If the Colonel Ever Awards a Medal for Usefulne* ? p'. ?\V.? ? -v 6j5*% ;<*V ,.y* ( , ? I DOH'T KNOW A FELLOW WHO DESERVES MORE RECOGMTlOk) . -? II.- j-jaAA i AT, i. .? V* : oO,... -? ir AG ^ .? V ! .V i 111' . ii' * ?* I * , /'? ".J I'Xt Mli'w V ? .* from I k vim" **i* futilities i^wHu * th i t i in' v k ???.' i ?' wrat** .agent i- iH'ing and more appre ciated by ihe greet group of thought ful, progressive farmers who are at tempting to put the agriculture oL" North Carolina on a profitable, self sustaining basis. During the recent Christmas season, groups of farmers contributed gifts to the agents in C-ash, cars, food, clothing and other remembrances. These groups seeming ly realized that the agents have worked day and night for the past two ye , especially, giving freely of their time and energy to aid farmers in their' problems. Then have been, of course, some irritati as at the operations of iho compul iy laws but this has been 110 fau: of the farm agents. In eve.-y ease, ti ey have ehampioncd the eau-ie ef the farmers and have sought to do which was best under the ? . A : eircum :iuee.{. The labor of these agents has been largely responsible for tin; suceessTul administration of the AAA programs and for bringing now profits to land owners. Fanners, on the other hand, have cooperated with the agents in a commendable way which speaks well for the fu ture of fanning in the State. With the new programs planned for the future, it is felt at the col lege that no county can be without the services of these i'arai represent atives. CLAY COUNTY BOY ANNOUNCED CORN CLUB CEAMPION FOR 1934 The ? a.e 4 II corn club champion ship h.is been awarded to Charles Gallowa)'," 14-year-old (May county boy, it was announced by L.R. Harrill, dull leader alt State College. He grew i:>7 bushels of Holcomb's Prolifiv : u on one acre of land at a cost -.1 ~'J cents a bushel. (. As champion, Galloway 1-as been given a one-year scholarship to State I ' diege. by the Barrett .Com pany. II.' won in competition with more t: ii J, 200 corn club members ?who u ed 100 pounds of nitrate of soda as a top dresser for an acre of corn. The ui' !il pimJuotion co;jt wap $30 11 and the c x n was valued at $1 a bushel, v'lurh "avc him a -.et piv'it of .>'?;('> 3".. (Jaiiowav figu.'/'l '.is cost f .? lab -r a $.17.3", use of tu rn W.?% 1' "? t'.liae? $7/5 a^d G7 c its for seed. He bro'- e the land to a depth of 10 inches. On April 28 he pl.ntoJ a high grade of Holeomb's Pro'.if'c seed. The crop was fertilized with 400 pounds of a 4 8-4 mixture and top dressed with 100 pounds of ni itrate of soda. He kept a *eord of the time spent in cultivating the crop, showing that he worked 801/2 hours and the team worked 34 hours. The demonstration was conducted under the supervision of D. G. Alkson, Clay ?wn4y^iarm> agent. Calloway has been an Motive mem ber of the local 2-H club in his com mun it y i'or three years and plans to continue his club work lor another-, year. MBS. SARAH ASHE PASSES Mrs. Sarah Ashe died at her home at Speedwell, last Friday, at the age of sixty-eight. The funeral was conducted 011 Saturday by Rev. R. M. Hardee and Rev. Corsey Hoop er, and interment was in the Speed well cemetery. Mrs. Ashe was born in Jackson county and lived here all of her life. Surviving her are a son, .Joe Hooper, and two daughters, Mrs. Robert 0 7 I ' Pressley and Mrs. Jasper Cowan. Two sisters, Mi's. 10. M. Bumgaruer and Mrs. Rhod.i Ilrv.-on, and four broth ers, P. 1*. Hooper, J. C. Hooper, \V. A. Hooper and .1. R. Hoopei;. also survive. 3 MILLION APPROPRIATED (Continued from page one). tally incompetent. To create? a commission t<> super vise distribution, sale and rentals -of text books. To allow guardians to in ve.it funds in Building and Loan Association 1 Stocks. To authorize appointment of four special judges. To make it a misdemeanor to allow minors to operate slot machines. Pen alty, fine of from $50 to $100. To increase highway patrol to 1 captain, 5 lieutenants and 121 patrol men. To increase highway patrol to one superintendent, 1 assistant superin tendent, 3 captains, 3 lieutenants and 200 patrolmen. To allow cities and towns to re quire liability insurance for for hire automobiles. To amend Constitution so as - to allow classification of property" for taxation, with all real estate requioed to be in the same class, to raise the maximum income tax rate to 10 pet cent, and allow exemption of home steads up to $1000 from taxation. MANY SENTENCES IMPOSED (Continued from page one) Qlenn Norman, called and failed, judgment ni sd sci fa 'and capias in Rtanter. tt may be a chat with a friend. It may be to arrange a party. It may be -a desperate call for help. WESTERN CAROLINA TELEPHONE CO. UNAKA LODGE NO. 268 A.F.&A.M Meets 2nd and 4th Monday nights S. C. Cogdill, W. M Ben N. Queen, Secretary Vi&JtTng Brethren Always Welcomt j ? Woodrow Smathers, ealied and i foiled, in*tanter processes issued. Jim Sneed, billed &ud failed, in stanter sci fa and instanter capias. Homer Harris, called and tailed, instanter processes itbued. Oscar Hurst, Jack Ktever and Mar shall Kcevcr, affray. 90 da}-s each, suspended for 12 months on good behavior and )>ayinent of the ousts. Oscar Hurst, drunk, 30 days suspend ed for 12 months, pay the costs. John Dillaid, operating an auto mobile while intoxicated, 4 months suspended upon payment of $50 and the costs, and not to drive for 18 months. Herman Harris, operating an auto mobite while intoxicated, $50 and the ^xwta and not to drive for 18 months. Lee Ledford, violating the prohi bition laws, prayer for judgment con tinued. Sam Franklin and Odell Gibson, prohibition violation, 9 months each, suspended upon payment of a fine of $25 each and the oosts, and good behavior. Jess Dowdle, assault with a deadly weapon and carrying concealed wea pons, 6 months. , Wilburn Frady, prohibition viola tion, judgment suspended on payment of the costs. J. E. Wood, operating an automo \ bile while intoxicated, coating Ray Jones, called and f&i]^ Monk Womack, drunk, ^ ^ Lawrence McFalls, larceny $ from a field. 8 months. ? lV)m Amnions, assault I ly weapon, 60 day on nu. Harry Stamey, reckless drivel and the costs. Cole McMahan and Alben \ ban, prohibition violation, ^ COURT WE SPEC M ft i . .TT& A A big saving for the customers of The Lcac'er Store is offered during court week. We the many big money saving values: * ? ' " C IT *5 Pi cf Mens 2 piece Underwear 1 9c each 3 Ladies Full Fashioned Hose Service and Chiffon _ All colors & sizes 48c Mens Dress Shires All colors and sizes Special Men T S r\ ? ?> v.. |r. -j ' c EC\ JJ fci Q.*-" A Ladies House Dresses Special 47c 3 lb. Cotton Batting Special 43c Everything reduced for the two weeks of court. , Com to see us and save money. Be sure to visit our BARGAIN BASEMENT The Leader Dept. Store Announcing . . . tt The Car that Has Everything 99 AWOLDSMO Solid-Steel "Turret-Top" Bodies by Fiiker New Streamline Beauty ? Longer Wheelbas : ? Mo re R i ___ More Comfort ? Greater Power ? Increased Ecouvin and Solid-Steel "Turret-Top" Bodies by Pis' r?. ' y "'ft A New and Bigger 90 -Horsepower Sv\ A New and Bigger 100-Horsepower El\ Syncro-Mesh All-Silent Shifting Sunt $675 and 10 . . . Eigku $860 amd m^ Htt print at Lanrimgt subject t* change iMthtmt unite. BtmPfrt nvitk guard j. tfart tire, amd rear taring avert Mt iiM all tart at tb factory Mt extra tut. CemvemiemtG. M.J. C. thupaywuntplaw. A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE Everything you want in a 1935 car. Every quality essential to motoring satisfaction. Every feature you expect in a complete modern automobile. This new Oldsmobile is certainly the car that has everything! Solid-Steel "Turret-Top" Bodies by Fisher ? featuring a seam less steel rocf. KNEE WHEELS? built into tbe| as an integral unit ol d ! at no extra cost. Bigf'j hydraulic brakes. AH features shown 2t the the price is still rig where you want it in the low-price field I H ? ? MOST ? COMPLETELY . SOUND-PROOF .CAR ? EVER ? *', I Chevrolet Co.