ournai ii.so . yEAB in ADVANCE IN THE COUNTY ^5,'gj^Sy!; J '*, ?>. fA, THURSDAY, DZO. 7, 1933 $2.00 YEAB IN ADVANCE OUTSIDE THE COUNTY HOUSE KICK FATAL ro WELL KNOWN FARMER of countv . j .It'll II, 1 '!'? O ilill k'-l ?? ?*o ?_ ,,, --m* lit i*m is, Jii ' .j, r. . i.r iiiiy liif.-pil Ji1, i" r.y Wc ,i.|V i?i r: in lioiii injiii i > I Ill H'.'ls kil'kl'il viol 'lil !' i?,, ' 'lin n I iy ;i yimn;' Imrs ? I :l rOII|t'<* of m il's fl'OM > IV III tlM'IIOiUI.' !, : J:r. I tWI- ? (ilk II to > i ? .! mi t ion p -i (Wiiich ? l in >iivi- liis lilc. i:.,! ? T rrtu~ vl v:?;iin ? <> nt\ ii' Al?. K i i rlit'M IijiiI i \ 1 1 1 i>; .. : ??.III' V IM:i.,l ui* I'.is ill'.', Jllti! , ?' 'ii r \*!m? ?v;i-' ^h'Cimm.iI i;: : r ? . ? * i ?' ? I , Jlllll W1H IIIH*' of llll" ' most n p ft nl t*: 1 i/.i'iis, Kiir Inn i-> sit i \ i? l.y !'i-i o'i ! i > . 1 ? MK.s, I'iiill. ? i Jii'l ?' I !;?"? !u\v !?, ?>!' \V:i liiii 'In' . .?Hid I In i ?! ui' S* i\ ; on ,!?.,! i i'.-, Mrs, T. K. 'iiit In i.\ Syiv:' ]! I.. It. Itrovvii, Vu"u?f. I :?v."i, (lliii *1 ? I. con Dillnril iiml Mi: i |..n \ khi-'iiii. i?l Sylvn, mill oMicr vcli?.*i j ;iiii| ji lnrpr<> circlr of fricniU. t".. !?? i I will bo lii'ld n( Rentf i, !> |!;ipiisl fliniYh, Bi'tn, of whicli i, It. ui loiifr Inm'ii n nwmlicr, on . tin i Moi'iou' or Siitiinlnv. Dcfinit k.. , ii"f l?o? it s??t, pi'iulinir tli. | n" hi> son, Mr. Frnvloup Kitcli , . i.-otii Wji^liinv.ton. 10 YKARS AGO [j VUctf.'eifj" Democrat, Dec. V'll pod of his labors * !? '..mil to indulw in 1 ? i i < i : of f! shiny, wil It i'1 ? n ? id afford him mm- ? ' }' -li ? ??ml !>';?? ti!', I.otlt of which arc fin. li-l; l'o- -purl a? \\\ II as for food. Miaiiil: A' four o'clock, p. in, Hit-, i.', at i he residence of t It 'll'' ' I'-ther, Mr. A. B. Oil's Mr T ' Itnvun an ! Miss Tinn Dills. '> i \ It. Thomas performing the ? ? !'? if ay. I"> i Happy Valley: Our school is -'ill ic yood condition and vw si hoi coining in almost every day. "ii rnrii, which is rn a vera. ?re crop f ? ? r m-, is all {gathered and wheat al' ivvii. M. \V. Brvseii, of Webkter. ?'?.I -. in onv valley a f:w days ayo. i"..l?iii!' after his mini ral e'aiui*. - ? \ ?mr seribhler strt-ll-d into an oh! I'liryimr place (he oth r day, ne:i' Heta, which contains evidences of its I'cinir one of the f:rst y lanyards in 'lii< county, for whi'e p op!e. Tie '. inlf- or slahs are of soaps I one and !?jir s.ieh dates as 1 HOS an 1 1811, and '?I. ? that T noticed particularly wit* iii.ii kci I "John dribble, 18ft;V." CPISCOPAL SERVICES II Albert Xew, the rrctor, will i ?' I s:'jvi'"s al John's Kpis " I t clinch, Ivre, Sunday evi niny. ; ' The pnhfie has a cordial in '< n to the service. balsam Ill wiithi'r here wns itleiil for I ':"ik -.^h i :??r, elenr >kv, lirijfhl sun l>ii' ?, wiirm enontjh to j;o oilt with" ' 11 ?' VV|'|||), \ 11 "? >clioul iravc n veiy interesting '?> ? in suitable for the owns! on. Al ?>. i *' r i> wns nil interesting bucket hull ? ?i"1 nhiy1"' hrtween A?lr.r\in Nnmthers split "' I. jrivinj; in Hazelwooil. ^1'' IV I'. Hiy?on of Asheville nn>l In. ,4 fiiiliorine nrvsoii nnd neph ll! ^:ln(y Di'V^on of On lit on spnl ' ' ''fk i-iiil hero with relatives. M iv. ni'orsye Knight niul Vernon ? iiumIc ji business trip to Mor* '? T mi., lnsfi week. ^ Mm vet tn .Tones went to Ashe ,l" ^innlttj'. -fnl'ii White of Asheville spent * v I't'iv, jyiirst of her brother, '? I>. Kenney. -s'V & Ml Public Relations s?ii Here xvltli are presented the men who now head the Treasury Department at Washington, u realignment brought about when Secretary WViodin was granted leave of absence in an attempt to regain his health. No. 1, Herman Oliphnnt, general consul to the secretary; No. 2, Acting Secretary Henry Morgenthau Jr.; No. 3, Kurle Bailie, in charge of fiscal affairs; No. 4, Win. If. Mc Reynolds, Administrative Assistant ; No. 5, Herbert E. Gaston, public relation ; No. 6, Roswell Magill. adviser on tnxrttion. | Administration Hopes For | Eiu'ly Relief From CWA I I Wa I). . . (i. There :* ,i :! laii;;' In*! i' in Aih.ii istniJic.il cir i i-'t s ( I ! ; 1 1 .!? Im. ' i i of initial--* ? CVVA i< ? ? i s > ? (|<> immv (r ln.;r \v : k-? old, l>u j dr-ady muni v , is r!*??vir ?? into tli. ! *>i:-kets ? I Ii: mlriil- of I hoii<i'd.s i; iirmy p ut-:; v! I n?U!i(i:tv, in j>n v - ? i ???!? I I'urT'i'iil uurk iii't itally under way, V o ' VW' \ is I In* civil Works Admitiis ! ialion. It lms not liin<^ to tlo with i Iii' 1 1 1 ? ? ?:> program of pithlie works, iiiluiinM,-; tfi il Ii v tlir I'WA under \ < > IJ; lot of VI V | tap" hlld I n IP i"?i, -o }'!i- chiihqiioii nil tap i-n 1 1 ? r, I lurry Hopkins, was called in j ?i l>o:? ih' jol^.lt I nkcs n long time ? '<* tr t m:tj at work on |>tilili?* work- , '?<'i'iitis" ii',fir the inoTi' V has hern dlott-.l the p'a'ts hwvt lo lie til awn, *'io I i'l- I' iv vii'it : ads have to h>> ? ? o ?l U. rl ^i il for. ami it msiy, niul n*n ?' sly i1 M' trk - nie.'iV nov'ths, ; pet '?aps it y nv ov move, hi-fi there t ?; much lo tlo fur which wa'.?''.-> c: pnhiie works j. :? ram >s ft vnenrs of ?f?*t I i njr money into wide firtnl.'! !? i, hut tens tint to ? 'no s'i \v. Mil i is of iin niph'y 'I nr Hicif-j a win!' r of ilntr w > 1 1 v*e' f'ire an ' c'i-t* fund- lianli v a' >i ' jirth r to " i. .Morcov. r, as |1 -riv 'loiikins ' i hers liav ? poi'n. I i'i ' |- rp'e ;rn tli" <,fnl" f n i: y ' ii ? f Ii it live !?its 1h. in o t of tli* liahit i f work. So l! - r\VA plans take :V'Oi> "DO mi'!' ami women off I he do! ? -ml 't ? I put tin m e"i wtvres fii- ivhii '' J^ev will Iiiiv" tt\ work, and to I'dil >'>i i tlier 'i.OOllj'illl who Imv not \ I h?. *t i forced lo tin ily for relief, lint pnio (ihly would do before Spring. And they tire nlca "y *tnrti|i;r t? work Take one >d-it'<, ncluisftts, for ?xaniple. T!?" Ouvernov and the may i rs i;f "vuvl cities left Washington i :i 'i Tl-rti-i!-.- n;"h< v' -re tliev runic to ?*et th'ir inr?!rnet:ous how to start Mi' h"I' i o!-1 ;????' in i I'c d Mav Sfat ? Kxaetlv new ?o-l; vroji'i'ts had heeu fi|> provi-t i i i-i "" ?on ?".?I- th ? first ]?nyoff Til tl .. ?! ?>">li>>i' i 'i r >"* ?*vd th" c,i jit |.,in'',?,'r' " '? 'iiaeee Hoard had .... If, ,| |?, ? In!' , T C:tv and town ?>fl'if i"':? a' the S' 'te ITonse to te'l lh;m how to u-o "'out frelt;n?r their .-I'f t In re" I' colls anil on- th? ?i. w r\V \ ^yvol*. \ij 1 1) i?i ???y eity oi town lmd to fir ?vis 'e sunie sovt of pro^ra'?' of 'p ?'?!'? i"".i'.'vcii<"it. tj' t tl"? aii Mvovd of th" Pua fd, ."I'd j* o ah.-ad The iiro"i"i'is hav." old'' to he aooro* ? d o iee, not ie'^ o r tl end ren-ferred ?intil th'-y I hs'i'k to AVashiiv'ton Th?v in'i'it provide r^jTiilar work nt js><*ulnr w^"'>k for nnen'p'oved poou'" able and willing to work. All projects ^ - "I , ? | J. W. Fleeman Dies j A. ter Short Illness I I i % J ! .1. \V. Fireman, well-known citizen j of Sylva died yestarday morning at j !i i v !m ?>?? on Cob. -go Hill, following ! I ii brief illness. Air. Floeomaii, who wa-> I employed in (ln> maikot department :it tlie Svlva Supply Company, be ? jimi' ill Friday. Diptheria and romp ii*atii.ii-s developed, Sunday night, J ?nd lie passed away, yesterday morn J I i n.!?. A .uiiiw nl' Town ->ee, Air. lyle .? : man, with his family, came to Sylva , -everal yew* ago, and made many; friends here. ILe. was a member of the Sylva : Baptist church, a number of tin hoard of deacons, and aetive in the .???? k . ?t '. Ii rh?lol) / , v Surviving are hi> widow, two child ri n, Bon:t:e Fleeman ami Barney I'li nian, both of whom ni ?? Indents in Svlva high sehool, and :? nnmh< r d-frie'lv5 " -V are to I i e by day lab ^ . not by enntrai . i'he working we< '? . is to be J ? 10 lion. . find pay at the valo of 50, con Is ! ii v'tonr for anakil> t labor; $1.LJ0 a 1 for skilled 1? '?? ?<*. Work ers to ; i' ?!ccttd by the Ii 'lids of | wc!far d ii ?tments in eac> . immun ity, wl"? : re nppointod Ci i Works .Ydmi .i .t .ilors in each cav. Th ? ???!??' undertaken ni.d' r OWA includes such etnploymenl for the ''white eoPnr" class of unci ,i'nyed as statistical surveys, work in iate lah . atone fin) municipal ho. ; iations, {?ii:1 i.n direction and >? i| -rvision of pro.i cts r ainly employing manual li.bor. Such rr?rk includes pes' control, rural p.v*!nfton projects, re- 'amation i ground.', , ri;>air of parks rod play ground ?. v pa;r of sewers r d sani tation rouipmtnt, road vork that ! does not conflict with m ?*">r stat?- j and federal roadbuilding programs,; charinrf and preparing of l.-md. foi reservoirs anfl watersheds. Mv 4h" '?? works nrogra'o on a grand scale '.ill have f i into full -wing, providi -mplpy* incut, for millions. It is al* he firm -onvict ion that by next R; * <* busi ness nwl Industry in g; \:al will have st??iU in me in that ?mst of the nncmployi out vk will be t; ken i v by th" end of i. \*t Sum ??ri\ Avd I hor? i a be" f wh'ch m o' its ?n a ce. Jiinty in -s h ? minds of tl:os v'-'s-' t << tie a .rlenltnrfll ovobl >m. that r ry ' l?:iif?. in the nature ?>f d' stress Mid ; if r'ng :r.>ong the farm 'r?. v;il hi'' vr.iish.d before ?mot! er h. > est *!isOi rn- mound. Af 'in time, the Civi :nn t'.nserva lion Camps are to he extended, mor.^ of th m to lie esiaMr h.'d, a :d several hnndved thousand more yovng men put at forestry work. . . Haywood Bar ?onors Judge Walter Moore A portrait of t lit* liitc bulge Wal ter K. Moore, Syiva jurist, whs pre s? 'iit ???! to Havwi ?! 'oo rait was accepted fo? the judiciary t>y Judge Alley, and for the Hoywood county hnr .'isociulioo hy J. 1?. Mor gan. In preen ting the | ??rtrait, Mi". Smathers cuiogm.l the i'e and char aeter of Judge M ore. I stated thai the late jurist wrls hori October 14, ISC;"), ut the old Moor home, five miles west of Ash vjlle, son of Wil liam Hamilton Mi uy nr Mnry (Jud der Moore. On his fat' r's side h? was a great c*r: idsoi; ;.f William Moore, who serv tl as captain in l he war for Arm iean i lependence. On his mother's rde he was a great grandson of Kobs I I/o\ . who was a colonel ill the Revolution -rv War and who was amon!) was i nde aker of the House. He was i istmn- ntal in the establishment of :!ie sc'.-ol at CulJo whs?, which is noo.- Wes' in Carolin. ToV^iers College. He sef" d as grand master of the Masonic lcsi'go of North Carolina Tn 1920 hp wa ^ elected as Judge of the S-perior Court from the 20th Judicia' District, and was serving the State in th:it capacity at the time of his death. Tu accepting th- portrait, both Mr. Morprnn and .Tudj?'* Alley spoke elo quently touching the characteristics of Judge Moore, fhat erabled Mm to serve his people well anlac:>s, including Washington, D. C., Raleigh, and Charlotte.. The admission will h'* fifteen cents. A large audience Is expected from all Western North Carolina, -is there will in night nM ? CWA Puts 180 To Work In County W ith More Jobs To Be Available At Once i TODAY and i TOMORROW : ? ? ? ? i (By Fraik Pnrker Stockhridg.') ! PINE ... for newsprint. i Since wood-pulp was first made in ?iy home town of Stockbridge, Mass.. ?>ixty years ago, it has been believed (hat only spruce and hemlock fibres ! A'ere suitable; pine had too much j pitch in it. One result of that belief ! was to send the big paper mills that make "news-print'' or ordinary news paper paper, farther and farther into .he G'anad'an forests, as the more i * southerly supplies of spruce were ex hausted. All the lime there fere millions ol acres of fast-growing "slash" pini on the sandy lands of Geogria, Am bama and Florida, mostly going to wast;-. My fiiend, I)r. Charles A. Hcrty, famous chemist, began ex perimenting, and he discovered thai this southern pine contains no pitch until it is fifteen years* old. He mad - some paper from young pines and i; looked good. Last month he shipped three car loadi? of wood-pulp, mad< froin young pines, secretly, to a bin Canadian paper mill. It fabricated per fectly on the fast, machines and seven Georgia dailies printed their entire I edition spent Saturday at Mrs. 10. S. Keener'-. Mr. Dixon Ilvatt has been seriously ill for the pn-t- week. Miss Loncilc Seroirjrs, of Brasstowti visited M'ss Edna Hoylc last Week. Miss Geneva Turpin spent Sunday in Waynesville. Miss Edna Freeman spent the week end with relatives at Be ta. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. B.^He and Mr ?L M. Hyatt a.nl family eallrd at Mr. D. C. Hughes . Mrs. Martha Med ford and daugh ter of Clyde, Mrs. Yoik Howell and Mr. Frank Owen and family visited nt Mr. Osear Gibson's. Rev. and Mrs. C. W. Clav and Mr. P. O. Elliott of Wliittirr were dinner quests at Mr. P. W. McLaughlin's, Sunday. Hujrh aiid Lillian Fcrruson spent the week end with relatives at Sylva. Mr. Wayne Rhinehart returned to Canton Monday after a visit with home folks. Mr and Mrs. Kern Noland of Can ton visited relatives Sunday. Mrs. D. C. ITusrhes and Miss Mary Baltle spent Saturday at Svlva. Mr. Rufus Hyatt and daughter, Miss Helena, of Waynesville, and Mr. and Mr*. S. P. Hyatt of Qlenvile and Miss Louise Hyatt of Cullowhee spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Hyatt