^^ORTAOE NOT SE^S0 SEVERE, SAYS SCHAUB Ti?. |.iv:r:im lor growing more ' -i ; i J building- better pasture* II - handicapped by n short **", M ,, J In- year, according to a ??' j, I iv the l'. S. Depait ri" \ . .:,-iiitiire. says P.-an 1. O. ,!i v ! * ? ( "oiiege. ? " ' i* , . n.moivil. the dean savs, ( r,. ,,i ivduced the seed would not he eiiotiffh ittrdfd grass and leg lid reduce the supply, ?t eiiough to cause a , i would prevent faun ill.- pasturage, soil iiaycrops they should fca*1' AU supply of timothy, ( ? millet, Sudan grass. . : ;:d red clover is 'lower ?lf|. I A ,J 1 ?. :MI Sfluiul) points out. | .|V | : rifiem-y of lespedeza , . ,h:iu' and grass seed. of seed front foreign nfii-viii'.r the slight short - r. . In' A t..'. U C ' ! Ak ' - IffiV Vu". V.. iw; - ?oy r. .:'ort, and for your , i d future welfare, i >t be helped to ? .dive that can't ii>M\ That is why fixatives. v.- can always be .1 mount. You can ;ae dose. Reduced ' of real and safe . ,->n. :.i\;itive dose gives ; of help, r When t more each time, i :;l:l bowels are mov ::d thoroughly without' I; aii live generally used j> ? a.t'J's Syrup Pepsin. It coii .i.; stiiii.i ami eascara, natural lax :v- - E r.-rm no habit ? even in c u!(f: ? its jii-'ion is gentle, but sure. It \?.'J < i. ni up a condition of biluu-nos i?r sluwiiJiness without upsc-t. Lvory druggist has it. SYRUP PEPSIN . to .northern stat^ ^ ,? v .y says, and there will ^u" sow ing, 110 is uuormed. 1 The rise in seed prices should not materially affect those farmers who will have to buy seed, he observes, it t hey prepare their seed bedw care fully and distribute the seed evenly so there will be no waste. The need for more and better pas aures and for soil-building crop:>, particularly on land retired from the cultivation of other commodities, is such that the agricultural extension service is advocating all farmers to plant legumes and grasses wherever possible., 1 BALSAM The Riilisaiii graded ?rhool has 'lected the following superlatives : Valedictorian, Grace Brooks; Sa 'utaitorian, Birdell Middleton; pret iest girl, Grace Brooks; best looking >oy, Frank Brvson ; nux-t studious >oy, Karl Swanger ; most athletic :eat est girl, Grace Brookv, neatest !>y, Frank Brvson; quietest, Ruby Jryson; best all around student, Vera Buchanan; class sponsor, II r. Allinev I. Bryson. Mrs. \V. M. llutchin.son of Atlanta [ vas here last week end. An increased acreage to spring oats uul lespedeza will be planted in Ca ^tiwba Oountv in the near future ac I )i?linsi' to land prepai?ution now ituler way. EXECUTOR NOTICE j NORTH CAR< H.1XA, I JACKSON CO I X I V.1 I # # Having qualified as execuflty of the | estate of .1. ANberl^ Ashe, deceased j late of Jackson County, North Caro | Una, this is to notify all persons hav ! ing claims against the estate of the | said ' deceased, to exhibit them to I \V. Donaldson Ashe, .of Webster | Township, on or before the 15th day ; of February, 1!>36, or this notice' will be pleaded in bar *>f their recovery. I All persons indebted to said estate ! will please make immediate payment ; to W. Donaldson Ashe. OTTIS T. ASHE, Executor of said deceased. I W. DONALDSON ASHE, Pro cess Agent of Executor. This the 16th day of Feb., 1935 2-21-6tp. Tfravel anywhere. ^any_clay |?f '? ?? ? .Ji,"ik(c. 2 a full glass of water. Repeat treatment in 2 hours. ? < The simple method pictured here is the way many doctors now treat colds and the aches and pains colcti bring with them I It is recognized as a safe, sure, QUICK way. For it will relieve an ordinary cold dteost as fast as yon caught it Ask your doctor about th:-.. And when you buy, be sure that you get the real BAYER Aspirin Tablets. They dissolve (disintegrate) almost instantly. And thus work almost in stantly when you take them. And for a gargle, Genuine Bayer Aspirin Tablets disintegrate with ppeed and completeness, leaving no irritating particles or grittiness. BAYER Aspirin prices have been decisively reduced on all sizes, sq there's no point now in accepting other than the real Bayer article you want. 3. is sore, crush and stir 3 of ? .i k? Aspirin Tablets in a third ?f ?ater. Gargle twice. This throat r PRICES on Ginuina Bayir AtpMm Radically todikad on SUm . Chevrolet " h 1" ? s *?' - * 4k* ices Two New Lines for 1935 PI the Coupe model typifies the befuty and st yle of Chevrolet's Neur Master De Luxe series for 1935. ' Improved performance and exceptional econ omy also characterize these cars. m . : v<<\ Fleet, graceful line* also mark the New Master De Loxe Sport Sedan. Ample luggage space is provided by the built-in trunk, and a luggage ' behind the rear seat "Right: Front view of Master / De Luxe Coupe, showing roomin ss ? j and graceful line*. JJclow: The Sedan model in the New. Standard series, which, powered- by. tHt, time proven Ma-.ter enjir.e, combines brilliant performance with its smart ness and stylfe. % Another attractive model in the New Standard series is the Coupe pic tured here. Numerous body and chassis refinements, in conjunction with the Master engine, unite to make these cars outstanding values in the lowest-priced field. 'W *? ' V 9a , I1 _ :..r. > ? ? I AiteS*^5Sk' "* *- '., yi-ij ,'-? >*-> v.' ? ?? j?" v.. ' Look atjhe new Ipw prices *? vv - .. - pi - 1 ?'"' *? ? ? < ?'*. ? ' '?' : V mk^r ? ? v ? "?? ? 1N?^': '? :."V - ? 4 0 ? sx - and as mm sm&m 0 o_ 0 ?$m -. -m. ? ^/CHEVROLET, my r* - r >3^?/ 1_1B' _ ;. '' ???;* <**>/ * a' ? ?%? It. '*W k' , - ? . ?mt, - ? . j4*-: -? -J r..- > ?- | . -. t Flint, Mich., 9445. Withbumpere. ?pare tire and tire loeK, the tilt price U 9X?0 additional. Prices subject to change without notice. CHEVROLET has always specialized in giving extra value. But never before has Chevrolet offered such big and out standing values as these fine Chevrolets for 1935. The New Standard Chevrolet . . . powered by the improved M aster Chev rolet engine ... setting a new high in Chevrolet performance, stamina and reliability. And the new Master De Luxe Chevrolet . . . beautifully streamlined . . . longer and notably lower in appearance . . . the Fashion Car of the low-price field. Here, indeed, are values that excel all previous Chevrolet values. You CHEVROLET MOTOR COMPANY", DETROIT. MICH. Compmn Ckm can see the low prices . . . the lowest ever placed on cars of such high quality. You can prove the greater operating economy. For tests show that the new Chevrolets give even higher gasoline and oil mileage than did last year's models. And a9?for performance ... well, there's only one thing we ask you to do . . . decide with a r ride! You will experience getaway ? power? and smoothness so extraordinary that you will l>e happy to confirm the wisdom of the statement: Choose Chevrolet for quality at low cost. May we suggest that you drive one of these new Chevrolets? today? wolet '? low delivered price s and easy G. M. A. C. terms. A General Motors Value THE MEW MASTER DE LUXE CHEVROLET mmm AND UP. List price of Matter De S Luxe Coupe at Flint, Mich., $560. ? ? ? With bumpere, spare tire end tire H H lock, the fist price is $25.00 addi t tonaj. Prices subiect to change Vv without notioe. Knee Action op - tioeial at $20.00 extra. DEALER ADVERTISEMENT CHEVROLET for 1935 CHOOSE CHEVROLET FOR QUALITY AT LOW COST Jackson Chevrolet Co.