\, !MI, of Cnshiel*, is here ?ft ft ?ft ,|( ii j \'e Coward left, Wednesday h i a visit to frieuds in i ' \ 1 ? > , . ? : } . itiiiny Newman, of Tampa, of .Miss Lydn Mnwiy, , i.!r here. -ft * , , ? >;' Ciiii i i .mogn, T^nn., , .! i: 'i1 luisldi'i'! here, for a i'i- |Y..:is:'tt Hotel. "r -H \ V. Washburn, .1r., of Nnsh .!, , ? p nt ilie week end here, , ??:?? l~. * * * * ? Jmoihy Moore is spmding . , at ii! Chiengo, visiting the , ui i'tojjrchs Jvxposition. ?;? * >>( colli)! ? Kasmuson left Tues n?r Tiim ?aloosa, Alu., where lie in pursue liis studies tit the I'ni V(., it y oi' Alabama. i.- ?;* ft \iis. C. c. Cagle has gone to Way (la., where she was ealletl by ,! . death ol her brother, whose filtl n.i | will he In Id this al'lernow. > "X" * "ft Mr. Hex 1 .ong, of lite State High way Department, underwent tin op iiiition, last night, tit the C. J. liar t 'oiniininity Hospital. , * * * Mr. S. I\. Diivtill ami Mr. Wiley si!in |i, ol (irassy I'reek, spent Siitur thr,' i i ? ; 1 1 1 here, guests ' ol Mr. l)u x;ll|-, ?ist!> their home in Hanihurg, ;i \i-it t?? their daughter, Mrs. I;,. , Mv.-k--!i. at Wytheville, Ya; * * # \1, ,1 \lr>. I?. !?-. Madison and iliiSiii'U, ol' Chieagt>, 111., ar v.\ i\S. I"1' 11 v's'l to Mr. Mad \ v, , I'm!', and Mrs. R. L. M i ii-ii.i, ir home in W'ebster. ?f * * \Ti. | Allium will leave, Kat ,ni,i;u' in n t.'u .. for Sanatorium, uiii i, In- i!| ?ifii^rtn'lit. lie will h , i i Sanatorium hy in .ii 'i './ i . Allison. -:f ?* * >.i \ i . I'lh uuimn, her sou, . \: I-. i'liii M: . V. I!. Hirtl, Miss ?j, .i 'm i >.,| NT l\< itli Hinds I, ; : '!?. i., - ! in ii v. hv n otor, for Mi. . *i ii *i> tin- Century i:| . [I.- it'l l!. * \i" M'-t u ii-y, Mjss Phyllis Vi.Hx ;.t:i! Mr. -lack J CuiTituee, ui I W. Yn., arrived yester ili'iv, in-.' i \i>il to Mr. and Mrs. ('? l.i' ,- l l' jcin, at flu ir home on ( 'ikC'.'imI Heights. * ??? * \'i .1. I. Mn.ney, her sotis, Messrs. I';! in. I I'Yu.ik Maney and her ifi....'!n. r, Miss ( lladys Mane.V are >|i i liiiiif si niie time in Ch'engo, see i-i-r i in Century of Progress Exposi lii.ii. ,, * * */ A" i s Molly Walters left, this rn. >i iiinjj, after a week's visit to liev i .?? rf Mrs. P. 1<. Allison, and Mr. tllison, nl their home here. Miss Walters :s n ircuiber of tlie faculty nl' n private school in N'cw York Oily. * * * 1 1 r. ami M rs. Tf. Stein have as is Mrs. St -mi's brother, Hev. 0. M l. nice, Mrs. I, nine ami their ?V-Vlt'ers, Mis.-- Sara Allison Kaneo "T r in t on, Mrs. l ance's sisters, Mrs. I; ! and Miss Kvn Colbert, of New Vi.if. ('itv. * * ? M . Tom Kelly who has licet* at ?i siinnner school at McCallie '?i In ? i| I'or Hovs, in Chattanooga, T i ?? . ."pi nl a few days with his ? n! ? o'lier, Mrs, T. IT. Ilastiujj.s, "-i :i.?i?ent Tuesday night here with !"' I??ie.nts, Mr. and Mrs. ,f. K. Oat hwiiy. Mis. W, s, McNeil and her little diois-Jitcr, Mary Ann, came over from S'mi Thursday to utteiul the party '"i* Miss CozjuI at Mrs. Tom Porter's Tho Franklin Press, Mrs. John Irwin., Jr., and Mrs. V. P. Loftis liave returned to their homes in Charlotte, after spending a few days lure, with Mrs. Irwin a mother, Mrs. T. II. Hastings. *? * * Mr. ami Mrs. Henry Snyder of Ohl Fort, accompanied by their son and his wife, from Detroit, Mich., ar ia- (1 this muming for a visit to Mr. R. G. Snyder, at Willets. 55- if MEETING FOR GRADE MOTHERS The (trade Mothers for the Sylvn schools will meet Monday afternoon, nt :?'!(> oVtoirk in the Graded fleh Thoinjv son, Jessie Frir.zoll, Bonnie Mitchell. Willie Mae Sengo, Eugenia Ensley, Edna Ensley. Seventh Grade: (Frank T. Rhino hart, teacher) Will'o Sellers Carl (Thompson, Frank F-'isloy, Roy Ens floy, Avery Ensley, .T. C. Thompson, Alvin Ensley, Guy Ensley, Burgur Enaley, Charles Crawford, H?y;-er 1). Pricc, Frank Th yu>;).'V.'.i, Paul Sutton, Charles Guy Rc.'d, J. Knslev, Vir fO-e Ensley, Luev B. S- J let's, Lv.c;* Parker. OLIVET H0N02 ROLL First Grade: Bill Rich, Troy Wat son, Louise TRaby, Hatt e AInc Caglc,- 1 Alice Lambert, Tommy . Farmer, \ Harry Callahan*, Walter Clenuiits. i Second Grade: Bruce Ramsey.! Cai iyle Gunter, D. R. Quee.u, Binjel! j Gunter, Hazel Clements, Joe Qu(*en, : [jester Owens. ... * j Third Grade: Julia Ann C'agle, ; Wi'ma Queem, Jnauita Hyatt, Lloyd Owens, Om;i Gnnter, Ted Ruby, Claud Callahan, Betty Queen, l^illy Ward, j Fourth Grade: Margie Enloe, Alice ' Hippa, Hughey Hyatt, Sallie Lee Cagle, Randolph Ray, Oscar Bradley, Cecil Treadaway, Kmeiy Gm?ter, I Wade Dunlap, Charlie Bridge, Frank- j io Queen, Robert Clements, Leonr. Gunter. Fifth Gravle: Edward Ward, James: : Ward, Howard R ?agau, Bealriee j Ro4and, Dewey Watson, Annie Mae ' Ray Fred Clements, Fnrman Gunter, Pearl Sherrill, Birdie GaMowav. Sixth Grade: Beriiiee Hipps, Mamie j Enloe, David Hyatt, Stella Jordan, I Henry. Galloway. Seventh Grade: Pearl Hayes, Ned AHison, Bennie Bridge, Herbert Cal lahan, Jinurie Sherrill, Annie Mae Ward, Edna Hyatt. RESOLUTIONS OF RESPECT < We, the members of Svlva Chapter No. 96, Order of (lie Eastern Star, wish to pay tender tribute and ex press our deep loss and .sorrow for one of our beloved members, Sister Fannie Simons. In her passing "we shall miss h faithful and loyal mem-! ber, therefore we resolve: I k * First, that our chapter and (he whole community, lias sustained a , IN MEMORIAM On Si'tiuilay, August 12th the , jnity vvji.s saddened when, our ; Sli'it" Father iii his infinite love ?n<] wisdom called home io a rich re ; ward Mrs. Martha Kllen Bryson, wife 1 Mr. IfiTjyli Bryson of CuIIowhee, : w!io lio'l h vn in d-cl :.ni ? r.g health for J ; manv months. She will he greatly ! missed in a large portion of Jackson j county, where she saovi ficed herf h.-alth an-.l comfortable homo to mill ? . istcr to th:- sick and needy. Shf> was ?T;'at los<, and, Second, that ?v extent! to the be / leaved hnshand "and dau'rh^ >? our sn:- ; eeij-e sympathy and. coiemuid ihem to j our If-avculy Ka'hir for comfort! and support in their sorrow, and Third, that a copy of those resolu tions he sen1 to tiie family, the local papers, and spread iqvm the minutes of our chapter. Mrs. .1. F. Freeze Mrs. A. 1). Mm ray Mrs. M. Buchanan, Sr. . FOR SALE? 2 Jersey Milk Cows Apply Bragg Cowan, Webster, X. C. "Dr. G. Conrad Nichols Dentist Offices with Drs. Nichols Over Sylva Pharmacy Expert Watch and <; Jewelry Repairing :: Guaranteed Satisfaction ; ; RAYMOND GLENN JEWELER I a I ; the oldest daughter of the late David I S. Pressley and helped to rear a j large family of younger brothers and | sisters, before her marriage about 48 i vears ajjo. She was not blessed with !, - . 'any children of her own but reared ! 5 or 6 children after her marriage. ! Many will rise up to call her blessed at that great day, for she took pleas ure in mothering the unfortunate. She was converted in early woman j hood, and died a consistent member of (he Methodist church and W. M. U. of Cullowhee. She leaves a bro ken hearted husband and nine broth ers and sisters to mourn her going away, for she slipped away so easily we can't realize she is gone. Just bid farewell for a few short days till we go to se?> her in that celestial city where sorrow and tears are unknown. A Sister., Herds Smiling Relief. . . Neuralgia l^uritis Bdckache Rheumatism Lw.ibago Sciatica Muscular Pains Periodic Pains Most of your suffering from common every-day aches and |>ains is unnecessary and unwise. Unnecessary, because Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills relieve quickly and without unpleasant after effects; unwise, because pain makes your physical condition worse instead of better. One pill usually brings relief in a few minutes. If you suffer from any of the disorders listed above, take Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills. If they do not give you greater relief in less time than anything else you have used, go to your druggist and get your money back. A package of Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills in your medicine cabi net, pocket, or hand-bag means fewc aches and pains. 25 for 25 cents 125 for $ 1.00 DR. MILES' AMTS-PABN PIUj They're Milder and they Taste Better ? 1955, Liggitt & Hwu Tobacco Co.