?? 1 1 fl.'^ - YBAB in advance in the county SYLVA, NORTH CAROLINA, TLM& At, JA-DAJR ?|J * WW >? . ?* j ?,io:iiy program. Al ii .1 Marrow margin by ' . li.r adopted the rule . - n i'm- Administration ? M no! even he confidents! ? I. ? ml! , t se:? <1 by t he proper ?,jit. . . ?' v. a* a eh in* enough vic ,, i. . .'fir hands of the Hons. In * ? ' e'lmus's in government ?j- .-slier items except as lh? i ! . 'lids them. The rule i i ih tin* rai*!* of t. ?emend , |.?M>ies interested I 1 1 : , , . . . II ? _ I1 ?! Ill ;lg I'"* ll1'' iM'Oip i. The. i iiTlit y tan P.-m ? ' I ' i \vl: j vot< d for it wen ? i- inst the I'lv^'d: lit l?n ? it i?*-!its n presented b\ ? I;.! ' i ts. Vow thev h:ive tin ti.lii behind, nearly nil of then .In \ tinted on tu stand behim piv-iAcnt. ,.;iu ; wordu, Congress i> ic>ing t^ ?jtii' 'I" whahver the Pii-side.ir j.'s. >: ta* if '' and.'* wit" i;,,ft.i i A ?-? expeibx's in the or ,v.|\ 1" >? is inij?os-ihle to : ,qir 1 1. - < ' any other Cmigres r.r? !?'"? v, !|* ?' he wants to spend r?|lV jlt tit- ? : inordinary bndgtt. Ii j; ,.?t Jit, 1 'i ? ?!.'?? -.ire of f'on.vrrss tu be I, r;.,i I.. ''? ?? granted, then a, i- w.h ie l|i! ?: ram dinnry' session j I ., f\.' I"- '';!|r net. < 'migres*. ? vkw ^ * 1 1 ? * I'.i\e acted on tie* ? I'r, 'iW.v't t si ry program by tilt j tii i.. thi- ynuti '1. but tin re is no 1 jlivute! lo Mku- ihal it will not be f r.irri-'-iI out. t Hi i-.i'lv, what tW President reeon:- ; niwwfs :ifi. i i Wwilnai iii with all tin. tr iii^<;- (?:' ih>' DiiirtitJi'il committees ??I ? ','h !?' i 'luujxess, is an ? f-"/'. r j.Mefiirii not ;t. coi/yilete ' tli'i; I :'>!il. ()|.- , .!,<,! !|j;,i the top ^imit el vpl.K- <>; ir.p ?-?>'?! ihdlar he' fixed at ? ( in i ;! ,-ri at present, or a | ? ? \?y ?i'i'i (J-.ilr-." ;i)hI flint it he not ; p if? i: ?! '? l,?w half it> pros-! ml H i |||,. most impoii I pirt ir ili - plan is to make the I' / T'i.i-iii v Hip $.?!,? ciistodiau .til '??ny;, !;iry 50I '. The Federal lie- ; ?* 'it 1 1'i't to surrender theii i 'r> tli Tiea?nrv and receive in nr -f- f>.r ii jyi?ld certificates, ?! T' r '? " valuation. ri,i< will make it possibb* for the and the Kedoml Reserve ftmk , Ii -iwm ii them lo issue more 'Kiv i liillion dollar of currency if'i a.c. plpil ral ??? ol' one dollar in I ir.i i>i-\ :i? tor th" jiro isi?;u au'h-iriz "*? Tr- a-!"vv to d\fl in l'"i*i'>n ox '*'i . . ? i:|| r, iLVOOM.OU'. <>00 fund io 'I"1! ' v .lb, sis a moans ol main'ain ' "I'Vi' , |!i<*v pro'-Ti'M'ti is frank ly i! i.ii '.?!,? n* -in int.-rnal on?d ooii "ili"'-. i I. would like lo lak'' th*' *'AI : i the vomoueti/ntion of k|"-r. hi' i< vaitiiijr for olhor na !'>u- tic.;.1 ^ (I'm* own to carry out '' 'r i?:m i i,r i hr? I ondr.n agreement I'1-' t n~lp.li r>t) nnt:.ons iironiised to ? ? ro..- ?. s>, jt.0 nf silver in rola What the Pr. sid nt had ?' ?: y if.,(|* jt worth rjiiot infT. fcov. ,.% . I"' ? (. '? .? iv ??;>ici',al precious jn"ta' 1 > a'-o been mod since ! ? iti-. ? .?"-;d r>s nv't'tlJe base ' > >s v ?II ;i-< for actual r' i* ?!'. It i- nv ,! jis such by j M ,f i population of the | 1; in i ;liii|j(.s a very iniport '' l '?'t --f our own monetary stiuc 11,1 ? h is n (.,-ii(.);ii factor in j*"10'1 oi i hp world's int'-rnational 'c- that it oannot ho nrglected. t ? ,v'rmm>nts can well, as they ^ 1,1 p.*H, pmploy s'lver as a ,^ls f .r 1'iii ri'Hcy, }U.,l [ look for a :;:*y use. I am, however, ^ ' 1'ilrl-iv. any ivcommc'.idaitonsj to ?f l>r< S ' ^ further extension I K, r n,"t'1 use of silver becaust that we should gain morv 40 YEARS AGO (Tnckascige Democrat, Jan. 24, lflM) Knight Brothers a.n>d Miller, of ! Dillsboro, have dissolve* 1 partnership | Tiio (lays arc grow in;; longer and ? the weather is spring-like in its mild j r.ess. The weather prophets that pre dicted a hard winter mis sed it badly. ? Our friend, Mr. H. K. B. London, foiuiet-ly of this county, but now of i Ashevillc, passed (hroujL'h last week ' on his way to Cashier's Valley, where he was called by the ill.iess of some of his relatives. On Sun-lav, .Tan. 28, at 7 o'clock, ill'.' K( v. Jnuies !?'. Gay. of Waynes vil! ? will d. liver ? lectin * on Temper au?'.\ at the aeademy in Oillshoro,iui tier the auspices of the \.f. ?('. T. U. , Til'- Confederate Yete an Camp of . Vow York lu'ld its fourth annual din . tier in honor ??f the meriorv of Gen. K'.lxrt K. Lee. on the anniversary ot ? * , his birthday, Frday .lan ?ary 19. Mrs ? .It- ff t-rscn Oaviv and rrisn Winui' : Davis were present. j Sre:ng thy great nui?ber of beef cattle that ha\c heeii .-hipp>d fron here, 'One would think the supply nitis! he exhausted. T \\r carloads of fine calttc Were shipped Tuesday and still tlurc an* more t<> folloiv. The best are yet to be shipped, we under >tan F. ? *J r The white flag with the blael* square in the center is f lying today, as an indication of the nrobabie ap~ proach, according to tho Weather Bu reau. of the most severe cold wave oF the season, the temperature being likelv to fall from ?0 to 40 degrees by Thursday njybt, , t , . k Mr. W. M. Hoffmtn returned Rat nrflav fiv.m quite a leneihy visi' north. Ua hopes for an early adjust m^nt of the difficulties -which have '.ntcrfer: Ih^ith his operations here. I but. i-i any '-vent. it ma'1* l'" aei?ei>t?' ts ?i certainty that If will i>ros*?ent? ?lie b;'jiij^js of manufacturing eo/un ?'?on wJggfflPat this |>oin^ He will he ?in at rathrr already be ?Miti the mining of ornndum on Kilt iay. \ * EPISCOPAL SERVICES Rev. Albeit Xew, of Weya.vv ille (he roc tor, will con din- 1 services nt St. John's Episcopal chaoel, in Svlva. Sunday evening, next, Jan. 28, at 7 :30 in the .evening. The 'public has a cordial invitation to attend ity1 service. knowledge of the results of 'the Lon don a^recuw nt and of our other mone tary' measures." The rcmonetization of silver is re gained by many of the President's advser.s as the most important fuel or hi :lie restoration of wirld pi ices. Tiie hope of the A dm nisi j at ion is, ln>vv; ver, that the defini e fixing of a top. price for gob!,, sen ng ?i'?tie .< oil ;?'! Ihe world that the dollar i-< rioiv noiih no more than sidy |?r>r cent of its former value, will go. a lonjj way toward removing uncertainties' which have kept private capital in hiding. Every holder of gold securi (ios now knows that le cannot gel more than fiO per cent o0 their former ?old valine for them. Fvery creditor knows that dollars lir? is going to eol bct from his debtors ^viU be worth only six-tenths of what they were it" the standard 'of measurement be gold. Hut the Administration''; view is that a dollar will be a doll ir so long as it is backed by tfie ered- t of the (lov ernmeiit, and that lhat credit has not been impaired, i ot' is if likely to b< impaired Sin Ion 2; jis the immense gold reserve behind the currency is main tained. v. . \j. Whether on njit this latest mone tary move will have *he effect, of raising domestic prices is another (pirstion, yet tOsbe answered It may or it may not.* It may turn out, ar? many of his advisers liav ? told tli'e President, that ngthing which the United States can do by itself- will raiso prices so long as "the world price of our exportable surpluses re mains low, and the world price c:*Si ' only be raised by International k tion TVA TO EMPLOY 1 95 JACKSON MEN 195 men will be given employment in this county, by the Tennessee Val ley Authority, within a short time, ii has been learned. , / - The men will be engaged in the er adication of eroeion soils, in con nection with the flood! control system that the Tennessee Valley Authority is working out, it is understood. All men who are to be given this employment will be taken from a mong those registered with the IoefcJ emp'ovm 'tit office, in connection with the Administration's, recovery And Te lief program. B. Y. P. V. TO iteET AT E. BYLVA The Svlva P. Y. P. U. .district meet * \ / [ ing will be held at East .Sylva Bapt | isl ehnrch Sunday afternoon, Feb. 4. :tt 2. 30, according to an announce ment made by l.ylo En sky, the dist rift leader. "All pastors and young | people in this district are requested to nth ml", said Mr. Ensley. The district leader will introduce the two big pro jects for the' year. The tentative program is: Theme ?Christ, Our Authority. Devotional, East Sylva Uriion. Business, Roll Call, Announcements Echo from the Third South wide B V. I*. lT. Conference. "What the coo-' ference meant to me", Cecil Watson. Christ, Our Authority for Training II. II. Plemmons. , Christ, Our Authority for Soul winning, l/.onard Allen, alternate. Snc Allison. Special Music, Mildred Cowan. Christ, Our Authority for Spread ing the (lospel, Dorothy Baker. v Open Dseussion. Adjournment. TENTH GRADE SUPERLATIVES The tenth grade#>f "the consolidated high schobl this wuek elected superla tives, as7 follows: Pretties girl, Jdjfc ptme Oayntt; haftdj? ^d win Queen ; best all-around girl, Bon nie Mont fit h ; best all-around boy, John Ferguson; most studious girl, Bojtinc Blonteith ; most studious boy, John Fergu:-.??n; laziest girl, Marjorie Griudstaff; laziest boy, Preston ()' K( lly ; most popular giil. Bonnjr Flee- [ man; most popular 1 oy, Edwiu, Queen . j rrost athlet'c ^irl, Kathlyn fcutfon; { most athletic boy, William K Ipatriek ; night hawk girl, Elizabeth Sherrill; night hawk boy, Eddie Qu'-i n; entest girl, Bonny Fleeman ; cnte.-l l>oy, A-v bury C v.w'.r.n ; most none m rod girl. Mar jo: i ^ f ?ri:idstaff ; most conceited boy, Jk.?o Dillard; raos! dignified girl, Maj VmeGrmdstaff; r;ast dipr nifiod I?y. Donald Wiley; b.st dress ed girl, Bonny Fleeman; best dressed l>oy; Eddie Quern; best .-port girl, Kather.uio Brimer; hest sport, .bov. j W/rav r Allen; most religious girl. Edith Butugamer; most relig'ous boy. Elmer Given; wittiest gill, Girle? Henry; wittiest boy, Clavwell Hj*de most poliet girl, Bonnie Monteith most polito I. oy, Elmer Green; miKi attractive girl, Josephine Garrett*, most ; attractive l>oy, Eddie Queen; quietest irirl, Maude Battle; quieest boy, John Ferguson; elass flirt Eliza beth Sherrill; elass sheik, -lesse Dil lard; class monkey, Asbtiry Cardon; class baby, < ilin Heed; mosl musical, Ilazel Allison ; old maid, T.rona Dil lard: old bachelor, Brit ton Moore;, elass Rom o, Jesse Ddlard; elass Jul iet, Bonny Fleeman: most .optimistic, Virgie ( lay ton ; most pe simistic. 01 ru T? ' ? Bawora, Wayncsville, Rev. Way > Williams. CHeen, Rev. Jr B. Glriee VJest Ashe vijle, and Rev. ?ugen EHer, of j Franklin. 1 'i " '. QU/\LA Rev. and Mrs. C W. ( *iy conduct ed services at the Meth< 'ist church, Sunday morning. Thev ? ft at once for1 services at Olivet. Born to Mr. and Mrs. J: istings Me* j ?er, Jan. 2, twins, n. son, inden Bast ings, a daughter Lavisa Tx?nise. Mr. and Mrs. X tt' veil Visited j Mrs. W. J. Tnrpin who his been R'ek, but is better s .Mrs. W A. Hy ttt, or Ela, -sp*nt Saday with her. filter, -Irs. H. O. Fitgu.^on. * I . Mr. J. G. Hoope who w nofcbeeu J wot for several d ys, if mproving. Miss Delia Owe . whf a been se-| rsMsly ill is sligl ly in oved-. There was singi? ? at > ?*. J. L. Sit- [ ton's, Sunday aft' o<>oti md. at Mr. W. II. Boyle's, Su day < ning. Mrs. G. A. Kins and r 1 Mrs. Gol-I man Kinslard call .1 at ! \ Jess Blar. 1 ton's. Mrs. J. E. Battl* and ?? r. and Mrj. J. M. Hughes, of i horok ?, visited atj Mr. a C. Hughes' Mrs. J. L. Hyat1 visitr ?r Tuipin. 1 on, Mjk J. G. Hooper, Mb day Mr*. Hom i Mr. D. G. TVbr1 v an Misses Edna and j'olly ?t Mr. Ed Bunumi tor's, Mrs. S. M. nrisj: visit* Ho vie. Messrs .T. K. Tc roll ar guson attended i Tvice City, Sunday afto 10011. Mr. Erod Hons , F.dp House called on ? r. J. ' Mrs. .T. R. Mr ?or fl ight with Mrs. Ii . L. F Wc note with ii Ler? st now eorrcspondei.4* lo Come on folks ant3 eivo > news. "Many iner of n? some like the late t new arc interested in he n y?ars ago. Mr. E itor ? to how mnoh he h s spa?' what is worth wl le to Journal. family and ovlo caillecT j Wilmo*. _ Mts. A. C vo o- ' three| io <" amal. fh ouTity ? 1 .M iy / ,ino? . and others] s of forty ,n Judge as j ; for and 1o| vrint in tho BAI JAM Mrs. J. W. Mel iffey early Friday iron n g at her son, U. F. Mi iaf?e\ and was buriod h iturd: Rev. Ben Cook eo lnete Her grandobildrei bone floral offering.-. J '.re. 70 years of age i id; In. .for about ton yei s Sh hv two brothers, ,nd o: ?Will MoiTiH, of 1 nnos .Moffitt, of East jaPoi Zouiu Cobble, of 'ennet, Ihe joottar ?t eleven *s?ed away: ho home of it Saunook, afternoon, the i-crvice. o beautif ul haffey was been b'ind is survived j sister, Mr. ?, Mr. Hutc j ., and Mrs. ;eo. She was liildren, five A* clwood. and and T. F. Saunook. There a > 26 ? and 16 great gra* I chii ?Mrs. Lillian Du kott ; who have been siing Mr. and Mrs. Joh i Ken to' their home in J shevi' accompanied by 1 t m<" Tributes to the ? iemoj crt E. Lee and " 'tone were rendered by *he M day school, Sunday aft Har-I ehaffey. of j nd children ".n. d little son, or parents, >y, re tu rood ?, last week, ?er. of Gon. Rob | 11" Jackson hodi^t Sun ?ncjon. HVKTBE AT pAPTIf OHUROfl: Last Sunday mornir Hunter filled thr roilpi tist " church, iwlnsr ??' "Beauty in Rolig w". i service Rev. R. F. Mayb Rev. W. C. Reed las be supplying for the pasto absence. ( Dr. H. T. at the Bap- j his subject the evening ?ry preached i frequently , during hi* 'I ' -ra" i u Mrs. V ance Bryson Killed By Truck At Cullowhee . ? TODAY and TOMORROW .< I. I,, i n. WASHINGTON , . .want* to vote. ? The people of the District of Co ?lumbia are again demanding the right of self-government. The President of :.tjbc jUnited States is tho Mayor ol Washington and the Congress of the United! States its Board of Alder men. Any changes in the ordinances for the government of the city have to - go through the same legislative channels as a bill to raise billions of Federal revenue. I lived in Washington a good many years. It is the cleanest, best-govern ed city in America, with the worst traffic regulations. Before the Fed oral Government took over the man agement, in 1879, it had its own elect ed Governor and legislative body, and it was probably the worst-governed city of that time. President Hayes proposed that the Federal Govern ment would: pay half the upkeep, be ing the largest property owner, if the people would let Uncle Sam run its own Capital. They gave up the right to vote, but got in return a low tax rate and a well-managed community. ,, Some people, however, are never satisfied. " - ? WOJLVES .... and wild dogs -'Tber^ is a "wolf scare" almost ev ery cold winter in Northern Neiw York and New England. Tales of big timber .wolves from Canada crossing tlje St.- Lawrence on the ice frighten qapntry -people, who dirs&d to go out afjer night -fall. This year there have been s? many sheep and cattle killed in the'^prthern Adirondacks that the Stjfte ha*,pat a bounty on wcjf ecalpe I feaven*Ntcard that any bounty mou eyljas been collected, either there or j in Pennsylvania, where there is an other wotf scare. staged a wolf hunt in the hiBs near my f^rm a few winters ago. Tlu> man "ppliee dog" which had heard the .call of the wild and reverted t j 1 lifp in- the woods. I have talked with 1 a ?0od many hunters and naturalists I .since, and they pretty well are agreed [ibat the recurrence of "wolf" raids can nearly a lwa'ys be traced to wild dogs, usually collies or Alsatian shep herds of the type called' "police" dogn Those two brped9 arc many genera tioua nearer the ancestral wolves from which all dogs are descended, and when they break away from do mesticity they know how to take car; of themselves in a wild state. AUTOMOBILES . . . .more comfort I went to the New York automobile show and examined all the new and many of them, odd-looking cars. One thing impressed me particularly, and lhat is* the effort of all makers to ward greater comfort in riding. In such matters as independent front whffl suspension, moving the rear seat forward so it is not right over the rear axle, roomier and more com- 1 fortable seats, new kinds of windows j to provide ventilation without drafts, larger and softer tires, and many minor details, the emphasis is all on comfort. Greater speed through "streamlin ing" is another trend to which all the makers are moving. And nowhoe have 1 1 seen such a varietv of color, inside ! .* 7 ' and out of automobiles-; Manufacturers and dealers were ju ?# bilant. Sales at the show were far in excess of the highest expectations. I This is going toi-be a good' year for tlfe automobile industry, but I would suggest to anyone who wants a new e#r to place his order now, for the factories are already behind the de mand. Also, prices are likely to go np before the yea/ is over . CAREERS .... often accidental Pew people kp?w when they are very young what their life-work is going to be. Most of them find, them M;lve 3 in careers Which they never dreamed of. There Is Ted Oeisel, for example. He went 'through two or three universities, intcneding to be come a real author of college profes sors or both. Rut one day ho drejw a comic sketch and sent it to a popu lar magazine. It was published and caught the eye of the advertising man ager of a big corporation. "We want that young man to drawj advertising pictures fOr us", he said, and that is whit Ted- Geisel has been doing, with great profit to himself and his employers and to the amuse ment of the public, for several years. J Everybody has seen hia pen-name,* Mrs. A ance Brysou, 61, died in the local hospital, Tuesday morning, with ia fifteen minutes after having been brought there from Cuiiowhee, where she was struck by a truck, as bhe attmpted to cross the hgliway, in front of the residence of David H. Brown. Mrs. Bryson's son, Mr. Andrew Brysoa was with her at the time ot the fatal accident. Dallas Mills of the Hamburg section of the county is said to have been the driver of the truck. He was released i'rom custody following the report of the coronor 's jury, which reads as follows: "The deceased, Mrs. Vance Brysou, came to her death by crossing the road in front of a moving truck. The jury finds that the death of Mrs. Brysou was accidental and unavoid able" The verdict is signed by C. W. Dills, coronor for Jackson county, and by E. H. St ill well, P. L. Elliott, John E. Hooper, W. B. Crawford, J. L. Norton and H. T. Hunter, members of the jury which held the investi gation. Funeral services for Mrs. Brysou were conducted at the Cuiiowhee Baptist church, Wednesday afternoon by Rev. I. K- Stafford, the pastor, assisted by Prof. Robt. L. Madison, Rev. E. C. Widenhouse, pastor of the Cuiiowhee Methodist church, Rev. P. L. Elliott, of the faculty of Western Carolina Teachers College, and Rov. A. B Somers of "Glenville. Mrs. Bryson, who before her marri age, was Miss Tina Bowman, of Trln sylvania county, was a much loved woman ot' the Cuiiowhee community. She was a devout and devoted mem ber of the Cuiiowhee Baptist chureb, and was a good neighbor, fall of good works and deeds of kindness. The classes at Western Carolina Teachers College were dismissed for the funeral ervice, in honor to thie good woman of the community, who (has been a friend to the school and its students for many years, and who wa^ the mother %? the first itudeBt t*/" receivc a degree from the college, and of- aTi other son, who w^s also a mem | ber of the first degree class. Surviving her arc her husband, two sous, Andy Bryson, who was with her at the time of the fatal accident, Wil liam Bryson. who is teaching in High Shoals, in Lincoln count, two daugh ters, Mrs. T. I j. Monteith, and Miss Mary Ann Bryson, who is a student: at Western Carolina Teachers College, and six grandchildren. THOMAS MONTEITH ILL i 1 Friends of the venerable Thomas Monteith will regret- to learn that he i sseriously ill at his home, just off Highway No. 10, between Syhra . and Beta. . . o> t f Mr. Monteitli^vho is 87 ^ear^-irf{r' 4 ae;e, is one of the, few remaioingHCMVf federate veterans in tins county, hav- " inf* serwd with Thomas' I.rtnon. a< ? n is one of the leading citi/.on3 of hi > community. BAPTIST PASTOR IMPROVING Friends here are gratified that com munications received from Rev. and Mrs. J. G. Murray, who arc nt Dunn, are to the effect that flu* pastor i? somewhat improved. The pulpit :it the Baptist church each Sunda\ morning and evening. "Dr. Seuss", on advertisements. Most people become whateve r they are by accident, after all. RESOURCEFULNESS a girl I am impressed by one reuult of the depression. It ths TP- >'?: sourccfulnat llHtMlliy % . ij end old, who had7 wen eootWit ' ?? other people do things for them. One young woman whom I know i | supporting herself and her mother bv giving parties. The husband and fath er, supposed to be wealthy, commit - tod suicide in 1930, leaving his fami ly with nothing that they could call I their own. The daughter had never been trained to any sort of work, bnt she had a wH? circle of friends. ''I'm wing to keep right on giving parties", she- told them, "'but to come to my partien you'll haVe to pay". At least once a week she giys a dance, ! with a simple supper, and her friends who still have money flock to it and bring their friends, paying $2.50 a head. The young woman and her moth' fr are living as well as they used to and she is putting money in a saving bank. That's wfcat 1 eatl i? wimsfttlnm