^ j ^I?lt6 fcRil ' : ; tuTiiD b Y j . i. 'i lu iif?" through i. <11 iii' consumers now .11: l.iiV. is l In oi.jrlioiu ...!i |i:.u.?'iio!i iHiii t |?. it-f i .! i;;i ! i*; ,i ? I .li s in il IIUUUIl Y 1 , <; ,! . . on from tunny civic . . t.-.iiti.J U?i." Ill I In' , :i Advisory Hoard i :i ;i j I \ nay tfugsjestiou ni >;? : >?*; I,-. i i i:-.. . I iit\nli: Hell us ??*?('? s Oi ...ii 1 1 n > aic li:tin!!i il i. . ? . i.t af Voju.sl'.m.nt Admin . I. . t-iiioiis CM IT is , !; ? i oji- .'itit'r's counsel . line ft 1 1 is i llicit Were Inkell .r m .M'iuj; oir In eiii! j?i ?. *' . , ?.i>| | jujj I'a | iii lieiu I'ils ;ire lie ti cl'ivl...-;; i'. | ?r ? ?? . 'u ? ore under code;* i't" i'ji ? i* c>?m ioii nli cn.'v in ??|*i'i ;? S * i < ? . -c|or s si oil of e? oii??ini*>ts , ,li;is l < ? I t lie litsl pluise ol' ;i si 1 1 ? I \ ile prices, siiiiniini i/.ed ns ltd .'t oi 's of iippiMt ii'lv itiiiea , tmI it-Inking have liecn dc ?"? W ,. ,.siity ol I lie l rode, liowki . pr:i:.v' let'- I'a'i :? p'.rx> V. ? i-i'.-n ily exists in hitfili'f ? iMC.iises j|lio\e mil ,.i ihnial le lo proccs .t::p!i>y liieiif eosls, I i|iUi.;, ? :p Iclive imtiirc of re plus willingness , , ^ i-O'-P'.-rnle, li.is nf C ' . " v \ ? si : on:; plot ed ion J ,, ?>! ?h which mfttti) iihsot'lit'i! jini't of i/iti '!"? s; N ! ;t\ iv**. ?' |>urchnsiii}? ' ? ?} cf of -.V:A;ArV| /i / ?> ?.tins' it soil' in ??' ml t 'Moil uonils." .'??fj 1 1 ><;? - / I?r till . i% .1 ? - 'iiflm ? ? . iviniiii'' ii :v 1 i, niiTull : : ? .?i \ Uo:mj ?! \U \ :i lo ln'.MiM'-s ?:i lii -t ooiivdi I'ji-^I I !? it ?(' i In ri -iii!* priwt r of' ? i! I). j.?r; followed. ! ? m's.mmiIs of local h:nuds ? in' Ix iiiif rriniiidi il Ilia' |!|1- " i> i'ijiIs th?' purpose of tlic 1 " >" ? . am, tor out' thin", I'lid "> ! \ I rciiii'ty p:?or juil^nif.Mt Tin* Pr:- i<'< ii' 's s' it ?'i: \KA con! "tliis i i ?Hiuiiiics mid ?otv.l busiiiiss.' as well as manufacturers ; told tlifit the ii of normal conditions, mid > i lii?r is no ii oio p riiiissiblo V is rii-kft; ?*ri iiji*. ! s Ijciiii; n "?ujirdjan against -"'iu i . the Hoard is cdiicati ? itr coii V'fi'. i i h ron trli I lie multitude of oi' -is with which it lias ostal) ?Vt>M ii.iitact, in l)irdir??tinir for the '?'iijiily in quality huyinj;. IiATJ^N ; FARM PRODUCTS MAINTAIN BETTER PRICE? "??I'M . ion. ? Mid-month reports n| Stalls IJureau ol' Ag I ci'Miiiiii'S show ii stion<* ? i : 1 1 higher prices, (iains up ? . ? i ;> 1 lines whit tl Wi ic "K t'oiith, iiictiiHii'jf meats, !:?!'(!-? (it liv?if ?I'k. Ml 11 *!'*-? ! : ;:voij|l,!y to lighter, sen If! i it crop condition ?. I ) ? ? ? i . I ?iliv prices were well nt;r.n i. . O '?mc 1i iKii'(icy to increasing 'liis sea- on. A ere;' ire of "" * ?-?ihiv.'-iT from prodneti;ni > vi ! ii s of !he A?*i'ieul-' ent \dmviistnition is |. t ?ii. or more than es ' i.i -i imiiitli. As a rcsii'*. are universally reported to !i. O aii'y of wheat '? !!'>.! !?. r.-.ti I . II or better i' pic!;invf np. Favorable ' late crops turned co''!t l)t;i oats are steady !"''y very firm. Potatoes are " i --ii, sustained by reports ; " i ? i.iii. 1 4oYkai&a<;o Tuckaseigo Democrat, Sept. 20, 1093 ' >'i" v.'t:1- VI id SdOit'n ('r ''k Kiiurdiiy. Mr. ! m? i >i , ol' W'liittur, K|>l>tll Insf nijjhl hem (- { M , tfnm! ? '>? ';,il:?\ ?? " 1 ??xiu'jt! is visi! . ? nV.li'i, .Mrs. N? i ( Hnehannn. I W. V }?!.?' Ml*. ! Mis, M. I'.*? ly'i nui'' down lii>ri <*r.l lowlier Monday. Tho oldest iiilinUitnnt never i!U Ml'* ; Mi.-uuV Hills. ? <>?(?,.' :t|? ! ii"i Dilluiioro Tuesday evening. \'\ i' i. ?i ' i> I'crol' the dentil of' Mr. D. A. Davis, which occurred nl !'i lf?ni" mi Ka*t J.npiiitc, TuesdayJ nl 2 o'clock. .? i Kit I'm* Mid Mary l.ove ''"?jii.-i!:!;.' i?? ir?*--*iil?* * 'lit1 Asl'cville kl ? ! ? College. Mr. D. I.. I.uve wen! oVer tfith them, returning t lint night. .nsi.:. A'iiwiiv aid /.???diary slii|U I ped ii mi' Inad id' sheep Jo Richmond | Thursday, r.inl yesterday Mr. M. II. Mori is loft with n l, have liolh been here ilui'.iitpr the week. Tin* < it!;*.en pub! slcs ti Idler to W. W. Si nfijjJi-.dd ''um (! m, |.t:?i?r slrrot in wliidi I lie |u?pe is expressed ? li:? I lie miiy l?i> able li? attend tin* re union at Waynesville. Mr. B. II. Woodfin and Mr. .1. M ^i^'TTi " huvr rr>rh krnrf1-.* us this week with samples of their crops of sweet | iot a toes, for which nil* thanks are hereby tendeml. Mr. M. Bite ha Uiti is building :i lar?re stable om liislwt between Main and Mill >tnets, which, from its size, location mi t.hct ? :,,rumsta!ic! s suwi;*hi| ? ' ? i " 1 " J ? 1 1 has arranged that (lie veterans' Will,, assemble at the school house near Mr. D. (!. Bryson's o:.i the im.nrii"- of the 1i"h of October. w 1 ? ; re they will join ill!' coininn from Webster ami march to camp at Balsam (Jap. Mi". T. J. Love will furnish the wnyou for haul ing rations ami camp equipage. We ii r:* rr?nicste?l to stale that Mr. fvrus Thompson, State Alliance lec turer, will eddrcss the j>:,o]?'e at Bast Laporte on Friday, Sept. '29, ril. Web ster, Saturday, Sept. .*?(), and at Bar liters Creek, Monday, October 2n:l. Mr. K. A. luck: ? Al your request I furnish you below with mount ?f boiler explosion Ik re on September IfSth: Boiler of saw mill 011 Donley*. Creek, Swain county, belong;' n? (;? .1. Kerle." ol thi.;' plae:' exploded ? t I:--.'!') ,i. |, j.. i |v- ijilv killing Rich iird Nichols, Ashevil'e, .In ires O'Kellv. sawyer, Hominy, Hen McMahan, l,e McMahan, Jesse (iuntcr, Swain conn t y, and Henry Smith, colored, fi?*? Coopers, sli?*hfl/ in jut in:* >lamn cjf's! tl hy *rvitirr <0 carry too l:i??l' a pressure of steam J'or this hoiler. Th.' ho.'ies oi' th ? dend will he sent to their respective homes tomorrow. K. V. Melvee, Whit tier, N. C. BETA P. T. A. MEETS Befa P. T. A. met Thursday night, Sept. 14, and elected the following officers: President, Frank T. Khi-ic jhart; vice preside nt, W. > 1 ? n? i i vol y ind ention tint the (limn nri will he jrood. Svwl nr.* not difficult to harvest anil \w cxjHvt to :n Htlii. "?d i j fi!) :k !.h- s". se>d this reason, " ' ' \ ill ?!ye returns (o- our efforts, With a good crop now on the lt.es in .litckson county, it look ; t. i I'!; ? i i epportunity for at |e:M ,t IVw farv.ers to harvrst their ???op At I :M a 'Vv" po :nds is n he siiwr. ? ; Til? .?;r\ i i :uui>iit wnhts five hundred pounds ol' Mack lot est seed this si i son ami. many othrr buyers arc in* tereslotjUn seen i i up sevd. Tn tltc harvest, pads with full ?'.no " i'iI final liril'ty, vigorous lives should he jrathcivd! as soon as j i'tiituiv,' allowed to dry or eirv i;t a dry airy tdaee. They can then oe hulled as you would peas or boat.s. i Thry e?:i h? ;o'd in tl;;' 'pod. or liiiUtd out \.o:'.jd en. her haw thr;? huikd. Kanii/is interested in harvesting aitd u arkei iii'jf black locust s.-'ed are invite*'' t?? irot tn touch w'th tli : <*<>iu i s y a out and vivo ??? estimate- of the amount of seed they will h.n avnilable. LOVEDALE COMMUNITY FAIR TO BE HELD NEXT SATURDAY The people of Love's Chapel sec tion of Sylva and Webster townships, will hold their eonuminitv Fair, at the filling station of Mr. Wild, on the Cullmvhce i.uiil, Satuidny of this week, Sep' ember 23. The fair will be sponsored by the : ovi- l:il ? (oK i-mnity Club, of which Mrs. Dave Thomas is president. am iviiudi iuuujum* splendid wwk dtii'Niji. the year. Kxhihits of various kinds will be >n display, and it is expected that it large number of people from Sylvn ?Hid other points in the county will avail themselves of the opportunity of swing what the Love's Chapel folks are doing, i.nd attend the fair. ? launches will be on sal:', by inem 's of the community club. 1LUB TO RAVE QUILT SHOW ih . ' ? . A quilt show, s)>onsored by the 120th Century Club of Sylva, will be held in the U I. odes building, 01. Sal unlay, September 30, taking the place ?i> the ?'lowt"- show th;:t ha* been held by tin' club in prev'iv is years. I'li/es will be ,ol I 'i- :*d for the hist nrw. quilt, for the h'.st old (|iiilt: for ?he best new spread, and for the best old spread. All th- women in the county are invited to bring quilts and place their on exhibit. There wili he members >? 1h? clu'i in the sIjow building all day 011 Friday before the show, ?-iv# ex'iibl's, and their will be accepted tip to 10 o'elo-.k Satur.'ny morning. The show will open nt 10:30. Saturday, September 30. A small ad mission fee will be charged. qualla o The Beta B.Y.P.U. gave >jui inter esting program' ht the Baptist cliureh Sunday afternoon. We welcome these young folks anuc;:i was delivered at the Metho dist church on the "Vine and tin branches,' by Rev. R. (J. MeClam ; o< k. I Mr. Wade H. Beck of the JJ. ( S. Navy, who has been visiting relatives lor tile past month, has returned to lVnsaioia, Fin. lie has belonged to he navy for about 12 yea is. Mr. and Mrs. Dexter Bengali who have been stationed near Los Angeles, f.'lif., sue visiting Mr. Albert Rea gan's ami other relatives. Hi- belongs to the U. S. Navy. Misses Kula Reagan, Annie Lizzie Teirell, Dora Crisp and Messrs. Carl Hoyle and Wade Beck were dinner Uiiests a? Mr. (i. A. Kinsland's Sun day. i Misses Kdna Hoyle and Kat'e Mat thews calle I on Mrs. Ruth (iibson. Mrs. John Ayers and children vis ited relatives at Bushnell last week, j .Miss Be.tie Alma Dills of Bvta spent the week end with Misses Edim am" Bonnie Frcemar.. Mrs. A. T. Pat ton reurned lion; Sunday from a visit with reiat: Golf Caddies Strike For Higher Fees (By JOHN PARKfS, .1R.) There's j war on at the Svlva Country Ciul> between the golfers r.nd tin' caddies, all as a result of the caddies striking fore higher fees. Tin* caddit.s ? buys who carry the ?' i!y jr.:ysf " c! :h:, kt?o|? his scoiv down belo.v the century mark and totwrs his ball out oi' the* rough when the other guy isn't looking ? say thiy want a raise in caddy fees or else they don't caddy. So they don't caddy. | .It ail lu-fjan last Friday when fo; r prominent men of Sylva ? Dr. *0. X. Caudler, llu? Rtv. T. It. Wolfe, Moi> roiv Madisou, and S. W. Enloe? walked oat to tee t.tf for the fii>' hole nnd started to-ongage their cad dies. Boh Matins, who rules the caddy kingdom of the Sylva Country Club,! .?.p nks up a id . says that 4'?vc must j have twenty-five cents a round or else ? . '' The foursome feels that it is Ise. They say they will pay what; they have been paying ? twenty cents | a round or thirty-five cents for IS h;d r. But the hoys don't see it that way i\?id so refuse to caddy. /That was seven days ago and these few who venture to play golf must scare it caddy up in Sylva or do liis ?wn eaddying. A majority of them are dring their own caddy ing. "A year ago when times became luird ami money was being p:nchcd,v began Matliis.who is looked upon as the brains of the eaddy yystem at the country club, and incidentally, who is obeyed in i very i--;)>e to our old prices. "This, summer enme ami lohody inentioiifd rasing our caddy fee so it was h ft up lo us to say something about it. We should have put up v Mrk befcr^ fJVNv, "but Wr tKdn'f. Wr thought that I hev won id tome acro.-r as they had promised. "There have born very few playim !>olf this summer and of the fifteen boys we only average about two rounds a week, and that isn't enough lo pay us for our time of stayiie.* here all week. So we wanted a raiv which we didn't gel. *' "Do you expect lo catldy anv nvorc this summer?*' Math's was asked. *?1*11 say I tie i't. I know we won't wits. The caddies haug around the edge of the ?;*mrse an* wink ami smile at other. Tt's great sport to them to watch tlic,cr> men carry their own hags and do their own caddyi.ng. O. T. Rockett of Hickory, Catawba county, is conducting a trial with '?{?pans this season, having 25 excel lent birds now weighing over 7 pounds each. Person county tohncco growers re port heavy -damage from the wind and rain storir recently. Some grow ers (stimate their damage at oft per cent of the crop. at Cherokee. Miss Etta Kinsis-nd called on Mi's. Ed Oxncr and Mn.' T. K. Terrell, Fi iday. Mr; and Mrs. W. 0. Martin and Mr. and Mrs. Clias. Wjoriey visited it Mr. D. J. Worley's. Mrs. f). C. Hughes and children are visiting at Mr. James Battle's. Mr. and Mrs. Terry Johnsrvi a id Mr. .J. O. Howell and farrilv were gnosts of Mrs. A ? 0. IToyle, Sunday. Mr. D. C Hughes eallH at Mr. Luther Hovie's. Mesdanif ; -Tess II Jn*?t o!' and Estos Talbot visited Mrs. W. H. TInyle. ftov. J. U Hyatt, Mr. Paul "Fc Vin son and Miss Bertie Dills were >ds In onsi some of iji-^t year's let termen. And as far as having a back f'eld | licked 011 which the burden of Saturday's pame will be thrown Coach Poindexter has not fully made up his mind, for each practice shows some of th-' second string backs who are almost equally as strong as the ?irst string, improving and fighting 1o the last to crash the first string ?'?! up. Lnmhert will be makinp a stronp b*d for a plaee in Saturday's starting lineup. -- Coach P?i ? ?fcut bis charges throuph nn afternoon of impressiv drills Tuesday. Stressing blpekiivr. ?r.id trickling. the line and baekfield were hiltinr; into a midseason stride w'tli football in their l?ones and anx ious to throw themselves iuto the heart of thi> game, Tuesday afternoon.' Sending his, men into a sciimmagr which lahted about two hours, Coacb Poindexter looked1 on a? his fiis* string scored seven touchdowns over an impressive second strinp. Tli*' first striivr T ues*l.i v afternoon was composed of Barnliill and Wil I in nis, ends; Hunter and Mr-Flroy. tackles; Justice and Bailey, guards: Hudson, center; Schaehner, ipiarter back: Sutton and Miller, halfbacks: and Simpson, fullback. Newcomer? who have broken into first string duly this year are ITu!! ter, of Harnardsville; Railev, Mar Hill track star last year; McFlnv. of Flat Creek; Williams, former l.ecs McRae griodpr. and Schaehner. who gained faun throughout Western .Voriii Carolina in a very impressive way in 19'):? while a member of l lie Weaver (")'!' ?re eleven. The oi.'.- r first strikers are letternieii from |:>v. year'0 tVraniooiit team. From indie. ?>?'ion the Purple ??!id Gold line will average around 175 pounds and the backfield around There h a wealth of rescue ? ma ierifd. the -\iu:id now iiuiiibc* !ii?r I"), and the spcon.l t: am being alisn.-' as strong as tito P;?-st. On the li.tl t ?am are R:;v|:| and Allen v-civer. plavrd f ir Wavnesvill ? llsirh iast year and H> i r. >as a Canton T'i?rh star. Tathnm. an ri*gre>sive t ie| U ) ms ,1.11 nutsTani'in-r p'jiver at Sv'v.i High for four vis. ?Saturday's g-me with Lecs-M- i\v is scheduled to i??*t under way .-1 o'clock. GRADE MOTHERS TO MEET The grade mothers for both Ihe Hi?rh School and the Elementary School will hold a meeting in the auditorium of the elementary school building, on Monday next at .1:30 in the afternoon. TO HOLD ASHE REUNION The Ashe reunion wili be held at C. W. Ashe's 011 Ihe first Sunday i?: October. Everybody is invited to be ! present and bring a basket of dinner. The cabbage rush is in full sway, ii|? Hamburg way. Trucks from the South ('ai\>lina towns, from Atlanta, Allien*, Augusta. Jacksonville, Ma ami, ( liaii.iiiooua, Nashville, Biriu i-ijrliam. aiir oilur cities of the South are making their annual pilgrimage, in increasing numbers, to the Han^ btuy section, ;o buy the huge cabbage crop, ami to transjwrt it to the market. The cabbage, by the hundreds or' tons, are leaving Ilam !i>: amazing total of dollars is being left in Hamburg and Mountain, in the poekvts of the cabbage growers. What, a few years ago, was a mi >i a! fair, ha* now become one of bnig, day by day, and incidentally, the really >>ig industries of this coun ty. The trucking industry has grown to gnater proportions than a. iy. ic would have imagined; and the more the iiu'ustry grows, the greater | the product ion, the easier it has prov ed to market the crops. The fame of .. ' -'J* ' a'des , especially cab l au. . ha- si H, ad throughout the South, and t In- numerous trucks, load ed to capacity, are going out of Ham burg daily. The growers are receiving from 00 cents to 90 cents a hundred f>ounds at the cabbajr' patch, and the price is from 00 cents Jo $1.50, when the growers use their own trucks and haul their products to the markets. #200, $25(1 ,i'iid up to $500 an acre return from cabbage is not unusual, and the vegetable has become stand % idi-/.cd so that they are easy to grade and are uniform for the mar kets. Nowhere do vegetables grow better than in that part of Jackson count}', . from the top of tin1 Cullowhcc Moun tain south, and the ITaluburg cabbage" is the finest product grown anywhere^ It is a conservative estimate that One Hundred Thousand Dollars will be left in the hands of Ihe cabbage growers of Hamburg for this year's crop. Experiments have been in progress in Hamburg with vegetables other than the staple cabbage, jKjtatoea an?t beans; and they have proved most satisfactory. Cauliflower grows amaz ingly well, j.iiij the Hamburg proound. One man, with an experimental patch, this year, on a little patch of ground, some twenty feet square, produced all that he and his neighbors could eat, and then sold what the community couldn't con same for $20.00 at the patch. Heal estate values have increased i;i Hamburg, as a result of the growth of the I nicking industry, which is i just in its infancy. A grower can get more per acre for his cabbage, in one year, than the land would have sold for, a few years ago. There is no depression in Hamburg. The laud that is suitable to the best degree for 'lie trucking industry is a part of Mountain township, part of River, upp -r Canev Fork, all of Ham burg and Canada, and part of Cash ier's Valley. Here indeed is an indus *ry that has hi en tried. The people know what