cyLVA MERCHANTS 1(0 INDUSTRIES CDNRIkVI WITH NRfl ,, i: iinlii-.l i it's of Sylvn i' il !cr will I1) \nl '?mill Ko?*?v . / I '> -l muster \V, |), ii -.iu-iin^ up imlivid . I;. jiii. I mi Inst oven , ..I I III- llll'l'l'limit S of m ! >! mi I hi' ll;il| u|' tlu> i h in', nl which time i 1 ?|\ fill' liliirllirils Ih.'lt I i . "'J x rji I pl'rSi III CnldVll , ? ? uii'iil ill-ertl'il ill Tllf thill Vi. !i|'fi'sciiti'(l in ||n? meet ins; In tin- IicikI of tlic firm or |, Mere J y\:, > .pply Cotrpnny, Mcill'nril I ' "iiipnny, A&P Slorr, s I ? 1 ? mi | i;, Mnssic Kuni , i , . r ? \. l';i;iiioii I tri tllicrs, Thi' I'.ri-. I"" ' '' ?' '*? Shivilll's rut ami I , - ? :??. 1 ''"'iiiiiiylimii, Schiil , ,.'s |it. " i' Store, Dnve Knrp, |; I' \|. \ . 1 Hill Sun, n. Hiis I. >i,j li N" i' Sjiii imi, Cent in I Sl.l';" ? J Hi, |. iiji.' i' 'I 1 1"' XI* A, ns In ???t'.'ii! in??. is to *i-;i-i- > ii Cf.?> ?' ? ?' 1 ? i H'Jlt il?.i? Ill'W |.r. employ* es nil .-.a ? ??A.u. . ;i i thus iiicrcnsiiiir j Ihr /'lll.'V.t?'Ui? \> ftrl' III' till' pl'oplc. i. ;i iiMCi- 1, hi., (i i ;?? ? \ . effort of tin 1 /?'".? i- ni ilu- lii "ill Stnti's to I'll k V.iiii.uilJ' .-(ii-rily. I'"' i \ ?-< ii. i la* .Ini UsOn II:. i .In , i ( . i ... ... | j|| |||,. In*"1 I' ' ii I ''ii Ii I . JOHN* C. r.'UOH AN AIT D1Y.S IN KENNEWICK, W AFIIING'i'O*! \ .'??In. I I' i i ? :"i | . T .< i III-' Imtli'1 III iv till '.ili t,, \\ li.. i'l .1 III V il'i i ! .11 tii ' : i'l It. j* m Vt'i'jil Will.., i!! : ;l I. ?!{I!II |'l> i ?-i* ii >> Mi' li. II ( 'i p?. Ml. l'. ;? h:i-:i'i, :.|ti\'e i.| .l|lfk-'OH h:!- ,i ? * imi i i n! . ivi'N living here. Shut'i': Mi ! ii'iiw, three sons, I ri ll, l! 'i'l. I ' !,n I'ltchu'.uin, ?Jr., I :i;ri ?. V i -, Thouiiis Ksles. Mr- U ilii- . |: . ii!t M is. I1' rn nk \ imv li'i'. : i < I VI - I iirisl ihr Hiichmimi, 1w, ?? i ?. Vi-. . 1 1 ill n Keed, ? li i-'- i L \|, ^. St i'IIii illwell w l\ li- 1 nl | wo 1 1 rot I) i rs, 1 hen l> "I !i: '.. in. \ fikiinii, Wnsli., mill i?;i- |5ii-li ? r .-i ?i i,|' (ircen's Cfi'i'k. BALSAM Mi-. I I., i |{. Hrysun p'ssed invny ' n't tin- 2C?1 li. nl 1j?m- home k"' . IV,, .|?| service was eiMidneted '? l? v. i'mmi Cook mill others in AT t . '"???.??lit I'm | if is| ehlireh mill !ln' l.'oiI.V bill i res! in tlic Crawford "ii t. iy Thursday sifl :?( iii fin. Tin* f"*'.'! iifi 'ii:i>s were many ami love ? I'"' in! miii^ c| i|ilr"ii survive! ?^|s. I 'i v'.nli'r Mrs. Lmiru M i?l?l!<4 Hi-. I mi Fisher, I>oI?t Fre;], ", ?|, . , ,| .|(,sl(n-. Mk ( (Yaw-ford passi'il nwtiy ;!i '.'sili ;i I her 'home here. ^ ;!?i;i|. ..M i,.,. w;ts coiuliti'leil l>y l'"v- Itr.', |!i;i.i|, |{i'V. lien CYok mill ',,v l!"i i '.ii|<, Siniilny morning at l;i'ii,. . : ,| hit rial took piaeo i'l l"iui!', ?-etui-l ? i y oil ii prelly lii'l ' 'li- ill-. Tin' I'l :i rn 1 off-riujjs 'I li ; 1 1 1 1 i lit'. M IS, 1 WW ' I'lollicr of "leveii chil ''' '? I" In r ImisIiiiikI she i;; ' 1 ' '!i ? i'o'low in;; ,UMrin: n i| i'!i. Mrs. Mmnii I'.i-Ihel I 'arris, Phil -li i" 1.",. ninl v'ieero. * Will SOII lei'" MoIkImV. ? i. ii . \|r.;. Wj: | ;;m jir:l you 'r* " ? : I 'inle daughter Mil rjjJirel '-""?nil! se.ntr hi l'f i!!' ..Mm-, Mr. mill Mrs. Rufi i . j ' ' ! ' 'in i'ii nee niipmii'-it Ii" ^ '? ' ? "!?. ?' -eiMi 'if Cmirnn jo I ?' jiiinl in Asheville Moil ' >l\ 1 I I ? li- will piohah'v lie op '??''?'I 11 1 ? TuiMlny. , '' \;'l in I lie Hriptist ehureh '' Mi. i.Jjjy niirh*. Itiipti/in^ will " V>- tp.liiy. j, I! iin is lias returned i il with her sister, Mrs. liii-kelt in Andrews. 40 YEARS AGO Tiickaseiga Democrat, August 2, 1893 Dr. J, II. Wolff left Saturday, for Yadkin pounly, ( o return tonight. ?T. M. Ktgdo:! Weill t:|T to KirlltlluUtl Tliiufwljiy, with enr load of cut I lc \'i>. 2, wliirh s.une Wry fine lii'i'f. M ssis, .1. \V. ami \V. R. Cowan, of \Vc!?sl who belong in the list of Jackson's hcst citi/.ciis, favored our offirr with n mil Momlay. | Oapt. ( ???%?. M. Knight Iiiis removed li is I'ini'.ily from D llshoro, to s|m*i??1 tin1 remainder of I lit* summer an id the refreshing bi of Itiilsam (Sup. Among Collector Klbls" appoint - mollis recently. we note those of .1. (5. Tntham.of (Sraham to he Dep uty Colleelor. nml It. II. (.'ath y, to he hi n:?;ly ganger. Sirs. .1. I 'oils returned last evening fioin a visit to (lie family of Mr. .Inviui Davis, of Must L:ip:>rt \ nee! iiipnnii il I >v relatives from , South Carolina, who are spending i some time ih .our ii:ouutuins. Prof, and Mrs. I!. I.. Mnd:s:ui rare down this morning to meet lVof. If. A. Irving, of Virginia, who comes to assume charge of his position ;ts teacher in l lie classical depart incut of I he Culle.w hee High School. Attention & ?1 to the adver 'iscinelil nl' the ( "ullowhee lliuh School. which !"*???? i,s ?n,>x, t,,n" next Monday Willi ?i? exceptionally able fnenlty, 'tliis school ?ffer* .??> port unity tor thorough instruction ft low rates lor tuition and hoavd. Ad mi riiUlv hvatcd in every respict, it possesses a combination of advantages rarely met with. Mrs. S. T,. and Miss I .?!!??>* R. t '?l<" miin, ?>f Danville. Va.. mot Mr and -:ist if ?i 1" Mrs. I'. A. l-nfk..ii?iiA?il Mtn.Ulf to spend several weeks in I In* *< t our mountain ill. Yesterday Mi<r..W. F. Tomplrns und children cat ? over I mm Web ster to see lliem, Kriiijrinjr about a mci-ting of representatives" ot tour ?nevatio'i.^Tc-tle ir niotlnP, grand ii'Otlier, mill m eat -grand ir.ollier. A movement is now on t?.o{ to build n school house lure. Through the lilx lality ot Cen. llamptoi a good lut, favoifabjy locate:!', has been se ciil'ril jiihI others ot our citizens a'*1 showing praiseworthy imposition t( |'ih!i forward the' work. As the pnhlie ;ch? '1 mo:> *y for the district ean not lie made jixni'ahTc. i ' r lack ot !l lion ;e, it will he applied to the build vi?'. What ovei lialanee may lie found i ice i ssary for its completion is ex net hd to he suppliid by the liber ality and public spirit ? dm ss of the citi ens of the school district. Qmte ?i huge nnnilier ef children are de prived of the opport unity for seeming ?in ( .locat ion, and are wasting the oohh'.i hours which ought to lie thus c'r p'oyed, because we have no house. The difficulties in the way ot se eming for til." children of this dis Ir'ct the advantage of their share of Ihe puhlic school funds are not in snmomitable, hnl may he overcome by earnest and determined effort. THE ROTARY WHEEL The Rotary program committee in coop-ration with Presided Claude All'son are producing very interest in" programs these days. Last Tues Jnv C.nv llouck of the , Franklin Rc'tarv Club gave a short resume ot the ] tost on convention. He discussed Ihe Rotarv spir't of service alx-ve self in applieatien to vocational in terests as brought nit by the speak crs at the convention. In the 1,000 o'd dubs making up Rotary Inter national there are only 08 dubs which are having " ,inr<1 t5,'u' t,,pp " chapter. The rmsnis for a Rotary Club failnr-, be stated, are that mem bers don't, know Rotaiv ?s }'?, should and do not put enough spin illlr exeu.tion of ?t? P??T v. I t-ick of balanced ieadership and a ' ,, , programs also lead to fadn "? M?s ,ubs are inclined to have the v<.? side out ef their prolan* entirely, eliminating one of the giea. cst prine'p'es of Rotary. Ton- Cox had his sen ITcnry visit - i11)sr with is Tiujsday and Mr. Salis bury had, Mr.Uoltz ns his guest. Fred Stone, visiting Tot ariaii f'*o?" Franklin was with ns again. We COUNTY SCliurtS TO OPEN MONDAY OF NEXT WEEK "The count \ schools will open on next Monday, August 7, with the ex tM>pt ictiK ol" the tin1 Sylva, Pilsboro, anil Cullowhee schools, il litis been anouuced tit tin- ntfieeof Superin Iciiilcut Mndiosii. 'I'll:' schools were to have opened Inst Monday, hut since the nllotnnut ol' teachers had not been received l'roiii the State School Commission, at that time, t lu* county hoard ol' ed ucation thcufjlit it best to post pouo tlu% opening until the allot incut was received. There were two changes ill the leaclur set-up as worked out by the . eiinty school authorities. Addie school was reduced from' a three to :* two tcaeiier school, and Uocky Hol low was r; dined "from twr lo one ?eachcr. The S|a1e School Commis sion explained that the average daily attendance at ithese two schools was not siill'ici"ut to waira.nt.the liuuiher i I' teachers that had been elected by local school authorities. LOG CABIN STATES NRA POSITION IN LETTER Tin1 l?oj* Cabin Association. in a Iftler to P.?, (master \V. I). Warren, has s -l forth it*. position on tin* N'ji lional lim?vci-y A ? 1 1 r a Charitable State Charter. In ailililioii to tin' above ncntioiiid iictivities, it is our intention to help llic tarnicr* iu our scction lo,-r. ? li.'lii : t 1 1 1 ? their depleted forest's by i.iviujr flii'i'i si'fl i. i nl of tin- s?cdy lilies liiun o;i'* nursery. We arc ul.{' more mote v on our pro ii ct which w(- w.'idil y'adl.V do wore it ii ::t for the extremely difficul* piolilein of oh! .-lining addi'ionill mot; iy a! this (ire. We an- wjie! ? h.arloly in favor of the Adniinisi rat 'on's efforts to clinitMat." ii;ieun>li yment and we have trie.l to ,!.> o;ir share by eirpioying as many oi' the local men as possible last year, ai.d by not reducing ?>">' force this year althoic.'h it has been iliffion't !*: k?ep ;i II of them on the payroll due to a necessarily reduced income from those who are interested ill the project. Yours most jVspecl fully, I or. CAP.IX ASS N., INT. P.y Arthur Weidlich> Supt. Ily .T. C. Allison, Trustee. ? " V.* , ? " JACKSON CAPITALIST DIES J. T. r.upfnll, CWlier of 1 ll<> beanti-, ful est ii to nl Lak" Saplphire, died in Lys'ri.v M-inoiiul hospital ill Hrevsinl. Monday morning :it ft ^10, following ?|Mn, who ! i v?-?l ?n Chatta nooga, sp 'iit much of liis t infer at his 1200 hciv estate ;it Lake Sapphire, which he acfuHrcd a rnniher of voars ago, and considered himself a cijti > son, Cartel' Taiptoii. A i>;i' W of Viifrinia, Mr. Luptnn wa ;> '.??titled to (lie Tt:i'icsse:> bar in 18S" ? v A new, uniform sales tax schedule for North Carolina was promulgated by Commissioner Maxwell, on A-ngust and is now effective throughout the State. ?vThe new schedule makes it obliga tory upon the ir.erchtuit to pass tlu* tax on to the consumer; and has been worked out as follows: Less th'if 10 eents Xo Tax v |0e to 3Tie 1 cent V 36c to 70c 2 cents 7Uc to $1.05 3 cents > Above $1.05, straight' 3 per cent, tractions governed by major fractions The articles that are exempt from tax under the law are: flour, meal, meat, lard, milk; molasses, salt, sugar, coffee, gasoline (already taxed), fert iliser, and public school l or.ks. Mr. Maxwell stated thai t ht? s -hed *yV 9 nl.Yr is promulgated under authority of Jaw, and that it is mandatory uj>on every merchant to collect the tax, aiu^no more, in addition to the sale price of merchandise. QUALLA V ' M*. Charles. C. Snyder has joined the 1T. S. Arm v. tit. J. R. Messwr has gone to Missouri to visit relatives. Mrs. R. K. Owen aiul children of near Waynrsville, have returned to their home after a visit with relatives Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Rirdi of Cullo wheo are spending a few days in Qualla. Mr. Darl Davis and little Ouv House were holh hithu by ? a mad dog Thursday. Tt also hit several doga, chiekens, and cows. Misses Gertrude, Ruth, and Relic Ferguson and Annie Lizzie Terrell and Messrs. Jack Rattle and Carl lloyle wvre dinner prnrsts of Miss Mar yEnima Ferguson Sunday. Messrs. Albert Patton and Carl lloyle are qpcratiog the Cherokee Road Service Station. Mrs. I). C. Hughes and Mrs. J. II. I Hughes called at Mr. A. C. Hovles. Mi-Stful MrT ?T. 0. Hooper anil Mr. W. IT. Hoylo called at Mr. S. M. C lisp's. Misses Polly and Edna Hovle and Mr. Carl lloyle have returned from ;i visit with/ relatives in Rlairsville, Georgia. / Mrs. G. A. Kuisland and Mrs. Ted Kinsland visited at Cherokee. Mrs. Wilburn M-esser and children Mrs. .1. M. Hughes of Cherokee, Messrs. .lark Rattle and Wade Cass calh'd at Mi. R. C. Hughes.* Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Gibson visited at Mr. I). .1. W orley's Miss Annie Lizie Terrell spent Monday with Miss Xell McLaughlin. Mr. .lack Turpin visited at Mr. Troy Turpin 's. Messrs. P. II. F.-rguson. .. II. W. Cooper and Misses Gertrude Fergu son and Etta Kinslaml. called at -T. K. Terrell's. Mr. and Mrs. Ro?-k Blantou and small daughter spent Saturday .night with Mr. and Mrs. I). M. Shuler. Mr. J. O. Terrell with Mr. Harry Kelier, of Cnllowlue, went to Proc ter, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. I). M. Shuler visited relatives at Deep Creek, Sunday. Mi's. I). C. Hughes went to Svlva, Monday. Mr. ami Mrs. T. C. Bryson a.nd children of Beta called in Qualla, Siimliav. * "J JACKSON COUNTY BOY WINS FISHER CONTEST J * On display at I bo Jneksou Chevro l?*t Company, is a beautiful mol<'i. In 1901 he heljwd organize the Volunteer State Life In surance Coirpanv. He was chairman of the board of the Dixie Merceriz ing Company, chairman of the board ff the First v National Bank of Chat tanooga, and president of the Coco la bottling Company: and .also liad a variety of other business in terests. Expect Balsam Mountain Range To Be Included In Smoky Mountains Park ? LOANS NOW AVAILABLE FOR FARMERS OF COUNTY Farmers of this county will l>o in terested in tlu* statement just re pec ted there will be a very substantial scale-down in the debts of many borrowers because the farmer getting a loan will be able to offer cash for settlement of debts which he might not otherwise be able to pay. Comissioner's )oa.ns are being made to reduce and refinance fanner s debts on a louder term basis, to sup ply working capital and to refinance foreclosed farms. The collateral ac cepted is first or second mortgages upon all or any part of the farm property, real or personal, including crops. Of course, before the Commis sioner makes a second mortgage loan he will ask the holder of the first mortgage to waive foreclosure rights in accordance with the Commission er's regulations. , Loans are limited to a maximum of $5,000 each. These loans plus all prior mortgages or other evidences of indebtedness secured by the farm property may not exceed 75 per cent of the appraised value thereof. During the first three years the loans are in effect, borrowers ^vill net be required to make payemnt. 011 the principal if they are not otherwise in default with respect to the conditions or covenants of their mortgages. The loan must be repaid in such annual or semi-annual install ments as will discharge the debt within the agreed period. The Commissioner's agent also points out that these jyy j&Uateral ized and not personal ToanS^vTTd tliht the financial condition of the ap plicant as well as his history must be considered, including, of course, the ability of the farmer to repay his loan. The properties are appraised by the Federal Land Hank appraiser and he uses the same general values in arriving at the value of the prop ertv to be offered as collateral. Tin' principal difference between the Federal Laud Rank loan and the Commissioner's loan is that he land hank loan is made only on the iaim pn.pci tv and can not exceed 50 per ,.0nt of the normal, appraised value of the land plus 20 per cent of the insured. permanent improvements whereas -h ? Commissioner's Agent mav' ''lend up to 75 per cent of the normal value and accept second mortgages a.nd personal property as security. The agent points cut that for the convenience of the public the secre tary-treasurer of the local national farm loan association has been ap pointed as correspondent and that farmers should find, it convenient and satisfactory to make their applica tions to this correspondent rather than applv directly to the agent sta tioned in -the Federal Land Hank. WILL HOLD PARRIS REUNION There will he held a reuu'on of the Parris general ions at or near the Sampson Parris home on Sunday, Aug. tile lHth. All relatives of this family are invited. All bring full baskets and help to make this ;i not ahl?' meeting. O. C. Cooper, President. Mrs. Frank IJ. lon-s, Secretary of General Motors, and has its head quarters in Detroit. The Jackson county hoy wont the following North Carolina places in the contest: First plaee Senior Wood craft, first plaee i:i Senior Mf one of the coaches is a very intricate and difficult task and requires months of hard and tedious 1 labor. Tlint Sylva will l?e, what it was anticipated when the first plans for the Great Smoky Mountains National Park ww made, the nearest town to the park, and the closest county seat in the r?iteil States to a na tional pari:, was assured, yesterday when Pixsich-nt Roosevelt signed an executive order allotting $1 o00,000 for the completion of the Smoky Mountains National Park area, and increasing the area to 400,000 acres. This will make certain that the Plott Balsam range will he included in the Park, as originally planned, and will put Sylva within a stone's throw of the great park. It is anticipated that it will take two mill io.i dollars for the purchase of the lands; hut the Rockefeller Foundation is expected to advance the necessary half million to turn the trick. The action of President Roosevelt, with whom Congressman Weaver has been in conference frequently during the spring and early summer, will assure the early completion of ob taining title to the park lands, and will move up the date of the opening of the park to the public by several years, it has been stated. The Plott Balsam ranee, which it is anticipated will be taken into the park, is >epa rated from the present park lands bv the property of the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians, which property is at present admin istered by the federal government. Coming down Highway No. 10, at Bal sam. the Park line will include the entire range, and will take in the great ?mountains (that tower over Sylva and the valley in which the town is located; and, will, as Horace Kephart pointed out, include the greatest mountain mass in Eastern America, when the Balsams and the Pint aiv linked up in the great park. STORES WILL CLbSE AT 7 The dry goods and grocery stores of Sylva will close at 7 o'clock each evening during week days, and at 10 o'clock on Saturdays, in accord ance with a resolution adopted at a meiting of the merchants held in the Chamber of Commerce hall, last night. FIREMEN RETURN PROM SALISBURY CONVENTION Syiva's volunteer fire department returned ihi last cf the week, from its trip to the State Firemen's Con vent ion, in Salisbury, and members ot' lhe department who made the trip express themselves as having had an enjoyable as well as a profitable time. The expanses of the trip were paid by donations from the following individuals and business houses in Syiva, and the drso4i, Clias. Fvans, K. M. I lovd, -T. 1). Moore, J. A. Par ris, (I. M. Kdwa f'v, If. W. Fnloe, A. I). Cowan. I Irs. MeOiiire, Frank Frieks, Dr. W. K. Chapman. J. If. I x;ng, Daw Karp, T. W. Fernald. A. J. Heve.'tor, Claude Allison, M. V. Jarrett. V. V. ;II??oper, J. B. Ens ley, T. II. Powell, Fred Hooper, C. R. Thompson, 11. Stein, L. P. Allen, Frank Winkler, W. D| Warren, Clias, Ensley. Sol Sehnlman, Roy Brvson, John Morris. Fhvd Sumner, W. V. Dorsevj C. Smiilj. Sam Allison, Dan Allison, fr. W. . I ones, Ceo. Womaek. 7. Fineanuon, J. X. Wilson, If. If. Deitz, Thomas Barrett, J. F. Freeze, Dan Mootv, Jeter Snyder, Ernest Keener, K. O. Masliburn, .T. D. Cow an, F?lix Piekleaimer.