JACKSON COUNTY JOURNAL ? Published Weekly By The \IACKS(LS cousty JOURNAL CO. r.nh-ri d as second class matter at 1 he 1'osi (/i'ficc at Syivn. N, C. > ( : , ? )J.\ X TOMl'IvlXS, Kdiior / ?' "Aft i ns ;v . ijj: a.? love I.tr.'is to (tinker are read." Actress us viirli t . ? Mayoe H.nry j-tsf do;>-;t.t w:vi: any back s .ii iiij; ill hi.s Imsim .-s. . \ I vi Tht wted pliers, this fal'vare'eer la itf\ It; iti-i slicked at- -iilso, siiorle '. c\ Li' ? i-i.t'-jba has jusl ? . m ?' revolution alter another. If' the sit;mti< 1 jivls out jif h:n .*, dov.?: ?Cuba way, Mr. ifoo-ev 'It has only to tell ii to ihe .?:nri * s. T!:J only (rnp.b'e with the spoils syst, :.i i; that it sometimes spoils the p6!i' icia u. S': ii-:; h:;v ih.-r <:i:i!wm coun ty's W :?r.> popi lation is 100 per cent illit.rate. Somebody should take Ihe ironldo lo N'sicli all three of them how to read. "Third set of twins is born to coup!:'.'' Km iiids us of \V. W. Kitch t-nV o'd .joke about Peter and Repeat er; Kate mid Duplicate; More and Xomore. W'iih Rol? Reynolds a'ld Bishop r'annon bo< h in Kuro|?\ this i';dl, the repml e'clion in Xorth Carolina should b;- rather a tnme affair. 100 j i.**ij?id turtle has been o:iii"'ht by P'm\s?.1hiI Roosevelt. A pretty pood starter for soup, if we should have to return to it niraiii, this win ter. S? e where Mrs. Day is to speak al ii meeting: on niirht schools. Try in? to throw .-onic light into the dark plac *s, eh Il Ffenrv persi>ts in nan-coopeia < ion of (he XliA, i; will be proof posi'ive ?hnl, despite hi* V-8, be is still l.viiifr in (||(> 'f .Mod,. | ajje. - W The headline:;, f-I'iti? of the trial ' in piOL'iess ;,t Tayloi sville, keep talk in? about a 4'fatsil bank llold-up;" and we wouldn't have the least id; a whn' they were < nll:in?f about, if we didn't happ .ii to knosv already. Shilby has added heiself to the list of Novtli Carolina towns and cities thnt have refused to vote school . syi ?){)!. -men is, preferring to maintain the intcgiily of u uniform, State-wulA school system. The vote in Shelby vas approximately two to one. (irtvcnior Khringhuus, while he is relieving tobacco growers, might look into the wages being paid the "little fellows" in the Highway maintenance id epiir tine ut. For instance, truck drivers are working 8 hours a day, and trying to support families on from 20c to 22c an hour. Dr. .T. Moore McConnell, moderator of the Rvnod of North Carolina, in opening the unceting, called upon the peop'e to devote more time to ear nest praying; which, by the way. wouldn't he a had idea, in helping to gvt the people in the proper frame of I'iind for the reception of the bles.sing of recovery of business pros perit v. Sp akrn>; of the XRA, the buyers driv.\ an.l other items of the recov ery progrnn. ; we can think of noth ing that would be more beneficial to us, p'?rsornlly, nnd as a business in stiti 'ie.o, along this line, than a flood <>C subset iption payments. T.nok at tli 'nl)' l o'i your paper, and send ? in n e'vck, money order, cash, or anything '.hat w'll pass for money. TT. T.. Menck n, Baltimore essayist and i in my of luncheon clubs and American 1 -cgioii, says what the eonn'rv wed# is more beer, better beer mill cheaper beer. Menckc-n's idea *n rbaf with better beer at a low er pric. ?!: > ot.jj?'' wi'1 drink it and not whiskey, lie describes whiskey drinking as '<an unmitigated ? evil.'' Mr. Mmeketi forgets that the old American, stock is not n beer-drink ing people. Tf they drink at all, they are going to drink hard liquor. Beer will do for the foreign element of more rrciitt extraction; but not for your old American, whose ancestors drank Jamaea-rum and whiskey. Mr. Mencken thinks that with the repeal of the 18th Amendment the thing we will have to guard against is "a re vival of whiskey-drinking, an un mitigated evil." Speaking of hazardous occupa i and gambling that is rraliy f asi*l) | l:ng, we submit th;- glowing oi' ?->?:- j JU'fO i:i thv* bright belt th" l ig?. st ."aiible of them a!'; at tin >.:u " time, the cards n*V uK.iftllv :;ta( !:ed against the grower, and the In, do the dealing. Kirfting of honorary presidents i> a 'ways a precarious job. Ti e Dear born folks put in the'r ehief eiiizejj, Henry ford, as honorary h.-ad of th VRA nn.it. Now Ilank is the chi'T hold-out on the XI? A. Von :n vcr i tell a ("first cifizei" will do <r any par'ietile.r inaff' r npfil von so : ?<' him ont. "First citizens" have a way t.f being ? oi.trary, at times. S: Moii in our life-jimp, has Cncvior h. .-n ?iv.*n : ne|i a pannin" as our present Chr f !v: eidive erivtd, a few w; ck* ago, from ss of ? hr> Rjpf:*. Then eaitt" th tobacco ??rowers ?~.r.d^in"ii!, the swift action of Ehiindn:1.;;. Tl press of th'* S t a % "> , almost u:iiver.-nrv praised h's course. All of wbi'] nroves thaf, with ;onie few diserac f i;l exception*, th:" Pr-s-s of Xorf? Carolina strive*:, above every' hv> 'else, io be fair. T)> ? tilings in tV" Oovt'r ior that {!ie ,|?ap:?rs ondemt! :;1 ?liev still cohdimn. Tliev have no chi'.nged their oiiinien on those ser.r<?* but wh :i ! ? did something worthy of pra'se, th y did 'ioi withhold it from him. HISTORY OF A CRIME A filling station operator was shot to (bath, alter the manner of gang ster rubbers, as he wilt about his j business, ovc-i ill Ashevilie. There was l ji hue and c;y. Hiis Langley tvas ar rested by police, ni?il the court;;, eonvic-ied ol nainier iii ihe first d; gu-c, and s iitciieed io be elect i?i euted. ft ? was ;.o Kalcigh and jp'aced in '>bath row." His attorneys feumi something wrong \\ ?' h I !??? s -n i fencing of their client, some techni cality. The supn me court upheld th ir view of it, and he was brought back ito Ashevilie and resentenced. The | judge, Hie solicitor, and others b'-yan to have, it they didut. ahvadv have, grave doubts .)T Ihe guilt of young 1 angley. A petition for a pardon was prepared, l-'divin Cill, pardon cohi j missioiicr w :ii. into the facts, and now, upon bis recommendation, tiov crnor Khr'nghaus has ? eo?!inmled to lift" iiiiprisomii'-Mt. Son e day he will j probably be a free man. Tin* (|iiestio!i that aris??< is this: If he is not guilty, h;> should be given comphte pardon. If he is guilty, he should have 'yen electrocuted; but how about the. real murderers The blood of the young man cries from the ground. His widow is without a hit . hand. His children are fatherless. The pence and dignity of tly> Stat*1 were wantonly violated. If the Ashe vi'lc and BiiiicoiuIm' county police irrt' the wrong man and got him convicted, how about the real murdcivrs? Is North Carolina to allow the method ol the gangsters to be employed against her peaceful citizens in our mountain city, and allow the evil dcyrs to get awav with it? . ROOSEVELT? GREAT PHYSIOIAN Congressman It. L. (Farmer Rob) Dough ton, iu an interview with lb Stanley News and Press, describes the President as "A great physician," and says: "President Roosevelt is the great est- physician the country has ever had. When ho w(.nt into office the country was mighty sick. Iler blood was thin and her blood pressure was low, but Mr. Roosevelt began giving her treatments and the response has bec.n very gratifying. "Revolutionary legislation had to be enacted, for the malady with which the country was suffering was n serious one. Old remulit's were a'l risjht years aj*o, but new legislation and a new philosophy was necessary to meet new conditions."' I Mr. Pouu'hton believes that the nalional recovery program will hp a birr success, and he .cays that he has already noted ireaUv improved business conditions in this state. The people of North ?Carolina have a great deal of confidence ?n ^ai mer Rr:b, and his statement wi'l be read with interest, and will arouse new hope for a bright future. HOME COMING AT WEBSTFE 1 ' ' A Home Coming Day for former r.emhers and friends of the Webster Raptist church will be held 011 Sun day, September 17, to which a'l for tner j men hirs, and their fri-nds1 are invited. The tentative program :s follows: 9:45, Snnday School; 11, ad dress of welcome. Miss Frankiv Rueh anan; quartet; offertory ; ?? rmon, ly Rev. T. F. Dcitz, a former pastor ?>f the church; J2:00, dinner; 1:30, de votional, Rev. .1. W. Kssterseji.) a former pastor of the church; quar tet, dismission. Indian fair to be hiaged OOTCE . THIRD ?o SiXTHi A.sitov..!?, c r?e|>t, within :he riy-ioiv f-r :f, ? p aks of ill-' .Vo.j.i:.;: .. Nation I'rtlk, i !t,' nil" r f the ? J:i i>i *>dian ; ! t"?trls; ?*: 1: \ 1 i vrge ?: -ir col- i .r.f '.l ::.;n:a !*.iv. A i.:i p wous sea 'he < v; ?i t thi> vcar : xpccted to n(t;r,c! :! larg:? a<i -:dni;r r.n thr pa rt of vii'ovs from imiiv sfMtrs. I{j\'iving ?!);? cus toms :.f (!??' JJ.d Iia.t, Hi.- [jidisiiis will prcs-i.t <) sprirj of f ' j with blowguns nrd hows r. ul ;<r:<" the ryiow.ned ball .< rank's and thr v.uiovs forms of native dane; s kn-nvir v tho g sirral tit'" of "Greets Corn :ifps;* e?hhra?fd fbr < .:duries :*.t 1 !ii : s. a son, as tr ha I >1 W< s. / Tht1 four days of thr fair wi I also mark the nnnval display of | ? -'h'ct> from the I"di:in farms and displays of Indian handicraft,, of Intcivst to visitors. The site for the ovn t will ho tho Indian school at Cheroknp, thr buildings of the inst:tntio:i b<-L*-pr r.scd for the di*p'nv<. For mniiv -years the o'd r Indian.1; lav ? pies< rv< I the art of shotting with tho hhwgun fomirlv a tribal weapon of tho Cherokees. Indian ar ch rs of this tril'o ar* a'so noted for their skill wil^i the how and arrow and the contests during the fair w?ll he battles between veterans in the n't rf us vi? these wpnpws. Th" Indian Hall Games patterned somewhat on the order of lacrossc and called "Anti-tsagi" by the Cher okees will bp a focal point of interest for visitors attending the- fair. The primitive game requires oP the play ers much time in preparation and much rivalry is in evidence between Mi* contending teams. Rules of the game are . fumlamntal only in char acter and i he Indian Rail player must imhIi rgo plv of ;i character much more nerve strenuous than that in modern football. The Eastern Cherokees dwelling in tli" shadow of the (Jreat Smokies have bccoire one of the interesting at tractions io the new (Jreat Smoky I Mountain.-- National Park. Many vis itors planning tours through the na l>':iini park this year will time their itinerariis ;)s io attend the Indian Fair at Cherokee. HENSON AG AINST REUNIONS September 4. Dear Editor: It is my opinion that I ho greatest drawback to regular and well-attend 0(1 church functions i.n Jackson coun ty during the suR.niertimo arc grave yard decorations, family reunions, and all those other varuuis and sun dry popular affairs that might prop erly he listed under thy general term of 4'big dinners." Sucfc affairs are getting to he over advertised, over-emphasized, and in every way completely overdone. Of eours?, T guess there is nothing that can he done about it so long as ive have the idea that the host way to honor the dead is to tramp chick en hones over their graves and that (lie best way to nourish lovingkind :i."ss within a family group is to get a part of its members together and give them a chance to spend a whole day ?rossipi.ug about the part not in at tendance. Well, maybe it' a pretty good idea after all. "Dinner on the ground" does sound more comfortable to the internal regions than "dinner at home." Of course, the big idea after a'l in these graveyard affairs is hon oring the dead, Oven if wo do employ sotre rather roundabout and peculiar methods in doing so. One or two side shows couldn't do much harm. Every body knows that dear old d arl-and gone Grandpap wouldn't want a fel low to visit his grave and go away hungry. ITiHisml TlVnson. TO MOVE BODIES OF PATRIOTS The Tennessee Valley Authority is arranging 10 transfer the remains of early patriots f oi>- p' oncer burying grounds witliin 1h" area to l:r- fiood od by tlio groat Xorris Dan: a* Covo Creek, near Knoxvi'le.\ Contained in 02 eemeterirs i.n the region to bo in undated are 4,2fi0 historic graves. Some of these old crmcteries da4e from the days our hardy forefathers first pushed westward across th? A1 Ughenies. Buried here are many sol diers of the Revolution, including some heroes who fought i" 1V> re-' ible enerajreme.nt tit King's Mountain, also relatives of Daniel Boone, Daw Crocket, John Sevier, Sam Houston. Andrew Johnson and others who? names figure on history's pages. \ GAY Eev. T. F. Deity, has jnst closed a very successful revival at the East Fork Baptist Church. The school is progressing very ire* "to World Wheat p.MjLy Supplies and Price IkllT ? 1923 24 "25 '26 '27 28 '29 '30 ?|*HIS representation of what the *? world will offer the wheat farmer for hla wheat shows clearly the rela tionshlp between supply and price. Since 1928, when the world supplies of wheat first became burdensome '.he price has been low for the most part. The pictures at the top of the chart show that when the supply Is low, the world will pay a good price for wheat, bat when 6uppllo3 are too big, the world won't pay as much. As the supplies (shown by the blacic bars) have climbed, the price (repre sented by theshaded parts) hao sunk loTver. The wheat administration Gsolcs to bring the wheat supply of the Unitv! mand'oj1 r to m::!:o : : is, the !??> : from a bu much as it . 1 900-1 !? ! i ' far en it-. ?: nitcly w .1 "'"''iCEVT' - j-us - Mo J 100 j fi ^0 ) i ;1 & ; '0 t j -3 ly at Gov. Have a large enrollment ami good attendance. Mr. John Craw ford of Ctillowhee and Miss Emma Tatham of (lay arc the teachers. Savannah is smding 29 high school pupils to WJebstcr fiom the fork of East Fork to Zion Hill. Oscar ITigdon is improving since falling from a 30 foot bank and mashing his right hi el. He has not boon able lo walk without the aid of crutches since. Mrs. Sarah Sutton has been very ill at her home for some time. Mr. and Mrs. (Jarland Buchanan announced the birth <?f a new girl recent ly. Rev. and Mrs. F. \Y. Kiker passed through the community last week en route to Franklin circuit in Macon county, where Rev. Mr. Kiker is helping conduct a revival meeting at the Iotla church. Mr. Joh'i \V. Murray, of West Mills spent Saturday .night with his daugh ter, Mrs. !{. O. Hindoo. A number of the boys from the C. C. C. camps are spending a few days here with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Beck recently visited Mrs. Beck's mother on Way Renew Your Health By Purification Any physician will tell you that "Perfect Purification of the System is Natuio's Foundation of Perfect Health." Why not rid yourself of chronic ailment*; thftfc are under* mining your \itality/ Purify your entire sy?t:r.i bv* taking a thorough course of <JaIotahs, ? once c-r twico a week for several weeks? and see how Nature rev.arda you with health. Calotabs purify the blood by acti vating t ho livor, kidneys, stomach and bowels. In 10 cts. and 35 cts. packages. All dealers. (Adv.) YeiitiUa. he is |> Mi*. Torn .)ou:s has Imvji very ill Martha with a number of ahs .?e.s-ed I ctli, lmt <1 a i * ? r ?. since the dentist has gone to his aid, anan '?* \? Lyric Tib. SYLVA, N. 0. \ UNDER NEW MAt.t <*. 11-, " Fri. and Sat,, Sept. o ctxr f tvt w '--7 99 o. ? ?KING KONG Atlvrjiturp out t lu* n>adde>i In. ?vi wildeM thrills! It's the l;iu^> -si . ;i? i - . i , world has ever mvii also < < i } i i.r ? \ Mon. and Tues,,. Sept. 11-12 66 42nd STiiEHl -?.e? Two stupendous :!i?v> i:i one! A <o:..h! comedy presented seme lor ?ii c while >!? laces iai ! Nrailv two l.e.ms 4)1 hi cat hi? ? < star*;, more than f>0 i.-atnrul |?ei former*. . ? ' t'l'nl sjirls in the world! With Warner Baxter, Belie Dailies, (Im. I *? ?'? Powell, (iinjjer Kofiers, (Jny Kihbee, ,\ul ?( outstanding stars. ALSO fAHTroX Admission it dnced to .10c ? Sl:;iw o|i: '<> 'i : plete shows. Matinee Sat. 2 :.'!<) I\ 'M: ?o: inee and nijrht. Admission Matinee H e in' NEED! t (.RAFT |5?0DSrpRJ?S By Special Arrangements with the Leading Magazines of Country We Bring You the EKggest Bargain of All Time . . . ? Subscriptions To 3 Famous Magazines with A New or Renewal Order for This Newspaper. tyiAKE UP YOUR OWN CLUBt CHOOSE M- | Magazine From Group "A" ^ 2 Magazines From Group "B" Jk. And THIS NEWSPAPER (1 Full Year) ALL 4 ONLY"0 Your Choice of Any One Magazine in This Group GROUP A ? McCall's Mcgazine 1 Yr. | ? Woman'i Horn* Comp._..l 7r. P Pictorial Review 1 Vr. | ? Screen Play I Yr. ? Hollywood . Movie Ma*._l Yr. | ? Open Road (Boys) 1 Yr. ? Pathfinder (Wkly.) -1 Yr. And Your Choict of /iny Two Maaasmts in Group 0, THREE IN ALL WHY PAY MORE? Your Choice of Any Two Magazines in This Group GROUP B Q Better Homes V Gardens . . . ? 1 ?* ? Woman's World . ? Houschdd Mapttfw . 1 yi D Nccdlecialt Q Good Stories . . 1 V" ? Country Home . . 2 yr 0 .Successful F.irming . 1 y O Progressive l-'armer . 2 yr ? Southern Agriculturist 1 yr And Tour Choice of Any One Mazazme in Group A THREE IN ALL . THIS OFFER l|... 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