROCKEFELLERS . . . they move Times change* aiul landmarks pass. The Rockef< llcrs, father and son, nn moving from thi> historic address M2(i| Broadway" to the new Koekcfellci Center, five miles" up town. Forjnon than fifty years "2(>" has been tin headquarter^ of the Staudaid Oil in teresls. Nobody knows how many mil lions have been made there, hut prob ahly enough to pay off our nationa deht, if the n.oii who made it ha< kept it. The Rockefellers don't keep thei money. Tliev s|>e!id it largely ill vast enterprises f??r the pnhlie welfare ?iTucation, health and the restoratioi ?f historic antiquities. John 1). Rockefeller, dr., is in tie imclight ,uist now heeause he object ?d to Coiimunist propaganda hein put into a mural painting bv Diegi j le Rivera, the Mexican artist win *iadi been ? ngaged to do some wort n the Rockefeller center. Som "Liberals" are making a great fust saving that Mr. Rockefeller is m judge of art. That may !m? true, but wouldn't he l.s.k foolish promotm, Conuiiuiism? 30LD . . . since 1493 According to the United States Bn '?can of Mines all the gold that has 'icon mined in the world since an\ kind of records have been kept; tha :* from 1 403, the year after Colum bus discovered America, down to dat< amounts to a Utile over a I housasii Million ounces. At $20 an ounce that S worth twenty billion dollars, am' ?ncfre thail half of it is >till in tin form of ironev or gold bars held in banks as security for money. l:i the United States since 1792 we have mined about 2*2fi million -unices, worth above $4,tHHMHH),00<> , ind that, eurionsly enough, is just ?ibout tre amount of monetary gold till in tips conntry. In I lie -amp 450 years of gold pro luction thn amount of silver mined n the world was a fraction iron than fiftein thousand million ounces: and the ratio of silver lo gold in 'he world's monetary system befoie ?ilver was dropp.'d by one country ?ifter another, was just abo it fifteen to one. Silver is couiiin; back as money, but it is more likely to nrr've ai a ratio of about twenty or twenty-five l?> one than the traditional "sixteen t? ,.ne" of th" old Populist day?. EMBROIDERY CLUB MET YESTERDAY The Kmbroidery Club met vesti r day afternoon, with Mrs. Robert Fisher, dr., hostess, at her home, Mt. View Farm. / it is only neccs-arv for the President to say that he is going to submit a bill, when it is taken for granted that the hili will become a law in short order, and the picking out of the personnel to administer it be gins at once. Xothing of the soil has been seen here since war times. Whether Mr. Raruch actually heads the control board, he certainly pulls a strong oar in Administration af fairs. Mr. Peek, who heads the farm control board, ii hi* pptqpi Tin- Jackson Couiity Bank, tli? in w Iwiik, opened its doors for In * iniss May 10, neting uti?lor uutlmr ity ul a charter dated May ti. The stockholders of thf bank raised ? total ul" $SI,(?7."i in ?ow capital funds, " I" ?i?'<'t til,, full require .iicnts of I, (i||| federal ami State law*, which re<| n j mien t . ,nnke ||H. hnnk 100 per eent li?|iii?|. In reality, $141,0/5 was raised and put into the new lunik, as the old stockholding surrendered *iiu,000 in capital and surplus and then raised $8I,<>7.) ad ditional. ?H'H shales ?f eoninioii stock Were subscribed at a cost of .f it', 200, while depositors subscribed $.15,174 in pre l'en cd stii-k. The preferred stock IS iioii-iis.essalile, i? ealluhle at any time by III., hank, and no dividends' ??an ite pajil on the common stock 11m preferred stock has liecn ret ired. I. Harris is behind the ?m*w bank with full strength, as hn was the oi l one. He bought hack into Hi" new bank the full amount of stock on ued by him in the old in stitution, ami will continue to exert active interest i? the affairs of the bank. T,u' '""'rimrators, as set forth in the charter, issued: from the office of "'<? secretary of State, with the number of shares subscribed tuid paid for by each are. C. .1. Harris -'00; K. L. McKe.e, 15*; S. W. Enloe, 10; Kohert W. Harris, 5; Thomas A. ( ox? I- I'. Ntillwell, 5; \\ \| *'?? T. ci?y,??; r,;' ? J. Hastings, 7; (J rover Wilkes, H-, ; i>. I). ii.H.jier, r>; w. II. Snyder, 5; C. Candler, 5; J. <*. Allison, 5; C. L Allison, 5; H F /iii'ielt, 2; \VijMOII> 5 The officers of the bank are: S. W. Knloe, President; K. |,. MeKw, executive vice president; K. W.' llartlH, vice preside I ; John . > Tfimt. vice-president ; |{. L. A rial cashier. The directors are: K. |?' StillweP, chairman; C. .1. Harris', riiomas A. Cox, s. W. Knloe, H. W. ?larriH, John ,|. Hustings, E. L. Mr Ko,,: NV; "? Snyder, f J rover Wilkes, I. X. Wilson and J. C. Allison. Approximately *'>2,000 was cut off of the asests of the old bank in sel ling up the new, when the appraisal Was made. The listed value of tin! banking house was cut from $10,887 o $12,000, furniture and fixtures from $705 2.20 to $3,000. Deposits in other banks were set up in the old fnsl tut ion af $18,207.80, and them, were entirely charged off with the exception of $5087.00, which is the amount that the bank had on deposit rn Hn- Wachovia Bank and Trust Company. The amount of the value of tie loans of the bank was cut bv the appraisers from $250,172.03 to $IO.?,00!t.fM : while the value of North Carolina bonds owned by the bank was reduced in the appraisal from $-10,000 lo $35,050, which was the marekt price of the bonds, ft can readily be seen that a large amount of the $02,000, which was entirely ignored so far as fijmrin*/ it as aii asset of the new bank, will be sal vaged and turned back into tr? new ba.nk, a* valuable assets, as loans ?!>?" naid, other banks liquidated', ami tl< upturn in business, coupled with tie* balancimr of tin* State budget, sr-t ' tl?" bonds of North Carolina ?o hijrli er levels. OCTU PtfcKlUS WEW 6I6.L ffelEUD TALKS SO FAST AMD SO L0M6 THAT SWE'S UEVE* * ?EAGL? AU E <MO.

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