\\ 1 1 1 (:r j;ri is went to Char Mr IF" ?r. ?'"r> I, * ? * Bird ami Mr. Heed i? I'l.veiai '. Tenn., Tues I, h?-*^ Xi< * * * (W|*?r, of Canton, ,-iul lien*, with his , \ . C.CtM>per. .If > \lr. "V'T-' i v i!;!w a ids ami Ir w\c: of Bry.son City, . ir.i inos, this week. ?s I i 'at tun and Gil , i have been at ; his week. it'ii. of Franklin, ,V tl'.e tirst of the Willi f i- * \l t'lii'iiMi t'l ;-.p. of Franklin, is spemlirii: ,!;,.vs 'u>r<N havinjr Vl.? e.illeii I:? : ?? !?\ ' I'e illness ot lis father. * -X Col. lhn:v I'. 4 ?? of Murjihy. **?? Hinoii? 'In' fin "! "crs of the legal profession court here, thi iVrik. Attorneys A I- Ward, Doyle D Alley. F. K A lev. dr.. Hayes Alley. ;?,a StJiciii"* -I' ll" v- tjueen. of Way :iesvii|e. h:t?? wfii attendance on ?he Snpfrit':' t" ?!t -e-siou being held ltre. thi> vut k. <;> * * if Krv. ai;d M''s> '? '*? Wolfe and , daughters. Fi-.r.ces Jane, and Mary \uu, ami y.r>. Welle s sister, Mrs. T. C. Stew- and her daughter, Mary rVaiu'cs. Tiie-ilay, for a trip to i'loritk * * * ? Jtfr. ami )i:n Fred L. Hooper took libeir >uu'.l ihush'.vr, Anna Maud, to r?vmsvi!,V. yesterday afternoon, i'iere Dr. J. Iv. Mef 'raeken removed :. sraiit ol en: ::, v. hi. h had become I.) (fcwi in ;i;e lii > !c girl's ear. I CHURCH CHICKEN SUPPER There will '>e a elm-ken .-upper at the Inline of L A. Amnions, at Cul- j lewhee, .tomorrow. Friday, evening from 5:30 7 u:\eu hv the Meth odist Woman "> Mi--i(?nary Society. The proceed- will <,ro to the benevo lencies of tin- cluireh. Vonr Doctor lias A TKLK1MIONK WESTERN CAROLINA TELEPHONE CO. .. rjjMKa it?^B 7^ A j ttplaia* the marvelous Willard 5 1 1 ' Treatment which !? briogiog ^ *>m*\ nmjzi * ? relief. Sold on ironcUfl ? * vJjhi numey-back guarantee. I' * Q* PRIClLESS INFORMATION S ? f.)r t h I 1 - /? en ? * " \ Jl riufcLLtM INHJRMAT10H ~~fjr l,M,sp sutTerlng from STOMACH OR DUODENAL W^j^I-CEUS. POOR DICES- ? 1 a5^"^T1 ;N. ACID DYSPEPSIA, g 1 SOUR STOMACH. GA9SI- 5 VP NESS. HEARTBURN. CON- 3 | w STIPATION. BAD breath, a 1 ' SLEEPI FSSNCSS OR HEAD- m ACHES, DUE TO EXCESS ACID. I for i trie copy r.f IViltard's llfjfc Wt ** Aithorii**] Wjllard Dealer ?. sylva pharmacy 31 I A Silent Winter Mavie ^TV by A. Chapin Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Chandler and Miss Kathleen Chandler, parents And sister of Mrs. S. R. Fowler, are here, from Carnesville, Ua , because of the death, in Detroit, of Mr. Fowler. Mr. Moody Whitlow and Mrs. Whitlow, who is also a sister of Mrs. Feeler, accompanied other members of the family here, but have ret/urned to Carnesville. MISSIONARY SOCIETY HAD SERVICE SUVDAY The Rev. Robert M. Hardee, pastor of the Cullowhce Methodist chureh, was the invited speaker of the Wo man's Missionary Society of the Bap tist church, here, at a Sunday night service, held in place of the regular b: monthly meeting of the society. Mr. Hardee based his sermon on the theme for the year as outlined by the Southern Baptist W. M. U. "The (Tiristjan Conquest", using for hi-' text "For I am not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance" "The banner of the Cross in the Homeland" was the special topic for February. The speaker presented an inspiring message, stressing the fact that God's Kingdom must come in -the Homeland if it would come in the world. Mis .dons in our homeland embrace all of the work featured by the Home Mis sion Board anions the foreign -sprat ing people, the Indians, the Negroes, the deaf, and the work in large cities. Members of Several of the mission ary societies of nearbv communities < .? attended the service. The society met Wednesday at the ! church for the purpose of reviewing [ the W. M. U. Yearbook. After finish ing the study of the bot>k, Mrs. ,T. V. Hall, the president, presided over a breif business session. SUITS AND DRESSES DRY CLEANED FOR 50c EACH I r f- .... . | I j('t us demonstrate to you the excellence j jVjotir Dry Cleaning service. Call 20 or see I Henry and let ns show you how well <? old, suit or dress can look when cleaned fiJH pressed by experts, at the special price Scents. \lf 5 . . i /* ? ? ,.v i * s? I Waynesville Laundry <"> t * GAY The fanners in this section have lost several head of cattle with n diarrohen disease. There are a number of men work-, ing at mica mining: now. Several new ! veins have been found The influenza is raging in this lo- } cality now. Several new eases have been reported. AVood row Higdon, a student of \Y>b ster High, was out most of last week with a -pelapse of flu. Mrs. G. C. Turpin is very ill, with with a relapse of flu. Lyndon Buchanan* whk> recently underwent an operation at Angel Brothers Hospital, is able to be out again. > Napoleon Higdon, who was huvt in an automobile accident, a month ago, is able to be out. } . Mr. and Mrs. Otis Ashe, of East- ! man, Ga., ond Mr. and Mrs. Mack i Higdon, of Sylva, were visiting their ! cousin, It. (). 1 1 igdon Jalid his family, I Saturday. Mr. ('., C lli^don Is able to be out, after being eonlined to bis home tor j several days, with flu. DEATH OF MRS SELMA ENSLEY ? Mrs. Selma ('ni nes Enslcy was j born in Hayv.ood (\ unty. May 2-">, 18!)(i. Was niriicd March 21, 191f>. j Died Feb. !). She had been ill one1 week with phcum at The family ha.t j lost a true and Hiving mother. The | comninnitv :i v.? I u ab'e neighbor ami i * i ? \ j friend. Funeral services were conducted, Sunday. l'\fb. !'>. at Scott's Greek Baptist church, v.ith the Rev. W. X. Cook, Rev, \V. ('. Reed, and Rev. T. F. Dcib', officiat^fig. Interment was in Old Field cemetery. ,She is srrvived by her husband and the following ehildren: Helen, Mil died, Arhra Sue, Robbie Nell, Olin, Mack and Ixv?ran, also her father, Lo gan Carncs, and several brothers and sisters. Active pall bearers were : Bedford Enslcy, Goldman Enslcy, Bill Ensley, Roy Da It on, Roy Mills and Herschel Ashe. t l^few Kidneys If you could trpde your neglected, th^d and lazy Kidneys for new ones, you would auto matically set rid of Night Rising, NervousneML Dizziness, Rheumatism. Burning, Itching and Acidity. To correct funcUonal kidney disorders, try the guaranteed Doctor's special prescrip tion called CYSTKX (Stss-lex). Must fix yoa up in 8 days or money back. M all linbta. WEAK AND SKINNY MEN, WOMEN. AND CHILDREN Saved by new Vitamins of Cod Liver Oil in tasteless tablet*. j Pounds of firm healthy flesh instead of bar* scraggy bones I New vigor, vim and energy fn stead of tired listlessness I Steady, guiet uerras I That is what thousands of Oeople are getting through scientists' latest OMfny ? the Vitamins of Cod Livft Oil enontriM in little sugar coated tablet! Without any of its horrid, fishy taste or smelL McCoy's Cod Liver Oil Tablets, they're aaLWd I "Cod Liver OU in Tablets", and they simply work wonders. A little boy of S, seri eosqr sick, got weU and gained 10X lbs. in just one month. A girl of thirteen after the ?ante disease, gained 3 lbs. the first week and 2 lbs. each week after. A young mother who could not eat or sleep after baby came got all her health back and gained 10 lbs. in less than a month. ? Ton simply must try McCoy's at once. Bemember if you don't gain at least t lbs. of firm healthy flesh in a month get yonr money hack Demand and get McCoy's? the original and genuine Cod Liver Oil Tablets ?approved by Good Housekeeping Institute. Refuse all substitutes ? insist on the original McCoy's? there are none better. QUALLA Rev. W. A. Rollins, Pr aiding El- i der of the Waynesvill* District, , preached a splendid seri: >n at the Methodist church, Sunday aftsrnopn, from the text" Jesus stoo< an-.I cried, if any man thirst, l?*t liitn omc unto . mc and drink". A hush -ss sesnidn was conducted after the ervice. A mong the visitors present were Rev. ' and Mrs ('. W. Clay, M >s Thebna Moody, Mr.' and Mrs. Gleiiii Stallcup, ? Marjorie and Bettie Love S.alloup, of Whitbier, Messrs. Joe aim Ned Hy att, of Ela, and Daw-on (icoriro, of WANTED ? Man with car. Route ex jierience preferred hut not neces sary. Rawleiijh, Dept. NCB-219-M, Richmond, Va. 2-7-4t / I Eekoto. Mrs. Homer Turpin was taken to the Community Hosiptal in Sylva, for treatment, Friday. Wiima Hughes has been taken sick lor several days. Mr. and Mrs. Terry Johnson, Miss Edna Hoyie and Mr. Thad Beck call at Mr. D. C. Hughes \ Mr. Hugh Ferguson and Miss Lil lian Ferguson spent the week end with relatives at Ela. ~ Miss Eula CJhilders, of Whtttier spent the week end with hie flitter, Mrs. Golman Kins land. Mrs. J. A. Bumgarner of Wilmot visited her daoghter, Mrs. D. J. Wor ley. Earl Battle and Terry Joe Johnson called on D. C. Hughes, Jr. 'HERFS THE AID TO FEWER COLDS... VICKS VA-TRO-NOL > A PEW PROPS UP EACH NOSTttn.* HERE'S TliE A!D TO SHORTER colds . . .VICKS VAPORUB ?JUST RUB ON THROAT AND CHEST m tMui.'a *? . ; details in each Vicks package mm. SEND YOUR CLOTHES TO THE LAUNDRY Whether your family a' ? wash constitutes the laundering of only the finer linens, se lected pieces or the entire washing, we have a branch of laundry service which you Can Afford. Let one of our drivers call and ex plain the various rates. You will find our service highly satisfactory and always prompt ? always on time W ay nesvil le Laundry Call 20 or See Fred Henry NEW FORD V-8 The Car Without Experiments Thee 's never any doubt about value when you Lvzy a Ford car. You know it's all right or He try Ford wouldn't put it out One thing that it vtr changes is his policy of dependable trans; nation at low cost That's the biggest feature of the New Ford. The reliability and economy of its V-8 engine have been proved on the road by upwards of 1,400,000 motorists. Owner cost records show definitely that the Ford V-8 is the most economical Ford car ever built See the nearest FORD DEALER for a V-8 demonstration. ? NEW FORD V-8 TRUCKS AND COMMERCIAL CARS ALSO ON DISPLAY. FORD MOTOR COMPANY

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