fltte ?' -* t v. ? -/m* fcflJ si-'1' YEAR IN ADVANCE IN THE COUNTY Itmoutl NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, AUGUST 10, 1933 $2.00 YEAR IN ADVANCE OUTSIDE THE COUNTY PRISON camp to BE LOCATED HERE IN HEAR FUTURE . ,, j, | hi tile JI<<0111IH< > . , in 1 00 11 .11, lo he i : ;n|> of .laekson and i. will h; located ill ; 1 1 ! eai v date, it Was , : v Oil Moml.-iV,' wlll'll I V I, >ll|H'l"'nU llllellt of I-'iimiI; W. Miller. ??. 1 ? ' I l'i i~oii ('omnissitiner, <i| (he Sta r lliffli | ). partmciii were ill o\ 1-r a suitable in; a ; |,r <-;) II . [ > \V i ' I he vi 1 H:? ? ? t' Dil'.-'hoio, (r We'ister. . i, ? certain. and it is he- j *\Vi h - i i r wi I ho l in? ,'oca ill li<' ;i J ?| ? r< ? v<-< 1 . Options ..cured for II aeres of] . i?~1 <?!?. at ;i pru*;* ar >uml j i i^ believed I lial. hi- |i!i-:il<ii tlu if. it' ? ; i,. i|< part iik id 'I I . Uo:i ('<?iiiiiiinM<>ii approve* i it>ii. t ?? | 'oil stated tliat, it' tin- W oh ' i s< ?!<*<*! <h!*j Teuipi>raiy II l|ii, whiels foi'iii'ds llit?liway. j>"?, will !>:? put in ? xee lout i ; . ? wi l Iiiti a very short 1 in:i*. .inler consideration i* liut ii. in Highway 2S5, ami has si millet to the main li.u'Ji ^ in all parts of' .lacksrn . | : >::? upper eml of Swain, , , , i iritorv 1 loil ii i- do , > ] i , camp serve. An pic \ i ?! ~ \ disposal of -. v. v, . .. ? r ' . ? ? . ,j ; i, ,M- proximity of elee ( ... ??!?: Iti it:1 tv incline i ? i1 it s to seleel inu , (<1 , ' i . ii is 1 1. > 1 1 1 1 < *< t out. \\? A.l' ? 1 ' %V \\ : ? i that the only jNv,, ? . ,.i ict ion ilt.ne on ,i .... . i, in this ami !. I,-". I l il - - ?.! : lie "I prison ' \, '? il that t lie , , ? ; . 1 1. 1 * * , ' * ? ? . m> mails will 1 i, . f. . ;; ;i ion as >ou'i ' ; i.i.. i st ;il>lt-.|i. <1. \i. f ' ? . the <1 -?re 1 . t ; I;.- seYcl ioll ; 1 ? ... vt i > . ' ? ; i , ? .'! ' v. re in ' t ? . I ? T r . I , -I p. I I'M III j i. !, I , ? J ti. v -If hiiiMjiiV J , ??:. : ,! ' h\ (lie ? 1 . . . i; ^ i !>,- p- .'i-*1 ;1 .= . I) | il lip - IIIM'l | I I, . ' ? ii>> peri, r.'ielit Vrii'k ; ?' ??!i i . . mai!-; ami I ?y thj.- 1 iii< ;c - ?-.lit iliat all t Imse 1 i , : s ? i'i' i he Slat:' -v. i'v ' : ai I Mi! ion I hat ' ti,!) I Cn ? i?i?j, ,-i ? i lacing, ami | ? . i lie i<i mlary ' j -i .nl, will he the primary i ! M'i.-OlU'IV I I'.llll t!l.' ?'i! - '1* ? ? r ? I re. !' ? > .in;- <1 out tlmt ? ' i.iail coii-lim?'::n can he i:'. . )?:?> ,?..|| wo.tiinv. lull I Ti..i I jKsem'ily ili.;?Mi :i'n- anprr p; ia'i< n !??'' "|,xv i " i~l i :it tiou ilurintr this liieii : i .! ? \|| Money th.-'t is h-.iii'f sp-li' i pii'iiarv lii;;!iw ay ?> i loleni. hi*"liW*ay depart Hi'- it is i'< l v : ?>" :i pr"s<'ii lahor !<> ('<>'? p'< :t ' i .'t'lcti' ii on the sicoml.irv li- .'ilM ;l \ , ? CL viXisv f; WARTIHN PRESENT > I- .in inadvertaKi e th--' nam' d., hr'M r!' Cloii .e a. id \\ -il l": i? , I ;i- ? 1 1 ? 1 1 1 1 e< I in I hi' li^t "I r < r | I I :"i' |, iti'idicil ill The lonrnal <?f l>i . . ha'.'iii'.c !?<?'??? r< pn -eiit-^^ ? ? 1 ? hiei iill^ of I In- lil.' fi.ha.'ds , ?i > '. . I a - 1 Week, win-lit i' was -v '.U , ;.i!,ipi th" N'lfA h!nnk< t '"?t in i *0- in! ivhanls of the ti\vn. 'I'ti .1 hi,;, I ii-jrrcts tlii.-- error. \V?' 'Ii.,! !,; ili.t the list had lx'?'H '???> .1: U. ,|. ( louse and Warre4i " | ii\ v-oleil h v l.olh Mr. ("louse ?'^1 MT; Wain ii, ami the firm hi 'l'?i ?;> ii. ill,\ support ed tin1 move of l' -'I ( , CA.?. VI:fTMGES 100 FEET TO KILL DKTVER NEAR murphy Kelt; 111 lint t, |tt, soli ol Ml". : l! A' A. Ki iott, of Murphy. -".'?illy killed nhe.iit Y\ :.'t0 1 I. T.ic.m'jiv n jjht wlien his < ar 1 '?> uake a i .live on the llllIlJT 1 - )'? ? i?i.-.il ahoii* I wo miles west : . ;i- In wa ? r -turiihijr homo, >1 > ' < i ail eiiihalikMii nt jihout " h'tl i ,.| ' i" lad apparently turned ' 'nve or i'. nr limes, and Mr* ' ? " ? had hi ;?!! tliiown out, t In* uifl~ I idling on hin and erushiuu Jiiir. WEEK By WEEK (Kv DAN TOMPKINS) Tli<- XKA pans to ?*o after the siackns l?y publi.sl:i;ijr the names of those who have iw t signed the agree o c* iiK'iit, tending to raise wa^cs and to eieate new jjolis, as well as those who :!!(? living thi' blue eagle, and not O'iiup'ving with the spirit "of the XKA program tor recovery. Pittiiess I . b!i< iiy, ;is Witoflrow Wilson put it, is a most powerful weapon. It can ? ? ove -'loinila ns of ejrpjsitioii. Tin XKA, if it is to aeeomplish its pur pose, will have to have tin' co-opera - tio.i of everybody, employer, buyer, retailor, and consumer. The purposi is to provide new jobs, raise wanes. ? i ? : . | v-K ien-e the purchasing power of the people. OiT (ileiin, Asheville I)ry Cleaner, was found. with his automobile, at list' bottom of a elilt, the other morn ing; The coroner dee'ded that there u:is <n: meessitv of an inquest, as evidence he saw pointed, to a ease a i. tan voiuj to sleep at the steer ing wheel, 'or some other accident, ? hat- '.rottiihl him to his death at th' fool (si a cliff. An impiisitive deputy sheriff '::lt I" nosiUg about. He dis ci vc'. d a l;,?le, t lia*. looked as if it ii ivhl h:> : bullet hole in (ileim's s-li.t hi 1I< found an empty cart ridge in the ear, aud a probe tVis eliisi -l a bullet in the body of Oileim. So, instead of an accident, as the Iliuie. mho eoroner thought, it turn ,, |t | (: })i* jj (''ISO wIlt'TC J1 I1UII1 ^ t ;?*<???, for ;; ridv, and the aceidc.u' ,.\-id fee planted. Carefu' iuvostiga ' io:i> are the duty of of' iters, Public |?iii./ii?* irav have tleii use in oin ... I ;idv;in. ? d civilisation, after i*l.'% ? A 'lit-rind-run driver killed a 12 eai .Id bov at lleiiderso-iville, am' .,,-d on. Ti is possible, though not ,? nl ble, t bat the most careful liiv iv. mav (Unavoidably kill a hninan , ; ; b 't there is absolutely no . nr e\i> m nation for kilting and ... ||i's revolting '?> 1,10 senses f ( rv r'rtn an-? wome.u vvho had a ,.f I. ? ?ii'k o' human kiidi.ess * ,, |n, in'. -,st . They ace ti e kind of 'ii'k who ht long behind prison bars ( - , - ob i "n ^ a,rainst President IT:"-1 a.lo i? growing in Cuba. A|l ia. heard, the e.'ht-r day, that be esiirmd ."'id .4 eelebrntion w: ,| in t,-.mt of government buihl ,v?i \VI* ? I tile throngs of people re joining troops op?it.ed Hn* ivith machine -ens, Icil'inir a'"' <i;nt 'mit ma. iv people. This, iiutm .11 v "it I'?'i^eil all Cuba and brought 't -i le ol the revolutionises many ho 'tad b**ni holding ah>of. Ameii?;?i is ti in'j:, through Ambassador \\ elhw 1 1 * ,,.ih- oil i i the troubled watorv ?Mid ha VMlua'tv sii^fstid to the I ?,-t dent 4>t Cuba t ha* he r<-ign. Pior;'b!y ihis is the last of Mnehadp. d "be bi '-iiiin.uj; of ? new era on I lie I -land. ' 1' ? ? \i J.-?1 - .??!. who took puiu-li at 'Ii" .io-if of Walter Wineho'l, iiews ? : 1 1 ? ;? I olnii"iisf; lias been sued far I -'lf -i i. illioti. How T'd like to serve on ti it jury a id In f|? brinjr in a'ver: ilid a wardiii!!' a medal to .lo'son ! .fa.' l:son folks will be interested to Irani !liat Franklin Watson, native t' tics eonnty, has be? n eleeted as |n-(-t lent ol flie Bar Association in Itis di -trict. dacksou is proud rtf Watson, ^oho has made a name for li'ims'lf over IJnriisville way, end lhri:i"jfbont the State, " f'Jt ? " ) U U Aiizon;. joiihs the w?'t parade, by b:<oMtiny; the 21st State to vote to adopl the '21st amendment. IRWTK PRESIDES OVER MEET Sheriff John Trwin, of Week len - bm*?r eoir.i' v, president' of the X'orth r'arolina v sheriffs' association, is presidiuif' over the eonveutioUj n eet iiiff i-.i Asheville today. Sfori'f Irwin is well known in daik-on county, beiiifr a son-indaw of .Mrs. T. II. ITastiiifjs. Mis. Irwin .is speinP.ujj: some time here with her mother, and Sheriff Trv/iii will e<!ine to Svlva before retuniiiift: to Char lotte. Sheriff .fohn d. Maney, of this fluidity at lending the meetings of the assoeialion. Jackson people will be interested to know 'ha! a Jackson county jjirl. Mis. I.an.'ei e nv.n, wife of the liuiieouibe .s... will be hostess to the wives of the sheriffs, on a sight (seeing trip. ) BAPTISTS' ANNUAL MEETING STARTS NEXT THURSDAY The address of Dr.. William Louis Potea , president emeritus of Wake I i.-)i i ;jt College, Baptist leader for ! ill" a century, Mitfrnat i??na!ly known scientist, orater with a national rep utation, :iml chairman ol the I nitcd Dry Forces of North "Carolina, on Tc mperanee and Prohibition, will he one of l lie1 interesting features of the Tuckaseifree Baptist Association, which will meet at Scott s ( reek chin <h, Beta, next Thiusday, and will continue its sessions through S. unlay. Dr. Potent V. address will he delivered 01; Friday evening at H:.{0, and ii is expected 1 lint a laifje crowd :sf ps : -pie will jrathcr to hear him pres.. m the side of the drvs in the opening fire of the anti-repeal cam paign in this county. The association will ops n with a devotional, conducted by Rev. R.'K Mayhcriy, a! H> Thursday morn ing. The introductory sermons will be delivered at 11:00 by Rev. 1. K. St a I l ord ; alternate, Rev. Ben Cook. The devotional at 1:30 will In- coo dueled by Rev. Ernest .lamison. At 1 delegates will be enrolled audi visitors recognized. The icpart ?n ?..riodicals will be made by Rev. W. ( R:ed. :? t ^ :00 ; and T. (Vribhle will read the report oil the lll(,|,:!.'ia-'. The rep. it on Sylya C..I |,..ialc Insi.tute will be remVred by li. II. Cop", a' 3: la. followed by the vepoii on ministers' ua'res and ad- 1 livers, by Rev. W. X. Cook. I lollies will In- assiuii-d deleaates at 3 :?!;?, aild the -issociat ion will adjourn, to reconvene :.l H :<><>, when an inspira t i. nal service1 will be held, under the Vadetsli/p ol Scott's Creek church. The Frid:i\ morning devotional ser vice will be condlicti d by Rev. doe Bisln p- a! ?> followed by the lead inj; of the minutes. At 10:00 ochck Rev. J. Ciray Murray will submit the report on State Missions; that on I Tome Missions \vill be presented by |{/F; d?m*t, nt 10:30 vK?m?? ?'*; -?.ions, by Rev. I. K. Stafford, at 11 :<><? Vl 1 1 :30 sermon of (he day will I e "liel-vercd by Rev. I. L. Ilvatt. The afternoon devotional will be con ducted by Rev. SterlitifT Mi Hon, ?'ll j I At Rev. (!%*ofjie Snyder will make the report en Ministerial | Relief; t'l il on Stewardship at 2:-l-> | by Mrs. ii. L Shaver; and on Chris- j I jaii Kdtir.it i< ii, by Frank Rhinehart.j at .T:ir?. t ? I The Association will meet at K:00| FliihsV ev >.in?. when a tempeiamyj pro" ram, under direct oil ol I. 1 - j I'rv-ou, Sr., will be presentee., I'ol- j J?,v,d by the address bv l>r. Potent. | Saturday's prolan. will be: 51 :.M?, j I ) Tot i.ucii. Rev. 1. M. Tucker; ??:!?.] Smplav Sr-hr;.!, I). M. Hooper; 10:l"?; 15. V. I'. . Mirri : .Edith Buchanan; j I I ?.On. 'W. M. l\, Mrs. (fro. Siivdei : i At 1:2:011 the association will .elect j officers, and miscellaneous business i will be transacted, after which ad- , journ aenl will be in order at I he will (ti lli'* association. Rev. Tim I F. Deitz, the mmleralnr, will presid ' at the semens. Rev. W ? X is clerk to the association. MOTHER OP SYLVA WOMAN DIES AT MURPHY THURSDAY Mri Rose Henry Patten, 7(i, nioth Mrs. .John .1; Hastes, of Sylva rass'd on sit her home in Murphy, Thin day of last week, after a long ill n .v. Mrs. Pat ton was born pi the 1??. ? in which she died, cn Af?ril 13 IK. -7. She was/a .lighter of Samuel ?,iil Ma. v Henry, who wire amoiiS the first settlers of Murphy. Tn 18' fh? married Dr. S. B. Patton, who died a few veins agn. Surviving her, besides Mrs. Has - pigs, are on, sun. Tom Patten, ol At lanta, two ,ran?Vhi!drcu, Mrs. Eli/.. bet Ma it lie v and Miss Edna at . , both of Murphy, and two greflj .rraiidc)iild,'?iil dean ami Hariv M.tn " 'Mrs Hastings was in Murphy with mother when the end came, l.av heel, called there because ol her illness. STILLWELL IS VICE PRESIDENT t Vi p. S'illwrl1, Sylva a torncy, was Ireful as vice president of the 20 h Judicial District Bar Assoe.al-on, at n.nraivi/ntio.u .ne.-t.iivp in Bryson Cii\ last week. T* M. Jenkins, Robhiiisville. was . i . wli.iit^d B. Ciray, Murpliv elee'ed president, . . i . ...ivliirv-tiviii-iuoi', ?i?l S. A\. I.Wk. ItrvHou Oily. Plan Celebration At Camp Wade Hampton Citizens of Oco:iee, rip- neighbor county, in Smith Camli.ua, are plan ning si flag raising and celebration at ( ivilia.il Conservation Corps Camp No. 2, on Thursday of next week, August 17, and arc extending an in vitation *c their North Cai dlna r.eigh liois o'" Jacks-on county to be present and join i.i the occasion. Tin1 camp has been named "Camp W'ailo Hampton' , it being ocated 011 the Ca-shiety-Walhalia hijrhvav, \vhi< h was the ioad ever which General W.ide Hampton made- his historic journey to accept the nomination as Governor of South Carolina. General Hampton was visiting ar the summer haunt of his brother,.. Christopher Hampton, in Cashiers Yallc-y. The c.' tate known as " Hijih IFiuxp!- n'", s*.nd runners were se it tiom WaihaHa to n.;tify linn1 of his nom5" lion, and the call th.'jtt had gone out lo him to take charge of the hosts that were -to redeem South Carolina. The celebration at the camp comes on the 57th anniversary of Hflinp tuu's acceptance of the nomination. Hon. Tht.s. A. Cox, now a citizen !.(' Jackson county, was present oil tin occasion, and. friends over in South Caioiina juv anxious that iie lie pivs eiit at the celebration. A pietentio:is program, numbering many, uot.ibles on tin* list *?t" speakers, is b;ing arranged, and t h?* Oeonce folk-' are desirous that a large number df -lackson county pMpiV arrange to be their guests on this occasion. HOYLE ELECTED TO HEAD CULLOWHEE HIGH SCHOOL C. A. Hioylc, who tor five years was director of the teach; . t r:i i.u iiii* school at the Cniversitv- <-f North Carolina and was last year cinp'oyed in the public school system of Swain county, has been elected principal of Cullowhee high ami elementary schools for, next yea r. . ?h0 w .?e~-^fr. Trofle t hiP'-'1 prfncijial. ? of the Western Carolina Teachers' col li ge training school. The new Cullowhee principal i? wido'v known in educational circles mi X; rtji Carolina, lie has iione grad uate Work al the Cnivcr.Mty of North CaioH.ua. Mr. Iloyle succeeds as principal of the high school lit!;', While Mease, o!" 1 lavesvi'l.1, (Mher members of the Cullowhee liifrh school faculty for I In1 next school year are: Miss Joanneltc N'atis:*, .Miss \Vino:ia f lo? ?ef, and ?lohii l\. Cjil IVe, Jr. Miss Nanse did graduate study a' Duke i ni varsity I and for the past four years has been a member <1 the faculty of Woodli.'i high school, Ashevillo. Mi ;s \\ inona Hooper has been a mem1 er of the local high school fan-nit y for several years. Mr. Calfee, son' of the presi dent rf A -:lievilie Normal and Teach ers' college, has done gradual e work at the Cnixersity of Tennessee, and f? r tire two past suni'iers has been a m Mi her ol the faculty oi' the Ash:' villc institution that l is father heads. Practically all of last "ear's Cul lowhee ej'omcnlaiy sclio'd f ?nlty met 1 hers have bien re-e'eeted. T asl year's elemenlary school faculty ' was ;?< fallows: Kan.uie Goc'inan, Mrs. W.J X. Coward, Minnie McAul-y, Nannie j M. Ti'iey, Alice Haigler, Mrs. Dallas j l>:tts and Lena Allen. Cor several years Miss Cordelia Camp has been director (<;f teacher training; for Western Carolina Teachi ix c'vlli ire j in the local high and elementary schools. IS FATHER OF 19 CHILDREN Our old friend Hutt Hooper, of Canev Fork, was in town, the first of the w">k, brintrinsr us a bushel iiiiil .ii half ef line cooking audi jelly apples, which were much appreciated. A baby ?irl was born to Mr. and Miv. Hooper, two wVeks a-.ro. This r akes 1!) children of which Mr j Hia per is the proud father. ROBBINS TO PREACH HERE I'ev. W. M. Kohhin^ of Lake Juna luska, foruiei pastor of the Svlva Methodist chi'.rch, will occupy the pulpit, Suin'ay irrruing. Rev. T. If. Wolfe is taking 1H6 vacation; but has arranged for preaching services each Sunday morning during the month, and will be present himself. He is spending his time .if Lake! Junaluska. ( . ( Commissioners Of County Cut Tax Rate At Meeting Held Here On Monday 40 YEARS AGO Tuckasaige Democrat, August 9, 1893 Miss Eva McLain, of WebsterJ is visiting her sister, Mrs. W. T. Fisher Miss (loitrnde Buchanan left for liome this morning, after a visit of several days to her brother's fuir.il}" here. Prof. E. 1'. Mangum (?.?11111' (down iroiii ("ullcwhee this morning, ami will leave 111 thf morning for a ff?w lays' visit to Asheville. Ximrod Jarret t Smith; f lit* well known anil, universally respected Ex Chief of the Eastern Tribe of Cher okee Indians, died ni his home at Cherokee, Aug. 2. We are infermed that the Hoard i ' . I Educatim at its meet Mm Monday apportioned the school fund at the rate of 80 eiiits per seholar. Also that a resolution was adopted over the ve hement protest of Mr. .lavan Davis, a member -of the Hoard, jvcommeuid- 1 ing to the school committee of the varrnis districts the purchase of a school chart now being offered for sale hen' by Mr. T. II. Crocker, of Vance county, at the price of .+1(5, 10 he paid tor cut of (lie school fund of each district. The p. >st master at" Nyiva is com pelled to ask of the patrons of the office the strict observance of the hr.ur for tin* delivery of 'the mal Sunday ? from 8 to !t o'clock A. M. From (ilenvil'e: Mr. Lenoir Aileji. of Sylva, .vent ovw to Sapphire last week and 011 his return stopped ii. (llenville a short. time. ? Several mem btfrs cf the Farnicis Alliance met Saturday. ? Miss Esabella Maria Etta l.!ikaboo?. Varabahaimab Ixmisa Mar tin! .lahe Wood, a sister to Miss Kr becca Emeliza May Oaucindy Char lotlie l.ouisiana Alabama Wood, al so a sister of Hen. W. E. L. <>. I>. I !I. If.. II. L. S. Wood, was in tin- vil lage last Saturday. A great affliction has fallen <>n the family of Hon. L. .1 Smith by the death of his lovely daughter jHetilah, tvkich -ad ove.nt occiiried Saturday morning a hunt one o'clock, terminating an illness of several weeks. ?THE ROTARY WHEEL In a Mition to. the six objectives of Krtary . specified in the Rolai'y International cede, special objectives for the year have been mapped out for the dub by the members of the aim- and objects committee. ' Doc I Chapman discussed these aims ;d our meeting Tuesday night. Through reading of' ''The I??:taria.n" and other literature published by Rotary In! fei national, a general promotion of j a more, thorough tjjiderxtand'.iig of ; the meaning and spirit of Rotary bv; its members will be made. Commun ity servic,' consisting oi' (lie present j hospital contribution and such clinic services for needy children as are possible will be continued. Mr. Lackey our new farm board mcnUier, seems to have b en <*^ppo nted to keep the Corn and pig distribution vork, which started la>t year, going. One of (In most important plans made by tin aims and objects committee is to alltw every committee ji ffuarterlv program. In this way the club will barn what each committee is doing and allow neailv every lean to do his ]<art toward a program. We heartily agi'<*?' with tin- aim- and ob jects as recommended by the com- ! mittee and greatly appreciate Doc's discussion of ifs principles. However Doc, wasn't there some breach of eti(|uette in making a speech in j?a jainas? Everyone who had a chance to view the empty plates at "Tuesday's [meeting would realize that Poinde.x ter and White Mease had returned to the fold. Cherokee takes the cup this week for bringing visitors to us. Dr. Ziglcr, Mr. Stevens, Mr. Henry Cox. Mr. Wilson and Mr. Wogcnscn were our visitors and we ail hope they enjoyed being with us as much as we enjoyed having their company. The Commissioners of Jackson county, meeting on Monday for the purpose of adopting Hie county bud 1 get for t lie year, cut the tax rate in the co-uity by 5c on the $1(10, which, coupled with the tax rate cuts | for schools, adopted hy the (ielieral Assembly, v.ill make a total" reduc tion iu the county running as high as .'{Sc on tlx $10(1 valuation of prop erty i i. foiee tax districts in the county. The cut on 10 per cent in the val uation will effect an actual tax re duction in the county of more' than I lie amounts figured above. The cut was put into effect by the Commis sioners srveial months ago, in con formity to the ads of the (ienoral Assembly. Tin- county tax rate was $1.30 on tin- < Id valuation, last year. This year it will lie !.31 on the new valuation, which is in actual reduction of more than the ?")<? reduction that is ob tained by subtracting $1 .."11 from + 1 The pioperty taxes for schools were entirely abolished by the (icn eral Assembly. This will amount In a reduction of 15c in every town sliip in 'lie county, as that was the anion. il of the State school tax last year. In addition to this all special taxes for schools were alioljshed by the fioneral Assembly. This ranges from 12c lo 1 Sc in the several special school tax districts ?. f the county; and adds up a tax saving to the pioperty owners of from 32c, in the special tax districts that had a spe cial school rate of 12c, to 38c in the districts while the special school tax was I He. It will be remembered that follow ing I he s* s.-ion of the (Icncral As ?enih.'y of lino tl.e tax rate was cut 32c. '! hi- akes'a total reduction in the la*; rate in Jackson county, dnr i u* the I:: si lour years, ranging as high as fOc o.u the $100 valuation, not taking into account the saving effected to the tax payers by the redu.ed valuation of their projiertv I by 10 per cent of its former ^dun It ion. BELIEVES SALES TAX IS BENEFICIAL TO TARMER:i Adoption of the general sales tax has been fortunate for Xorth Caro lina's farm population. "The general objection to the gen eral sales tax is that a greater pro portion of the income of the poorer ch'.s "s ina.M. be absorbed in the tax than is Mmio for the more wealthy class, even though the wealthy class buys more as individuals,'' said Joe !?]. Hull, North Carolina State College assistant in farm management re sea I ell. '^However, ibis objection is> taken care of in the exemption of the basic food commodities as these articles compute the greater bulk of piir rlia- ? - made by the poorer classes and today the agricultural popula tion -might be so classed," he asserte:!. I-asic con modifies exempted are, j wheat, tlc.ii r, corn meal, fresh meat, lard, sorjhum molasses, salt, sugar and coffee. The sales tax does not | apply to i hi* sale of products from ! fii . foiests, hi mines when such i fiilcs areMiuide bv, those who helped in the production of such products ill jtlnir oiiginal stale or conditioning ['heir pieparat '< n lor sale, but the j tax does apply to the resale of such I? rod -icts. Commercial fertilizer is j; !so exi nipt- an inspection tax is J already paid. The cxp< use of a general sales tax l iu this State, agriculturally, is much | less than il the ;>?' valorem tax had j been increased." HfiU sai?l. "Xorth Carolina's population is ? j about 70 per. cent rural, therefore our 'genera! sab s lax favors the ag ricultural class not only as farmers, b it as a whole. This enactment was sponsored j's a u cans of providing more revenue for the public schools, and with the large percentage of rural population, it is readily sjcen that the agricultural children will receive great* st benefit from the tax"' lie said the general sales tax is a fair tax, b ing more burdensome on those who can better afford to bear it, as well a* being especially favor orable to the one class of people most in need of its benefits ? the farmer.

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