< *?" ? _ JACKSON COUNTY JOURNAL Published Weekly By The > XCKSOS COXJNTY JOURNAL CO. Entered as second class natter at Uio Post Office at Sylva, N. C. DAN TOMPKINS, Editor If we don't get the parkway, we will have a way to park. We have at least recovered the Heavy Weight Championship belt. Old Cam Morrison gets most of the credit for the Morehead City port project success. _____ N The ese in Japanese probably re fers to the ease with which she vio lates her treaty obligations. We'll be glad when the Rhododen dron Festival is over, so we caji get some news in our morning daily. (fovernor Ehringhaus is to be the principal sj>eakcr at the farmers' day, in Waynesville, Friday It was a Tug of war; but the pro fessor was well able to take care of himself. These foreign nations, our former allies, are now talking about debt agreements. We thought they had agreed not to pay. WJiat, with new millions coming from federal funds, for road buildiig there is no longer any reason what ever whv we should not n>eet at l ? the State line on 106. The best way to get out of this thing is to work out; and that is ft long, hard, and tedious process, and to too many of us it is a most distasteful method. Congress is about to adjourn, this week; and taking its reeoml by and large, it has done a good job, enact ing legislation that is designed to speed up the tortuous process of re covery of our lo-l affluence. There hasn't been a great deal of sympathy for Hitler in this country; but the announcement that a "moun tain of debt", is worrying him, can certainly excite the sympathies of most Americans, who know, b\\ ex perience, just how that is. Silver is to be bought up, and pa per money issuod against it. Old man Bryan and '9(i are recalled; audi the probability is that if Bryan had won his fight then, we wouldn't be in the mess from which we are trying to extricate ourselves, now. Know anybody who wants a job of taking a gun and going over and 'collecting those war debtn ? We don't either. We can't collect that Way, and we can't do like the mort gage companies do, and foreclose. Hence, persuasion is the oiilv ineth od. The reciprocal tariff bill has been signed and is now the law, opening up. the way for President Roosevelt to negotiate an end to the tariff war and restore our foreign markets to our farmers, manufactured, m:ner-. and what not. Now, that's sense that has at last been written into the tariff laws. North Caorlina is to have a real port. President Roosevelt hasflotifieH Governor Khringhaus that federal funds for the development of a port at Morehead City have been allotted. This means that North C-arolina, when the rate-basing port is a going concern, can net her old-time dis criminatory freight rates adjusted, and can go forward. The health depratment has started ! out to insure our health and that of thoes who visit us, by taking all proper sanitary precautions, and by inoculation. Citizens can t]iem selvK'S immunized !to typhoid, and their children from diphtheria, at the clinics to be held in various parls of the county. It will cost tfecm nothing, and there should be a large response. The second primary iiv Transylva nia reminds us, that it is about .time, to swap off the agreement about the rotation of the senator. W.e'11 never get anywhere in the affairs of the State that way. The hettet way is to elect us a good senator, no matter which county he comes fjom, and then keep him in office until '^9- gets strength enough in Italeigh to be of some usefulness to us. A boy, over in Transylvania, took a shot at a bird, sitting on his dad's barn. After the slaughter, he found that a leg band identified it as one of the United States Army's carrier pigeons. In the face of' the many State and Federal laws, and treaties with Latin America, and with the birds as the farmers' best friends, it is a peculiar twist in the human make up that dictates that one should take a shot at every feathered visitor that comes about. The ministers are planning: for r? countv-wide evangelistic campaign next month. Success to their efforts. W? know of nothing that would be of more value to this county, or any other county than a big dose. of gen uine Christianity. It would solve most all of our problems, and make life infinitely more worth living for every body. Bootlegging, drunkenness, sus picion, strife, envy, rascality, would give place to soberness, thrift, faith, frugality, industry neigh borliwess and good-will. We would all feel the joy of life; and the next sheriff would have nothing to do except to sit in bis office and collect taxes, and even taxes wouldn't Im- as high. Recently, the man who draws "Lit tle Orphan Annie", a sup|M>sedly comic strip, whose name was taken bodily from .lames Wli it comb Hi Icy, bits had a series depicting the pro cedure of a court, that is little short of criminal. It is no wonder that thi* young lose their respect for consti tuted authority, when their young minds are fed oil' Such pictures of courts, by comic strips, that they all read. The man who draws flu cartoons, and the papers that pub lished it, arc equally culpable, and have a heavy responsibility to answer for, if the coming generation' has no respect whatever for the courts of the land. It is no wonder that the youth of the country is growing up with the wrong slant on things, when the courts are thus depicted, the moving pictures making light of the fitcredness of the marriage vows, pic turing drinking and debauchery as the cardinal virtues, and the reformers lying to make if appe-u. as if th" world owes everybody a living, even if be doesn't find himself willing to labor for it. , v.| ? HEALTH DEPARTMENT (Continiud from page 1) the body eliminates them through out the remainder, of his lite, auid ilieivby Iw a menace to the public. Although rigid regulations are en forced toward proper di.>|>osal ot body discharges, tin- protectioni of public water and milk supplier, the supervision of public eating places, and the examination of fr?o:!. hand lers, yet there is always the dangei from a carrier. We still further safe guard against infection by means of vaccination. It has been proven that the administration of three dos<>s of typhoid vaccine at weekly intervals every two or three years will pro tect the recipient against an ordinary infection of 'typhoid germs. It is recommended that 'every indi vidual receives this protection by ap plying to the family physician or at SUMMTJHOOl) LESSON Vy Rev Charles E. Dunn The Risen Lord and the Great Commission.' Lesson for June \7th. Matthew 28 Golden Text : Matt, 28 : 19,20. The Golden Text proclaims the Great Commission for the promo tion of. the missionary enterprise. It constitutes the marching orders of the Christian Society." I wonder if we realize to what an astonishing ex tent the mission ary spirit and method are glori fied by the pages of our New Tes tament. Every book in the New i Testament was written by a foreign mission ary. Every New Testament letter written to a church was directed to a foreign missionary church. Every New Testament letter written to an individual was directed to a convert of a foreign missionary. Of tft? j twelve apostles every one, savev Judas, became a missionary. ? / \ The language of the Aew Testa ment, moreover, is of a missionary character. ' A Now striking changes have taken < place ii\ recent years in the areas ?where nirisfcionaries labor, and in the conduct of their work. Consider how marvelously the world has shrunk!- The automobile, the aero plane, the radio, and the telephone have ma'de the whole world a neigh borhood , Geographic frontiers have thus be'elHelirainated, an? the tra ditional, distinction between home and foreign 'missions abolished. Think, too, of the way in which the ideal of a self-governing, sclf sustainipg native church is being approached. The days of western {supremacy are passing. To an in : creasing extent missionary work is being t^ken over by the^ national! of the various countries. r . Another notable change is the intense emphasis upon the social gospel. Still another . cltange is the ad vance in missionary cooperation. There are about forty foreign mis sion boards in the United States and Canada, all working together in harmony. Denoiuinationalism is thus breaking down on foreigi. soil. Truly wc are living in *tir . ring days! Rev. CM*. E- D"? tending a clinic to h; held by I lie health department according to th;. following schedule. -Children under ten years of age may receive vacci nation against diphtheria at these clin-es if the parent desires it. Maudftys, June 18 - 25; Jniy 2 - 9 Speedwell 10: A. M. Cullowhce -i r- 11:30 A. M. East LaPorte ? 1:00 P. M Gowarts 2;30 P. M. * ? * Tuesdays, June 19 - 20; July 3-9 Webster 10.00 A. M. Green's Creek 11 :30 A. M (Jay 1:00 P. M. East Fork 2:30 P M. Thursday*, June 21 28; July 5-12 , Whit tier 10:00 A. M. Wilmot 11:30 A. M. Barker's Creek 1:00 P. M. Dill boro ? 2:30 P M. Fridays, June 22 - 29; July 6 - 13 Addie ? i ? 10:00 A. M. I Beta 11:30 A M Sylva 2:00 P.'M. Lyric Theatre SYLVA, H. 0. SATURDAY, JUNE 11 "WILD BOYS OP THE ROAD'" Also Chapter 9 "Tarzan the Fearless" MONDAY - TUESDAY JUNE 19 and 19 WALLACE BEERY in U "VIVA VILLA" With Leo Corrillo - Fay Wray - Stuart ,Er win, and thousands more. "Viva Villa" takes its place with j?reat screen classics of all time ? Spectacular, Human, /True! WEDNESDAY, JUNE 20 Fredric March - Svlvia Sidney in ? ? ? "GOOD DAME" THURSDAY FRIDAY, JUNE 21 and 22 RING CROSBY in f "WE'RE NOT DRESSING" ALL DAY OLD FASHIONED 4th Celebration and Picnic ASHEVIliLE MEMORIAL STADIUM Bring the family and the lunch anil [,a . (. some fun. Something doing all tin- t Prizes For Best Hog Caller, Best Greasn Pig Catcher, Best Greased Pole Climber and many other events. BASEBALL AERIAL SENSATTmy FOR THE BATHING BEAUTIES^ Please enter my name in the Rathim. , ty Contest to be held in the Ashevilj,. mI'' rnorial Stadium Julv 4th. ?/ Name Address - Please mailt this entrv blank to \vp| : COME TO ASHEVIliLE, Inc. Ashovjll/ A BEAUTIFUL CUP TO WINNER Roof Re Model Sylva Coal & Lumber Co. THE V-type engine hurled an Italian plane through the air at aeven miles a minute. It swept a racing ear down a Florida beach to the world's land speed record . ? . 270 mile s per hour. Only Ford has been able to put the V-type 8-cyIin der engine in an inexpensive car. The next lowest priced V-8 cylinder car sells for $2545. At 55 this Ford V-8 is just loafing along-? effort* lessly. Yet despite performance that lifts it out of the low price class, the new Ford V-8 is the most econom ical Ford ever built. The Ford V-8 is the only car that offers you the riding ease of free action for all four wheel* ? phi? the priceless safety of strong axle construction. Before you buy any car at any price, drive the Ford V-8. AUTHORIZED SOUTHEASTERN FORD DEALERS ( \ "lust listen to all those mate cheers tor the Fora engine." "They can cheer all they want about the engine. I'm cheering about ford comfort." And I P F.O.B. De11,0" y lm tkrvmgk IJnlvnol t r^il < onpanj ? Authoriaad ford t'inanrr I'lan FORD RADIO PROGRAM? Vitli Waring*! PennsyWaxifana i Sood.y sod Thiirtdajr Evening:*? 4~cliiml>ia Network We Cordially Invite You To Joines Mol And See The 1934 FORD V-8 Company