Sixth Installment To get fifteen tV.:w. 1 <Io''nr< j. s..,v ihe 'family honor, Nuiity (iix.Um rionii:.? to t.-irry the well-tO'dvi Pi. I(ir{ian.t ? t>. Jler beloved brother, iiutiif',. lt:?? cmiie h<" from New York to yo:y<v9-s that l?e li:?< tuv i Vut Amojut from tne Wile where he wc. -?-because a wo-nait reeded it? -aiSil vill lo jailed if hjc li fugr.;! ojl btiotc ffturns It.- So Natjy, Iri love witb ivi ktittiless 1'age liotirxr, deo.ih 3 ( t- tor: >V 1 ho money from Morjai.. ai (. edges hcri 0 nuiry Lirn r. :?t:;t:i. !le .'(trees to . . ?at'gain. feelir.M ure te .'?;?? ntJce.Ker I' im. AVhile tr 'y arc :*lkii.jj :.t his hot to-nier cornea to J' * hit:.. "Ob. Rich; oii't let him crime ':i here," ben* Na frheu *be heai? bit fjtrii; Atid as Ritfb jt okj at hei the plt.ft,' ;:!tle ^ecret of le.e for Faye ia rrvaied to him. Now go ti?:h the story. Hay dawned at !.i>t and the '< j.;sc glorious!} ? mocks junta:! r..: cry. if .?..>> J:i tie lc: teller} w d-Av> v.;- c>lst. with her sli-c ?> :i ? c potatoes. rfir. I'i ? '??>! -1 ?% " i .ike it: ? ?. ) ?.??' :et me tlowu. ' ? h'patlg |;| >i ? . .Ml I Take in*, tr ? "IV de "l-' .'. i. Mfss Natiry, ilor.i* y.artled I" . ' Nancy had *f;iv.?iod pjicxypcte c"'jr. the thrrshouL It wtls tarly . lh - was fully drrssed for the str a. 1'. v-re .vtotK :.:it that .shaded i ?;'S ' M n:-.!y, I'm 01 it ? I \v ?":? h. Can I have a cup of co' J? ?'.* . i y "f tiv1,-vns 5ri. Miss Nancy; 1 d> r:n<!e ii ? ve;.?i:'." y i\.'iucy sat ;? .i.? in a Id ;ehen cli *nd ti'i'k tin1 'j,h' civ.t irii n Mrnit _ hands. 'I he *.>;:??: vn; hot and p;il< l;i.w::; N'ais.y t.. , rd its'n vly, jry fiic deft hands 't work, "i fike tne up 5ct tiio down SjVi!*\' in Ht.i' '< ii-tc v. ;i." ,\f:;.tnd.i, 1: v and ;!? 1 m .-Ik f!!fij>? ! ? I a- -l-yd, r elites I'VHtccs in ?\> ij?;. "Take n.r im .??' r-f: dowsi \\ iivre t'l. tn : !., ;mi> tt:y v t- v ; ' ):\ <Vro t\> ;v *ii ;?!. dt-r Oh. dit?. '?i ' i. rust - ? ,ti* Where dc:?i i; croivn.1" Najicy (_.u.U J ?, -vii a n ,? hot coffer. Amanda. h?iking caught Iicr in the act of setting cup aside. Heah. \o ain't u-goiu\ is yo'? * . didn't drink hah* cl??t < ?? ee. Dv Miss Nancy, yon'l! get malaria. . ' ?hi'" wilt!'" But Nancy was already pone. j the path outside the dt ^r she turi and llting Amanda a smile over ! , shoulder. It was a pale young that seemed near tears. j It was very early in tho morni ig ? and the street seemed tc> be floe*' il j with light. There was old Major 1 max standing in his garden. Nanc s heart sank, she hated to meet any n o but she had to go that way. "Hello. Nancy, R^ing; on a jo?ir nev ?" lie was looking at her satcl e1. "Just tor a iittle while," she an swered hurriedly, "how's Angier" '"Still living lure. Jletter come hi and see her," he advised, his e;.e;, twinkling. Nancy hurried. "I can't come in lo dav, but ? give Angie my li ve, please,"] ?he faltered. The major chuckled. '"Think ! m a carrier pigeo:i, eh: Angie am' 1 saw Roddy hurry by last week ? wh wrong? lie never looked at us, N. . ? cy, went by like a shot." Nancy felt a thrill 01" fear 1 ?. through her. Did the old man kno She must not betray Roc' !v. she 1 i saved him so tar, she must not i now. She swallowed the lump in : .' throat. "'He had to catch a train, that a ; nil," she explained gently, "I'm s ; he didn't see y? u." Nancy hurried now. She had t i Kichard not to come for her, to v at the statiton. She thought it wo ! be easier to go there alone, but it ' ; not: it was harder every minute, TI 1 suddenly she saw liim waiting for ' " quietly, standing at his own gate. He scented to loom up there, the figure that her fe\ ered dre; . had conjured ? as a child dreams ' the bogie-man ? but Richurd, tall : ! strong. The same face, too, not ha - some like Page Roemer's. but v > something in it that frightened 1 Vet his eyes were warm and gl> ing now and ? yes, they were k'md "I couldn't let you walk all the \ v there al ".\ Nancy," he said husk clasping '..r hand a moment and ting it go again, "I've fe't a hea coward, not to come to till your ther and mother, and take you oft : a church like a man!" "You did what I asked. Richa: slie got her A-oicc? at first she thru; . she couldn't ? and they walked on gether. Once ' raised her eyes : 1 gave Richard a ;irlclong look, and was stricktn by it. Again she how he loved her and it terrified '. It was like meetinsr something mi," ' and irresistible.* She was wicked. ; was a wicked and sordid thing to to a nan who loved her. "There's Mrs. Haddon." said K. . XORTll CAUOIilNA, ?l.U'KSOX roi N i'V. 5 'rtllitv of .!ili ks?)T! *. I V:? | C. H. Harris and wi?e, Mrs. C. ' i . . j n-rr'.s. and sill uthnr p?*r.- ous i-ln t j ?uf? any interest in the lands hen in inscribed. Under and by virtue of the power anlhoiifv <oniVnvt\ fpuii m.- i ? f indgjnutil middled in ;ii*o ve ???. Htl.-d ai tinn on the fith d;iy of Mar h. 1 wiU, on l he 'Jitl It du\ o-T > , j arti i voice and it sounded strange. 1 j N i icy looked up at the motor and I saw !M?iia's taCeat the window, her | f^yes looking at them. She : ! forward, startled. bowiuR to j *lif r ?*?:.?! Nancy's cheeks grew rosy, i Iici, A s i yti looked as if they knew. 1 >*m-r L i ?? i t, " felt a beastly coward, not to con to tell your father and mo. jr." t. ..... . ....... ... --- - ? or :oiMTh! they k-v.v- -something! \"a: frying to hi.i<' !it own Miu -u\ he: looking hack, her eyes i "n t!:;inl, and" Richard red under ; !ii<- n. " nKitni's :?oing on the train with U';." . ~ -t;?! quietly, the v wore in sight of station now. "!fe toM n;c so* : last :is:ht. A pleasure trip ? it won't hi -i- .? n*.. Nnnry.*' !- ' thought it would; she did not) rel??na. and Kingdnn Jladdoit was l!< a's husha'd. and the president ? if .? bank wheri Mr. Gordon had >vji vi trusted ckrk lor twenty yea . Helena would yonder why j ,V.t : .? was going to Washington with i Hie .-d Wo:iM they have to tell I hin; Her 2 1 car I sank ? it would make ' it s real foeiorc ? before il happened. j IJiit .iscionsly she faltered; her very ! Jips ;rew pale. Richard saw it. Up to ? is moment he had been, carried a lor hy a rush ol feeling, by the I ? U 't ?' of hi* own passion for her. but j now -i:i a moment ? the thins: fell to piec ?>. They were almost at the sta tion when he Stopped short. "ICancy,"' his voice was harsh and bro .:n, "I ? I wish I knew ? you make a f?,ilo\v feel like a brute! I can't go ? on v.'ith this ? if I'm forcing you to I many me against your heart!" F.:<: stood still at his side, her pro '/ile ;mvard him. She did not lift her "I ? " she struggled with herself, an<l Inn sit-aii.iy : "1 pledged myself to 11 arry vnu ? if von waul t-> refuse >' t ".Taney Virginia !" lie caught her han 1 and held it tiercel/. He fairly hurt it hut she flit! n"t wince. T ,cy stood a moment thus and then trtii\cd on; the force that was driving him now v\as too strong even for him, or I .? made no effort to resist it. ?V the station. Richard held the d<w open and Nancy stepped inside. 5 e stood still inside the station dor She was. conscious thai Rich ard iiad left her for a moment and, lop' ,ig across the .station, she saw hin talking to a tall thin tnan who s tot ed a little. Haddon, of course! Tie ? knew each other well, Richard v.a? the banker's physician. \Va? he tell g him about her? > incv's heart beat hard and her ? col* ? i flamed. | M ?, Richard had not told Haddon; ! t!ie hanker never looked her way at j all. Suddenly she felt as if she wished j he id. Why hadn't Richard ? i " thought you wouldn't want to talk | to [addon all the way, so I didn't ? tell itm you were here," Richard said, ! con :ig up and taking her' hag. "The i trii 's going in two minutes, Nancy, i we' have to pet aboard." j i e church was almost empty but ! the '?< were some roses in the white . ma le fOnt, a little way from the lgr<. ;> of witnesses, strangers, two ! v*<v a man ? the church scx j ton. i . . i the face of this company, to ?jo:r together this man and this wo . ina ? " ,v j ; : -pry's mind staggered back from : it he luted her white face and look ed ill into the minister's eyes. She ! WK shaken by their look, their odd, quf toning look. A pang of fear shot , thr- igh her. . i:tcy stood beside Richard, but fhi no longer lifted her eyes. She tun. :iot want to meet that look again. Not unadvisedly or lightly ; but rev "entlv, discreetly, advisedly, so ? I t I in the fear of Got!.' " how solcnudy he spoke. He seem X* r etl to DC seeking her out and search tng her, not Richard. He must be doing it on purpose! "'Nancy Virginia, wilt thou haw i his man to he thy wedded hu?>tnd?' " 1 He paused; his strange 'liotce item ed to grate and pierce Iier, to try to drag the truth out of her. He was doing it on purpose! "*I, Nancy Virginia, take tliee, Richard, to he ' Her cars were ringing now and her lips were dry. She had said it, she Jiad repeated it after him, chokingly, jneaninglessly, like a parrot. She would see him all her life with that book in his hands and his spectacles slipping down his nose. But she had beard her own voice repeating it, and now it was Richard's turn. '"With this ring I thee wed, and with all my worldly goods I thee en <!)W ' His worldly goods ? She turned hot rnd cold. She hardly knew what she >,as doiug when the minister shook kinds with her. Then he spoke t<i Richard kindly and frankly; she felt tlie change iu his tone. He seemed to fcnotv that Richard was sincere. She was shaking hands now with the witnesses; then they walked down the long aisle ? they two alone ? past the vacant pews under the low gallery. Richard opened the swinging-doors and the 'cold spring air met them like a friend. Across the city square the blue sha dows ot the dusk had gathered. Terror and homesickness clutched at Nancy's heart ;- she looked up and met Richard's eyes, they frightened her; lie saw through her, she knew he did! 2, "Richard, I must go homel" she panted. 'Tm going to take you home," his , voice shook, "my home is yours now, Nancy." ' ' "Oh, I don't mean that I meant T'll have to tell father and mother now ! 'Then ? " he paused an instant, not looking at her, you want to go home ?( tomorrow ?" ) "Tomorrow?" her tone was tinged with agonized dismay. He meant t?> stay here then ? nr to go farther away still ! | "You want to go now?" he asked quietly, "at once?" "Oil !" she drew a long breath. "I i I could?!" lie was silent. They had reached the corner of the street and he stnppc ? abruptly, apparently lest in though* ' You mean ? you'd like to go hotn alone? ? that- " he choked. l or a long moment the man strug gled with the mounting passion ai fury in his soul. Then he turn* k quietly, without making Iwr even . ware of the tremendous effort he h made to control himself. ?* [ '"Come with me now," he said c<> Iv. "I've taken rooms ;.{ the !>?: - , here, close by. You need rest ? I e see tint ? and I must !.i'k to y..e' .Something in hi* iv su'-'iemy ..he remember td. 1 - nc be^p.ed his help and pledge! herself. It was If *r doing, not his, and fhe war, begjji-'i; Hven now, married 1 I r i * u i ? ?.~jq "I'm going to take yQU home;" his voice shook, "my home is yours now, Nancy.*' to him, she was longing to escape, to break her word. Had he found it out? She had a strange feeling ol being in a dream and walking through an empty street with a stranger ? toward a fate yet more strange: Hi? silence, too, began to weigh upon her. She thought suddenly that it was their wedding-day ? his wedding-day ? and he loved her ! A feeling of re morse shot through her, a feeling oi shame. They had readied the hotel now and a small suite overlooking the same park that- faccd the church where they had been married. 'lhe curtains. had not been drawn and. moving mechanically to the near est window, Nancy stood looking out upon the city street with blaidc un seeing eyes. All her senses seemed a!i\-c to hut one tiling, Richard's pres ence and the sharper consciousness that they were alone together in a strange place. To him it was a moment of Intoler able complexity. He saw the girl he lov?d, his wife at last, young, lovely, appealing in her evident distress. Yet this, which should have been a mo ment of exultation and joy, was one of bitterness. How perfect she was. ajH^she was his. The thought"" surged through him and kindled him like a flame. He forgot the way of ~ getting her for an instant, because she was actually his! Continued Next Week n': y, 1934, offer for sale and sell to I the highest bidder for cask at public |?Hf ion, at the Court House door in | K\ ' a, ?it 12:00 o'clock, noon, the fol i !<)V iug described properly;. ? i 11 that tract or parcel of land, ly inp and being in Sylva Townsh'p, .la< kson County, North Carolina, and more particularly described as fol lows : . ) Being on the waters of Cope Creek, adjoining the lands of Brlh Extiae heirs, Milas Parker (Ben Aiben place) Ensley heirs, and M. Buchanan, 8r., rind being Iho lands purchased by tilt said C. H. Harris from M. T'uohanan. '?n thc ? day of , 192 ? , and being the Home Place of the said C H. Harris, and containing IS acres, more or U s*. This properly,- is sold for the col lection of 1928 taxes, costs, in terest and penalties, ? Thi? the 22nd day of January, 1#34 DAN K. MOORE, \ Commissioner of Court. \ iM i : ? \ORTH CAROLINA, JACKSON COUNTY, ' County of Jackson ? vs Julia Crane lieixs: Pearson Shcrri!' and wife, Mrs. Pearson Rlierrill/hciry <?f Julia Crane, and all oilier persons claiming any interest in the JancR" herein described. ] I 'ad r and by virtue of the |>o\vor I \n--': authority conferred r.pon in- by, :i judgment rendered in the above en j titled action on the !)th day of Jan 1 oary, 1933,1 will, on the 28 day of Feb rtjary, 1934, offer for sale and sell tr the h'ghest bidder for cash at public auction, at the Court House door it. Sylva, at 12:00 o'clock, .noon, th> foi 'owing described property: A ccrta .n tract or parcel of }nrid 'ying and to'ng in QualJa township Jackson County, North Caroliiiii, an 'lore particularly d? scribed as f't! ' lows: Being the lands arlpinmg the B/'d 'loirs, Mollie Msrtin and others, a ?lppcars of record in Book No. 103, a' nagc 388, in the office of the l?c<rist'-r ?f I).?cds for Jackson Connty, NortI Carolina. This property is sold for the cot 'cction of the 1927 tuxes-, e<vts, in crest and penalties. This the 22nd dav of January, 193 ' , DAN K. MOORE, Commissioner of Court. ? VORTil CAROLINA, fACKSON COUNTY. County of Jackson I vs il. Buchanan andwife, Belle Biwhan .vn, and all other persons claiming tny interest in the lands herein de scribed. Under and by virtue of the power ?nd authority conferred upon me b\ i judgment rendered in the above en ithd action on the Oth day of March 1933, T will on the 2Gth day of F<*b mary, 1034, offer for sale and sell J :o the highest bidder for cash at pub l.'ie auction, at I he Court House door in Sylva, at 12:00 o'clock, noon, Ihe tollow'ns; described property:: All tlmsc tracts or parcels of land, lying and being in Webster township, ! fackson county, North Carolina, and j more purticulailv described as follows j First Truet: Adjoining the lands of J. L. Broyles, S. J. Owens, W. T. Buchanan, John H. Davis, Isani Fv ' ans, A. If. Ifenson's (A. B. Allison 4 ? place) and Hedden property and bo ing the property purchased from Jo? BurluimifMu' the said M. Buchanan, said deed beMig recorded in the of fie. ?>f the Register of Deeds for Jackson County in Book No. ? , at page . Second Tract: Adjoining the lands of M. M. McKee, heirs of Nathan A1 'en and others, and beginning on tin Main Street at the N. E. corner, of M. M. McKce's lot ; thence rnns a N W. direction with the line '>f M. M McKee to the State road; thence c N.- W. direction with said road to the line or coitwt of. 1 hr> Nathan Allen tract r-'i land; thence with the line of the sa:d Nat hap Allen tract to a staki on the main street; thence with said Main Street to the beginning, con taining 3 acres, more or loss. The above tracts being all of the lands of the said M. Buchanan nnr? wife in \Wbst?r township . This property is sold for the col lection of th? 1928 taxes, costs, 'nter est and penalties. This the 22nd day of January, 1934 DAN K. MOORE. Commissioner of Court. ? NORTH CAROLINA, jackson county. County of Jackson vs H. E. Ruchiinau and wife, Pearl I)n chanan, and ail other persons claim ing any interest in the lands herein described. Under and by virtue of the power find authority confined upon ine b} a judgment rendered in the iibfive en titled action on the 3rd day of April. 1933, I will, on the 2fi?h day of Fcb thc holiest bidder for cash at public Miction, at the Court House door in Sylvn, at 12:00 o'clock, .noon, the fid lowing" described pro]>erty: All that, tract or parcel of land, lying and being in Callowhce town ship, Jackson County, North Carolina and being! more particularly described is follows : ' , Being lot No. 72 of the \V. L. IT or son lands in Cullowhec township a> subdivulerl. by the Home Realty and Auction Co., of Franklin. N. ?., and ruarv, 1934, offer for sale end pell to as appears on a pint of said land, made by 0. B. Coward, surveyor, in November, 1924, raid map or pint being recorded in thr office of the Register of Deeds for Jackson Coun ty, N. C., in Map Book No. 1, at page 28, to which reference is hereby had for a more full a^ . complete, descrip tion of said land. This property is sold for the col lection of the 1928 taxes, en-Is, in terest and penalties. This the $2nd <iav of January, 1934 ' DAN K. MOORE, Commissioner of Court. XOi.TIi CAiiOMNA, JACKSON COU.Vii. Cottllty <:f Jark/ivM; v?s II. E. Buchanan ;i.:ni wife, I'sarle Bu chauan and all o;h r prison.- claim i:ig; any inle/ist iti I ii<> lands hereu. described. | Under and l>y virtue oi? tin* powci and aniltOiiiy conferred t-j?on my b,? a judgment rendered in tin: above en titled action on the Hth day oi Mareh, l&.'i.f, I will, on tlie 2'Jtii day oi' Feb r.:ary, 1934, offer in r sale and sell to llio lrprh?st bidder for cash h1 public auction, at the Court door in Sylva. at 12:00 o'?lock, noon, the fol lowing oViicribtd properly: All thofte tracts o. pareels of land lyinf? and beinj? in Si-oil's Creek town j Vhip, daekson (Tomtty, Xorth Carotin* land more particularly described a* j follow.-:: j Being lots Nos. 76 and 77, accord in* to a map and survey mad." by .1 W. S ivei, C. 11, for C. J. Jeffrey Realty Co., on (he 9th day of A.; ofust, 1924, and being th" Paine land Icacribed in a ;bed from 1). L. Brv -:on and wife L.' E. Brysoyf ?o If. K. Buchanan and (!. J. Robinson, and record*. d in (lie offie; of the Rfvyisli-r of I)?ed> for .Taek-o' I County in Book Xo. 80. at page 398 This propr rty sold for the co' l^ct'on of the 1928 taxes eo^ts, in '?ejewt and penalties. Thi>< tin* 22nd dav <P January, 1931 DAN" K. MOORE. Commissioner of Court. NOHTH CAROLINA, JACKSON COUNTY. County of Jackson v? D. L. Love and wifv>, Mrs. D. II I.ove, M. Buchanan, Sr., and wife, Belle Bu chanan, and all other persons claim ing any interest in the lands b rein described. Under and by virtue of the power and authority conferred upon m:- b rt judgment rendered in the above en titled action on t h :? 20th day of Feb 10.T?, I will, on the 2fith day of TYb ruarv, 10:>4, offer for sale and sell t< ? he li-pfhf.4 bidder lor cash at publi' j audio)], at the Court TTouse door i' j Sylva, al 12:00 oYloek, noon, I he fol j lowing described prop"ily: All that tract or parcel of land, ly i in*? ard being in Savannah township Tnekson County, N'orth Carolina, con taining: 100 acres, and being the, sam-. lands as so'-', by ft. W. M< Council Sheriff.' lo .1. 1>. Bneha:ian and 1). I Love, Sept. 1, 1K00. reeordfd in tb ??fl"ee of 'be P<"i^ -v of D "ds foi Jackson County, North Carolina, in' Book NTo. I (5. al page 575. This propM'ty is sold for the col 'c-elion of the 1028 taxes, eosts, in *?r"sl ami penalties. This the 22tul dav of January, 19.T1 DAK K. MOORE. Commissioner of Court. c NORTH CAKOfTXA, jackson county. County of Jack>on v.s M. Buchanan and Avifc, B"lle Buch anan, and all other persons claiming any interest in the lands herein de scribed. Fnder and l?v virtue of the power and authority eonfo?T.od n|M>n me by <i jiidrrnir.nt rendered in the above en titled act ion 011 the 20th day if Feb vnarv, 1933, T will, on the 26th day of F."hnin!T. 1 O^l. off"*' for sal" n?id -oil to tlto highest, bidder for cash at ?viM o auction, at the Court House door in Svlva. at 12:00 oVIock. noon, the following described property: All that tra~t or pnre?>l of land' ly iiifT and beiu?r in Canrv F~vk .. .i-x-li-'.,.. foiiniy, North Carolina, '?'?in? the l"lids eonvvvod hy John H Smith and v.if". F. M. Smith, to M. R'Mjha:ian, containing 8 acres, more or !es:s nnd r"covdol i?i tb!> offieo of <h ?? of B eds for Jackson County N?!"th C-rnlina in Bonk No. 20 at Pa-o r>22. This property is soH for the col lection of I he 1028 taxes, interest, cost and p'nalt'es. Tliis the 22nd day of January, 1034 DAN K, MOORF, Commissioner of Coiirt. NORTH CAROLINA, JACKSON COUNTY. Comity of Jack von vs S. A. Ashe ami wif", Mrs. S. A. Aslic, and all oflior p.'?r>ons claiming any intrwt iri the land* herein de scribed. T'nclor and % virttir of ?):e po'.voi nM'ViO'iiy c/>r f erred ?'pon me 1> a itl'lsrrif'if' r; iylt-rcd in tin* ;il>nv ? tv j titled action 'in the 21Hli flay of Fell 19T3, T will .on Hi- 2f,'l) .lav of 1'.<-I> roary, 10*J4, offer for sa'c and sell to flic h lwlil' r for ej?sli ji ! p'llili' auction, at the Court TLou:=p door i? ? Svlva, at 1H-00 o'clock, noon, tlie fol lowing described prorvr'y: AH those tracts or parrels of lanil lyinjr and beinpr in Pircr township Jackson County, North Cflrol:na, am' mnro particularly d^crilvd ns fo' lows : - First tract: Beginning on a large j *>!>'. ar. the X. Ashe's houi;. ti;?i MlI ^ II.' U III ...j. with pointer- ; ill n<-- s. _? .. poit'S to a ht'ii.lock i;, ?? Mlli ; thoiH'P S. 13 ?h nm < ; ;; tO a SIHW'ilwl \tilli (|' i".;1 ; I ? | j s. 55 <leg. W K. *2 ? eh -sin > or. i Is ?ul. . : : with ]!??? tiler4: _?s 1.10 :*.-4 poli-s 111 a i. , ihfiict' N. 4;> \\ . ?i j whif usik, worm r ni i . . homo tract; thmei' with t], sumo -W '!;??. W . '1 j polfH to a stake anil y |ti ' ih mce with Ash *-; oih"v !' ?leg. W. 2 n:-i| ?,u' \:M. - ,M U, the hepriimii!'-'. rmtaini.i" ? ; move or less. Sceonil Tv:n-t: B<-i i? i - , .... contained in a ?Hm !-? Sinai hers to t . \. A-St*. pC*aV Ml I'ook No, 111, :U i>; ? ? ''V* the office <>f the >t i ; I . , ?m S > for .lackson County. X-., i ? Third Tract; B-i"iir- a ",o l( i "I |M<| -I'M (>onvi'yr<l by iW'd hum ('. I . Hihh,.;. to ?. A. A sln\ ami r.?. ?? ?!, ,[ ,,, No. 7. pnire 110, in ?.f v.. ?t- ,-s. Kogister of De.ds u.v l.-ii i. ty, North Carolina. This prop, rtv is ??.' ? V : ?}, lretion of the 192^ 1.-: ? ?>. ? tcr-st and pimalti. This iho 22nd 'IiIV ?r .1 n;i .,p. 1^1 . PAX K. M? mii;; '. '" ">i Commission*!- oj' < 01 ; XORTII CAROMVA, ?JACKSON CorXTY. Comity of Jui-li-Mi vs N*. ? F. Wood and wilV, Mi \* |. Wood, and all other pcrsoi, any inmost in the hinds I; ? m .scrih'd. Vsil'fi* ai:d hy viHiii.- V.f ;i. |.ov.-v :ui ! authority conferred upon mi> >, A jiiifcntMit nndt-red in (lie . ; *illt ?! action <?:i the lith day of \lar ? 1!).';!!, T will, (in the 2'Jth day > ; F>? ritrify, 19 M. of'rVi for >nl<- :ni-l mU 'hi' 7l :rhf-st bidder i'or cash I ;i lift ion, fit the Court House ,nu>r i Kylva, at 12:00 oVlock, mum. t lie <? lowing described property: All Hint ) i act or parcel V?r |.*r , lyiner and 'win,!; in (d'alhr >?? ; ; sL fackson Con ii IV, Xortb < rol? m, u il more particularly described . as iol !owr : Beinjr a ]nr n! lln'T. I. 1 i fr ?-.% Sub division of'tW OmrV Si properv, near ill" towfi of jtViiilfiv, * \. ,;is tor- tjy; Sy'v* Really Com na ny hy 0. U Cwnvl, virvi-yor, on t h;> - day of ? .W and 1:< ii?r t li" property ' ? .;y< '.ifc deed from the saM < !iarj?"5 I- W 0 N". W<>,vl and ronlsiiifi'i'.r o:i> If', and hrinaf I lit* projwrtyt w't i" tli* *aid K. V. Wood now livif. A map nr li'at of said lands brm^ recorded in fhr offic of thr Rc-i?ter of IKmmU for Jackson Co?niy. X. i" M o Hook No. a! ? . to \vhi''h n I or on no is hereby lin-1 ? f"*?r a mojv eom p|pt/> (lesprirrtioti of snid land*. This prop' Hv sold for I hi' col lection of Hi;' 1928 taxes, cos's, in terest arid ivnabies. This t hr> 22nd dav of .Taii'?ary, I!l"4 PANT K. \WORR. Commissioner of Court. \*OT?T?r error, iya, JACKSON COl'XTY. Comity ol' Jackson vs Harry Rrelwinan and wife, Pt.trl I!: cliauan, ami all other prsons <-!:? i?.< in_' any interest ii.i I lie l;irvt* l? r described. lTn???r and by virtm of ? li?- | ?<"?%* ? : an ! authority conferred upon ni?* I' a judcrmpnt rendered in tlic rilc#u- . ? ? titled action oji tho day n, Afni!, 193.'{, I will, on the 26lh day <<f Feb ruary, 1 934, offer for sale ai;d *ell I' ll)!' h'pfhp.s 1. bjjlder for f/ish al jmbii-* auction, at the Court lf*ni -?? >a Sylva, at 12:011 o'clock, noon, ihc )?l lowing described property : All that tiact or parcel of Ijim'.' Jy'ng and being1 in Cashier's Tow i ship, Jackson County, N'ortli Curoli: and more particularly <1 ? cri'i'il '? follows : Adjoining (he lauds of M. Hwh" <m, Sr. T. P.- Harrison ;m?] ntln mid lnin<r the whole of (ir :<fit V 507 and S. W. corner of Onnil ^ 1032. Ijioiiii*1 the lands conveyed ? deed from Z. Ii. Alley and \ i <? I). 1). Alley and wife, I)r-. cinlj' r - 1023, and recorded in the ol ? i the Rrgjsfcer o) Deeds for duck." County, X. C'., in Book No. ?>"?, P-' 223, ?nd. being1 nil th? lands e<.: V' v . by deed from 1). f). Alley ;;lid w ; . Edith Alley, to II. K. Hneh?iT!i:n, !>? cember 17, 1925, and n-conb d in '' 1 offiee of the Hepi-f r of J>ud.? ! Jiyk-ion County, N\ in 15- "k N 03 at pn?v? 434, to ivliieh vi-f< i had for a full and complete *' tjo'i of fi.'iid prop: r y. Tli is jsroprrlv i? -"-"Id for flie ' ket:<on ? f t ':o lO^M taxes, co-f-'. ' tercst and penalties. Tide tin* 22nd day of January, 1" DAN* K. MOORE, Commissioner of Court.

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