si lonrita! fvS/\R IN ADVANCE IN THE COUNTY ORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, JUNE 29, 19S3 $2.00 YEAR IN ADVANCE OUTSIDE THE COUNTY 0 SEAL' GOES IkM ACTION WITH nrn .... . ?' ii ? L'H.- -J'i\sid< ill ;!l!.\in<ls to lt:? \ ?? ('.Hi': l..r.?.V tlio I ."nil, ,i ? ? i!i ? tint i* to;- (lie pav . I:* r i'lMabncnt 011 the ? , i ?-.:?? ilebt s, and lie knew ?! !:??ii'.jr to be paid in ; ? oiint. lit* didn't want : i.i?; up ami s.'iyinu mi ? jr.vt j)< {: ? World Monet arv am! , < >.;?! siiviir;? w.-i-J i.>i-.'cii:i?> .J. , v..- wire 1 tyiiijf l?; ; - ? : I \ I'll < with IJk' list s . i! Ai? llif ivavou sonic , ,[??! t licit* lust to hold ('on i -iss-un was just ta frive ?i-flvi- aii opportunity to let loose . ?f :s;il it"orfi?rn firewoiks about tlrl'K ;,,f u ! i ? ? i the date came, and the if st.ilinents weren't paid ? Kng |?:ii>l 10 percent, France atnKl h'lliinp, Czechoslovakia a:id ;i ? !_* I a few others also 10 per ? ,r am! Pii'tand alone paid what In,. * ; i full ? there wasn't any I*1"' fi reworks. The Presi ,|. -ii jiimtuI ed what was offered as i, aim-til "ii account, sent a sharp Imkf t" I ranee, which is two in ...;i|miiii> I ? hind, and committed ilu- iciiii'-i I" uothiiiff except what In Iia> -;ii i before, that we .shall al trav> l? i i" I'-1*'" to any nation wliii-h wauls t" tell us why it can't pay. New DeaT Goes Into Action What llsi* 'A'tfa s'ssiou did was vw?- tUuu a'i.v previous peace C'oii W "Vr r lione ill its wholt life, Wwvii. Ami now that Con lii<> ?\ the bun'ien to the '?i/dii. i.;-iia!!.m. die New Deal is bc '.ili: inly Id L't t ml" a?r! !>*ll. I lulrr ill r new i*:il In Kelief art cwtvf n y m' icult lire has flii hiniiini I lli.i' ilu- rulurtbn: of wheat . "";e;e i- I-. , I... ,,,,f itl.-i! ami tlia! ?* I'llM'tlO.tM.lO will he iViril .;?.?! mii' -r n lieai yioweivj H.i- year. "?> <o!ii|i.i.:ile tiuiu I'm | ?liia: m>l. pi'.'ilm. il. This f-'if'lintj! In- TJi !-???' by :i proei iir_- t.;i\ ii' ."!<? ee'il-. ;i liii-licl levied on tilt iiilYr-, ulin will iii.i be pcrn-itted Ii. ji.'V Ii-- T fi:i!i (lie niaiket price I.ii wluat. I In will mM the pro < -iiisr tav in if. pi ice ?-f fl.iur. uliirli i- ejiirular <1 to add about V: i.i.i ii? tin- in' i -ii mer's cost of r ) .mil ! In,*' f uf bread. "i '!?<? fields is to he de - in. nri'l li'v ;is much as 25 per (>?!,! i>t' ill. I't'1'5 crop, and proweir ? ulull ?Slli <1 .I II (if tlio proceeds of 1 ;i [n. ii'il l;i * <1 Oil spinners >? '? | .n':- ii? '.ii k it on to tin' prie ?f 4-i I ; ??at u? 'm]s. Fuleral Heme Loans l!..' I . i 'i r;i | If-mie Loan Bank IVnl li.-u I,,. I.,, S4.{ up under the 1*1 lll!i i,j Villinm K. Stevenson. I: .'i'iviiii.' owning n home has a on it he fan refinance th?! .:r:_.,i.r,i iiikV*!' proper conditional 1 1< ivru m fii t fr.nds, lip to 80 j !"i ??!?!. i df the appraised value, if ''i icf ?'.??loar will accept 4 per cent inm. '.it bonds for liis money. A 1 ? "!> t v.ill lie maintained for the ""'?'I- it' anyone needs to convert ''?in ii'n i isli. Morcraf?e< s will have } >:i v ?uti liin<r on the principal of km- ti r three years, then pay ilu-m (iff j? 15 nnnnal instalments .ii 1 1, i (.j if f||(, distressed inort iie.-ds cash for bnek taxes or ' l"n~ ih, (loverunent will lend ,:, l ro|* In, tli purposes. ? i.fs lire being prepared now '''? - r m'im I i n.ur of the $3,300,000, ''I'Ih itpiiii | cd for puhlie works. Injiiilii'd million dollars of "l't:l ri.jids const met ion is to ' "I ni ce, us well ns tli" build 1 : f I! the nnvfd craft wh\eh we ?l|'' ;i':.i>.vcd mi*1; ?r our treaties, ,,!l1 1 > ??Mother $200,000,000. The ' ?ation . roposcs :to tret the "?til ?!,,;ii01'|rl0.,000 of wl'^.tjioiifi' '""'"?v -??ii circulation as speedily I ililc. Industry to Resume ' inlcr il?. Industrial Ileeovery Act ' "ulii-irird concerns in the Nation mux iirjr-uii'/inflf themselves, with ;lV': 'i" nl aid, into tiade fti-socia 1 r 1 1.. "''option of standard "I |'ii | < 'hr.-.irs of 'labor ' 'ininiHi,, wii'.'e scales, in order " ''I lactones going at o'.ice. Any ,|V I hit woiy't play enn he '"'I i" conic in under tln? ruhv by ! Ik> majority and the \v ' ' r'11' ' " " ,'xr*,f,,ntion :i -hiiiL'to.i is that a mill'pn men a '"?"'Hi will he put hack at work, be ZEBU10N WEAVER' RECEIVES INJURIES IN AUTO ACCIDENT ('onjrrcsvnivi Zc-lm!.:ii Weaver and 'lis koii in-law, Hairy ''li-cs, were in jur. (I n? til* "h'wliirwtr in Onruivillr ?oiiiitv Kaintdny, wis.- n the mitoiro bile whst h tliev wero <-ii route ? row \VasIiiii<ri<'.?i, I). t<* theii u>hio in Asli.'villi; crashed into an iih'i ar! overturned. Wenv. 1 :.?'.<?! :;i;r. (1 a > fracture of rijrh! collar and niimerou; acerati? us ?> -nl brui.;r.". Iliii.x, who vas iiiivi'i^ tlif tar, s;is?aimd a bio ken h?? Tiny were treated by Dr. .Joseph Thompson, of Civedmoor, and latei vcre taken. to the Duke hospital at Durham. Hospital attaches said nei 'her was believed to he seriously hurt. Aikci Thomas, Northside man, driver of the other automobile, suf fered a fractured knee in the acci dent hut was not taken to the local hospital. The acri'lient occurred about a mile from (Yecdmonr on the Durham-Ox ford hi?li\vav. Thomas drove his ear in'o the hijrhway from an int.erse:*t inir dirt road immediately in front of Weaver's car, witnesses said. After strik:tiur Thomas' automo bile, Weaver's automobile turned over Miree time.;. Mr. Weav?r, the popular consrress hhiii from this district, is rapidly re covering from his injuries. For the past several weeks he has ?levot"d his energies to securing suf fiiient funiV for the completion of ! |:-e purchase of the hinds for the Oreat Smoky Mountains National Park, and the improvement of the Park, assutinf* that it will be rapidly completed atid thrown opr>n to the public, drawing many thousands of additional tourists to Western Xorth Carolina each year. From its incep tion Mr. Weaver has been one of the principal exponents of the Park and has worked tirelessly for it, ?* tlie entire .\ortn ' arortfra sine of the pari: is >?! hi ?; district, and his district, therefore, will be the great ( st beneficiary from the park. His friends learned with regret of the injuries be had sustained, and twaitei* anxiously for further advice as to his condition, until it was fully established that the injuries were not of a serious uttnre. LOVE S CHAPEL FOLKS PREPARE TO LIVE AT HOME The I/ive's Chapel folks are organ* iml and ready to live at hon-e, and ".ijov the living l>v co-operative ef fort. Through the efforts of Mrs. H. L. Kvans, county home dem onstrator, and Ellis Vestal, late county a c;ci:!, the Lovcdale Commun ity Club wr.s organized, Home weeks ago. The club has erected a canning house, on the property of John It. Jones, and has purelia?"d a 72 quart ?epacily community canning outfit. On last Thursday some 75 people gathered at the eannerv for an nil day meeting, h ringing lunch and spreading it under the shade trees, nt the noon hour. Mrs. II. L. Evans, and Mrs. I'm in P. Wallace, 'State winning specialist, gave a canning demonstration, showing how to get the best rcMilts from the newly pnr ?haser1: community equipment.. The woircn of the community plan to mnkc large use of the ennnerv during the summer months, and the 'ionics of Love's Chapel scction will be wrll stocked with canned fruits, veg. tiib'es, and berries, when winter ? omes i'rouii'1 again. Mrs. Dave Thomas is president of the Aggressive and progressive club. Mrs. 1 -wis Bsuiganicr is secretary. Other officer;; are, chairman garden ?rnimiltee, Mis. T. M. Davis; ehair :i!'n canning committee, Mi's. John 0 ' R. Jones; chairman fewing committer Mrs. Owen ; chairman social commit tee, Mrs. Oradv Tlenson; chairman voung prop'e's division, J. D. Pav V"r, Jr. ; .chriniian nature study elub, Miss Maude Cooper, pinning now. > FmHI- Joseph R. Eastman, for nerly Cluii ilnn.'i of the Interstate mr eiv ? C?nnnii?sion, and now federal Coo-r:.nn'or of Railroads. ? he task of reorgnni/ing the rnil ??oads into regional systems, aivl in general trvim* to make them more ffbdnnt, hrs been started. One of ?he first things the railroads did (Continued on Page Two) U. S. Is Well Represented At London Conference (By Frank Parker Stoekbridge) - The World Mulctary and Economic Congress, now in session in London, represents sixty-six out of the sev enty organized nations of the globe. Fifty-seven of then* are members of the league of Nations, namely: Abyssinia, South Africa, Albania, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bel gium, Bolivia, Bulgaria, Canada, Ch ile, Colombia, Cuba. Czechoslova kia, Denmark, Dominion RcpubJm Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Guatamcla, Haiti, Honduras, Hungary, India, Iraq, Irish Free State, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Liberia, Lithuania, Luxemburg, Mexico, Neth erlands, Xtw Zealand, Nicaragua, Norway, Panama, Paraguay, Persia. Peru, Poland , Portugal, Rumania, Salvador, Siam, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United King dom, Uruguay, Venezuela and Yugo slavia. The nine nations in the conference not members of the Leaguo are Ecuador, Egypt, Hedjaz, Iceland, 'he United States of America and the Union of Socialist Soviet Re publics ? in our language, Russia. Three Big Objectives The main purposes of this great internatir.iil convention are, ?first to try to find some way by inter national action to raise the prices of eommolitirs :h foreign trade; sec ond, to remove or modify the bar riers whic'i stand in the way of the free flow < f (roods from nation to another; third, to arrive at some "omnron hr?sis of money so that I here will no forger be great dispirit ies between the values of the currencies of different nations. On thos.< general proposals all of ??he important nations except France, and praet:cally all of the minor na tions are in agreement. If France onn be whipped into line it should be easy to work oat the details. France "bad bey" zX London" Franc, a> is always the case in international conferences, is the "bad boy"' of the London meeting. France always goer, into such conferences with a complete program ? all in France's favor ? and protests loudly I hat she won't play unless she has her own way. She usua'lv winds up by accepting I he .majority verdict and then going home and lamenting ?oudly that she has been robbed. France strirtc1. those tactics at the beginning of this conference, insist ing that the moneys of the world be immediately stabilized at their pres ent ratios. That did not suit the Entrl'sh, who would like to keep the 'lollar much higher to the pound than it is now, nor the Americans, wh^ thi.nk tli.^ pound ought to get back fo its old dollar value or higher. But the F ench iVIegation circulat ed the report that, an ogreenvmt had been reached and do'lar prices be gan to tumble. France wants, in short, to k? ep the franc just where :t is, and if th" pound goes much higher the French wi'l have to go off thf> gold standard, like the rest of the world. f On the other Inn1, the Japanese are opposing xtabiP^ation because they want to keep the ven cheap. U. d . Ably Rapre^rfd Every r.atie.n has sent its ablest men to the London conference. There are seven prime minister* among th" delegates. There is no ground, how ever, to fear that the American del egation will he outsmarted. There are few abler men in America than Secretin' of State Cordell Hull, former Governor James M. Cox, VARNER APPOINTED DEPUTY COLLECTOR fs. E. Vainer, of Whit tier, has been notified that h;> Las Iwvii Sji pointed deputy collector of in ternal revalue fir this ilistr'rt. Mr. Varner will Kiivcced .Mi las Parker of Cowarts, who has served in that capacity for many years, during the Republican Ad ministrations. Mr. Varner is well > known throughout this scctnun of the State. He has been active in pol ities in Swain eountv. If-e has serv<nl 011 the board of education of Swain county, and was elected chairman of the board of county commissioners of Swain, some years ago. He is a merchant and business man. PREACHER RACE IN JAIL RevV Sam Quilliatns, charged with ?he tlef t of a tow from Memphis BuehftXan, ami who <*?capod from Hie Jackson county jail, some weeks ago. is again back as a boarder with fjheriff Manev, awaiting trial al the October term of court. The Rev. Mr. Quilliams was arrested in Knox ville and placed in jail at Seveir ville, where lie refused ty return to North Carolina until Sheriff Manev applied to the Governor of Tennessee The paper were passed between the two states, and Quilliams is back j again in the Jackson .inil. GRAD7 BECK IS CHARGED WITH BALSAM ROBBERIES 1 Grady Beck of Balsam, was arrest ed in Wavnesville. last night, and brought to the Sylva jail, charged with complicity in the recent rob beries at Balsam. ' 1 Senator K.'y Pittman, Senator Con zens, Representative McReynolds, James M. Warburg and their econ omic advisers, who includa such men as Professor (). M. \V. Sprague and ( Rone Leon. They know just what I ?America wants and they are not easily footed by even such high pol itics as KurojM- p'avs. Tn the first major political skirmish of the con vention, the fight for the chairman ship of the monetary Commission, the Airorican won hands down and James M. Cox was elected Chairman. America is in th" h'st position of auv of tin nations in the conference, for we not only hove more gold than anybody else but they all, or pint ] tieally all of them, owe us money. U. S. Wields Power , America, too, is in a better pos ition than any of their to take its doll rags and go home if the party doesn't go to our delegates' liking. Under the new powers granted to President Roosevelt, we ran put th' dollar at any price re'ative to the pound, the franc or thr? yen that we 'ike, regardless of what the other fellow does. We can keep our tariff walls up and reduce our currency to a po:.nt where our goods can cljmb over the highest tariff wall any of them can- erect. We can curtail pro duction in agriculture and industry fo meet our own domestic demands and 110 more, if we care to do that. Those are the weapons .the United States delegates to London have in their hands. Nobody wants to have to use them. Everybody would prefer an amicable international conon ic agree ttient, but if we are forced to econ omic nationalism, we can get along better without the other nations than they can ge along without us. Chairman E.B. Jeff ress Says Highway No. 106 Will Be Completed In Near Future YOUTH ROBS HIS GRANDAD OF 6c RoIk'tI Mn-ikv, young man of Na vonsford, is in jail here charged with jighwav robbery, j*rowiiv.> out ot hi jrandfather, Thomas Turner, (?i ?Yhitticr, having horn held up am! olibtd of his pocket book. Mr. Turner entered tin- yard of [ ? s In. mo, in tli:' -tight, \vl: : '?i lie has ??Tabbed fjoin behind, choked, and ['??s (tockethook laki.n. Only six cents "n money was in the purs;' at tin time. Sheriff ManevVi department s?o! busy o;i the job, and voting Mauley, a grandson of Mr. Turner was ar rested mirl placed in jail oil th<* charge. - TODAY and TOMORROW (By Frank Parker Stockhridgo) SILVER . . . does a stunt The British government paid a $10,000,000 instalment on the war debt to the United States by *?ivi-:i?* us 20,000,000 ouncesof silver bullion, which was accepted, under the new currency law, at 50 cents an ounce It cost Great Britain only about ?t7, 200, 000 to pay this amount, since the market price or silver was .10 cents an ounce. But, on the othei hand, Uncle Sam can coin that san e silver into 23,790,000 silver dollars, since the silver dollar contains less than an ounce of silver. Thus a\lebi has been paid with less than the sum credited to the payor, and the creditor gets more than twice as much as the amount received! Under the law the Secretary of i the Treasury is required to coin at least 10,000,000 silver dollars from the bullion receive:?! from Encland and be tray coin the rest oi not n> the President directs. Money is a funny tiling, and few . of the people who make a lot of fus about it understand hew it works. NATIONS . . . large and small When Pre-sideiiJ Roosevelt sen i ?a telegram to the heads of 54 differ ent nations asking them to cooper ate in disarmament most folks thought he irust have included ev ery nation ou the globe. But there are fifi nations represented at the World Monetary and Economic Conference, and si ill there are a few which were not invited. The sixty- six include, to be sure. Canada, Australia, New Zealand and India which are members of th< British Commonwealth of Nations.! but they do no! include the tiny Re public of Andorra, the oilier minia ture nation of Ran Marino, or the Danzig Free State. Neither is Mon aco-Monte Carlo In the list; it is half the s:ze of New York's Centra' Park and has 25,000 inhabitants. But Iceland has the same stand'ii'j in the London gathering as the United States. It is about the size i of Xew York and has a population j smaller than Savannah. It has been j an independent nation s'.nee 1018. j This is certainly the most com- 1 plctely world wide representative1 convention ever held. C0NGRE3S ... in a role We rsed to iliink i?f Congress n i the Boanl nf Directors of tlio Fir ltd 1 . . 1 'States, with the President tnkiii' orders "from it. The Congress just adjoui nod seemed more like a stock holders' meet ins:, ratifying: the pro oosals and art ions of the directors. Tn this time of change, perhaps, we ro in foj a now conc-ptinn of 'he relations between the diffVnn1 j hrariclus of the fiovernirent. A'' matters stand .now, the President with his ealrnet and expert advis ers, have authority to do just about anything thry please. Tn theory, f'on Sjess can withdraw the powers <rr:ni (Contiuned on Pajre Two)' BOARD WILL ELECT SCHOOL COMMITTEES ON SATURDAY The county hoard of education of Jackson county wiM meet at tin court house i t Svlva on Saturday, j July 1, for the purjiose of < looting the school committeemen for the several districts of the county As soon as this is done, and the I State School Ooirmission gfives its 'approval, teachers for the county 'schools will be selected. Mr. K. 1>. McKw is in receipt i f 21 1 '1t< r from Chairman K. H. JelYress t>t' llio Highway Commission, stilting tha! Highway 100 will In* cd in the mar future. Tin- Idt-r stales llial 1 1??* snrfac j i i iff will In" r out imu rl on t lit* ini iprovtd p<?i ! ions <.f the i?ad, ami that surveying p;?rtirs will soon be in the lit !?! locating raid mapping out the portions of the roail that have as yet imt been graded preparatory to surfacing. Mr. JHVii >s has repeatedly stafe;l ? ii the last lev months that the eoiu mission wili complete Highway 10(5 out of 111.' first federal aid money received by the State, and the letter to Mr. MeKee is in eonfirination of ^ he repealed verbal statements al ready made North Carolina will shortly re ceive more than nine million dol lars of federal money for road im provement, under the reconstruction program of the administration, a.nd il is out of this fund that lite com mission will complete 1 (Hi. The news that this, the most im poitant lii?hwav of them all, so f r as .lackson comity people are cnu coriird, will lie included in I he pro grain for the immediate future will he met with general rejoicing in this county. The completion of ]()(? to Cullowhee will be accomplished as soon as tar is applied to the maeadun surface, and Western Carolina Teachers Col lege will he put in highway constnic tion with the rest of the State. That is one objective. The next objective is to proim.te the development of' Jackson county's great t nicking reg ion, by connecting it up with the State Highway system. The Sap phire country of .lackson county will [lie connected with the county There will be formed a grent trunk line highway running from the South into and through the (treat Smoky Mountains National Park, and con necting with highways to the middle [west. This is imperative, if Jackson county is to reap lier party of the benefits from the park. ' Another, and j>erhaps the most im portant objective in completing lOfi, is to connect up .Tackson county into one community. Too much of the business of the county is going to other counties mid to other states, business that should be kept in this county, for the enrichment of nil our people. At last, the goal toward which the people of this county, who have vis ion, have driving for a quarter of a century, is in sight. 106 is about to bt completed. SYLVA PEOPLE RALLY TO AID OF FIREMEN Tlio business people have most generously answered the call of Svl va 's volunteer fire department for assistance in seeming funds for the |Mii-]H)se of allowing members of the department to attend the Firemens* State Convention. A eall was made through the pn peis, a short tin:o apo and members of the department followed it up with personal falls upon the people of the tow:i, in their offices an ! stores, and found the response mOsf srencrous, assuring that the trip t;> the convention can be made. | The following firms and people have contributed to the fund: Harris day Co., Svlva Paperboaid Co., Parsons Tanning Co.. Svlva Sup ply Co., .lai k.-on County Rank, Svlva Pharmacy, Stovall's Fruit Store, Tin" L'-ader, Jackson Hardware Co., Mas sie Furniture Co., C. C. Caglc and Son, Ce.grlil! Motor Co., Med ford Furniture C<>., -Tackson County .Tourn-' al, Svlva I.illinr! Club, Hole In Tin Wall, Svlva Feed Store, I?. E. Mc N'eely & Son, Cannon Bios., Western Carolina Tihphone Co., The Print Shop, If. I*. Sutton, I). D. Perry, O. J. Lesley. Raymond Glenn, W. IT. Madison. Hoy Morris, A. L. Shep herd. ?' II. Patterson, E. M. Lloyd, Chas. Kvans, -T. D. Moore, J. A. Parris, F A. Robinson, CI. M. Ed wards, Coi ? Ridley, I. II. Powell, R. W. Enloe, Dr. McfJnire, A. I). Cowan, Dr. W. K. Chapman, .T. R. I/ong, D. D. Robinson, L C. Moore, Frank Fricks, Dave Karp, T. W. Fcniald, A. J. Ilevmor, Claude Allison, M. Y. .Tarrett, Y. V. Hooper, J. B. Ens lev, E. O. Mashburn, Felix Piekle suoer. l

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