Fifteenth Instalment SYNOPSIS . . . Eilen Church, 17 years old. finds herself alone iu the world with act altist mother's last warning ringing in her ears, tt> "lose lightly." Ol the world she knew little. All he: life she had lived alone with her mother in an old brown house in a small rural com munity. . . . Elleo. alone, turned to the only contact she knew, an ait afcent in New York. , Posing. years of posing, was her only talent so she was introduced to two leading artists. J Diife Alven and Sandy Macintosh. Both used i her as a model and both fell in love with her J . . . but Ellen, trying to follow die warped philosophy of her mother to "love lightly," resists the thought of love. Her circle of friends "is ?mall, artists and two or t!uee Arl models. Ellen attends a ball with Sandy. While danc ing a rail young man claimed her and romance is bo:n. A ride in the park, proposal, the next day marriage to Tony, and A'ealth. Dut she'd "Love Lightly." Ellen told herself. She would , nr?er let liim know how desperately she loved I hirn, even though she were his wife. Ellen insists upon living her own life, maintaining het home in her small room, even though Tcny is wealthy. . . . Jane, of Tony's wealthy net, is disappointed in Tony's sudden muriage ti Klleil. Jane then maki-s every effort to win Ton* a a a> t;oi:i tllcn. NOW GO ON WITH I Till >ioxy: 1 \ud .speaking of Jane ? but they -ncak of her! Nor ot her ruiimicin* ? so profoundly, true ? They didn't speak of* Dick either. . 1 ; ud the part of Elleta* life tin' Dick filled, was a seated letter w.tiv i neither one of them seemed tti i\ xit'iiibcr. Jane was a phantom th;;t skpt. So was Dick. So, lor t! : t .'.utter, waa ihcir own love, .w . I T! evenings went on. and ihe drives., and the dinners. But there \vrie ? ri it! harriers that they iku'i crt s?cd. Way never came up. to Fl't'i - r. f II" always met Iter r* t !' . .11 way ?? v.a'tc l there in j,:. ? , '.vi>ter. lit a I v. avs Icfj.h.'r ist' t1 iivi' ' 1 *r? h r brief and hurried word o; gck>d- night. And they nvvr ?1 'lu eti t > '.ether; cither. F.t'.yn kutw t'n.t e c. ulilifT keep i:') ih* ? irui'.! !"..p pretence if his anr- v. ere a:Jwundiher and his b dy was ilose against hvr b >dy. It was the -".tort ' e. at the p-.rty. th. t had ? she was ure ? pre cipitated t! ^:r last flare-up of passio'n. Day went on. Weeks went on. They were hegsniijnt; to learn soineth*ntf about each other, these two. Kllen had come to realize that I Tony was not, for all of his in herited income, one of the idle rich. She ieuniiu that iii> money, invested in the Mocks that his father made worth while,'* was administered in the broker's office in which he was a junior partner. It wasn't only his own money that he cared for, either ? ? his responsibilities were not small, when one considered . his age. He rather liked business, Tony told her once. "1 guess I inherited that liking from my father," he, said , simply. Tony's eyes surveyed her for a moment, keenly. It was as if lie weVc weighing this matter of eause and effect. { "Your mother was an artist, wasn't she?1' he said, at last. "Yes," >aid Kllen, "she was. That's how 1 :ot started in this business of posing,, you know. My mother and 1 lived quite by.) ourselves in the country, where there were no models, and so I had to pose for her constantly." "Poor little kid,? . said Tony, "didnt* you ever play?'' His voice was gentle. " Don't be sorry for me." said Ellen, and she spoke a little harshly because the tears were so close, "I had a swell time. I was crazy about my mother ? she taught me everything I know about every thing." If Tony wanted to speak out of turn he suppressed that desire. In stead he asked another question. "Did you ever think, Ellen," he said, "at any time, that you were in love with anyone ? " he faltered, "anyone?" It was the first personal note that Tony had struck since Jane's party, and before she could turn to subterfuge Ellen found that she was shaking her head in denial. The days, the weeks, crept on. Dinner with Tony every night. . . . Ellen was in a strange drifting state. She wasn't interested in anything except the moment that brought Tony to?her door. When she woke in the morning it was just a ques tion of how many hours it would bo before a red road.^tfr stood at the curb with its horn sounding a - summons t And yet as the days went or. it grew increasingly hard to break the barrier between her"=elf and the nan v. bo ?? .-s her husband Tt bc^a-" to be forced into her ;uiud that ^ony wouM never r>rr~.n be the aggressor. He'd Sa'd- on that first morning v!"u^hc lur ? that he r'idn't want b f iKift'on l'-vc. that he want"'* it to !%e fal, and Ellen was beginning to understand that he wouldn't attempt to create the ( ") v NOTICE North Carolina, c> Jackson County. In The Superior Court. County of Jackson V8. Callie Lequirc The defendant, Callie Lequirc, will take notieo that an action entit led as above has been commenced in. the Superior Court of Jackson Coun ty, North Carolina, to foreclose the reality himself, that she'd have Jto, do it! And if she did it, it would mean putting herself forever in his* power? a^d in love's powet" ? and. in life's power. It would mean that she would have to let him see that she couldn't get along without him., It would mean that he'd have the opportunity of hurting her. * When the dinners and drives with Tony began, she had felt a sense of radiance and physical well-being and peace. She had felt that every thing would adjust itself, in a na tural way. Her assurance had even been visible to Dick- ? to Sahdy. She had looked "swell"! But' it wasn't visible any more Perhaps it was the "I wish you'd let me rest for a minute, old thing, I'm sunk." mental strain that made her feel so fagged ? that made keeping uy such an effort. "I wish," she said suddenly, one day as she -knelt in front of Dick, "that you'd iet me re.-t tor a minute, old thing. I'm sunk." Dick hadn't- regarded her as a human being since he had reached the home stretch of his mural, but now he dropped his brushes with a swift little exclamation of pitying surprise. > "Why, Ellen child," he exclaimed, "I've never known you to. say any-., thing like that before!" i Ellen relaxed into a little huddled heap of white buckskin and beads. "I guess it's old at^e sneaking up me," she told Dick. "But hon estly, I never have felt so tired, in my life, as I hav? lately." Dick was wiping his h^nds on a paint rag. ( _ \ "You worry me, Ellen," he said. "I'm afraid you're doing too much, or something." He . was putting away his brushes and he looked oddly relieved when the door opened and Claire came into the room. Ellen hadn't seen Claire very often since the night of her wedding party ? she hadn't even thought of Claire for that matter! "I saw your t hated rival today, the dark girl, you know!" said Claire. "The one that Tony gave the handsome pair of silver plated j gates to. Or should I say ? seemed to give them to!" Ellen sighed, but she didn't make any attempt to get up from her relaxed position on the floor. "You mean Jane," she said, while Dick looked helplessly from her face to Claire's. Claire went on. "I was in Wall Street," she said. "I've been doing a little bucket shopping of late. Trust me to pick the best time in fifty years to do tiy investing early! I saw Jane walk [ ing along in front of me. She had the' smug look of a woman who's on her way to meet some other woman's husband. I didn't speak to her, though she was alone. Ask me why!" Ellen pressed her hands wearily against her forehead. Wall Street! Did that really mean that Jane had been going to Tony's office, . she wondered? Dick was still watching her oddly as she went around the" screen. "I don't think she's well," he mumbled -to Claire. "She's in love," said Claire, "that's all. Love saps a person. And makes a sap of a person, too, for that matter." * And so it was that Claire took Ellen home. But she couldn't ex plain* even to herself, why she put her arm around Ellen's shoulders. "DicIA worried about you, Ellen," ' 1 si.: said. "a?:d ?o aan I. believe it or not. You aren't acting quite normal, vou know. Are you feeling bl h? We're for vou, kid, you knpw ? .11 of us. Don't let that Jane get a\ ay with anything you really? w: nt ?" , I --lien tried to laugh, but her voice wa> a little shaky. '"Don't you worry about we, , Claire," she said. "I know you think I haven't much sense. But. [ ? can" take care of myself. I can ? " her voice was the more vehement ^ " because tears lay behind it, "take care of myself! And of my own property ? " , Claire's hand, patting Ellen's, was unexpectedly- tender. L? "I? I wonder," she said. ? ? ? * Claire didn't leave Ellen alone upon the doorstep. She took her up stairs aryj helped her; into a soft Icinuuy. and made h?r lie down. Aiul then, mercifully, Claire went away. . j it was an hour before ah*. roj? front the couch and, with her minive you one. if I felt that I wasn't getting* anywhere with you. ,>'ou told me, Jr Jane** house party, -That there could b? an annulment any time. Maybe one o? us. was right. Maybe we were both right ? " * Ellen's hands wefe pressed against her breast. Undtt then* she could feel the thumping of her hwt Claire' had calle at last, through an amethyst after- ! glow. "Somehow this light," she said ' to Tony, makes me r%Biember the i place where I lived before I came 5 to the-cky.-ItVan pld brown house set back of the loveliest flowers l5aaityH?U,KVen S3W ~ my mo*her planted the flowers herself. Now' that my mother's gone, Tony, it belongs to me." Continued Next Week lien of a tax sale certificate for the year 1929 on the property of said defendants will further take notice that they are required to appear at the office .of the Clerk of the Superior Court ofc said county in the This the 14th day of December, 1934 DAN ALLIBO\T, Clerk - of the Superior Court of Jackson Connty, North Carolina. By Edith Crawford Depoty Clerk. NOTICE North CtMlina, Jackson County. In The Super. or Cwrrt. Connty of Jaeksoo % t * * , ^ s '? , Duran Browning and wife Mrs. Dil ran Browning. The defendants, Duran Browning and wife, Mrs. Duran Browning, will take notice that an action entit led above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Jackson Coun ty, North Carolina, to foreclose the lien of a tax sale certificate for the *years 1930 and 1931 on the property of said defendant-s in said county, and said defendants will further take notice that the\ are required to appear at the oi'fict of the Clerk of the Superior Court of said county in the court houst in Sylva, N. C., on the 14th day of February, 1935, and answer or demur to the com plaint in Said action, or the plaint if 1 will apply* to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This the 14th day of December, 1934 PAN ALLISON', Clerk v of the Superior Court oi Jackson County, North Carolina. By Edith Crawford Deputy Clerk NOTICE North Carolina, Jackson County. In The Siq?e nor Court. County of Jackson vs. C. H. Edmuudseu and wife, Mrs. C. tt. Edmundsou. The defendants, C. H. Edmund son and wife, Mrs. C. H. Edmundson, will take notice that an action entrt led as above. has been commenced in the Superior Court of Jackson Coun ty, North Carolina, to foreclose the lien of a tax sale certificate for tin years* 1930 and 1931 on the property of said defendants hi said codnty, and said defendants will further lake notice that they are required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of said county in the court house in Sylva, N. C-, on the 14th day of February, 1935 and answer or demur to the coin jdaint in said action, on the plaintiff) will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This the 14th day of December, 1934 DAN ALLISON, Clerk of the Superior Court c Jackson County, North Carolina. I By Edith Crawford Deputy Clerk, j NOTICE North Carolina, Jackson County. ? In The Superior C? urt. County of Jackson vs. Addie Hyatt and husband John Hyatt The defendants, Addie Hyatt and husband, John Hyatt, will take notice that an action entit led as above has been commenced . the Superior Court of Jackson Coun ty, North Carolina, to foreclose the lien of a tax sale certificate for the 3'ears 1930 and 1931 on the property of said defendants in said county, and said defendants will further take notice that they are required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of said county in the court house in Sylva, N. C., on the 15th day of February, 1935 and answer or demur to the com plaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This the 15th day of December, 1934 DAN ALLISON, Clerk of the Superior Court of Jackson County, North Carolina. By Edith Crawford Deputy Clerk NOTICE North Carolina, Jackson County. In The Superior Court. County of Jackson vs. W. P. Bolick aad wife, Mrs. W. P. Bolick. The defendants,, W P. Bolick and wife, Mrs. W . P. Bolick, will take notice that an action entit led as above has been commenced i the Superior Court of Jackson Coun tv, North Carolina, to foreclose the lien of a tax sale certificate for the years 1929, 1930, and 1931 on the property of said defendants in said ciunty, and said defendants will further take notice that they are required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of said county in the court ho us-.' in Sylva, N. C., on the 6tH day of February, 1935 and answer or demur to the com plaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief" demanded in said complaint. This the 6th day of December, 1934 DAN ALLISON, Clerk of the Superior Court of Jackson County, North Carolina. By Edith Crawford Deputy Clerk. NOTICE North Carolina, i Jackson County. In The Superior Court. 1 County of Jackson j H. G. Ward and wife, Mr~. ]| (. "Ward. Tlie defendants, H (J \V:, ,.j wife, Mrs, H, (i. \\-a|( will take notice that an su-ti,,,. ,.(ll , as above has been coniitn-ii<-,.,l ihe Superior Court of Jack .)!, r ' ty, North Carolina, to fmcc-.i ... . lien of a tax sale certificate , veal's 1929 and i'.Kil on the property of naid ?lt-! in said eountv, and said . will further take notice ? p < ?H* are required to appear al ..j, ' of the Clerk ol tin- Stijun of said county in tin- nun: in Sylva, N. C., on tl?:* Gth day of Kcbruarv. ?md answer or demur |., t, plaint in said action, <>i :i:. iiii'n will apply to the court i demanded in said conip This the Gill day i.f l;?n :a _ ji,v DAN Aldds:)\. Clerk of the Sup.;;.-- i M Jaeksoa County, N'orili i : : : . Hy Edith Crawford NOTICE North Carolina, Jackson County. 1 n flit* Sl!| I . . ; County of Jack^s vs. Mrs. Matilda \V:iI?lr. ,j, The defendant, Mrs. M \\ , droop, will take notice that an ,.ni led as above has been emii: , s., .... the Superior Court of Ja?k-.v. r. : ty, North Carolina, to t" i.-v.-;.*,. ? lien of a tax sale certili.-aie : .. years 1929, 1930 ami : I'.i] on the projK'rty of said .!? i, |;!. . in said county, and saiil will further take notice , are required lo appear at ;?.? of the Clerk of the Supeii...- t',m of said county in the com; in Sylva, N. C., on the 24th day of February, il'.i.'i and answer or demur t :? tlic m ; plaint in said action, or the ]?i:iinti: will apply to the court for t In demanded in said complaint. This the 24th day of December. )&. DAN ALLISON, Clerk of the Superior < ?.uit ?? Jackson County, North Carol in.i. By Edith Crawford Dcpt'.'.y Clci NOTICE North Carolina, Jackson County. In The Superior Cot County of Jackson vs. Felix Shelton and wife, Mrs. Fo Shelton. The defendants, Felix Shelton a wife, Mrs. Felix Shclti will take notice that an action Mil led as above has been commencpil the Superior Court of Jackson (V ty, North Carolina, to foreclose : lien of a tax sale certificate for !: years 1929, 1930, and J on tho property of said defemlll in said county, and said defttok will further take notice t-liat are required to appear at the ?i*! of the Clerk of the Superior Co.' of said county in the court L in Sylva, N. C., on the 7th day of February. 1M5 j and answer or demur t-> the 1! in Sylva, X. ('., on the 7th day of February, and answer or demur ' ? plaint in said action, or ; ? P" will apply to the court I"" '''* demanded in said comphn"^ This the 7th day of De ???'?" " DAX ALLISON*. Clerk of the Super."i <" Jackson County, Xorth ( a.'1''11" ?*y Edith Crawford I)' !1"'* Complete Bed Room Suited MO. Mrs. J. S. Higdon, Jack-0'1 ' FHE JOURNAL, now 11.00 in Jackson County. I print. No patont inside.