jj93^ National 4-H Club Achievement Champions ( liu'AGO . . . Miss Mary E. Wien, 17, of Lafayette, Ind. and William j'i i, Jr., 20, l'rvor, -Okla., arc the 1934 national 4-H Club champions. J4", < ::mi in 8 years of projects in nearly all home economic subjects has 1 1 ?,! : s I icon state and national delegate. Her gross income was $2,100.95. Ki, !. with a gross income of $5,984.52, has completed 9 years of projects X I, h included purebred herds of Herefords and Guernsey cattle, Hamp t!.i:o hogs, chickens and bees. May Coach Harvard Girl Health Champion '.'ILTOX ?JUNCTION, la. I'iitwn vt-ar old Doris Louise Paul ?: this place *3 national 4-H girl li ..li t'hr'.mpion of 1934. She is 19 y . E7C-ETC Vs* ?-) [ M >*,: i ^ v f " ??>?*? V LITTLE ELSIE AND 9 HE'S SO appreciative tvm0 | / "DOES AN\AN GOOD TO HELP LIGHTEN LI FES [BURDENS FOR THE LITTLE SILENT PARTNER ;'"V ' SURPRISE MA? WHY WITH THAT ( GADJET YOU CAN? " : ^ V don't forget PPL E S for Christmas .& ?>. ARBER'S (,, WILLIAM TELL BRAND APPLES . olden Delicious ? Stark's Delicious ? 1 ? * t Stayman Winesaps ? Rome Beauties C\ < ammoth Biafak Twigs and Red Winesaps ^ f\ - m ck Apple Filling Station " Starts Gold Rush ? NOTICE or application! 4 FOB.PAEDON Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned will apply to the Goveni|or of Nortjh Carolina for a parole Or pardon from a 12 months sentence imposed! npon the undersigned at the October 'term, 1934, Superior Court of Jackson County by Judge Will Pleas, Jr. This December 12, 1934. STELLA CAPPS LOS ANGELES . . . Ueorge u Holmes (above), graduate of tlM University of Southern California whose new 'gold mine. The Silver Queen, has started the latest goM rush in the Mojave sector It . k reported Holmes has sold his obU to a South African Syndicate tor 1 3.500.000. IF i t V I . i . . upon the night, may they happiness in the homes of i % the people of our county, and may 1935 be a year of peace, ;<(. * * it plenty and prosperity to all of * . our folks. The LE ADE R DEPARTMENT STORE * , Like a candle j that is placed * - ? ? V 1 ' i 1 in a window ? i* at night, the light of once more is ? ... ' * i 9 .. i } ' v * * ? ?% shining upon us in all its radiant beauty. May it bring happiness to all of us on this Christmas and throughout all the New Year. K Jackson Hdw. Co.