JACKSON COUNTY JOUBNAL Published Weekly By The ACKSOX COUNTY JOURNAL CO. K.tteivd ad second class matter at he Office at Sylva, A. C. OA N TOMPKINS, Editor Nomet inn's we have a fear that the Administration is not hoping that Senator (ila s is the unbreakable kind I "Bull derails train" Yes and buii sometimes < It i(\s more damage tbauj tli:1!. ami imu-v greater smash-lips. Wi !c it i- ; , -.'liomible tj litni4 pro da : I < ? ; i <:i .. why not extend the policy in ;it>, >i> to all kinds of hogs, im-ludinu road hogs I ,v'l l!,"v are three criminal actions on ti ; .! (?!<<!-> .Jackson county aione j;: v, , at i-i deaths by automobiles. Ami i iie ..-i::i!-;!iter goes on. . !ii!'t:sy < aii sec two young women I b . u'eil. spies, in peace tiiue,| v. : 1 tl ;; ? Judder. Well, maybe that i> !yi:'tiir. i ::t i.'sts demanding aid from Congrt ?*.>", allows a headline. Weil, we i.Vie ii tlmt ('imp-ess has plenty of ;.-,i t.i -;> . re. .-.'?i : security thai might he look i d :ii . i ibe security of the peo pic v.in ? v to use the highways iVr lawful ;n and in a lawfui' man ncr. lli:!'.. wotu.ru warden in Oklahoma, v.iio i','h Ur-"! nil ilie job, ailer p.-'-. of !i escaped, ni;;>es t ? qui:, ." i ? bet sin- !:?). u.:.' she ii.- - .I'.- 1 -t v.';t!'d. w ? a - :r : .1 \ v the , <"? ??i:t ? ?' ? * I*. and sm . i. : : . ;.? ;? . pa i ? ? v A rnr.e t , , -/. I: ' ..T. j .'lie ). .'I. N" '- :! ; a '??? : . ! ) , V J T?. ; ..<* , :..!?? ?* . 1 I ; ,>M ' nl . . . ' ? ? ator .1 dm v . >? ! Ii-. luijis druid; 1 '! it; ( III Iv.-iir '' i- ' olina into i*.. .iijuor Ivi.- v . ! .i ?>. farther his gubernao.J.d ? tions? The Supreme Court held, In effect, j wrhat- w f said hist F ill, that Tie Con- j stitution isn't being violated by the Xew Deal. Its provisions are merely being spread out so that all the people may enjoy it- benefits, in . as well us in theory. Am Americanism? Scientist* work ing tl.f day ami aivht to search out truths i nature ami thus cut down the tli ? h !:)?.? mig the people. Other - ? ;t ?: ? i bii-y at the s.-mnptinie work in'; o;;'. more and speedier ai :o tili.b.Ie-i to !:? i e;i e the death- on the highway . It the *'!?. !? i.f Kings'*, over in Ktin ?piii, \s. - . - ? ciaims descent i"r? 21V Solomon and (Jr. -en of Idieba, had hi> i^oop.i ;;s >..;!! au.ied ar.d enuip ped as has ' e-soiini, dictator <d' the Italy wiii!'.' Ciesiirs once lined, that v.ouid tuaki ?> sizable scrap they are bri wing in Africa. We also wonder just how much money Or. Townsend has made sell int; his pamphlets, and raising false hopes of $200 a month in the breasts of t he -tt^cd ? Not that we don't be lieve that an adequate pension should be paid, for we do believe that it, should. Tom Bo.t, veteran newspaper man, and well-known student of affairs and human nature, is the only one who appeared before the committee, . in lialeii'h, favoring the enactment of the Hill Liquor Control Bill, to whose argument we would pay a great deal of attenlioh; and, in our humble opin ion, even Tom was wrong, this time. ?" After il is all thought through cave fully, and weighed in the balance of human experience, about all t^' liquor is ,';''w>d for is to act- a man itilo {'-nub'". Tf yon- don't believe it, ask anv solicitor, any judge, or :v y defendant in any court in *'-e State. It. is g u l w. !<?? ?v ??jty been a d alway ' ill h ? I? never ?? ?- ob'-yd any l:v** p- ,V: ."?*?'?" i-?j s reside4.: ii-, en'T !T<"-e i- i n r?a or. for Irdieving that it ever will. The at I, ntis^e'l by t!u" I-jst Or??''ral Assembly, allewhur defmda:ts in criminal eases to enter ple.W of no'o Contendere, and then let the pre id ing judge hear the evidence, and, if he sees fit, have a verdict of not guilty entered, has done more to save time of the courts and cut down court costs to counties, than any one tiling that has happened in our re collection. At the same time, it re sults in far more convictions of law violations than was formerly the case. It speeded up the slow-grinding mills! of justice in this State. ' !/V. The Supreme Court confirms Shakespeare. "All tiftht glisters, is not gold.". Judge Rousseau, hailing from North, Wilkcboro, is a young man who is j holding . his first term of Jackson i .?ounty court. The people. like him, j and his manner of disposing of tin criminal calendar, mixing courtesy with firmness and tempering the sur ity of his justice with gentleness anil a degree of mercy. Those who violate the law know that they have to pay the penalty of their violations, yei there is no harsh or rash judgn\etsv meted out, and they can but feel thai i hey have had a fair deal. Any county is a better place to live after this now jurist Wilkes has given us has held court in it. The passage by the General Assem bly of the slot machine act, brings to mir.d the question of whether it will be effective or will be just another Jaw to clutter up the books. It is now unlawful to (M)ssess liquor, yet liquor is possessed by people all over North Carolina 1'he passage of the bill gi\es tin1 drys .-mother argument. The chiet slay of the wets is that the- law isn i enforced, yet the ( ieneral Assembly, considering the repeal of liquor laws, continues to make other prohibitory {and regulatory statutes, not a whii {(.<s u;ir^j?S'wable. and based uj>on the cime geqei ai principles as ijie anti iiijiior laws. MUELLER PLEADS GUILTY ' V V - I ileH)"^ Mueller, charged niith be- 1 ins*' the hit-and-run driver who killed little Mitzie Ruth Bumgaruer, plead ?r.iilty of involuntary man- laughter, tn Sitjienor ?ourt, tins urirning, and whs U'tUefteed tp se'rfe two years on' j tU?' rwttds, su -p* i'.<li'd uj:on .payment ,?>' lii.' civ;t s of, U-be action, and tor. the use ofiiriand Mr-. Wallet I'.umranipr. father Mild mother ot" the i-hUd>^"?M" !S hi^ paid now and twelve i.ionths from now. (? S. R. FOWLER DIES IN DETROIT ?? s. 1 1, l-wler. citizen of Sylva. died .Ufiiilhiy in the Henry Ford hospital in Detroit, of, erysipelas. The body will he brought here and taken to Carm-iviHe, Ga., l'or fnncral and in |termeut. . Mr.- Fowler leaves his widow anu . ix. children^ all of S\4va, his mother, I Mi s<. (Jinn, Of Beta, and other rela tives here and in Georgia. Lie made his home here for a num ber of years, and has lately been em ployed in Detroit, his family remain: incs here. P ' < CLAUDE COWARD IS DEAD Claude Coward, 49, died at Webster, ! his morning, after a long illness. Funeral 'and interment will be held ;,t the Keener cemetery at three o' clock tcmourow afternoon. Claude Coward, a member of one of Jackson county's oldest families, was one of the brightest young men ever- reared here. He left his native heath) years ago, and lived in Ala bama and later in Illinois. He return ed here a few f. years ago in poo> heath, and remained here until his death, this morning. r He is surived by his father, 0. B. Coward, his step-mother, two brothers Capt. M. R. .Coward and 0. B. Coav aixl, Jr., of the United States Mer chant Marine, a half brother, Rogers Coward, of Sylva, a half sister, Mrs. C. E. English, of Hazelwood, and other relatives and friends. SUNDAY AT BAPTIST CHURCH At the 11 o'clock service at the First Baptist church, here, next Sun day, Rev. J. M. Tucker, of Cullowhoe, will preach. N Rev. W. C. Reed will fill the pulpit at the evening service, which will be at 7:30. (" I > v H CARD OF THANKS , v - - . ... ? ( We wish to express to Our friends our sincere thanks for the many 'acts of kindness and sympathy to us dur n;g the illness and death of our wife and mother. ' ' Haynes Ertsley-and Famiiy ' ?? ? * - ? Raspberry plantings mado in Burke .County last Spring seem to be in a thrifty condition. Demonstrations ir. handling the plants for highest pro duction were made recently over the county Wilkes orcbardists report that prospects arc good for an excellent apple bloom this spring. The crop of 1934. Jias been sold at satisfactory prices. , . A definite effort to increase the number of good family cows in Wil son County has been started by the farm and home agents. Over 250 families having no cows at present have expressed interest in securing them. makriage licenses Frank Cohou, 23, Henderson, to (Jertrude WilMn, 19, Haywood. j ? Joe Loudermilk, 32, to Pa I lie Shu-, ler, 18, both of Dillsboro. Wesley Coggins, 22, to Ivalie Ertz berg, 14; both of Speedwells i Claud Warren, 29, oi' Jacksou, to Florence Brooks, 23, of Haywood. ii,eorge Ti ant ham, 22, to Zelie Bu chanan, both of Jackson EriK'st Dills, 23, to Mattie Jacobs, 19, both of Dillsboro. ! Elroy Bryson, 27, to Jessie Zell Bry- : son, 27, both of Jackson. Clayton Constnace, 21, of Polk, to -Mattie Jones, 19, of Dillsboro. ' j (ilenn Barnes, 30, to Fran kit- Ed wards, 22, both of Jackson. i LAY PLANS FOR SECOND COUNTY SCHOOL TOURNEY According to announcement front j Coach Potindexfter. plans have been perfected for staging the Serond An- , niial High School Basketball Tourna- j ment for the Jackson couonly schools The tournament is scheduled for .Uaixh 1 and 2. Play will begin early Friday afternoon and will run through Saturday night. A e!a-s B tournament will be run in connection with the regular high school tournament. The B teams will bo composed of high school players who do not play on the regular var sity teams. The eight boys and nine girls that compose the regular teams, will not be allowed to play in the B. teams. The tournaments will i<> run i?i conjunction with each other. Each of the four h'gh hc'rools of Jackson county (Cullowhee, Glen villc, Svlva and Webster) are expect ed to cuter both boys and girls teams in the various divisions. The county championships were won la-.t year by the Svlva teams. Championship trophies will be ag.wn awarded to the two teams that win in the regular tournament. It is a bo part of the plan to run a consolation series for the teams that srt eliminated in the first round. The tournament is sponsored by Western Carolina Teachers College. ('oaoh Poindexter is in charge of ar rangements. j Interest Ls always keen in this tournament and promises to be even greater this year due to t'he fact that j the various teams will lie rather i evenly matched in strength. When you arc away from home a. night, do your wife and t-hildrtn have the protection of a TELEPHONE f WESTERN CAROLINA TELEPHONE CO. SPECIAL Why look shabby, when you can have your suit or dress dry cleaned and pressed for only 50c Clothes called for and delivered promptly MOORE'S CLEAFERS Phone 20 The Jackson County Paper . ? V V ' ; ' V . ? . . ? ' ( The Best in the West ( \ It is published by the same family that has been identified with Jackson County's newspapers for half a century. . I / f ? ? . *' ? 1 \ " " ' ? * / ?. / All home print ? No patent inside ? All the home \ - v . ? . ' news. ? . f * t *? ? - ? ? . 1 ( ... : I Always has editorials expressing opinion about things that interest Jackson county folks. ' ' ' I- ' A It has policies and political opinions, and isn't afraid to express them; yet it dees not express them of fensively. > J "4* 7 ; ? - '? ? ? ' ?'? 7 9 -j % ./ *" ? . " . It labors year in and year out for the good of Jackson I ' ? ,j ? * [ county, the state, and the ration. s ? . . ( { . v ?; : ? ? ' ' ' ' J , ?'*??? ' ? % * * ,? ? The county weekly of the North Carolina mountains that is quoted the country over. / * V'i t 1 A Year in the County -- Worth twice that much SEND IN YOUR RENEWAL TODAY < / ; DAN TOMPKINS, Editor

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