national leaders VOICE OPINIONS ON 0 DEAL' POLICY A.(,l,.n M:,> ;n-- Tlu' t,>n'1 i'.' I if not Unit I"""1 ' | u i.veiyhotlv bus ln-t-n -V"! hIi;i' 1 1'** "N,'w l)4i,i" is , iik.-. W..II, ll??' i?'?'liiuin *<*;;; iii.,,. ?i. i Kf i?i?'k has im-oh hl,| i,inl . I'linU laiVe been :IU ... v*- ;i pit uy ?oo '' | ; 1 1 ions jiri* iMiiU'iTiml ' i, ? ii Ann rit'iiii history. Ii j <1 jjl'ft Ml ' t 1-1 '? tvV. li. ? ?"?" f!il" i J |lin,' ,|lt ,if.> i'l iihlivi?lui,ili*m l:a 'k,(|: 'Ii.*' null r tin- ohl Aiiu ii.aii I'.trlll l < "'N'*1' ; i tit,, iiiilc out of HIV, tlin' f (i,,. iii... miiu'nl 's business. a> I. k. - (if till' Interior Tie ( f I.'.I i:, to set rji ? win! ii..! M"' -",,n',Vs from whit*); w)i ?t., -j.,. living to tnftke it eef !! t|;i>i all .!?? ?? I ? living. \ Nation ?f Eque'b I-';,. i tr:ii," nn'oiiling ti "ail Moley, Assist v.,.r;,.iv> i i :i t . ami I la* l*re* , ,! i . ..ntVaiit, eonreive i.t'1 >!. l-a- ? ? ?.iik.-r ''m I ' .v.,,.,,,','.* . .1 ? '*? ! i t ???*. ' 'OVi'lll vvA ? ?' H f.. , *1. .. "f t la* mi Ml., i "V V. . .-i"ii of e?|inil './? >/.!.?. I'l' - I'- XaaTit'ii's rar ill l' r.'ii.i.iliilr ?:.A ? '...jil'- 1." : ? 1 Us lllivill' I'. Ii I' I ;.i 1 . ,! I, Ill* Mills ?? n i .ii. .? r..i . . i>; . ri- lil ol oil Ml. 'IK In 1. ' '!.< > Aj.l lisl'. 1. 1 III' .'tin 1. \Jr. ?/. ? k i I l In ? Irilil1'!' ot tl' i'lf'1 "laiit'i intst" nl' tli.' Vl ii!ibr.r:ilion. Il<- sj?:ii ' . ii<;iin l-l V III. ,'?liM>!l V. till v?ir fl'l'silli a' '.'iliil 111- t \ lie rr.4T Iii1' I .1- \ nil-ill iii Ijiivi I' .'t, ^ Ii i * I 'i r-ii|i'iit s o\v |.|r;iv Aii ,!ii i ii.i mJh r I'l ill 1 "lirni fllhl. ' I'tVt' I I II;; W. II, As islllli e. .?nian >?! .\-;i ii':i ? t t'l'i*. -;iiil tl' nil i| i|;i\ llillt I'll* |||I|I|M IM'll In I ;ill lii'tl -n miirll lilt I'll'l'ti'l :V- ;i ri;n|iil mi. AimI tli<> fii>l P"' I' m- iii lli- iii ?? liivs which thi? I*i'*'" i.| 'if Ii:ih |.'ii ihi'oiish, Mr. Ta'i'wi' !>?'!? i , i- in lualio tlio rjoviM'ninont i'ii.i'i' i'l ul>! ? iu-t i n!M"iit for tiiiii^ 1st I-4 III - Whiles III' the people i?tt ?'H*! |ll|l, Otli.'j Cabintt Interpretations > >?? ? fi-l ;? i V WillliUM' of (h<* Mint ni Viticulture tnlks of lli "N'm- Di.iI" as "social just ice," nii< lU'ni i in hri.n^ about cooperutio' Vtat-ch ilit> (jovei niri'iil nnil th !???[?!.? in tuike tin- ui'W social I onh "'"k in 'i prrci-c inn! well-balanco ?>;u Si, lu-faiy Koper of Connnerc '/ l - inilar language iccently wlici '?? of ( iiiwi lunciil col'iiborn> toii; niili business in essential plan '?ii'-, .>i,it in inil ionnl control j ot I'ri'.air (liil. tiVHi', to tlic Hid of great 11 iuMii- : 1 1 1 1 1 broader 'happiness foi ;>'l. Secret n ry Dickinson of '"iiiiiiciv. ?, vvlii. Iuk hnd ii jf i*on t dea1 t? lift unit tin- in lrond hill, nmpli 'W tlii-i. Denying Mint the purpos the " N . ? In-iil' 1 j to iniikc lnlioi Hi" i"?i i iiici* winds of flic N'ntioii "'IV' ? It, v -htiuUI In* (given tin i"'1 |'i..ii-.ii?:i grouted to those nt And Henry Mornrntlimi, 'r? li"iii -i im nt of old ideas of f'Oiiii ''"?rii;, j i . nml fiVodmi: of "?litraii. '?M'l.i,.-; (|j;,t the Pre, liilent's pro. in..; in.'ii ics, us thus disclosed, ,v'< i\ :,i^ nvcrwlulming support iiiiss tif people of the ],..|ds tunny oh' Servers yj' 1..' h.licf Hint, if the pin lis 1 ti. w?irk out in practice as fl' v theory,, the "Xew ^ ill tic recognized generally, r.-V y'",iS Irom now, lis n genuine American style. RETURNS FROM CONVENTION Iliad F. Piit/, 'pastor of ' 1 jobs and so he it 1 1 1 1 > to In* consumers, whi n t lie producers can gi t enough Tor their products in make it worth while to j produce. i J I'll) linn; down the aiuounl of tiny thing produced is the poptiUir way nowadays lo "Vai, c prices. The coun tries where I lie ciieao tree {'rows, from which we gel cocoa and choc- I olate, are hying In get together oil; a pin 1 1 lo r? 'ducc tlic out ] Hit so (is to gel Ji Hi t 1 1 r price. I wonder whnt will happen, ? how I i-vi r, when there is a world-wide,; ? i 1 ? ? | ??rep I ail nr.' nod p iople in the cities ? ??in 'l get" I oodi ' enough. It seeivs to me Ilia! the einvrnrnciils which are I ! r> i?'_r t curtail production ought j III s.-e til it thai II vein's supply of. I In' li on - 1 u r i-li:i I ?le l oud products is j turcd awav nut ??!' llie line of trade,! I'or just such mi emergency; They luiuht look lmik into I li|? Bible and see wlnit .lost ph ',l Kirvpt . TERMITES . . . hnuBO caters I /ill |,i insect.. that can cln w your, house up niv spread in?* all over tliej 1'nit.d Stales. Many people call ?hem "wlii'e nut-" nut they are not j -mis til ell, hut near relation* ol . ? lie cockroach. Many wooden build ing* have I een completely destroyed: by these creature* lnlirowiag lllto) I hi- wooden beams, S? ii n' .-l > have" discovered thai 1110. I ? n'.iite* italic tunnels in damp wood; :n older lo gi"'W mushrooms for; food! .Te -inilo live tun! r ground, j ?Hid it .'ill oil' ?'mm tin- ground IheVj ih hi die cut. The best protection i"-?iii?4l |li Mil i< to see that no tim bi i's come in contact with lite earth ?mil lliai all t h<" heanis of the house ire thoroughly dry. Soire ?lnv all buildings will he construct i d of st-oc) and concrete ?in '? we ?'( '? |?:i.e lo' worry about 'M>u-*'-eating Inn**. VJEPBENGER . . . 'rets there A Detroit messenger boy ha< just he. n iriveil a 'I year joh a* general manager of all I lie triins pnrtaT'ou lines in (lie cilv of London. lie i> i.ord Ashfi'ld, who start id 'iff renning et rands ''or a lletroP trolley line. Somehow American rained railroad men ' do pretty well ' i I *rtvrhi*i*l. The fir- 1 suhwav in ' riMilon ajis linilt by tin Autciicai mined Vi'fiics, and I lie men who op ?rale the ?rin'f>l I'mrlish railway .ystemc iir - la " vl\ of Arcriean birth Kiirope i- ahead of America in iianv of the older things of civiliza tion, hill America i* so far ahead of Kurojie in everything which is new in the past loll years that it is no ?voiuler our technicians and manng ?is know heller how to run them. 'tEGULATION . controversy - There is going lo he a lot ol con troversy ov? r (Im* proposals of the ?' iovernnieMl to regulate all k'lids of 'utsiiuss end industry. 1 am one of, ' he old fa-liio'ieil Americans who believe Ih.i1 I lie less the (Jovernirenl has to do witli husimss the better. I think that : more of our business troliblc is due lo !oo much fiovern ?iientril regulation in [the past than to too I it fie. But I am afraid I am one of a small minority .in (t now. There are some things, however, which properly should lie regulated*. Those are lines of business which ill th" nature are more elpcieut n* iron opo'i I than in compel it ion.( Thai would include railroads, telegraph and telephone lines, electric light ing and power systems ? everything which depends Upon a^ public 1 ripi rhise. Tli'ti such natural pro; "acts as ai"' ir?'? plaeiable, like o'l, coa' and inineral' , should no! he left to wlioi v;,,i" wants to grab them oil, but placil under (Jovrniuent restriction ?r sti'iiulatiou of production, as cir einnsi mice* demand. But that is about as far as T would 'ike lo go i? r.overtin ental control of anything. , MRS. POWELL DIES ? ? ( Funeral services o'Y Mrs. F.d Pow ell, of Tupknsrisots who died at the Harris Community hospital, on May ! 2.), were fwnbieted at tlx* TXTot lio?list chim!. nt Tiiekasoi.afee. | Mrs. Powell is survived by her hus band, ttbrof small ehildren, her par ents, Mr. r.nd Mrs. C. D. Lewis, two sisters and thrpe brothers REV. T. R. WOLFE TO HOLD SERVICES ALL OF NEXT WEEK Tin.- pasi or-rd' the Methodist church : will hold .1 week of evangelistic moot - iii.#', IjojLfin ni.titr next Suuclny. Mr. Dale Sti*nz, his wife and two children will have ehargp of tho mu sic. Mr. Steuz hihI bis wife have been heard often in SyJva. The two children Imve wonderful musical talent, and will sing; together several evenuigs next week, Mr, Kt?'n'< will conduet the opening song service every night next week, ! and liis wil'e will a?|ist hiin in duets I at each service, v The pastor will have "Rev. I?. R. Haves assist in preaching. The hour announced for the meet ings is eight, o'clock. These ireetiniM will heg'n next Sunday morning, af ter which meetings will he"held at night only. Mr. St en/. and family ! will he here Sunday night for their first service. j Memhei', (tf other ehurchc* are' cordially invited to come. ? LAST RITES HELD ' FOR MRS WARREN! Mis. K Warren died Monday ! :il lior home on Collcee Hill, nfti'i'-j j? prolonged illness. Mrs. Wirreii, who was Miss Chili an! Nichols, twenty-six years ol.l, wns horn ill Swain county. She attended Sylvn Collegiate Institute nnil in 10-S wns married to Raleigh Win rcn, who with a son, R. L. Jr., j three yea?s ohl, survives, ns does her j I hi rents, Mr. and Mrs. A hi- \Tiehol?. ?f Weslpliiins, Missouri: four broth ers, Dewey Niehols, of Brysou City, Will?rd, Cindger and Wade Niehols of West phi'its Missouri, and one sis ter Mrs. W. II. Cloiise, of Bryson City. ' ?' She was. a inenihev of the Baptist church her \ from which church she was liiuietl, on T uesilnv afternoon. IN v. J. Cray Murray, the pasfor of the ehureh conducted the fuiu rat ser vice. I 'all hearers were Krvin Uob II. V.. Monteith. .1. T. Cribble, j Jr. John Put'ris, Jr., S. L. Cunphell,! ami Van Blire l Ihvk. Misses Sue j Alli-on, I !;? ami Kdna Allen. F.dith Buchanan, I.illian Sutton. Sallie May, Mont: th, T>e>sie Parker ami Robbie | Ithinehait wire flower hearers. j |ii?:'iiih if was ill the Keener cem etery. GRAND JURY MAKES REPORT The fisl lowing is the report of the crraml jury to Judge Clement, last w.eek in superior court: We find that sanitary conditions at the county jail in the cell com partments in the men's quarters are j in u condition that ? hould he, and are condemned by this grand jur>. We filld the lower cell floor in con- ] dition tint would in onr .judgment i he very conducive to ill health of nnv inmate or prisoner that should he confined there. We also find that various minor repairs should he made to the plumbing and that the pris oners* iiea'th should he protected while inc m-rated. We find, liowevc that extensive repair^ are contcir ?>la1ed in the immediate future that will remedy the above mentioned conditions. Our finance commissioner informs us that certain plans and blue prints are in his possession and that the contract for needed repairs and improvements will he let within a short time. We find the county court house in need of minor repairs to the roof, and also some of the. pin- U-r should |,e replaced. General conditions ol the court house are very good. I We find the general condition at tfro count v home very ( good, The rooms of inmates are clean ^ minimum of, complaint from ...mates with th? exception of beds as to bed hu'-|?. Some leaks in roof of* east ond of building- General conditions of crops on farm are good. Inmates of cor.otv home report plenty to eat and are generally contented. | We fiu 1 the following guardians have not made the require his toric buildings on tin* estate. Plans were immediately made for rebuild ing, and workmen put in I ho entire winter building the new* High II a nip toil Inn, at a com of $.'10,000. (-'verv effort has been made to make the new buildii.g fit in with the beau ! tiful surroundings, and the traditions of High Hnn pton. j In anticipation of a great tourist | ^thv* lakes, beaches, grounds, j golf course have been put in excel - lw?t condition. Mr. E. L. McKee li.l spent a great deal of his time at High Hampton, during tht? past few nfonths, giving his personal supervision to the build jof the new High Hampton. Mr. and Mrs. \V. K. Lewis have returned from Florida, where they sjM'nt the winter, and will again greet guest* . as the managers of High Hampton. SPRING QUARTER BRINGS BOOST IN ENROLLMENT Tile newcomers for the special six wee'f term of the spring quarter have raised the Western Carolina Teachers College student enrollment to Fifty-lour students register ed for the special six weeks tern:. The regular regi, 1 rat ion day* for the special term was April 25, but reg istration was allowed until as late as May I. A total o( .")(?:{ different students [have registered dining the s's Von at the collept'. The summer school is expected >o put this figure hevond GOO. Most of the students who register ed for the special six weeks term are teachers who are active in the profession. Those who remain at Cul ! low lice through the six weeks summer school will receive credit for a full qua i tor's work. The 'summer school of the college will open June 0. Dean \V. K. Bird will again be director of the '{it inner session. CULLOWHEE ALUMNI WILL HOLD MEETING ON JUNE 5 Cullowhoe. May 22. --The annual meeting on request at the- lunch eon without additional cost. The nom inal dues or the a. fcoeiation are be ing us"d to finance the luncheon, for the purpose of completing the Al un:ni files, keeping in touch with the members and taking care of the cur rent expense of the college. f * . \ - Complete Criminal And Civil Dockets Of May Te*m Superior Court 40 YEARS AGO i Tuckaseige Democrat, May 31, 1893 Mr. (?. .V Cowan returned Friday L'lOlu Wake Forest C ollegc. Alex Bauin, who has hern in Knox villo for . hmiu* t > reached homo Thursday. Mr. .Tn<>. T. Wike nunc down Sat urday, with Charlie, who loft for his post of duty ;it Washington. Mrs. \V. ("5. Pony, of Asheville. came out Thursday, to spend a few days with her mother, Mrs. Joseph Baum. p .Mo "srs. Henry I*. Brendh* and Jo seph Hooper, with their families ami that of Willis Parker, left for the Indian Territory, where they expert to locate. Our bright little correspondent at Dillsboro, I.eher Walkhis, is se riously affiieted with a dise;p e of [the hip joint, and his father will j leave with liiui next week, for At j lanta, where he will enter the Xa jtional surgical institute for treatment Kveryone wishes it may prove e.n , t 1 rely successful, restoring the bright j little follow to perfect health. | Financially, the Zone Fete late Fri j day nii?ht was a mosf gratifying sue cess to its projectors. Alton! dol lars net having been realized. Quiti a spirited contest as to the protti e, t girl, in which Miss Lola Pott of Svlva, was elected, resulted in tin ?rold pen'.; bringing J?47.;">0, whicl was the winning eard of the occa sion. Socially evenbody had a gooi' time, the music being especially en joved. Mrs. P.. A. Stcdmaii/ late of on* town and formerly oT Raleigh, ha been induced to assume charge to have the food-, our Home Dem onstration Agent reeoinmeinls for oui lair i lies, j:ml give us plenty to ean for next winter. Keep the garden fic< Irom weeds and grass and also eul tivate fr.ipieiitlv, as it will help t? '?unserve moi (lure and cause |es troub'e from ''fertilizer burning." Mr. II. U. Xiswonger, Extension [Horticulturist, suggests the following planting for Juue for t his section , l>.*v Jed on a 75-vard row : | 1 row tomatoes, about 100 plants of Margloli.' or Stone, for canning. 1 row field peas, about lb. of seed j I row snip b-ans, 1 lb. fJianl ' Stringless tireenpods. 1 it row carrots, about one half oz 'of ? ."111. ? 1 row New Zealand Spin.nh, 2 <>'/> ' seed. I j I row pole butler brans, about '/> lb. of seed. I V* row eitch of stpiash and cueuir l>ers, I oz. seed, ea?-h. , '2 row nkrn, abonf 1 oz. seed. 1 row Cbllatd ? X. C. -oi, oned bran or corn meal made by mixing I oget her 1 table spoonful of Pari> fireen and 1 quart of bran or meal. * Cucumber and Me'on Worms: Mir by weight 1 part of calcium arsenate to ."> parts of finely ground sulphur and wheat flour and dust over the stems and hlo , oiks as the blossoms anpear and npr-at even* 2 weeks un til melons or cucumbers are nearly ?rown. Cablmgc Worm: Mix 1 pint of cal cium arsenate and 5 pints of hydra t ed lime and dust plant '. Late Blight of Potatoes: Spray The May term of Jackson county superior court closed last week, after .Judge ('lenient had completed and cleared both the criminal and civil docket s. The fungi >t term imposed during the icnn was one of five years on I he royds to Joe Long, Cherokee In dian, after In was convicted l>y a .jury of in assault upon an Indian, w?th attempt to commit rape. Other sentences were: Yernoii Dailcy, carrying concealed \vea|x?ns, s I (Ml juid the costs. Bonne Dailies plead guilty of vio lating the prohibit ion laws and was sentenced to three months on the roads." Lo ter Ashe was given a 4 months road sentence for violating the pro hibit '<>n laws; hut the sentence is not to begin until the October term. Oscar Hurts, violating the prohibi tion laws, (?(> days. Ilailev Nations, prohibition violat ing, "> lis. on a female, .'{ months, to begin at the October term. Clint Oats, breaking and entering the store of Carl Jamison at 01e.t? ville, and larceny and receiving, was sent to th?? I'oads for two years. Jonah Thompson, abandonment, 12 months. (ieo. Littlcjohn, violating the pro hibition law*,^, months. Joe Loiidcrmilk, receiving stolen goods, 1 year. Homer Frady and Alex Young, lar cenv, (5 months. John Farley, disturbing religious services, (i months. Will W-*st, assault, prayer for judgment continued for two y?'Jirs upon payment of $20 and the co^ts, by the October term. Allen .Jones, operating an automo bile while intoxicated, 3 months. John Mat I. is, assault upon a female, 4 months. .l(.e Davis and Delos Davis, violat ing tl " prohibition laws, .r> months each, to begin at the October term. Odell Rai nn V larceny, breaking anil entering, disturbing Teligions ser vices, 2 y 'ars and four manths, with an additional 2 years term to be sus pended upon good behavior. Olenn runningham, assault, HO days. Woodro.v McCall, failure to pay costs in an old case, 30 days. Rani Rrvson, prohibition violation, 3 months. (Jus Alle i, bigamy, 3 years, capias to issue in ten days. QUALLA Rev. L. Rogers filled his regular appointment at 1 li?* Baptist church, Sunday mornimr. Ifev. .T. T,. Hyatt preached in t l:i? cvenin?r. Both ser vices were interesting and will at ti tided. The Siindav schools arc p'owin? in Mitcrcst iind attendance since Hie i'??niiii<; ..! spring. Mr, and Mrs. Lee London, of Wi'-f i Asheville, *pi'iit the week end at Mr. K. Hmvll's. ! Mrs. Kll.i Woody of Ashevillc, has* returned 1m her home after a visit with l'.er sister, Mrs. A. C. Hoyle. M r>. 1). M. Shulcr ai tended tin* deeorat ion si rviee at Deep ("reek Sunday. Mr. Wayne Caldwell was serious ly liurneil last week while working on the St;i(e highway. Mr. Richard Cri<*? was injured, also, though not seriously. M r. Carl Hoyle ;i?id Miss fieri nidi* Ferirusoii v ere dinner quests jit Mr. I. K. Terr-ll'.s Sunday evening. Mr. O-r-.-ir Martin and family of l?ry-on (':'?? and Mis , Hester Owen vi*i'ed at Mr. . I . ('. Johnson's. Miss 'i neva Tnrpin is at hone since the 'losing of the Ashrvilfe Normal rliool. Mr. .To';ii-i?ii Thomas of Barker-* Creek was .1 visitor at Mr. T. L. Sit - ton's, Sunday. Mr. Carl Hoyle attended services at ?Tudsoii Sunday morning. with Bordeaux Mixture, every two weeks until) vines begin to die. TFow to make Bordeaux Mixture. ! Dissolve "? oz. Blue Stone in 2 quarts l ot water, mix 7 ozs. hydrated lime in 5 gallons water, and stir into the lime water the dissolved blue stone. If poison is desired to kill potato bugs, add cupful arsenate lead.